I am glad higher profile bloggers are beginning to recognize what I have been saying for days. John McCain is a coward:
He ever swaggered on for a couple days about how he was going to ‘take the gloves off’ when he met up with Obama in Nashville. But when the two of them were there in each others physical presence … nothing. By a myriad of gestures and reactions Obama owned him.
Nor is it a matter of shifting off the tactics, because as soon as McCain made his hasty retreat from the stage at Debate #2 he was right back at it. In every other aspect of life, high and low, refined and unlovely, we have a word for that kind of behavior: cowardice.
And now Obama can lightly taunt McCain with that very cowardice, his inability to just say it to his face. And if my take on the inner workings of McCain’s mind at the moment is right that should simply unhinge him even more.
John McCain is not man enough to own his shit. John McCain will not openly confront Obama with his smears and lies and innuendo. John McCain will not come out and talk about Ayers, he has to be asked. That is why he goes to places like Fox News, so he can be asked. What a coincidence.
John McCain is a coward.
John McCain would rather hide behind his wife and Sarah Palin than say it himself.
He would rather produce 2 minute ads that his campaign will never pay to air anywhere, and hope that the tire-swinging media will bring up the topic so he doesn’t have to do it himself.
John McCain just wants to throw shit out there, and “raise questions” about Obama, and hope his supporters connect the dots, because he is too much of a coward to directly push this toxic stew. He would rather hide behind right-wing bloggers, surrogates, and scummy websites staffed with wingnut welfare recipients like the NRO and the Weekly Standard.
John McCain had 90 minutes to bring this stuff up to Obama, to his face, and passed.
John McCain is a coward.
*** Update ***
Joe Biden is right:
“All of the things they said about Barack Obama in the TV, on the TV, at their rallies, and now on Youtube and everything else,” Biden said — referring to McCain and Palin tying Obama to Weatherman bomber Bill Ayers and accusing him of “palling around with terrorists.”
“John McCain could not bring himself to look Barack Obama in the eye and say the same things to him,” he said to cheers. “In my neighborhood, you got something to say to a guy, you look him in the eye and you say it to him.“
*** Update #2 ***
And the nonsense starts. No one is debating that John McCain at one time exhibited great bravery in Vienam that I don’t think I would have possessed. How that changes what he has done the past few weeks, inciting his supporters to call Obama a terrorist while refusing to engage Obama directly on the matter, hiding behind surrogates and their sleazy innuendo, not mentioning the subject even though the gloves are “off” yet hoping upon hope that someone will ask him about it, is beyond me. It was one thing with Kerry- what McCain is doing now is dangerous, and he won’t even own it. Take that 2 minute commercial you released on the web, and pay for a national airing. If you want it out there, have it out there with your name on it and with your money backing it. Say something at the next debate. Own it. McCain is acting like a coward, and what he and his campaign are doing is a disgrace. Period.
And you can take extra special pleasure in the fact that Mr. Pent Up Jammies is chucking out the phrase keyboard commando.
More McCain handiwork.
Brian J
He’s also a pansy, leaving his dirty work to Sarah Palin, a girl. Why does Sarah Palin have a bigger set of cajones than John McCain?
That is a GREAT point. I’m thinking Obama is hoping to provoke the McCain temper explosion we’ve all been waiting for.
If there’s one thing a thin-skinned hot-headed coward hates, it’s being called a coward.
Damn. I like this Obama fellow. He might go places, you should keep an eye on him.
And, after watching Brave New Films today, I learned he is the lowest of the low: a man who raises his hands to women. According to Eleanor Apodaca, he "backhanded" Jeannette Jenkins during the POW/MIA proceedings. What kind of man hits a woman?? And, what was his provocation? She tried to speak to him.
A coward. A worm. John McCain.
Yeah, but when McPOW finally confronts Obama next week, will he accuse him of stealing the strawberries? That’s the real question.
Is he actually sliding into dementia or is his current display just symptomatic of the fact that his carefully constructed decades-long patriot game has finally come undone? Hard to say and it might not matter. He is doing his best to take the whole country down with him. Um . . . country first, I guess.
Prematurely Grey
My brother-in-law the filmmaker, a Howard Stern Democrat, is experiencing a political epiphany this fall. He’s kind of new to this, so he doesn’t know when something’s old. He’ll just shoot it off.
Yesterday, he sent the "account" of My Vacation in Hell with John McCain. (I think I first saw this in early August.) And when my husband pointed out that their crazy cousin in Nevada had already sent this around, John came back with this:
and then he added, "directed by oliver stone."
The Golux
More than a coward, McCain is a terrorist, shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater. If some nutjob responds the the McCain campaign’s call, there will be blood on the coward’s hands.
jake 4 that 1
But John, Obama is a big scary brown terrorist dude! You can’t expect McPOW to annoy him!
It is very mavericky to be a coward.
After McPalin’s rhetoric for the last few days, I’m just waiting for him to declare that now he’ll follow Barack Obama to the gates of hell (as long as those aren’t in Pakistan).
Obama is setting him up beautifully. The drama leading into the next debate will be whether McCain has the balls to say it to Obama’s face. You know Obama has a killer comeback. Either McCain pusses out when they whole nation is in tune or he gets bitch slapped to death by Obama’s reply. Heads I win, tails you lose.
D. Mason
I’ve not seen this discussed but I think one of the things that boosts Obama in the state to state polls is the frothing at the McCain rallies. When independents go to a rally, to learn about the candidates, they see the kind of hate spewing fucks they’re standing beside- it must be a major turn off. I sure wish McCain would whip out some of that same turrets inducing rhetoric on national TV. But you’re right, he’s just a chicken shit.
Coward? Really? I mean, I read all that stuff on rolling stone about his fake maverick crap, but it still seems to me like he has no fucking problem getting in people’s faces for no good reason. See: all that shit about his temper tantrums.
He’s just playing the optics, same as Obama. He’s also probably trying to avoid getting carried away on national TV lest we all see what an unstable old coot who he really is. Anyone with sense will know that and this "he’s a coward" line of attack is silly.
