“We are witnessing, I believe, probably one of the greatest comebacks that you’ve seen since John McCain won the primary,” his campaign manager, Rick Davis, said in a conference call with reporters, adding that when it came to the electoral votes needed for victory, “We believe, with the combination of our base states and the states we’ve been able to put into play this week, we can achieve 270.”
More reality:
…all numbers that have moved very little int he past few weeks. What a comeback!
And, by the way, has the McCain camp put any states into play this week? Any? I know Obama has put Georgia, North Dakota, and Arizona into play. But any for McCain? One?
Well, his job is to cheerlead. Nobody criticizes the hot girls with the pom poms shaking their goods when their team is down by 3 touchdowns at the two-minute warning.
Yeah, he could go out there and tell voters that they need to come out to ensure that Republicans also win senate and house races and avoid the ‘comeback’ hyperbole, but we don’t like quitters in this country.
Now, what really pisses me off is the journalists that are cheerleading, calling this neck-and-neck. That’s most certainly NOT their job.
Eural Joiner
How ’bout the state of insanity!?
Thank you, thank you…Iadies and gentlemen…and I’ll be performing here all this week…
Comrade Jake
This has been capped by Drudge trumpeting a single-day result of a Zogby poll that shows McCain up a point! To which Nate Silver politely responded, Matt, you’re a fucking idiot.
Here’s what Ta-Nehisi Coates said about Davis’press release:
Kinda hit the nail on the head.
Bizarro world comes to my mind.
But I forgive a lot of Campaign Mangers 3 days before an election. What do you expect him to say, "We are doomed and I plan to be in Costa Rica before the polls close" ?
Comrade Jake
Look for Baghdad Bob to serve as a surrogate for the McCain campaign on the Sunday talking head shows. He’d be more convincing at this point.
kommrade jakevich
Rick Davis? Oh, you mean this Rick Davis.
Is there anything about McPOW’s campaign that hasn’t been a complete clusterfuck of fucktastic magnitude?
Maybe he’s talking about the popular vote.
So Davis believes that we are in the midst of an epic comeback.
Aren’t there several pages in the DSM that describe conditions involving belief in things that can be objectively shown to be false?
Just Some Fuckhead
To be fair, there have been no other comebacks since John McCain won the primary, and even still Rick Davis qualifies his assertion with "probably". So it doesn’t appear Rick Davis is that overwhelmed with his own perceived success.
Obama is to McCain as USC is to Washington.
Sadly, McCain/Palin don’t deserve to even get 270 votes, but probably will,also.
Comrade Jake
My understanding is that the Obama campaign is SO concerned about PA, that they’ve decided not to hold another event there in the last few days of the campaign.
Is anyone canvassing/calling this weekend?
I’m scheduled to canvas tomorrow afternoon and all day Tuesday.
They’re going to clap EXTRA hard and that will
keep Tinker Bell from dyingput McCain over the top.After all, that strategy worked so well in Iraq.
but seriously… if Davis believes that, he needs to put everything into Intrade futures on McCain. He’ll clean up.
The Grand Panjandrum
If you want to stay sober Tuesday night have a drink for every Blue state McCain picks off this year. You’ll have plenty of cold beer left for next weekends election celebration party and you won’t have to go to work with a hangover.
My favorite comment on all this? Josh, over at TPM this morning, quoting Davis:
followed by almost BJuice-worthy snark:
Mmm-kay. Yeah. Thanks, Rick, for your Palindronery.
Anyone who looks at the polls for Kerry in 2004 and Gore for 2000 will realize that Obama is too high in most of the States he is leading (esp. PA) and his numbers have to fall some the last week. Is that a sign that McSame is on the rise, fuck no. This is normal tighting and Obama will win well above 270 college votes. Relax, vote and enjoy the after Obama win party that we will all have on Nov 5th!
Go Obama.
My aunt called this morning, all nervous about Pa down to 4 points in that one poll.
