It’s on. Score the fight.
9:11 pm- This is John, hijacking Tim’s thread. I missed the opening. I was actually having a glass of wine with my friends. I missed the beginning, but it seems like this debate is not going to be about what the two vp candidates think, but what they think about the opposing candidate.
9:17 pm- John again. Palin is the mistress (that is feminine for master, right) of glittering generalities.
9:18 pm- John +2. Just uncorked Moon Mountain Sauvignon Blanc from 2006. I am already bored with the debate.
9:24 pm- John again. Every time she talks about her economic prowess in Alaska, all I can think about is the fact that what she did was shake down oil companies and then write a check to everyone. Hell, why not throw in hookers and booze? I could get an 80% approval rating doing that. You all want a check. Sure thing! Cole/Tim. F. 2012
9:26 pm- John again. Biden just nailed her on exactly what I was talking about.
9:27 pm- Her answer on the bankruptcy bill was pure incoherence. For the record, for those of you who still get your hate on for Josh Trevino, I point you to this, his post on the bankruptcy bill and why it was wrong from 2005. It was titled Breach of Faith, and it was before Red State descended into lunacy.
9:29 pm- Shorter Sarah Palin- “I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about there, so I am going to smile a lot and shift the conversation to energy. The nervous giggle means I am really in over my head.”
9:32 pm- Shorter Sarah Palin #2- ‘half the country does not know I am a witch doctor jeebus freak, so I am not going to argue about the cause of global warming. I do want to fix it, gosh darnit!”
9:34 pm- This Moon Mountain is pure swill.
9:43 pm- She can’ offer a flag, but she can accuse Biden and Obama with treason- “White flag of surrender.” Drop dead, Palin.
9:45 pm- Palin just got destroyed on Iraq. Period.
9:47 pm- Nucular. Good to see a McCain/Palin administration will continue the successful policies of Bush and outsourcing all difficult decisions to the military. Civilian control of the military is vastly overrated.
9:50 pm- Somehow or another I accidentally disabled comments. I suck. Fixed.
Palin seems to be pushing Obama’s economic platform.
You can hear the nervousness in her voice.
Comrade Darkness
It’s the battle of the populists.
Greedy lenders!(?) Who’s the republican again?
You betcha!
It is weird to hear the Republicans push for regulation.
Scott H
Palin is talking to the camera. Biden is talking to Ifill. Interesting.
Bob In Pacifica
Darn right!
the other Steve
This is awesome!
I’m ashamed I was worried.
Her "folksiness" is really grating. Nobody is that God damned folksy.
Darn right! You betcha!
Scott H
Is "darn right!" on the drink list?
How much do I have to drink if Biden says "Sarah just doesn’t understand.", and completes this bizzaro world acid trip I’m having?
Biden seems to be sticking to the ‘Obama did/said this good thing while McCain (bless his heart) was doing/saying that clueless thing." Good. Oh, and Palin’s voice gets right up my spine.
Soylent Green
She’s doing a good job so far of putting out the usual bullshit.
Biden could be knocking down some of her sillier statements but instead seems preoccupied with getting his canned material out. At some point he has to call her on her lies.
Comrade Darkness
"heat up the economy"? hello, it’s been overheated. That’s the problem.
plus C
Palin already reminds me of a dog chasing its tail. But she’s gone ten minutes without going blank, so she’s already exceeded expectations. If anyone plans on drinking anytime she says ‘betcha’, ‘doontcha’, or ‘darn right’, you might end up in the ER tonight.
null pointer exception
I think Palin will manage to spout off the McCain talking points without drooling and we will get treated to endless blather from the talking heads about ‘flawless and strong performance’
Palin just admitted that she’s not going to answer any questions.
Okay, she pretty much flat out said she would not answer any of the questions.
Sara is in top form. Her fans are ecstatic.
"Darn right. You betcha. American workers are the workiest workers. /wink/ Soccer practice. Joe Six-pack. Darn right."