I also find the stories about McCain’s outbursts of rage revealing, especially where he’s unexpectadly unexpectadly touched by people he doen’t know. The bit in the second link (video) about him backhanding a lady into a wall is really scary. Leftovers from his POW experiences?
I like that Biden’s jumping in: "In my neighborhood, when you’ve got something to say to a guy, you look him in the eye and you say it to him." Yes, sir.
You are absolutely right, Mr. Cole. John McCain is truly a coward. It’s becoming clear that he’s the kid who would always talk about kicking other kids’ asses back in school behind their backs, then when the other kid hears it, he’s the one stammering, "Oh, no, I didn’t mean…it was a joke…don’t hurt me!"
I don’t see this as cynical, per se. John McCain did perform admirably in war, and that did take some character. But afterward it went to his head and he constructed this whole honor/patriotism/manliness complex in his head, and years of being praised to high heavens by the MSM merely solidified it. Ultimately, though, all this virtue was untested virtue, which is to say that it wasn’t virtue at all but merely rhetoric. He didn’t live up to the hype he built for himself, and that he presumably believes. At the end of this day, the biggest change in McCain this election cycle is that his entire self-conceit has been destroyed, and he knows it. Hence the intense bitterness at Barack Obama, who was merely the messenger.
Brave Sir Maverick ran away
No, he goes to FOX News cause its the only organization that’s still in the GOoPer knob polishing business. And because its become the last refuge of scoundrels who aren’t allowed on any other network for fear of a massive ratings hit from anyone who’s not eyeballs deep in the kool-aid.
I’m crossing my fingers, but I think Murdoch may have overplayed his hand on the whole "right wing news" angle. The fact that the Bush Admin has been criminally deceitful and gotten caught in the act dozens of times in the last eight years hasn’t helped. But FOX generally just isn’t taken seriously anymore. I rarely, if ever, hear even the wingnuts quote from the new org any more, just because its so damn obvious that the network is designed entirely to preach to the choir.
John McCain and Sarah Palin are Goa’uld
Prematurely Grey
(Was hoping to give you all a peek at the poster for The Very Bad Lieutenant–The John McCain Story. Alas, I seem not to be able to post the image.)
He’s not afraid of saying Ayers to Obama. He’s afraid of Obama saying "Keating" to him in front of 65 million viewers (45 million of whom will say "who?" and then run to wikipedia or the Google)
Lola, L O L A, Lola…
ok, then, he’s a fraud.
Hey John, what’s up in WV?
Is ARG totally nuts, or is your state getting bluer by the day?
no, he’s afraid of looking like an aggressive dickhead personally attacking the other candidate in a "warm" town hall setting. If McCain thought flinging Ayers in Obama’s face at the debate like that would win him the election he would do it. Do you really doubt it?
Bombing people from an airplane is not exactly the same thing as getting down in the mud with a rifle.
Really? You really think the whole nation – or even a large sampling – are going to be tuning in to this last debate?
Maybe. I guess. I know the ratings on the last debate were pretty damn high all things considered. But damn – if you’ve watched the first two debates why would you need to subject yourself to a third?
I’ve done my civic duty – I watched the first debate and the VP debate. If anything good comes out of the third debate, I’ll just catch it on YouTube. I imagine it’ll be up there within 5 seconds of the broadcast. But the debates have moved far away from "informative" for me and are now sitting in that uncomfortable area where the first few weeks of "American Idol" sit – like the only purpose is to see who’s going to fuck up and how badly they’re going to do it…
John Cole
What part of the word “afraid” that you used is different from coward.
If John McCain thinks all these things about Obama, he should say them, and say them to his face, and deal with the fact that there may be fallout.
Instead, he lets Palin and surrogates push these smears, hoping to whisper in the ears of the electorate like a geriatric Grima Wormtongue.
Juan del Llano
Who the hell says?!
He didn’t lift a finger to help when over 100 members of the crew on his carrier died in fire & explosions from an accident he was involved in. He disobeyed orders, basically,on a bombing mission and got shot down. He told his North Vietnamese captors he was the son of an admiral and they’d better be nice to him. On and on and on…
The truth about his "service" to the country is out there, but for some reason nobody is willing to talk about it except a wruter for Rolling Stone .
Excuse me, but, pray tell what has John McCain done lately to suggest he’s trying to WIN this election? Everything he seems to be doing suggests he’s trying to lose.
comrade scott
McCain’s new campaign symbol:
The Grand Panjandrum
McCain reminds me of the guy who was left at the dog track with a note from his family pinned to his sweater. They just couldn’t deal with him anymore. Of course, the old man in the story was a sympathetic character and I find very little to be sympathetic with McCain that didn’t happen more than 35 years ago.
Mr Furious
That’s only when he’s in the position of power. He’s actually a bully. He has no problem getting in someone’s face: a.) when there are no cameras around; or b.) when he has clear authority (in a hearing, etc.). BUT, in both cases, he has to feel confident about his stature.
Obama has shattered that.
McCain is clearly uncomfortable onstage with Obama, because Obama is not intimidated by him. So, McCain has no idea what to do.
But a bully really is just a coward when you strip away the power…
What did he do besides crash a few planes?
comrade scott
McCain’s "character" has been on display in the US Senate for 20+ years now. There’s a very good reason why he’s disliked by most of that body.
It only took the traditional media goobers the same amount of time to actually see him for what he is.
I used to say that he was one strangled reporter away from tanking the entire campaign. You’re right, he’s much to much of a wanker for that: he’d have Caribou Barbie do it for him.
I think the same thing. I think McCain and his camp and Obama and his camp know that McCain hitting Obama personally, in a debate, on those connections is a loser. That’s exactly why Obama and Biden are trying to goad him into doing it, not just through ads, but in person, in the next debate. McCain’s stuck…he can do it and lose people with his negativity, or he can not do it and come off looking like a hypocrite and a coward. I wish he would, because I’d like to see the look on the right-wingers faces when the polls drift up for Obama even after McCain does and they finally realize they’ve got nothing left and the election is lost.
