First Dude in front of a rally attendant holding a sign that says “Charles Manson was a community organizer.” Classy.
John McCain, third debate: We need to know the full extent of Senator Obama’s relationship with ACORN, who is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy. The same front outfit organization that your campaign gave $832,000 for “lighting and site selection.” So all of these things need to be examined, of course.
An ACORN community organizer received a death threat and the liberal activist group’s Boston and Seattle offices were vandalized Thursday, reflecting mounting tensions over its role in registering 1.3 million mostly poor and minority Americans to vote next month.
John McCain is so concerned about domestic terrorism, he and his campaign are trying to create a bunch of them.
Another class act.
Just Some Fuckhead
But we can still laugh about the absurdity of McCain, who voted with Bush 90% of the time, claiming someone else is destroying the fabric of democracy, right??
Rick Taylor
There was a time I thought your tag "Republican Crime Syndicate – aka the Bush Admin" was a little over the top. Not anymore.
dj spellchecka
meanwhile on the left coast……
the la times reports on another kind of gop voter fraud……
Voters say they were duped into registering as Republicans
YPM, a group hired by the GOP, allegedly deceived Californians who thought they were signing a petition. Similar accusations have been leveled against the company elsewhere.
By Evan Halper and Michael Rothfeld, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
SACRAMENTO — Dozens of newly minted Republican voters say they were duped into joining the party by a GOP contractor with a trail of fraud complaints stretching across the country.
Voters contacted by The Times said they were tricked into switching parties while signing what they believed were petitions for tougher penalties against child molesters.
Some said they were told that they had to become Republicans to sign the petition, contrary to California initiative law. Others had no idea their registration was being changed.
Church Lady
John, you know darned well that Palin is not holding that sign. That’s someone in front of the stage holding the sign up, and Palin is obscured by it. Partisanship is fine, lying is not. The site you linked to would have certainly noted it if he was, in fact, holding that sign – and they did not. Try to keep it honest.
Unrepentent Dennis - SGMM
Obama pals around with terrorists, Obama had an association with ACORN, ACORN is shredding the fabric of our democracy, therefore ACORN is a terrorist group.
/wingnut logic
Of course, McCain and Palin had nothing to do with this.
pseudonymous in nc
Like I said, the Palins are pure, distilled wingnut. A little bit Freeper, a little bit LGF, a lottle bit militia. They’re the apotheosis of contemporary partisan Republicanism.
In all seriousness, unlike Sen McCain, who is proud of his supporters, I feel saddened and ashamed. As a younger person (26) who grew up in a household where my mother always preached the equality of everyone regardless of race or religion (she was a boomer who lived in Louisiana until she was 30, so she knows the ugly side), I thought this country was further on the pathway to more inclusion amongst us. Surely, we should be less racist than Europe, where minority populations are smaller and a Civil Rights Movement equivalent hasn’t happened… especially considering such a larger percentage of our population considers themselves "Christian."
Do these people truly believe what they hear on Fox News? Or is it willfull ignorance a la Malkin and the likes? I don’t know which would be the less disappointing truth. It makes me sick.
Stuck in the Funhouse
And shortly after, the FBI starts raiding ACORN offices and wingnut pundit drones go on TV to regurgitate ACORN and OBAMA are trying to steal the election. This together with wingnuts demanding lists of all new voters in certain battleground states for mounting last minute challenges to 100’s of thousands of voters ( thwarted by SCOTUS)
and these
voters duped into registering for GOP
illegal voter purges around the country
It’s becoming clear what the October Surprise wingnuts have in store to win the election. Just strategically purge as many voters as possible, cage them, intimidate them and Challenge them into not coming out to vote –but only those most likely to vote for Obama. Mccain was right when he said we may be witnessing one of the greatest vote frauds in history. Only it ain’t ACORN, it’s the GOP.
I’m going to spend the next couple of days tracking down the shit that’s happening.
In the meantime, It’s the Saturday Night special at the Funhouse Arcade and Roadhouse Cafe (FARC)
It’s Possum Delight Roadkill Cheaters Stew. Slow cooked with irony and seasoned with McPalin dooozies.