Imma not gonna answer any questions that ya’ll ask, ’cause I don’t know jack shit, donchya know?
plus C
Ding ding! Moderator bashing at 14 minutes in.
Me too, JC! are we slamming this site yet?? XHTML: You can use these tags:
Palin, will you answer the fucking questions put to you?
kommrade jakevich
I just drifted past the living room. Is it me or does she look scared?
Maybe she’s reading the cue cards.
Why is talking about taxes when the topic is deregulation ?
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
HAHAHAHA! Gwen just cut her off!
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Did Palin just say she’s not going to answer the questions asked but, basically, speak to the American people about whatever she wants?
well, gosh-darn-it, I is biased and I may be mistaken, but I think she is a-doin’ poorly. Them dogs won’t hunt.
Thank you for new thread, since I had reached the Black Screen of Doom.
Comrade Peter J
If not then it should be.
Comrade Darkness
Can I vote for Ifill?
Comrade Kolkhoznik Jon H
She’s doing pretty well, and I want Biden to stop looking at Ifill.
Throwin Stones
Holy Shit!
It’s the populist McMaverick Team.
Why is she talking about taxes…
Sheesh. And I’m just +1
She DOES have notes.
Soylent Green
Sarah and Todd have been middle class all their lives. Who knew?
I only made it 18 minutes. I had to change the channel.
Politically Lost
As predicted, she’s giving the glittering generality. Her cadence is a bit strange though.
Radon Chong
She does talk fast, doesn’t she?
the other Steve
I’m at a pizza joint with fellow communists, and reading this on me phone.
I want to thank John McCain for inventing the blackberry.
Am I stoned or is she not making ANY sense?
She is fucking terrified.
Is this awesome? [y/n]
Comrade Peter J
Palin is middle class? I guess if you’re only rich if you got more than 5 million, then I guess she is…
Palin is feisty and is holding her own, but Biden knows more.
Go, Biden. I was about to be dubious on the "budget neutral" part too.
Bad audience! Don’t laugh at "Bridge to Nowhere" jokes.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
The Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere. Oh snap.
Please tell me this line of bullshit is not going to work. She’s making more sense (not her ideas, but she’s speaking in full sentences) than I thought.
Jesus, did you see that look he gave her when he said "bridge to nowhere"?
Can we do a "Dave" and have Tina Fey run for VP, just in case….
Biden: We may not be able to put through McCain’s tax cuts. I didn’t even know that they had planned to do so!
Biden isn’t able to counter her as well as he could. Cut taxes in Alaska? Easy when they get $2 from the federal govt. for every $1 they pay in taxes and you have a negative state income tax. Not really enough time to rebut.
She’s doing decently, not great. The abandonment of personal responsibility on subprime won’t go over well. I expect there will be a lot of that going on from her.
Biden hasn’t commented on her tits or talked about the time Chairman Mao came to his house for Thanksgiving. So far so good.
Is she on meth?
the other Steve
Palin family makes 250,000 a year which is pretty darn good for Alaska.
Comrade Darkness
Middle class has moved a bit since I last checked where it was.
Doesn’t the JV game usually come first?
Biden’s wide smiles are kinda creepy.
Scott H
Biden is getting better at looking towards the camera. Still, he said "bridge to nowhere" at 21 minutes in. That must be a chug-a-lug.
"Can I call you Joe?" is now calling Joe "Senator Biden…"
"Bless their hearts!"
(Yay for edit!)
CNN is doing that audience reaction thing again. But this time they’re polling men and women rather than Dems, Reps and Independents. That just seems wrong to me.
Brian J
She keeps repeating a lot of nonsense about McCain. He doesn’t say one thing to one ground and another thing to another group. Has she ever met her running mate?
"Palin is feisty and holding her own".
Huh!? She’s drooling out complete and utter bullshit. Biden has factually corrected her several times already.
But I agree, she’s nervous as hell. Don’t rule out tears, though it wouldn’t play well.
