Avast, ye swabs! It be a perfect day for International Talk Like A Pirate Day, what with all the scalawags a’raidin’ the Treasury! It be almost what those landlubbers call, “appro-po”!
Conserva-care: Helicopters (pork choppers?) dropping buckets of money on wall street and slop buckets over New Orleans.
McCain is on TV blaming Obama–because he is a Washington insider–for the current financial crisis and demanding that Obama stand up and take responsibility.
McCain’s head ought to explode any second.
Since Dems like the Kennedy’s they can’t say this.
I think they are scum, so I can.
Palin = Redneck Kennedy’s. All the sex, drugs, and criminality with 1/100th of the class and intelligence.
Dennis - SGMM
If the Republicans had been in charge of Medieval Europe they’d have taxed the peasants to maintain the Black Death because it was too big to fail. The desire to get the money, get the money, get the damned money, to bail out these interlocking scams will in no way be matched by the desire to re-regulate them, make them pay a fair share of taxes or even to make them pay back their loans.
As I posted below, watch the captains of finance vote themselves huge bonuses for dealing with this mess so effectively.
I think this is the perfect venue to discuss man v. man, man v. nature, and man v. himself conflicts for my husband and mine’s (always an awkward possessive, never learned how to do that properly) idea for a new sitcom: An in-over-his-head Todd Palin coping with being the Second Dude in D.C. So far we’ve got: frustration with Secret Service insisting on riding behind him on snowmobile; frustration with McCain asking him what he thinks he should do about the economy; something along the lines of “I didn’t ask for all this, God. I was just marrying the pageant girl I knocked up. I want to go back to Wasilla. Why in the name of Zeus’ butthole did this country vote for her, anyway?”
I mean, with the economy like it is, we’re going to have to make our own entertainment. It’s this + string, guys.
No, it won’t. McCain, like all Repiblican politicians in this election cycle, has undergone the new, super double top secret process developed by Rove Laboratories which implants cold-rolled adamantium “anti-explosion” plates into their skulls.
No, it won’t. McCain, like all Republican politicians in this election cycle, has undergone the new, super double top secret process developed by Rove Laboratories which implants cold-rolled adamantium “anti-explosion” plates into their skulls.
He is a private citizen. If they don’t issue an arrest warrant they are spineless bastards.
Surabaya Stew
Arrrr! Me fellow swashbuckler MacCane was a captive of them slant-eyed rats? Avast! Us had not a clue until Mad Dog Cole told us so! Be he more qualified than Blackbeard Bush to raid the treasury of the United States? Let us all vote for the good pirate-man, shall we?!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
There really isn’t any other explanation.
Of course there is. And its a simpler one: McCain just does what he’s told.
Aide: “You’re going to be accused of lying because we told people Obama wants to teach 5 year olds to have sex with each other”
McCain: “Did I?”
Aide: “Of course not. Now go do the interview so you can have your afternoon Percocet”
Morning Joe..every now and then I tune in long enough for my blood to boil then turn but this morning really pissed me off.
So apparently Joe S. was giving Dems pointers on how not to deal with Sarah Palin and played a clip of Michelle Obama at a women’s economic roundtable saying something like “this election you shouldn’t vote for a guy just because you like them or because you think she’s cute”…end clip…I saw the same clip on CNN 5 minutes later…and she goes on to say “and I’m talking about me” to audience laughter. Now if he wants to say he thinks she was really talking about Palin that’s fine…but PLAY THE ENTIRE CLIP.
John McCain can’t talk like a pirate because he was tortured as a POW.
Just curious, but has there been anything in the last decade that the right has said that was too absurd for even their asswipe followers to swallow?
Okay, besides Harriet Meirs. Was there anything else? I feel like remote control brain chips MUST be involved somehow. How can so many clueless people get through the day without falling into ditches and drowning?
Third Eye Open
Juliet Schor’s The Overspent American…
Learn it. Love it. Live it.
Not My Fault
He is a private citizen. If they don’t issue an arrest warrant they are spineless bastards.
That’s the beauty of it. They can … in January when the Legislature reconvenes.
In order to move before then, it looks like the Legislature will have to be called back into an emergency session by … (wait for it) .. the Governor.
I have to admit, that’s some pretty impressive evil.
Jon H
After this week, it’s going to be “Talk Like An Emirate”
Fetch me some dates and my slippers then return to your knitting woman. Allah be praised.
What the heck is up with the prohibition on short selling???? That is a key component of contrarian and smart investing??? Any ideas?
I be thankin’ ye for the heads-up. Why, it’s seemin’ like only yesterday be Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Shorter rightwing echo chamber:
My friends, I think we must now admit that the only ones with the experience to lead us out of this mess are those who were smart enough to cook up the mess in the first place.
