Sorry, I just have not been feeling it lately. Have some things I am taking care of here, trying to get used to the new wordpress, and the fact that I hate the comments without borders has kept my interest in blogging really low.
That, and what is there really to blog about? The morons are pitching a fit about Gwen Ifill writing a book, bitching about something they have never read (and you can bet your sweet ass their VP candidate has never read). I guess I am just fatigued by all the nonsense. They are relentless. They just never stop.
*** Update ***
And this is just embarrassing. Isn’t Dred Scott just a gimme answer for anyone in that situation?
Polish the Guillotines
Buck up, li’l camper. It’ll all be over soon.
But your energy and insight in the face of their relentless nonsense is what keeps us coming back!
Buck up Comrade John! You couldn’t make this stuff up in your worst nightmares, or your best comedy!
Joshau Norton
Since Gwen’s book has book has been out for a while, why are they just finding out about it now? Nice job of due diligence by the McInsaners. A little late to start squawking, isn’t it?
Joe Beese
Listen to the wind whistling between her ears.
Joshau Norton
I just heard a clip of a right wingnut radio talking head going off big-time on BO Reilly. Are they starting to eat their own now?
Joe Beese
Polish the Guillotines
It’s true. But Joe Six-Pack is getting fed up.
i don’t even understand all the drama about the VP debate tomorrow.
Palin will be unimpressive, but coached enough to get by. Biden won’t say anything all that interesting, and the race will be exactly where it was before the debate started.
people have had the chance to see Palin, and for the most part (except the wingnuts) they don’t like what they see. what’s going to change?
<style>ol li{border: 1px solid black;margin-top:3px;padding:3px;}</style>
Polish the Guillotines
Joshau Norton
ZOMG, this is priceless. More of Faux’s Fairly Unbalanced news reporting. Get a load of what they call a “split vote”.
t jasper parnell
I went to Powell’s when I visited Portland. That there was a bookstore.
Not permitted. Get back to the hilarious rants.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Yay for borders!
But can the comment areas be tweaked so that there’s a little more white space in between each one? It looks as if there’s 12-15 pixels between the bordered comments with the BJ Greasemonkey script turned on, but the default BJ gap is much smaller, about 5 pixels.
And — if at all possible — alternating grey and white comments would absolutely rock. But if you can give us a little more whitespace between comments only, that’s fine.
(Hey — text is smaller in the comment input box now. Deliberate choice?)
Polish the Guillotines
That Foxtard reminds me of Stephen Root. That clip could be straight out of News Radio.
John Cole:
And bolded UserIDs. It’s not a big issue, but I miss the bolded UserID’s too. It just makes it easier to identify who’s talking and to find posts.
The Grand Panjandrum
Shorter Palin: We are all 2nd graders now.
Joshau Norton
I’m keeping the Greasemonkey script turned on. It makes the page so much more readable.
<style>cite{font-weight: bold}</style>
Bolded User ids?
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
That made me laugh out loud, much needed laughter.
We are now in the cartoon stage of national life. We have a GOP ticket with an old geezer that can’t remember from one minute to the next what he says. And his comely dingbat sidekick who believes the Constitution offers a right to privacy, but that right should be dictated at the local level. OUr economy is circling the drain, whilst our knucklehead leaders want to throw away nearly a trillion dollars of borrowed money to fix it, with the “It” as elusive as Bigfoot. And to help pay for this boondoggle, they propose to cut taxes. All this, with the only competent candidate running for prez clinging on to a single digit lead in the polls. I don’t know what you have to dispirited about Comrade Cole, the season premier of American Idol is only 3 months away, provided our Teevees will still turn on to see it.
t jasper parnell
Right, Friedman he of the unit now argues that we must absolutely must act NOW or doom descends. I am not convinced.
And, oh I don’t know, BUSH v. GORE kinda springs to mind as something more recent and everyone in the country is aware with it.
Polish the Guillotines
Video: Palin on the Supreme Court.
Someone with embedding sk33lz… assist?
Comrade Fwiffo
Cheer up. Only one more day to wait until you get 90 straight minutes of Sarah Palin as Mark V. Shaney.
Plessy vs Ferguson would be another gimme and Kelo would be a hit with conservatives.
