If I hear one more person tell me that what we really need is for McCain’s handlers to let Sarah Palin be Sarah Palin, as if the real Sarah Palin was not the one offering up rambling gibberish to Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson, but the one reading a speech at the RNC, I am going to scream. Michelle Bernard, on MSNBC, stated she can not believe the interview because the Palin speech at the RNC was so good, so obviously the handlers are hurting her and that is why she was terrible with Couric.
That is simply ass backwards. Sarah Palin read a speech off a teleprompter at the RNC, much of which was written BEFORE SHE WAS EVEN THE CANDIDATE. The real Sarah Palin, unscripted, and, if you will, Sarah Palin being Sarah Palin, was the babbling incoherency on display at CBS. That is why they are doing everything they can to hide her from the press. That is the real McCoy.
Heckuva job, Johnny Drama.
What does it mean to say she can’t believe the interview? She thinks that was a Palin impersonator sitting with Couric? Or Palin was drugged? Or the whole thing was computer-generated?
Man, ThymeZone’s bet that Obama would beat McCain by 20% is looking better than ever.
I disagree that those interviews were Sarah Palin being Sarah Palin. They were Sarah Palin trying to hide her real beliefs in an attempt to lose votes. She’s at her best when she’s talking about social issues and she’s in an environment where saying that a raped 14 year old should be prohibited from getting an abortion is a point in her favor.
Incidentally, John, we’ve been covering your sinister international blogging conspiracy starting about here.
oh really
Careful there, John. If you are mean and Palin finds out, she might not show up for the debate on Thursday. You know, the one she’s really looking forward to.
This is your mind.
This is your mind on teleprompters.
A text feed is a horrible thing to waste.
Agree … where was Michelle coming from on that? The only thing Palin proved on convention night was that she can read.
Errr, in an attempt NOT to lose votes.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Sounds like the debate prep is going to be “memorize these talking points and forget about the question.” Or, and letting Sarah be Sarah, of course.
Comrade Grand Panjandrum
By allowing Governor Palin to be herself it will be obvious that the financial crisis created by all the angry Negroes can be solved by cutting taxes and over turning Roe v Wade. But Senator McCain will get us out of this mess because. The Russians are still wanting to conquer our country but we watched them closely so that is why we can’t let the terrorists win. We should also not forget that John McCain was a POW and has the experience to get rid of this mess if we just get out of his way and let him lead the way real leaders showing leadership always do in a time of crisis.
Brian J
I think what the commentators are saying is that she needs to try to recapture that image of being the likable, interesting person in order to skate past her lack of knowledge and experience at the federal level. I can understand that. That’s really how she was sold at first and, I think, why she was popular with certain crowds. It may not work, because the questions of her readiness aren’t going to go away, but unless she can start looking like she knows what she’s talking about and then shout it loudly from now until election day, it may be the only shot that she has.
Not My Fault
CBS has a new interview with Sarah. This time she brought along a friend, but Uncle John couldn’t keep her from going adrift
Gov Palin sitting down with Couric, and bringing McCain along to get her out of trouble is weird enough as it is. And then having both of them be so inarticulate… it is like Palinitis is contagous.
Maybe she took some of McWhatever’s Ambiens..
Comrade Peter J
The republicans are demanding that they are allowed to set up a teleprompter at the debate, if they aren’t allowed to do so, Palin will not debate.
Holy crap, there’s a lot of new comment features!
I really like the idea of letting Palin go on the offensive at the debates. It’s like they realize her favorables have plummeted but they don’t think it’s because people have gotten to know her; it’s because she hasn’t been mean-spirited and partisan enough. OK, give that a spin.
Most tone deaf campaign. Ever.
I’m in favor of letting Sarah Palin be Sarah Palin – otherwise known as Governor Palin.
Comrade NonyNony
Yeah, anyone who thinks that the “real” Sarah Palin is the one who read a firey speech from a teleprompter in front of the RNC is kinda dumb. Of course, these are the same folks who claimed that Obama was just an empty suit that was useless without a teleprompter, so maybe they were projecting there and really are just looking for an empty suit that can read a teleprompter really well. (And remember how they went crazy trying to suggest that the teleprompter malfunctioned and she just ad libbed the speech? Good times, good times.)
However, I think there’s a more realistic “let Sarah be Sarah” call going on. They’re trying to stuff her full of talking points so she doesn’t go off message. That’s clearly not working – she can’t learn the entire McMaverick “platform” in under a month. Especially when McCain changes his mind from day to day (or even hour to hour, as he did today) about whether he’s on the McMaverick or the McMaverick with Cheese platform. I don’t envy her having to keep up with those flip-flops on McCain’s part.
So the call to “let her be her” is to just release her without talking points. Let her answer the interview questions with her “gut” and bluster her way past them. I doubt that she could possibly sound as terrible as she has in these last few interviews, and there’s a chance that she might generate some thoughts that aren’t word salad.
I mean, I think it would be a nightmare mess of a situation, and it certainly wouldn’t help McCain convince folks that she’s ready to lead. But I doubt it could be worse than they’re doing right now. Though I imagine we’ll get one or two more images along the lines of Putin rearing his head over Alaska whether they let her out of her box or not.
Comrade Jake
Wait. Have you guys heard the rumors of the extra footage CBS has? Where she wasn’t able to name any SC case besides Roe? Apparently all Couric got was dead silence. Ouch.
Most tone deaf campaign. Ever.
Exactly right as the talking heads like to say.
I’m happy to have SP be SP as long as she takes her magic act back north and leaves the rest of us the hell along. Too bad we can’t amend the Constitution to prohibit this kind of insanity from occuring ever again. VPs needs to pass a threshold of basic competence before being nominated, anyone? Outrage that this woman was nominated and a giant FU to the USA.
McCain is deranged.
Comrade The Moar You Know
I thought you were joking.
The above is not from Palin. It’s from McCain.
Or another way of putting it: “in an [inadvertant] attempt to lose votes.”
Fuck Palin. I’m tired of haring about her being coddled.
First they had to change the debate format, because they didn’t want her rambling on.
Next McCain tried canceling it, by playing Master of the Universe.
Now I hear, they want a teleprompter for her at the debate.
Why don’t they hand her the questions ahead of time, so she can better prepare?