I don’t even think McCain is really in charge of his campaign anymore. The Republican Beast has taken it over.
But McCain gave it that chance when he hired a Rove acolyte to run it, and he has sat by while it has consumed his campaign. If anything, it serves as even more evidence he shouldn’t be President – just like Bush, he is open to getting duped by these people.
This is the truth that nobody dares to speak for fear of being flamed for hating the troops.
Why do quite a few people choose the Air Force or Navy over the Army if they choose to serve?
I would never call McCain a coward for bombing Vietnamese from an airplane; they did shoot back at him, after all.
But being in actual ground combat is a whole different level of bravery than bombing people from an airplane.
ZOMG!1! He was a mavericky POW! Haven’t you heard?!
oh really
Actually, I don’t know that. Killer comebacks haven’t been Obama’s style so far, so I’m not sure why I should assume he’s got a "killer comeback" for this.
I’m not being critical of Obama. I think he’s done a remarkable job of remaining calm and presenting himself as a thoughtful and responsible alternative to McCain’s crazy old coot act.
I’m also not sure what a "killer comeback" would sound like. Simply bringing up Charles Keating doesn’t sound much like one. I’ve read a fair amount about the Ayers "connection" and it sounds ridiculous to me, but the way McCain/Palin and the MSM work it’s pretty easy to make it sound "serious" to idiots. Let’s face it, "terrorist" carries a lot more weight than "corrupt Senator" does. Remember, rational thought processes will not be involved in processing the competing claims. McCain can always deflect the Keating charges by saying he was "cleared."
I’m curious what you think a "killer comeback" might be.
I believe that’s now John McCoward to you, Cole.
He was not duped. He named his price and sold his soul.
You know what they say:
John and Josh are playing the part – the point right now is to goad McCain into losing his temper. Is he a coward? Who knows and who cares? He is doing stuff that can be construed as being cowardly and that’s enough.
The truth.
Dennis - SGMM
Not to split hairs but, while serving in the Navy I carried an M-60A1 for a year in the Delta. The Navy also supplies the corpsmen (medics) to USMC combat units. If there’s one thing that would scare me worse than than going into battle with a gun it would be going into battle with only medical kit.
That would explain why he chose to remain a prisoner in Vietnam – he was worried his daddy would give him a far worse ass-whipping than the Vietnamese could. "Son, you crashed 4 planes after I worked the ropes to get you into Annapolis, and then you pull this shit?!"
What is this your first election? Oh no wait, I can see from the archives that you were saying equally stupid things this time 4 years ago.
John McCain thinks one thing. It’s "I want to be preznit", he’s doing merely what he thinks best serves that without regard to any sense of decency. I’ve yet to see a single campaign not operate in this way.
I’ve also seen plenty of first hand accounts that indicate that John McCain is not a coward. An ambitious, deceptive, rage-prone idiot that fucks up a lot, but definitely not a coward.
Don’t go pushing these bullshit memes when rational people have seen the same and wont’ buy it. Stick with sleazy, deceptive politician angle, that’s what he is and that’s what this behavior represents.
The Grand Panjandrum
@Scrutinizer: I’m pretty sure you don’t want to get into this debate. As someone who’s been shot at I’m pretty sure a SAM trail coming up at you is just as scary as an AK-47 round crackling past your head. Either one raises the pucker factor several orders of magnitude.
There was an excellent Rolling Stone article (I think it was RS…) which went into great detail about McCain’s military career.
Very long story short: I am no longer all that impressed by McCain’s military record, other than that he managed to survive some pretty brutal POW treatment.
He was George W. Bush without the record of being a military deserter and without the abysmal record of repeated failures in the private sector (only because McCain has never been in the private sector except for a brief stint as a "PR rep" for Cindy’s beer distributorship).
Same daddy complex.
Same history of screwing off, screwing up, and pulling strings to get ahead.
Same sense of entitlement.
"Bush’s third term" isn’t just campaign rhetoric; it’s a truth which is more true than most people realize.
The only coward is Nobama, who has never credibly explained his criminal Rezko connections, his buddy-buddy relationship to the unrepentant terrorist Ayers, or his underwriting voter fraud via ACORN ($800,000 directly paid from Nobama’s campaign to their so-called GOTV efforts).
If John McCain had this kind of personal and political baggage, the Country Last grenade chuckers here on Balloon Juice would be howling with indignant fury. But since Democrats want to win the White House at any and all costs, honor and truth be damned, Nobama gets a complete and undeserved pass.
Country First.
my bad Dennis, apologies. Some in the Navy do engage in actual combat. My point was, there are more than a few these days who – for whatever reason – decide to enlist and choose Navy or Air Force, hoping to be working on a ship or on/in an airplane rather than spending their enlistment in a muddy ditch shooting at/getting shot at/bombed by Middle Eastern folk.
John Cole
Stuck in the Funhouse
Asked about this apparent retreat at a noon presser, Mccain could be seen turning beat red with puffs of dark smoke emanating from his ear parts.
Mccain then said,"my fuckwit friends;"
With that Mccain sauntered off and could be heard muttering angrily, "Where’s my Enfamil goddamnit!"
John Cole
I don’t think coward and sleazy politician are mutually exclusive. I think McCain is both.
I’m sure some in the mainstream media will run the ad (I refuse to watch it), they are, after all, good for absolutely nothing. But if the point is to get the press to put your whole message out for you…about the stupidest thing you could do is run a two minute ad. That’s a lot of time. Sure, Fox News will play the whole thing, but CNN and MSNBC will maybe show a part of it, and then point out that Obama and Ayers aren’t actually "pals" or anything close to that. (I have actually seen the press point out its a tenuous connection…I’d rather they not talk about it at all, but they’ve got 24 hours to fill and none of them are especially affected by the economy).
It seems if you want the press to shovel your shit, you need to make the shit small and compact enough that it won’t take them too long to do it.
Stevenovitch, I don’t think your vitriol towards our host was called for.
ronathan richardson
I’m loving Biden’s attitude of "If you tried to pull that shit on my block me and my boys would fuck you up" towards McCain–it may be phony, but I like it.
