Earlier, I wondered why someone from Fox News would say the McCain election effort is over because of what some crazy volunteer did, and then it turns out the McCain camp was pushing the mugger story after all. I hate people.
(Update- TNR says it did not reach the national level, which would be nice to believe).
It is Friday, so here are some pictures of pets. Start with a roll in the leaves:
This face is just damned adorable- you just want to squeeze this fellow:
And finally, another picture of my own cat, Tunch (named after former Steeler lineman and current Steelers announcer Tunch Ilkin, for those of you who were wondering), playing with one of his favorite toys:
He is not fat. I think maybe if he were a darker color, it would make him look slimmer. At any rate, ample evidence here as to why pets are better than people.
Joshau Norton
Maybe you could dye kitty a darker color. Go on. I dare you.
…then it turns out the McCain camp was pushing the mugger story after all. I hate people.
You did well to get off that train when you did, buckaroo.
Kali's Little Sister
Your insufficient cynicism is adorable. Seriously.
Mr. Nobody
Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
Purple State Pundit
Hey, I give you credit for being a voice of moderation. Sometimes we are too quick to pounce. I reject guilt by association so you were right to say that this was not McCain’s fault, since at the time it was not known that his campaign helped push the story to the media. Now let’s just hope it’s as explosive for McCain as the Faux News exec predicted.
Laura W
I know you don’t want to hear this but my heartiest LOL last night was the poster on a previous Tunch thread asking if "that cat meows or mooos?"
God. I’m laughing now as I read it in my own writing.
(Listen…I’m fat and I love fat cats. It’s still just damn funny.)
Cris v.3.1
@Joshau Norton: best coffee table edition ever
Rick Taylor
Well I’m glad you found out for us as I was wondering too. I still thing one should give people the benefit of the doubt, though giving these bozos the benefit of the doubt burns you almost every time. Still, I’ll reluctantly give him the benefit of the doubt again when I hear McCain has fired the fellow who’s responsible for pushing the story.
Zuzu's Petals
My older cat, who has a pretty full coat, also looks quite fat. So fat that strangers comment on it.
Recently, he had to have his coat shaved off. Turns out he’s actually quite svlete.
Just Some Fuckhead
John, there’s nothing wrong with having a fat cat, especially if yer a Republican. It’s a natural fit.
Joshau Norton
ZOMG – that’s hysterical!
Just when we think we have seen the bottom of the McCain barrel of pure crap …. along comes a deeper, crappier bottom.
They have ten days left. That should be time for two, three, maybe four more levels of purely amazing and face-desking crap yet to come from them.
This is a world class crap factory. I am not sure we have seen their best work yet.
Frank Lee, my 23 lb part Maine Coon, sends her best regards to Tunch, and asks, "meow?" which I take to mean, want to do dinner sometime?
Zuzu's Petals
svlete = svelte
Ah well.
Just Some Fuckhead
Mugging hoax, WMD hoax, whatever it takes..
Cris v.3.1
I still think it’s reasonable to make a distinction between the Pennsylvania campaign and the national campaign. But Rick Taylor is right that the best thing McCain can do is bring down the hammer on Peter Feldman, hard and fast.
Gah. What ever happened to the edit button? I need to correct my
striketags that clearly didn’t take.Stuck in the Funhouse
I think what the Fox guy was illuminating was the soft underbelly of wingnut message discipline. They are much better than democrats at grabbing a bone and in unison sinking their teeth in for the optimum effect. And this close to the POTUS election, the effect is magnified to the max. The flip side is if the bone turns out to be a rancid turd and they all choke on it in unison and look like the corrupt opportunistic assholes they are.
This time, the cops and Ms Todd contained the damage by getting the truth out quick. Another couple of days, we would have been in full wingnut outrage mode with added emphasis on– this is what you get if you elect, "one of them". If then the truth came out, Mccain would be finished for sure, if he wasn’t already from America’s worst run campaign combined with a full GOP meltdown.
Of COURSE they were. This was October Super-Surprise attempt #2 after October Super-Surprise attempt #1 (Joe the Plumber) fell flat on its ass. I would be surprised if anyone on the McCain campaign could plan a casual dinner for two at home.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I was watching Brian Williams on NBC Nightly and he thoroughly reported the HOAX story, including mentioning that the McCain campaign pushed this story to the media and that both McCain and Palin called the fraud and thanked her for getting attacked by her imaginary Willie Horton*.
(not this guy)
Hilarious denial. I have a fat cat as well. But I also have a lean one, and know the difference.
Kali's Little Sister
Honestly, I was looking forward to a day or two of the Ashley the Mutilated Campaign Worker Outrage tour with McCain and Palin before the truth came out. Just to see what kind of wardrobe Ashley could score…
I think you should try and dye him.
I think a dark Democratic blue would be excellent!!
j/k (don’t hit me)
I feel a particular lack of sympathy for Krauthammer, who chose this morning to endorse McCain. Message to Charles: Re: The object on your face… It’s a turd.
Joshau Norton
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.
Believe it or not.
Cris v.3.1
We’ve had it for less than a month, and we’re already totally reliant on it.
Demerit: 5 points… suggest new text: fsrit
Stuck in the Funhouse
Or buy a pair of cheap sun–glasses
In retrospect I think Moody made a Freudian slip. Sargent didn’t file his report until 5:24 PM (EST?) today. Moody may have alerted Sargent to the story because of the way he worded that editorial. I mean, why would Moody make a statement like that unless he had inside info that it was definitely tied to the McCain campaign?
Just a theory. It may have just been typical wingnuttiness guiding his writing.
Damn…well I have to apologize too. I should know better by now.
lilly Von Schtupp
Action Cat! Tunch is adorable, as are the other two.
Stuck in the Funhouse
Loks fie to me
That black-and-white kitty looks like our cat Shadow that we had when I was a kid. He was a stray who hopped into our car one rainy day when we got home and opened the car doors. Mom was terrified of cats, but her soft heart was bigger than her fear, and within 2 months, that cat was sleeping on her bed. He was a lovely, snuggly kitty and a fearsome mouser.
He’s fluffy. I understand.
Kali's Little Sister
OT Duncan Hunter is a great judge of character. He says Obama’s great advantage is his great teeth and smile.
That is how perceptive and self-aware these guys are.
John, This is good news for John McCain. He already released a statement saying that she wasn’t a paid staff member but simply a volunteer. Now don’t you feel better.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m pretty sure Ann Coulter endorsed Duncan Hunter for President for the same reason: great hair and teeth.
Ella in NM
This is at least the second-maybe third-time you have preemptively declared Tunch is only fluffy, not fat.
Are you sure this is really about Tunch? Could we be witnessing a little projection here?
Just think how Tunch feels, always being accused of being "not fat". Don’t you think he hears the REAL message-that he IS fat? What if he develops a warped body image? Starts dieting or compulsive exercise or smoking cigarettes to lose weight?
Please, watch your words. The last thing Tunch needs is a case of feline anorexia nervosa.
Just Some Fuckhead
And at this point in the story the Obama Army has now reached the suburbs of Berlin. The fanatics will double down in their intensity, the higher-ups will loot everything they can and hit the road, the bright ones will switch sides and work for the occupation, and the rats in the bunker are engaged in endless shouting and cursing at their many betrayals. Oh and please pass the popcorn! I love this part of the movie!
Just Some Fuckhead
Ya know, the edit feature did give us the means to adjust around your shitty page coding, fwiw.
John Cole
WTF is wrong with the coding now? Everything works fine for me.
Just Some Fuckhead
Nothing at all dear. And yer cat ain’t fat either.
Hey, John? What odds are you giving on RedState having a "Todd was a Dem plant" front-page story within a few hours? Or will it be Our Lady of Perpetual Offense?
My advisor in college had a white bunny. A container of blue food coloring and a spray bottle of water (along with picking the lock to his office) made for a nice easter surprise.
$5 for a basic 4 color food coloring set would get Tunch a nice Steelers yellow-red-blue design.
This is even a worse proposition. A campaign worker who sees the polls and is completely frustrated from all the hard work might be understandable (those people don’t sleep, I understand) but… this suggests that normal everyday Americans are on the verge of doing some very evil acts due to the pressure and lies the McCain campaign has pushed forward.
McCain is unleashing Hell (and if this were a liberal who did this, wingnuts would be elated, I’m sure).
The Moar You Know
I have an odd premonition that Peter Feldman is about to get thrown somewhere. It’s not clear, it’s blurry. But he surely will be thrown.
A glimpse! Oh my God, he’s gonna get thrown underneath something! I see Peter Feldman. I see him underneath something. Something big, and awful, smelly and…crowded. Hmm. Odd. But what? If I could only see what he’s going to get thrown underneath, I could warn him! A man’s life is at stake here!
What is Peter Feldman going to get thrown under?
Oh well, I’m not seeing it. Time to get something to eat.
Comrade Darkness
Fortunately, not many other words that could be.
@CIRCVS MAXIMVS MMVIII: If only Joe the Plumber and B-Faced volunteer were the October Surprises. I keep expecting a terrrist attack, with all the attendant tin-hattery that would have to surround the timing.
Tunch isn’t fat. He’s just got big bones.
The Moar You Know
I can no longer edit posts after posting. Also, the "@" widget has vanished.
With the exception of the loss of the edit button, nothing that I can see. I think people are still learning how to use multiple line quotes (I placed a lesson on how to achieve this on The Longest Blog Post Title In Balloon Juice History if anyone needs help).
No posts of appreciation necessary. I’m just trying to be helpful, think nothing of it.
AND… the edit button is back too! Thanks, John.