Isn’t Dred Scott just a gimme answer for anyone in that situation?
Who can say whether Palin would disagree with it?
Dug Jay
Hope you feel better soon. I see that you have taken up a new hobby making use of your latest invention.
Dennis - SGMM
From john’s link:
Well, usher my will, what a fuckin’ genius! Palin talks as if everyone is staring at her tits anyway so it doesn’t matter what she says.
t jasper parnell
Don’t despair .
Hot Damn! That was quick. And it makes a much bigger difference than I though it would. It give it back that old BJ feel.
Thank you!
<style>ol li{margin-top:5px;}</style>
brown v board of education? I seriously doubt she doesn’t know about these. Well, actually no I don’t. Still, I think it’s much more likely she’s avoiding going into specifics to avoid scrutiny.
Yes, Dred Scott is the first one that comes to my mind. But we’re talking about Palin. She represents the very broad wing of the GOP that thinks Roe v Wade is the only decision that’s ever mattered.
And, oh I don’t know, BUSH v. GORE kinda springs to mind…
Bible Spice was asked about decisions she disagreed with – my guess is that (once she learned about it) she’d agree with Bush v. Gore, right up until it could be used against her as a precedent.
The People's Glorious Pantload of Studliness
Re: Palin/Biden clip: If you’re not running around with your hair on fire because this woman is being presented as a(n allegedly) serious candidate as potential president of these United States, then – uh, well, you must be bald.
The oath, I say, boy, the oath the president takes is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. That means, you gotta fucking read the thing.
Oy. Where are my martini pills? I really need one after watching that…
El Cid
She didn’t like how Sylvester Stallone looked in all that future get-up.
Comrade Dread
Dred Scott, Kelo, Separate but Equal, the Commerce Clause; hell, for a Bushite conservative there’s Hamden, and that happened not 4 months ago. You’d think the handlers would have covered that at least.
It does. But I’d say the Ninth Amendment covers that, which was added specifically to address the concern that several hundred years down the line, some dumbass would think that because the Founders enumerated a few critical rights in the Constitution that those were all the rights people had.
And given Equal Protection, that would invalidate any claim that states have the freedom to set their own laws that would violate that right.
Now, the best argument constitutionally for ditching R.v.W. would be to argue, define, or present evidence to get a consensus that a fetus qualifies as a person. In which case you now have competing interests between life and privacy.
She was asked about decisions she disagreed wi….
wait, why didn’t she say that?
Kim Jong Ted
Ah, I see. Then yeah, Dred Scott would definitely be the easiest for most people.
In what respect, John?
Polish the Guillotines
But that’s man’s law. Not the Lord’s.
Are you implying that she’s actually read the bible?
Brian J
Well, if you want a few things to cheer about, take a look at the latest polls out of Florida, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina, and Michigan. Even where he’s trailing in half, there’s clearly momentum in his direction. Hell, he’s down by only eight in Mississippi and nine in Texas.
I’m a little burnt out by politics, but only because some conservatives are so fundamentally ridiculous about what is going on. Today, towards the end of work, the conservative friend I mentioned a few days ago was going on some tirade about ACORN and housing not being a right even though some think it is. Then it was taxes. His words were so similar to those of people like Hannity and any of the goons at the National Review that it wouldn’t shock me if he were quoting them. He’s a good guy at heart, but because he’s going through a transition now, he’s a little testier than normal, so he acts like a true asshole when discussing this stuff. I don’t get as agitated as used when talking about politics and policy, but sometimes I end up yelling back at him, if only because I’m really, really tired of our discourse being reduced to stereotypes and badly asserted ideas mostly from the other side. Thankfully, I have this place, and others, like Sadly, No!, which put everything in perspective with appropriate amounts of snark.
The Grand Panjandrum
I see Dug Jay has returned. My hope have been dashed that BJ would attract new and improved trolls. Yawn.
Jesus. May The Other Steve isn’t busy and could give us a great spoof.
Polish the Guillotines
Hell no. That’s what preachers are for.
But I’ll stick my neck out and guess she’s got the director’s cut of Passion of the Christ on DVD .
I assume because the far right wingnut Christianist love to say that legalizing abortion (Roe) was just as bad as Dred Scott, or something to that effect.
