This ACORN shit is going to blow up. Its going to set up, from the start, the illegitimacy of the Obama preznitsee.
I don’t even think you need to wait until after the election. I think during the election you are going to see in real time the largest attempt in American history to flat out keep people from voting, secifically blacks, with millions of challenges being made right at the polls on election day in order to grind voting to a hault in certain precincts. After reading stories that last few days I have a really bad feeling for how this is all going to turn out (and BTW I agree that if Obama wins he will be treated as if he didn’t by 1/3 of the country).
@Napoleon: That’s why it is so important to convince people to vote early.
And that is part of the reason I did here in Ohio, not that I was worried for myself but so that come election day the BOE can apply resourses to where it counts (the heavily African American east side of town). My understanding is early turn out has been heavy (they also have early voting at certain locations).
love it. i especially like seeing mccain’s reactions to all the things shouted out at his speeches, which is funny since now he keeps saying that he always, always confronts and repudiates those things.
Comrade Bey
and BTW I agree that if Obama wins he will be treated as if he didn’t by 1/3 of the country
That was going to happen anyway. On the other hand, we have so many real problems to deal with right now, that I don’t think most people are going to let it affect them. See the Ayres kerfluffle. In 2000 or even 2004 that would have been a killer. Now, despite herculean efforts on the part of the McCain campaign, people see it for what it is–a distraction from the real work to be done.
Right, like I treated this Bush as if he had some kind of legitimacy for the last eight years.
It’s funny that the GOP has become so accustomed to hyping shit into The Greatest Threat to Our Way of Life and then "defending" us against it, that they now have no idea how to respond when the real thing happens. They are fully equipped to tilt at windmills, actual giants not so much.
On the other hand, we have so many real problems to deal with right now, that I don’t think most people are going to let it affect them.
And honestly, it could backfire on the entire conservative movement. I think they are seriously into territory where from now on anything that comes out of there mouth will be viewed with as much credibility by the electorate as Archie Bunker would have viewed something from Abbie Hoffman.
In my area of Colorado, the Dems’ goal is to have ~75% of the votes in the bag before election day. 49% of voters have requested mail-in ballots, and early voting should account for another big chunk. It will be hard to mess up election day badly enough to affect the outcome, when only 25% of the votes are left to cast.
Also in Colorado, this year you can check on line to see if your mail-in ballot was received and processed. And we have paper ballots except for one touch-screen machine per polling place (for those who request it, e.g. disabled folks). We have a nasty wingnut Secretary of State, and still we have accomplished all this (both the local Dems and the Obama people). I don’t believe we are alone, either.
The Repubs telegraphed their punches far too early on this one. People are ready for them.
peach flavored shampoo
49% of voters have requested mail-in ballots, and early voting should account for another big chunk. It will be hard to mess up election day badly enough to affect the outcome, when only 25% of the votes are left to cast.
Until thousands of votes are mysteriously lost in the mail. Tin-foil hat firmly attached, I put absolutely nothing past these bastards.
Until thousands of votes are mysteriously lost in the mail. Tin-foil hat firmly attached, I put absolutely nothing past these bastards.
I’ve been quietly hyperventilating about voter fraud for years now (Ohio, Florida, DieBold, etc. etc.), but I’m actually much more optimistic now. Does anyone here honestly think that Sen. Obama’s team hasn’t made careful, concrete plans to overcome the inevitable dirty tricks the G.O.P. will deploy during the election? I’ve been only peripherally involved in Obama’s legal effort (no J.D.*), and am certainly not privvy to the higher-level decisions made in that team, but I can say that:
1) Obama has an enormous voter protection and fraud-awareness program in place, which has been building for more than a year. There are a lot of ethical lawyers** who are super pissed about the last 8 years, yo, and are planning on fighting like crazy to make sure we have as fair an election as possible.
2) The 50 state strategy is partially designed to make sure that pin-point fraud in key electorates (which is what "won" Bush his two terms) is far less effective than it would be otherwise: McCain and the G.O.P. have no real idea where their resources would be most effectively targeted in order to garner critical game-changing "votes." So they make sure that Broward County swings Republican? So what, Obama just swung three other counties to the Dem column. Ha ha.