The same Hunter whose own primary candidacy disappeared into oblivion because he could not stop talking about how winningly we were winningly winning the Iraq war ….. he became one of the Republican field so bad that a despised and penniless guy named John McCain was left standing ….
Now claims that McCain’s track to a comeback is to pimp our victory in Iraq, and also claims that McCain "won" a great victory in the primaries and shouldn’t be counted out at this point.
Hunter is a complete fucking blithering idiot who couldn’t find his ass with both hands and a team of Indian guides.
You have Indian guides visit your ass often?
Peter Feldman
Just wanted to claim credit for the damned adorable puppy. That is my Olde English Bulldogge puppy, Winston. He’s around 3 mos. in that picture, which was taken about a year and a half ago. He’s mostly grown into his skin now.
Too bad he’s attached to this post documenting the Right’s latest super-sized bag of crazy.
John Cole
@The Moar You Know: The @ widget is right where it has always been.
Maybe you can dye him pumpkin for the weekend and see how that works.
Tony J
Yeah, John, sure. Your cat ain’t fat, he’s just big furred.
And I’m pretty sure that Todd the Mutilator has given the wingnutosphere the scapegoat they were looking for to explain why McCain has to start looking for another ambition to fail at come early November. After all, if she hadn’t sabotaged the campaign just when it was about to kick into high-gear, McCain would have handed the Obamanation a whupping and dragged enough Congressional races in his tailwind to keep the GOP alive, wouldn’t he?
Secretly they want the racist vote to change the election, they just don’t want the rest of us to know. Apparently that is the reason why CNN was harping for an hour today about a McCain campaign worker who is a muslim and trying to stop the racist behavior is not allowed on television for an interview after promising he would (I don’t have his name, but a clip of him trying to stop racists from affecting a rally were on CNN this afternoon).
That One - Cain
Anybody see the quote from Dan Riehl about Obama suffocating his grandmother with a pillow in order to boost any numbers that might have gone down because he suspended his campaign? UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE. Does this guy not hear himself speak? It made me sick to my stomach (and I got a strong stomach) thinking that anybody would think that of any human being. I would never think that McCain would do such terrible things. Hell, I think McCain is basically a decent person but this just beyond the pale.
I’d like to see which RightWring blowhard is going to take Dan Riehl to task for that absolutely worthless comment. Here is the quote:
Fuck you very much Dan Riehl. I hope shame is visited on you; not that it’ll make you into a better human being.
h/t: sully
Not when most of the conservatives voting for Obama are citing Sarah Palin’s addition to the ticket as the reason why they switched their votes.
They were hurling tombstone inscriptions at them? That WOULD hurt, I suppose.
slammin' sammy
John Cole,
nothing you do could really surprise me. I still think you’re in denial for voting for that jackass W twice. So you have played your own role for the miserable place in which America finds itself. I hope you will realize sooner rather than later that there is little to no good left in the GOP. The rats have already fled the ship. What remains is too terrifying to contemplate.
There are few absolutes in this world, but one of them is Karma!
Dan Riehl is in for a rough time.
Yeah, in his column today explaining how HE would vote for McCain, Palin was never mentioned.
I await the edit thingy.
update: and it’s back. oh, well. life is good again.
Stuck in the Funhouse
@That One – Cain:
This is how Mr. Riehl reacts to family members in trouble.
I don’t know who this "John" character is, but he sure got under Dan Riehl’s skin. :–)
Careful, this could be a fatal flaw in 21st Century USA.
McCain campaign epitaph? (hat tip the great Billmon)
Interesting times; could we be seeing the dissolution of a party? The Republican Party survived the Great Depression and Watergate mainly through an alliance of BigMoney and SmalltownUSA, plus a rump of Olde New England moderates, but the Christianist footsoldiers have taken control and are throwing every other member into the bonfire of their lunacy. Democrats have tried to be big-tent, but I don’t know if the tent can (or should) stretch enough to cover disaffected and tossed-aside Republicans as well as the already swelling Democratic numbers. The next 10 years could be interesting and politically historic in ways that haven’t been seen in generations.
El Cid
I think Palin is not necessarily the reason many Republicans are turning away from McCain; Palin is the excuse many of them feel comfortable giving.
That One - Cain
This should pop up in some MSM with the title "McCain blogger speculates on possible murder of grandmother by Obama".
That should look real good :-)
Here ya go John:
" alt="" />
That’s good enough, isn’t it?
Too awesome:
Wassup 2008
@p.a.: Very thoughtful comments and I thank you. Five thirty eight has been doing a state by state analysis and earlier I was thinking about Vermont. Vermont has always been a conservative rural state that voted Republican for president until the 90’s. The state is now blue because they are socially liberal. The citizens of Vermont knew that the Republican party left them and I wonder how long it will be before the Western states realize the same thing.
Comrade Darkness
Huff Po has an article and names and video. If you care.
I’ll give the guy credit for standing up for what he believes in, even though it costs far more than it would for someone who fits the WASPish theme over there. Or maybe he’s working on some karmic payback from a previous life …?
Tony J
I’ve yet to locate the snark icon on the Comments header, so I just went with "Heh."
Seriously, I have never in my life seen a campaign nosedive so badly in such a short space of time. For my money the shark was jumped when McCain started running against the MSM after years of treating them – rightly – as his ‘Base’. They let him get away with it the first few times, but once he made blaming the MSM for his lack of electability the cornerstone of his campaign, noses that had previously been stuffed up his backside sniffing on the musky scent of victory were bent seriously out of joint.
And yet, despite everything, the idea that Sarah Palin might not have been a good pick as VP is still only presented in a "He said" – "She said" manner. The reporters who went ga-ga over her after the Convention are still looking for a way to cut her loose without having to explain to their readers how they got their judgement about her electoral awesomeness so woefully, hillariously wrong.
It’s not like they can be honest and admit that they just went with the opposite of whatever the DFHs were saying. They kick you out of the MSMagic Circle for revealing esoteric secrets like that.
That One - Cain
@Stuck in the Funhouse:
Man I totally miss the days when John battled the entire the entire right wing blogosphere after his defection. The series of smackdowns that was delivered was awesome to behold. Even better when Rick or someone would participate in the comments. Snarking at it’s finest. Now we just got lame-o trolls.
Perhaps we can invite Dan to appear here so that we could smack him around some.
Stuck in the Funhouse
Mostly just spoofers, some not so bad, but it’s been a long while since pure wingnut trolls have ventured into BJ. I guess they’re too busy cannibalizing each other, or something.
Cain!!! Dammit! I’ll bet that shows up on Fox tomorrow.
John: who’s the little Tuxedo kitten. Me luv tuxes.
Oh, the Cowboys called, wanted to know if Tunch is a free agent. Steroids – feh!!
I just went over to Marc Ambinder’s site at "The Atlantic" magazine. This is what he said
Oh great there is no hope for the party. I can see it now, the next Republican primary for President will be Sunny Perdue, Sarah Palin and Huckabee.
OT, the "voter fraud" bullshit continues apace. Local Twin Cities news shot down the claims of a MN wingnut group called Minnesota Majority who’s crying vote fraud. The beauty was it was a local Fox affiliate.
comrade dsc
I don’t know if I can handle anymore. My sides hurt.
I’m so glad that BHO is so even-handed and level-headed and smart.
Look at those words, even and level and smart–what a frackin’ relief. Bush caused great pain for EIGHT years and I’m breathing again.
I have high hopes for our future with this guy at the wheel. I fear we have rough seas ahead.
Well, since I only have CNN (I refuse to watch WTFox and MSNBC is woefully missing from my remote channels where I live) I can tell you that today I saw a report that stated with no disqualifiers that Sarah Palin was exactly the reason so many conservatives are turning against the GOP ticket.
Note to Comrade Darkness: Thanks for finding that video. Yeah, that’s the guy.
El Cid
@JL: This seems to me a clear incentive for aspiring "conservatives" (old sense, meaning more conservative than, say, Democrats, not meaning ‘right wing crazy’) in the Northeast, Midwest, and West to bring back the old moderate Republican Party of days of yore.
It could be better for the country, too — if there’s going to be a conservative opposition, it’s better that it be saner rather than crazier.
And I think a whole lot of moderate conservatives outside the South are damned tired of being in a political party run by freakazoid redneck Southern ultra-rightist aspirants.
Tunch told me he prefers the term husky, to big boned, chubby, or tub-a-lub.
Comrade Darkness
No problem. I was curious.
And I’ll second being "mystified". The video makes McCain look 10x more big tent than anything else I’ve seen out of the McCain camp itself. As to the woman there, if I were Kurdish, I’d probably support 100-years-in-Iraq McCain too.
That One - Cain
It will be spun that there are concerns about Obama’s grandmother is in danger from Obama himself that the real reason he’s heading to Hawaii is to kill her (and do her chores) so that he can advance in the polls because he’s worried about McCain catching up and if she dies it’ll be proof that Obama killed her in order to just that gain in the polls. Obama put the presidency ahead of his grandmother’s life! He’s a terrorist! Won’t someone save, Obama’s grandma’s life?!
I’m lovin some of that wingnut koolaid!
>>I guess they’re too busy cannibalizing each other, or something.
So that’s what the kids call 69 nowadays….
Look for Thomas Frank’s next installment: Nothing’s the Matter with Georgia, coming in June, 2009 (perhaps).
I suspect that if the Republicans decide to go down the States Rights Party route to oblivion, the Democratic party will eventually fission off the sane conservatives into a replacement "sane" conservative party.
