Even after the last eight years, this stands out as brazen:
Despite the finding of a legislative report that she had broken the state’s ethics law in the scandal dubbed Troopergate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Saturday that the report actually cleared her of any “legal wrongdoing or unethical activity.”
***The investigation said she violated Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act, which states, “… each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust.”
Palin said she’s happy the report affirmed her right to fire Monegan. But she said she still doesn’t think she abused her power like the report says she did. In fact, she said she considered herself vindicated.
In a brief conference call with press reported by the Anchorage Daily News, Palin said, “I’m very, very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing … any hint of any kind of unethical activity there. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that.”
I don’t know how to react to this. I really just don’t. When someone is that willing to look at you and just flat out make shit up and reject facts, there really is nothing you can do without driving yourself insane. I would just love to see a press conference with her, but the McCain campaign knows better than to let that happen.
*** Update ***
McCain campaign spokeswoman Meg Stapleton dismissed the report as the product of “a partisan-led inquiry run by Obama supporters.” But there could be more land mines ahead. Some weeks ago, the McCain team devised a plan to have Palin file an ethics complaint against herself with the State Personnel Board, arguing that it alone was capable of conducting a fair, nonpartisan inquiry into whether she fired Monegan because he refused to fire Wooten, who had been involved in a messy custody battle with her sister. Some Democrats ridiculed the move, noting that the personnel board answered to Palin. But the board ended up hiring an aggressive Anchorage trial lawyer, Timothy Petumenos, as an independent counsel. McCain aides were chagrined to discover that Petumenos was a Democrat who had contributed to Palin’s 2006 opponent for governor, Tony Knowles. Palin is now scheduled to be questioned next week, and the counsel’s report could be released soon after. “We took a gamble when we went to the personnel board,” said a McCain aide who asked not to be identified discussing strategy. While the McCain camp still insists Palin “has nothing to hide,” it acknowledges a critical finding by Petumenos would be even harder to dismiss.
Indeed. Maybe what she could do is just release another report from the McCain campaign clearing herself right before the State Personnel Board report is released. Because having her release a report clearing herself as a rebuttal to the State Personnel Board report that was completed because she filed an ethics complaint against herself would be a superb ending to this.
I figured you would be use to shit like that by now.
Eric U.
what else should we expect?
Chris Johnson
It’s the logical extension of where these guys were going.
Jack Carlson
Adds a whole new dimension to the concept of "spin".
Next up:
We have always been at war with East Asia.
The Big Lie™ – paralyzes reporters and voters everywhere.
There really is no response. People either believe that facts exist and matter, or they are batshit crazy. You can’t respond to batshit crazy.
What’s really great about this are all her supporters who are following her over that logical cliff without batting an eye.
So, uh, given that there’s a report out there that says she broke the law… shouldn’t someone be doing something about it other than asking what her opinion is?
During the whole Monica scandal, did Clinton try anything like that? Did he ever "consider himself vindicated"?
Comrade Peter J
From Newsweek, Troopergate: Not Over Yet:
Look, this is the woman who released her own report, a day in advance of the Branchflower report, that totally cleared her of any wrongdoing.
These people are operating on a whole different plain of existance. Like John, I really don’t know what to say. The "Big Lie" is indeed powerful juju.
To the Alaska Legislature:
In for a dime, in for a dollar, people. You know what she’s done. Life will not be pleasant for you if you leave her in there.
CNN after the report came out had a banner up for hours that said "No Laws Broken"
The hush level on this is amazing. Palin has clearly and blatantly misused her office not just for this dumbass vendetta, but for personal enrichment, from the bogus per diem to the tax cheating to travel money for her kids to the hockey rink she built near her house to maybe getting the contractors on it to build her own house.
It’s just begging to get put together & dumped on McCain’s lap, but the lapdogs are still too timid, even with him collapsing.
The Moar You Know
Good question. Refer to AS 39.52.410. Violations; Penalties For Misconduct. – section (d).
