1. Kid in school assigned to draw scary Halloween mask in Art class.
2. Kid draws scary vampire mask
3. Kid can’t come back to school until he passes a psychological evaluation.
Another one: Boy sent home for dressing as Jebus.
This post is in: General Stupidity
1. Kid in school assigned to draw scary Halloween mask in Art class.
2. Kid draws scary vampire mask
3. Kid can’t come back to school until he passes a psychological evaluation.
Another one: Boy sent home for dressing as Jebus.
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[…] (via Balloon Juice) […]
El Cid
And every time there’s one of these stories, some how "liberals" get blamed.
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Aren’t there enough D-list conservatarian blogs out there for this kind of hit-and-run bullshit, Michael?
James Gary
I am full of envy and admiration for the kid who had the huevos to dress up as Jesus on Hallowe’en and go to school. If his intent was to piss off the real Christian kids, that is. If not, not.
Comrade Scrutinizer
OT—Jeremiah Wright ads running in Charlotte.
Michael D.
I posted it because I thought it was hilarious – not to piss off the liberals. If you want to get political about it, I think more conservative people would be horrified about the picture than liberals.
But whatever.
Bucky Burnseed?
Michael D.
@Comrade Scrutinizer: One just played here in Georgia on CNN. Unconvincing.
Dennis - SGMM
If the real Jesus was to suddenly reappear they wouldn’t let him in an airliner.
Oops. I need a new monitor. Bucky Burnsed.
Isn’t this just teaching kids that if they want to get out of school, all they have to do is draw scary pictures? I have to think there are some out there who’re distilling this episode down to this essential truth.
Sorry, but the story of the day is that Palin was punked by some canucks:
Below the — since blockquote no longer works on this blog.
Palin doesn’t seem to realize she’s being tricked until Audette tells her at the end of the interview.
"Oh, have we been pranked?" she says. Seconds later, Palin’s aide can be heard before the line goes dead.
Throughout the conversation, Audette drops plenty of clues that something’s amiss.
He identifies French singer and actor Johnny Hallyday as his special adviser to the U.S., singer Stef Carse as Canada’s prime minister and Quebec comedian and radio host Richard Z. Sirois as the provincial premier.
Early in the conversation, the fake Sarkozy tells Palin one of his favourite pastimes is hunting.
"We should go hunting together," she offers. "We can have a lot of fun together while we’re getting work done. We could kill two birds with one stone."
Audette then jokes that they shouldn’t bring Cheney on the hunt, referring to the 2006 incident in which the vice-president shot-and-injured a friend while hunting quail.
"I’ll be a careful shot," responds Palin, who praises Sarkozy throughout the call.
"I look forward to working with you and getting to meet you personally, and your beautiful wife, oh my goodness," she says.
You beat me to it.
I was gonna say that Palin’s prank was the stupid story of the day.
Can that campaign get any more pathetic?
Buck B.
The racial subtext is just pulsing. The new black kid gets singled out for his "gang-related" drawing.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
@Comrade Scrutinizer: Water is wet, bear craps in woods, McCain campaign is desperate. This is news?
Michael D.
@DougJ: Awesome.
@Dennis – SGMM:
if the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today
he’d be gunned down cold by the CIA
b. hussein canuckistani (comrade)
Obama had better win. I doubt Palin has much of a sense of humour, and I don’t want to see American tanks rolling down Highway 401.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
Sometimes I take a moment to be sincerely thankful I’m not a kid in these fucked-up times.
Then I take another moment to be sincerely even more thankful I’m not a parent.
MR. Bill
The best thing, for me, about the two stories, is that it proves the South, though not deficient in, does not have a monopoly in stupidity.
The Jesus costume was awesome. The School Admin there(as in Savannah) are poltroons.
Sweet Zombie Jeebus – GANG CODE? The homeroom teacher thought that the vampire was some sort of gang symbol? I clicked over thinking that it was another story about an idiot uber-Christian over-reaction, or an idiot "we’re worried he’s going to shoot up the place" over-reaction, and instead it’s just a plain idiotic overreaction.
The homeroom teacher is the one who shouldn’t be allowed back in the classroom until she passes a psych evaluation. Anyone who sees gang signs everywhere they look is probably too paranoid to be around 5th graders.
You should listen to the prank audio if you haven’t already heard it. Additional gems not mentioned in DougJ’s summary:
When Palin first comes on the line, her voice is very flirtatious "Hellooooo." She is told that Sarkozy will be put on the line, her voice normalizes, and then again sounds flirtatious when she thinks she is talking to "Sarkozy."
"Sarkozy" tells her he wants to hunt from a helicopter, "I never did that" and "I just love killing those animals, taking away a life, that is so fun". Palin laughs.
He tells her he can see Belgium from his house.
He asks if the prime minister of Quebec (for which he gives the wrong name) has come to one of Palin’s rallies – this alone should be a give- away.)
He tells her his wife is jealous that he will be talking to Palin. Palin laughs. He then tells her "my wife is a former top model and she’s so hot in bed."
He then goes on to sing a few lines from a song he claims his wife wrote, about Joe the Plumber.
He loves the "documentary" he has seen of her life – "nailin Palin." She responds "Oh, good, thank you."
A word of caution – the site is obviously overloaded, and the audio stutters and stops periodically.
The teardrops could have signaled "how many people he could have killed"? WTF? He’s a fucking child. Idiotic bullshit!
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
The Palin pranking is on YouTube as well.