Or have her wear and earpiece so the answers can be given to her?
Well I won’t be surprise if that is the case.
Haring? sheesh..I meant HEARING.
That’s not fair, she read notes during the Couric interview also. Well, I suspect she did, unless she has some other reason to look down at her lap.
Alex B
McCain joining Plain at Palin-Couric Redux struck a chord with me….
When I got a bad second-grade report card, my father came to school with me to speak with the teacher as well.
This ‘interview’ took me back to Parent-Teacher Night.
Comrade The Moar You Know
The clip is actually pretty awesome; you can tell Couric is really pissed off in a couple of spots.
Dennis - SGMM
Sarah Palin’s debate prep at John McCain’s Sedona home consists of a desperate attempt to turn her into every fictional wise and wonderful TV mom from the Fifties to date. The real Sarah Palin is as attractive as medical waste in a supermarket and dumber than a bag of hammers.
Not My Fault
At this point, the only way that this could possibly make sense is if at the end of the debate this week, Governor Palin looks directly into the camera and says:
“Live, from New York. It’s Saturday Night!”
Brian J
Taken from the previous thread…
jrg Says:
I can only hope that is true. If all of the stories about McCain’s grandstanding actually hurting the negotiations in congress are accurate, I can’t imagine it’s going to make him look good to these guys. If keeps pulling stunts like this, and Palin keeps imploding, I think we go from a question of whether or not Obama wins to how many red states turn blue.
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
LOL, and here I was thinking they’d do the republican thing. Sneak a tiny transmitter in her ear. Maybe this is the new straight- up- handicapped brand of republicanism. Next prez debate, Mccain will demand a rubber mallet for his follow up rebuttals.
Comrade Josh Vondoktorpepper
Oh. My. God. Either this is fixing to be the biggest rope-a-dope in the history of mankind, or John McCain is proving himself to be the biggest flaming douche ever.
Comrade Grand Panjandrum
So when is McCain going to promise to “bring the sexy back”? After the last few weeks it can’t be too far off, eh? Oy! John McCain in a Speedo.
That’s a slap in the face to Kevin Dillon.
I’m with TBogg; she’s being crammed full with stimulus-response answers, and she’ll be expected to act like a somewhat more personable trained seal during the debate.
And, as TBogg says, one can imagine Joe Lieberman and the rest of the McCain “debate training” team keeping on-hand a bucket full of small fish and other treats.
Polish the Guillotines (formerly FLILF Hunter)
It’s like the upgraded the spokesbot firmware.
Yeah. I can see this comment feature disappearing quickly.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
That latest McCan-Palin CBS video is here. That was incredibly tense and uncomfortable all around. And Couric did look really annoyed with both of them. I would have loved her so much if she had just snapped, “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining!”
Hey, is Judge Judy available for the VP debate do-over?
Alex, remember when Bush had to bring Cheney along for his appearance before the 9/11 commission? Palin is Bush. Of course, I don’t remember him having to bring Uncle Dick along to a TV interview, but maybe he was lurking off camera.
I would pay good money to see her debate Biden.
gypsy howell
McCain was really really “dirty-old-man” creepy in that interview. Leering at her, wriggling with his rings, making over-animated gestures, grinning inappropriately — the whole thing creeped me out.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Comrade Josh Vondoktorpepper
Wow, that was awkward, especially when McCain is fidgeting and giving the ‘what the hell am I doing here?’ look during Palin’s first answer.
It would be nice to see 90 minutes of gay baiting, libul bashing, dinosaur riding, book burning ignorance. Hopefully she will say something racist, as well.
… but what I think we’ll see is “The terrorists want to kill us” and “I like to make pancakes for my kids before church” for the whole debate. She’s going to run out of things to say after ~5 minutes, so I expect plenty of repetition.
All Biden has to do is “feed the bite” by getting her riled up and giving her enough time to come up with painfully moronic ramblings. Biden can then back off, go after McCain, and start the process over again.
Palin will be fighting the moderator 90% of the time and Biden 10% of the time. Biden will be fighting McCain 90% of the time and stringing Palin along 10% of the time.
If Biden manages to make Palin look mean-spirited, he wins the debate. She’s going to look foolish no matter what, so going after her lack of skill, common sense, or policy knowledge would just make Biden look like he’s kicking a puppy. He’s better off attacking the top of the ticket, while slowly giving Palin more and more rope.
Besides, Palin seems like a psycho to me. I think that the more Biden ignores her and goes after McCain, the angrier she will get, because she wants to be the center of attention.
kinda reminds me of the strident calls by the john birchers i grew up around for the u.s. government (especially those commies in the state department) to “unleash chiang kai shek!”
Dennis - SGMM
Now that McCain’s “leadership” has cratered on the bailout bill, and now that Palin has made herself a laughingstock, I look for both of them to begin referring to Barrack Hussein Obama starting tomorrow. Watch as they also unspool their Greatest Hits including Ayers, Wright, “most liberal member of Congress,” “raise your taxes,” etc.
p.s. first post on the new server. much nicer!
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Don’t worry, none of them work.
Table example:
New WordPress = FAIL
Amount of FAIL
PreformattingSO MUCH FAIL
Kali's Little Sister
Testing! No V.P. left behind!
Johnny Drama! Much catchier than McSame. Let’s run with it.
In the rose bushes I suspect.
Brian J
Part of me expects them to do that as well, but I expect it to be the final nail in the coffin. If Obama’s lead on economics issues remains as strong as it is now or continues to grow, nobody will be impressed with an ad about William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, except for the people who were already going to vote against Obama.
Conservatively Liberal
I am an anime buff, and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex is a great series. It is a good thing that they are not able to feed information to her wirelessly or pre-program her for responses, but I bet they wish they could. Her brain case must be a low buck model US model, not a Toyota model. ;)
I would keep an eye out for any antennas poking out of the bun on top of her head.
Comrade Jake
Just watched the new CBS video with the two of them. I think that’s the most uncomfortable I’ve ever seen McCain look.
They look like two people desperately trying to convince the immigration officer that they’re married. There’s this real sense of forced chemistry.
You wonder if McCain doesn’t have some notion of just how much of a joke his campaign has become.
This argument makes no sense to me. By arguing she is being held back, that makes the expectations higher for the debate. And then when she craters, the blowback is even worse than if everyone had just gone into the debate thinking she was a dolt.