I calmed her down by telling her that, if it were that close, then Obama would certainly be visiting PA before Tuesday, which he isn’t. Axelrod doesn’t make mistakes like that.
Yeah, except mcCain’s primary "comeback" largely involved his opponents melting down and/or running out of money around him. MCain was a default guy in a crowded field, not a guy who came back all on his own merits. That dynamic is not going to recur in the general. McCain didn’t "beat" Guliani in an amazing comeback. Guliani beat himself. As for other candidates, the charismatic guy ran out of money. The guy with all the money was a robot without charisma. McCain can’t count on Obama running out of money or charisma this time.
Just Some Fuckhead
Intrade needs to start offering credit default swaps for McCain supporters.
Oh you poor innocents! This is just another brick in the post-election ‘ACORN stole the election, Obama is not the legitimate president’ edifice the GOP has been building. We all have to arm ourselves with heavy metal rods to beat these thugs back under the rocks they crawled from 30 years ago.
I don’t have time to canvass or phone bank but I did donate to Obama yesterday (on the very, very meager chance I have of winning one of those five trips to see Obama inaugurated in Chicago) and I can’t believe how good it felt to do it!
This may sound corny but it felt like I was taking part in history. I’m serious, you’ll be boring your kids or their friends 20 and 30 years from now, with stories about the 2008 Obama campaign. He is head and shoulders above any candidate we’ve seen in a while. I didn’t like Reagan but you have to give the guy credit for capturing the imagination of Americans. Obama has done all that and more. He attracts tens of thousands to his appearances and he doesn’t have to screen out everyone but the true believers, like Bush did in 2004.
By the way, if you have HBO, make sure to catch a rerun of Real Time with Bill Maher. It was full of awesome last night.
Comrade Jake
Yup. My father and I will be headed to Obama HQ in Nashua, NH, tomorrow to pitch in. We’ll be there all day, doing whatever they ask.
my comment to Josh was, that Davis’ statement was a lot like this editorial cartoon I saw this past week to the effect that McCain’s strategy was to make Obama wear himself out punching McCain in the face. "Ha, there’s a spot that isn’t bloody and bruised already! You must be desperate! I’ve got you just where I want you now!"
In other words, a lot like the NL West this past season… the Dodgers didn’t win it so much as the other teams (including my goddamned D-backs) sucked more than they did.
Comrade Jake
I caught some of it on YouTube. It was full of win. My understanding is that HBO plans to become BHO, but they’re waiting until after the election, so as not to show their bias so clearly.
We’re in Indiana and it’s just awesome that there is an organized ground game to GOTV in this small, rural, Republican County. I really think that if I can get one extra person to vote for Obama, it will make a difference.
Like you all, I think this is an historic election and this is the first campaign I’ve worked on since I worked the polls in the IN primary for RFK in 1968. Obama is the first candidate I have given money to and can’t believe I’m as near ‘all in’ as I am.
It’ll be worth it watching the results on Tuesday night.
Comrade Jake
Obama is now up 10pts in both of Gallup’s trackers, 52-42.
Of course, this is giving wingnutters on the right lots of hope, because they believe the majority of the 10% difference will break for McCain. I’m not sure I have the heart to break it to them.
Reality is blank!
Comrade Jake
I assume you’ve read something about the marked difference between these two campaigns in various states. I don’t know what’s more incredible, the sheer size of the organization Obama’s built or the fact that McCain’s offices are largely empty.
Looks like the Infomercial was worth it.
Today’s Gallup Poll
Obama up 10 LV
Obama up 11 RV.
Intrade has McCain at 16.5 – I am not worried.
I’ve seen the Obama campaign in action here since July.
There is a very busy convenience store across the street from our office (we own a Home Care agency) and a least twice a week until Registration closed, they had volunteers trying to get people registered to vote.
Personally, since I made my first donation, the local campaign has been in contact with me several times a week. At our last employee meeting(we have @95), I passed out Voter Registration forms and got 5 registered.