What the heck is up with the prohibition on short selling???? That is a key component of contrarian and smart investing??? Any ideas?
Under normal circumstances short selling reduces volatitlity by making the market seek its own level more efficiently. Under circumstances of near hair trigger panic, people will start selling stock on the merest unsubstantiated hint of a rumor. That makes it quite profitable to short sell a bunch of stock, spread a few scurrilous off the record comments, people will see a downtick in price from your initial short sell, and not stop to ask prudent questions – which adds up to a tidy profit for the manipulative bastard playing everyone else for chumps. Normally that would just be bad luck for the chumps, but with all these banks teetering on the edge, such shenanigans could inadvertently take the whole damn thing down.
Naked shorting has been illegal since … forever. Talking about “temporary enforcement,” is sort of like a DA saying he’ll prosecute robbery “for a little while.”
Oh, those poor billionaires–they didn’t get richer last year. And look at the image I grabbed from the front page of the Sun-Sentinel for that article.
Stuck in the Fun House
Just watched Peter King R-NY wax on poetic on MSNBC about what we need to do to fix the economic mess, and then telling BArnicle that Hank Paulson was the General Petraeus of finance or somesuch. Each day we move to a new level of teh stupid with these Cartoon wingnuts. King has been one of the prime crafters of our economic policy in the HOuse for at least the last eight years and now is on the teevee giving his best analysis about what needs to be done. And Barnicle just laps it up like we’re getting sage advice from a so-called expert, that by the way helped in no small part to create it. This country is rapidly becoming the only Egghead Superpower on earth.
They. are. morons. We just need to pin the fuckups on their failed ideology
The Scurvied Crew
Rrrrr! Let’s make Captain John McCain walk the plank! Him and that lieutenant of his–what’s her name? Impalin? Rrrrr!
–signed, The Scurvied Crew
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New GOP slogan: You’ll take your lumps, and you’ll take our lumps too.
Joe Max
Avast, ye swabs! It be a perfect day for International Talk Like A Pirate Day, what with all the scalawags a’raidin’ the Treasury! It be almost what those landlubbers call, “appro-po”!
Conserva-care: Helicopters (pork choppers?) dropping buckets of money on wall street and slop buckets over New Orleans.
McCain is on TV blaming Obama–because he is a Washington insider–for the current financial crisis and demanding that Obama stand up and take responsibility.
McCain’s head ought to explode any second.
Since Dems like the Kennedy’s they can’t say this.
I think they are scum, so I can.
Palin = Redneck Kennedy’s. All the sex, drugs, and criminality with 1/100th of the class and intelligence.
Dennis - SGMM
If the Republicans had been in charge of Medieval Europe they’d have taxed the peasants to maintain the Black Death because it was too big to fail. The desire to get the money, get the money, get the damned money, to bail out these interlocking scams will in no way be matched by the desire to re-regulate them, make them pay a fair share of taxes or even to make them pay back their loans.
As I posted below, watch the captains of finance vote themselves huge bonuses for dealing with this mess so effectively.
I think this is the perfect venue to discuss man v. man, man v. nature, and man v. himself conflicts for my husband and mine’s (always an awkward possessive, never learned how to do that properly) idea for a new sitcom: An in-over-his-head Todd Palin coping with being the Second Dude in D.C. So far we’ve got: frustration with Secret Service insisting on riding behind him on snowmobile; frustration with McCain asking him what he thinks he should do about the economy; something along the lines of “I didn’t ask for all this, God. I was just marrying the pageant girl I knocked up. I want to go back to Wasilla. Why in the name of Zeus’ butthole did this country vote for her, anyway?”
I mean, with the economy like it is, we’re going to have to make our own entertainment. It’s this + string, guys.
Avast! The Dread Pirate McPOW and his killer parrot Polly Palin, hard off the starboard prow!
This do be mandatory readin’ fer today, do y’see?
Joe Max
No, it won’t. McCain, like all Repiblican politicians in this election cycle, has undergone the new, super double top secret process developed by Rove Laboratories which implants cold-rolled adamantium “anti-explosion” plates into their skulls.
There really isn’t any other explanation.
Joe Max
No, it won’t. McCain, like all Republican politicians in this election cycle, has undergone the new, super double top secret process developed by Rove Laboratories which implants cold-rolled adamantium “anti-explosion” plates into their skulls.
There really isn’t any other explanation.
Joe Max
[Sorry for double post. WordPress blows it’s usual goats.]
Todd Palin – criminal.
He is a private citizen. If they don’t issue an arrest warrant they are spineless bastards.