There is, for all intents and purposes, no penalty. A report needs to be filed with the Alaskan Senate. I’m sure Ms. Palin is less than terrifed about that prospect.
The catch is that unethical behavior is a political offense. So, the remedy is political– she should be impeached. If she’s not impeached (and, um, don’t hold your breath) then that’s the end of it.
Here, let Dusty Springfield explain it to you.
Um, so what is the point? Is there anyway we can get this concept of justice moved down to the parking laws. I don’t think I’d mind it so much of the parking maids left me strongly worded letters.
I didn’t expect it. I did expect a lot of spinning, continued "I did not!" and demurrals about how it isn’t even important, or that it was a totally unfair and partisan review, etc. I did not expect a complete reversal of fact. "The probe found Palin guilty." "I’m glad the probe found me innocent!"
What do you even do with someone who LITERALLY doesn’t recognize authority? Who sees a decision, and just paints her own version over it like it didn’t even happen? What kind of leader would that make? One who would make "We create our own reality" Bush look like a positive role model of compromise and bipartisan togetherness in comparison.
You know, a common tactic of domestic violence is to upset the victim’s sense of reality so they don’t trust their own judgment anymore. What do you call it when a candidate for world leadership does it to the entire country?
Cheney Ver. 2, now with more gall and even less conscious awareness.
The Maverick family must be even angrier today.
The Grand Panjandrum
I look forward to Tweety rhapsodizing about the tingly little sparkles running up his leg on November 4th. I was listening to some half-bright gut sucking weasel earlier today on MSNBC say basically the same thing Governor Spice was saying and I just about put a .460 round into brand new LCD TV. Until then I am pretty much done with watching anything but MLB playoffs, The Outdoor Channel, Food Channel, and NASCAR. I’ll do my part for the economy but I’ll be goddamned if I’m going to do it by purchasing a new TV every time one of those numbnuts opens his mouth. What kind of person goes on national television and lies for a living? At least hookers make an honest buck for services provided. These ratfuckers are beyond the pail.
No. I am not crazy man. But I should be offered a part to play on television.
BTW Smuttynose Old Brown Dog rocks!
The Grand Panjandrum
@SpotWeld: The Clenis can NEVER be vindicated.
D. Mason
I wonder if she made the truth pay for its own rape kit after that statement.
Warren Terra
The New York Times story on the Branchflower report was off their list of main stories inside 24 hours – about half the time it took them to remove the Connecticut Gay Marriage decision, which while obviously important and good news was not obviously twice as important (not to mention some of the others that swept into the top stories, like a house fire in Chelsea that killed five – not exactly national news). The New York Times has not yet editorialized about the Branchflower report.
This one looks to be going down the memory hole, folks.
OT: Box Office results for the weekend are out.
American Carol has dropped to 15th place. The Dark Knight (in its 13th week) earned more per theater than it did (in its 2nd). It has currently made 6 million on a 20 million budget. It it not going to break 10 million.
The sheer brazeness of the lying leaves me speechless as well. But what the hell, Bush and Cheney have been doing the same thing for eight years and getting away with it. I guess McCain-Palin figure they can skip the getting elected first foreplay and go straight to the fucking over.
What I’m finding more interesting is how Palin is taking the lead away from McCain. I mean you ever notice anyone chanting his name at rallies? You hear, USA, you hear drill, baby, drill, you hear SaRah, but I can’t remember one time I’ve hear them chant McCain’s name.
If I was Johnny, I’d be more worried about my running mate than my opponent. She has a long history of backstabbing in her short career. I’m figuring at this point she’d rather sabotage the campaign than go down as a complacent loser. Better for her in the long run to be seen as bucking the handlers. What’s more mavericky than that?
ComradeJ. Michael Neal
Um, so what is the point? Is there anyway we can get this concept of justice moved down to the parking laws. I don’t think I’d mind it so much of the parking maids left me strongly worded letters.
