The Daily Show has been on a roll lately, but that was a masterpiece.
That was a brutal segment. McCain used to be a frequent guest on The Daily Show; I’m guessing that those days might be over.
That One - Cain
I really have to wonder if Stewart will hang it up for a while after January simply because there will be fewer easy targets.
Come on, we’re talking about democrats here. They’ll bring all kinds of teh stupid. It just won’t be jaw droppingly stupid as wingnuts. In any case, we know that wingnuts will provide plenty of entertainment for us over at red state. Erick is probably doing crack just so that he can hold on to the conservative vision of the country that’s slipping from his grasp.
Not My Fault
I really have to wonder if Stewart will hang it up for a while after January simply because there will be fewer easy targets.
Conceit much?
While I am 101% sure that the most important thing to do (perhaps in my whole life) is to thow the current fuckers out, I don’t imagine that the new fuckers won’t even do amusing stuff.
If the D team can keep it to "plenty of material for the comedians" and steer clear of the torture, spying, gutting the constitution and starting wars just for the shit of it, then it is a win.
@MikeL: Jesus! Now I’m Mr Puddles. And the Onion has to be worried about all this competition from "Real Life" on the Right.
Josh Huaco
Be nice to the Perry fella—former "Little Downs Syndrome Babies"™ are NewsMax’s target audience.
OMG, Thank you John for posting this. The scene with McCain wandering around the stage was just so odd and at least now I know why he was wandering around.
OMG, that was really funny. Almost makes me want cable again. But how many people realize this is a reference to Stevie Wonder’s "Songs in the Key of Life"?
I dunno, re: that Newsmax link… I guess it was a tiny bit of a gaffe by Liz Trotta to refer to Palin’s child as ‘it’, but then John Perry leaps from that to hysterics – "OMG LIBERALS HATE BABIES! LIBERALS HATE PALIN BECAUSE SHE BELIEVES IN FAMILY VALUES, GOD, APPLE PIE AND AMERICA!!!!"
conservatism really is a pathology, isn’t it?
Mr. Puddles
Plz get me awai from old cranky guy.
OMG, that was really funny. Almost makes me want cable again. But how many people realize this is a reference to Stevie Wonder’s "Songs in the Key of Life"?
"As" is one of my favorite songs. ;)
Cruel Jest
@r€nato: Pretty much. I saw it as right down the center of the wingnut highway: fauxrage, persecution, and rage. Jesus, they’re blaming black people for the sub-prime disaster! It’s like the war on Christmas and everything else. Liberals: weak and disorganized, except they’re about to take over the world.
No post about ARG showing Obama +8 in WV? Come on, that’s a damn good showing for WV.
I always thought the makers of Snausages should do an ad reworking Naked Eyes "Promises Promises". (A dog singing "you gave me … Snausages Snausages" would be amazing.)
But now I think they should just hire McCain as their official spokespol after the campaign, a la Viagra & Bob Dole.
Have you seen this clip? It’s a supporter at a McCain rally who rants about his rage at the socialists who are taking over our government in true psychotic homeless guy fashion, leading to a crowd chanting "USA! USA!" as Senator McCain expresses his approval. Truly disturbing — some of these people have clearly gone around the bend.
I also got a laugh out of the fact that throughout this 2-minute clip (and presumably throughout the rest of their broadcast day), Fox News keeps a picture of William Ayers up in screen for no discernable reason whatsoever. Just in case we might forget. Batshit insane does not begin to describe these people.
I also got a laugh out of the fact that throughout this 2-minute clip (and presumably throughout the rest of their broadcast day), Fox News keeps a picture of William Ayers up in screen for no discernable reason whatsoever. Just in case we might forget. Batshit insane does not begin to describe these people.
I’m just surprised a picture of Paris Hilton wasn’t in the other corner. What a fucking sham of a network they are.
It’s a supporter at a McCain rally who rants about his rage at the socialists who are taking over our government in true psychotic homeless guy fashion, leading to a crowd chanting "USA! USA!" as Senator McCain expresses his approval.
Odd that, inasmuch as it’s a Republican administration that finds it necessary to nationalize large segments of the financial sector.
That One - Cain
One thing I hope is that Fox’s numbers tank after the election. I would love to see that news network die in flames. I don’t mind if the whole network did as well; sweet revenge for canceling firefly. Fuckers.
Comrade Warren Terra
In other news, scientists are not happy with McCain’s planetarium bashing.
One thing I hope is that Fox’s numbers tank after the election. I would love to see that news network die in flames. I don’t mind if the whole network did as well; sweet revenge for canceling firefly. Fuckers.
Expect their numbers to improve post-election. Nothing motivates the right-wingnuts like a negro Democrat in the White House. About the only thing that will kill Fox News is Hannity coming out of the closet and demanding they honor his contract.
