These guys really do think we are stupid:
John McCain’s campaign manager says he is reconsidering using Barack Obama’s relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue during the election’s closing weeks.
In an appearance on conservative Hugh Hewitt’s radio program, Davis said that circumstances had changed since John McCain initially and unilaterally took Obama’s former pastor off the table. The Arizona Republican, Davis argued, had been jilted by the remarks of Rep. John Lewis, who compared recent GOP crowds to segregationist George Wallace’s rallies. And, as such, the campaign was going to “rethink” what was in and out of political bounds.
Is there anyone out there who honestly thought these shitbirds were not going to trot Wright out the last two weeks? Anyone? And that the justification for it is what someone else said, not the Obama campaign, is just priceless.
I have said this over and over and over again- the McCain campaign is being run by wingnut bloggers.
By all means, fellows, blow the last bit of your budget in the last two weeks of advertising on Rev. Wright. Please. Thank goodness none of the clowns in the McCain campaign have heard of Diamond and Bates.
The Arizona Republican, Davis argued, had been jilted by the remarks of Rep. John Lewis, who compared recent GOP crowds to segregationist George Wallace’s rallies. And, as such, the campaign was going to “rethink” what was in and out of political bounds.
Um, what? McCain was upset that Lewis pointed out the racism at his rallies and so he’s going to double down on the "he’s a scary black man with a scary black pastor" silliness?
I agree that this is really just an excuse, and that they were going to go full on with the "scary black man with a scary black pastor" nonsense regardless. But that excuse just doesn’t make any sense at all. For a group of professional liars, these guys just aren’t that good.
love it. ‘this guy who isn’t part of obama’s campaign said something mean, so now the gloves are really off.’
shit, you can’t make this sort of garbage up.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
Hell, John, even McCain’s own supporters are starting to push back against the worst of this crap (WARNING: autoplay video, but so worth it…)
I juts hope and pray that the GOP gets itself right with a quickness, because even this Progressive knows we need a balance in the Force. :)
There are a lot of people looking to solidify the new minority so they can continue to sell them wingnuttery when they are out of power.
Let me get this straight: A black man said something that hurt John McCain’s feelings. Therefore, McCain can attack black Obama using black Wright?
This reminds me of his "I wouldn’t have said slimy things about B.O. if only he had down town halls" argument.
McCain seems to have logic problems.
The Grand Panjandrum
Starting to look like the deadenders should all go get their Nikes on and wait for the signal.
Comrade Jake
I fully expect a robocall barrage over the last week, where I’ll be told that Barack Obama plans to hire Reverend Wright and ACORN to redistribute the wealth of this country. Also.
jake 4 that 1
Jilted? Interesting word choice from the party of a "Kw33r in every closet."
But let’s see if I can follow Rick "Don’t ask me about Fannie Mae" Davis’ logic:
Y made a comment about attendees of an event held by X. So that means X gets to go after O by talking about W. (While still not addressing the behavior that led to the comment by Y.)
I swear to God, these idiots’ mental development ground to a halt in 10th grade.
@Svensker: With John it appears to be more than just hurt feelings. His honor was attacked and rather than stand up like a man and admit faults, he feels justified in using gutter politics. Slashed tires, terrorists signs, nooses, Obama being called a socialist was all Obama’s fault. Had he only done town hall meetings, this wouldn’t of happened. John McCain does not understand that words matter and he continues to incite the hatred in this country.
If only Obama had done those 1001 townhalls with McCranky. None of this would have happened. We all know this. Because McCranky is an honorable man. He says so himself.
Comrade Jake
Meanwhile, Fox News asks if it’s fair to suggest McCain’s a Nazi. Heh.
Wow, my comment is awaiting moderation. I feel special.
I hope those folks are sincere and not playing to the camera. The guy pushing the bumper stickers is genuinely shocked that McCain supporters disagree with him.
Doesn’t 4 variables demand 4 equations to solve? Clearly O = n#gger, W = the devil, but I’m unsure how to assign a value to the other unknowns.
Wow. That is so insulting. To 15-year-olds, that is.
The Moar You Know
@Woodrow “asim” Jarvis Hill:
I call "staged". There’s no way that’s real.
Stuck in the Funhouse
This is crazy cool. So Mccain is going to bring up an issue (not really an issue but) he has heretofore avoided. because it might be viewed as racist or race baiting. All Because (cough Cough) somebody accused him of having racist or race baiting campaign tactics. My goddamned Parakeet can see the stoopid in that kind of thinking.
Warren Terra
Huh. I figured no-one else had ever read Diamond and Bates; I only read it because for years you could always find a copy for $2 in the Hurt Books section of the MIT Press Bookstore, and it looked OK (and was).
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
I don’t give a damn if Sorkin himself wrote the script, so long as the word gets out that speaking BS in front of a camera is going to get pushback and disassociation.
So that means we can bring up Hagee?
Unrepentent Dennis - SGMM
Lewis also refused to do ten town halls and an ice cream social with McCain so anything goes.
Elvis Elvisberg
The GOP is nothing but wingnut bloggers.
If InstaPundit were in Congress, he’d be the leading intellectual light of the GOP.
The Moar You Know
No, because they’ve been failures at everything else they’ve done, why not this too? And we can thank Hillary (really) for being the first one out the gate to hit Obama with this crap – by now it’s old news and the only people who care wouldn’t vote for Obama even if they were under threat of execution. This won’t matter at all on Election Day.
Comrade Jake
I’m sure Team McCain will run Wright ads at some point. What’s stopping them? McCain’s reputation? That fucking boat’s sailed.
Meanwhile, the current strategy seems to be designed to see if they can’t get the MSM to discuss it as a fake story. It’s almost like they’re aiming for a Meredith Viera segment on GMA where she discusses just how much Team McCain is agonizing over this decision, and how while they really don’t want to bring up Wright, Obama’s campaign could just force their hand. I’m pretty sure this scenario describes Salter’s wet fucking dream.
Hagee. Dobson. Perkins. And apparently anyone who has ever preached at Palin’s church.
Comrade Jake
Way to stay classy, asshats.
Incredibly, I actually think that this is how McShame justifies this to himself. It’s totally lame, I know. He feels like Barack has somehow gone back on his word on the townhalls, public finance, that lobbying bill in Senate, etc. He sees Barack as some kind of dishonorable smooth talker and just can’t believe that everyone else doesn’t see it, too. You can see that this view is pervasive among his top, longtime advisors here. It’s probably how the Rove desciples have gotten McShame to agree to this garbage that has successfully destroyed his reputation. Don’t get me wrong, I have no sympathy for him, he chose to do this garbage and run the most offensive and dangerous campaign I have ever seen, and he reaps what he sows. But I think that this whole "honor" thing is how he’s been talked into it. But being able to be manipulated into dishonorable actions by your advisors due to personal vanity is not a quality I am looking for in a President.
This is actually why as the Obama portion of the blogosphere was seething in rage at Clinton’s camp for bringing up Wright in the first place, I was thanking Grod for their willingness to "go there". Had the Clinton camp been more "principled", Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers might well have shaped up to be an October Surprise for the Republicans.
They weren’t going to be able to go as full-throated crazy as the eventual Republican nominee was going to be able to – Clinton was going to need those voters that were Obama supporters to come to her in the general after all. Had their limited attacks worked in the Dem primary, then it would have been clear that the country was still too racist for Obama to win the general election (if that was enough to dissuade committed Dems from Obama, it was also going to push away everyone else). But had the limited attacks not worked (as, thankfully, they didn’t), all they did was put the information "out there" so that his firey pastor’s words would be "old news" by the time of the general election.
I’m actually really glad that the Clintons fought as hard as they did. They pushed the limits of what a Democratic candidate was going to be able to do to another Democrat and it taught the Obama campaign a lot of lessons. What’s more, it innoculated Obama from a lot of attacks that just aren’t finding purchase now in the general election. I know a lot of folks hated the Clinton camp when they were doing what they were doing, but I think going through the fire really made Obama a better candidate.
As long as Obama refuses to answer the questions surrounding his alleged anal sex with puppies, it’s important that voters are aware of this alleged sexual abuse of our K9 friends. We cannot allow these questions to go un-answered.
We simply don’t know enough about the relationship between B. Hussein Obama and his golden retriever, "Whitey", to make an informed choice, as voters.
If Obama would just come out and say that he’s never had sex with a dog, Republicans would be civil, and all of this would just go away.
jesus, that video looks hell of staged.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
Given the enormous traction the McCain campaign has gained from attacking domestic terrorist William Ayers, I heartily recommend starting a new slime attack against an ordained minister. All remaining campaign dollars should be directed to this effort.