Only McMaverick could take a shit sandwich and make it less tasty.
Zuzu Hussein's Petals
One reason I’m signing my e-mails, etc. with “Hussein” as my middle name until the election, and trying to get all my friends to do so too. Hilarious to get a note from my sister signed “Susie Hussein Smith.”*
Sincerely, Zuzu Husssein’s Petals
*An alias to protect the innocent.
Comrade Jake
The teleprompter thing at the debate is a joke, right?
I mean, right? Do we have a link for that? That can’t be.
Comrade NonyNony
From your keyboard to god’s eyes, my friend. However, I think most of the guys who are really peeved about this missed bailout are blue-state Republicans – guys in New York, California, Chicago. With some of the smarter Country Club types across the country, of course, but probably not in sufficient numbers to flip red states to blue.
However, the money stream may get cut off. Which would be nice, because the ultimate endgame I’d like to see is a realignment where the Dems move leftward (hitting a liberal area at least somewhere around the Labor party in the UK or the Liberal party in Canada) and the Republicans are forced to move leftward as well (hitting a conservative area around the Convservative party in either Canada or the UK). That kind of dynamic would be a lot healthier for the country.
Monday Night Football
Hmm… I hate the Stillers… I hate the Purple Birds… who to cheer to lose?
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
At the risk of breaking this thread entirely I’ll try to H4X my table.
<table border=”2″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”7″>
<caption>New WordPress = FAIL</caption>
<tr><th>Feature<th>Amount of FAIL
<tr><td>Code<td>LOTS OF FAIL
<tr><td>Preformatting<td>SO MUCH FAIL
<tr><td>Tables<td>TOTAL FAIL
Fun facts for the day!
I just tried to get to the House website to email my congress critter. I can’t since it appears to be DOWN! Ha!
Contrast this with a lovely day of not one single WordPress error for me.
House of Rep’s website – Toast
Balloon-Juice – Rockin’ along
It just makes me giggle.
Polish the Guillotines (formerly FLILF Hunter)
Oh, man. I so hope this is true. Anchorman anyone?
MODERATOR: “Governor Palin. Your closing statement.”
CARIBOU BARBIE: “Fuck you, San Diego.”
Conservatively Liberal
Shorter Keith Olbermann: Obama, Bush and Palin say striking in Pakistan is necessary, and McCain is against it. Why is Senator McCain so soft on terrorism?
Love it!
I just watched the McCain/Palin interview. Was that Palin playing Palin or Tina Fey playing Palin?
These teleprompter rumors appear to have originated on this thread, in a command by Peter J, which I assume was snark.
When you’re in a tight spot, my friend, you double down. I mean, you don’t blink.
/Sarah Palin
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
As the Worm Turns.
This is, well, it’s pretty much it, isn’t it?
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Wow, Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака, that looks great. But have you used Page Source to see what WP has done to your table code? Or is the stream of orphan closing tags at the end actually the trick?
Comrade Jake
The best part was Katie stating: “WTF? A question from a voter is a gotcha?”
Memo to Katie: up is down, black is white, and it’s all Obama’s fault.
I hear that Gwen Ifill is being told to take it easy on the fetching Governor Palin. I would so love to see Gwen conduct the debate in the following way-
“Senator Biden, how would the Obama campaign react to Israel conducting a bombing raid on the Iranian nuclear facilities?
Governor Palin, who is doing the flowers for Bristol’s wedding?
Senator Biden, do you believe that the Surge has achieved the political solutions promised?
Governor Palin, will you be using Moose antlers when decorating the Vice President’s residence?
Senator Biden, do you think that Sect. Paulson did the right thing by not bailing out Lehman Brothers?
Governor Palin, what made you choose that shade of lipstick tonight?
Condescending? yes, but it’s what the McCain camp wants.
maybe you could focus on the positive: you can post
Charlotte, N.C. is the second largest banking headquarters in the United States after New York City.
I really think N.C. could be blue this year, I’ve heard multiple former dyed-in-the-wool Republican relatives say they will vote for Obama, including an evangelical and a self-made millionaire.
Between the Palin idiocy and McCain’s monkeying with the economy, I think N.C. might be in reach. Sully has the details.
Comrade Scrutinizer
CL @ 53
Cool. She could drive up to the podium in a Tachikoma.
Comrade Jake
Fareed Zakaria, dismantling Palin on Blitzer’s show.
He doesn’t come in until around 3:30 in.
He makes the point that what’s most damaging is that Palin didn’t even understand some of the questions Katie posed. Among other jabs, he says that being the governor of Alaska, where you’re just drilling holes in the ground and giving money to people, is better preparation to be President of Saudi Arabia.
And Wolf’s a grade-A moron.
If it was the same segment I watched (mid-afternoon), at least the woman from salon.com that was also on (Walsh?) almost immediately said something like, “Why? She was just reading from a teleprompter!”. I was shocked that a pundit was showing such good sense. The whole campaign has been such a farce. I can only imagine the chunks of cheeto-spittle that would be erupting from the right if it was the Democratic campaign.
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
Dispatch from the Funhouse. Today’s example of change you can wonder about, and unflailable wingnut logic.
Excerpt from Couric, Mcnut, Palidan interview.
The Asian Markets are down 562..
Old, outdated plugins that behave inconsistently, along with poor template coding = FAIL
NOOOO!! Then the tachikoma will die a horrible death!
Comrade Scrutinizer
In other news, Nikkei down 5 percent.
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
That is kind of weird, since table data tags don’t need to be closed, but no. The trick is that wordpress translates “& lt;” (without the space) into a less-than sign before it publishes the page. (If you want to use a less-than sign in your post, you have to replace the ampersand with the ampersand code for ampersand.) You can probably use pretty much any HTML code you want as long as you go through and replace all the < with &­lt; and the > with &­gt;.
[I have no idea if those rendered correctly, since I put soft hyphens in the middle of “&­lt;” and “&­gt;” to keep them from converting.]
Remember, use your powers for good, and not for evil. It’s probably really easy to break shit.