Josh Huaco
@49: Sigh, okay…here we go:
1. Rezko: Yeah, it doesn’t look good, but it pales in comparison to Keating. Also, if that’s the worst they can hang on a guy who’s been in Chicago politics his entire career, that’s pretty weak sauce.
2. Ayers: Like I posted in an earlier thread, wingnuts have no problem voting for a guy (W) whose grandfather STILL HAD MONEY INVESTED IN THE FUCKING NAZI WAR MACHINE DURING WWII.
3. Acorn: The GOP has for years used tactics to wrongfully strike likely-Democratic voters from the rolls (ie Voter ID laws, ballot challenges, striking felons off the rolls who had the right to vote, etc.). Again, weak sauce.
You better get off the computer now…Mom’s coming down the stairs and she’ll stroke if she sees what you’ve done with her soiled panties.
Dennis - SGMM
No apologies necessary. Duriing Vietnam, guys were fighting to get into the Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard (Waiting lists were over a year long) so as not to wind up cannon fodder in the Bungle in the Jungle. I just happened to get stationed in a Hell Hole in South Texas and my only way out was to volunteer to get shot at.
Stuck in the Funhouse
Get your talking points straight pea brain. The problem ACORN is and has had are false voter registration forms from some of their workers from being paid by the registration. They have been working with authorities all around, keeping them informed and firing suspected culprits. It is NOT voter fraud. There are few accounts, if any, that people have actually voted with these false registrations. Many are marked with well known vote frauders though, like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck etc…. They are being hunted down as we speak.
John Cole
@r€nato: Stevenovitch and I are both big boys, and I wasn’t offended. fact of the matter is I was saying stupid things four years ago.
I don’t think I am now, but Stevenovitch is free to disagree. I actually think we agree more than he realizes, because as I said a moment ago, I think McCain is both a sleazy pol and a coward.
Comrade Peter J
If McCain doesn’t bring Ayers up at the last debate, then Obama should bring it up and ask McCain why he’s running all these sleazy ads about it and not saying a word about it when he’s in the same room as Obama.
Shouldn’t use the word coward though.
Comrade Face
Obama is trying to push McCain over the edge, temper-wise. He’s goading him into a fit of rage, and from the stories peeps tell about how incapable McCain is in accepting criticism and/or blame, this blantant diss of his machismo should push him into pure fury.
Soylent Green
I’m shocked — shocked, I tell you! — by Senator McCain’s campaign antics.
Why, I might just up and vote for that Ay-rab fellow.
"The board Senator McCain is referring to was one run by a gentleman named Walter Annenberg. Among other things, Mr Annenberg worked in the US government for Presidents Nixon and Reagan. He was a wealthy and well-respected man, and hosted events which were attended by the likes of the Prince of Wales, the Reagans and Frank Sinatra. He personally introduced Ronald Reagan to Margaret Thatcher, in fact. The board I was on, with Mr Ayers, managed a very large donation the Annenbergs made to public education. Maybe you’ve heard their name in the list of sponsors of various public television shows. The board I served on managed the largest gift ever given to public education here in the US. This was not some shady back-room board. And it’s not the kind of board you turn down an opportunity to work on. I’m proud to have worked on that board. We did good things with that money.
As for Mr Ayers, I have repeatedly denounced his actions. They were outrageous, cowardly and despicable. But let’s be clear here, the Annenberg Foundation was not about Mr Ayers, it was about the Annenberg’s dedication to public education in America."
Stuck in the Funhouse
Ok that’s it. It’s 3 hours of detention in the Funhouse for you rascals. We just can’t have no vitriol on this family friendly blog. :-)
Coming soon to Red State:
Nuts, my earlier comment got eaten. Ah, the nostalgia.
Anyway, it really doesn’t matter who does or not not genuinely believe that McCain is a coward.
What matters is that unlike Kerry and Gore, Obama is not letting the Repub candidate get away with using surrogates for dirty work.
Basically, he is saying, "These people, saying this shit? They’re YOUR people, peckerhead. So either own it, or denounce it. But don’t play Mister Innocent with me, ’cause that’s just not going to fly."
Contrary to what John says I think that McCain has to say something to Obama’s face. When Obama goes on ABC and says that McCain doesn’t have the balls to do it, you know that Johnny Drama will have to say something. And if he does Obama’s response should be "Why are you bringing this up now? We’ve had two debates, three counting the VP, why are you just now wondering whether or not I am a terrorist sympathizer? You make a big deal in your campaign that you will be a vigilant warrior of terrorism, but you sat next to someone, who you think sympathizes with the very people trying to kill us, twice on national television and said nothing. Why?"
After that Obama should hit McCain with the words of McCain’s very own surrogates saying "If we keep talking about he economy we will lose"
See, I think that there was a window for the Ayers stuff to work, but it was before the bailout. I don’t think it will work now, especially with the Dow falling another 500 points today.
My two cents
Josh, not much point debating a troll. They just come around to fling feces and flee.
See, I think that there was a window for the Ayers stuff to work, but it was before the bailout. I don’t think it will work now, especially with the Dow falling another 500 points today.
They tried that Ayers shit months ago, didn’t they? Problem is, nobody outside the nutosphere cared then and nobody cares now. It simply smells like flop sweat to the general public, to re-hash it now.
It might have worked if Ayers was some sort of household name like Farrakhan, or turned into a household name like Rev. Wright.
But nobody under 60 cares about the Weather Underground or is much interested in re-fighting the 60s culture wars. There’s no videotape of Ayers doing what he did.
What’s more, I think the economic crisis has finally focused the public on what’s really important, and these character smear sideshows just seem like so much trivia. If times were better, maybe we could afford to obsess over who did what with when like 10 years ago when we were fat, dumb and happy and we could afford to impeach a president over a blowjob.
Speaking of the Clinton witch hunt, I would love it if the Obama campaign would start peddling that McCain quote about Osama bin Laden from 1998:
Mr Furious
Awesome, Cleek. Send it straight to the campaign.