3) Charlie Crist couldn’t care less about McCain’s chances in Florida. There is little chance that he’ll risk his neck to produce any shenanigans on John "No, I’m Not Picking You For V.P., Charlie" McCain’s account. Crist probably mutters "Fuck you Sarah, Fuck you Sarah, Fuck you Sarah" to himself every night when he goes to sleep . . . do not look for him to be providing any favors for McCain.
And, finally: Tin-Foil hats do not work! They are, in all probability, a government plot to increase the effectiveness of satellite based radio waves beamed into people’s heads. See here.
*Yet. Jeebus it’s taking me a long time.
**Yes, they exist. Honest.
Comrade Jake
I agree that if Obama wins he will be treated as if he didn’t by 1/3 of the country
Who fucking cares? They’re idiots. These are mostly the same people who think W is still doing an amazing fucking job. Half of them think the sun revolves around the Earth, for Chrissakes.
There seems to be this notion that a good percentage of the public viewing an Obama presidency as illegitimate is going to hamper his ability to get stuff done. This would appear to be inconsistent with all the data, suggesting that we’re talking about an individual with considerable political skillz.
Well Andrew Sullivan is on the Diane Reem show and he is doing an excellent job of pushing back on the bogus ACORN stuff.
Laura W
"ROLLING STONE: It’s Already Stolen"
Jesus Christ. That ruined my day.
Why the fuck can MSNBC not run this every 15 minutes instead of Joe the Plumber CRAP?
Man that makes me sad and frightened.
Good. Sully’s typically the smartest person in the room, and he has excellent command of the facts. His problem is that he frequently gets carried away and doesn’t have much patience with idiots. But when he’s calm, he can be absolutely devastating in that type of setting.
On the Diane Reem show she said Mike Allen of the Politico is reporting Colin Powell will be on Meet the Press this weekend and may endorce Obama on the show.
He is actually, he clobbered the guy from the WSJ. He does have a little of a tone to his voice of "you fool", but it was a very effective way to put the guy in a corner.
Some of you probably missed the SNL skit on crazy lady at McCain rally while watching the candidates do stand up. One of the best all season, IMO.
And the best part is she gave the phonetic pronunciation of all the misspelled internet rumors she believes. "He convorts with terriers… He’s a Muslin… He’s a Jer. He’s a big Jer. He’s Jer-ish… He’s 50% Ejip-ten. He’s gonna change the White House to a pyramid. No?"
Comrade Jake
On the Diane Reem show she said Mike Allen of the Politico is reporting Colin Powell will be on Meet the Press this weekend and may endorce Obama on the show.
That would be nice, but I think the conservatives who would be swayed by such are already planning to vote for Obama. It might get some press, but will be dismissed by the right pointing to Powell’s tan.
Okay, I’ve watched about 45 seconds of that video so far, and before I watch any more, let me say that despite some moves that show class, McCain, his running mate, and anyone affiliated with his campaign will always be viewed with a suspicious eye by me. McCain may have taken the right step by shouting down that woman who claimed Obama was an Arab terrorist, but what about the times he’s claimed that he’s put his country second and his campaign first? What about the times he’s brought up Ayers and had had his running mate do everything but directly call him a traitor? What about Cindy McCain, who claims that Obama voted to put her son into greater danger? I’m not going to forget any of this, no matter how many congressional Democrats consider McCain their friend. I don’t hate McCain on a deep personal level like someone who wronged me or a member of my family, but he’s thrown caution to the wind and sacrificed his dignity, honor, and the possible safety of several people by pulling this shit. I may not hate him, but I don’t like him like I used to, and I certainly don’t respect him.
And honestly, it could backfire on the entire conservative movement. I think they are seriously into territory where from now on anything that comes out of there mouth will be viewed with as much credibility by the electorate as Archie Bunker would have viewed something from Abbie Hoffman.
I’ve said for some time now that the moves of McCain are manifestations of a campaign that has become very desperate. You have to think that the internals of their polls are terrible. So yeah, what you suggested, I think, is very possible. If they are defeated as soundly as I think they might be on election day, it’s going to take a few years in the wilderness and a bunch of new faces to bring the movement back.
