Lots going on this weekend on the fringe right, so I thought I would take you all on a guided tour of the crazy.
Our first stop is the most poorly named website on the internet, the Astute Bloggers, where they ask if Obama’s mentor was a communist. Not content with mere red-baiting, our pals decide to kick it up a notch:
Nothing like a little red-baiting and garden-variety phrenology and photo-shop genealogy to get this tour started off right.
Moving right along, we head over to our old buddy Dan Riehl’s joint, the Riehl World View, where we find that Dan Riehl is incensed by the Washington Post’s Ann Kornblut. Apparently, Ann made the mistake of pointing out that Sarah Palin is lying about visiting Iraq, and this has Dan livid:
Maybe it’s time the media did some serious looking into the early travels of a fellow who wants to be President, not Vice President of the United States – Barack Obama.
This isn’t crazy Obama Muslim Manchurian candidate stuff. Remember the Clintonite who off-handedly dropped the “drug dealer” line during the primaries? Well, anyone can source this below based upon MSM accounts, the news at the time or the few simple links provided. It’s certainly enough to make me curious about some things.
***For a college kid out of California via Hawaii who ends up in a NYC slum via Pakistan partying with admitted drug users – using well beyond what Obama has ever admitted to, especially given the particular era, that Pakistan voyage is one very curious trip no matter how you slice it. And I don’t mean for any possible Muslim/terror related reasons.
For example, if they had to lie about income to get the apartment cited below – how is it they paid for it seems a fair question? Did he deal drugs at Columbia? He certainly seems to have had the location and friends for it and the Obama campaign has gone to great lengths to cover up that period of his life. Frankly, I want to know why and I think America deserves to know, as well.
Maybe he was dealing drugs though his secret father Frank Marshall’s communist drug cartel. Again, since Sarah Palin is lying about Iraq, it would be irresponsible not to speculate that Obama is a drug dealer!
Our third stop is the wingnut mothership, Michelle Malkin, where we learn that Michelle is quite incensed by the way BARACK HUSSEIN DRUG DEALING STEALTH SON OF A COMMIE OBAMA placed a flower on a grave:
It’s a small gesture, but gestures matter at the hallowed grave site of so many murdered innocent Americans.
Barack Obama flings a memorial rose at Ground Zero like he’s a kid tossing pennies into a fountain at the shopping mall — or a spectator tossing flowers at a bullfight.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Only a true America hater places flowers on graves like that.
Our final stop on the crazy train is at the Values Voters Summit, where we learn about a new family value:
At the Values Voter Summit this weekend, vendors sold an item called “Obama Waffles” featuring a racist cartoon of Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) on the box front — with “popping eyes and big, thick lips” — and another image of him wearing an Arab-like headdress on its top flap. Its creators, Mark Whitlock and Bob DeMoss, said it was meant as “political satire,” and sold the box for $10 from a booth at the Family Research Council event. CNN’s Lou Dobbs stopped by the booth and exclaimed, “My wife will love this!” A photo shows Dobbs with a box of the mix in his hand.
I hope you all have enjoyed this quick tour, and I think I speak for everyone when I state how thankful I am the right wing base and right wing blogosphere has decided to follow McCain’s lead and run a respectful, substance based campaign.
Gee thanks. Now I have to go pluck out my eyeballs.
t jasper parnel
Ya know why Obama “tossed” the rose, which I believe is slang for sell cocaine, do ya? Well he did it show up McCain who,– when he was a POW, did ya know that he was a POW, did ya? Well he was, was beaten so badly that he cannot life his arms above his knees to type. Obama, see, lifted his arms way in the air. This is a slap in the face of POWs and the arthritic everywhere. So there.
jesus christ.
That first piece has to be accurate. After all, it’s in ALL CAPS, and it’s a well-known fact that the Caps Lock key doesn’t function when used to type falsehoods.
Is the tool doing Obama phrenology aslo in high dither over the media scrutiny of the Palin-Clampett Clan?
Because one look at her newborn and I’d swear Bush was the father.
Stop me before I go further.
west coast
Don’t you dare suggest that any of this is racist, because America is officially a color-blind society. Ask any wingnut, they’ll tell you all about it just before they tell you how black politicians are keeping race alive as a campaign tactic.