Polish the Guillotines (formerly FLILF Hunter)
“Dismantling” doesn’t really do it justice. This is the most straight-faced, surgical evisceration of Palin I’ve seen yet. Christ. By the end, he’s wearing her skin as a dress.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Sigh. Now you’ve pissed off Annette.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Not for much longer…
Kali's Little Sister
So, spilling the beans to random guys in pizza joints is A-OK? Let’s hope the terrorists don’t catch wind of this.
kommrade jakevich
Will someone please tell the GOP its Damsel in Distress fetish has gotten way out of control? First Palin had to be defended from ravening hordes of nasty reporters out to sully her virtue. Now her own damn party has her strapped to the train tracks. Ooo, I feel faint. WTF? If she’s that delicate maybe she should be wrapped in tissue paper and put back in her box.
And to think there are Clinton supporters who might vote Republican because it’s the more wymyny wimminish party all of a sudden. Wow.
Gotta be something in the water.
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Wait, I fucked it up. Let’s try this:
You have to replace < with &­amp;lt; and > with &­amp;gt;
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
No, I had it right the first time, I think. Now I’m confused.
I’m so sorry! I’m not worty! All Hail WordPress!
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Or worthy. I assure you that I am free of warts, in any case.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Well, yeah, but after all, he’s kinda brown. And probably a sexist. Hey didja know McCain was a POW?
Conservatively Liberal
Yes, but they would be doing it to save us from nuclear war. That or they would just spit her out like a turd. Remember, they are thinking beings and know crap when they see it. Though they are curious and one might want to connect to her inferior brain case, which could turn the Tachikoma into a berserker.
Damn that natural oil! Shoulda stuck to the synthetic.
Comrade Jake
Fareed’s a very smart guy.
Cue the righties screaming “But what kind of a name is Zakaria?!?!? Is he a terrorist?”
Annette, can you work this into the new site? Please oh please.
If you plug N.C. into the RealClearPolitics EV map and click on the option to eliminate toss-ups, N.C.’s blue.
Count one more formerly undecided (N.C.) voter for Obama as of today — guy in my office, former Republican, I’ve been giving him a soft sell every now and again. Yesterday he found out about McCain’s plan to tax employers’ health insurance benefits. That was evidently the bucket of fail that broke the elephant’s back.
Nah. I have coffee, some ice cream, football on the tube, a cat on my desk, and the dogs under my chair. It’s a beautiful evening. What could interrupt that? Except for the person who can’t grasp that their email address is actually a .net rather than the .com they’re trying to use, and the person who does not understand after being gently instructed several times that what they want in their DNS zone is not possible to put there, that is.
Are you a Steelers fan or a Ravens fan?
Pssst. There’s no wrong answer.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Annette? You need a blog of your own, or you should at least come in here regularly to update us on the massive cluelessness you face every day. As a great lady used to say, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me”.
t jasper parnell
If I heard the video correctly, McCain said of course he would attack across borders but you don’t say that out loud. Remember when Obama said No, I wouldn’t drop a nuclear bomb on a terrorist camp in the dessert or desert and everyone serious cried “take nothing off the table.” First which is it? And secondly, what is wrong with telling the American people the truth about foreign policy? Does McCain and Co fear that the American people, as it were, cannot handle the truth?
Comrade Scrutinizer
An international economy in meltdown, a lack of political leadership at the very top of our government, and a House of Representatives full of crazed supply-side Republicans?
zoe from pittsburgh
It’s all about Occam’s Razor, folks.
Palin was plucked from obscurity and from one of the 2 most isolated states in the country. Palin has never been in the national spotlight before it was announced that she was a VP candidate. Being a VP nominee is a ton of pressure and stress and we pretty much know she had no clue that the offer was coming. She had zero preperation time and they didn’t vet her or ask the obvious– is this a wise choice? The McCain campaign placed a pretty blind bet that she’d be able to handle it all.
Palin can’t be herself because her head is filled with other people’s talking points, other people’s ideas about complex domestic and foreign issues. That kind of info cramming only gets a person so far– talking like you actually understand an issue does actually count for something. I don’t care how smart she may or may not be, because this isn’t about intelligence, this is about knowledge that she just doesn’t have. In other words, she can’t pass for someone in the know because she just doesn’t know that much about SO much. Forget her new passport, what about her experience in the “real” US? Alaska has a culture all to itself that is pretty different from the rest of the country– it’s not just a remote version of Minnesota.
So far they’re losing their big gamble and have violated the “do no harm” rule of VP politics. Fortunately for them she’s become a joke right before her one last HUGE chance to prove that she’s not as funny as Tina Fay’s imitation of her. But if she blows it, well, her chances (and McCain’s) are blown. But the pressure is on higher and harder than ever before– can she handle it?
Kali's Little Sister
So McCain rode in to claim credit for a deeply unpopular bailout bill. If it succeeds, we have a big crappy, painful bailout bill. If it fails, the global economy is at risk and again,pain is assured.
I have not been in the military, so I am curious if I have this analogy correct: did McCain fall on his grenade with this one?
if you’re a Democrat, you’re never right. QED.
Comrade Jake
I think it’s more precise to say that he stepped on his dick.
More like he’s the keyboard commando who proclaims he knows grenades, inside and out, always has, he’s practically a grenade professional (I mean, not really, it’s just a hobby for now, but he could totally go professional) and then declares the grenade is a dud and utterly harmless and while he’s swinging it around and banging it against things to demonstrate how harmless it is, it goes off in his face.
My Occam’s Razor conclusion was that the campaign is staffed by ferrets, but yours makes sense too, Zoe.
If Biden, in his debate with Palin, said something similar to “Noun, Verb,& 9/11”, would he be criticized for going too hard on her?
t jasper parnell
As near as I can figure, given that her syntax seems to be “random noun inappropriate verb adverbial phrase adjective adjective random noun meaningless verb” he would be accused of giving her too much credit.
I heard they want to put her the teleprompter permantely. Even after she losses the election.
Heh. “Noun adjective helping verb conjunction blink.” I would die.
kommrade jakevich
It puts the lotion on its skin.
Actually, I’ll be shocked if the fReichtards don’t claim his piece was a death threat. Someone go check Atlas Jugs. Is Pam screaming about fatwas?
