1.) This explains the McCain campaign better than anything else.
2.) This explains why the Republicans, if the trust their instincts, will be a minority party for a long, long time.
3.) More fail from K-Lo’s House of Crazy.
4.) It is Monday, so you know what that means. Dozens of breathless right-whinge posts about Obama the socialist. As usual, they have NO EARTHLY FLIPPING IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.
5.) Also, a smattering of Obama the terrorist.
6.) The left has idiots, too.
7.) The markets are stable despite overseas routs, so I think those estimating that around 8000 as the bottom may be right.
8.) Political ad fail. However, a minor quibble- they list this ad:
They then state:
“Experience,” gets the nod for its footage – perhaps a first in political history — of the candidate scooping up dog poop in her backyard. We’re still not sure what she was trying to say — maybe she was trying to secure the dog vote. Then again, we don’t pretend to understand Alaska politics.
The message was pretty clear, folks. Send her to congress, she has experience cleaning up shit. I kinda like the ad- it is funny, and most likely got people talking.
9.) Why interrogations should be videotaped. In case you are unaware, one of the things that Obama helped to enact in Illinois was just this type of legislation, which was initially opposed by police and prosecutors but then passed unanimously. Of course, Red State tells me Obama has no experience and cannot reach across the aisle.
10.) The best for last- Politic states this was the best ad of the season. It was ok, although I preferred Helter Skelter more:
Have at it.
Comrade Nixon Hailfire Palin
GOS claims touch-screen vote-flipping. Democracy demands paper — I hope the Obama admin makes this part of its house-cleaning.
Cris v.3.1
West Virgina voting machines are flipping votes from D to R. Is that what they mean by "Obama’s Appalachian problem?"
John Cole
I voted in WV, with a touch screen, it did not flip and there was a paper trail.
"Why interrogations should be videotaped. In case you are unaware, one of the things that Obama helped to enact in Illinois was just this type of legislation, which was initially opposed by police and prosecutors but then passed unanimously. Of course, Red State tells me Obama has no experience and cannot reach across the aisle."
This was much needed legislation in Illinois since Chicago police were (at least perceived) beating up everyone. And, of course, the cops shouldn’t have oppose it because IF THEY WEREN’T DOING ANYTHING WRONG then they had nothing to fear. I know that’s one of you favorites, John.
i filled-in the little ovals using the pen on the string. my vote did not flip.
Brian J
I just watched both of Gravel’s ads. Helter Skelter was good in the sense that it was strange enough to get us to talk, but it was also unfocused. I don’t understand, for instance, the connection between Kennedy’s assassination and a revolution, at least not directly. The one he threw the rock was awesome, because there’s no apparent logic or message to it. It’s so incredibly random. It’s like a representation of that old Lewis Black joke about Superbowl commercials: "Three bears are sitting on a log. One goes home and hangs himself. BUY A BIKE!"
Regarding the dow, I’d say wait and see – I do think high 7000’s are about the bottom, so around 8000 seems at reasonable to me as well. But it aint over yet – I expect overcorrections first.
See, someone needs to take video evidence to prove it is not a calibration error.
If the government is allowed to tap our phones, we can tap their voting machines.
If the Fed insists on sacrificing long term stability for short term rate cuts….I wouldn’t be so quick to call a bottom.
I just voted for Cindy Sheehan.
But it just didn’t feel the same now that John is a Demorat.
I wish I could harness that wave of Palin supporters as post-election trolls here. They got me all excited we’d see the good old days again, but now that they’ve scurried back under their rocks I feel used.
John, you failed to mention that terrorist fist bumps
are sweeping America.
Dennis - SGMM
Jim Nuzzo, who was a senior White House aide to the first President Bush, is quoted in this article at the Telegraph.co.uk.
Nuzzo told The Sunday Telegraph:
Further on he states:
Purging the Republican party of every last moderate voice has my full support. Making "where did you stand on Palin?" the litmus test just about guarantees the Republicans at least a decade in the wilderness. It could happen. The narrative that "Palin could have saved the election but she was stabbed in the back," seems just tailor made for a party that has replaced introspection with blaming.