Davis X. Machina
A substance-based campaign, if the substance is bile.
Some days, I think Jackie Robinson is the only man who knows what Obama’s up against, and he’s dead.
That has to be one of the best sentences I’ve ever seen in my life. Values Voters…Obama Waffles…racist cartoon. Yup, perfection.
Them Values Voters sure as shite sure got values, don’t they?
How many months ago was it that McCain “vetted” the Palins?
Just asking.
Conservatively Liberal
You sure put the tag I Read These Morons So You Don’t Have To to work John. That is one fuck of a nightmare tour of right wing mental abuse wards you put together! Those are some sick people with twisted minds, and you are just scraping the top layer of the scum on the bottom of the barrel of shit they live in.
Hate is a way of life with these people. They have to hate, they need an enemy to justify their hate. Without hate, they are just empty shells with no reason to live. They don’t like anyone unless they are just as hateful as they are, better if they are even more hateful.
These are the bitter people who need to stay bitter to live. It is all that props their sorry asses up.
I think it would be great if Obama planned a final rally in some large stadium just prior to the election. Somewhere centrally located so that the maximum number of people could attend. Have the party bigshots appear and rally the party and then have Biden, then Obama wrap it up with some fire.
It would fill the news cycles, pushing mundane shit out of the way and give Obama an excellent way to connect one last time with the voters before they vote.
Think the Repubs could top that move right before the election? ;)
No f’ing way.
This has been today’s installment of ‘Links I Won’t Follow’.
Thank you, John, for going there so that we don’t have to.
Damn. That Waffles site pulled the pic and the post of Lou Dobbs. Hopefully someone grabbed a copy before it disappeared.
None of this would have happened if Barack Hussein had agreed to do those town hall debates with McCain.
Obama’s dad looks like colin powell to me. Is that what you are trying to tell us?
Dennis - SGMM
These voters’ values seem to have been formed sometime in the Fourteenth Century.
For five and a half years John McCain had no waffles at all.
Jesus Christ, John.
Seriously, though, thanks. I actually DO need to be reminded from time to time the kind of racism and xenophobia out there that Obama is up against. I do forget about a lot of it sometimes.
Stuck in the Fun House
I’ve always believed in Evolution and the basic premise that Man is evolving toward something better. Lately though, I’ve come to have some doubts about those beliefs, and am wondering if on the tree of evolution we haven’t crawled out on the idiot branch.
Joshua Norton
How about McCain Depends. Or a nice box of McCain Band Aids? Hey, it’s just a joke, right?
So apparently Lou Dobbs wife is just as big of an idiot as he is.
Joshua Norton
I know – bacon flavored lipstick!
How about “Palin Pork Sausages”…with the slogan “You’ll want to put your lipstick on this pig!”
But evolution favors whatever does the best in the existing environment. I fear that stupid people who still think in primitive chimp-like tribalistic terms do better in reproducing overall.
Stuck in the Fun House
This image should give all you leftard Balloon Juicers the sweetest of dreams. Just remember to duck
So we’re supposed to be scared of a picture of Palin with a rifle — while not noticing that the article is about her having to yet again walk back one of her lies?
They didn’t teach reading skills in the Fun House, did they?
Davis X. Machina
Problem is, I can read. I read the headlines. I read the story. But just the headline would have been enough.
Another day, another lie. I’m surprised she didn’t win Miss Mendacity, too.
(But hey, laughing boy, I loved you in this role. “I say it’s duck season, and I say fire!”)
Stuck in the Fun House
And yes, I did read the article chronicling SaraH Palin’s 3,465th lie. I no longer need convincing that she is in fact liar.
Stuck in the Fun House
Like I said, the Idiot Branch,
Man, that is a fuckin goldmine of batshit insanity…
The phrenology might take the cake, though…
I’m waiting for Wingnuttia to assert that Obama, the Islamo-Communist, is planning to tax the hell out of us in order to build landing strips for gay martians….
Notorious P.A.T.
Gosh, you’re right! Barack does look different from his father! It’s almost as if his mother were the very opposite of black!
Alas, there is absolutely no provision for progress in the concept of evolution. The cockroach is one of the longest-living species on Earth.