Holy crap! Nate just put up new poll numbers over 538 and the momentum is definitely still going Obama’s way. Electoral vote count: 329.3 to 208.7. To say nothing of the win percentage…
I don’t know. The repubs were clearly looking for someone to blame for their voting the way they did and McCain is as good a candidate as Pelosi for that, so it seems. Come on, they should thank him (in secret) for taking that leadership load off them, you know, the one where they stand up for their own decisions. Gosh, it’s amazing how fast the republicans turned into the democrats once they got out of the majority. Less than two years…it’s gotta be a record.
You know, all this drama over the economy that we’ve predicted for the last several years coming true aside, the very worst news I’ve heard this year? Spielberg bought rights to a live action GitS…
That and the rumor Keanu will play Spike in Cowyboy Bebop…. ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!
Comrade Jake
Cue MSM narrative: with the McCain campaign in absolute, complete fucking disarray, and a VP with a room-temperature IQ, why isn’t Obama leading by more in the polls? Is America ready for a black President???
Kali's Little Sister
Oh crap! This is going to be sooo good for McCain!
Dennis - SGMM
Comrade Jake, you forgot to add, “Will the Bradley Effect lead to an election day upset?”
oh really
Palin being Palin.
Go to TBogg and watch the clip with McCain, Palin, and Couric. It is unbelievable.
McCain is…
There are no words for what McCain is.
There you go. We’re getting them one at a time. Now all we need to do is make sure they get to the polls.
Early voting in N.C. starts October the 16th.
Spread the word. We need to get there firstest with the mostest!
Point taken. I’ll reign in my irrational exuberance and get out the hip waders.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Like this?
Comrade Jake
Why is Obama struggling with the creepy, angry old white man demographic?
Comrade Scrutinizer
Squee. Almost as bad as a Merkin version of Life on Mars.
(Gosh. Preview is not your friend.)
Comrade Scrutinizer
Oh no you don’t. I’ve already gotten in trouble with that once today.
Dennis - SGMM
Nothing is as bad as the American version of Coupling.
That and the rumor Keanu will play Spike in Cowyboy Bebop…. ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!
Oh, no…. no no nonononono.
Although if they cast Faye Valentine right, I would still go see it.
I have done one round of door-knocking. This does not come naturally to me at ALL. I am an introvert. But you go to Dem and unaffiliated households, so I think you’re pretty unlikely to run up against the “Secret Moooslim marxist” type voter anyway, but the experience was quite pleasant. 3/4 of people aren’t home/don’t answer, so that’s straightforward enough. And everyone who did answer was pleasant and civil, even McCain voters. The Obama voters are excited, and the leaners were leaning Obama. It is actually quite a decent way to spend an afternoon, and good exercise, too.
Comrade NonyNony
Yeah. I’ve been figuring that if more folks actually knew the ramifications of McCain’s “health care plan” and that those ramifications are intentional and represent what McCain (or at least his campaign) really think is wrong with our health care system, the response would be along the lines of “WTF? I can’t afford that!” and the exodus to Obama’s side would be huge. Because the ramifications are really, really awful and the underlying idea of “what’s wrong with the health care system” is the mark of someone who doesn’t realize that people actually want a health care system that helps them, not one that actively encourages them not to use it.
(And I didn’t realize that Charlotte was such a huge HQ for banking. Good to know. NC was trending blue already, if this pushes it over the edge I will laugh for a week.)
Comrade Scrutinizer
Well, duh.
I’m thinking a fusion of Bebop, Gantz, and Gauntlet 3.
What do you think David Letterman will do tonight, now that the bailout bill McCain blew him off for last week has failed?
*rubs hands together gleefully*
It was – I hope we can all agree on this – it was an embarrassment when Sen. Clinton was asked “pearls or diamonds” in a primary debate. That was irresponsible. It was demeaning to her abilities and her considerable knowledge base (does she have problems and faults? yes, plenty of them, but vapidity isn’t one of them). And it was sexist. And I say this in a totally fuck-the-pumas kind of way, and I’m not denying that Obama faced a lot of racism in the primaries too, but our Hills got as many comments about her pantsuits as she did about her policy, and that stunk.
And now, the Richt is claiming sexism and unfair treatment of their poor wittle sawah bawaccuda pitbull with lipstick because her is asked such mean awful hard questions wike: “could you explain what you meant by that?” and “what is your plan?” Well, FUCK YOU SARAH. We have a democratic woman who’s in the Meir/Thatcher/Indira Gandhi league, who fought hard to get as far as she did and made real strides to show up CNN for daring to present such empty, stupid questions to a female candidate. And what, four months later, you’re asking them to take it easy on you when what they’re asking is already style weakly softball questions just for poor wittle sawah.
The McCain campaign doesn’t think it’s right to play such gotcha journalism as asking “besides Roe v. Wade can you name a supreme court decision?” Fine. Here’s my list of questions for poor wittle Sarah:
Cindy McCain’s outfit at the Republican convention drew some controversy because it had a $300,000 price tag. How would you advise her to accessorize it on future occasions?
Your seventeen year old daughter’s baby is due this December. What are you most looking forward to about being a grandmother?
Wasilla Alaska has a population of around 7,000 people. Last year, 42 meth labs were discovered there. How many people per meth lab is that?
John McCain has blamed the current financial crisis on corporate greed. Where did you get those shoes?
When you canceled the Bridge to Nowhere project, you kept the money that was allocated for it. Been to any good parties lately?
Recently, much has been made of some of the statements made at your former church concerning witchcraft. What have you done to keep Alaska’s witch problem in check and what further measures do you think are necessary to protect America from the forces of voodoo?
In recent years, the United States has been pummeled by Hurricanes Katrina, Gustav and Ike. What’s the weather like in your neck of the woods?
Many people are upset that, during your tenure as mayor of Wasilla, you attempted to charge rape victims for the cost of the kits used to collect evidence of the rape. What are the good things about that idea that these critics aren’t considering?
Some concern has been expressed that your body of knowledge on policy, both foreign and domestic, is inadequate for the job you’re asking the American people to hire you for, and some of the calls you’ve made in your tenure as mayor, governor, and vice presidential candidate have called your judgment into question. What would you like to say to people who doubt your abilities?
Gwen Ifill, you may steal from this list at will.