@ r€nato – They tried that Ayers shit months ago, didn’t they?
Well, Clinton’s campaign did, not McCain’s. I can’t blame you for confusing the two.
Mr Furious
Got a link to that MoJo piece?
Bill H
I’d like to see you at a depth of 460′ in a 22-year-old submarine.
Sorry. I don’t like McCain, but this is b.s. I can refute it in three words: Night carrier landings.
Nicholas Weaver
Also, note that Obama was not…
The biggest personal attack Obaba has launched on McCain is McCain’s relationship to the Keating 5 scandal. And Obama used it in his FIRST answer. Slick, smooth, but really vicious with the knife on that one.
Josh Huaco
I know, but it’s an automatic reaction. I deal with this stupidity nearly every day from in-laws and others (via e-mail or in person), so I always feel like I need to have a rapid answer ready. ‘ppreciate it.
Damn good reply, Cleek!!!
John, you should post that as an update.
@uila: Jesus Christ, but I do love this place.
This page is now linked front page at Kos.
Let’s test the system and see if it holds up.
Goseph Gerbils
The Clinton campaign vaccinated Obama against the full-strength McCain strain of the pathogen.
Cris v.3.1
Sort of. They’ve definitely developed a reputation for publishing bizarro outliers. But it does get your attention, and may prompt another polling outfit (with a better track record) to run the numbers there.
r€nato said:
I agree, there’s no real point in debating Nobama’s troubling connections to Rezko or Ayers, as the damning facts are clear and irrefutable. It could be argued that no politician is an angel, but Nobama is as crooked as they come, and the more one digs into his Chicago Machine days, the more disturbing the facts become.
As for Nobama’s encouragement of voter fraud via ACORN, the bad news just keeps rolling in, as this news report inarguably demonstrates.
Perhaps the Ayers-loving left would approve of having the same person being hounded to register to vote repeatedly (despite already having previously registered once), but everyone else with a sense of decency and respect for the rule of law can only find this whole growing ACORN voter scam reprehensible (present company and Democrats excluded, of course).
Country First.
Cris v.3.1
Country first, Western second.
Yeah, that’s pretty rich. Not only the attack Winky, now he’s got his heiress wife, the one who keeps him in the style he become accustomed to, dishing out the toughy talk to the morans in line. Amazing.
Gotta hand it to him, though. He now truly epitomizes his Jack Bauer-ette base. No doubt they’ll continue to lap it up giving them the strength to straighten up a little sending their own little starbursts over their like-minded fellow patriots.
Shaw Kenawe
John McCain was on the verge of being thrown out of the Naval Academy because of all the demerits he had earned. How did he stay in? His Mommy spoke with Commandant of the Naval Academy (McCain’s father and grandfather, were, afterall, admirals), and Commandant wrote down McCain’s demerits and he survived.
John McCain always got someone to save his ass or to do his dirty work.
The rest of the story can be read in Rolling Stone.
McCain does not dare mention it because Obama will say the words, "Keating Five."
In addition, if a snippet I read yesterday is true, McCain accepted a $1000 donation from someone who serves/served on the same foundation board as Obama and Ayers.
Josh Huaco
The damning facts are clear and irrefutable. Atanarjuat lives a lonely and pitiful existence.
Navy SEALs have also been known to get up close and personal.
And another reason to avoid getting holes would be if you know you have a sadist for a medic.
John Medcalf
Debate I would like to see. Hope you like.
Obama: Mr McCain your ads are much more forceful than your debating style. I believe that is cheating our audience. I would like us to remedy that.
If you are really ready to lead rather than simply follow your impulses you will bring your best arguments here tonight. I presume your best arguments are the ones your campaign and associated committees are spending the most money on.
We were invited here to debate policy. I believe events are moving at a pace that the next President’s response will have to account for changes in three months that we have not imagined yet.
I will be prepared with the best advisers on economic stability my first day in office. I don’t know what Phil Gramm will have to offer by that time.
So let’s warm up the hall tonight with a real debate. Tell me what you really think of my campaign and I’ll tell you what you’re missing.
Let me put one issue to rest immediately.
I don’t need to spend much effort figuring out how to defend America. With our weapons and fighting forces I can repel real enemies with one hand tied behind my back. So John, America is prepared for me as Commander in Chief.
John, I don’t consider you an enemy but we do have 90 minutes on our hands and I am tired of your trash talking.
You’re a fighter. You’re a puncher. Bring it on.
the widow of Walter Annenberg endorsed McCain, yesterday.
from the link above:
"O" Bomb Us is an inexperienced ranter that preaches change and advertises that Republicans are the problem. Yet what are his answers. I have heard nothing specific. Dems have been preaching about health care….What ever happened to the cure all Clinton plan? We do not need the Dems to increase taxes for plans that will never be implemented. The general consenses is to end the war and that will ease spending so the government will begin to strenthen again then wall street will follow suit. No matter who we elect we are in for a rough time for the next few years. My vote will not be for more government that the Dems offer, but less.
WRONG! i recently spent 5 days with folks from flyover land. people with actual brains! they told me (with completely straight faces) that because of the media bias, they get all of their news from FOX. these people (fucking PhD physical chemists) are SMART about many things. but they still drink the koolaid.
i have concluded that i was naive to assume that only idiots were still listening to FOX News. i think you are, too.
Ed in NJ
It’s come full circle since 2004. John McCain’s greatest strength is now his greatest weakness. He has no honor and he is a coward.
Ash Can
Now that was a good one! I am SO stealing the "grenade chucker" bit. Love it.
so you can find your way around this site, but not Obama’s ?
go away, troll.
A few comments from Everything Matters, a liberally progressive comedic site – http://blueintheblueridge.blogspot.com/
Sarah Palin is quite the pitbull. From prison, Michael Vick said if he had a bitch like Sarah, he never would’ve lost a dogfight.
Today, McCain-Palin rallies are turning increasingly ugly with crowds lashing out at the media and Obama. Tonight they plan to add Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals to their list.
