Go Steelers!
*** Update ***
The Jags have just owned us the past few years. Tonight looks like it is going to be no different.
9:12 pm- 14-10, Jags. Why does the stock photo of Reed have his eyes closed?
10:56 pm- That call against Harrison was total bullshit.
11:31 pm- Not a conventional Steelers win, but I will take it.
Need Hines Ward to go nuts, and MJD to have an average game. Hope Freddy T. takes all the carries.
My 7 fantasy teams own me on Sunday.
Thanks, Ben!
Danny Willis
Perfect throw for an interception. Good going Ben.
Goddamn Iggles. What the hell was that? GRRRRRRRRR.
I’m going to bench Worthlessberger next week. This guy is abyssmal.
Is this "open" as in, I don’t have to talk about the Steelers? That open? Because if so:
good nasty fun.
Josh E.
O-Line is actually getting some push and holding their blocks.
Punchy, Ben is not a starting fantasy QB. If things are going well for the Steelers he throws 20 times.
The Jags seem to be having a hard time tackling.
Anyway, go Jags.
Comrade Incertus
No game for me until tomorrow night–Go Saints!
But since it’s an open thread and all, Maher’s movie tripled the per screen average of "An American Carol, proving once again that conservatives just don’t do funny very well.
Did Ward think he was playing futbol instead of football? That dive wasn’t very good.
Looks at TV. Sees Benny engineer a drive and chuck a TD. Thinks Josh is smoking crack.
Ben is Jeckyl and Hyde. I need him to me more of….uh….whomevah was the gooder one.
Josh E.
Looks at last week. Looks at the week before that. Rests case.
John Cole
He is looking like a fantasy QB tonight. Figures, because I started the Jags D.
Bears are tops in the NFC North baby! Whoo hoo!
My wife, no real fan of football, just asked me the same thing. She thought he was trying to be ‘cute’. Told her punters can’t get away with that kind of shit. Kick the ball, sit at the end of the bench and all that.
Unrelated but self-promoting sort of comment, I went to middle school and some college with Hines Ward. Nice guy. He is missing an ACL in his left knee….go figure.
Paul in Boca
Be afraid, be very afraid. The lowly Dolphins have beaten, in consecutive games, the AFC teams who played in the AFC Championship game last year.
He was afraid the camera would steal his mojo?
Josh E.
I also started the Jags D. I hate when fantasy causes a conflict of interest.
Josh E.
Probably drunk. The guy likes to party. As long as he keeps nailing clutch kicks he can get as drunk as he wants.
After seeing what my beloved Cubs just did, I am forcing myself to ignore my Bears and Blackhawks. If in January and….jesus….June?…respectively, they’re in the playoffs, then I may get excited.
lost in GA
Roza Hussein
So far so good, would be nice to get a win here.
go Stillers
Funny comment on Jeff Reed pics linked above:
Did anyone see the George Brett story/vid?
Comrade Jake
What is there to be afraid of? Parity?
So the site’s doing this awesome thing where it loads completely for about a second, then if I don’t hit the stop button immediately the entire page goes to white until I reload it.
IE and Opera, latest versions on both, WinXP. Any ideas?
Comrade Jake
Firefox, Mac, latest versions of each.
Sorry, I was busy watching Dexter, how goes the Stillers descent into ignominy?
Paul in Boca
No, afraid of the laughing stock of the NFL over the last few years.
Bob In Pacifica
Today they retired Steve Young’s jersey at the Niners game. I’m hoping that maybe next week they retire Mike Nolan’s suit and tie. And him.
I still blame DeBartolo for the mess he left that team.
Josh E.
Great call Jack.
Can anyone PLEASE explain why the Jags go for 4th n 7 when they could have drawn within a FG by kicking a FG in that situation?
Seriously, is he trying to throw the game? How could his actions be interpreted otherwise?
Andy K
He is in my league. At least tonight. And when completion % is one of the factors in scoring in your league, Ben looked mighty appealing to me when I drafted.
But I would have played Favre if he didn’t have the week off.
Josh E.
Great job DeShea
Andy K
Cole, what would it take for the ‘Eers to take Rodriguez back?
I’ve never been so depressed watching the Wolverines. Ever.
ComradeJ. Michael Neal
It looks like the pick-me-up for the markets is going to be short lived. Germany just panicked into guaranteeing all deposits, and it looks like the whole country of Iceland is about to go bankrupt. Asia’s down 3%, and the Dow futures down about 170. Tomorrow could be ugly.
A Different Matt
did you happen to see the colts/texans game? I thought the same thing about Sage rosenfield – he had to be trying to throw the game. 3 turnovers on his last 3 drives. hmmm…
speaking of game throwers, I’m convinced to this day Brian Griese (from his days as a denver qb) has a serious gambling problem.
Bob in Pacifica,
The 49ers have consistently sucked under 49er management. Nolan’s just an easy scapegoat. No coach can succeed under incompetent management.
berger is getting pwned.
A Different Matt
this new comment format’s pretty cool.
Josh E.
Bad call
Josh E.
