From the comments at the Townhall post on the hoax Michelle Obama story:
A few comments later, this reply:
clendon & animalgirl:
the flag you’re asking about is the state flag of ohio.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Republican base. Kind of explains why the Corner is the way it is, doesn’t it?
This merely serves to prove their point. The Vast Obama Conspiracy has roots which go back nearly 200 years.
Comrade Stuck
LOL. Aren’t they precious little critters.
Proof positive of the ignorance of too many and the desperation of being on the brink of a loss.
Comrade Jake
Cue Byron York asking when the Democratic Governor of Ohio decided to change its state flag to match Obama’s seal.
Josh B.
Thank GOD!
I saw the flags being discussed in the comment, and not being familiar with the Ohio State flag (sorry, Ohioans), I was kinda wondering the same thing as the poster…but in a "guys, didn’t you learn ANYTHING from the stupid seal business?!?" kinda way…glad to hear I was wrong.
I hope they don’t get a look at the Puerto Rican flag or I’m in deep trouble.
Uhm….so… wouldn’t any county created in the US be by definition American? Also… is this a question? Or just the stupidest thing anyone has ever said phrased as a question?
Stupid makes my brain hurt.
I believe that back in the day, they called this ‘segregation’. And white conservatives were generally in favor of it.
It’s an honest mistake.
Ed Marshall
Obama hasn’t even been elected yet and he’s already oppressing these people! That’s mad skilz there!
I know I’m just being picky, and I am trying to stop myself, but I cannot:
You cannot have an African country in America. It is not possible. African countries are in Africa, by definition, and Africa and America are mutually exclusive, geographically.
Comrade Darkness
Bah ha ha ha. Ah, man, such joy these people bring. The irony is, some filtering through a real organization would make these guys seem less loony. Good thing they intentionally threw away the filter; we need the laughs these days more than ever.
@r€nato: Nonsense. Segregation wasn’t about giving Africans their own country – at least not one in which they had the right to vote.
Nim, ham hock of liberty
I like how the poster didn’t want any "looney left" responses.
Serious discussions only, please, of how this shows Obama is planning to create an African country within the United States.
Colonel Danite
This is the kind of post that makes it difficult to read this blog at work. I laughed so hard my coworkers think I’m insane.
the OP wrote ‘county’, not ‘country’.
I’m assuming he really meant ‘county’.
The Brits have taken Hawai’i! ! !
Like these flags:
Perry Como
Those comments are classic.
Dennis - SGMM
No, but he has secretly promised every black family forty acres and a mule.
ann sand
It would be funny if so much weren’t at stake. Tennessee has early voting starting today (10-15-08)….big turnout across Memphis…i had to wait 45 minutes to vote, when usually 5 or 10 minutes maximum. People are SO excited about voting for Obama.
Comrade Stuck
I got 5 bucks says Kristol uses the word Afrocentric on FNS this week. Make that a virtual 5 bucks.
They’re this stupid now and Obama hasn’t even won yet.
Imagine how stupid they’re going to get after he wins the election.
I think it’s safe to say that the Clinton era won’t hold a candle on the Obama era for right-wing nuttiness and loony theories about our President.
Can someone – anyone – tell me anything at all reassuring about how this time it might be different? At least Obama doesn’t seem to have had any "bimbo eruptions", so that’s a plus.
Ohio will have it’s very own African county don’tchya know.
El Cid
Which state will be split up to form the great Empire of ACORNIA?
Comrade Darkness
And Tennessee’s flag maker was apparently stoned.
Dennis - SGMM
Not me. I figure that it won’t be long before the wingers start referring to Biden as "The Deputy Spade."
Ed Marshall
That Obama is going to win by a massive margin and Republicans are going, for the near future, be something you are ashamed to associate with or admit to being?
No, you see, Obama is African American. Therefore, he can establish an African country in America. Or maybe a half African country. On the other hand, Sarah Palin could openly advocate the creation of the Independent Republic of Hock Mommystan and be still be all-American. Because, shut up, that’s why.
Such are the ways of Wingnut Logic.