One thing it does is lay the groundwork for civil lawsuits. Among other people, I suspect that Mike Wooten will be filing papers pretty soon.
@Walker: The way it was distributed, I’m not sure it was intended to make money. Religulous is now seriously outperforming it, but the distributers of that film seem to be targeting its release, rather than pretending that everybody, everywhere is dying to see it.
If I were running Obama’s campaign I’d have Biden raise it, as a character issue.
The press, including the NYTimes (well, mostly the NYTimes) have announced that Obama’s character is ON THE TABLE!
Palin lied at a press conference on this issue, then walked the lie back. She and her running mate are running on character and biography.
It’s relevant, and the press told us just last week it matters.
By the way, I have video of Letterman anticipating McLame’s upcoming visit. I have a feeling he won’t be greeted with sweets and flowers….
John, this is only the normal extension of what we have lived through with the Bush presidency. There was a time I recall when you believed the boy president. You were not alone, lots and lots of people believed their lies. In essence they were rewarded for their mendacity. The truth had no bearing. At first they lied about things that were hard to disprove (i.e. Iraq has WMD, Iraq had ties to Al Quaeda). Then it progressed to things that were pretty hard to disprove but more questionable (i.e. we are making great progress in Iraq, we don’t torture, Abu Garib was the result of hijinx on the late shift).
Now we are at the point where they just say whatever the fuck they want to say (I said No thanks to the Bridge to Nowhere, I was cleared of legal and ethical wrongdoing). Who cares what the truth is or the fact that their lies are easily refutable with a 10th grade reading comprehension? In this rather ignorant country of ours too few people read or pay attention to outweigh the benefits of lying through your teeth. A simple risk analysis told them that lying was worth it. Until this election however. Its not quite working. People ARE paying attention. Jesus even on The View McCain was basically called a liar. This is good. Very good. The value of bald faced lying may be taking as big a nose dive as my 401(k).
And it all started with the John Cole’s of the world being so freaking gullible in the early days.
Rick Taylor
They’ve been making shit up for years, and never been called on it. As long as they get away with it, it gets worse. The last straw for me was when Bush said that we had to invade Iraq because Saddam wouldn’t let the inspectors in. That should have been the point where the public media drew a line; it was though he said the sky is red. The President of the United States, just made something up. What was worse, not only was it false, but it was something we’d all lived through together and knew was false, yet he wasn’t called on it except by a few crazy left wing commentators. So he said the same thing a few more times. And then Romney even repeated it during the Republican convention, saying it was useless to ask what would have happened if Saddam had let the inspectors in. When we let our elected officials get away with making statements on the order of, "We’ve always been at war with Oceana", it’s no surprise when they keep doing it. Why should we expect the governor of Alaska to keep a higher standard than the President of the United States?
Comrade Incertus
Now you know how we felt when Bush would say, well, just about anything for the last eight years. Whether it was about tax cuts for the wealthy not really going to them or about Saddam Hussein being an immediate threat to the US or that Social Security was in crisis or even what day of the week it was, we got to feel that. Welcome to our world.
Sad that John can’t recognize God’s plan when he sees it. Becoming Governor and having the ability to fire Wooten was God’s plan. Monegan was foiling God’s will and had to go. You can’t expect a secular government to square ethics with faith, so it’s all the legislatures fault they got that part wrong, of course.
Waist deep in the Big Muddy and the damn fool says "push on"?
Hint: follow far enough behind to save yourself when they get swept away.
Well, I’m not going to point any moral;
I’ll leave that for yourself
Maybe you’re still walking, you’re still talking
You’d like to keep your health.
But every time I read the papers
That old feeling comes on;
We’re — waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Zuzu's Petals
@ComradeJ. Michael Neal:
Well, it also lays the groundwork for impeachment. And you never know, those Repub. Senate members might be just pissed off enough to do their duty.
Secondly, there’s always the possibility of recall by the voters. We can bet there are going to be petitions going around before long.