(I’m notorious for making people cry in job interviews. I don’t mean to, I guess I’m just a dick.)
She has used two lines from her convention speech already.
Bless their hearts!
OK. I am stoned AND she’s not making any sense.
Comrade Darkness
Dangerous for her to point out how badly the government has been running things "lately". Uh, babe, that’s been YOUR party that’s really run it into the dumper. Not that we were thrilled with it before… but Hun, relative to how it is now, it seemed like a screaming machine of efficiency.
Did she just say that she has made no election promises so far?
Politically Lost
Just answer the question not asked. Simple.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Oh snap! On the windfall profits tax.
The other Steveonovich
This is really bad.
Conservatively Liberal
First it was "back to taxes", now it is "back to energy". Is this supposed to make her look decisive? It just sounds like a line she was told to repeat whenever she is ‘cornered’.
Deer. Headlights.
How are the lines going?
What is this thing at the bottom of the screen on CNN? I don’t get it donchya know. The lines, they go up and they go down but what does it mean?!
Okay, djork is stones and he keeps hitting the "Submit" button.
Colonel Danite
What the hell is with her and "rearing heads"?
Soylent Green
"It’s a toxic mess on Main Street that’s affecting Wall Street."
How long have I been at this…what…five weeks?
Louise +2 and watching with the sound off.
Even allowing a candidate as clueless, as "incurious," as wrongheaded, and as arrogant as she is to participate at this level, much less to *attack* is MAKING ME LOSE MY MIND. Please tell me that Joe is calling her on some of her bullshit.
I can’t decide if I’m more horrified as an American, a woman, a Christian, or a sentient human being.
kommrade jakevich
Christ, if she doesn’t take a breath occasionally she’s going to keel over.
Oh she’s totally drooling bullshit, but in a feisty upbeat way!
And definitely not answering the questions.
Comrade Incertus
Yeah, he’s smacking her down pretty righteously.
Comrade Peter J
Palin really misses her New-Clear teleprompter.
Comrade Nicole
Nuclear. It’s nuclear. Nuuuuuu-cleeeeee-urrrrrr. It’s not that hard.
Scott H
Palin: a two-state solution for Israel with our embassy in Jerusalem.
Which embassy, Sarah? Or just one for both?
Palin just said that we would build the embassy with the Palestinians in Jerusalem. Giving up any part of Jerusalem is contrary to fundie theology.
The Moar You Know
I can’t do it, guys. I can’t watch that stupid brain-dead simpleton up there, so supremely confident in her imagined competence as she spews out garbled talking points like a high-school drunk vomits up wine coolers. She’s a fucking idiot. I’m going to go take a shower and have a drink and then go to bed. It’s a goddamned insult to me, all of you, America, Joe Biden and Gwen Ifill for Sarah Palin to even be on that stage, and she should apologize to each and every one of us, personally, for wasting all of our time and energy. And so should the fossilized old lech that is reponsible for this insult to mediocrity being up on that stage, John McCain.
Too much finger pointin’. Can’t really look back, gotta look forward.
Epic Fail.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
I just got blocked from the end of the other thread in FireFox 3 when I approached the heat death of the universe, or whatever you call that big black slab of nothingness at the end of the thread.
So is the CNN tracker showing anyone actually liking Joe? I’ve heard pretty much everyone is meh on Palin now.
Luntz’s focus group should be very interesting.
plus C
Will any politican please tell these idiots that if they want to label something as surrender, they need to define what isn’t surrender besides stalling through the election.
Kim Jongle?
Comrade Incertus
She just whiffed completely on the nuclear weapon question. That’s not what Ifill asked, you dumbass!
Bob In Pacifica
Past is prologue. And since that was the question, looking back at Bush’s policies was supposed to be the topic.
ShouldKnow Better
Wow, she sure can fill the air, can’t she.
Go Biden with ‘what’s the difference’ reply.