Andy K.,
C’mon, there’s a way to go before we’re in 2005 territory.
Completely OT, but whoever brought up "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta" a few threads back has brought some musical goodness into my Sunday.
Just launched by the Obama campaign:
Keating Economics
Part of a new tactic to remind voters of McCain’s rather unscrupulous history on economic issues.
Dennis - SGMM
QED Raiders. Al Davis’ histrionic firing of Lane Kiffin was almost as hilarious as Steinbrenner forcing Joe Torre to leave the Yankees. Sometimes the owners are the last to know that the game has changed. See: McCain/Palin.
That was me. I plan on playing it on loop when Obama wins, and at a volume likely to disturb most of Northern Jersey.
The Moar You Know
Bill Walsh himself couldn’t save this situation. The ownership has a stated goal of not putting one dime into the team that they don’t absolutely have to, while also following through on their stated goal of extracting as much cash from the franchise as possible.
You should; if not for his gambling/political shenanigans, he’d still be the owner. He turned it over to people whose motto seems to be "milk it for all its worth". Truly a sad ending to a great franchise.
That was a nice pass.
The Moar You Know
Iceland is in the hole for about six times their annual GDP. Turns out they were the lender of choice for a lot of construction projects in Europe, so there will certainly be a ripple effect when their cash flow dries up, which seems pretty inevitable at this point. If they default all bets are off.
John Cole
He is walking and holding his arm like I did every time I dislocated my shoulder.
It didn’t look like he went down hard enough for that.
Oh, and a touchdown. Sweet.
Andy K
Josh E.
Rothliesberger? Last year he had a great season. High completion %, low INT’s (my league subtracts for picks and incompletions), and around 30 td passes. My stupid ass just forgot to look at the strength of schedule this year. And to factor in the O-line.
But Ben’s got me about 30 pts tonight, and I’ve got Ward going too (17 or 18 points)…not so shabby.
Dennis - SGMM
Speaking as someone who flew barriers out of an NAS in Rekjavik back in the Sixties, I can assure you that it couldn’t happen to a nicer place.
Sorry, jargon got the better of me.
barriers: patrols along the coast of the then USSR. This included sudden turns inland to see if we’d be lit up by surface to air missile sites.
NAS: Naval Air Station
Notorious P.A.T.
Congrats John.
And did you see the university of michigan lost too?
can i just say i hate these sports posts?
i don’t give a shit about sports, never did. i come to Balloon Juice for funny cat pictures and posts calling McCain an asshole.
please don’t dilute the beauty that is Balloon Juice.
I love that the Houston Texans have channeled the leftover unfathomable chokejob karma of the Oilers, blowing a 17-point lead against the Colts with 5 MINUTES TO GO.
Rob: Eat a Sam’s Club Economy-Sized Bowl of Dicks™.
Bob In Pacifica
Enjoy it, John. Was a great game to watch.
Congrats on the win. The Steelers deserved this one. Too bad for my Jags, 2-3.
Paul in Boca
OT, but important: http://www.keatingeconomics.com/
BO has finally taken the gloves off.
Paul in Boca
dude, it’s easy. skip over these posts.
Other than that horrible pass early that got picked off, Ben looked pretty damn good. I don’t think I’ve seen that many unsportsmanlike penalties in one game in a long time, and at least some of them were a tad dubious. Ah well, all’s well that ends well.
John Cole
@Ron: It was not a horrible pass. The receiver fell.
Common Sense
Normally I’m a fan of the sports posts. Being a Texans fan, I’ve got to agree that the sports posts need to go. At least until 2012 when they may have a team together.
OK, OT but I can’t resist. Game’s over anyway.
Sixty Minutes does an entire story tonight on Credit Default Swaps.
Here’s the video.
Andy K
Optimist, huh?
Off topic:
2nd try…
I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict that if Cole gets off his ass and does some canvassing, Obama will win WV. Mountaineers will respond to their neighbors better than most states, and most polls have Obama behind by single digits. A solid ground game advantage is good for 5 points.
Conservatively Liberal
The world markets are bathing in red ink this morning. Hang Seng down just over 7% at this moment.
The bailout is not going to do it, and neither is the expected rate cut (100 bp).
One thing in this life that pisses me off almost as much as neocon fundie BS is the fact that the Steelers get no respect. As mentioned last night by Al Michaels, the Steelers have the toughest schedule of any NFL team in the last 25 years! Furthermore they are sustaining injuries that, added up, are more potentially damaging than the loss of Tom Brady to the Patriots. On top of that, they are dealing with weaknesses never fully resolved from last year, most notably the offensive line (which I believe sometimes gets blame it doesn’t deserve because Big Ben often holds on to the ball a long time).
Despite all this the Steelers have battled and fought and scraped their way to a 4 and 1 record. But all we hear about week after week on all the sports hows are Patriots this, Bret Favre that. Chargers this, Cowboys that.
I’m sick of it! I want more recognition! I want more respect!
Am I being petty? I don’t care. GO STEELERS! GO OBAMA!