And tomorrow… tomorrow, the world.
The McCain-Palin campaign is so covered in slime you’d think they just won a Kid’s Choice Award on Nickelodeon.
Smarter than you
Why don’t you call McCain a coward to his face? Or are you a coward?
Indeed. Down here in NE Texas, it’s more common to find FoxNews on at a restaurant. That’s entirely because if you try to show CNN, some right-winger will bitch about it. They take that swill very seriously.
A few more comments from Everything Matters, a liberally progressive comedic site – http://blueintheblueridge.blogspot.com/
The Republican Party, upset at charges that they are trying every trick in the book to suppress the vote, have hired a watchdog group to oversee the polls in all 50 states.
The watchdog group is staffed completely by ex-Chinese milk inspectors.
A lot of to-do over the fact that McCain referred to Obama as “that one” last night at the debate. Not that bad. Considering that during his debate practice he kept referring to Obama as Kid Chocolate, Mandingo-bama, and M.C. Bama, the Illest
man in Illlinois, “that one” isn’t that bad.
Cris v.3.1
Give it up Kevin, Atanarjuat’s impersonation of a wingnut runs circles around yours. At least his stuff attempts to stay somewhat coherent and stick to one subject.
Shorter Atanarjuat: My paste fell in my mouth and I ate it.
Tough talk, asshole. You’re not fit to pick the shit out of McCain’s ass and you have the balls to call him a coward?
You’re a real piece of shit, Cole. You couldn’t survive one day like he did in Vietnam, you worthless scumbag.
maxbaer (not the original)
I’ll avoid the McCain as coward debate. The flip side, though, is that Obama has to have some brass balls to be out there.
I should leave the rest unspoken and say happy birthday John Lennon and instant karma’s gonna getcha John McCain.
McCain showing cowardice?
Wouldn’t be the first time, evidently:
Stuck in the Funhouse
Tough talk, asshole. Don’t get your Jammies in a twist now, Mr. Fool. We are in the here and now and Mccain won’t say to Obama’s face what he is having others say. He had the chance and demurred. Not very brave in my book, not very brave at all. Cowardly behaviour deserves the title, regardless of what happened 40 years ago. Now be a good wingnut and finish off that bag of Cheetos. Your mama wants you in bed by 8.
I’m sorta guessing the wingers don’t like John’s coward remark?
Larry Sheldon
"Consistently wrong since 2002"
That would just about be the last accurate line on this cesspool.
john mccain has done more for this country than you can ever dream of mr. cole. you’ve got some nerve calling him a coward from behind a blog
Comrade Jake
Let’s face it: McCain’s dick is made entirely of cheese. He’s a dickless wonder. I bet Palin’s got a bigger set.
Nice spoof site, JWF. Had me fooled for about 20 seconds.
No doubt you are, and would be eager for the opportunity. Let us hear a “you betcha!” to that.
Won’t call McCain a coward, but his current campaign tactics are nothing short of cowardly. Slime comes to mind too. Whipping up idiots with bullshit to get them to shout out terrorist, treason, and kill him. Obviously he’s running scared he’ll lose the election so he’s bottom feeding. Apparently he knows he’s got nothing else. Yeah, Country First for the tough Maverick.
Given an opportunity to level those charges face to face, he demurred. Some could justifiably call that cowardly. Some might simply say he opened up a big ole Can of Wimpass. Or maybe he just had another senior moment and forgot. You choose.
Michael Brown
Somebody call Stanley Kramer. McCain’s really having an "Inherit the Wind" moment here. Complete with the usual nasty, pinched little faces weeping for Matthew Harrison Brady.
Oh gee, I will. As an Arizonan, I have been watching his phony act for 25 years. I don’t need any lessons on figuring out this lying, self serving piece of shit.
Our first awakening to his real nature was during the Keating scandal, when he went from being the guy with his tongue and his wallet the furthest up Keating’s ass, to the guy who was ratting out his fellow members of the infamous Five to spare himself any harsh rebukes and keep his job.
If you want to get a good flavor for the real John McCain, here’s an experiment you can do: Walk down the street in any town or city in Arizona and ask people what John McCain has done for Arizona.
Go ahead, I double dog dare you. You won’t need to take any notes. Trust me.
He keeps getting reelected. You Arizonans must luv you some Maverick.
It’s a Republican state. Not really too hard to figure out.
RH Potfry
So, it’s not about Ayers, it’s about the manner in which McCain brings it up.
If he’d brought it up during the debate, you would have whined.
Rob Taylor
By your logic all you bitches who’ve left stupid comments under fake names are cowards to. How many white lefties come to my blog, hurl racist slurs at me and are so pussy they leave the comment under some fake name with a fake email.
I have a challenge. Why don’t you guys stop posting under names like raincrow and scrutinizer and own your own shit? Because you bitches are just that, bitches. Talk about pot calling the kettle Black, McCain a called a coward by unemployed degenerates to scarred to post their real names in comments on a blog.
I guess that’s the reality based community for you.
American Grama
John McCain gave in to his Vietnamese captors. He wasn’t a hero, we was a wuss.
If you want to know a true POW American hero, read the biography of James Stockdale, who was the runningmate for Ross Perot. HERO, in every sense of the word.
Zuzu's Petals
Ooh John, looks like the tentacles of the wingnut blogtopus are all atingle … !
Michael Brown
You know, Mr. Cole, I’ll see your "coward" and raise you a "dishonorable". In the sense of "does not keep his word" and "can’t be trusted".
McCain lies about Keating. He lies about drillling. He lies about his opponent. He lies about keeping his campaign "respectful". He lies about "suspending" his campaign. If John McCain told me rice was white, I’d have to go make sure.
Zuzu's Petals
@Red Alerts:
Grammar not your strong point, eh?
Because there are crazy fuckers out there who will try to create harm if you use your real name, you stupid asshole.
Cut the crap. Anonymous handles are the rule, not the exception. You’re an idiot.
Wayne in Maine
McCain is not the war hero he and his cronies present to the public.