Dave Shepherd
oh god, this hurts. Please America: don’t give this gabbling halfwit access to the nucular launch codes. The only hope is that somehow by listening to her, Putin, Ahmedinejad et al get dumber. It’s working on me.
Soylent Green
Nukular. Nukular. Nukular.
When she started talking in the beginning, she sounded pretty good, but she’s fallen apart to some degree. Noticed a fair amount of direction-changing–will the media? Does she take a breath?
Did she just say "Kim Jung Oh?!" WTF!
Palin doing okay with the CNN focus group. Interesting to see where the men and women deserve.
I can’t tell if they like her, or just the things she is saying. Based on how the men/women diverge, the men seem to support what she proposes while the women don’t, even when Biden is suggesting something similar. I take it that men are agreeing with the statement, women are disagreeing that it’s a honest statement from her.
Interestingly, Ohio men reacted more positively to gay rights than Ohio women did. Didn’t expect that.
But Biden is crushing her on the dials. He had a solid 30 seconds of the dials being maxed out on Iraq.
Comrade Scrutinizer
She’s screwing the pooch on the nucuklar question. And now she’s starting to ramble.
Funny to watch the men/women line on CNN. Women like him, men like her.
oh really
Two points.
Biden can pronounce "nuclear." He wins.
More seriously, anyone paying close attention to what Palin says can recognize the difference between thinking (absent) and parroting.
The other day in one of the Couric interviews Palin said the following regarding climate change:
Obviously, she’s got cause and effect mixed up. Tonight she used the exact same wording — it’s memorized, not something she understands.
Joe! Joe! Talk to the camera, not to Gwen Ifill! Please.
He’s doing it now. Good boy.
Jon H
She’s working from notes HARD.
This thread opened up again, huh? the other died. Miss Sarah just proposed a new strategy for Afghanistan — The Surge. Biden shot her down with Facts, but now she’s trying to argue about it.
Comrade Scrutinizer
She’s starting to fall apart.
But the pundits are going to give her teh awesome win.
And the Iraq Afghanistan thing is going in circles now.
Comrade Kevin
I had to turn that off, I couldn’t stand hearing that woman’s voice. The Cubs and Dodgers are on, so there’s an alternative.
This thread is central to the war on terrapins.
Free this thread! Free the thread!
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Thirty minutes to go. God, please make her fall on her face in a truly epic way. Something big enough to hit all the watercoolers tomorrow would be great, because she may have passed the low bar of expectations well enough in the early part of the debate.
kommrade jakevich
I wonder if John McPOW’s ears have burst into flame yet.
Wow. Afghanistan is geographically different from Iraq. Betcha didn’t know that, didja?
Bwahahaa! Yes, we could run a counter-insurgency there that would be just as effective as the one in Iraq. Provided we put our fingers in our eyes and ignore what happened to Russia. Bwahahaahaa!
Mr. Madison,Governor Palin what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.jnfr
Black screen of death approaches. I think Biden is finally kicking ass.
Biden can obviously talk about this stuff. Palin can recite soundbites "raising the white flag of surrender." There is a difference. She should be told, by someone, that a constant smile is, well, vacuous.
Common Sense
Oh man I think she just opened the can. Stay on target Joe.
"Americans are cravin’ that straight talk." And fried chicken. They’re cravin’ fried chicken.
Scott H
Palin perks up and hits the camera when she realizes she’s on her cards.
kommrade jakevich
Biden is gutting her and wearing her like a pant suit.
She just played the "oh I’m clearly not a Washington insider" card, so you know she’s running out of talking points.
Jon H
Doh! Wasn’t ready to talk that time!
South of I-10
I am not yet finished watching the debate (DVR) and haven’t read the comments but have to ask: Are we really considering electing someone else who says nucular?
John McCain knows what evil is! Hooray!
Wow, she has absolutely nothing to offer. Amazing.
Did she say blenders in Iraq??