Brian J
I don’t know how quickly the shit can hit the fan, but if people can become worrisome enough before the election, and if there are enough people who would start to let this sense of fear influence their votes, I think we could see a few red states flip to blue. This is a guess, but I’d surmise there’s enough of a presence of a money/investor/corporate class in Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri, Texas, and Kentucky to make them competitive if things start to get really bad. Of course, there’s also the middle- to upper-middle class that might feel the pinch and break heavily for Obama. Granted, if things get really, really bad, and as a result a state like Texas could go for Obama, I imagine we’ve already got the votes in all of the traditional swing states plus the new ones like Indiana and North Carolina. And hell, while there may not be enough of the country club Republicans to make a state like Georgia blue, perhaps they exist in sufficient enough numbers to turn a state like Indiana blue.
Now wait a minute — I’m from Minnesota and I don’t want to hear anything about know-nothing, godbothering, Republican free-marketeering, goofball governors as we wouldn’t put up with…
Crap. Never mind.
Comrade Josh Vondoktorpepper
I just watched The Seventh Seal and I am suddenly calm about whatever is coming our way.
Laura W
Hollerin’ out a question.
Who the FUCK says HOLLERIN’?
Maybe a pig farmer in Appalachia? Apologies to pig farmers, and Appalachians.
Shit yeah.
I moved here from CO in 12/06, and I take personal credit for both CO and NC turning blue this year.
What a disgusting week it’s been. All but for Friday night. The ugly needs to come to an end real soon. Before I totally blow my liver, and my brains, out.
While the numbers for Dems should be up in Georgia this year, don’t expect a massive revolt. We are a long way from blue here once you get ouside of the perimeter (I-285). Hopefully things will improve over time, but it will be an uphill battle.
I see that GOS posted a tracking poll showing a tightened race for Sen. Saxby Chambliss’ seat (challenger is Jim Martin). This has to be an outlier with 26% undecided, so if you see that poll, don’t get your hopes up for Georgia. We are ALMOST as red as Alabama…and not because of Saturday’s results at Sanford Stadium.
I’m just gonna go all-in and ask the real question: why hasn’t Obama found a way to win the election before Nov 4th?
Dennis - SGMM
The markets seem perilously close to going into a feedback cycle where declines in the overseas markets lead to further declines in the American markets which lead to…
If the slide continues, regular working people with 401K’s are going to be slammed and there will be hell to pay. That is likely the driver behind Boehner’s lame-ass attempt to blame Pelosi, and McCain’s equally lame-ass attempt to blame Obama, for the bills failure to pass.
Conservatively Liberal
How about “a noun, a verb & utter nonsense”?
That ought to be an overproduced mess.
Looks? No too bad. Acting? Ouch. I wonder who they would get to play Jet Black? Need a white Mr. T type…lol! Ein was a favorite ‘character’, and the girl hacker (Edward) too.
Though I do like Spike’s attitude and how he deals with things. I wonder if they would do the Bebop up like the series. It looks like a flying piece of junk but that just makes it better to see in action!
Comrade Scrutinizer
Love me that movie!
“We must make an idol of our fear, and call it god.”
Kali's Little Sister
On the PBS site you can suggest questions for the debate.
One person wrote in only to ask if Palin will be searched for a wire. Made me think about this “Debate Bootcamp” in AZ. Since it is painfully evident no amount of cramming will fill the void, are they just going to insert a chip?
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
We better git one hell of a chess player for this to turn out right.
My wife checked her 401k tonight, just for shits and giggles, though she checked it last night. Tonight…tonight the number was 2 grand smaller. in one day. 2 grand. God.
Saw the commercial with Obama talking to America about the economy…about dealing with wall street..about new reform and oversight..’pain is trickling up.’ great commercial. great timing.
Just Some Fuckhead
Christ, I miss the days when ya had to be one tenacious motherfucker to comment. Now anyone can post any old thing any time and I don’t have the time to wade thru it all. :(
Comrade Jake
So, WTF is wrong with Ohio? McCain is still up a nudge there.
I’m beginning to wonder if it’s not simply a backwards state.
Comrade Incertus
I know. I feel all lost in the madness now.
Table test
Comrade Incertus
I give up on the tags for now. Jeez.
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
By Golly, I think we’ve assimilated Annette.
I hope she is wearing a wire. Can you imagine how confusing that would be for her?
The voices from the radio would be entering her right brain, while Biden’s voice enters her left brain. It gets parsed into nonsense, and regurgitated as broken English.
Pretty soon, she sounds like Al Sharpton with a concussion, only she’s white, Canadian, and pissed off at teh left.
Eric U.
there is something to that. Southern Ohio was the final settling place of one of the largest peacetime migrations in history, after WWII. 6 million people moved from West Virginia to Detroit, but ran out of money somewhere south of Dayton. I lived just outside of Dayton in the ’80s when I was at Wright-Patt. There were people there who had Southern accents that were not understandable by Americans, just like when I was growing up in Appalachia.
Resistance is futile!
There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home. ( clicks heels )
Well that didn’t work. hmmm…
Eric U.
Brian J
Perhaps what we see in states like North Carolina isn’t showing up in Ohio just yet.
Dennis - SGMM
And both get mixed up with the voices in her head.
kommrade jakevich
Jesus God All Mighty that isn’t even funny. I wouldn’t cast Reeves to play the damn corgi. I wouldn’t cast him to play the mold thing that grew in the fridge and ran amok. I wouldn’t cast Reeves to play the fucking fridge. What the fuck next? Carrot Top will play Ed?
Gah. The very thought makes me want to punch a nun in the face.
I nearly linked to that but the last time I sprang it on an unsuspecting crowd I got in BIG trouble.
The night is very cold, I’m feeling kind of weak/I think I’ll make myself a cap from your right buttocks cheek.
Blockquotes work nicely.
John used to be a Republican. That’s left over from his ‘drown the blog in a bathtub’ days.
Scott H
Johnny Drama still white? Yep.
Starting to hate this plugin.
Comrade Jake
LOL. That would be a perfect SNL skit.
It reminds me of Robin Williams playing Reagan on SNL. He was giving a press conference and started to pick up air traffic control in his earpiece, and just started blabbering nonsense to the reporters.
Annette, I got a pretty decent quicktags file if you want to see it. I’ve got it trimmed down to the bare basics, but it does include an image button (which I can remove).
If interested, here’s the link.