Back to Ohio with this Al Jazeera interview of some of Palin’s most vocal supporters.
This is good reporting, the reporter is not injecting his beliefs and letting the people damn themselves with their own words. It’s ironic that it comes from Al Jazeera. why can we not have reporting like this in the US?
Just Some Fuckhead
At least 25% of the American electorate needs to be put on anti-psychotics medication.
Juan del Llano
Short version: what Just Some Fuckhead said!
(My long version is a waste of bandwidth.)
Laura W
I noticed a huge bear silhouette on the right side of Palin’s blazer yesterday. I was sure she was planning to create a hairy, chubby, gay man secessionist state up in Alaska.
Robin G.
That… just tickles me.
The sooner these morons are driven into the wilderness and we have a sensible, functional GOP to do the work of a sensible, functional opposition party, the better off the entire country will be.
That Obama is going to win by a massive margin and Republicans are going, for the near future, be something you are ashamed to associate with or admit to being?
Won’t work. They’ll just insist that the ballot boxes were stuffed by phoney voters registered by ACORN. They’ve been laying the groundwork for this for years now.
El Cid
The plus side is that there’s no exciting "newness" to this right wing Reaganite lunatic bin.
During the 1990s they could still always claim that their crazy right wing approach to the Universe had never really been tried.
Well, now, we’ve tried it. It’s crap. They had every branch of government and all these right wing base / Stink Tank / publication / blog freaks had their 15 months or more of fame.
It’s being about as widely rejected as any political philosophy we’ve ever had.
So when they emerge to scream from Minorityville that Emperor Haile Obama is oppressing them, I think a lot of people may remember for the next 2 years, maybe the next 4 years, maybe the next 40 years if Obama does a great job, that the last time these freaks had their way the whole country went to sh*t.
Maybe that wasn’t what you were asking, but it’s what I think of when I’m thinking about the future of the Right Wing Nut Squad effect.
It’s just an all-devouring black hole of dumb and fail out there.
On the other hand, it would be fun to turn this into a viral email as a hoax. I wonder how many right-wingers would fall forit?
Dude, they totally suckered our ancestors into "enslaving" them they could come over here and fuck up our shit in 2008.
Crafty bastards.l
Clinton got blindsided by the black-helicopter set, and the Republicans had not exposed their nutters yet. Now, the freaks have been on the TV enough that the sensible-sounding front-end has had to repudiate them.
Then: "Jump, or my mob is on you." "OK"
Now: "He’s gonna make bin-ladenstan in my backyard!" "Is that shit yours?"
Comrade Stuck
Goddamn some days the posts and commenters here make me cry tears of laughter.
Perry Como
Leave Sarah Palin’s family alone!
jake 4 that 1
Wow. Teh Suck is so powerful I could use my computer as a vacuum cleaner.
But at least the Concerned Conservatice Citizens StFu after the state flag tutorial.
Paul D
No, Clendon.
It’s a dishonest and ignorant mistake.
well…in that Simpsons clip that was going around a few days ago, Homer references that Ohio is not part of America. so, technically, Obama was speaking in front of a foreign flag, hence he’s unfit to be President. makes total sense.
at this point, i’d bet money that Obama wins PA, IN, VA, CO, FL, NH, MI, and NM, but LOSES Ohio–i think that’s the one toss-up state that McCain manages to win.
but by then, it all be too late. (cue bwa-ha-ha-ha laugh)
Comrade Darkness
ZOMG, Obama has brainwashed McCain into supporting the new African States of Amerika
Laura W
I have been meaning to ask you people this forever:
Do you think it would be any different if Obama’s mom was black and his dad white? No? Well…still wondering.
I sent a friend the link to John Cleese discussing Palin yesterday and my email subject line said: "I miss the dead parrot on the tee vee, don’t you?" We are recently reunited college buddies (UC Santa Barbara) from the late 70s, when a decent "lid" was $10, Sat. Nite Live ruled, and Monty Python was god. She’s in Iowa now and told me how the primary caucus night went for her. Pretty fun.