Someone needs to tell Palin that McClellan is the doughy press secretary, not a general in Afghanistan. I wonder if she knows who either of these guys are?
Dave Shepherd
According to Caribou, McCain knows how to win a war. Did America win in Vietnam?
She’s trying to do her trademarked high school snark and can’t pull it off. Oh John McCain knows how to win a war. Oh gag me with a spoon.
Did she say ‘blenders’?
Jon H
John McCain knows how to win a war. He’ll have us truss him up, ship him over to an Al Qaeda cave in Pakistan, and he’ll wait there a few years until things clear up and he can come home.
Worked last time!
ShouldKnow Better
McCain won Vietnam? Or does she think he served in WWII?
Test test…load at 12
Not too bad:
Queries per second avg: 40.499
POP response time .15 ms
Apache processes 252
Test test
Ifill basically just asked Biden and Palin to stab their running mates in the back. Neither is going to take him up on it.
Palin’s reading off talking points, and it’s painfully obvious. The "I guess I’m not a Washington insider" line could not have been more cringingly heavy-handed.
Twice, I heard Biden breath into his mike. Look forward to The Al Gore Sighs mantra being pinned onto Biden.
Biden is serious so he will be declared the loser.
Palin is all shallow sunshine, key word laden sales pitches, bratty taunts, and double standards all the time. So, she will be considered the winner.
I never said shut up so many times in my life.
This is much easier to watch through the comments than actually having to watch it. Just couldn’t do it. Thank you for watching for me.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
And Joe and Mika will say she knocked it out of the park.
That was bristling ignorance in the form of circular nonsense.
That has been her method since day one.
Excellent analysis….
Apparently Palin was coached to speed up her gibberish to make it less noticeable as such, but it’s still gibberish.
She’s still a windup doll refrencing rehearsed talking points without a clue as to what they might mean.
Polish the Guillotines
I though she was drawing parallels to the American Civil War. But then I remembered who’s gums were flappin’.
Polish the Guillotines
I though she was drawing parallels to the American Civil War. But then I remembered who’s gums were flappin’.
She sure repeats herself and makes the same accusations.
Jesus H. Creeping Christ on a cross — Bible Spice has already told at least twenty flat-out lies in the first half hour of this debate. I guess that’s her "stragedy"… sling bullshit with both hands and hope the media doesn’t call her on it.
Soylent Green
She held her own. She landed some big punches. She connected with the American people. She was prepared. She brought her A-game. She spoke out strongly on the need for reform. She showed up those corrupt Washington insiders. Etc.
This is the swill we will hear tomorrow.
Just got:
Database error: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
) VALUES (‘unknown’,MD5(url),NOW(),NULL ,NULL )Is this the new WordPress Error?
Dials spike down whenever she says ‘Maverick’. They also spike down when she accuses Obama of wanting to raise taxes – I don’t think voters are buying that. They like all the populist crap, but not her folksy talk.
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
"Say it ain’t so, Joe, there you go again, well doggone it, you did it again"
Dave Shepherd
doggone it, we need sum o’ that Wasilla wisdom to sort out those high falutin’ corporate types on Main Street. God, this gets worse.
"Joe there you go again" She’s trying to channel Ronnie. Good luck with that, Sarah baby. What a ramble.
Joe Biden is doing — er, I mean doin’ — just fine.
He is staying on track, and letting Palin do her schtick. She is looking like an ass to the people who are not already drinking the kool-aid.
She sounds like your neighbor’s wife. If you think your neighbor’s wife would be a good president, vote for her.
She sure repeats herself and makes the same accusations.
Doh! She just did a Reagan! “There you go again, Joe” haha.. nice.
Polish the Guillotines
Did she just give someone a “shout out”?
I’m so glad Hunter S. Thompson isn’t alive to see this; George W. Bush sent him over the edge, but this….. this is a horror.
kommrade jakevich
Well Joe there you go again gosh darn it.
