Andy Borowitz:
Failure to Blow Election Stuns Democrats
Party Faithful Mourn End to Losing Tradition
I took the day off today. Two reasons.
1. I’m a little tired after last night.
2. Most of the people I work with are African-American, and were all very passionate about this election – and I was happy for them. We talked every, single day about this election, and I actually had to convince most of them that Obama was going to win. They didn’t believe me. So today, I doubt any of us will get any work done anyway.
I got a co-worker registered and fired up to vote. As the electoral votes were tipping towards the Obama side, he got off work and voted anyway. We texted through the night celebrating the win.
Good times.
I’m going to be hungover at work, but it’s all good. It’s a happy hungover…
You haven’t been looking at the Senate and House results have you? Bachman Traitor Overdrive won. Convicted felon Stevens is ahead in Alaska (though word is something is really, really screwy on turnout).
Don’t worry. The Democrats have preserved the tradition in their own special way.
Oh, and there are many indications that Obama’s GTO in California has put Proposition 8 ahead (though it is still close). The AA vote went yes for Proposition 8 in large numbers. How is that for shooting yourself in the foot?
How are the Dems, as a party, responsible for reelecting BTO?
BTO was reelected for one reason only: Against stupidity/ The gods themselves/ Contend in vain.
Michael, Any news from Georgia about the uncounted early votes? TPM has not given Georgia to McCain and Chambliss might have a run off.
While it pisses me off that Prop 8 passed (most likely), I just go back to my point from the other day – full equality for gay and straight relationships is a fight that might take some time… it’s not going to happen overnight, and this is just another setback. Get up, fight on (and if it were my fight alone, give up this obsession with "marriage" as opposed to actual substantive equality in civil unions)…
Meanwhile, it must be noted that there are now about 16,000 gay, married couples in California, whose marriages are still (arguably) as legal as they were last week. Ex post facto law, bitches!
Just imagine the entertainment that will ensue over the next twelve months as some of those 16,000 couples run legal cases to enforce their rights as "married" people…. and as judges try to rationally interpret laws which say (perhaps) that those 16,000 are somehow different to all the other gay couples who can’t now get married…
On another note – three best moments of last night:
– Ohio getting called, and realising it was really really happening.
– Jesse Jackson crying for joy.
– Sasha bouncing up and down for joy when her dad leaned down and (I guess) told her she could get a puppy.
Yeah, this is incredibly cute:
"Sasha and Malia, I love you both so much, and you have earned the new puppy that’s coming with us to the White House".
If that family wasn’t already full of awesome, now they’re going to have a puppy? This is going to be the most adorable First Family ever.
Meanwhile, the Corner is full of win!
Byron York – It’s all McCain’s fault.
Human Steyn – Obama is a Japanese torturer. Oh, and it’s all McCain’s fault.
Doughy Pantload – Ayers was at Obama’s rally, dancing, dancing on my hopes and dreams.
K-Lo – Everyone else is outside having fun.
Derbyshire – If only George Bush had deported more people we would have won last night. Did we mention that it’s John McCain’s fault?
Damn five-link-moderation rule!
Anyway, this song has a whole new resonance tonight.
Goodnight, kiddies.
Sim, podemos!
Digital Amish
I’m waiting to take the day off when Barack schedules his announcements to declare Sharia Law, confiscate all privately owned guns, nominate Mullah Omar to the Supreme Court, name Williams Ayers as Secretary of Education, name Rezko as Treasuary Secretary, opens the borders, nationalizes all private business and changes the stars on the flag to crescent moons.
Seriously, I got misty eyed last night. It is a pleasure to watch a President speak that has the ability to inspire rather than make you roll your eyes. Maybe it is naive, but I’m hopeful that he can use the bully pulpit to move this country in the proper direction. I think most of us realize that he can’t deliver on all that needs to be done but just starting the course correction would be a huge accomplishment.
Listening to that again, it would fit well into the Inauguration Day performance schedule.
The inauguration day of President Barack Hussein Obama! Woo!
This is a really important point.
My mom had a book titled, IIRC, Why ERA Failed. It pointed out that big changes, like ending child labor, ending slavery, getting women the vote, etc, etc, took decades.
Not that we should wait decades for equal rights for gays, but this stuff takes time and elbow grease.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Social progress never travels in a straight line; sometimes you take a step forward, sometimes you take three steps back. Tweety pointed out last night that, eventually, liberalism does win out. Eventually, gay marriage will be no big deal for most of the country.
Not this year, though.
I, too, am taking the day off.
First, I knew I would be up way too late to be responsive at 9:00 am. Second, there would be wine bottles on my floor, which would also make me also unfit to work. Last, I would be obsessing on the post-mortems.
It actually happened…