(Oooo…got my first Network Timeout since the upgrades.)
These guys would eat Obama’s poo if they thought they could pick up the remnants of Moroccan spices that proves he’s part of some larger African conspiracy.
A mulattocracy? A mullahtocracy? Holy Mary, mother of risen Christ.
Josh Huaco
And the French have seized our strategic corn reserves!
@NonyNony: No one gives a crap anymore. 16 years ago, when Clinton walked in to office in the middle of a Republican Dynasty, large swaths of the country hated all Democrats period. Guys tuned into Rush in droves to hear about how horrible a President the Clenis was. Republicans won in a landslide in ’94 in reaction to the "evil liberals!" threat to America.
That groundswell of conservatism just doesn’t exist anymore. America got its 6 years of full-blown Republican Nirvana. And it sucked. Hard. Bush as broken virtually every campaign promise that brought him into office. Honor and Integrity to the White House? Ha! Limited Government? Haha! No more Kosovo-style foreign adventurism? Lols! Safety? Security? Spreading Democracy? *laughs* Economic prosperity? You must be joking.
What is Obama going to do that will justify all the pooh-flinging we expect to see? At least Clinton got a blow job on the taxpayer’s dime. And he screwed with the FAA. Obama just gets to dance around America fixing things that obviously need fixing. After 8 years of clusterfuck stupidity, his job is going to be impossibly hard but his standards will be ridiculously low. If he manages to cut the screw ups in half by 2012, he’ll be a national hero. It’s going to be really really hard to gin up a case against Barry O, and really really easy to ruthlessly mock the Bush dead-enders who try.
Comrade Darkness
You mean Mulletocracy, don’t you?
Tom Ames
And the communist leather-daddies run California!
But I guess we already knew that.
The serious adults in the Party of Bush right…bitchslapping the inferior Onion on a daily basis.
But wait, there’s a whitey audiotape! Oh noes! At one of the really smart base organs, Newsbusters…
I’m really hoping McCain goes all in with this tonight. Be The Mav!
Perry Como
@Elliott: I fully support the creation of a Mulletocracy.
Comrade The Moar You Know
Yes. Or rather more precisely, no. It will be different from the Clinton years. I expect riots. If we’re lucky, perhaps they’ll all secede and go to Alaska or Alabama or some place like that. We can get the nukes and our own out, and let them live in the insane reality-free world they’ve always wanted. And I really think that’s the best scenario we can hope for.
This Whitey story was trotted out months ago…debunked…man this is like watching a rerun of Charles in Charge.
Exact same thing happened on the crazy Rapturists website. Read at your own risk. Note how when people point out that it was the flag of Ohio, the thread suddenly goes quiet.
Can always tell when you’ve been GOS’ed. Site goes dead for 10 minutes. Sure enough, you’ve been front-paged by the Hystericals.
El Cid
If the right wing nutbags decide to riot under an Obama administration, I think they’ll find out 2 things, quicklike:
(1) They better be damn careful where they show their a**es, because there are a lot of people who aren’t interested in putting up with their sh*t.
(2) All those Unitary Executive, NSA, Homeland Security magic powers they just gave the President aren’t gone.
@Tsulagi: Hooray! I bet that source also has the "whitey" tape! And the Kenyan birth certificate!
Perry Como
Fafblog ftw:
Wow, just simply fucking wow.
This election has taken a turn for the surreal.
There’s no way that that guy’s vote counts as much as mine, is there? Guys…….?
Ignorance is a disease that spreads rapidly – especially when you are opposed to contraceptives for your brain:
Freepers freakout over Obamahio flag
Laura W
No NC?
I have a very good feeling about my recently-adopted state of residence. (and CO, the state from whence I came.)
I did a super-scientific survey as I drove thru the post office parking lot today. Out of 12 cars, 3 had Obama stickers and one McShame. I live in a small, very white town in the WNC mountains in a red county. As are all the surrounding counties. The support for O/B here is amazing. I realize that the pride and excitement of the Obama supporters translates into advertising their votes, in contrast to the shame and embarrassment the Rethugs must feel. Who can blame them for not going public with their vote?