Comrade Jake
This is not surprising, really. The base was never particularly enthusiastic about McCain. This is in no small part due to his "wavering" on ardent pro-life stuff. Palin’s a model of religious extremism by comparison, so she’s a winnah.
Check out Sully’s recent post on this:
They’re looking forward to her running against Hillary. Suffice it to say these folks aren’t exactly all-stars when it comes to critical thinking skillz.
nota hussein bene
I just wanted to note for the record that the lion’s share of the comments on the Trevino-voting-for-Jindal thread were about Prop 8, and not about Trevino finding himself unable to vote for McCain-Palin.
I find it telling (not to mention deeply hilarious) that his refusal to vote for McCain was met with shrugs and yawns, like it was no big surprise, and all the heat and light on the comment thread was over gay marriage instead of the top of the ticket.
Just sayin….
Awesome win.
Comrade Stuck
@Comrade Peter J: @:
LMAO. A thing of beauty. It’s why we call them wingnut.
Part of the reason you lie is to give your supporters something quotable to latch onto. In an era in which some people get their news only from rightwing propaganda organs, from wingnut blogs to the unholy troika of Fox News, Hannity and Limbaugh, Republican true believers will latch onto Palin’s spin as the truth. Her quote will be repeated on friendly outlets and will become "the truth." She has quickly mastered the ways of modern media.
Worse than that. The Standard Operating Procedure of the lazy and compliant media is to give Palin’s lie top coverage. Then, since most reporters (especially TV talking heads) will never have read the actual report, they will simply use the handiest wire service summary of the facts, whether accurate or not, and then pivot with the response, if any, from the Obama campaign about Palin. The result will be a kind of intellectual mush which again allows the average viewer or listener to conclude that Palin may have a point.
And here’s a bonus: here in Southern California, a talk show host on AM 640 claimed to have read the report, and claimed that it concluded that Monegan lied when he said that the reason he was fired was troopergate, that there were other valid reasons for his dismissal, and that anyway wasn’t Palin doing what anybody would do to protect her family? He didn’t take any calls from listeners who might have taken issue with his interpretation. I wondered how many people depended on this as their sole version of the facts of the case.
I’m pretty sure President Obama and VP Biden would step aside so everyone could see this Clash of the Titans .
That’s our take on it, but that numbskull is probably still imagining a Johnny Drama win.
How do these people function in life? Don’t they have to make SOME decisions that require critical thinking? Are those decisions equally filled with fail?
I am breaking out the crock pot for the season, and I have potatoes and leeks. Any good recipes??
It’s no wonder we are such a sick country with the Republicans gaslighting us all the time. It really has to stop – for the health of our country.
Just Some Fuckhead
It would be totally unfair to do anything about misuse of our collective airwaves.
Ed Marshall
Republicans are too busy imagining Islamic exhortations coming from the random gurgling of a toy doll
I’m not bullshitting the article has a poll and half the people there are offended by random noise.
They shall NEVER tire of beating this dead horse no matter how ineffecive the beating is.
Backstabbing leftists have been diminishing standards for years, which explains how such a mediocre non-achiever like Nobama could have risen so stratospherically in the Democrat Party. So it’s only natural that they’re in complete awe of Governor Sarah Palin’s supposed brazenness — in contrast to the cargo cult leader, Nobama, Sarah Palin is an accomplished leader whose achievements inspire others to succeed.
Sorry, America Last grenade chuckers. You’ll have to wallow even deeper in the mud to get something else to hang around Palin’s neck, as this "Troopergate" nonsense is so much overblown partisan hot air. You’ll be wallowing a long time, though, so get used to saying the following:
Vice President Sarah Palin.
Country First.
They were mocking her openly on MSNBC today. By "they" I mean a reporter I didn’t recognize. Some guy. Dark hair. I was playing Spider Solitaire and drinking tea.
"Atanarjuat" – is that that movie I hated?
