Graeme Frost and Scott Beauchamp and Michael Schiavo called, and they told me to tell you and David Freddoso to stop being such pussies.
And since when is calling a radio show “silencing” someone?
*** Update ***
I am serious- if people are distributing Freddoso’s home address, or driving by his house, or delving into his personal life, or doing things of that nature, I will be the first to condemn it. That would be out right sleaze and completely unacceptable. But calling a radio show to dispute what he is saying? C’mon. That is not silencing anyone, that is called debate. And the radio show can, get this- stop accepting phone calls and just let Freddoso speak.
*** Update #2 ***
From the Hot Air comments:
I was reading the transcript, mainly getting pissed, and then I came to this…
Then report back on your call at
and got a chill.
From the link at the Obama action wire:
Call into the “Extension 720” show with Milt Rosenberg tonight, September 15th, between 9:00 and 11:00 p.m. at (312) 591-7200.
Then report back on your call and sign up for the Obama Action Wire using the form to the right.
Tips for making your call:* Be honest, but be civil.
* Be persistent. It may take a few attempts to get through to the show. Just keep trying. Your call is important.* Use the talking points below to help you speak confidently and concisely.
Be honest and civil! Modern day brownshirts! Chilling!
*** Update ***
What he said.
Axelrod's Skanky Astroturfing Sockpuppet
As a committed Christian, I too believe extreme hate mongers who call hate crimes legislation “Thought Police” should be able to “stop being such pussies” when facing our collective social action commanded by our dear leader. No wonder such beta males like Freddy here hate community organizers….
Keep fighting the good fight,
Obama Action Wire
I can’t imagine the terrors Hot Air’s commenters must see in their feverish dreams.
I would pay good money to watch a Cole/Malkin bloggingheadstv matchup.
Bubba Dave
They’re afraid of hundreds of thousands of Obama supporters doing unto them what they long to do to liberals.
Obama didn’t broadcast Freddoesos home phone number and address? What a piker.
-Malkinista Militant
John Cole
You all are missing the point. All they did was call a radio show. They didn’t drive by his house. They didn’t publish his home phone number and address. They didn’t speculate about his sex life or harass his bosses or do any of the other bullshit these guys ROUTINELY do to anyone they dislike.
They called a radio show. That was how they “stifled dissent.” By calling a radio show.
I hear that there are some sick people in the Middle East paying crazy amounts of money for Stalkin’ Malkin cheerleader videos.
Personally I would have to be paid to watch her screeds.
Mike in MI
Typical “We’ll stop lying about you if you stop telling the truth about us” wingnut reaction.
i love it. not a single one of them seems to have any idea what “freedom of the press” means. it’s like they remember the phrase from 6th grade History class and don’t have any clue that it’s part of a larger sentence.
I just wish I could make a comment and have it actually post in there. All I could think of was to call them “Cheesedicks” but for some reason it never actually seems to show up… shocking!
Stuck in the Fun House
Back when I was one of several resident trolls at Captains Quarters, Ed invited us to register for Hot Air. I suspected he’d wind up being as shrill and nutty as our lady of perpetual outrage, and declined the invitation. As expected, he has met the stoopid, and become it.
The very attempt at making someone confront positions other than their own is elitist.
John Moltz
Here’s my favorite comment:
>So much for the 1st Amendment…
YES. Because when *two* people practice their 1st Amendment rights, the 1st Amendment dies.
That drives me crazy in general. The anti “PC” [1] movement does that all the time. If you make a nutty statement and I call you out on it, I am not stifling your free speech. I am exercising mine. Nowhere does the first amendment state that you have the right to say whatever you want and not have people mock you for it.
[1] In quotes because the movement that term complains about existed for like 2 weeks in 1989 on 4 college campuses.
Conservatively Liberal
So they fought free speech with… free speech? Gasp! Those arrogant elitists!
Pussies indeed. I love the argument about free speech and the Fairness Doctrine there…lol! They are pissed because someone exercised their right to speak and these asshats are pissed because the Obama camp spread the word about the show? Tough titty.
A bunch of whiny assed chickenshit fuckwits.
vishnu schist
What would they say if ‘ol Dave did his interview in a slightly middle eastern looking scarf? Oh never mind, each and every one of these fuckheads is functionally insane.
Axelrod's Skanky Astroturfing Sockpuppet
As a committed Christian, I think it’s important to be honest and civil while taking on disgusting smear merchants… be nice, be a friend… nobody likes cool aid from strangers…
//off character
“Be honest, but be civil.”
Retard Much?
It would be like watching P.Z. Myers argue with a cuttlefish. Entertaining at first, but after a while you’d feel sorry for both of them.
John Cole
Ehh. I have a face for radio.
Plus, I would say fuck too much.
So does Mark Kleiman. Do you have a beard?
Meh. I think that bloggingheads could use some more spicy language.
Scott Beauchamp
Yeah…seriously…stop being such pussies…
i play soccer against guys like that all the time. you can pretty much assume, i’ve found, that the out-of-control guy throwing elbows and playing dirty is going to screech like a toddler with a boo-boo the second you put a little body english on ’em.
my only beef with your post, john, is that it’s actually insulting to pussy to be compared with whiny fucksticks like these guys.
Elle R.
Tee hee, it’s kind of a truism that people like Freddoso would never have the nerve to say that kind of stuff to their targets’ faces. But seriously, they can’t even take someone calling out their bullshit over the phone?
Rick Taylor
Conservatives are just bullies. They have no compunctions about spreading dirt about children, but if anyone fights back, they start crying. On the plus side, it’s nice to see they’re now concerned about the fairness doctrine.
So if I understand the post correctly… A Conservative was on a radio show, and Obama supporters were encouraged to call in to the show to politely show their disapproval, and now the Republicans are throwing a temper tantrum?
John Cole
Yes. Exactly.
IOW, MUPpets can’t think for themselves? They need teleprompters, too?
No. We cannot think for ourselves. We are incapable of independent thought. This is why we speak entirely in sound bites and lies, and use scornful words like “MUPpets” and “teleprompters.”
O troll, heal thyself.