Comrade Jake
making the count now 63 Nobelists for Obama and none for McCain
This only happens because conservatives aren’t allowed into academia.
What? Haven’t you been listening to David Horowitz?
John S.
But how many people realize this is a reference to Stevie Wonder’s "Songs in the Key of Life"?
Anyone that is a Stevie Wonder fan and has that album (like myself), which I think is quite a few people.
Dennis - SGMM
It was pretty nice on Wednesday, when just about the first thing Chalfie did after getting the Nobel Chemistry prize was use the accompanying press attention to endorse Obama…
These guys are a bunch of charlatans. Everybody know that the universe is only 6000 years old. Who are you going to listen to – god fearing Americans or a bunch of heathen scientists?
It was pretty nice on Wednesday, when just about the first thing Chalfie did after getting the Nobel Chemistry prize was use the accompanying press attention to endorse Obama – making the count now 63 Nobelists for Obama and none for McCain, a result even more lopsided than the Economist’s survey of the preferences of economists.
It’s a fact that educated minds have a well-known liberal bias.
Dawn Hannity
When you hear McCain on this clip continually use the, "my friends" reference I can’t help but think that it is a polite substitute for "you motherfuckers."
John Zogby’s poll numbers, in my opinion, are the best in the business.
I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s a laugh riot. He has another article on why McCain won the debate–in short: Obama won too hard, and Americans don’t like people who run up the score!
Robert M.
My favourite TDS moment is still when Stewart puts on the Darth Vader mask to relate to Dick Cheney.
Yeah, McCain wondering in the background made for lots of head-shaking in our household. And then that gesture he made with his hand was really weird. Who was he looking at? Brokaw? His wife?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Dying? Don’t read this, it’ll finish you off.
"The way the Palins have chosen to embrace and love that child may not be the accepted style for the media elites to raise a Down syndrome child — indeed, if they allow the baby to be born alive."
When you hear McCain on this clip continually use the, "my friends" reference I can’t help but think that it is a polite substitute for "you ^dumb motherfuckers."
Fxd 4 Xtra Str8 Talk.
Snausages are always funny. It’s a fundamental rule of Comedy.
"As" is one of my favorite songs. ;)
Mine too– I’m going to go listen to it right now! Instant mood boost…
The funniest TDS bit ever was a few years back when they did the special report on gay marriage. I just about pee myself laughing whenever I watch it. (If the link doesn’t work, google "homometer.")
I almost made in my pants when
"McCain" called out for Mr. Puddles! Snausages! Hysterical!
Jon Stewart for Obama’s press secretary! He says it best.
Emma Anne
Weird time warp
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Comrade Incertus
I really have to wonder if Stewart will hang it up for a while after January simply because there will be fewer easy targets.
plus C
It was more like eight minutes in.
In other news, scientists are not happy with McCain’s planetarium bashing.
In other other news, I’m voting right now. Absentee ballots FTW.
Cruel Jest
Yeah. They were on last night. Even for the Daily Show, which I watch religiously. I haven’t laughed like that in a while.
The Daily Show has been on a roll lately, but that was a masterpiece.
That was a brutal segment. McCain used to be a frequent guest on The Daily Show; I’m guessing that those days might be over.
That One - Cain
Come on, we’re talking about democrats here. They’ll bring all kinds of teh stupid. It just won’t be jaw droppingly stupid as wingnuts. In any case, we know that wingnuts will provide plenty of entertainment for us over at red state. Erick is probably doing crack just so that he can hold on to the conservative vision of the country that’s slipping from his grasp.
Not My Fault
Conceit much?
While I am 101% sure that the most important thing to do (perhaps in my whole life) is to thow the current fuckers out, I don’t imagine that the new fuckers won’t even do amusing stuff.
If the D team can keep it to "plenty of material for the comedians" and steer clear of the torture, spying, gutting the constitution and starting wars just for the shit of it, then it is a win.
Dying? Don’t read this, it’ll finish you off.
John PM
Snausages is one of the funniest words in the English language. I laughed so hard during that bit that I had trouble breathing.
The Moar You Know
Lawdy, there is just no reasoning with these people.
The Grand Panjandrum
@MikeL: Jesus! Now I’m Mr Puddles. And the Onion has to be worried about all this competition from "Real Life" on the Right.
Josh Huaco
Be nice to the Perry fella—former "Little Downs Syndrome Babies"™ are NewsMax’s target audience.
OMG, Thank you John for posting this. The scene with McCain wandering around the stage was just so odd and at least now I know why he was wandering around.
J. Maynard Gelinas
"Songs in the Key of Hope"
OMG, that was really funny. Almost makes me want cable again. But how many people realize this is a reference to Stevie Wonder’s "Songs in the Key of Life"?