Comrade Jake
We have folks on the right, quite well-educated and working for prominent conservative magazines, suggesting that Bill Ayers wrote Obama’s first book. For an argument, they put forward that before he wrote his first book, there is no evidence that he knew how to write a book.
It’s not just that these people are dumb, it’s that they work so hard at it.
Ed Marshall
I’m laughing my ass off at you, Atanarjuat.
How are you going to feel about the U.S.A when they elect this horrible man?
Comrade Jake
I’m pretty sure Atanarjuat is Muslim/Arab/terrorist code for "right-wing fucktard".
You libtards are responsible for lowering standards which can result in things like Alberto Gonzales and the Liberty Law School yahoos taking over the Justice Department.
I’m also pretty sure that those lowered standards resulted in a brainiac like Palin being able to squeak through those 5 colleges to attain her degree in ‘sports’ journalism.
Y’all should be ashamed.
Atanarjuat = Todd Palin
@Comrade Jake:
Really, how do you argue with people who pretend (I’m gonna give them credit that they actually don’t believe that shit) that kind of conspiracy could be true or that it would be worth it?
Atanarjuat =
ToddTrig Palinfixed
Just Some Fuckhead
El Cid
Yeah, but what if Palin says to the new report "Nuh, uh, that was my evil twin from the other universe but now she went back"? There’s no way they can get her then.
Comrade Stuck
LOL. You got to admit this is an amusing troll/spoof. And accurate too. Where else but the mud would you find something else to hang around Palin’s neck. It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to brave the sewer for wingnut history.
I heard a rumor that none of the network Sunday news shows even mentioned Troopergate. Is that true? How is that even possible?
Ed Marshall said:
Since John McCain will be the one to win the Presidency of the United States of America, I will feel very proud, and furthermore, completely vindicated in my own beliefs which are based on patriotism and honor.
The only horrible man in question is Nobama, of course, who is significantly bereft of any patriotism or honor, so your question is rather meaningless.
Country First.
Twenty-three days from now, no one will remember who starred in this reality game show and no one will care. Sarah Palin will be a Trivial Pursuit question and nothing more.
(edit) Yes We Can
Nope. She’ll come in fourth in the 2012 New Hampshire primary, THEN she’ll be a Trivial Pursuit question.
To Todd Palin/Atanarjuat:
Please go back to huffing carburetor cleaner and racing snowmobiles dude!
By the way, is this guy related to you?
Meanwhile, Obama’s canvassing in Toledo, Ohio.
He’s got a walk list and everything. He’s asking for votes.
I like a President who shows up.
I give up. I officially can’t tell the spoofs from the remnant right anymore.
It was all so much easier when I could just assume that everyone here except myself and (probably) John Cole were sockpuppets run by DougJ.
Atanarjuat, if you’re a spoof, you’re a good one—I salute you. If you’re not, though, you should really go back and reread old USENET archives. You’ve got the form of a troll down, but you just don’t have the necessary flair. I think that you’re trying to snidely dismiss our patriotism, but you’re not doing it clearly enough or obnoxiously enough to draw much more than a few tepid responses.
kommrade jakevich
Uh-huh. They should just let McPOW spend a weekend in Vegas, get it out of his system.
But they’re more likely to insist that the current members of personnel board be fired and replaced with Todd, Trig, Track, Piper, Willow & Bristol.
El Cid
Cute story: 106 year old nun who hasn’t voted since 1952 re-registers so that she can vote for Obama:
Well, he got me. I’m patriotic and honorable so I guess I’ll be voting for McCain and Palin.
Hey, wait a minute, haven’t both of them been falsely accusing a sitting US Senator of almost treasonous behavior?Haven’t they been stirring up racism among their crowds and haven’t both of them been officially found wanting in the ethics department?
Maybe that Obama guy is more patriotic and honorable.
Guess I’ll stick with him.
Never mind!
Seriously, personally canvassing?
What is this, the election for the president of the Klingon Empire? YOU HAVE NO HONOR!!!eleventy-one!
As before, Constitution First — we are citizens, not subjects, dickweed.