Comrade Jake
In new Amerikka, html codes you!
She needs to replace the counting with profanity, but yeah, she’s coming along nicely.
Annette, I just noticed something. May explain why you’re running into problems. Your header file is in error. It lists the quicktags script twice. One is a “plus” version. Would you need them both?
Comrade Tax Analyst
“Durn thet Tina Fey…she’s always stirrin’ up treble fer purr Sayrah”
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
This version of WP accepts one line break in blockquotes, but goes batshit if there are 2 or more line breaks in a row. But you have to go to commenting with the blockquote hacks you have, not th ones you want.
Method 1
Method 2
The second method might look screwy on preview, but it works. These should hold us until Annette shakes these old plug-ins into submission.
oh really
My guess is Palin is already hearing voices (The Baby Jeebus speaks to those who listen).
If she gets some handler and the Baby J rattling around inside her brain at the same time, her responses might be, dare I say it, incoherent. Of course, how could we tell the difference between Palin’s everyday total incoherence and her too many voices at one time incoherence?
Obviously, Gwen Ifil will have to strip search Palin.
Dennis - SGMM
I’d bet that you could replace Palin with Tina Fey and McCain wouldn’t even notice.
I had done that same test in the “you are here” thread, and found that it worked. Between this plugin (which unnecessarily duplicated items in two files) and this template (which has Issues), things are a mess around here.
Buck: that’s a remnant of whoever did the templating. I decided way back that networking and sysadmin work was much better for me and dropped the route that would have ultimately ended with me fixing other peoples’ code. Look where that got me: primarily working in the former field while still also getting into the latter from time to time. Just tattoo “sucker” on my forehead already…
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
Oh, and I’ll add that this quote issue doesn’t really have anything to do with WP itself. This plugin works without a hitch on this very same server, under a test install of WP. I’m leaning toward it relaly being an overall issue with the template – I’m biased because it’s messy.
Scott H
Hack Sarah’s wire with some binaural beats and lock her down in deep delta. It’s what 素子 would do.
kommrade jakevich
Or you might get some sort of Ritalin effect.
Comrade Incertus
Sara Teasdale? Never thought I’d see that around here.
Annette, true. The CSS file is a bit scary to look at too. ;-)
can we got some lines separating posts?
It’s kinda tough on the eyes.
Comrade Scrutinizer
NOW CNN is finally getting around to explaining just why we need some plan to fix the economy. A week too late, after hearing “bailout bailout bailout” 24/7, they’re finally saying “It’s not about Wall Street, it’s about everyone.”
Thanks, the best political team on television. Thanks so much.
Comrade Scrutinizer
What are you, some kind of reverse elitist?
Eric U.
How hard can it be for Obama’s guys to have a spectrum analyzer back stage guessing what kind of secret spread-spectrum radio they have given Palin? And a little jamming equipment too, because there’s probably no way to break into the signal in the time alloted. Although, the way McCain’s crew has shown themselves to be incompetent, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out it’s a hacked up baby monitor.
Just Some Fuckhead
How hard would it be to throw am HR in there? I mean, just temporarily so we don’t go blind.
Testing 1 soss [back]
Comrade Scrutinizer
You want HRs, go to the GOS.
Did anyone else catch the Daily Show just now and the section on old jewish voters reacting to the debate? Priceless.
LOL, good one!
Just Some Fuckhead
TheFountainHead, yep. Great skit!
Who won the Steelers/Ravens game?
Very very hard. Spread spectrum techniques allow transmitters to broadcast below the noise threshold. Looking for signals below the noise threshold is…kind of impossible. Jamming such signals would likely screw with the recording equipment, and probably wouldn’t work anyway.
Seriously, Jake. That’s…a vile, vile piece of music.
I know, because it is still on my favorites list on Pandora.
OMG! The VP debate is happening during the ALA’s ‘Banned Book Week’.
What say you, Sarah?
Just Some Fuckhead
Tied with 4 min. left.
Heh. Here’s irony. On the day of the worst point loss the DOW has ever seen, my company offers to roll me into the corporate 401K. I’m still trying to decide if that’s as dumb or dumber than putting it in my pillowcase.
Jeesh, I guess I’ll go back to watching it then.
Just Some Fuckhead
What’s the thread count on yer pillowcase? j/k
They’ll pass the bailout bill by this time next week and everything’ll be okay. Well maybe not okay but not apocalyptic.
Well, I figure I might as well get my money in while the market is only likely to get sunnier…cause if it gets much worse it won’t matter in the slightest WHERE my money is.
Just Some Fuckhead
Right?? Imagine how relieved I am that I’ve lived like a grasshopper the last twenty years, spending all my free cash on booze and pot. I coulda lost a lot of money.
Not to mention the 11 million Secret Service in the building.
Just Some Fuckhead
You’re over thinking it. “Breaker 19” ought to do the trick.
I realize that is the real Sarah, but, I have to agree, they need to let loose the moose of babbling. I want to see her prove it over and over and over and over and over… until every single person going to the polls is absolutely sure she is NOT qualified to be one malignant cancer cell away from the presidency.
Btw, who knew McCain was sitting right beside Palin during the Couric interview? It seems they didn’t want anyone to know that until it became necessary to make it look like she was supported and her answers were accepted in that interview. Now it seems important for McCain to prove he was there? Hmmmmm!
Brian J
Why would that be a bad thing? I assume you’re not close to retirement and that you will get some sort of match–in other words, free money–for whatever contributions that you would make. Unless the choices you have aren’t doing well, what’s the big deal? Things will get better.
Of course you’re right, I’m just a little gun shy at the moment.
So what you’re saying is they want her to read off prepared statements of positions?
So Sarah has no skill in articulating these things herself? Say it isn’t so!
Free Sarah NOW!
Comrade Thelonious
I just turned on the Steelers game and oh God my eyes! What the hell are they wearing?
I’m normally a fan of throwback uniforms but that black/white/yellow combination makes them look like jaundiced penguins.
I like the retro helmet design.
Just Some Fuckhead
Well Fuck.
I’m very torn. I love both of these teams.
Hedge fund redemption day tomorrow. With likely no news at all on a bailout tomorrow and requests to withdraw, oh, maybe half a trillion dollars or so, I predict the markets won’t be having a sunny day.