McCain may have taken the right step by shouting down that woman who claimed Obama was an Arab terrorist, but what about the times he’s claimed that he’s put his country second and his campaign first?
I think one of two things is happening:
1) McCain has been boxed into a corner and needs to be angry all the time, but his heart isn’t in it, and he’s genuinely appalled when the wingnuts come out in force.
2) Plausible deniability. He’s just fine with all the smears and what-not, but by occasionally putting up some sort of display, it makes it look like he’s not responsible (like having the Swift Boat dudes denounced mildly by Preznit Bush).
McCain is 72, not 5, and if he’s being lead "astray" from his core values by advisors, I do not (repeat, DO NOT), give him any free pass for that. He owns this campaign, top to bottom. The lies about town halls, ACORN and the liberal media are a smokescreen so that Republicans can claim they were "forced" to scream "OBAMA WILL RAPE YOUR WOMEN, FORCE YOU TO GET AN ABORTION AND THEN EAT YOUR BABY FOR DINNER WITH HIS MUSLIM FRIENDS".
Judge people by what they do, not what they say about what they do.
The problem is… this is not a genie you can easily put back into the bottle.
I know it’s Al-Jazeera but christ… what kind of slack-jawed morons say things like this to a reporter?
I’m afraid if Obama wins… the blacks will take over
Unabashed, unafraid, unapologetic racism and hatred. Out in the open like it’s been given a new reason to thrive.
Push them all off a goddamn cliff. And damn McCain and the GOP to the same fate for feeding this and then denying they want it for fuel.
Vote McCain/Palin! The new and improved uniters, not dividers.
Shouldn’t this be in past or present tense?
One of the things that puzzles me the most (although perhaps I am not puzzled at all), is how ANGRY these anti-Obama people are. I guess racism makes you this angry?
These people have gotten exactly what they voted for in the last 8 years. I, my disabled-vet husband, and the miIlions of people who didn’t vote for Bush have the right to be angry.
Middle- and lower-class Republicans repeatedly vote against their own self interests and then blame everyone but themselves for their problems. They live only to sustain their irrational fears. Pathetic.
Laura W
He’s 50% Ejip-ten. He’s gonna change the White House to a pyramid. No?"
That line caused me to wet my pants.
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
When he stunned the crowd by suggesting that Obama was a good man, it got so quiet you could hear a pitchfork drop.
@punchy- there is a quantitative difference between a bunch of kids getting 8 bucks an hour writing in Mickey Mouse and State Secretaries purging tens of thousands of legitimate voters off the rolls.
Does anyone actually think Troy Aikman is going to show up in Fargo ND to vote?
GEt real. Get off the cardboard soapbox and let’s focus on the real voter fraud- perpetrate mostly by GOP hacks. steal back your vote!
and somewhere in the great Hereafter, William F Buckley and Ronald Reagan are saying No…No…Noooooooooo that’s not what we meant! It’s like Pinky and the Brain, and the Brain died.
Amen, I agree completely. If they won’t change their racist views and beliefs, off a cliff with them.
Can anyone else besides me not watch the video? Is the video linked on another website?
It’s like Pinky and the Brain, and the Brain died.
Oh snap. POTD.
I’m stealing this one.
@Comrade Nikolita: Can anyone else besides me not watch the video?
I can, but
I really don’t
like their vid
eo player very much.
2) Plausible deniability. He’s just fine with all the smears and what-not, but by occasionally putting up some sort of display, it makes it look like he’s not responsible (like having the Swift Boat dudes denounced mildly by Preznit Bush).
I think quite possibly McCain has this vision of Obama being assassinated, and the finger pointing squarely at him for egging his followers on. It’s one thing to go down as an unsuccessful candidate, it’s quite another to go down as the guy who inspired a Lee Harvey Oswald or James Earl Ray.
wake me up on election day where either way I’ll exclaim. . .
What a load of balloon juice!
I am officially blaming every politician past, present, and future for laughing at jokes like:
Democracy=2 wolves + 1 chicken deciding what’s for lunch
Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man.
Public confidence in the integrity of the government is indispensable to faith in democracy; and when we lose faith in the system, we have lost faith in everything we fight and spend for.
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Comrade Scrutinizer
No one wants to make a comment?
This ACORN shit is going to blow up. Its going to set up, from the start, the illegitimacy of the Obama preznitsee. JMM is freakin out.
kommrade jakevich
I bet TDS writers have a lot of spare time right now. I hope they thank McPalin for creating all of their material.
And speaking of fire, I wonder what’s cooking in Ohio?
I don’t even think you need to wait until after the election. I think during the election you are going to see in real time the largest attempt in American history to flat out keep people from voting, secifically blacks, with millions of challenges being made right at the polls on election day in order to grind voting to a hault in certain precincts. After reading stories that last few days I have a really bad feeling for how this is all going to turn out (and BTW I agree that if Obama wins he will be treated as if he didn’t by 1/3 of the country).
@Napoleon: That’s why it is so important to convince people to vote early.
Ash Can
@kommrade jakevich: That "Halloween decoration" excuse sounds about as substantive as that GOP goof in California saying that the fried chicken, ribs and watermelon on her group’s Obama-food-stamp mailer were "just food" to her. ZOMG the honestee, it blindz mee…
And that is part of the reason I did here in Ohio, not that I was worried for myself but so that come election day the BOE can apply resourses to where it counts (the heavily African American east side of town). My understanding is early turn out has been heavy (they also have early voting at certain locations).
love it. i especially like seeing mccain’s reactions to all the things shouted out at his speeches, which is funny since now he keeps saying that he always, always confronts and repudiates those things.
Comrade Bey
That was going to happen anyway. On the other hand, we have so many real problems to deal with right now, that I don’t think most people are going to let it affect them. See the Ayres kerfluffle. In 2000 or even 2004 that would have been a killer. Now, despite herculean efforts on the part of the McCain campaign, people see it for what it is–a distraction from the real work to be done.
Right, like I treated this Bush as if he had some kind of legitimacy for the last eight years.
Comrade Bey
Meanwhile, check the WaPo’s endorsement of Obama
Laura W
Some of you probably missed the SNL skit on crazy lady at McCain rally while watching the candidates do stand up. One of the best all season, IMO.
Dennis - SGMM
It’s funny that the GOP has become so accustomed to hyping shit into The Greatest Threat to Our Way of Life and then "defending" us against it, that they now have no idea how to respond when the real thing happens. They are fully equipped to tilt at windmills, actual giants not so much.
And honestly, it could backfire on the entire conservative movement. I think they are seriously into territory where from now on anything that comes out of there mouth will be viewed with as much credibility by the electorate as Archie Bunker would have viewed something from Abbie Hoffman.
Emma Anne
In my area of Colorado, the Dems’ goal is to have ~75% of the votes in the bag before election day. 49% of voters have requested mail-in ballots, and early voting should account for another big chunk. It will be hard to mess up election day badly enough to affect the outcome, when only 25% of the votes are left to cast.
Also in Colorado, this year you can check on line to see if your mail-in ballot was received and processed. And we have paper ballots except for one touch-screen machine per polling place (for those who request it, e.g. disabled folks). We have a nasty wingnut Secretary of State, and still we have accomplished all this (both the local Dems and the Obama people). I don’t believe we are alone, either.
The Repubs telegraphed their punches far too early on this one. People are ready for them.
peach flavored shampoo
Until thousands of votes are mysteriously lost in the mail. Tin-foil hat firmly attached, I put absolutely nothing past these bastards.
I’ve been quietly hyperventilating about voter fraud for years now (Ohio, Florida, DieBold, etc. etc.), but I’m actually much more optimistic now. Does anyone here honestly think that Sen. Obama’s team hasn’t made careful, concrete plans to overcome the inevitable dirty tricks the G.O.P. will deploy during the election? I’ve been only peripherally involved in Obama’s legal effort (no J.D.*), and am certainly not privvy to the higher-level decisions made in that team, but I can say that:
1) Obama has an enormous voter protection and fraud-awareness program in place, which has been building for more than a year. There are a lot of ethical lawyers** who are super pissed about the last 8 years, yo, and are planning on fighting like crazy to make sure we have as fair an election as possible.
2) The 50 state strategy is partially designed to make sure that pin-point fraud in key electorates (which is what "won" Bush his two terms) is far less effective than it would be otherwise: McCain and the G.O.P. have no real idea where their resources would be most effectively targeted in order to garner critical game-changing "votes." So they make sure that Broward County swings Republican? So what, Obama just swung three other counties to the Dem column. Ha ha.
3) Charlie Crist couldn’t care less about McCain’s chances in Florida. There is little chance that he’ll risk his neck to produce any shenanigans on John "No, I’m Not Picking You For V.P., Charlie" McCain’s account. Crist probably mutters "Fuck you Sarah, Fuck you Sarah, Fuck you Sarah" to himself every night when he goes to sleep . . . do not look for him to be providing any favors for McCain.
And, finally: Tin-Foil hats do not work! They are, in all probability, a government plot to increase the effectiveness of satellite based radio waves beamed into people’s heads. See here.
*Yet. Jeebus it’s taking me a long time.
**Yes, they exist. Honest.
Comrade Jake
Who fucking cares? They’re idiots. These are mostly the same people who think W is still doing an amazing fucking job. Half of them think the sun revolves around the Earth, for Chrissakes.
There seems to be this notion that a good percentage of the public viewing an Obama presidency as illegitimate is going to hamper his ability to get stuff done. This would appear to be inconsistent with all the data, suggesting that we’re talking about an individual with considerable political skillz.
Rolling Stone has an article regarding voter suppression you all may want to read:
"ROLLING STONE: It’s Already Stolen"
Well Andrew Sullivan is on the Diane Reem show and he is doing an excellent job of pushing back on the bogus ACORN stuff.
Laura W
Jesus Christ. That ruined my day.
Why the fuck can MSNBC not run this every 15 minutes instead of Joe the Plumber CRAP?
Man that makes me sad and frightened.
Comrade Jake
Good. Sully’s typically the smartest person in the room, and he has excellent command of the facts. His problem is that he frequently gets carried away and doesn’t have much patience with idiots. But when he’s calm, he can be absolutely devastating in that type of setting.
On the Diane Reem show she said Mike Allen of the Politico is reporting Colin Powell will be on Meet the Press this weekend and may endorce Obama on the show.
@Comrade Jake:
He is actually, he clobbered the guy from the WSJ. He does have a little of a tone to his voice of "you fool", but it was a very effective way to put the guy in a corner.
And the best part is she gave the phonetic pronunciation of all the misspelled internet rumors she believes. "He convorts with terriers… He’s a Muslin… He’s a Jer. He’s a big Jer. He’s Jer-ish… He’s 50% Ejip-ten. He’s gonna change the White House to a pyramid. No?"
Comrade Jake
That would be nice, but I think the conservatives who would be swayed by such are already planning to vote for Obama. It might get some press, but will be dismissed by the right pointing to Powell’s tan.
Brian J
Okay, I’ve watched about 45 seconds of that video so far, and before I watch any more, let me say that despite some moves that show class, McCain, his running mate, and anyone affiliated with his campaign will always be viewed with a suspicious eye by me. McCain may have taken the right step by shouting down that woman who claimed Obama was an Arab terrorist, but what about the times he’s claimed that he’s put his country second and his campaign first? What about the times he’s brought up Ayers and had had his running mate do everything but directly call him a traitor? What about Cindy McCain, who claims that Obama voted to put her son into greater danger? I’m not going to forget any of this, no matter how many congressional Democrats consider McCain their friend. I don’t hate McCain on a deep personal level like someone who wronged me or a member of my family, but he’s thrown caution to the wind and sacrificed his dignity, honor, and the possible safety of several people by pulling this shit. I may not hate him, but I don’t like him like I used to, and I certainly don’t respect him.
Brian J
I’ve said for some time now that the moves of McCain are manifestations of a campaign that has become very desperate. You have to think that the internals of their polls are terrible. So yeah, what you suggested, I think, is very possible. If they are defeated as soundly as I think they might be on election day, it’s going to take a few years in the wilderness and a bunch of new faces to bring the movement back.
I think one of two things is happening:
1) McCain has been boxed into a corner and needs to be angry all the time, but his heart isn’t in it, and he’s genuinely appalled when the wingnuts come out in force.
2) Plausible deniability. He’s just fine with all the smears and what-not, but by occasionally putting up some sort of display, it makes it look like he’s not responsible (like having the Swift Boat dudes denounced mildly by Preznit Bush).
McCain is 72, not 5, and if he’s being lead "astray" from his core values by advisors, I do not (repeat, DO NOT), give him any free pass for that. He owns this campaign, top to bottom. The lies about town halls, ACORN and the liberal media are a smokescreen so that Republicans can claim they were "forced" to scream "OBAMA WILL RAPE YOUR WOMEN, FORCE YOU TO GET AN ABORTION AND THEN EAT YOUR BABY FOR DINNER WITH HIS MUSLIM FRIENDS".
Judge people by what they do, not what they say about what they do.
The problem is… this is not a genie you can easily put back into the bottle.
I know it’s Al-Jazeera but christ… what kind of slack-jawed morons say things like this to a reporter?
Unabashed, unafraid, unapologetic racism and hatred. Out in the open like it’s been given a new reason to thrive.
Push them all off a goddamn cliff. And damn McCain and the GOP to the same fate for feeding this and then denying they want it for fuel.
Vote McCain/Palin! The new and improved uniters, not dividers.
This has been another simple edition of Stay the Course. While 87% think the country has been on the wrong track, it’s that other 13% who see the big picture. The serious adults.
peach flavored shampoo
Shouldn’t this be in past or present tense?
One of the things that puzzles me the most (although perhaps I am not puzzled at all), is how ANGRY these anti-Obama people are. I guess racism makes you this angry?
These people have gotten exactly what they voted for in the last 8 years. I, my disabled-vet husband, and the miIlions of people who didn’t vote for Bush have the right to be angry.
Middle- and lower-class Republicans repeatedly vote against their own self interests and then blame everyone but themselves for their problems. They live only to sustain their irrational fears. Pathetic.
Laura W
That line caused me to wet my pants.
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
When he stunned the crowd by suggesting that Obama was a good man, it got so quiet you could hear a pitchfork drop.
@punchy- there is a quantitative difference between a bunch of kids getting 8 bucks an hour writing in Mickey Mouse and State Secretaries purging tens of thousands of legitimate voters off the rolls.
Does anyone actually think Troy Aikman is going to show up in Fargo ND to vote?
GEt real. Get off the cardboard soapbox and let’s focus on the real voter fraud- perpetrate mostly by GOP hacks.
steal back your vote!
and somewhere in the great Hereafter, William F Buckley and Ronald Reagan are saying No…No…Noooooooooo that’s not what we meant! It’s like Pinky and the Brain, and the Brain died.
Comrade Nikolita
Amen, I agree completely. If they won’t change their racist views and beliefs, off a cliff with them.
Can anyone else besides me not watch the video? Is the video linked on another website?
Oh snap. POTD.
I’m stealing this one.
@Comrade Nikolita: Can anyone else besides me not watch the video?
I can, but
I really don’t
like their vid
eo player very much.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
2) Plausible deniability. He’s just fine with all the smears and what-not, but by occasionally putting up some sort of display, it makes it look like he’s not responsible (like having the Swift Boat dudes denounced mildly by Preznit Bush).
I think quite possibly McCain has this vision of Obama being assassinated, and the finger pointing squarely at him for egging his followers on. It’s one thing to go down as an unsuccessful candidate, it’s quite another to go down as the guy who inspired a Lee Harvey Oswald or James Earl Ray.
Personal Designation
wake me up on election day where either way I’ll exclaim. . .
I am officially blaming every politician past, present, and future for laughing at jokes like:
Democracy=2 wolves + 1 chicken deciding what’s for lunch
Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man.
Public confidence in the integrity of the government is indispensable to faith in democracy; and when we lose faith in the system, we have lost faith in everything we fight and spend for.