Anyone good with photoshop willing to put up a triptych of George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Prince Edward?
Sorry, Stuck, I was reading quickly and didn’t notice your other comments, and took you for one of the trolls rather than a snarker. (Looks like DXM made the same error, but I made it first. Go, me!)
Stuck in the Fun House
If this insanity keeps up, they can have the fucking planet as far as I’m concerned. What have we done but pollute and spawn too damn many republicans.
Crap. I just heard that while Tina Fey will be on SNL tonight, Obama won’t because of the hurricane devastation. But watch the wingnuts spin it as fear of even a fake Palin.
Stuck in the Fun House
No problem Mary, I’ve done the same. The bizarre kinds of trolls we get nowdays, it’s hard to now whats who or who’s what. It’s why I’m stuck in the funhouse.
Mmmm. I don’t think the Fourteenth Century would want anything to do with these wastes of space.
Speaking of Palin, read the NY Times piece that TMP links to that is on the NY Times website and will be in the dead tree edition tomorrow.
D. Aristophanes
Interesting stuff, Dan Riehl dug up. Incidentally, voters might want to know some more details about John McCain’s past as well.
McCain is known to have dated strippers in the past. Did you also know that he spent time in Southeast Asia earlier in his life? The sexual services of prostitutes, male and female were widely available to American military men in Southeast Asian cities during the time McCain spent R&R time in that region, prior to being captured by the North Vietnamese.
By the mid-1960s, Southeast Asian cities were known as hotbeds of underage male and female prostitution. McCain was known during this period as a ‘partying man’.
I and other voters would like to know more about McCain’s time spent in hotbeds of underage prostitution.
Also, these questions aren’t crazy McCain whoremonger pedophile candidate stuff.
Rick Taylor
I feel sick after reading through that.
No, there are lots of us who completely understand what Barack is up against – maybe not on the same level, but we know.
Being the first one means you have to be perfect – better than everyone else – careful of what you say and who you say it in front of.
Been there, done that, own the t-shirt.
Good Lord. Don’t these people know that biracial people tend not to look like either of their parents. They are actually calling Obama’s mother a whore also if it where true, they couldn’t call him a Muslim anymore. If they are asking for a DNA test for Obama, can we have one for Palin’s Downs Syndrom baby?
Stuck in the Fun House
Lot’s of strange things happen in a war zone. I don’t see the value of this line of attack. The fundies already hate him but will vote for him cause it will put their Angel Sin Slayer, a heartbeat away from the leader of the realm. A diseased 71 year old heartbeat. Everyone knows Mccain isn’t really a saint though he plays one on TV.
Chuck T
So, let’s get this straight: Values Voters (with special guest newt “Sorry I Fucked Up Our Country” Gingrich and Rudy “Put the Emergency Response Center the One Place Sure To Be Hit By Terrorists” Guiliani) sell boxes of waffles making Obama out to be Aunt Fucking Jemima, and it’s “satire.”
Obama uses John McCain’s folksy down-home expression for shining shit, and it’s a horrible smear against all womankind and that sonofabitch better apologize to every woman, for all time, for every act of cruelty and abuse ever committed?
Got it.
I’ll do you one better!
Obama knew that by tossing that rose higher by raising his arms higher than McCain he was literally throwing it in McCain’s teeth, ‘See, what I can do, that you can’t you depends wearing sack of shit’. It’s a slap in the face of soldiers who went to Vietnam for their country. He was a POW goddam it! McCain was a POW! A POW! POW! POW! POW! and POW!
Quite frankly, I saw the video of Obama tossing the flowers, and McCain carefully laying them on the memorial. It made an impression. Obama looked like he was throwing dirt into a grave.
Rome Again
I’m speechless.
Yeah, in other countries it’s no problem to throw like that. hell i do that all the time in our religious ceremony. Admittedly, when teh race is about personality and not issue stuff like this will take greater hold than all the damn lies that McCain says. Bet on it.
Rome Again
Take your judgmental bullshit somewhere else.
If people have a problem with the way Obama lays a flower on a memorial, I can bet one thing, it will be a lot easier to teach this to him than to give Sarah Palin a 3 week history lesson in the ins and outs of modern war games.