Well, people wanted to know what the rush was…
Just Some Fuckhead
Exactly. Ya can’t tell Republicans a damn thing so let reality smack ’em in the face. She’s a bitch.
That kick was close. Damn.
The S.E.C could just issue a trading halt, couldn’t they?
They could. They likely won’t, but it’s certainly not a crazy idea.
Brian J
I feel you.
Brian J
Is this true? If so, I’m not sure if it’s say to say I’m not in lucid dream.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
And this is how rumours start. Guys, the teleprompter thing was a joke many, many comments ago. Chill.
Brian J
There was legitimate speculation that the McCain campaign would announce a wedding for Sarah Palin’s daughter before election in order to draw attention away from the campaign itself, possibly trying to force both sides to sit it out for up to a week. Perhaps I’m too cynical, but I honestly wasn’t sure if the McCain camp was floating the idea of a teleprompter for the debate.
There are automatic triggers. It’s got to be a really, really shitty day for them to trigger, but they’re there.
On the plus side, Asia is only down about 3%. Sad to say that’s a plus, but it could be worse.
Actually, that’s not too bad. Could be a lot worse.
J. Michael Neal
S&P futures are up about 11 points. Right now, it looks like the market is going to bounce back some in the morning. I’m not that confident that it’ll hold up.
J. Michael Neal
Anybody have iTunes help? I just imported some albums from CD, and it won’t play the whole album. It plays one song, and then goes to something else. I manually click on the next song, it plays that, and then goes to something else. I’ve had a small number of albums it does this on already, but all the ones from today do. Anyone know how to fix this?
Always some contrarians out there. I wouldn’t count on it holding either.
Are you sure the shuffle button isn’t on??
J. Michael Neal
It plays most of albums just fine. It isn’t even picky about genre. Painkiller, Underwater Sunlight and Brahms 8th symphony all play fine.
Lower left corner – the arrows that cross over each other. Turn off shuffle.
Huh. That’s strange. Try restarting/updating iTunes?
J. Michael Neal
No luck. It’s done this Jim Croce’s Greatest Hits for a couple of years, but that doesn’t bug me, since it’s a greatest hits album and doesn’t have flow anyway. Besides, I have it set to shuffle by album.
John McCain wasn’t allowed to be a drama-queen for 5 and half years in Vietnam.
He’s compensating?
Oh, dear lord. We’re going to hear the catchphrase “gotcha journalism” repeated over and over again by McCain supporters and the far right pundits, aren’t we?
Whoever made the parent-teacher conference analogy was dead-on. That reeked of condescending parent.
“Is that a pizza place?” WTF?!
“Babble On” the great has fallen…
You know, for once I would like to see someone take the gloves off.
When some cutesey answer comes in the moderator should just take off their glasses, rub their eyes, and say:
You are being interviewed for one of the most important jobs on the planet. The holder to the launch codes for thousands of nuclear weapons. Enough to destroy all life on earth. Weapons powerful enough to make 9/11 look like a bad firecracker display from a state that doesn’t have Indian reservations. This isn’t Racist, this isn’t Sexist. This is the future of the planet. Please, take some time to think about your answer.
In other words,
Presidentin. Serious Business.
Well, send that to Gwen Ifill, perhaps she’ll take you up on it.
Hmmm, I meant to blockquote the entire post of bago and it only blockquoted the first sentence. Strange.
Nesting in an xml tree? Impossible!
Comrade Peter J
In today’s Daily Kos Research 2000 poll it’s 51-41.
Comrade Peter J
Link Error Fixed.
Dennis - SGMM
This will get lost in the clamor:
Excerpts of Iraq PM comments on US deal
“If I had enough funds to assist the American economy, I would do all that I can. But unfortunately Iraq cannot solve America’s economic problems.
“But what Iraq can do is take up more responsibility security-wise here inside Iraq. And I have told the Americans repeatedly that we are ready to take up responsibility here in Iraq so there are less losses, a decreased number of American lives lost, and I am prepared to present this case before the American people. …
“Iraqis are ready to take up security responsibility inside their country but unfortunately there is not much Iraq can do regarding helping the American economy. And I do understand that it is mostly the economic burden that is impacting your people.”
IF I were Gwen Ifill….
I would ask normal serious questions to Joe and then turn to Sarah and ask her where she bought her shoes and a whole lot of other stupid questions. Then if Sarah whines that she is being made out to be a fool, Gwen can retort that McCain asked her not to be too rough on poor sarah.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Morning Joe is blaming Pelosi’s speech for the lose of the bill. An Arizona rep Shadduck is saying that that had nothing to do with it, and Boehner is making up a story. Goes on to say that the bill didn’t pass due to the arrogance of Paulson.
Comrade Scrutinizer
I know that this is pissing in the wind, but I wish Bush would explain exactly why we have a problem with the economy, and what the ramifications of that problem is.
The disconnect in this sentence construct has earned myself myriad guffaws.
Comrade Jake
There is definitely a need for the national leaders to explain the problem more succinctly to Joe Average voter. Unfortunately, Bush has almost zero credibility at this point. People either tune him out or simply don’t trust him.
A joint statement from past Presidents Clinton and Bush Sr. would probably be more effective.
Comrade Jake
I’ve no idea why righties see that as a winning strategy, particularly after Frank completely emasculated them. Frank’s statement was all over the morning news. The House Republicans look like a walking, talking bunch of cheesedicks.
w vincentz
I hope one of the questions involves a connection between US hegemony and the finacial collapse.
Dennis - SGMM
Governor Palin, what do you take away from President Bush’s failure to get sufficient numbers of his own party to vote for a bill that he’s characterized as crucial to the health of our economy?
Finance has nothing to do with it. The US is a hegemon because of the basic goodness and decency of the American people, and their desire only to use force in the service of the greater good.
/raises hand, excitedly, Horseshack-style
Palin: Mr. Moderatorer, I think it’s crucial that we crucialize to the American public why it’s crucial that we pass this crucial bill. For job creation, too. And Senator McCane will work exceedingly hard at getting this exceedingly important bill exceeded thru the Senate and House. Which will assist with job creation, natch.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Comrade Scrutinizer
Fucking preview. I don’t deserve this. I eas building a house.
Liberals oppose anyone that support the consitution as was written their too busy interpating it