I dunno, re: that Newsmax link… I guess it was a tiny bit of a gaffe by Liz Trotta to refer to Palin’s child as ‘it’, but then John Perry leaps from that to hysterics – "OMG LIBERALS HATE BABIES! LIBERALS HATE PALIN BECAUSE SHE BELIEVES IN FAMILY VALUES, GOD, APPLE PIE AND AMERICA!!!!"
conservatism really is a pathology, isn’t it?
Mr. Puddles
Plz get me awai from old cranky guy.
"As" is one of my favorite songs. ;)
Cruel Jest
@r€nato: Pretty much. I saw it as right down the center of the wingnut highway: fauxrage, persecution, and rage. Jesus, they’re blaming black people for the sub-prime disaster! It’s like the war on Christmas and everything else. Liberals: weak and disorganized, except they’re about to take over the world.
No post about ARG showing Obama +8 in WV? Come on, that’s a damn good showing for WV.
I always thought the makers of Snausages should do an ad reworking Naked Eyes "Promises Promises". (A dog singing "you gave me … Snausages Snausages" would be amazing.)
But now I think they should just hire McCain as their official spokespol after the campaign, a la Viagra & Bob Dole.
Have you seen this clip? It’s a supporter at a McCain rally who rants about his rage at the socialists who are taking over our government in true psychotic homeless guy fashion, leading to a crowd chanting "USA! USA!" as Senator McCain expresses his approval. Truly disturbing — some of these people have clearly gone around the bend.
I also got a laugh out of the fact that throughout this 2-minute clip (and presumably throughout the rest of their broadcast day), Fox News keeps a picture of William Ayers up in screen for no discernable reason whatsoever. Just in case we might forget. Batshit insane does not begin to describe these people.
26 days people. 26 days.
We’ll never survive.
Comrade Jake
I’m just surprised a picture of Paris Hilton wasn’t in the other corner. What a fucking sham of a network they are.
Comrade Peter J
OT, but a Republican Blood Bath, that just makes me so happy.
Dennis - SGMM
Odd that, inasmuch as it’s a Republican administration that finds it necessary to nationalize large segments of the financial sector.
That One - Cain
One thing I hope is that Fox’s numbers tank after the election. I would love to see that news network die in flames. I don’t mind if the whole network did as well; sweet revenge for canceling firefly. Fuckers.
Comrade Warren Terra
It was pretty nice on Wednesday, when just about the first thing Chalfie did after getting the Nobel Chemistry prize was use the accompanying press attention to endorse Obama – making the count now 63 Nobelists for Obama and none for McCain, a result even more lopsided than the Economist‘s survey of the preferences of economists.
Comrade Jake
Expect their numbers to improve post-election. Nothing motivates the right-wingnuts like a
negroDemocrat in the White House. About the only thing that will kill Fox News is Hannity coming out of the closet and demanding they honor his contract.Comrade Jake
This only happens because conservatives aren’t allowed into academia.
What? Haven’t you been listening to David Horowitz?
John S.
Anyone that is a Stevie Wonder fan and has that album (like myself), which I think is quite a few people.
Dennis - SGMM
These guys are a bunch of charlatans. Everybody know that the universe is only 6000 years old. Who are you going to listen to – god fearing Americans or a bunch of heathen scientists?
It’s a fact that educated minds have a well-known liberal bias.
Dawn Hannity
When you hear McCain on this clip continually use the, "my friends" reference I can’t help but think that it is a polite substitute for "you motherfuckers."
Товарищ НеинтереснаяСобака
This is even better than that story:
Why Obama Can’t Close the Deal
I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s a laugh riot. He has another article on why McCain won the debate–in short: Obama won too hard, and Americans don’t like people who run up the score!
Robert M.
My favourite TDS moment is still when Stewart puts on the Darth Vader mask to relate to Dick Cheney.
Yeah, McCain wondering in the background made for lots of head-shaking in our household. And then that gesture he made with his hand was really weird. Who was he looking at? Brokaw? His wife?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
"The way the Palins have chosen to embrace and love that child may not be the accepted style for the media elites to raise a Down syndrome child — indeed, if they allow the baby to be born alive."
kommrade jakevich
Fxd 4 Xtra Str8 Talk.
Snausages are always funny. It’s a fundamental rule of Comedy.
Mine too– I’m going to go listen to it right now! Instant mood boost…
The funniest TDS bit ever was a few years back when they did the special report on gay marriage. I just about pee myself laughing whenever I watch it. (If the link doesn’t work, google "homometer.")
I almost made in my pants when
"McCain" called out for Mr. Puddles! Snausages! Hysterical!
Jon Stewart for Obama’s press secretary! He says it best.
Emma Anne
Weird time warp