Even though I have been too busy to work, they NEVER quit contacting me and, as a result, I am finally getting out there.
There is NO McCain organization around here that I’ve noticed, but lots and lots of yard signs.
Yeah, I think what he said was, we have put states in plie.
In other words, their knees ar buckling, from fear of an Obama victory.
OT/But what’s the PJTV banner ad with the most win? I have to go with the unattributedd quote describing Malkin as "a national treasure." Teh awesome.
That they’re still paying John to run these?
kommrade jakevich
@boonagain: Three days to go without running amok screaming "THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME! YAAAARGH!
I was talking with the CEO of my company (Dirty Fucking Terrist Luvin’ Islahomohippies, Inc.) and we both admitted we’ve reached the point where we’re even afraid to think he might win for fear of triggering some sort of jinx.
Monday is Bring a Sacrificial Chicken to Work day.
I’d like to quibble on the statement that McCain had a comeback win in the primary. Every other person in the Republican primary tanked and dropped out except for Ron Paul and Mitt. Ron was never more than a side-show for most Republicans and Mitt was hated. McCain all but dropped out of the race and when Mitt imploded there was no one else to take the mantle, so McCain shuffled in and eeked out a majority running against virtually no one.
kommrade jakevich
@cyntax: I must respectfully disagree.
The one that describes Dr. Helen as hotter than burning magnesium is Win times nine eleventy. Unless the unknown person who made the quote is talking about the burning heat of the good doctor’s stupid, in which case – Malkin’s does win.
The fact those quotes aren’t attributed makes me laugh every time.
And in a few days he’s going to get whipped at the polls.
boon, even here in AZ the Obama campaign has been incredibly active. You could give them a pass for not putting much effort into McCain’s home state, but they’ve done anything but that. Of course, Obama has had the money to fund such a campaign; if he didn’t I am not so sure you’d see the presence here (they didn’t even open an office until late August or early September, I think).
I’ve followed the reporting at fivethirtyeight.com and it is really stunning, the contrast between the ground game of each campaign. It’s like McCain is not really trying at all. I am not sure if it’s due to a lack of enthusiasm among the base or that nobody has really put much effort into getting them out.
When McCain goes down in flames next week, the right can bitch all they want about ACORN and the damned liberal media and blah blah blah… the fact is they got beat by a campaign which had a much better effort, a much better candidate and a much better strategy.
Given the state of the economy and the weariness of the last 8 years of GOP/Bush rule, it’s a wonder McCain even polls in the 40s. Just think how much closer this race would be if McCain’s campaign had actually put much effort into a ground game or if they had not made so many mistakes.
@kommrade jakevich:
Ooooh… I think I must’ve missed that one [compulsively hitting refresh button to bring it up]…
After deliberation: objection sustained.
Well played, sir.
I officially hate you now since your mention of Dr Helen (who I had not noticed before) made me scroll up to see her.
and since she is a member of Pajamas Media, then you know her ugly must go clear to the bone.
(OMG, I just gave Atanuajerk more ammunition for a misogyny rant)
Comrade Jake
The comparison to the primary comeback is OK in the sense that the media truly had written McCain off. That’s all that matters to these bozos: what the MSM says, because they assume that all they’re up against is some spin.
In all seriousness: that is no bullsh*t.
Obama came prepared for a full on, knock down, drag out donny-brook. If he had come up against a more charismatic or more strategic opponent, if the economy hadn’t tanked this hard–we’d be neck and neck right now. Instead we’ve got a modest lead that will need all the GOTV effort possible to preserve.
Which just begs the question of WTF? It may look to us like the country is finally coming to its senses, but if it can be this close under these circumstances then it could snap back the other way again just like that. In other words, we’ve got our work cut out for us over the next few years.
The thing that drives me nuts is everyone fixating on the Mason-Dixon 4 point Pa poll yesterday. This is the same Mason-Dixon that showed McCain ahead of Obama in Va while everyone else was showing a nearly double digit lead.