Dennis - SGMM
Too bad Couric failed to ask her the common name applied to the first ten amendments of the Constitution.
Palin: Why that’s easy, they’re the Ten Commandments, yah. Ask me a hard one.
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
Wowee! I’d seen the quinnipiac poll this morning but a whole slew have come out since showing a consensus that Obama is pulling ahead, well ahead in the battleground states. Double Wowee!!
The only thing that can be done about trolls like Dug Jay is implement a voting system on comments, so we can feed him negative rep.
It’s well know that negative rep makes troll’s tummies hurt.
But I can see Russia from my house!
The Grand Panjandrum
What did his soon to be ex-wife take all the Cheetos when she left him? OK that was wrong. But I have little sympathy for people who still think four more years of War Criminals, out right lying and stealing from us is sound policy. I’ll throw my own brother on that pile of dung. Good guy but he needs his comeuppance.
well that didn’t format for shit…
The give-away is now up to $850B+ AIG + expenses(administrative costs).
Pork city. Proves all politicians are cut from the same cloth.
This is McCain’s chance. If he votes No and Obama votes Yes I think there will be hell to pay.
D. Mason
I wanted to help out with the site re-design and in honor of us having the ability to post pictures in the comments I made this:
<img src=”” alt=”example” />
I hope you like it.
Va Highlander
Gosh! I never thought the senate vote would be quite so <a href=””>full of surprises</a>.
t jasper parnell
Also new registrants weigh in.
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
When I was trolling Capn Ed’s now defunct BLog, we resident trolls would brag about our high troll ratings. Mine reached something like 450 and I was still third or fourth. It’s a badge of honor to get high troll ratings, unless like some blogs you get banned for it. And even then, there’s always another blog to start trolling.
D. Mason
Damn.. That came through a bit on the small side.
Dennis - SGMM
Two words: Ginsu Knives.
Why isn’t every American being given a set of fucking Ginsu Knives in this bailout?
t jasper parnell
Check between your shoulders for the blades.
The People's Glorious Pantload of Studliness
I’ll lay odds that, tomorrow night, Ms. Ifill starts out with some nice, lazy, open-ended questions to get everyone all relaxed and loosey-goosey, and then goes for the throat with questions requiring answers of increasing specificity until the resulting projectile vomiting of word salad gives way to dry heaves of the “take me now, Lord” variety.
Then Bible Spice will strut off the stage like she nailed it out of the park (at least, I think that’s the phrase they use in hockey). Cuz if there’s one thing she’s got, it’s moxie.
But… all those new buttons… ooooohhhh… what does THIS one do?
/slaps hand
“but… but… I ju”
BTW, if we’re on the verge of financial collapse, why did the House take a two day holiday right in the middle of it? And why is the House breaking for a Jewish holiday… and no outcry from the Christian right or atheist/theophobe groups? If this had been a break for a Muslim holiday…
And if Paulson’s 3-page proposal turned into a 110+ page proposal in the House, and now a 451-page proposal in the Senate… how many pages will it expand to after coming back out of the House and is there enough ink to handle the job of printing it out for the Prez’s siggy when it’s finally complete? Gotta love DC being DC…
No, that’s what priests are for. She’s not Catholic, and one of the 3 principles of Protestantism is that it is the right and duty of all believers to read the Bible.
Why is it that the atheists always know this shit best?
Don’t forget Minnesota. McCain was never going to take Minnesota even when it was close. I have to admit I was completely confused by why it was close for so long (if it truly was). I actually liked McCain once upon a time but he went to bat for all the wrong people.
The Senate can’t send the bill to the House on its own, so it’s getting attached to a bill that was already on the docket. It’s procedural crap. They attached it to a bill that was approved 93-4 or some overwhelming amount, so that issues in it wouldn’t get in the way of the bailout.
Catholics are supposed to read the bible as well. You even get a plenary indulgence if you read it for every day for a certain period of time.
Tom Hilton
Hurray for West Virginia! (And no, John, I’m not being sarcastic–it’s a great story.)
t jasper parnell
Missed this, Homer tries to vote for Obama.
Via Tapped.
Not originally. That came along later. Remember, for the vast majority of the history of the Catholic church, Bibles were inaccessible to the public due to the lack of a printing press. Access to cheap Bibles was part of the motivation behind the Reformation.