But still. I see half a dozen Obama stickers to every one McCain. I likes this a lot.
Times like this I really miss Molly Ivins and Ann Richards. Poor Wingnuts…God bless ’em. They cain’t hep it. They were born with teh stoopid in their brainz.
Maybe it is all the lead in their drinking water.
A while back I wondered if Obama was going to turn out to be another Clinton or another Carter. I stand by those two possibilities at the moment (mostly because I’m a pessimistic sonuvabitch). Because we’re going to be going through a long, hard slog to rebuild what the GOP destroyed and the right-wingers are going to be blaming it all – constantly and incessantly – on the Democrats. When things don’t start to recover instantly on January 21st 2009, it’ll be all the Democrats fault.
And I don’t expect the media to be helpful in this matter. Not at all. They’re going to continue to suck and let right-wingers make stupid claims completely unchallenged by reality.
The only things that have me kind of comforted are the fact that El Cid is right – this stuff isn’t new anymore. It’s crawled out on a rock and died for everyone to see. And as you say, the right has kind of severely lowered expectations for Obama – when he gets into office and turns out not to be a bomb-throwing radical but instead a slightly left of center moderate, the mushy middle of the country will probably breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, the mushy middle of the country mostly liked Clinton too (see his approval ratings – relatively high through most of his term in office except right around ’94).
The other bit of hope that a friend just reminded me of is that Clinton and Carter both really were ‘outsiders’ to the DC circle. And they were both perceived as ‘Southern bubbas’ who just didn’t ‘get’ DC (as Broder once described Clinton coming in and "trashing the place"). Clinton and Carter both fought as much with their own parties in Congress and with the DC media as they did with the Republicans. Obama may actually have a good chunk of the Congress at his back since he really isn’t an ‘outsider’ in the way that Clinton and Carter were. And he’s more of a ‘compromise to a middle path’ sort of guy than a ‘fighter’ like Clinton was. That may help him a lot. Since if he doesn’t have to worry about the knives from his own party, he can concentrate a bit more on the knives from the GOPers.
John? Anyone? Please do something with this (h/t Kevin in the comments at Rumproast) a nice lady called Tammy has a rather charming photoshop job on her page at Team Sarah.
It shows Obama shining Palin’s shoes (how quaint), however poor Tammy is distraught that people (democrats) are *shock* being disrespectful to Palin and actually posted this little gem (which after you have gone through the 5 photo slideshow shows up right underneath the offending photo)
“Fine if you don’t support a candidate but when did it become socially acceptable to display vile and disgusting behavior towards ANYBODY running for office?!?!? I cannot for the life of me understand this…”
@moe99: I’d bet all the money I have (not that much; don’t get excited) that those fine Amurkins had no idea they were talking to an Al Jazeera correspondent.
Now they’ve consorted with a "terrorist." Ha!
comrade scott
That would occur only if Palin and the First Dude/Putz end up in the White House.
If that happens, we’ll look back on President 19%’s administration fondly.
Tom Ames
Clendon likely made an honest mistake, but only insofar as he did not recognize the Ohio State flag. As a west-coaster, I might have also missed this.
The bucket of warm fail is only emptied out onto unsuspecting winger heads with this conclusion:
1. Obama modified the flag (I believe)
2. Stanley Kurtz is fucking right!!!
3. OMFG Obama is going to create an African nation in the heartland!!
4. Deny it if you can, loony left MSM Whether underground community organizers!!
I have no words to even describe the hilarity. just, oh my god.
The only way Obama survives 4 years as Prez without pushing up daisies is if he goes all "Candygram for Mongo!" about 6 times a day with all the crazy racist fucks that infest this country…
Laura W.:
How can you distract us with the Dead Parrot sketch, when you can watch Palin discussing the foundations of democratic collective government! (That’s Michael Palin, of course, playing Dennis:)
Thanks. How fun.
I’m in Ohio and have an email list of politically active "ladies". We’re a club, of sorts.