Sarah Palin talks about the first 100 days of a McCain Presidency. We have to win the wars with Iraq and Iran. This woman is a gift from god to democrats. Can’t wait to hear Davis spin this one.
I guess this means Bush is supposed to gin up the war with Iran before January 20?
Good luck with your canvasing. This is vitally important in the days leading up to election day. The news stories about crowds and long lines are a little misleading — it is not a universal phenomenon, and some voters may feel it is not worth the time or hassle and stay home, when their actual polling places are not crowded.
National polls are extra meaningless, and a total waste of time. Electoral votes are allocated based on states, not by who wins a plurarity of total national votes, and national polls can be misleading if they disguise changing state trends.
Obama is ahead, but the supposed "undecideds" could significantly affect some key states. Among co-workers and people in my neighborhood, I note a core of youngish white men who are strong McCain supporters. From their conversations, it is interesting to note that they feel it more important to vote against Obama than it is to vote their own interests. It is a strange, obviously self-defeating point of view, but it dovetails with the stupidity of Joe the Plumber.
One of the things that ironically sustains these guys is the absence of a military draft. They can admire McCain’s supposed tough-minded national security stance, and support the idea of strikes against Iran, Syria and Pakistan because they know that they will never be called upon to put their own lives at risk. And yet they really get stoked by the idea of a hothead, a maverick, in the White House, taking names and kicking ass. And so, a vote for McCain is a validation of their masculine identity. In their eyes, Obama is too soft, too much a believer in talk and diplomacy. A couple of these guys noted that their wives or girlfriends were Obama supporters, which was even more reason for them to "man up" and vote McCain.
The only question is whether these people will actually show up to vote in large numbers.
The best way to neutralize any surge in McCain voters is to make encourage a strong turnout of Obama supporters, no matter how good things are looking. Also, since there is a considerable amount of early voting going on, the Democrats have to be alert to GOP efforts to stifle, suppress, invalidate or outright steal votes.
I voted by mail last week, and have contributed what I could. The two votes I was most proud of was my vote FOR Obama and my vote AGAINST Proposition 8 (the California anti gay marriage initiative). I am weary of polls, projections and predictions, and am waiting for Tuesday and the official reckoning.
Comrade Jake
Well, it’s official: Palin will not appear on any of the Sunday morning shows tomorrow. I, for one, am shocked! Shocked I tell you!
This makes her the first VP candidate to avoid an interview on MTP since…wait for it… Dan Quayle.
Don’t even say that in jest. They’ve still got 3 months to fuck things up even worse. Bush might do it just because he’s pissed about having to stay in the job for the last 3 years.
McCain closes off half the seats in a roughly 20k seat arena in Columbus, OH and STILL can’t fill the seats.
Hey, I would have been very happy to see him sitting in a ranch in Texas for the last three years, it’s his own fucking fault he ran for re-election.
I’m certainly not hoping Bush gins up a war in Iran, but, Sarah Palin’s statement is idiotic unless he does.
@Mike35: Rasmussen had them within 4 today in PA. Hillary has been campaigning for Barack in Ohio and I’m hoping that she also campaigns in PA. The nation wide Gallup Poll is great though.
Well hell. If you’re looking for conditions that would make her statements factually accurate, you’re going to end up trying to violate laws of physics at some point.
That’s a slippery, slippery slope you’re standing next to.
Dennis - SGMM
McCain knows how to win wars. He will use his double-secret war-winning powers to win the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the first thirty days. He will then take ten days to move all of the troops to the Iraq/Iran border, attack Iran and win in sixty days.
I think that there is alot of behind the scenes stuff going on about Penn that we aren’t discussing.