Take your faux outrage and cram it up your (use your imagination).
Epic fail. Right wingers simply don’t understand the internet. Do these morons really think this would not leave the confines of the “values” summit?
I’m dying to see how much more racist these hicks will get in order to get some attention from Obama. These “family values” hillbillies are like a class clown. It’s best to just ignore them… Not so that they will stop, so that they step over the line in an attempt to grab attention and be “funny”.
Continue to ignore them, and focus on the issues. They will commit seppuku by teh stoopid.
Sorry, but this is just Lapel Pins and Pledge of Allegiance and Paris Hilton all over again.
The GOP is going to game this election to the hilt. Anything that stirs up shit and energizes their base is okay.
Did anyone think that this wouldn’t happen. There is only one way to defeat the stupid people: We have to outnumber them at the polls on election day. That’s the mission, don’t lose sight of it.
gil mann
I took a hard left turn around 2002, not out of a newfound appreciation for progressive values, but because the Bush administration just had this way of making the opposite of themselves seem attractive. Occasionally since then, I’ve found myself somewhat put off by liberal groupthink.
Then I take a look at the other side of the aisle, and I realize yeah, there’s groupthink on the left. But the people in that group have something the right-wingers don’t: a shred of fucking decency.
Just a shred, mind you, but that’s okay. Any more than that and I wouldn’t be able to relate.
I’m 99% certain that’s a lie, because I can’t beleive any of the wingers at “Ass-Toot Bloggers” would sit down and read Davis’s memoir (assuming he wrote one).
D. Aristophanes
Lot’s of strange things happen in a war zone. I don’t see the value of this line of attack.
You have to read the Riehl post to understand what I was getting at there, Stuck in the Fun House.
Rome Again
Thank you for saying what I’m thinking.
The Grand Panjandrum
TZ hits it out of the park. Stay strong folks. We ARE dealing with a bunch of thugs who support a war criminal.
IT almost seems appropriate that John McCain is now ready to lead THAT party. War criminals, thieves, liars, and scoundrels the lot of them. Appropriate indeed.
Rome Again: No, thanks, I will not jam it anywhere; nor will I take it somewhere else because it’s a ripple in your otherwise calm little lake.
Nor was my remark about Sarah Palin, even obliquely. So you can shove your own outrage up your imagination and out your ear canal.
Tax Analyst
It’s foolish to try and parse any special meaning into how someone puts a flower on a grave or memorial site. People do what they think is appropriate.
Now if one of them had turned their back to the memorial and made that scraping motion with their foot…like a cat does when it’s covering a turd in their sandbox..now THAT probably would be a true sign of disrespect.
He was at the World Trade Center site. I think it IS a grave, in a manner of speaking.
He threw the goddamn flowers! Almost disdainfully. I like Obama, but this made me stop short. What the hell?
Rome Again
I never said it was, but you sure seem to be a lot more concerned about someone’s mannerisms when placing a flower on a memorial then you are about how someone can bone up on Vice Presidents for Dummies.
As Alanis would say: “I see right through you”
Fuck off!
The rose toss thing is akin to the middle finger thing. It’s a creature of the video loop and things taken out of context.
It means absolutely nothing. The fact that there are people who want to make something of it, notwithstanding.
Obama’s opponents have nothing, so they resort to grotesque manipulations. Let them. You can’t stop them, you can only outnumber them. Don’t be distracted.
The lesson of 2004 was that if you sit back and let the idiots own the day, they will win. You can’t talk them out of being idiots. You can only outnumber them.
Rome Again
Fail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
Echoes without Bunnies or Men
Damn, I was hoping Obama was going to at least put the flower in his mouth, bite off the head and spit it out on to the memorial wreath thing. But he simply tossed the flower? Psssh. Amateur.
So, all the other flowers at that place in the pile, which could only have reached there if tossed, also placed disdainfully?
If you don’t have enough respect for peoples’ intelligence to do better than this, then all due respect, get the fuck outta here, you’re an idiot.