What makes this especially delicious to this Québecoise is that the DJ puts on such a fake European French accent that Pepé le Pew would weep with shame. Listen to how he pronounces "this" and "the": he’s struggling hard to keep out the "dis" and "de" in favour of a more sibilant Euro sound. Plus when he goes out of the way to tell her, in French, that he wants to take her seal hunting, I’m sure that was just to toss the word "phoque" out there to see if she’s react.
What a stupid, flirtatious, gullible phony that woman is. She’ll listen to anyone spew any shit as long as she’s flattered. I’m not surprised that she giggled along with those Anchorage DJs who said some really nasty stuff about one of her political rivals.
To put you in a better mood: La complainte du phoque en Alaska.
Somewhere in Alaska
There’s a seal who’s feeling glum
His love has left
To make her living
In a circus in the United States
Regarding the Jesus costume, if he was sent home because people were "offended" that makes it sound as if religious people thought he was mocking Jesus and wanted him gone. But the newscasters keep mentioning "separation of church and state" and PC-ism gone wrong that caused him to be sent home.
Am I the only one that got the impression that this whole episode was caused by the religious, "don’t mock our lord" crew, but somehow it was being pinned on the eeevil secularists who won’t stand for any mentioning of Jesus?
gil mann
Oh, that’s great. A coworker of mine knows the Jesus kid’s mom; she told me to keep an eye out for this to hit the papers.
Nah, I think it was more just to push the envelope for the hell of it. My knowledge of this is all second-hand, but I gather this played out pretty much the way the family thought it would.
God, I love Halloween. It’s like a nationwide coolness test. Twitchy school administrators and hot girls dressed up as hot girls with whiskers fail perennially.
I saw JSF in the parade last night. He was dressed up as a guy who doesn’t view every goddamn bit of minutae through the lens of online political affiliation.
Garrigus Carraig
@MR. Bill:
Heh. Do you remember high school teacher David Paszkiewicz of Kearny, N.J.?
@Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse:
You know, there are people in this world who are as ignorant as a brick wall, yet still shrewd enough to backstab their way to the top of the pile. I had been inclined to put Palin in this group. But this prank causes me to rethink that judgment. She’s certainly devious enough, but she’s just too damn dumb. Either that or she’s so vain she can’t see straight.
Comrade Stuck
Here’s a stupid story of the day also. How many lightbulbs does it take to illuminate a wingnut brain? Answer, None.
At a Palin rally today in Florida, her supporters began shouting in unison -"Vote Mccain, Not Hussein". Later when one lady was asked why they were doing it she said this.
Soylent Green
It’s okay for big kids to dress up like Jesus, such as at last week’s traditional Halloween cyclocross race here in Oregon.
Comrade Darkness
We should send the Quebecois some gift certificates for poutine for providing a perfectly timed distraction from the latest news cycle for idiots the Republicans have cooked up.
Comrade Darkness
Vote Kidney, Not Sidney!
That rhymes too.
kommrade jakevich
@Dennis – SGMM:
1. And they took him and carried him to the place that is called Gitmo.
2. And his lawyers did try to get to him, but they were turned away by a flaming idiot who said "Heh! If you go to him you want the terrists to win."
3. And on the third day Jesus arose and came out from the place called Gitmo.
4. And he appeared in great wrath on all our televisions screens, movie screens, yeah and even the big boards of Broadway.
5. And he spoke unto the world saying "Fuck all y’all bitches, let’s see how long you can tread water when the ice caps melt."
I will guarantee you that vampire drawing was the excuse to send that kid for an evaluation, not the sole reason. That kid has undoubtedly been showing some very troubling behavior in class, and the school (and probably his classmates) have been concerned for some time.
Stories like this should not get ignorantly flagged and ridiculed when people are operating on so much ignorance of the facts.
That’s not to say I know more facts, but I’d stake my house there’s a lot more going on here.
A student wrote a story under my direction: bring rising action and complication to the climax, and then stop (a la "Lady or Tiger") and the rubric included the insertion of characterization and/or foreshadowing that would allow the reader to support a prediction of the intended climax and falling action.
She wrote about me in my role of hallway cop because I famously do not put up with the horseplay and loitering and PDAs. Her story ended with my being without adult backup and with malevolent students encircling me. She had, however, given me super powers in the story, and every student in her class predicted that I would make the hallway scofflaws sorry that they even thought of overpowering me. The story was perfectly on assignment, well written with nuance, and slyly hilarious in poking fun at both me and the students who complained about me. I made my admiration known, so she showed it to her math teacher, expecting more admiration.
Luckily, the math teacher came to me first so I could stop her from passing the story on to the administration. The student, who fell in the middle ground of math students and therefore didn’t receive much specific admiration in that subject, wanted to show her teacher that she did excel somewhere. The math teacher saw that a student had written about my being threatened with physical harm.
At my school, that led to my team’s meeting to identify those students who make the B’s and C’s who don’t get the positive attention of the A students or the remediation focus of those who have D’s and F’s or behavior problems. After a year, we’ve got results. We call parents with "good news," and parents are less inclined to go over our heads to administration if a concern arises. The kids are happier now that we know good things about them even if the things didn’t happen in our individual classrooms. We get more cooperation, more effort, more inclusion.
This homeroom teacher, I believe, simply didn’t know the student this early in the school year. If there were a racial component in her ignorance, it needs to be addressed, but it happens even without ill will on the part of the teacher.
Holly P
I think there’s a fairly glaring subtext here. Pooler, GA is a small (