One heck, or one gosh or one darn it every 15 minutes or so might be kinda cute. But sprinkling them in every sentence makes her sound either fake or like she’s been carefully drilled not to say Hell, Fuck and Damn.
Comrade Nicole
She actually said “doggone it?”
Heh heh. She just said John McCain tapped her.
That is an insult the neighbors and wives.
Scott H
I am very interested in what extra powers Palin wishes the Vice President should have in the Senate?
kommrade jakevich
Uh. oh.
Oh. Shit.
Yes … Folks, we have CHENEY IN A SKIRT!
OH! Oh, this is good.
"JOhn McCain has already tapped me….."
The jokes….they write themsleves.
Comrade Darkness
A little late but: "Households that earn between $25,000 and $75,000 represent approximately the middle half of the income distribution tables provided by the U.S. Census Bureau."
250k… well above middle class. Course, she meets mccain’s definition and that’s all that matters, right?
TPM sez that she messed up who the commander in Afghanistan is. BTW I think this thing is going to go black at 165 comments (like the other thread)
You know, I keep hearing her say "what’s best for the people" but she never explains WTF that means! I’m pretty sure she and I would disagree on what’s best for the people.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Shorter Joe:
Fuck you, Cheney.
Which is just what Obama did, to great effect, in the first debate. His words were much more "attack-ish" on paper, but during the debate he let McCain be himself (selfish, obnoxious blowhard) and look what happened.
I think the media’s going to see the same dynamic happening here. Palin being Palin (for good and bad, mostly bad). And Biden just sticking to his guns.
My bet is the pundits try and score it a draw again, or give some points to Biden and some to Palin, but the public gives Biden a solid win. Not so much because Biden did anything great, but Palin did nothing to dispel the image that she’s a shallow, vapid, vague, unprepared, unqualified candidate who has nothing but folksy shtick and talking points to go on.
That said, no one’s gonna care she said "nucular" – Bush’s gaffes sure were funny, but no one really gives a hoot.
And again, Biden’s points will look even better on paper than they did tonight.
Just Some Fuckhead
I still can’t figure out how McCain and Palin are so vigorously running against Bush and Republican policies in their debats. It’s like upside-down world.
Dave Shepherd
Biden nailed that one, I like it.
Last night Rachel had had somebody from Alaska who talked about how Sarah used a lighthearted tone to deliver deadly putdowns to her opponents in debates. I can hear her trying to do this tonight but her timing’s off and so is her targeting. Also she’s blathering too much and doesn’t know enough. Also Biden is doing very well, very serious and professional.
I just totally forgot what Alaska produces. Thank God Sarah Palin is there to remind me.
We’re a nation of exceptionalism!
Comrade Grand Panjandrum
@Comrade Nicole: Who knew she was a necrophiliac?
Oh theryago agen, Jakevitch. Stick to the straight talk willya goshdarnit!
Ifya were a van-drivin soccer mom like me you’d know what ordnery merricans are thinkin as they sit around their kitchen tables no matter how many kitchens they have.
Conservatively Liberal
Quoting Raygun? Fundie orgasm in 5, 4, 3, …
ShouldKnow Better
"Why, I have no idea what you just said Gwen. But the founding fathers were just brilliant and I like apple pie!"
Come on, Joe, focus. You didn’t win yet.
And Biden drops the tears. Didn’t expect that one…
Bob In Pacifica
I don’t like her smile. It’s getting creepy.
Comrade Peter J
So true.
She. Got. Gutted.
Shorter Palin: Nope, on the fundamentals, I’ve never learned anything new.
Ifill seems to be in a hurry. She has a date after the debate I guess.
Now, am I right in thinking that she is suggesting that as Vice President, she would have the right to take a much more activist role in the shaping the agenda of the Senate? Wow, that is something that really needs to be emphasized.
By the way, I am VERY happy that we heard more of Joe Biden’s very powerful autobiography. We’ve heard enough of her Mom crap. His story is much more touching. And she just moved on.