Surabaya Stew
Arrrr! Me fellow swashbuckler MacCane was a captive of them slant-eyed rats? Avast! Us had not a clue until Mad Dog Cole told us so! Be he more qualified than Blackbeard Bush to raid the treasury of the United States? Let us all vote for the good pirate-man, shall we?!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Of course there is. And its a simpler one: McCain just does what he’s told.
Aide: “You’re going to be accused of lying because we told people Obama wants to teach 5 year olds to have sex with each other”
McCain: “Did I?”
Aide: “Of course not. Now go do the interview so you can have your afternoon Percocet”
i fucking hate talk like a pirate day.
i can has new host?
Sherrell H.
Morning Joe..every now and then I tune in long enough for my blood to boil then turn but this morning really pissed me off.
So apparently Joe S. was giving Dems pointers on how not to deal with Sarah Palin and played a clip of Michelle Obama at a women’s economic roundtable saying something like “this election you shouldn’t vote for a guy just because you like them or because you think she’s cute”…end clip…I saw the same clip on CNN 5 minutes later…and she goes on to say “and I’m talking about me” to audience laughter. Now if he wants to say he thinks she was really talking about Palin that’s fine…but PLAY THE ENTIRE CLIP.
John McCain can’t talk like a pirate because he was tortured as a POW.
Just curious, but has there been anything in the last decade that the right has said that was too absurd for even their asswipe followers to swallow?
Okay, besides Harriet Meirs. Was there anything else? I feel like remote control brain chips MUST be involved somehow. How can so many clueless people get through the day without falling into ditches and drowning?
Third Eye Open
Juliet Schor’s The Overspent American…
Learn it. Love it. Live it.
Not My Fault
That’s the beauty of it. They can … in January when the Legislature reconvenes.
In order to move before then, it looks like the Legislature will have to be called back into an emergency session by … (wait for it) .. the Governor.
I have to admit, that’s some pretty impressive evil.
Jon H
After this week, it’s going to be “Talk Like An Emirate”
Third Eye Open
Yar, Matey!
poop-deck, starboard, salaciously-salty-scurvified-scalliwags
…and other such things
Fetch me some dates and my slippers then return to your knitting woman. Allah be praised.
What the heck is up with the prohibition on short selling???? That is a key component of contrarian and smart investing??? Any ideas?
I be thankin’ ye for the heads-up. Why, it’s seemin’ like only yesterday be Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Shorter rightwing echo chamber:
Under normal circumstances short selling reduces volatitlity by making the market seek its own level more efficiently. Under circumstances of near hair trigger panic, people will start selling stock on the merest unsubstantiated hint of a rumor. That makes it quite profitable to short sell a bunch of stock, spread a few scurrilous off the record comments, people will see a downtick in price from your initial short sell, and not stop to ask prudent questions – which adds up to a tidy profit for the manipulative bastard playing everyone else for chumps. Normally that would just be bad luck for the chumps, but with all these banks teetering on the edge, such shenanigans could inadvertently take the whole damn thing down.
he’s talking about “naked short selling”, where you sell without actually having borrowed, or confirmed that you can borrow, the stock you’re selling.
They have to blame someone..
Naked shorting has been illegal since … forever. Talking about “temporary enforcement,” is sort of like a DA saying he’ll prosecute robbery “for a little while.”
Wookies on Endor.
I should add: Provided the person who was robbed is on the list of people the DA says shouldn’t be robbed.
Arrr! That bilge rat Captain Codpiece has protected his pals d’ye see? Batten down the hatches and prepare to do battle with yon pink sheets!
Joshau Norton
Happy Talk like a Pirate Day!
See you in church.
They didn’t sink Miers because she was absurd, they sunk her because she wasn’t enough of a wingnut for them.
Oh, those poor billionaires–they didn’t get richer last year. And look at the image I grabbed from the front page of the Sun-Sentinel for that article.
Stuck in the Fun House
Just watched Peter King R-NY wax on poetic on MSNBC about what we need to do to fix the economic mess, and then telling BArnicle that Hank Paulson was the General Petraeus of finance or somesuch. Each day we move to a new level of teh stupid with these Cartoon wingnuts. King has been one of the prime crafters of our economic policy in the HOuse for at least the last eight years and now is on the teevee giving his best analysis about what needs to be done. And Barnicle just laps it up like we’re getting sage advice from a so-called expert, that by the way helped in no small part to create it. This country is rapidly becoming the only Egghead Superpower on earth.
They. are. morons. We just need to pin the fuckups on their failed ideology
The Scurvied Crew
Rrrrr! Let’s make Captain John McCain walk the plank! Him and that lieutenant of his–what’s her name? Impalin? Rrrrr!
–signed, The Scurvied Crew