From the GOS’s mouth to God’s ears.
Pictures of Obama canvassing here.
Comrade Nixon Hailfire Palin
Thanks for the picture link.
It must mean something to the fRighties that the local organizer is named "Kimberly Heretick". Heh.
Good on the MUP!
(edit: I mean Ms. Heretick no disrespect. I just think that if one of the fundie loonies sees that name, they’ll take it as MOAR PROOF that Obama is the Antichrist.)
Comedy GOLD, folks
Because POW, that’s why!
kay said:
Sounds to me like Nobama, driven to despair by the last few brutal weeks (and the collapse of his ACORN voter fraud scam), has been reduced to going door-to-door like a grubby encyclopedia salesman, begging desperately for any votes.
How pitiful.
Country First.
I am pretty sure that ‘Kimberly Heretick" is actually William Ayers in drag. Has to be an alias!!
I confidently predict that we will see no posts from Atanutjob after November 4th, when his reality bubble will shrink to the size of his cojones.
America: Love it or Leave it, Wingnuts.
Better Dead than Red
Is this opposite day?
The McCain campaign is in full self-parody mode. Gotta love it.
Polish the Guillotines
Using the awesome anagram divining powers of Bombay Sapphire, I have determined this poster’s true identity:
Juan Raaatt
Clearly, this is an illegal alien operative working for Karl Rove.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled martinis.
ComradeJ. Michael Neal
Was she the one with the goatee, or the one with the scar?
After reading this, one can only assume that Palin is the evil shaman of this movie.
The Onion needs to start taking lessons from them at this rate.
Polish the Guillotines
Pretty soon, the only reliable sources of news and information will be the Onion, Stewart, and Colbert.
Sad, but hilariously true.
Dennis - SGMM
"Country First" strikes me as an odd way to end a post defending someone who fired her state’s Public Safety Director in a family vendetta. More like "Palins first."
This is my country too, I even shed blood for it. The Republicans lose my vote for another ten years every time they define patriotism as supporting whatever damned fool or idiotic policy that they’re trying to slip to us at the moment. Our country together, muthafuckas, not your country.
kommrade jakevich
Your honor, my client couldn’t have possibly set fire to a cross on the plaintiff’s lawn. He was a POW during the Vietnam War.
Not to shabby, especially for a guy with a background as a (gasp!) community organizer. The word-of-mouth from his appearance has got to be as effective as a TV commercial, especially when you get results like this:
Rock on, MUP!
Crooks and Liars had a good thing about today’s This Week that had Krugman on it and him making the point that there is a fraction of the Reps who will never consider Obama as a ligit pres.
I am impressed by those canvassing shots of the MUP. You know there must be some Secret Service guys around, but I didn’t see them in the pictures.
If McWorse did a canvassing run like that, I bet it would look like this.
Hmmmm. "Driven to despair". Maybe.
He has a walk list and he’s knocking on doors and talking to people.
He’s smiling a lot. They’re smiling back.
I’m sure there is something sinister about all this but I’m just not getting it.
I’ll consult a conservative. Evil intent can be hard to discern.
Comrade Jake
This has to be snark. If it’s not, you’re a complete fucking tool.
Dennis - SGMM
Want to inspire the troops? Go out and do exactly what you’re asking them to do. They’ll follow you to hell and back.
kommrade jakevich
But will they capture Osama bin Laden?
kommrade jakevich
OT: McPOW is one flight suit away from a "bring it on" moment.
This is almost too painful to watch.
Without popcorn.
Dennis - SGMM
But will they capture Osama bin Laden?
John McCain knows how to capture bin Laden. Bush told him the name of the Santa Monica liquor store where bin Laden currently works.
Yeah, Obama sure looks elitist out there walking around talking to normal folks. Lookin well, normal. :-)
Tweety is going to cum in his pants seeing all that. I’m waiting for something similar from McCain, it’ll be awesome.
Just Some Fuckhead
But only if you tell em yer coming back.