Her constant smiling while trashing Biden is making want to punch my TV.
oh really
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
John Maverick McMaverick is a Maverick. We’re the Maverick ticket of Mavericks mavericking our way to a more Mavericky America.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
Maverick, Maverick, Maverick.
She’s an idiot.
Well, what else to say, besides: the bitch is back.
Stuck in the Fun House
Shorter Palin
Shut up Ifill, I’m asking the questions I wanna answer, how’s that do’ya, ya illeat liberal tard ya.
Oh theryago agen, Jakevitch. Stick to the straight talk willya goshdarnit!
Ifya were a van-drivin soccer mom like me you’d know what ordnery merricans are thinkin as they sit aroun their kitchen tables no matter how many kitchens they have.
kommrade jakevich
Let the Bobble Head Wank Off Begin!
Palin = Church Lady
Biden ended on a very strong note. Palin gave the same old shallow sunny bullshit. I don’t appreciate her lecturing me with her Dave Crocket narrative.
Comrade Peter J
There will be an ad after Palin’s tax returns are released with her saying that she’s middle class.
Conservatively Liberal
The closing statements, what a contrast. Her mincing words full of nothing or Biden’s direct appeal to the people of the country.
Pundits will call it a tie though it was anything but. Biden pulled it off and he did it well.
No contest. Palin is an epic failure. I am listening to Tweety shred her to pieces now.
Now Gregory is trying to redirect, what a turd.
Biden finished very strongly I thought.
Soylent Green
I’m just sorry we didn’t get to hear What Biden Ought to Say (Rude Version).
A la lanterne les aristos
Um, BJ when crazy and killed my browser with infinite tabs and now everything looks all 2.0 again.
Well ok, 2.5.
Will Hunting
Does anyone have a link to the debate replay?
kommrade jakevich
TZ, that is so fucking accurate I now hate you.
Seriously, I’d think the voices of McPalintine would be enough to drive voters away. McPOW sounds like Dubya with less twang, Palin sounds like a well-mannered bandsaw and that’s when they aren’t being particularly emotional.
she is like some sex robot spewing folksy talking points
Jon H
The young Biden girl wins the leg primary.
Well, for all your information Pat Buchanan thinks Palin wiped the floor with Biden. In fact, I think he’s in love.
But more importantly, all the html buttons are suddenly back. I still don’t know what most of them are, but at least I can embed links again.
Bob In Pacifica
Pat Buchanan says Palin wiped the floor with Biden. I predicted Buchanan would do something like this. Here:
Dead Horse
To paraphrase Molly Ivins, Buchanan’s review of this debate was better in the original German.
But expect more of this.
She did better than most people expected, but she still got massacred.
hey, the buttons are back.
Biden grinned, but that’s better than muttering "HORSESHIT. HORSESHIT."
Palin grinned, as in: yeah, I know it’s HORSESHIT. heh
Stuck in the Fun House
I had to quit watching at 8;07 CST. The sound of her voice was making me want to gouge out my ear drums.
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
Is the site back? I was going to post some enlightening, intelligent, yet delightfully entertaining comment about Joe proudly taking credit for politicizing the Supreme Court, but it’s lost now.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
Well, the pundits and bobbleheads are talking "draw", but anyone with half a brain saw the reality: a man who is imminently qualified to be VP (and god forbid, president) and and empty-headed talking points machine.
If Palin gets some sort of substantial bounce out of this, then God help us, we’re far gone down the rabbit hole.
Chris Johnson
I wish I still had my Frank Zappa ‘Tinseltown Rebellion’ album.
I’d like to hear Frank singing "YOU CAN’T EVEN SPEAK YOUR OWN FUCKING LANGUAGE…"
Sorry, bit of a high load as everyone weighed in on the aftermath.
She uses the word "also" entirely too much.
What the hell was she rambling about on the VP question? She wants MORE power?!! WTF?!