John Cole
Jesus fucking christ. It was a MASSIVE pile of flowers, and the picture is cropped to make it look like he flung them on a little stack. In all actuality, most people were throwing them into the large pile just like Obama. For fuck sake, we just spent the last 48 hours discussing McCain’s limited range of motion with his arms due to being in a cgae for 5 and a 1/2 years, and now you can not figure out why McCain placed his gingerly. Do I have to puzzle everything out for you people?
Here is the god damned video- At 1:10 you can see the massive pile of flowers. He didn’t just carelessly fling them.
Rome Again
TZ? Can I borrow $50 to put in Obama’s money can? I’m short, as you know. This is a good cause, isn’t it?
I get it. I don’t march lockstep.
gil mann
Damn, Cynn, too bad for you I’m so slow on the draw. I could’ve told you that you step to Rome Again at your peril. She wore me down to a nub the last time I tried.
I still think I “won,” but at what cost? Look at me, all nubby!
Yes, and I will put in another $50 for the idiocy of the second rate spooftroll called cynn.
For god’s sake, can we get better trolls around here? These suck.
John Cole
Let me also point out two other things about the video I linked a few comments above.
If you watch the entire thing, one Senator is not wearing a flag lapel pin. Wonder which one that is.
Second, if you notice, to the right of Obama as he places his flowers is another man who places him in EXACTLY the same manner. He gets cropped out of the picture right at the end.
Have you all not learned you literally can not trust a god damned thing that comes out of Malkin’s mouth?
OK, watched the vid and he still threw the flowers.
Rome Again
NO, it’s that you prevaricate over a stupid little pile of shit while letting a big pile sit out in the sun attracting vermin.
Jesus said it better actually:
“Matthew 7:3-5 (King James Version)
John Cole
I am not wasting anymore time on your stupidity.
Maybe given McCain’s range of motion, I don’t know, it’s probably trivial. All I can tell you is the jarring effect I had when I first saw the brief, soundless video. And I know other people saw it as well.
That’s their game, Rome dear. Focus on the flower toss and you might not notice the fingerpaint they are smearing all over the constitution, or the mortgage crisis, or the fact that millions don’t have healthcare, or the Palin lies.
Or the oil company profits. Or the army of lobbyists running McCain’s campaign. Etc.
gil mann
I heard Obama spiked the flower and did a little endzone dance. That’s the kind of poor sportsmanship that’ll cost him votes in the heartland.
To be fair, waffles are substance based.
But whoa, you guys are really into mind control! All I did was point out my own personal reaction to an abbreviated clip. Then the africanized bees hit. What a surly bunch.
What fucking idiot.
Um, no, you made completely idiotic comments, things so stupid that you must either be a complete moron, or else a spoof. I think the likely answer is B, and I’d even bet money on it. But either way, you have worn out the joke, time to move on, don’t you think?
The Moar You Know
Fixt for accuracy.
Rome Again
Stop short of what? It sounds like you would consider changing your vote because of the way he places a flower on a memorial. You can’t be serious. If this is all it takes, your vote never belonged to him in the first place, let’s not kid anyone.
Now I’m done with you, at least until your next bit of inanity.
Can you even comprehend how intolerant and entrenched you sound? Well done, fellow libs.
The Moar You Know
It’s true. Afterwords he yelled “get me some ice tea, motherfucker”, drank it, spat on the 9/11 memorial, raped a white woman, burned an Israeli flag, carjacked a Lincoln Town Car and drove off to the mosque for prayers, where Jeremiah Wright yelled “Goddamn America” for ninety minutes straight.
At least that’s what cynn told me. I bet it’s true.
The Moar You Know
Ahhh, the giveaway.
Rome Again: I’ll vote however I want, not how you tell me I should. You’re a fucking doctrinaire, trying to maumau people into doing your political will.
I don’t know if I’ll vote for Obama or not; that’s my decision. But I won’t allow rhetorical terroists like you to drum me out of the discussion. Thanks for your time.
Rome Again
You “stop short” and second guess your vote over a flower placement and then have the audacity to call US intolerant? That’s the most hilarious thing I’ve heard all day.
Now, if you don’t mind, I have better things to do.
Go right ahead; the litterbox won’t clean itself.