Dennis - SGMM
It’s up to 451 pages. Can you say “Christmas Tree?” I just know that buried somewhere in this burgeoning son-of-bitch they buried an expenditure of a few billion to carve Reagan’s face into Mt. Rushmore.
Oh ok, we were talking about first century Sarah Palin. Next time you should probably specify that.
Brian J
<blockquoteWhat did his soon to be ex-wife take all the Cheetos when she left him? OK that was wrong. But I have little sympathy for people who still think four more years of War Criminals, out right lying and stealing from us is sound policy. I’ll throw my own brother on that pile of dung. Good guy but he needs his comeuppance.
Nah, we’re both young guys. We actually went to the same college and graduate in the same year, but didn’t know each other until we started working together. We’ve both been testy at different times in the past few weeks, but another friend of ours last week made a good point. He’s twenty-three, lives, by himself, doesn’t have a steady girlfriend, and isn’t where he wants to be in life. Maybe it’s because I’m easier to please (I’d prefer to think it’s that I’m more mature, but whatever), but aside from living by myself, we’re in the same position.
That said, while I don’t think much of certain Republicans today, and think only a little bit more of their ideas, I don’t think I usually respond to people by thinking that Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism is on the mark. I’ve got a very good sense of humor about politics, but I don’t think I substitute snide and nasty remarks for legitimate opinions. I think I’m fairly serious, both in intent and the way I approach talking to other people. I just wish he were the same more of the time.
Actually, she was born and baptized a Catholic, before her family started going to Pentecostal churches.
Comrade Fedorovich Stuck
Does that mean you can go out and get drunk and laid and still be even with God.?
Fixed fer ya.
(That’s figgerin’ WP works, cuz it sher as hell ain’t showin’ up in preview.)
Oh, don’t let the facts get in the way. People are having too much fun being silly about the stuff that was in the original bill. You don’t expect people to actually pay attention to Senate procedure, do you?
Welp, didn’t work. But the end result is mildly amusing, in a haiku sort of way.
Say, any of you folks been to Ukiah, California? Ever notice in your rear view mirror that Ukiah is haiku spelled backward?
Conservatively Liberal
John McCain needs to pull Sarah Palin aside and blow in her ear. No, not to turn her on but rather to give her a refill. I am sure that she would appreciate it.
Jane Jug-Wine
Post some Tunch photos, John! You know that will perk you right up.
If the fucking polls are not enough to cheer you, and KITTEH photos don’t help, and the new, vastly improved BJ site, with 9876 comments per thread, and your Rock Star popularity status do not boost your morale…well…you just need to drink and smoke a lot more, I guess.
Speaking of drinking and smoking, start a Palin Drinking Game thread. With KITTEH photos.
Gosh John…there are so many ways to feel better! The polls alone today have me walking on sunshine. 3 weeks ago I was a hand-wringing, sobbin’ and hollerin’ in my acupuncturist’s office, blabbering idiot. With a vast array of resources, such as, and all. Jobs! Reform! Country! PTA! Beer First!
Here’s one of my favorite images to help you over the blah abyss: The President and the First Lady have just arrived!
I am so hot for that suit of hers.
Brian J
This is one of those states that seems pretty damn Democratic, except for when it elects certain odd characters or the occasional far right legislator, but always seems close to flipping over to the Republicans. Perhaps this is a start of a trend that will last for many elections, where states like Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin, along with Washington and Oregon, are more basic Democratic states like Florida is for the Republicans, and states like Ohio or even North Carolina, Indiana, and Georgia, are the states where it will come down to a few thousand votes.
I guess we shouldn’t be too happy, however. A few months ago, McCain told us that he will win the state of California.
No, but that’s what confession is for I believe. Back when they were still peddling that purgatory bullshit indulgences were only good for venial sins.
t jasper parnell
I find this example of world wide conservative plagiarism and mendacity telling, although I am unclear on what it tells us.
Having the same feeling about my own little enterprise. I was all hopped up on the spooky parallels between current events and All My (Grand)Children from the early 80s, but the joy’s gone out of it for me.
What could I say to cheer you up? My dad now describes McCain as “jowled out” and believes that he will soon explode. Within the jowls? You got it–mustard gas.