It’s completely insane that John Cole, Andrew Sullivan, Barney Frank, and Barbara Lee are all currently calling the same party home. It’s only because the lunatics in the Republican party still wield disproportionate party held over from their earlier, saner days that we’re all forced to hang together as one party. Once they’re widely perceived as nuts, there’ll be room for a mod-con resurgence.
Sounds like a conversation I might hear in the mall between girlfriends:
Girl: "Does this dress make me look fat?"
Other Girl: "Um, I think maybe if it were a darker color it would make you look slimmer."
Every woman needs to shop with a girlfriend who can tell her the truth.
Over at Firedoglake, a commenter mentioned that if Stevens won the race in Alaska and then had to resign, the governor could appoint anyone, including herself to finish the term. Might we see Sarah in Washington after all? I’m not familiar with the Alaskan constitution so I’m not sure this is true and let’s hope not.
Disproportionate power, rather. I think I need a nap, now.
Nothing to be mystified about. Everything the McCain campaign touches turns to shit, and it’s because God is doing this to him. Seriously, with a name like "Son of Cain" how could it be anything else?
Dennis - SGMM
Damn that’s good! Thanks for the link.
kommrade jakevich
I have to say this: I’m just exceedingly fucking glad this was cleared up before some shitheads decided to avenge the assault by attacking random African-Americans.
KO just did his segment on this story. Documents that the PA McCain campaign sent info to two TV stations about this young woman’s "assault." Keith interviewed Eugene Robinson about it. He was not amused, said it played into the old blood libel about black men and white women.
This is one more major FAIL for the Maverick.
Hello? the edit button is back. Thank you. thank you.
Laura W
@Ella in NM: I expect to see both Tunch and John headed off to Casa Serena sur La Mer (eating disorders clinic to the stars) thanks to A & E’s Intervention, circa 2009. Intense family therapy ahead.
Own your shit, John.
It’s killing Tunch.
Can’t you SEE?
Tony J
Well, I guess the MSM stumbled upon that ‘reason’ I mentioned. It’ll be a case of "No one could have predicted that Sarah Palin would be such a turn-off to moderate Republicans."
I think that one of the previous posters hit the nail on the head when they said that Palin was the excuse moderate and survival-based Republicans were using to jump off the flaming wreck of the USS McCain. Her decision to make herself Der Base’s golden girl for 2012 by channeling the paranoid crazytalk of the wingnutosphere just gave them something tangible to define themselves against.
Comrade Darkness
My flaw is I assume I will see at least occasional competence out of someone put in charge of something important. But clearly, competence notwithstanding, they are in knee-jerk, full-time damage-control mode.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer campaign.
Excellent point. I’m actually surprised it didn’t happen, to be frank.
Winston at 3 months looks ready to take on the world. Perfect puppy confidence
kommrade jakevich
Yeah. And Rush Limpbags looks like he weighs 360 pounds in white but in a black suit he looks a sleek 324.
Sorry John, your cat is fat.
I guess I’m on the late side in claiming them, but those are my boys in the second picture. Scamp on the left, Leon on the right.
Brian J
Why is that so nuts? Why can’t a party have room for extremes like Dennis Kucinich (I don’t know much about Barbara Lee, so let’s use him instead), moderates like, say, Bill Clinton or Obama, and then conservatives, like perhaps John Cole? If they accept a decent number of the tenets of the party, why is it so unthinkable that they couldn’t live under one roof? I’d agree with those who say that watering down what it means to be a Democrat to include everyone but the most extreme elements of the right doesn’t make much sense, but if there are enough people who sit towards the center that want to be a member of the party, why not encourage them to join? (By the way, does it really make sense to think of Sullivan as a Democrat, as opposed to an independently conservative Obama supporter?)
Maybe it’s because I am projecting more of my own feelings and wishes onto the supposed make up of the party, maybe it’s because I refuse to believe in the characterizations that the right offers up every election cycle, or maybe it’s because, for whatever reason, the Democratic party resembles this today, but I’ve thought for some time now that the party is appropriately concerned with the right balance between the public and the private in economics and is welcoming to a large array of opinions as far as social views go. It is, simply put, the proper home for the liberals who want the country to go in a more leftist direction and the moderates who are in favor of a more balanced approach. It’s the party of the center, not in that fake, David Broder-style, but in the sense of never going to one extreme or another.
JL, El Cid, Llelldorin-
How does this situation resolve itself? What happens to these people (the nuts I mean)? They are out there by the millions, they will be able to exert influence regionally in the South, probably Utah and Idaho, the grain belt. Will national impotence lead to political apathy and a moderation there? Will there be state governments permanently at war with a 2 century long trend of social liberalization and scientific advancement? That can’t be good.
I know nothing about social sciences, group identity, and what seems to be a movement spinning to millennialism and a big crack-up.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
Modern Republicanism = Mental Illness.
Worst. People. Ever
Laura W
@Marc: I was hoping he was named Winston. Also hoping he’d grown into his skin. Because I was about to jump on him and slurp up his paws.
Is that sick?
Understanding Social Sciences and Group Identity won’t help you anyway. Those things depend on the survival of the group and individual parts of the whole. This is about religious extremism, they are like that Heaven’s Gate cult, only on a larger scale, and they don’t expect to just take drugs and commit suicide, they expect massive scale anarchy (they pray for it everyday).
This sort of thing is not defined anywhere except in The Bible. It’s billed as being something you’ve ever seen before – "the end of the world."
El Cid
@p.a.: I think that you may have increasingly complex dynamics. It was easy for the ultra-right and basically white Southern nationalist wing to dominate Southern politics when it seemed like an unchallengeable path to victory.
But think cynically — local elites throughout the South are eventually going to want some pull on committees, and some power for the pork.
They’re going to get tired of Southern ultra-rightists with little chance to regain actual Congressional power demanding that only they get major backing to run as the conservatives in local office.
If so, then the Southern ultra-rightists are no longer going to either be required to or be desiring of seeking the business conservative community support and votes.
So you have the makings of a real revanchist movement.
Will they remain within the Republican Party if all this is an accurate summary of incentives for future paths? I dunno.
Meanwhile, the Democrats and moderate Republicans have a huge opportunity to set up farm teams among other groups throughout the South — the growing Latino community is hardly represented throughout the Deep South outside areas like South Florida.
Of course, all this hinges on the Democrats being able to act as a party akin to the discipline and foresight of the luckiest parts of the New Deal / WWII Roosevelt reforms. If they screw it up, shoot themselves in the foot, or commit to remaining timid and conservative in the face of awesome problems, all bets are off.
Jimmm (aka, Jamey)
So, wait, you’re telling me that Ms Todd wasn’t beaten by Willie Horton?
Laura W
Any of all y’all ever notice how funny these comments are when you are +3?
Well…what are we planning for Nov 4?
I volunteer for the Party Planning Committee.
Will there be a lot of fat cats in attendance and jokes about fat cats?
(I am literally typing this on my back, laptop elevated on knees, arms stretched over my FAT black cat, Annie, who is pressing the air out of my lungs with each labored breath.)
(Annie would like to say that her "Blackness" is peripheral to her essential Beingness. But it does make her look a bit slimmer than her 13lb girth would suggest.)
(Annie says she’ll make me another drink if I stop talking about cats and their weights. WIN.)
OmiGod~ Rachel has on powder blue jacket.
The world is ending.
kommrade jakevich
Watch it now. She’ll scratch a backwards B into your face before you can say Afrocentric Radical Jihad!
He’s not my son!! ;D
I predict a schism within the GOP with the true conservatives (like John and those who are following in his path) taking on the evangelicals to wrestle control away from them in the coming years.
I also predict the evangelicals are going to have to create a third party after this major embarrassment of a campaign.
Laura W
@kommrade jakevich:
Annie says: ‘FUXX you very much kj" and now that I’ve disturbed her nap with my raucous belly laughing I can go make my own fucking drink.
Brian J
Chalk this up to another reason I am angry that I didn’t study politics in college. I’ve always wondered about the notion of the president at the time governing in the sense that reflected the national ideology at the time. I’m not sure if there’s an academic term for it, but think of Clinton governing more conservatively or moderately than some Democrats would have liked and Nixon using the powers of government in all sorts of ways. Of course, this sort of stuff is explained a lot by details. Nixon probably did a lot of what he did to win votes (more so than most politicians, I mean) and Clinton, as Ezra Klein said, would be thought of as one of the three architects, along with FDR and LBJ, of the modern welfare state if his health care reforms had passed. And this entire idea could be blown to bits if you think, as I often do, that representatives of the parties are usually more moderate than the base, or at least govern that way.
But anyway, to answer your question a little more specifically, if the national mood is shifting towards the left, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Republicans move that way, assuming the extreme base of the party isn’t greater than I realize and doesn’t grab the power levers. I don’t think they are, if I am correct, about to start acting like liberal Democrats. Instead, I think it’s possible you’ll see a more moderate, blue state-style Republican pop up and be the face of the party.
Terrorist Android Sheep Pimp
Here’s the catch: you’d never know what the word was if you hadn’t learned it correctly in the first place. Yes, our brains do look at the first letter, last letter, size of the word, and letters involved and sort them out in remarkable time.
But if you didn’t have the original model – the correctly spelled word – you’d never be able to ‘settle’ on a correct order and understand each word. :)
(Sorry – it’s just a sore point with me. A teacher at my school uses this exact same stuff as an excuse for not teaching decoding skills or spelling)
Hey, don’t take the nutjobs for granted; those bastards are funding Prop 8 here in California. They aren’t just the lone whack-jobs like this Todd woman. Some of them have a lot of money they’re willing to send out of state, so that means I split my donation between Obama and No on 8 this month, but it just goes to prove that when you think things are going your way, you still can’t let your guard down…
Ashley Todd during relatively saner times, creating posters to get Republicans to register to vote:
Youtube Ashley
The Grand Panjandrum
McCain called her family. Palin called her family. BEFORE they had all the facts.