Dennis - SGMM
I heard that William Ayers blew up a couple of houses in that neighborhood after Obama walked through it.
Comrade Jake
What’s McCain going to do, throw his oxygen tank at Obama?
@Dennis – SGMM: I heard that William Ayers blew up a couple of houses in that neighborhood after Obama walked through it.
No, it was before. Obama just went there so he could point at the smoking craters and laugh.
Dennis - SGMM
I always told them that "we" were coming back. I didn’t tell them that I ran Cross Country in High School.
After everyone had been forcibly gay married by the coming one world government.
Conservatively Liberal
John, here is a description of the Mozilla problem from my end (Note: running latest version of SeaMonkey/Mozilla):
An odd observation is that the BWOD doesn’t happen at the same post number (maybe it is related to length of the page?). For instance:
In this thread, at 100 % font size the BWOD appears after dslak’s name in post #208. At 90 % font size I can see every post and the comments box.
In this thread, at 100 % font size the BWOD appears after the 7th line of Michael’s post at #115. At 90 % font size, it appears after the first line of post #125. At 75% font size, it appears after the 9th line in post #141. I can see the whole page at 50% font size.
I can see more of the thread with over 200 posts than the one with 142 posts (at a given font size).
Hope that helps. :)
How exactly does McCain get a pass for saying all those things he ‘knows how to do’?
If the MUP did that, we would never hear the end of it.
Would it be out of line for one member of the media to question him, asking him why he hasn’t shared his tactics with Bushco?
Comrade Stuck
Right on cue, the Queen Bee is waving the bloody flag and stirring up the hive for some serious wingnuttery. She lists a virtual who’s who in mugshots of pie throwers, sign burners and alleged lefty photoshopping villains depicting a chimp shitting on Magoo’s cod, among other things. All this to prove it is the left that is becoming angry and un-hinged, instead of the perfectly behaved right. If you have time check out the wingnut linkfest of stupid at Memeorandum.
kommrade jakevich
Because POW, that’s why!*
Maybe they’re afraid, as Comrade Jake suggests, that he’ll throw his oxygen tank at them.
I too would like them to ask. I’d also like them to ask why McPOW stood by while the bestest friend and possible love child of terrist mastermind William Ayers was elected to the Senate.
If they get around to asking him if he’s high or just stupid that would be cool as well.
*[h/t, whoever]
Dennis - SGMM
As a certified Old Guy, I recall Nixon’s secret plan to end the war in Vietnam.
Just Some Fuckhead
After he takes office, Obama can have McCain airdropped over Afghanistan so he can find Osama bin Laden. He knows how, we just need to give him the means.
Comrade Jake
What I love about McCain’s statements about how he knows how to fix this, or win that, is how he often repeats the line:
The second time is usually with more emphasis. It’s like he’s got to convince himself first.
My friends, I have a secret plan to win the lottery tomorrow. Will you loan me
205 bucks ’til then?Bad Horse's Filly
Obama canvessing – awesome!
Slightly OT: I was standing in line today when a woman started to go on about how Sarah Palin rocks. I refrained from telling her what I really thought, which was "you’re a dumbass". Since I live in a fairly conservative town in a very liberal county, I was afraid of starting a riot in the store. But behind her, stood this big, lumbering, obviously blue collar guy, who just shook his head and rolled his eyes at me. When she left he said, "Palin is an idiot."
What struck me about this is, if I was going on visual assumptions, I would have told you he was a McCain voter and she was a granola eating*, hybrid driving*, Obama voter.
In other words, my world is up-side-down today. And I can’t help but think it’s a good thing. More big burly white guys for Obama!
*not that there’s anything wrong with that! Although I prefer flax cereal myself.
rollSound said:
The reason you might not see posts from me on this blog after November 4th is that after John McCain and Sarah Palin resoundingly trounce Nobama and Lyin’ Biden in a record-shattering electoral landslide, John Cole will have little choice but to pull the plug on Balloon Juice due to the resulting humiliation.