Cheer up folks, the VP debate as basically meaningless. check out todays national and state polls especially the battleground polls, . The October surprise has arrived ,it just didn’t look like we expected it to.
Circle the date on your calendar, this could well be the day that heralds the election of a president who is actually qualified to lead.
Polish the Guillotines
Well, count me as one that didn’t.
I still say she’s got Passion of the Christ on DVD, though.
Brian J
And that is what, exactly? The financial crisis?
The Grand Panjandrum
And I am going to be Miss America.
The Grand Panjandrum
Rats! Block-misquoted again! Whatever happened to the good ol’ days of Worpress Errors?
Michelle Bachmann?
Governer Palin
actually i want to follow up to say i believe in the principle of stare at decisions and i oppose scott vs. griswold and i kinda liked gore vs. bush because i remember hearing about that in second grade. also. if i had to have my own supremes court decision i would call it twix vs. nome which is also the names of the next kids todd and i lovingly want to bear. ok gotta go goodbye balloon jews. xxx ooo sarah
The People's Glorious Pantload of Studliness
Gubinor! Gubinor with borders (maritime and non-maritime)!
Conservatively Liberal
No thank you, no points or mojo here please. If I want that I would go to Kos, TalkLeft or other places like that. I prefer berating trolls in belittling ways and poking fun at them.
Free humor can’t be scored, just used.
Wow, borders — which gives me foreign policy experience, IIUC, and bolded handles, which keeps us free from terrorists.
Okay John, your work is done, take a rest. You have done good, the blog is going forward now into the 21st Century.
Your fans appreciate your efforts. Really.
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld.
You’d think with all the wingnuts helping her, she could at least remember that one, since it is TEH WORST THING EVAH.
tripletee (formerly tBone)
Nice work on the comments section – much more readable now. If you’re still taking requests, how about a little more padding on the left margin?
And a pony, if it’s not too much trouble.
The Grand Panjandrum
I don’t want a rating system either. I want better trolls, Dammit! I gave money to this goddamned outfit and I expect better trolls. Dug Jay is a punk ass bitch troll compared to The Other Steve’s spoof. Jesus!
Kim Jong Ted
This work yet?
The most likely reality is that Dug Jay is actually DougJ.
In case you didn’t know, the J stands for JiuJitsu.
Oh yeah, that’s right.
Polish the Guillotines
Too right. Last thing this place needs are pointless TR/mojo wars. That kinda crap is so Wasilla.
Conservatively Liberal
Does John answer his e-mail?
I just talked to my dad on the phone, and talk radio has totally bowled him over. He was actually trying to blame the current financial crisis on the Democrats in Congress forcing banks to give loans to illegal immigrants. Jesus Christ!
Polish the Guillotines:
I had a relative that wanted The Passion of the Christ for Christmas last year, so I pirated it from the interent and it to DVD.
Am I going to hell for that?
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Alright, it’s obvious what happened here. She was asked what court decisions she disagreed with, and like a good little theocrat immediately thought of either Griswold v. Connecticut or Lawrence v. Texas (reading her thoughts: “the one about buttfuckery”). Then she panicked, realizing that she couldn’t say either of those out loud without tanking McCain’s candidacy entirely–especially since she’d just said that there’s a right to privacy in the constitution–and couldn’t think of anything else. She’s probably never even heard of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, although I think McCain opposes that one.
She would have sounded pretty stupid if she’d said “I disagree with the Dred Scott decision,” though, since that’s obviously not current law. (Didn’t Dubya say something like that in a 2003 debate, and wasn’t he roundly mocked?) And with the current right-wing dominated court, there really haven’t been many recent decisions for wingnuts to be upset by. This wasn’t quite as funny as I’d hoped for, anyway.
I had a relative that wanted The Passion of the Christ for Christmas last year, so I pirated it from the interent and burned it to DVD.
Am I going to hell for that?
If there is a hell, all pirates go to it. If there isn’t, they’re still fucking assholes.
Rick Taylor
I don’t blame you one bit. It’s just a relentless drum beat, one crazy thing after another. I’m finding it difficult to take, so it makes sense it would be difficult to write. Maybe the thing to do is to look for the man bites dog stories; highlight the conservatives out there who are ready to admit Palin was an awful choice, or who are frustrated with McCain. I’m discovering they do exist, although they seem to be rare.