McCain violated the Military Code of Conduct when he gave more information than his name, rank and serial number. He revealed the unit he was assigned to, the name of his commanding officer, his ship, and the target he was assigned to hit. He gave all that information in exchange for better medical treatment which he got while other POW’s languished at the Hanoi Hilton.
how can you call mccain a coward when have you guys ever wore stars and strips you guys are the cowards hahahahha
Zuzu’s Petals
Ooh John, looks like the tentacles of the wingnut blogtopus are all atingle … !
Hey! You’re not equating rightwing bloggers with His Noodly Appendage, are you? I’d hate to have to go all meatball on ya.
@CIRCVS MAXIMVS MMVIII: What fantastic definition of not just McPow & McPalin but, the republican party as well!!!
Renato @ 70:
Y’know, nobody is shouting more full-throatedly than me about what a slimy campaign McCain is running. Father Coughlin, as JMM called him, is spot-on — he mischaracterizes things like Obama’s ‘subprime good idea’ remark that are so easily refutable it’s clear he’s counting on the meekest reporters and the stupidest voters not to call him on it.
And all the poor-character and opportunistic traits he masked for years by playing the door-is-always-open media straightshooter guy. Still, I have to say…Mother Freaking Jones??? What Democratic prez candidate other than Kucinich or Gravel would ever be seen saying ‘hello’ to an MJ correspondent? To say nothing of the GOP.
Yes, withouth question, the final take on McCain’s career should rightly be far into the negative column. The last two months alone are enough to undercut the highest opinion one might have previously held about him. But, you have to admit, he NEVER needed to give the likes of MJ the time of day in order to bolster the media image he constructed.
Mike K
I like that Biden’s jumping in: "In my neighborhood, when you’ve got something to say to a guy, you look him in the eye and you say it to him." Yes, sir.
Where does Biden look the guy in the eye and say it ? In the Katies Restaurant that hasn’t been there since 1990 but he still hangs out in ?
Pretty weak. I’d like to see you call him a coward to his face. That’ll be the day. Another keyboard commando.
So John Cole, you are a coward for not calling John McCain a coward to his face.
I just love the way McCain sends his "attack dogs" (Palin and Cindy) to do his dirty work. He is beyond a coward. He is low-life, scumbag, piece of Sh*t.
Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakhan, Khalid al-Mansour, Raila Odinga
Presenting the Obama Cabinet©
Bet your a coward too Cole… you used to be sane at least.
Leon McClung
After viewing Senator McCain’s courage last night in admonishing his supporters who were calling Senator Obama an "Arab" and expressing fear about him being president, I have a much greater respect for McCain. I think the problem is that the Republican Party and it’s "political machine" are the cowards. It is unfortunate that Senator McCain is associated with this party, their failed policies and their dispicable political tactics.
Wow, there both fucked up choices but maybe you should look at there plans not skin tone, or age.
look at experience both tickets have experience and inexperience;even funnier that there opposite.
Biden good choice to bad he not running….Obama not so good for demo’s; if he is assassinated it would cause so much uproar probably even cause our great nation to divide and separate….can we risk that??!
Okay now I am a 100% Obama supporter, but to say that John McCain is a coward is wrong! I do not think he is thr right person to run our country BUT the last thing he should be called is a coward. Have a little RESPECT.
Leader of Men
Anyone who has the balls to call McCain a coward ought to spend a few days crying in the dark and shitting yourself in a foreign prison before you open your idiotic sewer. You people are a bunch of simplistic morons who have no idea what it means to serve your country! Enjoy hiding behind your computers & the fifth amendment. You who are most likely overweight, believe in handouts, and take a stand only when your economic prosperity is at stake… I think we already know who the real cowards are… Just take a look into the mirror!
Chris, San Diego
Just for the record folks – John Mc Sham is no war hero. He was a traitor to his country. He recorded more than 30 anti-american audio tapes for the VC propaganda machine, which is why they offered him an early release. He wouldn’t accept the early release because he was afraid of what his father’s response would be to his new nick name "Hanoi John" and because he knew he’d be labeled a traitor at home and ruin any potential future career options.
Leader of Men
Let me guess… Chris is not in the Armed Services or done anything for his country during his entire life… Way to go Keyboard Commando! Have you ever had any SERE training to know what is acceptable under the Code of Conduct… My guess is NO!
balloon juice huh? Sounds to me like a young and stupid rich kid with too much time on his hands, and way too many opinions… Lemme ask you something pal, ever been anywhere else in the world? I’m guessing no, and when all your little "pundits" call this guy "dickless" and saying sarah palin has a bigger rack… I can only shake my head at everyone’s inability to think. You vote for Obama, your voting for a socialist, and an elitest waiting for control: Look up the New world order your stupid shits. It’s strange that since the media says Obama leads in all the polls, all you sheeple suddenly have to follow suit… The blind and stupid leading the blind and stupid. Go Ron Paul!!!
Kristin D in BFLO NY!
Just because you serve in the army DOES NOT give you a golden ticket to be PRESIDENT! McCain is a coward! Say it to Barack’s face! He is a little baby who isn’t getting his way! John- Go cry to mommy! I don’t trust an uneducated person, like McCain, to run the nation. Romney would have been a better choice for Repubs! A president should have a Master’s or Doctorate degree. We have had Bush run the white house into the ground. McCain/ Palin have no MORALS and NO Class or NO Respect for others! Obama and Biden would be a blessing! God please help our country elect Mr. Right and send Mr. Wrong home to his nine homes and to cry in his Sugar Mama Mrs. Rich’s arms! LOL!
Have you ever been a prisoner of war?? If not shut your trap, you do not know what you are speaking of. Next time you see him thank him and others that have served so you can have the freedom that you now have. Cherish it as it will more than likely be short lived when Obama gets in. Oh by the way to be commander and chief you should be required to serve in the military.
John Mccain has spent more time in as a prisoner of war than Obama has in politics. I think you need to hear all about Obamas creepy friends than write shit like you do. Also, Obama never comemts to anything, like he never voted yes or no when asked, like a "Coward"…he just said "present".