Making decisions before they have all the facts. But, they are in charge. Gosh, I feel better already knowing that Johnny Drama and Bible Spice would have their finger of the button.
Larry King currently on CNN with the following titles on the bottom of the screen:
LMAO! This is great :)
Gah wrong link above!
Ashley Todd, during relatively saner times, creating posters to get Republicans to register to vote:
Youtube ashley
Not for nothing, but …. Maddow show, and my first long listen to Ken Salazar. Wow, where has this guy been hiding? He is smart and well spoken and on top of the situation out there in a way I haven’t heard before.
I guess I have just not paid enough attention to him. Very impressive guy, in this five minutes.
I’m sure she was once sane before she went nutzoid.
Her MySpace page says she expects to die by political assassination. (!!!!)
Laura W
@Terrorist Android Sheep Pimp: So what do you call freaks like me who are deeply disturbed by one tiny misspelling, or one transposed letter? Sure I can read all of that gibberish, but it’s an annoying effort. What is worse is reading something pretty well written (Ambinder comes to mind. Does no one proof his shit? Sullivan is impeccable, as is John Cole) that has the sporadic typo. Does that make me an elitist snob? Good.
I was also deeply disturbed by Ken Salazar wearing a butt ugly white cowboy hat on Rachel as I typed this (over the corpulent body of Fat Black Annie who is now digging her pudgy hind feet into my left cheek…is she preparing to etch a big A into my cheek???) but Rachel beat me to the comment.
The Moar You Know
@p.a.: Those state governments you are referring to have been at war with the rest of the country, and progress, since the 1860s. The only thing that has changed is the party that is willing to sponsor their sickness, and that change happened 40 years ago.
Cognitive dissonance. The guy is too smart to be taken in by Joe Lie-berman. Must be some smokefilled room backstory here.
Salazar sounds to be all in for Obama. Not congruent with love for Joey L.
Can someone do me a favor? I work in Indiana – in the middle of a bunch of unrepentant Republicans. One has been giving me crap about liberal media bias. I am sure someone has done a thorough debunking with solid references. Where can I find the best one? Thanks.
Uh, what exactly is "butt ugly" about a nondescript cowboy hat?
The key word in my question is "exactly."
This is the West. The cowboy hat is ubiquitous, and traditional garb. WTF?
His comments were appreciated though. I sure hope that he’s right.
From the Great Orange Satan:
The demon staffer from Hate Street
Attend the tale of Ashley Todd
Her skin was pale and her eye was odd
Claimed her face was scarred by Obama’s men
Who never thereafter were heard of again
She trod the path McCain had Trod
Did Ashley Todd
Yes, that worked out so well for Wendell Anderson in MN:
Not exactly… I saw Ashley Todd’s perp walk on tv today. When did McCain have one of those? Don’t get me wrong, I think he probably deserved one for his role in Lincoln Savings and Loan, but… that’s a path he hasn’t trod.
John Cole
Dunno why you wouldn’t want someone like me. I do what I can to get the party elected and honest, and right not I am looking like the proverbial canary on a coal mine.
Ashley Todd: Karl Rove with lipstick.
gil mann
To paraphrase a great leader, if that cat is not fat, the word has no meaning.
Quarter cuppa dry in the morning, quarter cuppa dry in the evening, one small treat in the afternoon just to let him know he’s not being punished. Not sure of the dry-to-canned conversion, but I think a 5oz. can translates roughly to a cup.
It takes forever to see the weight come off, but it does, eventually. He’ll thank you for it.
Okay, no, he won’t, he’ll bitch and moan constantly until grudging acceptance kicks in, but his risk of diabetes etc. will drop to a fraction.
Forgive me if I seem strident about this. It’s the rare case in which having seven cats lends credibility rather than destroying it utterly.
Ya know, there’s a reason, aside from his background, Salazar wears a cowboy hat and bolo tie when he appears on national teevee, especially on the most liberal show on the cables or networks. Think about it.
I’m so thankful my Stormy is lean.
Pictures coming sometime during the Obama administration (after I can afford the technology to make it happen).
Zuzu's Petals
Even on the thread in which Malkin expressed skepticism, it was amazing the number of references there were to stocking up on ammo, gettin’ out the gun, etc.
Have ya been to the West? People have worn these items to work and to church for decades out here. To dress up and go out to dinner. It’s everyday, and it means nothing larger than that. It just means you live in the West and like the look.
Here’s what’s great about the West: You can dress like a Westerner without looking phony or a damned fool.
I’m not sure what is great about the East. Is it the clam chowder?
The Moar You Know
@John Cole: I don’t know why we wouldn’t want somebody like you either, but let’s face it – "Democrat" no longer necessarily equals "liberal". I’ve been a Dem all my voting life, but have far more in common with the now-extinct "Rockefeller Republicans" than I ever did with the 1970s era Democrats.
At some point, we’re going to end up with three parties – liberals, moderate conservatives (who right now have reached an uneasy alliance under the banner of "democrat") and psychos, who will probably keep the GOP name and current platform, and will be utterly unable to understand why they are no longer loved by the rest of the country they demolished.
Laura W
Um, it’s UGLY? Especially on close up camera on tee vee?
Ya know, gosh darnit, I don’t want to think about it tonight. It looks stoopid and hokey. If it’s a pander, so be it. I lived in CO for 10 years. I thought cowboy hats looked stoopid on grown men for all 10 years. Much like jean overalls do here in NC. And Palin’s too long bangs in previous thread. If we women folk can slam her for that, I can slam Ken for his butt ugly hat.
Some things are just a matter of personal preference and opinion.
This can be mine, OK?
I think we ought to have a contest.
We all need to kick in $10 or so . Then, the poster who guesses closest to the date that McCain makes his mea culpa/ apology for the campaign he ran, gets the pot.
Comrade Kevin
@Laura W:
What is this, Matt Yglesias country now?
Laura W
@Comrade Kevin: Sorry, don’t get the reference. Please ‘splain.
kommrade jakevich
I know I can’t be the only one who never, ever, ever in their wildest Dhimmicratic dreams imagined the GOP would display such stunning levels of FAIL this election.
I don’t even believe the press has become balanced all of a sudden. I think McPalin is just so gawdawful that if the media didn’t report the fuck up de l’heure , there’d be nothing to report at all.
Cowboy hats are ugly?
Wow. Where are you from?
The Moar You Know
@ThymeZoneThePlumber: The East has its merits.
Your post reminded me of something. I’ve lived in California pretty much all my life, and always assumed we were part of "The West". I found out that we are not, in fact, "The West".
My first trip to Colorado was a few years ago, made while I was still living in San Francisco. Went to a bar. Took me several tens of minutes to realize that all the well-muscled, tight-jeans wearing, cowboy-hat sporting guys in the bar weren’t gay. My cue that I wasn’t in a gay bar was:
1. There were women in the bar.
2. Said women were being hit on by totally gay-appearing (to my Cali-raised eyes) guys.
Colorado women are pretty awesome, BTW.
No one, and I mean no one, in California dresses like that, unless they are seriously gay and seriously cruising for – not just "action", but what the Brits used to call "rough trade".
Laura W
California, originally.
Does that tell you all you need to know?
What’s with you guys? You run out of trolls so you start to pick on your own? Jesus Christ, his hat looked stupid to me. Let it fuckin’ be.
Brian J
Making decisions before you have facts? That’s pre-9/11 thinking right there.
The man is like a 12th generation Coloradan.
Stupid and hokey? I’ll tell what is stupid and hokey, that’s sending Jesse Helms and Elizabeth Dole to the fucking United States Senate. Who is anybody in your state to call the traditional garb of the West "stupid and hokey?"
Well so be it, and my opinion is that you are a frigging idiot. The goddammed traditional American cowboy hat is stupid and hokey.
TZ, I think I get what this is about. Growing up on the east coast in a fairly well-to-do family, I had it drilled into my head that hats were supposed to be removed at dinner tables and such. I think that would include going on TV (I don’t think the Bolo tie would be considered a faux pas, but, the hat would).
I have moved away from those attitudes since I left that influence and I see nothing wrong with wearing hats these days, but I can see where some would.
Personally as long as he’s wearing a shirt, pants and shoes and socks I could care less what style they are or how he chooses to accessorize.
Comrade Kevin
@Laura W:
Go read some of Yglesias’ posts, and count the typos.
So that’s what the right is calling suicide bombers these days.
Not really. I’m a CA native myself and lived there for a total of about 15 years in several shifts. LA County, Orange County, Santa Clara County and San Mateo County. I am used to having fellow Californians I am ashamed of. Can you say Ronald Reagan?
I think your comment was stupid. Let it fuckin be.
Um, cowboys remove their hats at the dinner table.
He didn’t remove it for the television segment. THAT is what I’m saying.
Laura W
You’re clearly looking for a fight, so go find a troll. I’ve not even lived here two years. It ain’t "my state". I’m not voting for Libby. I like Salazar. I lived in CO for 10 years, and CA for the 38 prior to that.
Jesus, guy. Go wind down.
I ain’t your enemy! And I ain’t a frigging idiot.
I only made a joke about the dude’s cowboy hat!
Sometimes you people blow my mind…all your talk about supporting Obama.
Why? The venom and hate you spew onto each other here is sad.