My guess is that Obama’s internals show him winning in Penn with out much problem – I keep thinking back to the Fox News on the scene in the Penn diner were the entire room went for Obama when asked their preference but the reporter still turned to the camera and said "As you can see, the state is split"
I also believe that the McCain campaign is helping out downhill races but won’t announce it. All this love for Penn might be more about Jack Murtha and weakening Rendell for 2010 than anything else.
And if Penn is in the bag, I can’t see Obama deviating to much from his strategy to go prop up those two.
Snarki, child of Loki
Yes, well this is the home stretch.
Palin is going to start wearing a "Drill here, drill now!" tank-top in her remaining campaign rallies. No doubt that’ll turn it all around.
Dear God, according to Palin we are at war with Iran and the damned liberal MSM didn’t even report on it. Think of the war porn we all missed out on.
Yes, it is… I was just pointing out her idiocy…
OT – on another note:
Republicans make their own reality – NOT!
Just Some Fuckhead
If Iran tries to fight back, McCain will tell ’em to cut the bullshit out. That’s just how he rolls.
That’s even more laughable then the Iraq war being over within a matter of weeks.
What troops are they planning to do this with? Are they considering the terrain? How about the sheer size of the country? The ideology?
That statement is crazy!
Oh, Dennis said it… ha! Great snark :)
Davis went to the same THE match classes as Rove
Speaking of Drudge (from the third comment), maybe I am overthinking this or maybe Drudge is engaging in a little "aw shucks how was I to know" racism…
With his big story, "Election Weekend," he has this photo displayed at the top of the page.
First thing I noticed was the black woman holding a Dummies Guide book.
So, anyway, maybe it’s nothing. Either way, I think I will go for a run and then have a beer.
Scott de B.
It’s not close, is the thing.
Let’s say Obama gets 53% (which is what I predict).
That will be the largest percentage of the popular vote any Democratic candidate has won since 1964.
It will also be the largest percentage of the popular vote of any candidate appearing for the first time on a presidential ticket since Eisenhower, who helped win freakin’ WWII. Before that, you have to go back to Hoover.
That’s not close, that’s historic.
Thank you for that Scott. It seems so many people are in panic mode today. I’m not sure why, the McCain camp hasn’t pulled anything good out of their bag in this entire campaign. Journalists are writing ‘It’s Over, Obama Won" pieces 3 days before the election and the polls are looking better all the time. Huge early voting lines, whackjob statements from Palin and Obama has received some wonderful endorsements. Intrade has Obama at 84.8 with 353 EV’s while FiveThirtyEight is calling Georgia a possible win for Obama.
I don’t know why there is so much paranoia right now (but, perhaps I’m just being ultra optimistic).
Besides McCain received the literal kiss of death from Cheney today
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah, here’s Cheney: "And in three days we’ll choose a new steward for the presidency and begin a new chapter in our history. It’s the biggest decision that we make together as Americans. A lot turns on the outcome. I believe the right leader for this moment in history is Senator John McCain. John is a man who understands the danger facing America. He’s a man who has looked into the face of evil and not flinched. He’s a man who’s comfortable with responsibility and has been since he joined the armed forces at the age of 17. He’s earned our support and confidence, and the time is now to make him commander-in-chief. I’m delighted to support John McCain and I’m pleased that he’s chosen a running mate with executive talent, toughness and common sense, our next vice president in Sarah Palin."
About the bolded part, I wondered if this was true so I googled it and found a picture of McCain looking Evil in the face and it does appear as if McCain is flinching somewhat.
Wow. A Cheney endorsement. Any idea on the backstory? Why doesn’t Cheney want McCain to be president?
Comrade Stuck
Sarah takes the reins. This is just too funny, in a pathetic sort of way.
From CNN
This is your Republican Brain on Palin. The woman thinks she’s
Julius goddamn Caesar.
Did you see the prank a Canadian radio station pulled on Palin?
Rick Taylor
Past experience, I think. I was convinced Gore was going to win after the first Gore Bush debate. I was convinced Kerry was going to win, seeing the polls. Now of course Obama is running a better campaign than either Kerry or Gore, McCain’s campaign is more incompetent than Bush’s, the polls are rosier than they’ve ever been, and even moderate Republicans are coming out for Obama. But having been set up twice for disappointment, I can’t let myself hope too much.
From portions of a pro-McCain newsletter sent by Rick Davis:
Sarah Palin is spending the evening of Tuesday in Alaska while McCain is spending that night in Arizona? Do they not expect to have a victory party to attend together? Hmmmmm!
@CIRCVS MAXIMVS MMVIII: The two destinations are very telling in their confidence and their ‘closeness’. They want nothing to do with each other.
Do you think Palin will announce her candidacy for 2012 before the polls close or wait until they declare McSame a loser?
Something tells me they are involved in a huge battle. Perhaps this is the reason why she’s returning to Alaska Tuesday night.
I think she subtly announced it in Polk County, FL this afternoon! ;)
I heard he dissed her on the plane one time. Maybe he finally got so fed up with her that he forgot his manners and called her a c*nt. He’s been known to use that word before.
Bush has been on his Texas ranch for the past 7&3/4 years. We can take him being on vacation for the next 2 months. He just shows off his head when the country is in crisis. Dick Cheney has been president for the past 8 years. Both endorsed McCain. Officially, Palin is palling around with Fox, the Republican (i.e, one-sided, anti-intellectual, extremist)Newschannel. Why would she go on MTP? MTP is for intellectuals and intelligent people. She won’t stand a chance – even with Brokaw moderating. I miss Tim Russert.
I really need Johnny to go away because then heiress-wifey Cindy will also go away. I am so fucking sick of seeing bobblehead Barbie–why the hell does she need to be onstage, everywhere, at every freaking rally? Go away already, and stay far far away in one of your houses across the country.
My vague memory is that it’s typical for VP candidates, as well as presidents, to return to their home state at the end of the last swing. Need to get that traditional polling booth picture. I expect Biden will be in Delaware Tuesday morning as well.
Chuck Butcher
I am calling through my list, it is as up to date a list as possible, pulled from the SoS list of unreturned ballots of "our persuasion." I don’t much care for this piece of the puzzle, annoying people with a phone call they didn’t expect. The mailed ballots can take a couple days to get in and then a day at least to clear SoS, the drop offs will be covered within about 24 hrs.
Our ballots come with 2 envelopes, the one the ballot goes into is a plain envelope marked "Secrecy Envelope" and the one the secrecy ballot goes into has a stick on label with my name and address and next to it a signature line. When the envelopes hit the Election Board office, the signature is compared to the registration and if it passes the envelope is opened and discarded and the secrecy envelope goes to the secure storage area to be opened and optical scanner read on Nov 4. Any questionable signatures are set aside to be evaluated and there will be Party reps present. Any ballot that doesn’t read gets ejected and then hand read.
The only lines ever seen are people at the drop off boxes who apparently couldn’t manage it in the two and half weeks available. Those lines are a matter of minutes, in the ‘big city’ there will be volunteers out at street side collecting them. I’m real unsure why the rest of you make such a production of this, it isn’t the main reason I live in NE OR, but it is an added benefit. (Republicans hate this – for no good reason)
All I’m really working for with this calling is the down ticket Ds, Obama is past solid even with an apathy factor.
The only thing Cindy can possibly be thinking as she looks out over every pale,inbred crowd of poorly-dressed mouth-breathers at rally after rally is…
I have a very strong memory of the Gores walking out with the Clintons in Little Rock after the 92 election results.
Things that make you go … hmmmm.
Republicans and their house pollsters running around hyping a "comeback" that no one else can see…
Rather than "Peak Wingnut", I propose that what we are witnessing is "Peak Diebold".
And when McCain pulls off an electoral "miracle" on Tuesday, they will be able to refer back to these "reports", which are being dismissed as standard rah-rah spin, and say "See, we told you he was closing the
abyssgap … no need to resort to a conspiracy theory to explain the inexplicable!!"And the
buttcrack "reporters" of the vaunted Faux media empires can say "Oh darn … I guess we were just taken in by our own liberal cynicism and bias, again. Truly, theRoveLord moves in mysterious ways. The GOP is dead … long live the GOP!"And behold, it
camewill come to pass.CIRCVS MAXIMVS MMVIII
Usually the winning candidates and their VP’s have victory celebrations. At least that’s how I remember it. I expect Biden will vote AND be on hand for a victory party.
I predict all kinds of "historic" notes after the Obama win. Most popular vote, biggest margin in 20 years, biggest margin in CA, wins all Kerry states, biggest pickup in Red States, rare 2nd "sweep" for party that won previous election, etc.
I’m not saying we’ll see 60-40, 49 states for Obama. But I’ll take 53-43, 350+ electoral votes, bunch of Red states, 5-8 Senate seats, 25-35 house seats, couple governorships, bunch more state-level control, etc.
As historic as this will be, I’m really itching to see the next couple of years shapes up. First off, I want Obama and the Dems to accomplish some shit. I know they will be limited by Republican obstructionism, disorganization and general Democratic-ness, but let’s get some stuff done.
But what happens in 2010? Do Republicans somehow pull back to the middle? Do they pull to the right and somehow (not sure how) the country goes with them? Or do they veer right and go down in even bigger flames?
I’m really hoping for the latter.
Laura W
@OceanDog: #
I believe I asked this same thing a few weeks ago and the suggested answers were:
1) He needs a full-time nurse.
2) She needs to restrain him from the ongoing desire to jump Bible Spice’s bones.
3) I forget #3 because there is A Special Election Edition Tweety Saturday Night Hardball, and my head hurts. It’s only 6:04pm EST. (Tweety’s head looks different. Hair cut? Color? Electoral Thinning?)
Oh Jesus, Obama has an illegal alian (Kenyan?) aunt.
It’s all over now, folks.
How is that Barack Obama’s fault?
Laura W
I’m assuming you are being earnest in your question and for whatever reason are not getting my humor.
It was a joke/snark/sarcastic quip.
Isn’t that what this place is all about?
Dennis - SGMM
But was it a jape?
Laura W
@Dennis – SGMM:
No, it was not. My total bad.
I shall endeavor to be a far better Balloon Japist from this moment forward.
Thank you for correcting me.
I only endeavor to better myself, day by day.
Sometimes. I post snarky comments about 35% of the time. The other 65% of the time I’m dead serious.
I didn’t hear the snark factor in your statement, apologies.
Carry on! ;)
Laura W
De nada — will do.
About to enjoy Maher on tape from last night.
Word on BJ street is that it rocks.
First he’s going to Prescott; I think it might be an homage to his predecessor, Barry Goldwater. Just a guess.
Then he’s going to the Arizona Biltmore – not very far from me, as a matter of fact – for his
victoryepic fail party.I know a semi-secret back way into the Arizona Biltmore, if the Secret Service or other security don’t have it blocked off, I might ride down there on my bike to savor their sweet, sweet tears of pain and agony.
Time to invade Canada. They’re destroying our Constitution by playing pranks on Palin!
I guess Rick Davis is counting on the absentee ballots from overseas to pull John over the line. Or is it the Diebold vote? Or is it he’s pulling the votes out of his ass?
The only poll you should believe in is on Tuesday. Of course, with this crowd that’s not a given either. Has anyone here given an answer in one of these polls? Just curious…
Zuzu's Petals
I just landed in Columbus OH, ready to do GOTV and voter protection work over the next three days.
The plane had quite a few VP volunteers. All enthused. The shuttle driver told me there are volunteers coming into Ohio from England and Australia. Then, in his Middle Eastern accent: "Change!"
Picking up my rental car, I noticed the three wholesome and friendly 20-somethings running the booth were sharing a copy of "The Audacity of Hope." Yep, totally psyched for Obama.