Right on rhodeymarkm you said it all…
Hey Brian, Sarah Palin is not a girl. She is a woman you redneck.
This site has disgusting info about his running mate, how can potential vice president spew garbage while she has hide things. This will make you sick. http://www.politicalbase.com/profile/jnail/blog/&blogId=3422
McCain/Palin 08
All of you idiots are making claims (most of which aren’t true). Both sides do it, it doesn’t make it right. Before you open you fat stupid mouths check your facts. Taxes aren’t everything. If you don’t want to pay more in taxes, then don’t work so hard. Oh wait, Democrats are used to having everything handed to them on a silver platter. If you work hard, you should be rewarded. That’s what America is. If you don’t then you shouldn’t be given anything more because you are just an "average joe" loser. Under NObama’s plan, some people will be getting more back in in tax refunds than they put in. Fuck that. That’s re-distribution of wealth. It’s time to stop rewarding those who abuse the system by not trying hard enough in life. Grow the fuck up, do your diligent part to contribute to society and quit bitching like you have it soo bad. Small business and those who work the hardest shouldn’t be punished for the rest the loser middle class people who do nothing extrodinary but whine and act as if they deserve special privlidge for being fucking losers. If you want more out of taxes, cut the new spending (i.e. NObama’s extra money for Volenteers).
Are you seriously calling John McCain a coward? John McCain was a prisoner of war. Do understand what that means? Do understand what it means and takes to be an American solider? John McCain and others are the reason we have the freedom we do. Men like John McCain have and will put their own lives down for our country. Also about your remark, "John McCain is not man enough to own his own shit." Are you sixteen John Cole? Because, sixteen-year-olds refer to presidential candidates using cuss words.
You are all a bunch of fucking assholes.
John Cole should eat his own excrement ( if he even knows what it means)
We will all see which of our newly elected president’s promises will come true. I believe very few will. All candidates promise–most don’t deliver. I didn’t vote OBAMA but have to deal with it. As for all that say McCain is a coward–walk a day in his shoes when he was fighting and being tortured for you freedom. I believe he is a man of honor and truth. Let the mudslinging end and let’s see what the "new president" can do. Hopefully I won’t be standing in the market behind some uneducated "fan" buying T-Bones as I am buying ground beef. Time will tell.
As I read some of your disguisting/pathetic comments, I think you "Oh my gosh" these are the people I can blame for putting a socialist, liar and a terrorist (yes I said it) in the office. Where can I get my "Don’t blame me I didn’t vote for him sticker" Are you all serious? Let me guess you all want "change"! Lets put someone in the most powerful position in the world that doesn’t even have a resume to back it up. We can all thank the younger generation for screwing up the United States of America, all because they want free education, well guess what you morons, when you get out of school there won’t be any jobs because the rich man (who provides these jobs that you are going to school for on my dime) won’t be here because he is going to move his company over seas! Did anyone think of the overall long term impact that Obama is going to have? Sure lets protect the lazy worker, who now doesn’t need to get off his butt and work, because Obama is going to give him a check. Let’s give someone the keys to the Ferrari with no drivers license! We as a counrty are doomed, can anyone say DEPRESSION! And a big FYI for all of you I am an African American and was completely embarrassed by how people were caring on…what a complete disgrace. No wonder we are labelled and discrimated against. Oh and look I said this all with out using profanity…..some of you should get a clue.
Wow.. I cannot believe people can talk about a true hero such as McCain.. the way you are.. I am trully saddened that he lost the presidency he would have done this country proud as a president. For those of you who oppose I hope you enjoy the "same rights for all" that Obama says he will do.. God help this country..
McCain we love you and thanks for everything you have done..
You people suck! You are a bunch of idiots
I think everyone of you people on this blog should be ashamed of yourselves. This was a Presidential election not a smear campaign. Both parties used negative tactics to win the election not just John McCain. Obama was just as guilty of lying about John McCain. You should be proud to have a man like John McCain serving this country, he is a true american hero and I am sure more worthy than you to be called an american. It is because of people like him that you have the freedom to say whatever you want to without retrobution. He endured alot in his lifetime for you and the U.S.A. I would say all of you are the cowards, and are not worthy to even say his name. Move to a communist country where you have no freedoms and then you may appreciate him and this country better.
McCain is a true hero.. and everybody should see that..
i don’t understand how any normal person could put him down for being a POW.
NONE of you know what really happened to him while he was a POW… I know some of what went down. and let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty. but he had the strength and will power to not give up.. He loves this country…
It is a kind of love i think a lot of people in America need to find…
we are free and we need to see that we are so so so lucky we have it as easy as we do…
the only reason we have it so easy is because of people like McCain.
think about that before u bash him and call him a coward…
YOU are the real coward…
now stop smokin all your pot… playing all your stupid games and get off your ass and go get a real job… one that u know u have to go to school for.. that u have to work for.. and when Obama takes all the money you worked for away… then remember who you voted for… socialism is not the answer to our problems.. yea it’s change… but not the right now…
I pray every night for this nation… for McCain.. and for Obama..
I pray our nation will find peace and know what it is truly like to be free again…
I pray that McCain still stays involved in making out nation great, that he lives a life full of happiness after so much pain… I pray McCain knows how much of a true hero he is.. to all of us…
I pray for Obama… I pray that he will take us down the right path, that he will listen to God and not his own selfish will… I pray that he stays safe. that as our president he doesn’t take us into socialism. I pray I am wrong about him…
We don’t truly know this man. and I pray that when his true colors show they will be beautiful… not an ugly mess…
I pray our history making as a nation is over for a while…
God bless Mccain
God bless Obama
and GOD BLESS America…
John—Obviously Obama has blown sunshine up your loose ass!
This is a disgrace …calling john mccain a coward, the man who spent 5 years in a pow camp…you have to the fucking joking. this is the problem with the left in this country, they are fucking idiots. fuck you fucking demofucks and ur fucking bullshit.
how about you go to john mccain’s face and tell him he is a coward…you stupid fucks