You should calm down, re-read the thread, and get some clarity about why you’re all wound up, projecting your vile upon me tonight. I don’t know who you’re thrashing at, but it ain’t me.
Or is this a sexist issue?
Is it only the guys who get to join this elitist BJ club and make flippant, snarky comments?
Should I go there?
I think not.
@Marc: That is my Olde English Bulldogge puppy, Winston.
Winston is furious cute.
Brian J
This is one of the reasons, I think, that some people tend to view the media as being liberal. There was some study that came out a few weeks ago about McCain receiving a lot more negative coverage than Obama. I haven’t read it, so I can’t make any firm statements about that particular study, but others like it are probably influenced by the generally stupid things Republicans say and do over the course of elections. If there’s no way to present balance in the piece without relying on something ridiculous, then the subjects of any article are naturally going to appear negative. As far as McCain goes, he’s grandstanded, attacked Obama’s character, and relied on one ridiculous campaign tactic after another in order to shift the momentum in his direction. Or more simply, it’s been very, very hard for any sort of person connected to reality to mention anything positive about McCain.
Comrade Darkness
Speaking of cowboy hats, remember the fallout from Pat Buchanan choosing to wear a black cowboy hat in some parade somewhere? The analysis went on and on for like five news cycles.
Gosh, those were the days. Can we have those back again?
Salazar is okay, in general. He’s come gloriously down on the wrong side (from my take) on a coupla things. Lieberman being one of them. The other slips my mind, but it was some major Dem initiative that seemed uber important at the time and his position annoyed me enough to stick. Well, that and his name. At the time I mentally dubbed him "Ole Salazar Slytherin".
Laura W
@Comrade Kevin: Oh, thanks. You’re right. I often confuse his typos with Ambinder’s. Maybe I meant Yglesias? Or both? Point was…Sullivan outshines them both in terms of proofing his work, and Cole is damn near perfect, so far as I can see. I like that in a writer.
Brian J
I think you misread what I said. I meant to say that a party should be big enough to have room for people like you, people like Bill Clinton and Obama, and people like Dennis Kucinich–people who, I imagine, would agree on a lot but not on everything.
Terrorist Android Sheep Pimp
I call you…Pikachu! LOL
I certainly don’t call you a freak (it bugs the heck out of me too), but don’t get deeply disturbed about misspelling. Not everyone has The Talent.
(Except for "opportunity". I have literally had to retrain myself to spell that correctly. I think I spelled it right this time, anyway, finally. Something went haywire when I first learned the word as "oppROtunity" back in third grade and wow, those neurons, they just don’t like reconfiguring themselves sometimes…pesky critters!)
Speling iz a pane butt it givs us a better understanding, on some level, of the speller’s capacity for…rote memorization and recitation? Respect for the language? I dunno. Excuse me, I meant, "I don’t know". =)
No, actually, I clearly don’t like your stupidass comment.
I like these.
I feel bad for her. As someone mentioned in the comments on that link, she’s like any other enthusiastic young volunteer in a political campaign. I have no idea why she did the things she did. I hope it was not something that someone asked her to do.
Oh my god, you are going to play the girl card?
Just so you know, if you were a guy, I’d say the same thing to you about the hat.
Look, here’s a shovel. You just declared one of the most quintessential pieces of American dress to be stupid and hokey, and you are jumping up and down because I am calling your comments idiotic?
Dig deeper, you have a ways to go.
This has become tedious.
Chuck Butcher
What, an intellect, intellectual curiosity, a conscience? Christ that’s just about the list of prerequisits for entrance. Your ‘c’ conservatism may well wane with exposure and addtional facts, if not – well having a reasoned counter balance to me isn’t a bad idea.
It isn’t as though there are no intellects on the Republican side, it is an entirely open question as to whether there is anything like intellectual curiousity. When that muscle gets exercised their agenda starts to fall apart. The ability to string words together and research other’s writings isn’t intellectual curiousity. Witness the stupid writing in the Heller v DC on the winning side. I totally agree that DC was in violation of an individual right, but the conclusions were written on an intellectually stupid basis due to an inability to follow history and it’s social and political consequences from more than a rote fashion.
Go ahead and try to convince me that Roberts, Scalia, Allito, and Thomas get any farther with their thinking than the self-evident. Show how that is reflected in any of their writings or statements. John Cole is what the Democratic Party is all about and thinking that he’s going to stay in the same place with his thinking is denied by his "conversion."
Welcome John, make me prove my points to your satisfaction and I’ll make you do the same and somehow out of all that something reasonable will happen. The fractious Democratic Party is why it works, fuck them lockstep reichwingers.
Laura, think about this:
Much of the support for Obama comes from LIBERALS.
The descriptions include the following:
This is TZ’s beliefs in a nutshell. He believes in ultra liberal expression and this is why he is offended by this.
Some of us are more liberal and tolerant than others. You may not be as liberal as TZ.
Best for both of you to just agree to disagree. If you want to pursue this line of thinking though, can you tell me why the clothes are more important to you than the message?
I’m just trying to help. Apologies if you don’t take it that way.
@Laura W:
It’s part of his schtick. Don’t be offended. You need to leave your personal feelings behind if you post messages on here. Being outraged on this blog will only bring the thunder, it’s part of the fun.
Syntax, mildly hurt feelings, and on/in switch suggest we are dealing with John +some number greater than zero.
American traditions and history are not tedious unless you are a terrorist.
Laura W
You boggle my mind. I’ve watched you go on and on and on just to prolong a drama in many other threads, antagonizing and provoking others with offensive and hateful taunts.
I don’t know what’s in it for you. I recall it gets your blood pressure up? And that worries people who love you?
I also recall you once said you loved the Obamas for how real they were, when I made a comment about how smart Barack is to have a partner like Michelle.
That was you, wasn’t it? Maybe I’m confusing my BJ characters.
I know you could give a shit, but this has become my favorite pol blog over the primary and general election months, and the only one I comment on, and participate in… but tonight…I think I’ve had my fill. It’s one thing to have to scroll through thread after thread once the flame wars start around last call, when I’m asleep anyway, but your assault on me tonight is uncalled for, and way beyond inappropriate. Who needs this sort of abuse? Really? Does anyone right now need to come here to blow off steam and make light jokes to be pummeled over the virtues of frickin’ COWBOY HATS and the (confederate flag like) traditions of "The West"? This is true insanity. If you claim to support anything Obama stands for, you are deluding yourself. You’re hateful, argumentative, and very small-minded at times.
Anyway, nice blog you have here, John, with a lot of very smart and funny people from whom I’ve learned a ton over the months. Too bad the few hotheads enjoy ruining it for the majority.
Happy Trails.
From the comment section of the Great Orange Satan:
"Ethan Eilon, Todd’s friend w/ the CRNC…
He’s very high up in the CRNC.
Who is Ethan Eilon?
In fact, Eilon is the executive director for College Republicans.
And he just happens to be in Pittsburgh when this happens? And he just happens to be a friend of Todd’s? And he just happens to be available to provide quotes for the Post-Gazette article?
Doesn’t it seem strange that someone who was an operative just happens to be "friends" with the CRNC’s exectuive director?
Now that I’ve started looking into Ethan Eilon, and seeing that he is very high up on the CRNC food chain, I’m starting to believe that the CRNC was behind this."
I wonder if there is more to this story…
John, you are the lead goose, but, there are others following you now. ;)
Comrade Kevin
@Laura W:
He’s trolling you.
Yes, Laura – and that includes their level of tolerance. TZ fights against intolerance. You are not understanding why he argues. He can’t stand to see intolerance go unchallenged.
Fuck that. The woman called the most identifiable American item of dress, stupid and hokey.
Our Canadian neighbors even honor the cowboy hat!
The hat came from Mexico. It’s the most American thing you can possibly imagine.
That would be Salazar’s very fine hat. I don’t think enough good can be said about this hat, do you?
Or are you a terrorist?
That’s right, any defense of the American cowboy hat is just fake. I am just making it all up.
Everybody knows that the American cowboy hat is just something used for political trickery, or to bamboozle Rachel Maddow.
Yeah, that’s what it is.
Blah blah blah, Laura. It’s about your stupid hat comment. You said that the most quintessential piece of American garb is stupid and hokey, and now you are mounting a maudlin defense because I said you are full of shit.
That’s what this is about. Nothing else. Can you stay on topic? Your comment was stupid and hokey. The hat is fine.
Get it?
Please dont lump us all in there. You know TZ has a eclectic personality, but not all or even most of us are that hair-triggerish.
and when you said "Cole" is almost perfect spelling/grammar-wise, you meant Juan, right? Please dont tell me (chuckle) you mean (chuckle) John. Good writer, natch, but he’s got more errors than Alfonso Soriano.
Smartest point ever made on this subject.
Yes, if McCain picks Palin, flip flops on every issue, and generally says bat-shit insane things, the coverage is going to be negative unless the media acts as the PR arm of the Republican party.
It’s like saying, "Nearly all the time, the media makes light of people who believe the moon landing was a hoax". Well, duh!
The line "reality has a liberal bias" really applies these days.
You are going to claim that I am "ruining" the blog for stating that your blast at the American cowboy hat is idiotic?
That ruins the blog, Laura? Seriously, ruins the blog? In the same sense that the American cowboy hat is hokey and stupid, I am ruining the blog?
I singlehandedly, in defense of a hat, can ruin the blog?
Is that your position?
I just think that we’d be better off with two sane parties. I’m happy enough to have everyone inside the Democratic Party for the moment, because what’s left of the Republican Party has become terrifying, but I suspect that ultimately we’ll frustrate each other. Once we get to the point that howling insanity doesn’t have enough votes to be dangerous, I suspect that we’ll naturally separate into a sane center-left party and a sane center-right party.
At the moment, the main unifying force of the party seems to be "Dear God, not that." That’s certainly the right approach for now, but I suspect eventually we’ll want to actually accomplish something, and we’ll have at least two distinct sane ideas about how to proceed. At that point I suspect we’ll amicably divorce into two distinct sane parties.
I also think we’ll eventually need two sane parties to suck the air out of crazy. As long as it’s Democrats vs. Republicans, the media will cover every issue as though crazy and sane were equivalent. If we get to Liberals vs. Dems, or Dems. vs. Conservatives (we can argue about who keeps the name when it comes to that), we can relegate what’s left of the Republican Party to "marginal crank" status, where it belongs.
TZ is a persona. He has whatever personality the author gives him. Today, electic. Tomorrow, electric. Next day, eccentric.
But right now, I am defending no less than the American cowboy hat, the international symbol of America, from a charge that it is "stupid and hokey."
And in so doing, I am ruining this blog.
Wait until the next persona support group meeting when I bring this up.
His defense of cowboy couture in this thread is about the mildest (in tone, if not fervor) I’ve ever seen TZ take on an issue, almost a friendly banter. Calling it "assault" is rather overdoing it.
Use of the "goodbye, cruel blog" Internet Tradition(TM) noted without comment.
Comrade Darkness
I suspect, delicious conspiracy theories aside, that once she confessed, she didn’t hold back. This is dime-store criminal expertise here, but I can’t see an unsophisticated criminal type such as herself managing to avoid implicating others once she started spilling the beans, if there were others to implicate.
I should stay out of this, but I’ve had waaay too much wine (btw, FIN. or Finnegan’s Lake is rather a nice one, and unfortunately there *were* two bottles on my shelf) so I’m going to jump in.
Laura, if you are still reading, I get the sense from your earnest style of posting that you haven’t been posting long. Some people here have been posting to online communities for a very, very long time, and there are certain styles of online discourse that are old (read: taken for granted) online and they run 180° counter to any kind of face-to-face discourse you may have encountered previously (unless you happen to have been a roller derby queen). You are sorta expected to know them before jumping in. This is not a chummy, supportive community in the sense a circle of friends would be. This is mud pit of ideas carried on the crooked wings of short-lived, esoteric memes. If you are going to jump into the pit, grease up and let things slide off.
Heh. You are trying to trick me!
Laura is the only person I know (and around here, this is saying a lot) who could take a defense of the American cowboy hat and call it "hateful."
This is a moment I may treasure forever. Really. I am hateful because I like the cowboy hat and think she is full of crap for calling it hokey.
When you consider the great flame wars we have had here over the years (my 5th anniversary is fast approaching), the idea that anyone could react that way to this exchange is just ….. well, heartwarming.
I want that dog. I want him bad.
John Cole
@KRK: Nah. Sinuses again.
OT (I’m not going to put this in the Longest Blog Post Name in Balloon Juice HIstory because it’s dead…) but:
Notice in Ashley Todd’s perp walk that the eyes are no longer black?
Hmmmm, she used make up?
I’m not sure I see the backwards B on her face either.
Dammit, you are spoiling everything. This only works if she takes herself totally seriously. Which as near as I can tell, is …. a sure thing.
Say, about that grease-up thing ….. can you post a picture?
I’m sorry, I know this is stinkin’ liberal territory, but I feel sorry for Ashley Todd.
Shit man, I feel sorry for the whole damn GOP. Reduced to anti-christ, n*gger baiting, OMG he’s going to raise taxes and let gay people get married all over this great land and teach children explicit sex eduction … where did all these low-IQ voters come from? And, more importantly, how the fuck did the GOP manage to be dominated by retards? And believe me, I don’t say that lightly … it’s the biggest and cruelest thing I can think to say about someone ("retard"), and frankly, it is an insult to the very nice mentally disabled people I know to call the modern GOP retards.
Why John? Why??? Where did the reasonably intelligent Republicans go? I know you are going to say to my party of preference, but honestly, I prefer my party to be truly left. Y’all are pulling us so far right there isn’t a real left any more. Sigh. Crazy times, crazy times.
Whoops, it’s my fourth anniversary that draws nigh, not the fifth. It just seems like longer. Especially to John.
Someone told me that she wore make up to make her look bruised. The skin wasn’t even bruised. I’m not sure how she thought that she could go to the police and file something like that.
I can’t imagine she would be that stupid. It must have been from a McCain person, they are that stupid. :-)
You know what hat I hate? Berets. All floppy and asymmetrical. Unlikely to stay on in strong winds. Worn by soliders and Frenchman, which is seems paradoxical.
Comrade Darkness
I could link to many, actually, because there are considerably too many pics of me out there wearing said grease and not much else (I didn’t go looking for them; the spousal equivalent gleefully did, just for the record). But it would give away too much and as you said that would "ruin" it.
I don’t like berets much either, but I certainly will defend your right to wear one if you wished to.
You know what we’re missing? Goth dressing congressmen/women (spiked green and purple hair and all).
Now THAT would be cool. ;)
Dang. I don’t have a single picture of me like that.
I have lived a very dull life.
Comrade Darkness
It was noted by one reporter that she did still have the black eye, but the B had faded somewhat. Just for the record.
I agree with Libraritarian (that doesn’t look right…) that she is a sympathetic figure. At best, she’s a dupe, at worst unbalanced. But either way not really responsible for what happened. Ipso facto if she could be held responsible, it wouldn’t have happened. I’m not defending what she did, just saying I can’t see how there can be any responsible sense of victory in the outcome of all of this.
You’re never too old to change that ;)
Just saying…
Comrade Darkness
You know what really made it surreal–was the palace-area atmosphere and the police escort.
If you feel you need to break out a bit, try Burning Man. But, prepare for a month ahead of time with packing supplies and heat acclimation. You can get used to that kind of heat, but it takes time.
In the close-up they showed on CNN she did not look like the area around her eyes was discolored at all. It was a pretty direct head on shot with her eyes looking down (a fair amount of exposure of the eye lids).
Anybody else experiencing very serious delay with this website? After posting, my entire computer freezes up for over a minute……Something’s amiss.
I grew up in Phoenix, and ran around outdoors in the summertime with bare feet.
I can get used to the heat. It’s all about shade and hydration.
Oh, and a good cowboy hat.
Yes, it happens to me with IE6 or IE7, and FF.
But … with Opera, no delay. Load the thread and zippity do dah. Nice.
Opera 9.6 is what I am using.
Heat acclimation won’t be much of a problem for him, but TZ doesn’t need to go to the Burning Man event to get that kind of exposure. Trust me on this.
@Comrade Darkness:
Oh the circle of guilt will widen. I’m absolutely certain of it. When we get one of the McCain people arrested the whole campaign is going forever remembered as the dumbest run for president in U.S. history. They’ll teach it in schools all over america. Worse, it’ll turn into a School House Rock cartoon.
"Heeeey, have heard of John McCain? Have you heard of his run for President? Learn about John McCain!
McCain was just starting out, a brand new nominee, he had a bunch of principles that he wanted us all to see.
" blah blah blah.. sorry, I could go on, but I can’t be bothered. :-)
The point is well taken.
Comrade Darkness
I feel like someone checking kerning here. Well, sorta feel like that. But,
Look at picture 2 of the gallery on the left. Looks dark to me, but her hair is shading some.
I thought that before I ever heard of Ashley Todd.
This is tin-foil hat territory. She was obviously (though maybe not to her) going to get caught at this. The CRNC is not that criminally incompetent — despite everything else that has happened this election.
Comrade Darkness
Then it’s his/her fault there aren’t pictures. Just sayin.
Burning Man is more than exposure, it’s the collective id turned inside out for a full airing.
I’m tempted here to start listing places we may have met, but I’m going to resist.
This blurb strikes me as really odd. Surely the law she broke — making up a story and telling it to police — does not justify holding her. Is her behavior enough to justify a psych hold? I don’t see that.
I’ve had some experience getting people into psych holds. It’s harder than hell unless the patient is asking for the hold.
Well, perhaps I’m wrong but, looking at the before and after pictures, it seems to me there is a vast difference in the coloring.
Uh, TZ? She MUTILATED herself. Think about that
Well, I realize we still don’t have all the facts. But her original photo looked like some makeup and a scratch that could have been made with the blunt end of an eyebrow pencil. Not even a scratch so much as an abrasion.
People don’t get put into jail for writing on themselves.
Do they? I hope not.
TZ doesn’t need the collective id turned inside out for a full airing – he is under a doctor’s care, and I have every intention of trying to keep him alive.
TZ can get sufficient exposure in other ways.
I think I am going to need a lot of mouth to mouth.
The current story is that she etched into her skin, she didn’t just scratch the surface. If she truly etched into her skin she needs to be under observation.
Oh, like writing it in some kind of substance that burned the letter into her face? Lye, acid, etc?
Well … it’s a judgment call. From what I have seen of jail treatment, jail is not something that is going to help her right now.
Of course I live in the land of Joe Arpaio, America’s Most Sociopathic Sheriff, so …. I am prejudiced.
No, with a blade, and I’m sure she’s in a psychiatric unit. I don’t know anything about Pittsburgh’s jail system, but, somehow I’m pretty sure it’s better than Phoenix.
Probably so, almost any decent jail would be better than the Kamp Krusty-Arpaio Auschwitz we got here.
I think I owe you a bunch of those.
Would you like a full accounting? Will you be compensating in real thuds or virtual thuds? (it matters, real thuds get a discount!) ;)
@Joshau Norton:
But it dnseot allautcy wrok taht way. Slpmiy rnisreveg the mlddie lrettes mekas it ilbisneherpmocne.
well I have to admit, "incomprehensible" was a bit tough!
Jesus, is Arpaio still doing his bullshit jails out there? I lived there when he first started that. Is he still Sheriff?
What a fucking tool.
So, Burning Man is actually Burning With Desire Man?
I had no idea.
I just scanned the Google aerials of the site, and I must say …. I want to go to the damned thing.
I’ve read a lot about the thing but I never really visualized it until I saw the Google aerial shot.
He is worse, more abusive, more crazy, and more full of shit than ever. There seems to be no end to him.
Not for long. There is a huge initiative to get rid of him this election. Arizona Republic has endorsed an opponent.
I’ve been involved in legal work here and I can tell you there is no one else who comes close to having more lawsuits filed against him. Every time I did research his name came up.
I think the creditor can decide the terms of payment.
kommrade jakevich
@CIRCVS MAXIMVS MMVIII: It’s been ages since I looked at the rules but that sounds like "Danger to self," to me. Jesus. She’s going to have the mark of the severely bat shit on her forever unless she can get surgery.
And of course her pals at the GOP are running away from her as fast as their fat little legs will carry them. They could at least auction off one of Palin’s scarves to buy her a 1st class plane ticket back home, but it’s more likely they’re brewing up a shit-storm of denunciations and rejections.
Well TZ if you really want to go, I’ll go with you provided we have a plan if you get over-stimulated. If you die before returning I’ll kick your ass! ;)
CM, I am reading up on it now. I never read up on the thing with an eye toward actually going, so it looks completely different. Fascinating.
Now, there are a lot of reasons for thinking I might go, or that I might not. But being afraid of dying out there isn’t one of them. But I will look into the medical support situation. Maybe I will buy a helicopter.
Anyway, I have already given up things for being a heart patient. I can’t fly any more. Etc. So going to BM seems like a reasonable risk. Just thinking out loud.
For now it is an interesting idea. After the week I have had, BM sounds like paradise.
Blogging is hard with a 23 lb cat lying on your keyboard.
Just saying.
How quickly you forget, I know how to rent one. ;)
Chuck Butcher
The cowboy hat:
Out here in NE OR at 3500ft of clear dry air I ordinarily wear a distributor’s ball cap to work, however in the high sun summer I use a straw cowboy hat in the interest of sun/skin cancer. I’m not overly fond of it, but it’s useful and fairly light.
For Single Action Shooting Society meets I have an upper mid-level black Stetson. It’s a dress up hat, dress up in costume sense. It is quite comfortable and does a good job of keeping sun out of my eyes, off my ears, and off my neck. I could wear it damn near anywhere and fit in, nobody would take it as costuming or pandering or anything other than a stylish accessory. This is probably a bit too western for more than fun, but it’s a good hat. No those ain’t cap guns…
Damn!! If I remember the AZ republic is about as right leaning as you’ll get in a newspaper. Must have really gone over the edge. Good riddance.
Did Cole lend you Tunch for the night?
Used to be, and for many decades. Owned and published by the family Dan Quayle belongs to, the Pulliam family of Indiana.
But … sold to Gannett. Now a part of the Gannett empire. Pretty middle of the road, to my taste. Which is fine, it has helped to blue up this red state a little.
If you go, rent a mobile home. You’ll have AC, a decent place to take a dump and some place you can get away from the drugs and hippies. I haven’t been in like 5 years, but I was glad I went that way. It’s basically a big rave with art in the dessert. Wasn’t my cup of tea, but then again after living in San Francisco for years, I’m over hippies and club kids.
Damn, Chuck, you would fit right in to my Arizona background in that getup.
Nice hat.
Best thing about the cowboy hat, keeps the sun off your head and the rain from running down your collar. Catches the rain and dumps it away from your neck.
Great all around headgear. Light, comfortable, and useful as hell.
Brian J
You know, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this, if only because it’s such a transparently ridiculous way to drum up controversy and it’s absolutely bound to backfire. If nothing else, I don’t think McCain or enough of his people are so stupid that they’d try something like this.
Of course, I will likely be proven wrong.
Definitely sounds like the way to do it. Luckily I live in the New York City of recreational vehicles. Okay, maybe Florida is, but most of the eastern part of this county used to be aluminum until the housing developments pushed the nomads down the road.
Yeah, a nice motor home rental and Burning Man. I am liking this idea. It sounds just crazy enough to really be worth doing.
Oh God, you said the magic word, he’s definitely going now.
I guess I had better clear that week on my calendar.
I loved AZ for the time I was there. The rightwingness was a bit shocking for a Bay Area kid. I used to tune in KGO from San Francisco at nights and listen to Bernie Ward to get my liberal fix, and as I recall, there was a local talk show host who was pretty fair back then. He was on around 10am, after which you’d be subjected to all manner of rightwing syndicated douchebaggyness. Wish I could remember his name and the station. This was back about ’96 or so.
HA! Well if you all want to really experience the City, let me know :)
Actually it’s funny, my company has to almost shut down around BM, since most of the staff goes.
I used to live in San Bruno.
TZ likey SF.
Hmm…so blockquotes don’t survive a new line eh? Just me? or does anyone else have the same problem.
I’m truly sorry. :)
ninerdave, I posted some tips on how to post blockquotes with multiple lines of text on the thread a few down which has the Longest Blog Post Name in Balloon Juice History.
I listened to KGO from here when I was a kid.
Also KFBK Sacramento, a clear channel station. Back when clear channel actually meant clear channel, those AM stations licensed for 50kw at night and had no other stations on the frequency .. you could tune them for 1500 miles. Not Clear Channel the company.
But anyway, I loved the CA radio at night when I was a kid in Phoenix. This was a cow town, and CA was the Gold Mountain.
Thanks, I haven’t had a chance to post a lot at the new BJ due to life.
Yeah, I know, but it was a great jumping off place. I could be in the city in minutes, or anywhere on the peninsula in minutes.
The weather was about the same as the city, and up on the hill there at Crystal Springs Reservoir we had the fog too. Loved it. I mean, I really loved living there.
Spent the weekends in the city and at Candlestick freezing my ass off and cheering on the Giants.
Best place I ever lived. I would live in the city, nowadays. I dont need to roam the peninsula any more.
Zuzu's Petals
My 17-yr-old cat just peed all over the wires under my computer desk ! ! ! ! While I was sitting there !
I don’t get it. His litter box is clean and accessible. He’s not dribbling pee like he’s incontinent or anything.
But I keep coming across smelly puddles inside my closet (have thrown out about a half dozen pairs of shoes) or in some odd corner….usually on the hardwood floor, once on my oriental rug. Sometimes he watches me while he pees.
Is it a territorial thing? He’s shared space with the other cat for 3 and a half years now.
I don’t get it.
Hmmm, I thought this posted but it seems to have disappeared (sorry if this doubles up later):
ninerdave, what browser are you using? If you’re on Firefox, I can share an add-on that makes posting MUCH easier.
Let me know, and if you want I would be willing to share my posting codes as well (this includes anyone who wants to do this).
On that note, I’m headed to bed. Good night!
Ah, good ol’ KFBK, home to Rush Limbaugh. KGO gave birth to Michael Savage too.
I love, love, love KGO. Grew up on it. Owen Span, Gene Burns, Ronn Owens, Bernie Ward (*spit*), Bill Wattenburg (before his show turned into a rightwing nut house), Michael Krasny, Dwayne Garrett (RIP), Pete Wilson (RIP), Jim Eason, and of course Dunbar and Wygant.
KGO is what talk radio should be. Well hell Jim Dunbar invented the format.
Don’t get me started, I could gush all night about KGO.
Ah yeah good ol’ Candlestick, yeah I go to a couple of niner games every year, and used to see the Giants on a regular basis there too. Funny, when we first started going, the Giants sucked so bad you could get day of game seats behind home plate.
Love the fog too. Funny thing about the city and Bay Area in general. In the city, you can go from Candlestick, or Daly City or the Presideo and have misty fog, head to the Mission or downtown and it sunny and 60. Head across the bridge to Oakland and it’s 80, head through the Caldecott and it’s 100. Funny how that works.
They just recently (re)opened Crystal Springs to the public. I have yet to go.
I use Camino mostly. Would be interested in seeing the addon. Maybe I can hack it to work. Camino is just a Cocoa version of Firefox.
Oh yeah. I know. I used to (oh god, this is going to date me bad) to day games at Candlestick and get walk up tickets behind home plate to watch Mays, McCovey, Marichal, Davenport, Hunt, Jim Ray Hart, Lanier, Alou, Gaylord Perry.
That was a world class team. 900 fans paid admission.
I kid you not.
It was like being in the Twilight Zone, weirdly wonderful.
TZ, Ken Salazar is a pretty good guy. He grew up in the same neck of the woods that I did – the San Luis Valley in south central Colorado- his home town of La Jara has a population of about 90.
His brother John is the Congressman for Colo. district 3, which takes up nearly half of the state.
They are good guys, very good Dems, especially on water issues, at least from Colorado’s perspective. Probably not so popular in AZ.
My hat can beat up your cat.
Thought I’d wait a few mins and see if you wrote back:
Here is the Add-On
There are up to ten customizable codes you can use. I’m providing five. To add codes, right-click on a posting box after downloading, select BBCode and Settings to customize.
The codes I use are the following (substitute tag arrows for [ and ] in the code and underscore x underscore is text – which is non-existent in my codes):
Note: drop the code in the posting box first and add your text inside the tags. Adding text after will erase the text.
Have fun!
Arizona is a funny place, a mix of political agendas.
Hard to say how water is going to cut the politics here.
I am forced to reconsider my own view of the issue in the face of global warming. But then half the country is going to be in the same situation (adjusting its expectations in the face of global warming). When I saw them bring Colorado River water into Phoenix I thought it was a great thing. Now I am not so sure. I am thinking it has made Phoenix lazy about water conservation, and foolish. Time will tell.
Chuck Butcher
In the late 70s I lived in Marin Co & Napa Co doing roofing, framing, and ceramic tile. You might have found me working anywhere from SF to Berkley to St Helena to Edwards AFB. Scooter tramp and hard drinker and various other recreational substances did little to enhance my respectability. I got around.
Yeah, TZ it is a good hat, Stetsons aren’t cheap and that one ran nearly $100 and didn’t get anywhere near top of the line. I wasn’t raised with them, Ohio, and it’s taken me time to get used to wearing one at all. I don’t notice at work but I’m afraid wearing one for dress would make me feel like 8 yrs old and playing cowboys & Indians. I can’t do cowboy boots for more than the hours at a shoot, I wear West Coast Boot 12" loggers custom built. I’ve been in NE OR consistently for over 20 yrs now.
Best stuff from SF area was Dr Demento, FWIW. There was a station out of Gilmore that did the blues that I liked a lot. Garlic home of US, smelled like it, too. Long time ago, now.
@Laura W:
Salazar is what’s known as a "kicker" (short for shit- kicker) where he grew up.
His family has owned a ranch for generations, real cows and horses and everything. They wear cowboy hats, boots, bolo ties and Wranglers.
The farmers wear ball caps (green and yellow John Deere and Denver Broncos are the most popular ) and work boots, Levi’s and ties only at funerals and weddings.
Anyone living in any of the very small towns in the rest of the Valley wears what the fuck ever they want as long as it comes from Wal-mart or you’re willing to drive to the nearest mall which is 2 hours away.
Dressing like this for him is not a put-on, he’s dressed like this all of his life.
Sorry, I’m tired.
Yes, Gilroy. And it still smells of garlic.
Dont remember the station though. I lived in San Jose 40 years ago, which is just minutes from Gilroy. And then San Bruno in the Eighties.
I lived in Phoenix for 10 yrs after HS. As a Coloradan it was not easy to see Colorado river water evaporating from all the water features on the shitload of golf courses and going to water miles of greenbelt grass.
My part of Colorado would dry up and blow away without our aquifer and we’ve been fighting to keep Denver and Colorado Springs from sucking it out from under us for years.
Water is a damned serious issue in the Rockies. That’s why I LMAO when McIdiot made the comment to The Pueblo Chieftan about wanting to renegotiate the Colorado River compact to get AZ, NV, and CA more water a couple of months ago. He pissed off every farmer in the state. Not a good way to try to keep Colorado red.
Yes, Gilroy. And it still smells of garlic.
Dont remember the station though. I lived in San Jose 40 years ago, which is just minutes from Gilroy. And then San Bruno later in the Eighties.
BSOD must be truly banished. 273 posts and still clear. Meanwhile, Ashley Todd blames the media for following up on her fake race-baiting story. This is right after admitting she must have mutilated her own face.
Worst thing about water usage here is that the legacy, and therefore the water rights, are based on a history of cotton farming.
Cotton is about next to rice as a water intensive crop, it sucks water. There is no way Colorado can ship us enough water to support 4 million people in this valley, and water rights for cotton (the Pima indians are still growing their excellent cotton just down the road) if we are going to have perma-drought brough on by global climate change.
If I were CO I would be telling Arizona to get its water act together. We waste an awful lot of water. I didn’t realize how much until recently.
Duplicate post because I was attacked by a large black man.
Rock! Thanks!
Johnny Pez
@Brian J:
Let’s try to quantify the required stupidity. You’d have to forget that ATMs have cameras, and you’d have to forget that mirrors reverse images from right to left. That’s pretty much it.
Whether the McCainiacs are in fact this stupid is a question each of us must answer for himself.
Johnny Pez
Btw, you have to wonder why Ms. Todd didn’t decide to carve an O on her face. If she had, it would have eliminated the whole mirror-image problem. As it is, she looks like she was attacked by a dyslexic Red Sox fan.
Our seven-year-old rescue dog was starting to look… plush. Then the Spousal Unit brought home a gawky teenage rescue dog. Six months later, Zevon is once again tautly muscled, and light enough on his feet to do laps around the walls yard with young Sydney.
Kittens make the very best toys for middle-aged house cats. And the opera-quality tantrums & lamentations Tunch will no doubt produce will be pretty effing entertaining for the resident house ape, too.
@Johnny Pez:
Probably because she’s got mental problems. She obviously didn’t think this through. Everything I’ve read shows it more of a cry for help than anything else.
…and don’t insult her by bringing the Red Sox fans into this, they are bad enough. Save that for say, BillO
At one time I would have thought not. I would have said, "I don’t usually agree with McCain, but he’s an honorable and thoughtful man." Now I just say, "he’s a certifiable crazy old coot and dumb as a pile of rocks, and so are all his loony followers."
And I might add, I caught a glimpse of the Brian Williams interview today, and the way Miss Sarah sat and smiled at McCranky with her fixed smile, I swear it looked for all the world like she was calculating the most efficient way to to do in the old geezer. If Cindy cares about extending her hubby’s life at all (about which I’m not entirely convinced) she should watch out.
I used to drive through the cotton fields on the Res on the way to work everyday.
Had nasty allergic reactions when they harvested.
@Chuck Butcher:
Slick! I don’t think I would look very good in one of those. I’ve tried them out but well.. it’s just not me. Being indian, and having a small head, (well I think I have a small head) it just looks wierd and while wearing that I just don’t feel quintessential American if you know what I mean. I’ll stick to baseball hats. :-) (people of mexican descent seem to be able to pull it off though.. dunno)
But I bet I’d look damn good with firearrms!
With all due respect to TZ, every person in Arizona and Nevada with their own pool needs a good kick to the junk.
If you insist on living in a desert, live in a desert.
Johnny Pez
They had a McCain dead pool on Sadly, No! a few weeks back. Top pick was a tragic snowmobiling accident.
Aren’t those guys already pissed off about all the oil drilling going on? The government have been letting oil companies drill on their land? I seem to recall that people are sick of the noise, the beauty spoilage and what not. Doing google searches, I see that they want to be able to drill 40 acres apart on ranch land and what not. I also recall and I can’t find the link, I think it might have been a PBS story that they hire a lot of mexican immigrants to do the labor.
Colorado politics seem pretty complicated.. not envying that.
My 17-yr-old cat just peed all over the wires under my computer desk ! ! ! ! While I was sitting there !
Get his elderly, no-doubt hip-sprung arse into your vet’s office IMMEDIATELY. At best, he’s got a urinary tract infection; at worst, he’s got bladder/kidney calculi (stones) or just decreased kidney functions. Uronephretic problems are the proximate cause-of-death for a depressing number of older cats. The problem is that cats don’t have good ways of letting us know it hurts when they pee — if a normally fastidious cat starts peeing in unusual places, especially if he’s doing it right in front of you (triple especially if it smells ‘off’ or just stronger than normal) he’s doing his best to let you know something’s wrong with his plumbing.
The ‘good’ news is that cats (& other mammals) can live for years with severely decreased kidney function… the BAD news is, by the time the problem is diagnosed, the level of kidney destruction may approach 90%. Seriously — if your vet clinic has weekend hours, don’t even wait until Monday to contact them.
Zuzu's Petals
Crimeny. I’m flying out for four days tomorrow afternoon but will call the vet first thing in the morning.
He has had extensive testing over the last year or two for thryroid/heart problems, including blood work, x-rays, and ultrasound. No indication of any kidney problem. (This has been happening on and off for months now, and he has no other sign of infection, but …hmmm.)
He is on Lasix. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
At any rate, thanks for the tip. I’ll definitely check it out.
Yep, Coloradans are not happy about the oil drilling, the logging or the water situation. Almost all of the companies getting the oil and hauling out the lumber are out-of-state outfits. And all of this crap has gotten a fucking whole lot worse over the last 8 yrs. Can’t imagine why!
All of this goes a long way to explaining why Salazar got elected to the Senate in 2006, and the Governorship and State Legislature went blue in the last 4 years.
If we could get Colorado Springs to voluntarily seceed from the state we’d be dark blue for the forseeable future.
Zuzu: Ow. Still, better Old Guy spends four days in durance vile (at the clinic) than… well… if your vet has been taking your hard-earned dollars to do all those workups, he’ll give you much better advice than I can. On the other hand, the ultrasound technician we were paying $300+ every six months to monitor our cat-sized (9lb) dog’s enlarged heart managed to "overlook" a golf-ball-sized abdomnial mass which turned out to be cancerous. (Dog survived removal of the tumor & a length of her large intestine, thank Goddess, but her ultrasounds have been bumped up to every three months, and now we go to the even-more-expensive specialists at Angell Memorial for them.) Pets are like little kids — sometimes you have to be a giant pain in the neck to advocate for them, because even the best veterinarian doesn’t know *your* companion animal as well as *you* do.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Johnny Pez:
Was I alone in thinking that the reverse B stood for Bill Ayers?
Without question, the best post on this thread.
Zuzu's Petals
Thanks Annie Laurie –
I have a call into the vet right now.