They’ll really enjoy this. Ridiculous, perhaps, but Ohians love their state flag, because it’s INSTANTLY RECOGNIZABLE (the unusual notched shape).
Or so we thought!
Comrade Darkness
Keep digging, guys, keep digging. Soon the hole will be too deep to crawl out of and we can all go back to our normal, sane, lives. You need not even hand them a shovel. Lacking implements, they will happily dig with their fingernails.
and better yet, the sig on the line above:
Sorry, evil does what to The Donald?
Yeah, being an Ohioan we’ve always thought the Obama symbol always looked suspiciously like our own state symbol, not flag, mind you.
Well, except for the wheat. And the arrows.
As for our flag, it’s hard to mistake, because it’s the only one in the Union that’s pointy, isn’t it?
We’re Ohio, bitches, and we like being different, so we came up with, like, this weirdly-shaped flag.
Ohio wins the internet!
Mutant Poodle
I actually noticed that the middle flag in one photo of Obama in Ohio was different. And so I did what may seem unfathomable – I considered the possibility that it could be the state flag, looked it up on the internet to confirm, and then went about my business.
Which, as a liberal, involves burning real American flags and kicking puppies.
yet another jeff
Nope, definitely no such thing as "peak wingnut."
Mac G
Only elitists know their state flag anyway. :)
I went over and actually read the thread. Apparently some talk show hosts are picking this Obama Flag story up. The next 4-8 years are going to rule.
Famous Monkey
Oh noes, Barack Obama has taken over Ohio and replaced it with his flag!
Oh noes, Ohio is a swing state!
Oh noes, Obama is a swinger!
Oh noes, Swingers is a movie about dancing!
Oh noes, only them there negroids dance good!
Oh noes, Obama is gonna make me look stuped on the dance floor!
Oh noes, uh, I’ve run out of things to be scared of!
Bubblegum Tate
Fucking hell, that site is hilarious. It’s my new online crack, methinks. They have a whole subforum dedicated to the One World Government.
Rapture nuts ftw!
So, we’re giving Ohio to Africa? They vote like African nations do, so I think they’ll fit in pretty well. I like this plan.
Cris v.3.1
Well, how about that? Miche11e Ma1kin actually called out this nonsense two days ago.
http:// michelle malkin dot com /2008/10/13/its-not-an-obama-flag-its-ohios-state-flag/
Cris v.3.1
@Tom Ames: By the way, Tom: Clendon was the one who pointed out the mistake, not the one who made the mistake.
Tom Ames
Not that it matters, but at the original link, Clendon DEFINITELY was pushing the wingnut-woo.
Someone named "Heather" called him on it.
Mike G
Nope, definitely no such thing as "peak wingnut."
I suspect that Reich-Wingnut Stupid is an abiotic process, so unfortunately we will never run out.
Grumpy Code Monkey
@Tom Ames:
Damn straight. It’s not the fact that they couldn’t recognize the Ohio state flag that’s the problem (hell, I wouldn’t have recognized it), it’s the thought process that leads to conclusions like "ZOMG Obama will create an African nation in the heartland" that needs to be ridiculed, because it’s the same though process that got us mired in Iraq, that prompted us to suspend habeas corpus and embrace torture. It’s like a quarter of the country is paranoid delusional.
Clendon, seriously, you believed that crap?
And I cannot tell you how much fun it is to receive lectures on flag etiquette from the same group of people who have appropriated flag imagery for their own purposes, and who stuck little American flags on their car antennas that eventually became little torn, faded, stained, shabby-looking rags.
Speaking of which, what about the McCain campaign’s TV flack background image?
See, for instance –
They went and printed their campaign slogan over the top of the flag! I suppose desecrating our sacred flag is okay, if you’re a Republican.
Hoax? What difference would that make to these people? They don’t really care if it’s factual or not as long as it supports their racist paranoid fuckedup fundie worldview.
IIRC there was a post by Tim F. that linked to a study that showed how conservatives were in fact more likely to believe something after it had been debunked.
