Only one picture, because this perfectly represents how I feel today. It is overcast and crappy here, I didn’t sleep very well, I have a bunch of stuff to do, and I am just worn down by the constant stream of BS from the McCain/Palin campaign:
We all have days like that, Blue.
At any rate, keep sending in your pet posts, and also, if any of you are out there attending any rallies or speeches by Obama and Biden and have your camera with you, send them in with a write-up and we can post them.
Deep Thought- What happened to the PUMA movement?
Consider this your open thread. I will be back this afternoon.
That cat looks like he’s in a serious, I-don’t-WANT-to-be-cheered-up kind of funk.
Doug H. (Comrade Fausto no more)
They’re still out there, the last die-hard few still thinking that they’re relevant. Yes to Democracy has semi-regular PUMA updates, including the ‘Cult of the COLB’. Its great comedy.
Peeps all agog over this cryptic blurb from the McCainiacs.
Commenters trying to parse it are all over the map, but many are thinking about that Flowbee rap you linked to yesterday.
forked tongue
What happened to the PUMA movement, you ask?>
Punchy beat me to the punch. Anybody hear anything about McCain’s "big news" so far? Is it true that Obama went down on Intratrade, dramatically at one point?
Comrade Jake
Just got back from a peek over at TalkLeft. Commenting appears sparse at best. I think PUMA has left the building.
They’re alive and unwell at HIllaryis44.
Comrade Jake
C’mon guys. Don’t be suckers for this kind of nonsense.
Aw, c’mon. We love this nonsense! If it wasn’t for McCain’s nonsense what would we make fun of?
D. Mason
So McCains big announcement is that Obama has been blowing the people at Intratrade to get higher values? Wha..
Billy K(hrushchev)
The "PUMAS" never really existed in the physical world, and could only project themselves onto this plane with the assistance of the medias’ spotlight. When that spotlight wandered, they vanished into their true nature: thin air.
Brian J
It looks like things are going very well. There is now talk of how big the Democrats are going to win, not if they are going to win–in other words, a landslide.
We’re polling seven and nine points behind McCain in Georgia, for Christ’s sake, and Martin is only down by single digits in most polls. I can only hope the Obama campaign and the DSCC ramps up spending in both states.
And I don’t know if this means anything, but yesterday, when I walked into work, my conservative friend saw me, walked up to me, and shook my hand. He said he was basically conceding the race. Contrast this to a month ago, when he was convinced they were going to win.
I kind of feel like crap, too. I stayed up until 3:00 AM last night and just had to take my car in because it was making funny noises. But things are going pretty good for us, it seems. In other words, keep your head up.
This is Bluey’s I’m tired from playing so I’m just going to drop and take a nap right HERE!
Ella in New Mexico
Ok, I have to ask, but before you laugh at me cut me some slack–I’m a full-time nursing student who just had three midterms. I’m a bit behind in the rumor mill and conspiracy department, which seem to be geometrically increasing everyday.
What is the "flowbee rap" to which you reference a link made yesterday?
Brian J
I don’t know what sort of movement happened in the last few hours or yesterday, but according to this, he’s absolutely crushing McCain. I don’t pay that much attention to these things, but they are interesting to look at it. I don’t ever remember seeing such a high number for Obama.
That, of course, might explain this. Now, while internal polling might be different in states like Iowa than some of the public polling, I can’t think that the McCain campaign is happy with the state of the race if they are launching a web site about Obama and Ayers. That’s not the move of a campaign that likes what it’s seeing from its internal information.
Comrade Incertus
The PUMA movement, all fifty or so of them, are alive and well and front-page posters at No Quarter.
And since it’s an open thread and all, we’re still fucking over the Uighurs who are in Gitmo, even though the government has no plans to try them for anything.
PUMA got aerial hunted by Mooselini
Strange enough that John Cole turned into a democrat – now Balloon Juice is turning into Cute Overload. Paws Up! Tocktober! Snorgle!
I kid. And not that it would be a bad thing to keep up the stream of moist nosicles.
The Grand Panjandrum
I have received your message Comrade Cole and will send in a report from my Undisclosed Location in New England. Its a swing state and I just drove by a huge Obama sign on a village green in a town that was once rock rib Republican. It did my heart good as I’ve seen more and more activity from the Obama campaign with each passing week since we arrived here just after Labor Day.
Should we just post things in the comments?
Ella in NM
Oh, I see the "Big News" is that the McCain camp is releasing another "How Uppity" ad on Obama.
I guess their only hope now is that some loony tune from the fringe steps over the line and takes care of this dangerous black Muslim terrorist traitor, eh?
But wait, I must be confused about these folks motives because his surrogates are all over the teevee this morning saying that John McCain doesn’t condone this violent hate speech his lovely little middle-school cheerleaders are shouting at their rallys–that they can’t be held responsible for some "nut" in the audience, so, geez……
I swear by Nature’s Harmony Melatonin. It comes in 2 forms, a spray, and a dissolvable pills. Three squirts under the tongue (or a pill) 30 minutes before bedtime does the trick everytime.
Don’t be glum, just drink more rum.
Your car was laughing?
Just FYI, I get the Black Screen o’ Doom around post 65 or 70 these days, which means I miss a lot of the more in-depth threads. Wah.
Rollout of the New McCoke?
@Ella in New Mexico: It’s all from this post
something about Obama being in a cult that drinks abortion milkshakes and has backdoor sex with white daughters of rich men.
Or something.
The New McCoke is their new Ayers ad. It’s gross, but not too surprising.
Zuzu Petals
Blue looks a little like a blue cream kitty. I have one too…beautiful coat, yes?
@Zuzu Petals:
I’m told he’s a blue/silver in the cat world. And yes, wonderful fur that you just want to bury your face in when you need a snuggle. And he’s got big purrs to go with his big everything else!