If that should fail, I recommend going full bore at Michelle Obama, since it’s obvious that most Americans are filled with Fear and Loathing at the prospect of her as First Lady. Oh….. and include the kids in your attacks. It’ll be a winner; trust me.
I thought Whitey was Michelle’s dog…
This cannot be understated. While at the time it nearly derailed Obama’s campaign, had it showed up NOW, it most certainly would have. As much as it suxxors, we should thank her for being so toxic during the primary and airing all the nasty Obama dirt 6 months before it really could hurt him.
At this point, the media wont touch old/dead news. That Wright connection wont fly.
jake 4 that 1
@Comrade Jake: Yep. And if Obama were white it would depict Powell as Uncle Tom.
The GOP really is the party of stalkers and psychopaths: "Hey! We were friends once. You belong to me now. YOU. BELONG. TO. ME!!"
Comrade Jake
Jesus Christ, wait a minute. Look, I’m no HRC apologist (far from it), but SHE DID NOT BRING UP WRIGHT. She said a few things here and there to fan the flames, but HRC and her campaign did not introduce Wright to the American public. FoxNews deserves that award folks. The videos were all over Fox, and then every other network, long before Hillary said word one about him in any public forum.
…the McCain campaign is being run by wingnut bloggers.
I think it’s a mix of those and drunken wife-beaters. That whole faux-regretful "I only hit you because I love you so much" genre of abuserspeak is revoltingly common on the right these days.
Senator McCain named Reverend Lewis as one of the three wisest people in his life at the Saddleback forum in August.
Wait a sec, ‘jilted’? John Lewis promised to (gay) marry John McCain and left him at the altar? Why are we only finding out about this right now?
"…Davis said that circumstances had changed since John McCain initially and unilaterally took Obama’s former pastor off the table."
well of course circumstances have changed. they’re LOSING!
as i’ve said before – to paraphrase leo durocher – "last guys don’t finish nice."
And three gold stars to the one who can name the latest gooper to jump on the Obama terrorist jihadi bandwagon.
Ken Adelman, that’s who Yes, the PNAC erstwhile buddy of Wolfie, Rummy, and Dead-Eye Dick himself has decided that McCain the Clown just doesn’t have the temperament, not to say judgment (seeing as who he picked for VP), to run what’s left of America, and he’d rather see Obama give it a try. This is all just getting too weird. I wonder if DOJ is going to investigate his voter registration.
Regarding the Fox news article on the Family Guy episode.
They managed to fuck up the article. In the episode they beat up three Nazi’s to get their uniforms. In the article they claim it was two. They can’t even count to three while watching a TV show on their own damn network!
jake 4 that 1
@croatoan: That was before Lewis gave McPOW a SLAP IN THE FACE!
Jay C
@Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon):
Heh – don’t say they aren’t already trying
OK, it’s Pam Atlas: which means it has a credibility factor in deep multi-digit negative numbers; AND it’s a blatant fake, via Photoshop, AND, it has already been debunked – thoroughly: but it’s sure as shit that somewhere on the Intertubes, some blogger, and his/her commentariat is fulminating mightily over Michelle O’s extravagant exercises in conspicuous consumption.
I know it gets over used, but this is exactly a tactic Goebbels would have loved. I’m reading a book about the first months of the war, and the Germans accidentally sank an America ship, after being told by no means repeat the Luisitainia disaster, so he told the world that the British did it up on purpose, to get the Americans to declare war. Amazingly, people more or less believed it.
oh really
That was "then."
McCain will be changing the policy next week– if he thinks he can get a net five vote gain by calling for the expulsion of all Muslims from the Vaterland, errr, I mean Homeland.
Still, I blame it on Obama. If only he’d agreed to have 955 town hall meetings…
John McCain is the most honest, most principled, most honorable man in all of human history. Compared to John McCain Jesus was a slimeball.
At this rate, either they were wearing several sets of gloves at once, or the McCain campaign has peeled their hands to the bone thinking they were.
Rick Taylor
I was hoping they’d come out with something a little more imaginative. Ok, not really expecting it, but hoping they’d at a minimum make up some new scandal. So damn predictable.
But Obama didn’t condemn it, even after he gave him several chances! And it hurt McCain’s feewings. Especially after McCain always condemns anything any Republican says bad about Obama (or so he said).