So, here is the sad part. When I watched the video, I saw Obama toss the rose and the McCain’s place theirs. I thought, “Yeah, some idiot is going to try to make hay of that.” Of course, the same idiot didn’t say anything about the way McCain fidgeted with his rose while he walked around with it, and Obama held it like it was “more special.” But gawd amighty, deliver us from being such bone heads that those are the aspects we judge character with.
And those “values voters”? All Christians, the good church going kind. I guess they ran out of Jesus’ Milk of Human Kindness to serve with breakfast, and instead opted for Sarcasm Syrup and Powdered Bitter with a nice slice of Bigot Butter.
On the upside, I feel better about calling McCain a cat ass face last night. In comparison I am strictly an amature!
Politico has cached copies of the Obama Waffles/Lou Dobbs post and picture.
The post.
The blurry souvenir picture.
Of course, Ben Smith excuses Dobbs, saying he probably didn’t look closely at the box. Riiiight.
So how’d you feel about the fact that Mayor Bloomberg tossed his rose (see rightmost part of video at 1:18) the same way Obama did? Does it make you want to put together a movement to get Bloomberg impeached or is that toss okay?
Watching people fixate on the ridiculous while substantive issues are ignored does produce surliness in many. Get used to it, and if you are an Obama supporter, grow a thick skin (I’ve had people on BJ misinterpret at least one of my posts, so I’m willing to concede that the same might be happening to you). No doubt, there’s going to be a whole lot of surliness before November 4.
You know what I thought? I thought it was all uppity and arrogant the way Obama walked down the sidewalk being TALLER than John McCain. And he never even acknowledged that John McCain was a POW. How about that? I mean, I’m as lib and entrenched as anybody around here, and I don’t see how Barack gets away with it. Especially the BEING TALLER bit.
That Malkin is a twisted little wench. Did some liberal drop her on her head when she was little or something? I just don’t understand how someone would get such a thrill out of peddling BS and lies.
thanks for the link. i have been wanting this rumor to get mainstreamed and you are helping. thanks!
it’s better than the trig rumors. at least it’s possibly true.
if you think obama sr. was the real father, then are you willing to accept that davis was obama’s earliest mentor – or did barry get that wrong in the first volume of his memoirs?
do you accept that davis was a chicago commie?
don’t you think it an odd coincidence that barry should end up with an alinsky disciple in chicago of all places? not nairobi, not honolulu, not nyc, not boston – you get the idea: not in any city otherwise connected to bary’s cv.
davis is the only real connection between barry and chicago and the left within chiocago besides the supposed ad that barry supposedly saw by happenstance in some unnamed “do-gooder” magazine?
that is frankly implausible; it doesn’t pass the straight-face test.
my scenario is actually the simplest explanation for barry’s cv – and his facial appearance.
or do you see a family resemblance between barry and obama senior?
no one else does.
most people think he looks more like davis.
i have several friends and acquaintances who have bi-racial kids and there is still a strong family resemblance.
i have several friends and acquaintances who have bi-racial kids and there is still a strong family resemblance.
i have several friends and acquaintances who have bi-racial kids and there is still a strong family resemblance.
there is none between barry and obama senior.
all the best!
btw: hows barry’s biden pick working out for you?
gil mann
This. Just. Got. Interesting.
John Cole
This just got dumber.
gil mann
The slightly reworded version of “some of my best friends are black” so nice he wrote it thrice.
This person fascinates me.
Rome Again
Yeah, but were you short-stopped?
Rome Again
shorter relianut:
“If I say something three times, it will sound really authoritative.”
reliapundit: your meds are waiting for you at the nurse’s station. Please stop by to take them immediately. None of us want a repeat of last night, now, do we?
You can never outbreed rats.
You can do population control on them.
The Moar You Know
Not really. It’s stupid and was as predictable as the sunrise.
For evolution to work, certain people needed to be eliminated before they reproduce. Not..you know…PROPOSING anything. Just sayin.
Rome Again
Yeah, but was he short-bussed?
gil mann
Oh, God, please tell me you’re some fat dork who lisps.
No offense meant to fat dorks who lisp who aren’t sickeningly malevolent.