Yeah, but that’s ok according Lawrence v. Texas and the Supreme Court.
Polish the Guillotines
I wish I could take credit for this one, but some dude over in the Politico comments scores the big win on Palin & the court:
Polish the Guillotines
The best part about her inability to name any decision besides Roe is that she said this barely four weeks ago in St. Paul:
Although it’s a gross mischaracterization of no less than three Supreme Court opinions issued in over the last five years, you would have thought that she at least asked why she was being asked to say it.
What’s even worse–given her experience as Governor of Alaska–is that the Supreme Court decided a case about the Exxon Valdez spill in June. Since she was apparently “strongly supportive” of the plaintiffs’ litigation–and the plaintiffs lost–you would think that she would be ready to make mention of that.
Everything turned ugly.
t jasper parnell
Jane Jug-Wine
Wow, it’s so elitist and effete.
Love the new look.
Zuzu Hussein's Petals
Dear Sarah:
If you believe there is a right of privacy in the United States Constitution, that means if the USSC interprets that right as applying to reproductive decisions…it CANNOT be interpreted otherwise by the states.
Sort of cancels out your “federalist” talking point. Maybe you got your index cards a little mixed up there.
PS, the new tags are kinda scary.
Wowza. I like it.
<input type=”button” value=”testing”>
Conservatively Liberal
Kewl! Now shrink de buttonz!
Conservatively Liberal
“Consistently Wrong Since 2002”?
man, I have seen some ugly blog decor, but this takes the cake. ugly AND impractical.
The Grand Panjandrum
Whoa! This is some great brown acid, man.
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Light blue on white? Dark gray on slightly lighter gray? Okay, somebody’s monitor is out of whack, because that just looks horrid.
I hope it’s not mine.
Testing refresh rate with new templating…
Current query count: 57
Queries per second avg: 21.125 (slow night)
This is Elephant Man ugly.
The Grand Panjandrum
Cole’s just fucking with us now. He’s trying to see if he can get anyone to barf on their keyboard.
Ash Can
OK, this is some SERIOUS fucking with the format.
…but me likey! :)
Kill the bolding in blockquotes – totally changes the intended emphases.
Conservatively Liberal
Well, ya gotta start somewhere.
Stuck in the Fun House
Many are a little burnt on the whackadoodle state of American politics at the moment. I know I am.
Gotta confess, this new template brings back bad memories of the FDL style changes…
Comrade Nixon Hailfire Palin
This is like Infinite Improbability Drive.
hey, nice new layout, john, i like it quite a bit!
easy on the eyes!
The Grand Panjandrum
New thread started.
At least there are borders in between the comments….
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Okay, change the color ramp on my monitor (gamma was a bit low), and it’s still horrid. Less horrid, but still horrid. The blue is legible, but the gray-on-gray should be a crime.
Kamishna ya Watu Xenos
Actually, I remember JC confirming the Doug Jay is not DougJ – I think a real troll came on, was offended by the spoof, and decided to curse us with extra trollery.
No doubt. I have a couple more things to test before tomorrow night on this server and several others with large comment bases to try and keep things in order. Then, onward to the final two debates and the Big Day: Nov 4. After I get my butt out and vote early that day, I’ll be in, with large amounts of coffee, some kind of good, homecooked food (no takeout crap here: tonight’s dinner is roasted chicken breasts with brown sugar and pineapple, sauteed zucchini, squash, mushroom, and onions, rice, gravy, and homemade buttermilk rolls), two tvs and three computers going. Who said being a geek is all cabling and hard drives and no fun?
Holy jumpin’ Jesus! Shades of gray! How unlike most of our arguments!
Are the tag buttons supposed to be larger than the comment field?
Comrade Jake
Man this place got really ugly in a quick way.
Stuck in the Fun House
That sounds highly delicious. You’ve done a great job here Annette!! visit us often.
Stuck in the Fun House
Yep, that it is. I guess the border lovers are happy with this tiny fucking box.
This sure is different. Is this site trying to be like littlegreenfootballs?