If you Ayers-embracing leftists are lucky, humiliation is the worst you’ll suffer, but perhaps some examples will have to be made to reinforce the lesson that treachery can have serious consequences.
My free advice to you America Last parasites: you might consider packing your belongings now and moving to a nation more in sync with your ideology (i.e., Venezuela) as your travel options may be limited after the election.
Country First.
Lost some of your spoof-fu on that one. Even the craziest wingnuts don’t deny that Obama is in strong shape now.
Bad Horse's Filly
Okay, I know, I know, no feeding the trolls. But Atanarjuat, your continued use of COUNTRY FIRST is an insult to the men and women in my family who devoted their lives to the military and public service and risked their lives to defend your sorry ass.
So do us all a favor and enlist, then ship off to Iraq or SHUT THE FUCK UP.
@kommrade jakevich:
One of the things that scares the living bejeebus out of Republicans is that some in the Middle East may be inspired by Obama, not because he is a stealth terrorist, but because he might embody the idea that anyone can become president. Can you imagine what the impact would be if bin Laden is given up as an act of goodwill toward a newly elected president Obama?
‘That one’ has to be a spoof…no one is that weak.
(Was I absent on the day B-J gave a group hug to Ayers, thus qualifying us all as Ayers embracers?)
McPalin’s troglodyte followers are not going read the report, and they don’t have any critical thinking skills, and so they’re easy to snow – they’ll believe anything they’re told. And McPalin would be nothing without them. QED.
Dennis - SGMM
My friends,
I know how to win wars.
I know how to capture bin Laden.
And I’ll respect you in the morning – honest.
Example number 1 zillion in why bipartisanship is dead.
When one side is basically unwilling to play by the basic rules of evidence, you hold them in contempt and put them in jail until they sober up.
You do not attempt to have a debate or hold court with them.
I’m done voting Republican – the last two "moderates" (our state AG and SoS) are off my list for continuing to associate with this party.
Republicans are getting worse, not better, which is the #1 sign the party is rotten to the core.
This is the whole point behind charges of liberal media/academic/judicial bias. You can’t trust anything unless the Party says it’s true.
It almost sickens me to keep doing it, but they really have no idea how much they resemble what Orwell was railing against in 1984. And I quote:
Of course the Republicans read 1984 and, of course, think Orwell is railing against the left (instead of the hardcore right/Stalin/Mussolini).
Please also read every quote from Book 1, Chapter 3 here and tell me it isn’t exactly what the wingers are already trying to do.
Palin would have us believe 2+2 != 4
Notorious P.A.T.
It’s also an odd way to end a post supporting someone who is friendly with a group that wants to secede from the country.
Notorious P.A.T.
Step one: attack different people than the ones who started the war.
Step two: keep saying things are going well, no matter what.
Step three: before the war is actually won, start making plans to attack another group of people who also are not the ones who started the war.
Step four: Petraeus! Petraeus! Petraeus!
Step five: victory!
Conservatively Liberal
PalinBaby Question
Here are two websites that are gathering information about Palin’s other ethical question – whether she is telling the truth about who are Trig Palin’s parents:
Anne Laurie
Where do you suppose the Judge Judy/Jerry Springer/C.O.P.S. shows get their… material? There is a dispiriting percentage of our fellow citizens who can’t be trusted to put their own underpants on correctly, and yet they are free to vote, breed, and produce blog comments asserting that Obama is Adolph Hitler’s lovechild. As the old joke goes, you have to keep in mind that half of all Americans are below average.
An old friend of mine with wingnut tendencies has completely swallowed the ‘scary Obama’ line of nonsense. He also bought a house he could not afford, using an Alt-A stated income loan in August, 2008.
So I am increasingly worried about his ability to function over the long term. He is a bright guy, but apparently unable to distinguish reality from fantasy.
Tony J
I think I speak for all of us here when I say, please, fuck off with that shit. We simply don’t care either way.