Joe Max
Following close on the news that Obama hates POWs and pistol whips them with Blackberries, comes the new winger ragegasm bouncing around in Memeorandum about the “editing” of Palin’s interview by ABC. This is another piece of stupidity that was chopped to pieces by Daniel Larison in American Conservative, ferfugssake. The whole interview was broadcast with the “edited out” parts on Good Morning America the next day, and frankly, it made Plain look worse, not better.
I know it’s just lies-as-usual for those guys, but this time the target is different – this stuff is for “the base”, so help them fight off that horrible feeling that Palin really is a lightweight and painfully out of her league. Most of their blaterings (and trolling comment sections like this one) are intended as psyops, to make Obama supporters discouraged, hoping to keep them at home on election day.
But what amazes me is the sheer speed with which they propagate a story. It’s like they all get the same talking points memo at the same time, telling them what to write. Funny that.
Joe Max
Notice how the pathetic little man now uses all lower case letters, after the point-and-laugh he got for using ALL CAPS in his original blog post.
Mainstream? I so dearly hope the mainstream media does devote a feature clip or article to his blog, and quotes him word-for word. I can just imagine how the public will react.
But I don’t think he’d like it.
Fascinating, they allow Internet access in the rubber room.
Mmm, Frankenberry.
It’s part of the therapy. After they get good at stringing beads and growing beans in a pot, they let them on the internets for a couple of hours a day as long as they behave themselves. I’m worried though. This little adventure may set reliapundit back a few steps and he may have to go back to stringing beads or making clay pots for a while.
Blue Raven
Son, when you’re cutting and pasting the talking points email you clearly received from a semi-literate on a Blackberry, it really does help if you use the Preview function to make sure you haven’t flinched and triple-pasted by mistake.
Notice how the pathetic little man now uses all lower case letters, after the point-and-laugh he got for using ALL CAPS in his original blog post.
Dude, he has trouble typing because the North Vietnamese broke all his fingers, leave the POW alone.
That’s it, I’m voting Republican. Anyone who can shit lie this and get away with it deserves my vote. Who will join me in welcoming our new overlords?
Here’s a helpful suggestion.
Take a look at pictures of Obama’s WHITE grandfather when he was around Obama’s age.
There’s one of the two of them playing on the beach in Hawaii.
When it was published at HuffPo, several people commented, who’s the little black boy with Obama? The resemblance is remarkable.
Oh, and one more thing:
You are a fucking racist Nazi douchebag and I hope you choke on your diet of Sean Hannity’s dingleberries.
In order to get the real message, you have to edit out the parts with the rapid eyeblinks. The poor guy is asking us to help bust him out of the joint, folks. Show some sympathy, huh?
Or better yet, organize a posse to give the man a hand climbing over the wall. I don’t think his bedsheets are long enough to reach the ground safely.
If you watch the video closely, you will notice that neither McCain or Obama poured one out for the homies. They both disrespected the site!
reliapundit can’t actually be a real person.
Michael D.
When Obama threw the rose onto the pile, I cringed. I knew the false outrage was coming. I just knew it.
Paulie Chestnuts
Now y’all know why I stay up all night in despair whenever I indulge the foolish notion of reading the right-wing blogs.
I just can’t believe these people exist. And are allowed to vote.
My younger sister looks very much like our mother, and it’s hard to see any of our father in her. I look very much like our father, with very little resemblance to our mother. But anyone around us can tell immediately that we’re sisters.
Obviously, reliapundit was raised by wolves and has no idea of how human families work.
But not bi-racial wolves! Because when a couple is bi-racial, the genetic stuff works different from when they are just uni-racial. Yeah, cuz the BLACK genes are stronger (even tho inferior), so the babies all look like the BLACK parent. If they DON’T look like the BLACK parent, it’s cuz the other parent was foolin’ around…with COMMIES!
Jennifer Green
Sadly, Ms. Malkin missed the most salient point of that moment: the ceremony (initiated by Obama, by the way) was supposed to be a memorial – free of politics, calling to mind a time when all Americans were united in common emotions. Besides, there’s every chance that Senator McCain, too, would have “tossed” his flower at the memorial site (much as people toss flowers on graves at funerals every day), were he able to lift his arms above his shoulders!
Porlock Junior
There is absolutely no racism in Her Majesty’s Navy.
And when I say there is none, I mean there is a certain amount.