Since it won’t come out until January 20th, you’re right. But with a name like Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama. 137 comments and no one mentioned it by name.
Comrade VidaLoca
Hmm… like the new style but the (coupla dozen) format buttons cover about 6x the area of the comment box. And the preview is like fine print down at the bottom. What’s up with that?
Kamishna ya Watu Xenos
Yeah, with a title like that, you might think that the first African-American major party nomination was a big deal or something.
Give it up, Blogreeder. You are failing. Your movement is failing. Failed.
I am fatigued too. I really need a break.
This is a debate moderator that’s writing the book. I just have this feeling that if someone like Rush Limbaugh were the moderator, you might have a diffenent view on bias. That’s the point. You do get it, right? The moderator of the debate wrote a book about the big deal that you’re gushing about. Think about it. Conflict of interest or the appearence of conflict of interest that’s what it’s usually called. Now do you get it?
How would he do that? I can post from 20 different IP addresses in one day.
I can come at you from 4-5 different ISP’s in an hour.
I can have more identities than John McCain.
I’m east of the sun and west of the moon.
Hard on the eyes, confusing, typeface from hell, butt ugly, utt bugly, and those are the good qualities.
But aside from that, I love the new look.
Bad Horse's Filly
Just a lurker who wanted to say, really nice format changes. And it loads so fast now.
Now John, get back to work with the election snark – you’re my only hope for sanity in this mess.
Obama/Biden ’08
January 20, 2009 can NOT come soon enough
All I hear when I read this post is the smith’s song, I am human:
Either that or when I read this line:
I hear the Flobots Handlebars song:
Dred Scott? I quizzed myself on that and all I could come up with was Marbury v. Madison. Then (oh yeah!!) Bush v. Gore.
And I’ve been a political junkie since I saw Nixon at a whistle stop. When he was running against Kennedy.
Not an easy question. I’m starting to get some respect for Katie these days. “What are the pros and cons?” was brilliant.
Johnny Pez
This is how they plan to get Bible Spice out of the debate. The conversation between the campaigns will go something like this:
McCain: She wrote a book about Obama! Bias! Bias! New moderator or we walk!
Obama: Okay, fine with us. Got anybody else in mind?
McCain: Bill O’Reilly. The moderator has to be Pappa Bear or we walk!
Obama: Welllllll, okay. We can live with that.
McCain: What? No! Did we say Bill O’Reilly? We meant Dana Perino.
Obama: What, Bush’s press secretary?
McCain: Yeah, it’s Dana or nothing.
Obama: Sigh. Okay, Dana Perino.
McCain: No! Wait! We meant to say, uh, uh, uh, John McCain. Yeah! John McCain’s gotta moderate the veep debate or we walk!
Obama: Heavy sigh.
I think you should give it some time.
You just lost Russel and it will be some time before the grief-induced lethargy works it’s way through your system.
This is an Irony/Snark/Smart-ass free comment.
A first for me.
Zuzu Hussein's Petals
Well here’s the deal, bloggy.
All this was public information a full two weeks before the moderator was even agreed upon. “Public” as in published by the Associated Press.
Ifill Book Public Weeks Before McCain Agreed to Have Her Moderate VP Debate
Zuzu Hussein's Petals
Trying again. Sigh.
Well here’s the deal, bloggy.
All this was public information a full two weeks before the moderator was even agreed upon. “Public” as in published by the Associated Press.
Ifill Book Public Weeks Before McCain Agreed to Have Her Moderate VP Debate
Zuzu Hussein's Petals
Note to John:
The blockquote thingy seems to be seriously screwed up. No matter where I put the open/close tags, it only blocks the first paragraph.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Greetings from a long-time lurker Comrade John. I think you need to make this site a little more fair and balanced. I’d start by recruiting this guy:
Katie didn’t ask her to name just any SC decision; she asked her to
name any other decision that she disagreed with. She not only could
not think of the Exxon Valdez decision; she couldn’t think of any
decision besides Roe that the wingnuts hate, like Miranda, or
Griswold, or the school prayer decision. She is not only an idiot,
she’s even ignorant of the right wing orthodoxy.
comrade chopper
my wife put it best when i first told her about the most recent bit
of the palin interview: “this woman is not ‘smarter than a
fifth grader’.”