These people for the past 8 years have fucking demanded they be lied to. These people don’t need or even want truth. Never have for the past 8 years, and they sure as hell don’t want it now.
These people are in fact terrified by reality.
The Confidence Man
@Comrade Darkness:
The description of the design/symbolism of the Tennessee flag seems apropos of this historical moment: "The final blue strip relieves the sameness of the crimson field and prevents the flag from showing too much crimson when it is limp."
Technically it is a pennant because it is not rectangular and more specifically a burgee with the swallowtail. While pennants are flags, flags are not pennants.
It is, by far, the best looking state flag in the country.
If you look at wikipedia you will find that the only other pennant at the state or above level in the world is Nepal’s. I guess that means that BHO is going to make us the next Nepal.
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
That’s funny as hell.
Shouldn’t that guy be banned from posting/blogging until after November 4th?
My son just walked into the room and asked me why I was looking at an Ohio flag. He’s 4. Sigh…
Zuzu's Petals
The main thing I can see is that so much of the anti-Clinton spew was fueled by Scaife. Who knows how much of a factor that would be now.
Also, rumor is that Murdoch is trying to be less inflamatory (wife’s influence).
So there’s that.
On the other hand, the Internet wasn’t such a big deal in those days …
Its times like this I wish I were a wingnut. I could have so much fun pointing out that the Arizona State flag is basically just combination of the flags for Imperial Japan*, North Korea, and Vietnam.
(* I admit, the rising sun of the Arizona flag is actually more like the Macedonian flag than Imperial Japan)
Holy shit — no wonder they love Sarah Palin. It’s like six year-olds looking up to Einstein. Compared to their brains, she’s sheer scintillating genius.
Way late to this thread, but I has, just has, to add my LOLs.
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol ….
… oh, lol ^32 or so.
That is great, beautiful how they jump to conclusions. I went to an Obama rally on Friday in Columbus- he did speak in front of Ohio and US flags. The Ohio flags were at half staff- not sure why.
By the way, I didn’t hear anyone calling Sarah Palin a traitor or saying kill John McCain.
St Wendeler
a comment from an ignoramus about the Ohio flag? Malkin had already discussed the Ohio flag two days earlier, yet this idjit posts on Townhall on Wed and you pick it up?
No one criticizing Obama has made the argument that Barry wants to create an African country within the US… that’s just an asinine thing to suggest.
The great thing about the rapture ready thread was that at least one of them was from Ohio.
You couldn’t make this much Dumb up.
This has to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on the entire Internets.
But while we’re discussing the nefarious plots to control our precious vital fluids (or, alternatively, corn), y’all should pay attention to the Oregon state flag. Sure, the front bears a happy state seal with a rugged farmer. But look at the reverse!
It’s a beaver!
Oregon is a secret gynocracy!
Don’t despair. Lunacy and paranoia are merely states of the mind.Thank God (if I may) there are those out there who will ground us on occasion.
For example, "[i]n the first sketch, Chevy Chase plays a job interviewer, and comedian Richard Pryor plays the applicant. Chase decides to play word association with Pryor — tree/dog, fast/slow, rain/snow. But then Chase starts throwing out racially loaded words and phrases: Negro. Colored. Burr head. Spearchucker. Jungle bunny. And finally, nigger. Pryor’s responses? Whitey. Redneck. Cracker. White trash. Honky. And finally, dead honky.
[Second,] SNL cast member Garrett Morris plays an inmate auditioning for a prison theater production. To the white judges, he sings, “I’m going to get me a shotgun and kill all the whiteys I see/When I kill all the whiteys I see, then whitey he won’t bother me.” Dan McGraw, Ft. Worth Weekly 9/5/07.
To misquote Red Skelton… "and Gawd bless SNL."
Johnny Pez
@Cris v.3.1: Things have reached a pretty pass when Stalkin’ Malkin has become the voice of reason.
You are an idiot. 11 million Ohians will tell you that the Ohio State Flag is a pennant with a big fat "O" on it. If you need help with this, Ohio begins with an "O".
When did one person become a "base"?
This post is quite a stretch. Seems a bit desperate.