You know, Tweety actually has an interesting point. He keeps asking people about Miss Sarah’s desire to expand the powers of the Veep’s office. Of course, she could have only been blathering; it’s not necessarily a Cheney move, but who knows.
Hey, someone behind Andrea Mitchell has a sign that says "Tina Fey ’08"
Like my son said, it is as if she was given a pamphlet titled
"How to be Vice-President" and did her best to memorize the three pages.
At least the media is noticing she did not answer any questions and focused on her talking points.
This will appeal to the base.
Annette, thanks for bringing the button back.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
My wife and I were guzzling red wine at every "Maverick"; tomorrow is gonna suck.
kommrade jakevich
What debate did Buchanan watch?
Monty that’s why you gotta have a glass of water before, during, and after. Just sayin’…
Comrade Scrutinizer
Ewww. Joe’s Garage, anyone?
Jon H
" Of course, she could have only been blathering; it’s not necessarily a Cheney move, but who knows."
She’s surrounded by mini-Cheneys. Of course they want her to have expanded powers, and through her, they will have the powers.
Comrade Nixon Hailfire Palin
Parting shot from Tom Brokaw: "The Democrats are glad there’s only on vice-presidential debate."
Comrade Scrutinizer
ARGH! The Black Screen of Censorship is creeping up my scre
Scott H
The CNN bobble-heads have apparently missed the Veep power thing – of course, they are obsessed with the superficials.
Fifty more bucks for Obama.
The Palin is speaking!!
I don’t know if anyone has pointed this out yet, but when Palin pulled the "white flag" nonsense, given Biden’s son is going to Iraq this month, even she knew it was wrong. You could tell she knew it was wrong. Either that or she had a difficult time saying something like that to someone whose son is in the same place as hers. It was heartless — in both ways — that she went ahead and said it, despite what she knew, and that it was a line she was given to say.
If you have to sink that low, well it’s party above country.
Good. We’re on to Countdown. KO and Fineman are dissecting her.
And Rachel is expanding on her VP power grab proposal. KO says has Biden winning.
Scott H
Who won the debate? CNN poll of people watching the debate Biden 51% Palin 36%.
Pretty boring for the most part, but the Cheney segment was fascinating. Palin didn’t do herself any favors there, and Biden managed to shred both her and Cheney in his response. Was fun to see the CNN tickers max out during that.
The other interesting moments were when Biden choked up a little talking about his son – it seemed so real and human after an hour of Palin’s chirpy plastic bullshit – and when he lit into the "maverick" nonsense. I wanted to stand up and cheer.
The Moosey McMilf fanclub will rave over her performance since she didn’t vaporlock, but with no major gaffes, this will be mostly forgotten in a couple of days.
My God, it’s full of stars!
Actually, I think Molly borrowed that line from Al Franken, who coined it on Comedy Central while covering Buchanan’s speech at the ’92 Republican convention – if memory serves correctly.
Comrade Darkness
Funny story that… see, they told her what the job was, and lordy knows she didn’t know before, and she said, What? I am no how no way playing a second fiddle, I’m in charges of stuff now, and they said, well, but see, you could make it a better job with more power and stuff, later, like the Chenster. Just don’t mention that until after the election.
Personally I thought the most powerful statement of the entire debate was when Biden was asked if "god forbid" he had to take over as president he said, with complete and utter conviction
"God forbid it would happen, it would be a national tragedy of historic proportions"
I agree.
Please excuse if this has been discussed before… Did anyone else watching CNN notice that Palin’s scores started going up before the first question was even asked?
Juan del Llano
Moar @87 sez:
Jesus yes, of course. DUMB AS A POST, which sentient beings were already expected to know. McCain should be blubbering and groveling on his hands and knees, begging for forgiveness — after he dumps her, which he won’t. It’s an old lech thing with him.
Geez, this is really out of control.
Notorious P.A.T.
If it happened after next January, that is.
Notorious P.A.T.
Buchanan’s even starting to look like Hitler.