So…I am getting psyched !
Comrade Stuck
Sarah says yes, and she understands. On a clear day, she can see japen from her bedroom window.
Tonight’s delicious eatings at the Funhouse and Roadhouse Cafe (FARC).
Victory Salad! (Heavy on the Arugula)
Laura W
@Zuzu’s Petals: I was just gonna axe you: aren’t you supposed to be in OHIO?
How are you feeling?
Zuzu's Petals
@Laura W:
All the good thoughts and good advice worked, thanks. I feel terrific.
And the weather here is sunny and looks to stay dry, as opposed to the cold and rain at home. Fingers crossed.
I will be doing one more night of phonebanking for Jeff Merkley in Oregon. His numbers are looking up, but he needs it more than Barack here. But Obama’s people leave nothing to chance. I and everyone I know gets countless emails asking us to GOTV for Obama. Right here in Oregon, which has been in the reliably blue category for a long time. One email told me I lived in a battleground state. I suppose it what engineers call building redundancy into the system.
Zuzu's Petals
And the Edwards standing on the stage with the Kerrys in Mass. in 2004.
Laura W
@Zuzu’s Petals: Well, all y’all shamed me into not just plunking down donation after donation online but getting off my ass, so I’ll be out here in my small western NC town on Tues, doing the 12-4 shift. Whatever they need. Meeting on Main St. at a local attorney’s office. It’s so quaint I can hardly stand it. But it will get me away from cable potato heads for the afternoon and it will make me feel a teeny tiny bit responsible (as deluded as that will be) when NC goes blue blue blue Tues. night.
Yee Haa.
Bad Horse's Filly
@kommrade jakevich: This says it all in my world! I’ll be taking my chicken to work Monday!
@boonagain: Made calls to voters in North Carolina this morning through afternoon. One thing that struck me was the number of people on the call lists I got that had already voted for Obama (though I did get a few people to agree to go to vote today). One guy joked that it wasn’t early voting but early waiting (he stood on line four hours before casting his vote).
Another man said he was waiting till Tuesday to vote because his polling place is his daughter’s elementary school, and he wants her to be there with him for the historic moment (his words) and she’s really looking forward to it. I couldn’t argue with that.
Weirdest phone call:
Me: May I speak with xxxx
Man: Who’s calling?
Me: My name is yyyy and I’m a volunteer with Barack Obama’s campaign and wanted to let him know that today’s the last day he can vote early in North Carolina
Man: He’s deceased
Me (feeling awful): Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t…
Man (cuts me off laughing): Oh don’t be sorry, my father-in-law was a racist and would never have voted for Obama. His daughter and I on the other hand plan to vote for Barack.
Me: Uh thanks – it’s nice to have your support.
OT: I’m still laughing at the Sarah Palin prank call. Best parts for me:
@Zuzu’s Petals: Go, Zuzu, go!
Bad Horse's Filly
@Laura W: I, too, will be volunteering on Tuesday. I suppose in part because of the BJ GOTV campaign, snark and all.
Or maybe because Michelle Obama had the audacity of hope to campaign in that bastion of ‘family values’ Colorado Springs and tell it like it is. Boy would I love to see that area of my state swing blue. Take that Dobson, you tool.
Laura W
@Bad Horse’s Filly: I moved to NC from CO, where I lived (not on purpose) for 10 years.
I have a good degree of vicarious pride in both states right now.
Hope it’s justified!
Know hope.
So today was a treat. I got to drag my parents through the Seattle art museum and force feed some culture into them. Like force feed.
@Laura W and @iluvsummr: I’m in NC. Been canvassing regularly. I canvassed today, and will be canvassing tomorrow and Tuesday. Thanks for the help in NC. We need it, and each of you will own a small piece of victory when NC goes blue on Tuesday.
oh really
I heard that McCain had put the State of Panic in play. Otherwise, nothing.
It is time to repudiate the Right Wingers!