It’s not the First Dude holding the sing–he lacks opposable thumbs–but somebody in front of the stage. Nonetheless, neither the First Dude or Norm Whathisnametheloser seemed concerned.
John Cole
@Church Lady: Actually, I thought he was holding it, but now that you said that, I think you are right and have fixed the caption.
Church Lady
John – good for you. Honestly is always the best policy and is what allows all of us to hold our heads up and stand up in rightous anger when we see dishonesty anywhere.
Just Some Fuckhead
@John Cole: Yeah, I thought he was holding it too until she pointed that out. Pardon me for not ascribing acceptable limits of behavior to wingnuts who don’t appear to have any of their own.
Saddam Hussein was a POW, but the McCain campaign never mentions that for some reason.
Obama drew 100,000 to a rally in St. Louis. This is great news for John McCain!
And this photo: I have no idea who this woman is, or what her story has been. But just think how it must feel. What an amazing face.
Fuck Todd Palin.
Donate. Work. GOTV.
Just Some Fuckhead
WTF are you babbling about? He said he made a mistake and he’ll correct it.
Another effect:
I’m going to hunt down ACORN in my town and see what they’re doing and volunteer for them and/or give them some money.
They seem really cool:
And, on the sign holding, church lady, an honest mistake is still honest.
Stuck in the Funhouse
@Church Lady:
Yes, we must have honesty here at BJ and that includes proper spelling and grammar. It makes us righteous in our anger as any Church Lady will tell you.
I’m sure you would honestly agree.
Comrade The Other Steve
Just curious. But can anyone remember examples of Gore, Kerry or their respective vice presidential candidates complaining about Voter Fraud? The Diebold election thing was a big issue back in 2004, and I know many activists raised it as an issue but I don’t recall Kerry or Edwards saying anything about it.
@ dj spellchecka I know it’s annoying that people were registered as Republican instead of Dem or Indy, but I don’t know how much that really matters. They can still vote for anyone they want, and can change their affiliation.
It’s not like 2004, when the GOP-linked firm was registering new voters in Nevada and then just chucking their forms.
Unrepentent Dennis - SGMM
McCain and his Dickless Cheney have begun sorting us into real Americans and "other" (Unreal Americans?). Courtesy of Think Progress we discover some more real Americans. McCain campaign adviser, Nancy Pfotenhauer, on MSNBC this morning:
"I certainly agree that Northern Virginia has gone more Democratic. … But the rest of the state — real Virginia if you will — I think will be very responsive to Senator McCain’s message."
Just Some Fuckhead
I live in real Virginia. Unfornately for NancyPfants, they’ll be coloring real Virginia and unreal Virginia with the same shade of blue on November 5th.
I’ve seen the registration shift efforts here in CA before.
Not in the primaries. Some primaries are closed. And the registration breakdown affects the polls. Make more fake Republicans and the real Republicans that are polled will appear to have a larger influence on the election.
This shit drives me crazy.
j pairs
Check out what Dingbat Palin did last June
this is the same logic Rick the Moron Moran uses whenever he gets caught in a misstatement about moonbats.
why not just stop at "Pardon me"?
look, folks, there are a lot of rebub cobags out there. maybe more than we could have imagined. mock them as needed but try not to be just some fuckhead. instead, say to yourself: i want to be like the MUP…gracious! ;=)
Just Some Fuckhead
@Hyperion: Whatever.
Unrepentent Dennis - SGMM
Again with the socialism:
CONCORD, N.C. – Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Saturday accused Democratic rival Barack Obama of favoring a socialistic economic approach by supporting tax cuts and tax credits McCain says would merely shuffle wealth rather than creating it.
"At least in Europe, the Socialist leaders who so admire my opponent are upfront about their objectives," McCain said in a radio address. "They use real numbers and honest language. And we should demand equal candor from Sen. Obama. Raising taxes on some in order to give checks to others is not a tax cut; it’s just another government giveaway."
Note the phrase "who so admire my opponent." Someone sounds a bit jealous.
Looks like another dis for our poor, poor Sarah!
Hey Church Lady–why not branch out to television? You know, like Michele Bachmann. Unless, of course, you don’t want to help the opposition …
For more information about efforts to research, disclose, and prevent further election fraud – incidentally only one of the ways Rs like to roll (see also "voter suppression") – see Bill Moyers’ Journal interview with Mark Crispin Miller ( or read "Loser Take All" his book about Ohio 2004 investigations and litigation and R fraud tactics in general.
Also see a series of interviews conducted by Velvet Revolution with Stephen Spoonamore on the Diebold machines among other resources. Velvet Rev is a good resource too for info about R neocon shenanigans.
Judge for yourself – personally, I don’t think this is ‘tin foil hat’ material. Too much science (i.e., empirical verification) and careful analysis to be a full-fledged wingnut conspiracy theory.
Stuck in the Funhouse
LOL Yes , Gracious is the watchword around here. Obama said it best. "We’re not going to bring a knife to a gunfight" . He has to be gracious as the candidate, and we the supporters are not going to start fights with the thug tactics of the right, as Obama went on to say "but we will finish them". Point being, the option to fight fire with fire is always on the table, if needed.
There are limits, but they don’t begin or end anywhere near "Gracious". I think your pearls need some much needed clutching.
Joshua Norton
Here’s a little info for a sign for First Dude to tote around:
While Ted Bundy was on his murder spree – torturing and raping 33 women before killing them, he was not only a registered Republican and a Republican activist (gee, kind of like FD is currently an activist), but was also a paid employee of the Republican Party. In fact, his first murders were done while traveling for the Republican Party.
I can also smear with any width brush they want to come up against. Especially since there’s so much different ammo to use on them. And they’re stuck with their 3 – 4 tired cliche contrivances.
I’m just saying….
So, when do those of us who live in the non-America sections of America need to report to the ghettos? When do the trains start loading for transport to the camps?
That sign above the gate? What does that mean?
"Arbeit macht frei"?
Ok, not to get into the entire ‘First Dude’ thing…because Palin would not be the President, but he would in fact be the Second Dude, or like Cheney, just a Dick.
John Cole
@dBa: He is currently the first dude of alaska, which is where the name comes from.
LoL, dammit, I spent all that time figuring out how to call him a Dick…and it all goes to hell.
Oh well, back to the game.
Church Lady
@J.F.S. – I was commending him for changing it, not being critical.
@Stuck – sorry, I missed the typo.
@LiberalTarian – I don’t get the reference. Michele Bachmann is a right wing crazy. Little ole me, I’m just a centrist democrat – a middle aged woman standing in the middle. I can’t joint the crazy on either side.
LOL! The first Dude aims and fires a torpedo right into Norm Coleman’s chest. That’s exactly the kind of thing that’ll make Norm’s numbers plummet. He’s standing there applauding like a phony because the crowd was probably going apeshit over the sign, but I bet his guts melted and drained down into his loafers.
He was my mayor for a number of years and he fucked up the city’s budget trying to make his resume look good, then he lost the governor’s race to Jesse Ventura, but then Wellstone’s plane went down and everything got fucked up here. I have SO been waiting for him to get his due, and Palin holding that sign in photos with Coleman is just the kind of thing that will do it. Mission Accomplished.
edit: just read church lady. oh well. the picture is great as is though.
I’d suggest "stimulus – response" instead of "cause – effect". Though using that nomenclature with respect to McCain supporters may not be fair to single cell organisms.
What John said and I’ll also add – given McCain’s age and health history you have to assume that if McCain were elected Todd Palin would in all likelihood be "First Dude" for reals within the next 4 years.
Just Some Fuckhead
No, you were just queering the thread with your usual douchebaggery.
El Cid
Charles Manson was not a Community Organizer.
On the plus side, though, he damaged this nation far less than the Republican Party, though — after all, nobody, but nobody, hates America like Republicans hate America.
is this shady? you betcha.
does it materially affect the election? No, other than the propaganda value of giving a very minor, almost negligible bump to GOP registration numbers. You can vote for whomever you like in the general election, regardless of party affiliation!
The only problem might be in the next primary elections, 2 years from now… IF California has closed primaries.
In fact this is a rather stupid rat-fucking tactic by the GOP, because the negative publicity value (as well as possible criminal charges) would be far more damaging than any small PR gains that might come from the ever-so-slight difference this might make in registration totals.
Pretty weird actually. I guess the GOP is so desperate they are willing to risk shooting themselves in the foot in order to grab some kind of minimal, illusory advantage.
El Cid
Also, as far as being anywhere in the public eye or in any way close to power, f*** you, Todd Palin.
I hope you all go home and get booted out of office but have a great family life and all. But, really, f*** you.
The serial killer Ted Bundy, however, was a Republican organizer. I think people need to be reminded of this more often.
…just noticed, Joshua Norton beat me to it. Great minds think alike.
Notorious P.A.T.
That’s just stupid. What point is he even trying to make?
Charles Manson was a recluse who manipulated people to do his bidding. He was a racist and a bigot as well.
he sounds like the perfect presidential candidate for the GOP in 2012.
he also has less innocent blood on his hands than George W. Bush.
Just Some Fuckhead
If they’d so callously injure their own foot, imagine the next step for us when the other shoe drops. This is why folks are beating feet from Republicans right now.
Al Capone was a community organizer in Chicago too
thanks myiq0.0000001, you’ve convinced me not to vote for Al Capone.
The swastika on his forehead is probably a deal breaker.
Church Lady
@JSF – Your name truly is appropriate.
I really don’t worry about Palin becoming President as McCains campaign has just been too bizarre and I don’t see him winning.
Not that don’t have moments where I think The United States Of America is just stupid enough to elect him anyway.
Sarah Palin, Vice Presidential candidate – I have a hard time believing I’m actually witnessing this chapter of US History. I blame my blunders on incredulity.
El Cid
Al Capone, too, damaged this nation far less than the Republican Party and the right wing.
Al Capone in his entire career did less harm to the nation than 30 years of Reaganism.
Josh Huaco
At least Al Capone provided a useful product.
Joshua Norton
Plus Capone ended up in jail. These crooks just bounce from office to office and from law firm to lobbying firm.
El Cid
Of course that’s kind of unfair to Al Capone — he really was an exemplar of conservative thought, sort of early 20th Century Reaganism, a believer in small government and the lifting of regulation, and the purifying power of violence.
Unlike Republicans, he just took advantage of the economic circumstances — I’m not sure even Al Capone would have gleefully steered the nation to the edge of complete financial collapse. Maybe.
kommrade jakevich
Charles Manson’s cunning plan was to start a war between Caucasians and African-Americans. When the dust settled, he’d be in charge…
Anyway, if McPOW wants to talk about how swell his side is, he should start with some of these blokes:
Dennis Rader, AKA Bind, Torture, Kill – Republican.
George Ortloff – Elected Republican.
Bob "Bathroom Blow Job" Allen – Elected Republican and campaign co-chair for McPOW.
Unrepentent Dennis - SGMM
Trying to figure out why my comment at 27 went into moderation. No handle or email change and, for once, no profanity. Is there a BJ equivalent of the Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television?
true. In that case, I would suggest a less visible job, like chief GOP strategist.
Just Some Fuckhead
1. Race war
2. ?????
3. Profit!
Stuck in the Funhouse
Your just about thick enough to think my comment was about your typo.
Rich Merritt
No wonder. As long as the conservative movement has leaders like the one below, they are destined to remain in the doghouse.
Meet the latest inductee into the Hypocrites Hall of Infamy
The thing that really astonishes me is how the McCain/Palin campaign has legitimised arrant and public racist behaviour amongst its backers, with people not in the least timid about having their odious opinions put out on the Web, cable, and other media, and seemingly proud of it. You mean you don’t think in the next four years that you will hear the President referred to as "that nigger" by his detractors? Best of luck on that one.
kommrade jakevich
@Unrepentent Dennis – SGMM: Sometimes BJ 2.0 chokes on links. Sometimes it doesn’t. I haven’t been able to establish a pattern.
Comrade Jake
Some of the pictures from Obama’s rally in St. Louis are, well, nothing short of astonishing.
Stuck in the Funhouse
And so it goes. Obama votes mysteriously switching to Mccain on electronic voting machines in early voting in West "by god" Virginia.
Mr. Cole, why haven’t you formed a posse to straighten out this situation? Be sure to carry extra wood stakes if you do.
Republicans don’t hate America, just the non-white and/or non-"Christian" and/or non-super rich and/or homosexual and/or pro-peace and/or pro-opportunity/fair chance and/or calm, reasoned
residentscitizens (they, of course, hate even the legal foreigners).I think that means they are left with… I dunno, McCain and Palin families (not Todd, though, he’s part Native)?
Unrepentent Dennis - SGMM
This has been an eye opener for me. I knew that racism wasn’t vanquished during the Sixties but I had no idea that it was still so pervasive. Feels kind of funny to be naive about that at age sixty.
Chuckie’s too nuts for words … although, hearing his rambling interviews, he might work as a Palin speechwriter…
Unrepentent Dennis - SGMM
@kommrade jakevich:
Thanks, kommrade. I thought that the mod gods just had it in for me. [Adjusts tinfoil hat]
We knew that racism would show up in this election season.
We also said, the antidote is to outnumber the racists.
Donate, organize, volunteer, GOTV. We outnumber them, and we just need to carry that to the polls.
Stuck in the Funhouse
Jumping Bean votes. Happens all the time, to democrats. But not to worry.
Of course they do.
They’re going to regret that.
kommrade jakevich
Matt Groenig, psychic?
kommrade jakevich
@CIRCVS MAXIMVS MMVIII: Gee, do ya think implying the location of the Pentagon, several military bases, Arlington Cemetery and the cities a lot of military service members call home is not RealAmerica(TM) could backfire?
That’s interesting. I had the same problem voting in the 2004 election in FL.
I thought it was just a glitch that happened to me. I guess this is a serious problem.
Watched the Obama St. Louis speech earlier today, and for the first time, found myself really worrying about some nutcase in the crowd with a gun.
Let me say this to the people who support McCain and do not denounce the hate messages that your team has spawned in this election season: You had better hope that nothing happens to Barack, because if it does, there is going to be a civil uprising. And trust me, you don’t want that.
Sorry CM, I know you don’t like the rancor meter to go into the red, but I am telling those idiots, tone it down. You (Palinites) can take that to mean whatever you like.
Stuck in the Funhouse
Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. I don’t know, but I don’t recall an instance where this has happened when a vote say for Kerry and now Obama flips around. And I recall a number of instances in 2004, of reported Kerry votes flipping to Bush. And that’s just the cases that get discovered and reported. And this one is fishy because apparently it only happened on a few key races like POTUS And GOV etc… They ought to take every last E voting machine and pitch ’em in the dumpster.
Sign spotted at McCain rally (I wish): "Fidel Castro was a POW".
If you want to get specific about that, Arlington Cemetary was actually created out of land owned by Robert E. Lee (who I’ve been told I’m descended from, but I haven’t figured out the connection yet – except that it comes from my Wilson/Smoot family) – and therefore those soldiers might actually be buried on my family’s lands. ::evil grin::
But even though I supposedly have a confederate general in my ancestry, most of my family sided with the North in the Civil War.
Just Some Fuckhead
No, it’s only a serious problem if it switches from Republican to Democrat, otherwise it’s working as designed.
The honorable John McCain will come out and say that his supporters are good folks and about that Todd Palin guy, that’s just free speech. I’m sure the liberal MSM is all over this.
I can still
seeremember that interview with Barbara Bush on election night in 2000 where she winked and this gleam flashed from her eye when someone asked her if her son was going to win the presidency.That was a telling moment for me when I saw how the election turned out after being decided by a court process.
Bob In Pacifica
jakevich is right. That whole race war thing was supposed to be a kind of end time, the sort of stuff promulgated by the clown couple from Alaska. You know, black = bad, white = good. If he’d kept his hair shorter and confined his murders to Vietnam Charlie would have made a fine Republican. Actually, the sociopathy of The Family was not that far away from that of the present-day Republicans, just a little more flamboyant.
Bob In Pacifica
You know, Charlie Manson wrote songs. Maybe he’ll let the McCain-Palin folks use them. Like "Cease To Exist" as background music for his healthcare plan.
Comrade Jake, I am stunned speechless by those St. Louis rally photos.
100,000 came out to see Obama speak… if all these young people actually show up and vote in two weeks, it’s going to be a landslide in both the popular and electoral vote.
I grew up in the 80s, when it was hip to be a Reagan Republican Youth. It broke my heart to watch all these young people climbing on the ‘greed is good’ bandwagon.
I think another youthquake is happening, but this time it’s for the Democrats and Obama especially. I’m thrilled to no end to get to witness this. It’s the start of a new Democratic era. I’m just bummed that Obama isn’t going to come to my state anytime soon, since it’s McCain’s home state. Hopefully I will get to see him after he’s taken the oath of office…
Evangelical Republicans are hoping for Helter Skelter on a larger scale (world wide, actually) – it’s what they think about to get off when they have solo sex.
kommrade jakevich
His wife and then their son. And so you’re also related to the first First Lady? Wow.
Oops, according to McPalin’s Rules your DemoNcRatic Liebural Leanings mean you’re not a RealAmerican(TM).
Only in fRightyville.
Josh Huaco
@Bob In Pacifica:
According to LDS Family Tree, I have an ancestral link to Martha Dandridge, yes. I haven’t been able to quite follow how it hooks into my family (the record is not complete) but they list my family as being an ancestral tie in their files.
Josh Huaco
@Bob In Pacifica:
Fer shizzle my crizzle:
my father, born and raised in rural North Carolina, refers to it as, "The War of Northern Aggression."
And he’s damned serious about it. He got pretty pissy with me when he used that phrase and I cracked up laughing. I thought he was being facetious or sarcastic. Nope.
Actually Comrade Jakevich, even more astounding than that is that TZ and I are distant cousins through King Henry II (Plantagenet) of England. ;)
How long will it take for Franken to use this in an ad?
This is the same Norm Coleman who said:
Well, tell him to take heart. It would be fine with me if the South went ahead and seceded … and stayed away. Who needs them? We could have a nice Democrat Forever country of around 40 states and the south could have its hurricanes and its ignorance and its stupidity. Good luck to them. And good riddance. Good luck making a gross national product out of textiles, gumbo, corn pone, and evangelical christianity.
Comrade Jake
More signs of Honor and Courage from John McCain in Florida.
They’d better hope that doesn’t get any press.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
I don’t care that Palin himself wasn’t holding the sign. Why the FUCK would the staff of any candidate with a conscience allow someone to bring in and brandish a sign like that?
Yes, I know I just answered my own question.
Sure, sure, throw up a Berlin type wall and don’t consider the fact that I have a daughter in SC, thanks!
Josh Huaco
Because when the New Confederacy EPIC FAILs in six months we’ll have to swoop back in and fix their mess in a nation-building exercise so expensive that will make Iraq look like a a trip to the flea market. It’s better to keep them in the Union.
PS – I live in Texas and when talking with wingnuts about Iraq I love using the phrase "War of Iraqi Aggression." Confuses and pisses people off at the same time.
Our liberal MSM, the NYTimes does a negative article about Cindy, bad; ariticle about Obama and non existing relation with Ayers good. Wake me up on November 5th.
I’m so glad Billmon is making an occasional appearance, even though he usually scares the shit out of me.
Just Some Fuckhead
I hope she survives the purges.
Obama supporters should hold up signs saying "First Dude was in an anti-American party!"
We went to Selma in March 2007. Dr. Joseph Lowery suggested from the pulpit that "somethin’ crazy might happen in this country"; how right he was. It was an unforgettable day.
Do try to see him, renato, for nothing else than the energy he brings with him. And watch that short Lowery video; it’ll make you smile.
Unfortunately, she probably won’t be purged. She thinks she’s one of them. Long story, trust me, you don’t want to know.
If a wall goes up, I lose a daughter.
@Montysano: billmon is great! For some reason, I can’t link to Billmon’s site. Where is he posting?
Jimmm (aka, Jamey)
I have it on good authority that Joe the Plumber is holding the sign.
JL, he now posts, somewhat infrequently, at Daily Kos. Here’s a link to his page.
Notorious P.A.T.
Why Do Religious Fundamentalists Tend to be Prejudiced?
@Montysano: Thanks..
Far Left American Hater Incertus
@CIRCVS MAXIMVS MMVIII: It’s a problem with the technology, and it’s one reason why I’m opposed to touch screen technology for voting. It’s not the main reason–lack of an auditable paper trail is the primary one–but it is a big one, if for no other reason than it’s too easy to assume fraud when it’s just a technical matter.
Notorious P.A.T.
"work will make you free".
The New Confederacy would certainly fail–the red states take more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes, far more in many cases–but why on Earth would we have to rebuild it? We don’t have to do anything but eat, sleep, and breathe.
Hmm. Well we don’t need a wall, just a friendly border. And of course, those people will hold their own elections and leave ours alone. Other than that, we can all just get along. They can elect Tom Delay president and have Trent Lott as Secretary of State, and we wouldn’t care. They can even reinsert Teri Schiavo’s feeding tube.
Error 403
We’re sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for /?p=12569#comment-1069284 on this server.
You do not have permission to access this server.
Your technical support key is: 4469-81dc-dfd9-b1ad
You can use this key to fix this problem yourself.
If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact jgriffincole at and be sure to provide the technical support key shown above.
If I collect enough of these , do I get air miles?
Notorious P.A.T.
FYI John C, Rich Rodriguez and university of michigan are on their way to 2-5.
I get that EVERY time I post.
Notorious P.A.T.
Go ahead and secede, red states:
Good luck with that.
Joshua Norton
I get that when I switch to IE after encountering the BSoD. The computer gremlins are obviously pissed that that their mischief has been foiled and are having their revenge.
Soylent Green
True dat. What worries me is that with the polls running as they are, young people will blow off actually voting, or when they find out they can’t text in their votes like on American Idol. They don’t have a good track record in this department.
Or maybe we really are looking at the perfect storm.
kommrade jakevich
@CIRCVS MAXIMVS MMVIII: There’s your problem. You’re both elitist royalist socialist foreigners!
Won’t work. The vile cancer of such Double-Plus UnAmerica(TM) cities as D.C., Baltimore, Arlington and Alexandria would quickly infect the new republic. Before you could say "Outside Agitator," the rest of the south would be a seething hotbed of orgies and aborto-matic clinics.
And we wouldn’t let you in to play, nyah.
Here’s the Beach Boys version of that song. They changed the name and probably the lyrics a bit, but Dennis Wilson got the song when the Manson ‘family’ was living in his house.
edit: Holy Cow. YouTube has videos of the original Manson version to under the original song name. I’m not going to link to them.
Far Left American Hater Incertus
Actually, they have shown up for the last two elections. Now I’m hoping they’ll outdo themselves this time around, but they’re not the disinterested folk that my generation was.
Soylent Green
TZ, I get that error 403 message every time I comment on my PC at work, never on my Mac at home. Each time I ignore it and find that my comment has been posted anyway. Go figure.
Joshua Norton
Actually, having Charles Manson’s name right next to the blue McCain/Palin logo doesn’t exactly send the message he’s hoping for. It kind of groups them all together as one unit.
kommrade jakevich
That’s the punishment for using IE.
The punishment for using Firefox is the BSoD around post 110 (it can be mitigated with [ctrl] [-] but is hard on the eyes).
I haven’t found out what Safari does (punch in the junk?)
Rumor has it that someone used AOHell and didn’t live to regret it.
….blah blah blah.
Everyone in MN laughed and rolled their eyes when he said that. It was too funny.
@Soylent Green:
I don’t want to get complacent, but look at the faces in those photos. No way they don’t vote, not when you’re on fire like that.
Josh Huaco
No problems running Safari on Mac OS X 10.5.5. Nor on Safari 3 for Windows XP.
pseudonymous in nc
Such as Nicolas Sarkozy and Dave Cameron. Oh.
Since we’re talking about Capone, is it worth noting the interesting chain of events that landed Daddy Helmsley with his Bud distribution rights for the whole of Arizona?
Uh, Charles Manson was a mass murderer; not a community organizer. I, uh, just thought that needed saying…
First off, "War of Iraqi Aggression" is fabulous, whoever said it up there [I can only hold so much in my pea brain at once].
Second, if you want to drop an anvil of despair and horror on yourself, go see "Stealing America: Vote by Vote". I recommend it highly!
Europe learned lessons from WWII, America didn’t.
The Moar You Know
This depends on your definition of "community" and "organizer". I could make a case that a deranged cult leader is in fact a community organizer, albeit not a terribly good one.
If Colenman announced that he was suspending his campaign to get to the bottom of "suit gate" it would have probably been even funnier :-)
I heard Coleman speak (at an ADL event, where I also listened to Colin Powell, Peter Beinart and David Brooks – not kidding) – snooze-fest-o-rama. Seriously can’t remember a thing the guy said, and I can remember everyone else.
Beinart and Brooks went on and on and on about how Democrats should be more "centrist" (think pansy-ass-Republican appeasers). Yeah, how’d that work out for us.
Powell, on the other hand, was pretty funny.
Hey, be fair now. We’ll eventually figure it out. We’ll scream about socialism, secularism, godless liberalism, etc. along the way – but eventually we do something resembling the right thing.
I was at the St. Louis Rally this afternoon. That’s me, on the right about 20 folks back. :)
This was my first presidential rally. This is the first presidential election that I have been actively involved in.
It was a lot of fun being in the crowd. A lot of energy. I particularly enjoyed the call and answer from some of the folks around me during some of the more impassioned parts of the speech. It reminded me of being in a southern baptist church congregation.
It was a pleasure to watch a master at his craft.
Stimpy! I’m from St. Louis. I’m so proud today. Double high five to you.
So are you the one wearing an Obama button?
I’ve got to disagree with that one. There’s ample anti-Arab racism in European countries with lots of Arab immigrants. Then there’s the despicable fact that—at least, it used to be this way—you could be born in Germany as the offspring of Turkish Gastarbeiten, and yet never become a German citizen. (The US’s "land, just blood" standard is really the way to go.)
Then there’s all the nastiness in the Balkans.
Really, I think they’ve learned very little. Though I mainly chalk it up to being human—civilized attitudes about ethnicity are not "native" and definitely have to be learned and maintained.
Has anybody pointed out that Bugliosi,who prosecuted Manson,wants to try Bush for capital crimes?
Kinda disturbed by the misleading picture of Todd Palin, as noxious as he is, clearly a sign held up in the crowd.
I heard Norm Coleman speak at the Best Buy HQ (I’m an employee) and he was all over the place in his attempt to pander to essentially everyone. He even went so far as to make a big Christianity tie-in, despite the fact that he’s Jewish, and complain about other politicians coming to Minnesota to run for office, despite the fact that that’s precisely what he did. Total smarm-fest. Ugh.
If I were Al Franken, I wouldn’t fly anywhere for the next 3 weeks.
Cameron Bogue
Ah, Todd Palin. He looks like he would be a dirty cop on The Wire .
Every CO should condemn Todd Palin and his backseat driving of Alaskan Politics.
Manson was never a Community Organizer. He is a psychopath.
Todd Palin is a sociopath and a complete AIP wingtard.
It might not be Palin holding the sign but this is the kind of BS that Palin rallies are provoking. I went a Biden rally this Saturday and I know damn well you’re not allowed homemade signs in to rallies. The only ones you can hold up are ones that are handed out by volunteers. Now tell me how the hell is someone going to sneak in a big ass neon-yellow sign with some shit like that on there?