McCain’s to-do list — final week:
Monday: Call Obama Marxist
Tuesday: Call Obama Communist
Wednesday: Call Obama Fascist
Thursday: Call Obama Nazi
Friday: Call Obama Islamo-Fascist-Commie-Nazi
Saturday: Call Obama Pedophile
Sunday: Call Obama "Osama bin-Biden"
Monday; Call Obama "n****r"
Tuesday: Call Obama Mr. President-elect
Laura W
Palin’s crowd chanting: "Vote McCain, use your brain!" this morn.
Love it.
Do they really want to play the IQ card?
Brian J
That picture is now my profile picture on Facebook. I just love it, not least of all because the kid in the picture looks kind of like me when I was that age.
Comrade Rick Massimo
It’s awesome that conservative Republicans believe the future of the movement/party lies with pundits and commentators and not with people who (with the exception of Sarah Palin, who is from Alaska and is a moron) have ever, um, won any elections.
@Napoleon: It’s clear from that pic that Obama is a pedophile, the way he’s touching that your boy with his hand, smiling, bending over, with The Wall Street Journal in his hand as a lure to get the kid come over and touch him back.
Is it just me or is McCain about the most unlikeable "presidential" candidate to run in recent history? I am not sure I can stand another week of his yellow teeth:
Also, I was thinking of putting a You tube together of people who live in fake America. You know imponderables and all that – any input?
Oh yeah, they really need to distill the stupid further. 100 proof just isn’t giving enough of a buzz. They need to get into at least Everclear territory.
Hadn’t seen that Helter Skelter Gravel ad before. That was great. I’m thinking Gravel must have done road trips with HST.
Comrade Kevin
No, she’s the new Oswald Moseley, or, to use an American example, the new William Dudley Pelley.
Crusty Dem
As a long-time market watcher, I’m amused that anyone thinks that 8000 is "bottom". Since the market, in it’s current incarnation, is nothing more than an over-sized Ponzi scheme, I feel pretty confident saying that there’s no good reason to bottom out below the classic standard P/E of ~12, if interest rates go up, it will drop below that. That would put the market at
@Brian J:
I made it my work computer wallpaper today and unless a better Obama picture comes along it will carry my through to 11/3 when I hope to replace it with a victory picture of him, Michelle and the family.
I like what one of Klein’s commenters said on that photo, how it really has a sort of Norman Rockwell vibe to it, updated for 2008.
I love it. I think it’s a good representation of the America that we want to see — modern, inclusive, informed and approachable.
Things fall apart, and if the center cannot hold, what hope does this uneasy far-right-of-center coalition really have?
The only real question is whether or not centrist Dems in full control of two branches of government will be enough of a common cause for the Republicans to patch up their big tent for another couple of years.
Ash Can
@Dennis – SGMM:
Boy howdy. Although I think this whole imbroglio could play out very differently than the way geniuses like Jim Nuzzo envision it. He and the other Palin-Firsters have either forgotten or are ignoring the fact that the Republican base fractured along its decades-old fault lines during the primaries, and that Palin hasn’t excited "the base," but only a part of it — viz., the part that was voting for Huckabee and maybe Tancredo and Brownback as well. If she really were having all of the base seeing starbursts, she probably wouldn’t have placed a distant third in Newsweek’s recent poll of Republicans on who they’d like to see at the top of the ticket in 2012.
Depending on who’s actually running the GOP at this point and whether or not they actually pay attention to the opinions of GOP voters (a big "if" given the top-down, authoritarian nature of the current GOP), the batshit-crazy faction may just end up screaming for purges from a dumpster in the alley after the prevailing Romneyesque faction has kicked it out the back door.
PS: eyeball at #13 FTW.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@cleek: My pen had a feather on the end instead of a string, but I didn’t see my colored in bubbles change either. The nice people at the poll told me three times that I had to vote for President separately from voting for a straight party ticket (I’m in NC), plus I got a blue piece of paper with the same information written on in it in BIG print.
Can I turn off the TV now?
Brian J
WTF? Was this a joke?
Re the Left has idiots too…
I have to give the Sarah Palin hanging gag a pass.
Sorry, but there is a massive, massive difference than when somebody does this to an effigy of Obama.
It’s not out of the ordinary to see politicians hung in effigy, but when your nation is a deeply, deeply racist state that didn’t actually let Black people ride near the front of the bus until something like 40 years ago, and you lynched Blacks by the thousands, you are obligated to be extra racially sensitive for at least a century.
Sorry, but that’s just the way it goes.
The nuance of some of Obama’s answers are lost on a lot of wingnuts, but Bruce Schneier, a renowned security/crypto expert, acknowledges Obama’s thought process on security tradeoffs.
Once again tactics versus strategy.
Blue Raven
And if you have even once used Sarah Palin’s lack of experience as part of your reasoning that voting for her is stupid, you just turned into a hypocrite right there. I really do find it extremely annoying that Sheehan is carpet-bagging into Pelosi’s district and deliberately trying to screw over the leadership of the HofR like this. Thankfully, Sheehan wouldn’t become Speaker if she pulls off the miracle upset of the election season, but Pelosi is better than that one-issue whiner will ever be regardless of Pelosi’s butt-kissing approach of late.
No, I don’t like Cindy Sheehan on general principle. Anyone who claims to be hunger striking but is living on Jamba Juice and coffee smoothies is a liar and a stunt dummy. As an Irish-American, she should be ashamed to abuse the term. And that’s not just because of the IRA strikers. That’s a practice in Irish culture that likely predates St. Patrick.
I totally got the shit scooping message in that ad. In fact I had friends take pictures of me loading a truck full of horse manure in between my ’94 and ’98 campaigns, thinking an image of me shoveling shit was a funny and self-deprecating image for any politician and the humor would be noticed.
@Blue Raven:
Of course Sheehan would only be one of something like 435 house members. If Palin should become POTUS if something happened to McCain she would be the only one. The US can survive a certain number of bumblers as back benchers in the Senate and House, it can not survive another disaster as President, not now.
"Obama the socialist." (sigh..) If only…
Cindy’s not running for VP.
Any monkey could be a Representative, and any monkey would be better than the House "leadership" we’ve had for the last two years.
We know what you support, as your hero is AWOL on all of that. Even prop8!
Notorious P.A.T.
They’re following this guy’s lead:
dj spellchecka
fred barnes has passed the palin litmus test….
this is from today… i subscribed to the weekly standard newsletter for a good laugh each monday… and freddie comes thru… dig this….
"In judging Palin, it comes down to who is more credible. Is it those who’ve worked with her, or know her, or have at least met and talked with her? Or those who haven’t? The answer is a no-brainer.
Okay, I may be biased on the subject of Palin, having been impressed after spending nearly two hours with her on one occasion and an hour on another.
My advice is ignore the critics who know far less about Palin than she does about foreign policy. A good example is Ken Adelman, who headed the arms control agency in the Reagan administration.
Adelman recently endorsed Obama and said he "would not have hired [Palin] for even a mid-level post in the arms control agency."
Well, I know both Palin and Adelman. And Ken, I’m sorry to tell you, but I think there are an awful lot of jobs in Washington that Palin would get before you.
Fred Barnes is executive editor of THE WEEKLY STANDARD.
the jokes write themselves…..
Jon H
Comrade Kevin wrote: "No, she’s the new Oswald Moseley"
I think you mean Roderick Spode, leader of the Black Shorts.
Jon H
" I think there are an awful lot of jobs in Washington that Palin would get before you"
Most of which are advertised in Craigslist under ‘erotic services’.
Phoenix Woman
McCain’s to-do list—final week:
Monday: Call Obama Marxist
Tuesday: Call Obama Communist
Wednesday: Call Obama Fascist
Thursday: Call Obama Nazi
Friday: Call Obama Islamo-Fascist-Commie-Nazi
Saturday: Call Obama Pedophile
Sunday: Call Obama "Osama bin-Biden"
Monday; Call Obama "n****r"
Tuesday: Call Obama Mr. President-elect
(sorry, had to see that again)
Here are some people who should be national heroes. They walked off their job at the telemarketing center rather than do calls sliming Obama.
From the first part of the story: