Hey John,
Now that a democrat has been elected to your satisfaction, can you perhaps start steering your blog back to how it used to be, meaning meaningful discussion vs. crap about Sarah Palin’s shopping spree and referring to all conservatives that voted against Obama “racists”? I’m sure you get tired of those who joke that all WV’ers have moonshine stills in their back yard, right?
Look, if anyone can once show me where I said everyone who voted against Obama is a racist, I would appreciate it. Likewise, when Sarah Palin is running around talking about the real America and passing herself off as an everyday person, just like everyone else struggling to make ends meet “dontcha know,” all while claiming Obama pals around with terrorists and doesn’t look at America “like you and me,” pointing out that she ran around looting the RNC to the toon of near 200k at Neiman-Marcus and Saks 5th Avenue does not seem like I am piling on. These issues were relevant and substantive because the REPUBLICANS MADE THEM RELEVANT. When Palin’s entire message is that Obama is a scary friend of terrorists who is not like average Americans and favors socialism, it is PERFECTLY DAMNED FAIR to point out she is not like average Americans and does seem to love the filthy lucre. You don’t like it and think the campaign should have had more “meaningful discussions,” blame her. It wasn’t me sending out chain emails saying Obama was sworn in on the Koran and the rest of that bullshit. It was not me putting Joe the Plumber out there every night to say stupid shit.
And while we are at it, Real America spoke last night:
Results for Guilford County, where Sarah Palin made her remarks about real Americans in pro-America parts of the country:
Obama/Biden 58.75%
McCain/Palin 40.44%
Clearly Sarah Palin was wrong, and she was not in one of the pro-America portions of North Carolina when she made her remarks. And if anyone thinks I am going to not call Obama when I think I see bullshit once he is President simply has not been paying attention.
*** Update ***
BTW- I try to spread as many negative rumors about West Virginia as I can- I hope it keeps people out. We are all toothless, we all have stills in our backyards and sleep with our sisters and are ignorant and stupid. West Virginia is a terrible place. Stay in DC or New Jersey. You don’t want to come here. Serious. Terrible place to live. Awful.
The Moar You Know
Being a Real American (R), I’m quite concerned about Sarah Palin’s embrace of Neiman-Marxism. That kind of elitist crap will not stand in Real America (R).
Can anyone point out ANYONE who has said this?
slammin' sammy
Well John, since you failed to deliver West Virgina for Obama you can forget about that cabinet position as Secretary of Blog.
Laura W
I hope you’ll find time to read the heartfelt expressions of thanks to you in last night’s 9876 comments. (I was just joking about the clown shoes, of course.) You gots legions of fans. You don’t need to waste your time even musing about this stuff, let alone expending the energy to defend it or print it.
If I were you, I’d be worrying about what to order in for dinner tonight, getting some sleep, and what Tunch’s mood might be when I get back home.
dr. bloor
And since we’re in blog critique mode, snacks would be nice for your visitors.
As for laying into Obama when appropriate: RFK, Jr. being floated for EPA. Go.
John Cole
@Laura W: This is not from some random hater, this is form someone who used to comment here a lot and who I hope comes back, but who seems to think it is my fault that this crap was discussed. This shit was discussed because of the Republican campaign. It is their damned fault we had these issues popping up.
It does seem a trifle out of character for the commentariat here.
Besides, who would want to joke that all West Virginians have stills in their backyards? It’s only about half.
(I haven’t been to the Annual WV-Arkansas Radiator Repurposing Competition since I moved away for ARK. It might be more, now.)
/searches for the animated short of Palin buying clothes
@dr. bloor: We’re already on it, Dr. Bloor and Spadina.
Comrade Stuck
Shorter Wingnuts — UNCLLLLLE!
Comrade Tax Analyst
Balloon Juice. Best. Damn. Blog. Period.
Don’t sweat the small shit, John. I think most folks here know you call ’em as you see ’em…you did back when you were mostly wrong (heh), and you still do now that you have seen the light (more or less). Keep your mind open, but for the Demon Lord Lucifer’s sake, please don’t change your style.
If you find it, please speed up the video and set it to Benny Hill’s "Yakety Sax". Because that would be an instant YouTube hit.
Cheers to that.
You did great, John… now don’t get cocky.
– A Country Betrayed
An army of wingnut strawmen
@libarbarian: Can anyone point out ANYONE who has said this?
[raises hand]
Anybody heard from P.Luk or MyIQ now that their "we only hate Obama because he can’t win and he will ruin the Democrats forevah" thing has kinda blown up? Like, in their faces?
Off topic but…
One used Outrage Machine. Eight years old. Used daily. Should be considered for parts only. When working, made a loud shrill sound that grabbed the attention of friends, family, neighbors, internet comment sections, letters to the editor, and various other media.
Worked well until 11pm Nov. 4th when it made a strange sound – sort of a deep sigh followed by a long series of "Whoopie!". Unplugged it, dipped it in alcohol but was unable to get it started again the next morning.
Will trade for Hope Implant for my neighbor / OBO.
i’ve always said, when mccain picked sarah palin, he chose to run with the sheriff from Fargo
and his accomplice, Joementum, has now been tossed into the political woodchipper
Laura W
@John Cole: Well maybe now that they know how much they mean to you, they might reconsider and come back.
You’re welcome.
Laura the Reconciliationist in Chief
John, The poster’s comment says more about him/her than it does about you or your normal commenters. (except trolls) In an earlier post you linked to a newsweek article talking about Sarah and her spending sprees. In the same article they had the following tidbit,
Because of the hatred and divisiveness that Sarah was spouting, she helped to create an environment which caused the Secret Service and probably Homeland Security to work overtime. If it takes Sarah’s shopping sprees or her walking around in a towel, to take her down fine. Real Americans don’t need to spout the hatred and fear that she was spouting.
John Cole
@Svensker: I believe MYIQ is still bravely fighting the war on straw over at Riverdaughter’s Puma Palace.
The Moar You Know
Your tears are delicious.
I’ve hit every button on the keyboard waiting for that piece of cheese to pop out of the pcmcia slot. Nothing. Is there a particular sequence I should try?
Want my tourist money? Any good smallmouth fishing in WaVa?
Laura, Have you gone on palin as president today?
Right, so nail her for the hatred and the divisiveness and the spouting. Of course, I think the little six digit shopping spree does say something about a woman one step away from running a national bureaucracy. Do you want the Executive and Chief to be the type of person that maxes out every credit card within fifty feet of her? What the hell happened to being fiscally conservative?
I remember when all Republicans wanted to talk about was character issues. Suddenly character issues are off the table because the VP candidate doesn’t have any character to speak of? That sounds like boilerplate GOoPer playbook to me.
Bubblegum Tate
Hey, I went to college in Greensboro*, and I was rather surprised she tried to imply that it is part of the "real America" or "pro-America part of the real America" or whatever the fuck it is she was saying. Greensboro is not exactly a conservative stronghold–at least it wasn’t from 1994-1998 while I was there. When you get outside the city and into other parts of Guilford County, there is at least something of an argument to be made. But Greensboro? Not so much.
*Specifically, I went to UNC-Greensboro. It had a very vibrant GLBT-supporting culture (people often joked that UNCG stood for UNC Gay), and the running joke on campus was that we invited Jesse Helms to come speak at the school every year, and he always managed to find an excuse to not come do so.
I’m sure your erstwhile commenter will consider coming back. Especially once you start whaling on Obama for the mistakes he’ll make. And he will make mistakes. He’s a) human and b) a politician. And one thing I will say about you, John, is that you’re not a hypocrite. You won’t give a Dem a free pass for something for which you would have pounded a Republican.
Mind you, I’m curious as to who this commenter is. I’m sure it’s not Darrell, because a) you probably don’t want him to come back, and b) there aren’t any jibes in there about "dishonesty".
Ooh! Was it Don Surber? Hi Don!
You seem a bit defensive about something so obvious, it is like complaining about shaved bush. Those lips aren’t lyin. Anyone who suggests your remarks on something artificially manufactured by Palin herself as outa bounds is a bit lost in the muff. I hope my metaphors are not too dense or wooly. Palin got licked last night and I am happy it came out the way it did. I, for one, love how it feels.
KEWL! Ahm on mah way there!
Am trying to reconcile that depiction with nedi pots, good spelling, and the Steelers.
So how did Tunch do in your absence?
Comrade Vida Loca
OMFG, don’t tell me… Darrell’s back?
DFH no.6
Nah, we’ve all been paying attention, and that includes this sore loser with the fan mail. We expect you’ll call bullshit on Obama soon enough, but no doubt it won’t be sufficient for this guy. Oh well, too damn bad for him.
No secret to you, John, but many (I think most, sadly) true-believing rightwingers just can’t let go of that bizarre, upside-down worldview that leads people to say and write crazy shit like that. How you escaped it I don’t know, but we’re glad you did. Had a brother-in-law do the same thing, though he arrived (after 30 years of drinking the Kool-Aid) just prior to the 2004 election. It was wondrous to behold.
Anyway, I come here for the snark, but stay for the meaningful discussions. In fact, you’ve become my normal first stop in the blogosphere, before DailyKos, Atrios, Lawyers Guns & Money, or even The Poorman. As a side note, you and Duncan Black write so similarly, I wonder why you don’t link to each other. Some old, unresolved grudge? Like I said, just wondering.
Laura W
@JL: Yes, thanks for verifying. And I will admit that it was the first time I cried in the last 24 hours. Can you believe that moved me to tears when last night did not?
Last night I was expecting, so it was all a very long calm. Like qualudes (from what I recall in college days.) I was so sleepy it was painful by 11:30, so I gave up and went to bed and just now watched O’s acceptance speech, sobbing and rewinding all through it, of course.
Deep exhale.
@Krista: Wow, I have a smile on my face imagining the discussions we will have about President Obama. After the Bush years, it will be so refreshing to talk about the issues. Bush’s one positive is that he created an atmosphere that allowed change to occur.
Garrigus Carraig
Barack Obama, Secret Blogger:
I can understand why we didn’t get to see more of this side of Obama on the campaign trail, but I am relieved to know that at least some of the hesitations in his debate performances were due to thinking, "Jesus, this is fucking idiotic."
Also good to know: Obama probably loved Krista’s line about being able to see the moon from your window not meaning you were a fucking astronaut.
Laura W
Lookit you, makin’ lemonade!
We Ohioans already know this.
Comrade Kevin
Do you all your own banjo as well?
be proud; you helped in making the type of history that few people in their lives ever have the chance to be part of. That is what the asshole troll was attacking you about. Since the troll had voted for McInsane and went against history, they realized what a great opportunity they had missed and like all repub-a-thugs have developed a fake persecution complex. Also, like all such loons they then feel that somehow liberals that voted for Obama must now consider them evil for not voting for this history making person. There for, we are attacking anyone for not voting for Obama. Typical stupidity but what do you expect from a-o trolls?
By itself?
comrade scott's agenda of rage
As a former resident of Berkeley County and graduate of Martinsburg High School and who has close family in both Wheeling and Morgantown, I sure as shit can’t recommend WV to anybody. I got outta there as fast as I could.
Of course now I live in an equally "WV-like" part of ‘Murka, Misery.
Appalachia is a state of mind.
I am soooo moving there and asking my mom to adopt Jessica Alba.
D. Mason
It has happened several times over the past couple of months but because I will not dig through that many archives to back it up here is one example: Montysano. In outraged response to my assertion that "the other folks" is not necessarilly a racist attack. That was easy.
Sorry to give the raw link but it failed to embed several times and the edit clock is winding down.
I long for the day when Obama can just be Obama and still win in an absolute landslide.
Have you ever tried to stab yourself in the back? If nothing, it proves that this nation is very limber.
Because the GOP responds so well to "meaningful discussion". I wonder what "meaningful discussion" your friend is talking about? The war in Iraq? Healthcare? Science Education? What?
It seems to me like every attempt at "meaningful discussion" with a wingnut arrives at either "Liberals are lazy and want a handout", "Liberals hate America", or "God said it, I believe it, that settles it".
These guys have been bathing in the stoopid for 8 years and ignoring every sensible thing that gets brought up. Now your friend is whining because we’ve stopped trying to communicate, and have started mocking instead. Cry me a river, loser.
Now that the grown-ups are in charge, I suspect that you’ll hear a lot more "meaningful discussion". I’ll add that it will be "meaningful discussion" by virtue of the fact that bat-shit crazy Republicans will be left out of it.
NoIQ is posting over at RiverDaughter. Frex:
not an ounce of intellectual honesty in its little head.
I really don’t understand the mindset that says because you support a candidate that means you don’t see his/her flaws at all or can’t criticize that candidate when he/she does something you don’t support. Quite the Stalinist mindset, I think, and tells us why Bush was never criticized by the right. And we on the left are not the ones to stereotype people so much – I’m sure there are some stereotypes, but they aren’t necessarily from a dicriminatory point of view. I must say we also don’t build strawmen to run against – we are able to listen to what our opponents say and run against that rather than some exaggerated notion of what they are saying based on ages old stereotypes. One thing I wish were true – I wish Pelosi and Reid were the liberal tigers that McCain, Fred Thompson, and other Republicans warned us against. I so want THOSE leaders in Congress!
Blue Neponset
So how is Daryl?
Blue Neponset:
Right? I mean, the Dems kicked their ass in 2006, were poised to do it again in 2008, and will probably make gains again, at least in the Senate, in 2010.
In other words, the electorate had already spoken and told them in no uncertain terms, we’re sick of Republicanism.
What in the world made them think that was a good line of attack?
Sarah Palin is a scam artist, and I for one am glad her latest victim was the RNC and not the average American citizen.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer group, as they say.
Re: Palin.
Color me skeptical. Right now I don’t believe all this "shopping spree" shit at face value – I’ll bet the real story is getting distorted.
I learned long ago not to trust rumors that are too perfect or conform to stereotypical assumptions too well. Well, this rumor is too "perfect" for Palin. Its fits the stereotype of the uncultured bumpkin who gets a little scratch and throws down on bling, entirely too well.
For all her faults, she does NOT strike me as a person addicted to personal luxury. Furthermore, (despite the hoots of my liberal friends) I think she is too politically smart to ruin her brand as the "hot but down-to-earth-chick" by suddenly trying to get all Sex And the City and exhibiting a vapid and disgusting obsession with trendy clothes and shoes. She knows her brand.
Right now, I’d bet my money that this at least a serious distortion by some McCain aide(s) who are lashing out at her for more personal reasons.
I think its a shame that some progressives have so stereotyped her as Trailer Trash that they swallow this up without skepticism.
Go look at all the "fake Americans" spontaneously bursting into the National Anthem on the streets of cities across the nation, after the Obama victory was announced.
Just punch Obama, celebration, and national anthem or star spangled banner into youtube.
Comrade Stuck
PluK is over at Corrente playing with his numbers as to what could have caused Obamanation to prevail.
His brilliant conclusion.
See, Obama won by people not showing up to vote, or something.
Re: West Virginia reputation, I was born and raised in Alabama.
I fled the state in 1969 after finishing college (Birmingham-Southern, superb private school).
My first year as a teaching grad asst at U. of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, a student asked me with a straight face if we all ran around barefoot in the hen yard in Alabama as kids.
I must admit, after noting that McCain took a 60% share of the vote in Alabama yesterday, the question problem still has some relevance.
And no, I do NOT have any desire or nostalgia to retire to Alabama in a couple of years. I gave up active indulgence in intellectual masochism many years ago.
Dennis - SGMM
Yeah, we should have seen more posts highlighting all those substantive interviews that Palin gave the media. Or her surefooted calm during her many press conferences. Why, her views on foreign policy alone were so carefully reasoned that John could have devoted whole days to posting them for our elucidation.
See, Obama won by people not showing up to vote, or something.
Yes, he failed to register millions of republicans.
honestly, Cole, if your blog went to 24/7 discussions on the merits of Palestinian relations with Egypt, and opining on the value of a dropping Yen w/r/t trade imbalances with the Pacific Rim, I’d drop this blog like a chick with dandruff. Tell Mr. Concerned to sack up or shut up.
Dennis - SGMM
@Comrade Stuck:
I guess this guy is all wet:
Hey, at the moment all I really see is "Republican infighting". Either Palin raided the RNC treasury for Gucci purses and designer hot pants or the Republicans loathe their own Vice Presidential pick so much that they’re willing to spread vulgar lies about her fiscal restraint.
Either way, the GOoPers are too busy stabbing each other in the back to pay full attention to their new Islamic Socialist Overlords. And for that, I’m happy as a clam.
The letter writer knows Sarah Palin was a huge reason for McCain’s loss and just feels it’s too painful of a reminder.
What happened with Sarah Palin is reality, why should we not talk about it? Just to appease some people who have been afraid to look at reality for going on eight years? I say let them stew in reality and come back when they’ve learned the lesson.
"Barack Obama was elected president last night, and today he’s busy doing important stuff like appointing a chief of staff. Why isn’t he doing important stuff like fixing the economy?!"
Seriously. That’s some of the stuff I’m starting to hear.
If Obama doesn’t fix the economy by January 21, it’ll be proof that he’s a complete failure, which, of course, will be good news for
John McCainSarah Palin.Suggestion: just for snicks, start a running counter on Inauguration Day counting up until Obama takes his first vacation.
I’m with Punchy here. This blog’s beauty is it’s ability to carry outrage, snark, and intellect all at once (though not necessarily at the same time or when TZ and Punchy are posting in the same thread) and that is entirely to the credit of John’s lack of a "harping" gene.
Laura W
Let’s start tonight. He’s going to HAWAII on vacation really soon. To bury Toot.
The stupid, it starts young. A teen daughter of a very conservative friend recently sent around an e-mail asking for donations because she’d been nominated by her school’s principal for a trip next Spring to Washington D.C. for the National Youth Leadership Forum conference where Juniors all across the nation get to go meet with various military and government officials to listen to lectures about national defense and diplomacy. She went on at length about how honored she was to be chosen and how she really wanted to go.
Today I received an e-mail from her telling us to disregard her previous e-mail as "due to the outcome of this election, I have decided that the last place I want to go this Spring is D.C."
Dennis - SGMM
Characterizing Palin as trailer trash is a slap in the face to trailer trash.
Comrade Stuck
@Dennis – SGMM:
I guess Pluk hadn’t got that memo yet. His genius can’t be usurped by mere facts alone. There’s a new pony in them numbers, and by God, he’s gonna find it.
Glad to see p.luk’s psychotic break with reality wasn’t just a temporary thing. His fuzzy-math-flavored tears are so, so delicious.
I read that it’s the largest percentage turnout since 1908! [insert obligatory joke about John McCain voting here]
Dennis - SGMM
His hermetically sealed certitude just amazed me. There are some very bright, knowledgeable people posting here and I never saw him give an inch to any of them.
Sigh……listen, when you come from a state that has a direction as part of its name and shares the same name as another state (for goodness sakes, we only have 50 states) you just feel inferior. The joke about North Carolina was that it was the armpit for Virginia and South Carolina.
But it looks like maybe my home state did good yesterday. Oh yeah, take THAT Jesse Helms, where ever you are. (Sorry Mr. Harvey Gantt-you were just ahead of your time).
West Virginia take heart!!!! And I love Mr. Byrd-at least he shedded his racist past and apologized. Helms, not so much.
Dennis - SGMM
CNN has called Indiana for Obama. MUP indeed.
Warren Terra
That Guilford County factoid is pretty sweet. And don’t let the haters get you down, John. This blog is great, and since there aren’t any campaigns to give to anymore (except perhaps GA-Sen), I donated a (very) small sum to Balloon Juice in appreciation of your yeoman efforts blogging through the election.
@libarbarian: Sometimes a story fits too perfectly because it’s part of a carefully crafted but not quite true narrative (e.g. Reagan’s $180,000 welfare queen). Sometimes a story fits too perfectly because it truly fits in with a person’s basic traits (e.g. Reagan’s fight against Alzheimer’s Disease). Too early to tell with the Neiman Marcus scandal, but given Alaskan politicians’ established love of graft and grift and the modern RNC’s established love of ratfucking, I’d lay even money on either proposition.
Doug H. (Comrade Fausto no more)
The election’s over, and the GOP gravy train has left NoIQ’s Swift Boat in the bottom of the river. It’ll be fun to watch him ‘n the other PANTHERs flail while waiting for the first checks to arrive from the Palin ’12 committee.
As for p.luk and the others at Corrente, they’re still stuck somewhere between Cairo and the Aswan Dam. Maybe, somewhere down the road, they’ll (grudgingly) return, but for now I also see much flailing from them in an attempt to avoid facing the music.
jake 4 that 1
Shorter BJ Fan: Because shut up! That’s why.
Here’s the thing. When the cat craps on the bed and pretends he has no idea how it got there, it’s annoying but kind of funny and you know you did something that warranted the crap attack (at least in the cat’s mind).
When a group of human beings dumps huge steaming piles all over the country, Constitution, economy and military and demands moar fuud so they can keep cranking out the cable, and scream when people ask them to stop with the shitting, it isn’t the least bit amusing, it’s fucking psychotic and you can bet your ass people are going to talk about it long after the dookie barrage has ended.
Comrade Stuck
These guys just don’t get it. They think it’s about the democrats and them getting elected. Not a moment of self reflection that the problem is them. Or, what passes as self examination "we just weren’t nutty enough"
I was never a republican, or even a registered democrat until these people went off the reservation into the wingnut netherlands. I did vote mostly dem, but also republican when sufficiently impressed with a candidate. I’d been put off by politics all my life until GWB came along. When some alarm went off that I better figure out how this country worked and do what I could to defeat and destroy the monster the conservative movement had become. With this election, a powerful blow was dealt toward that aim. But the crazy ass wing of the GOP that runs the Alylum won’t die. They do wingnuttery, that is all they do, and they will not stop until the Constitution is dead. So we carry on for the next episode of the Cantor’s and the McHenry’s to rise from their ashes and show us a whole new version of stupid.
I just had a thought. If ConvicTed gets kicked out by the Senate, does he get his pension? If he lost the election, they probably wouldn’t bother with him, but if he refuses to resign, he will likely be expelled. By getting re-elected, he could be out quite a bit of money. Can’t spend it in prison, though.
Notorious P.A.T.
"Wow, it just started raining out of the blue. And it’s yellow rain. And it smells like urine. The weatherman didn’t say anything about rain."
Fermion the Clown
In the extremely obscure "sleeping with sister" category, may I submit the 1968 Yale-Harvard game?
With 42s left in the game, Yale (ranked 16th in country) was leading 29-13.
The final score was 29-29.
After the game, the Harvard coach was asked, "Isn’t a tie a lot like kissing your sister?" to which the coach responded "I have a very attractive sister"
Notorious P.A.T.
The Republappalachia Party:
Tony Alva
As the author of that note let me offer this explaination: I was responding to this and your finshing sentiment of the same post…
"…But I’m spending today proud abut what my country has overcome.
I just don’t know how to respond to this. Right now it alternates between “NO THANKS TO YOU” and asking them what they are proud of since they fought it so damned hard."
IMHO, I think it was a bit harsh and over the top. I did not vote for Obama, but woke up celebrating the milestone black America, all of America for tyhat matter, has achieved. I was moved by John Lewis’ comments on the local news down here (GA). If this was not what you meant, than I apologize for assuming it.
"I mean, sure, a lot of us are proud of Obama today, but the thing to remember is that in order to get this done, WE HAD TO DEFEAT DOUCHEBAGS LIKE YOU."
It seems to infer that all McCain voters were Ayers outing, Muslim insinuating, Hannatites that buy into to all that bullshit which simply is as unfair as making the rediculous statement that all WVer’s own stills. Perhaps poorly stated in my note, but I’ll also apologize for that if you took umbridge. I didn’t vote for Obama, but it wasn’t for all the dumb stupid shit that everybody seems to be arguing about (I actually think most folks don’t give a shit about how much campaign money Palin spent on clothes as much as I don’t think people gave a shit about the Ayres issue), I simply didn’t think that he was ready to be president. I don’t think that makes me a douchebag, it’s just a difference of opinion.
I’m glad to hear that you are making the pledge to be as critical of this administration as you are of the one that is sunsetting. It’s the reason I come here everyday.
Again, sorry if I offended you, or the great state of WV in any way.
Tony Alva
Comrade Stuck
The last time I checked, the candidate you voted for lent his imprimatur to every smear you stated. And repeated them ad Infinitum personally in an effort to get elected. You voted for that, you own it.
On second thought, maybe that’s a little harsh. Though only a little.
jake 4 that 1
Certainly not all, but certainly plenty did. By design.
The McCain campaign carried on that great “real American” Republican tradition that’s taken root in the Bush years of purposefully seeking to divide the country or local electorate for the sole purpose of achieving that 50%+1 win. At any cost.
Smear half the country as “not real Americans,” as people who would pal around with terrorists seeking to destroy the country, or at least support those that do. Paint those in the other party as uncaring baby killers. Evildoers who if in power would do everything they could to undermine the country and its foundations.
Do anything, say anything to reach 50+1. The rest of the country be damned. That was McCain’s campaign. His Country First slogan was a sick joke. 2008 McCain was not fit to be president. The country agreed.
America, Fuck Yeah! It’s on its way back.
Always remember. This is the person who charged the state of Alaska for living in her own home, for flying her children all over the country to go to events to which they were not invited. What makes you think she wouldn’t charge the RNC for a lot of nice clothes? She’s been seen all over the place wearing them.
Ash Can
I pile on Palin because it’s an outlet for the sheer, profound relief I feel at having dodged what is turning out to be an even bigger mortar shell than we thought. I mean, really. Take a gander at this: According to a Fox — yes, Fox — report tonight,
(h/t ksh01 at GOS)
I’ll be the first to admit that the bit about Africa seems over the top. I’m with Zifnab at #60. Either Palin really was this bad, which is just plain fucking horrid, or there are people on the McCain campaign who will do just about anything to fling blame at her (and presumably away from them). Either way, you do NOT want these people running the show.
Let me see. After the Civil War, I don’t remember any mention of the Commonwealth of Virginia asking for its errant 5 counties back. Who would want WVA, outhouse to the Commonwealth anyway?
Comrade grumpy realist
Ah, I was going to mention the Fox report on Palin’s (lack of) geographical ability….
Knives are out in force, I see. Get ready with the popcorn. *crunch*
Comrade The Other Steve
That’s obviously not Darrell… It’s more like Tall Dave or one of the other ass clowns.
@Ash Can:
If Palin threw temper tantrum about bad press, I wonder what the atmosphere is going to be like in Alaska. It’s not like the Anchorage Daily News has been sucking up to her recently. (In fact, the ADN should get some prize for all the reporting on Palin they have done that the larger media outlets didn’t seem to do.)
John, how could you? You’ve let the cat out of the bag, you traitor. Nebraskans have been following your West Virginia tactics for decades. And it has worked beautifully. Now, dammit, the secret has been spilled. Get this straight-We’re flat cornfields. That’s all. We all wear cowboy hats and shitkickers and speak with a drawl. All 5 of the radio stations in the state play country music 24/7 and the tv stations all go off the air at 1:00 am. So move along. Stay in Des Moines or Denver or Chicago. You wouldn’t like it here.
Montana fucking sucks too, man, and don’t you forget it.
But Sarah Palin was?
That’s why your side lost. Get it into your head. You offer a truly shit candidate, you lose.
Funny, Fox News isn’t telling stories about how President-Elect Obama didn’t know Africa is a continent. You own this, whether you want to or not.
I wish he’d chosen to run with the sheriff from Fargo; Marge Gunderson was awesome! Unfortunately, McCain chose one of these girls.
Big John,
I came to the comments looking for good WV jokes… none to be found. Here’s my fav:
How do you know a girl from WV is on her period?
She’s only wearing one sock.
Wow, Now my interest is perked wrt moving from CA to WV. I’d love to have a still in my back yard but I have a couple of questions:
1) Can I have the still next to my hot tub so it heats both?
2) What if I don’t want to sleep with my sister. Is that a deal breaker?
3) If I have a full set of teeth, do I have to go on crank or something to lose them before I move or can I just sign a promissory note?
john b
as someone who grew up in guilford county: there’s a proud civil rights heritage where some of the first sit-ins at woolworth’s in greensboro in 1960 inspired the nation to follow suit and quakers shuttled slaves north in the 19th century. they weren’t gonna let racism-stokers and war-mongers like palin and mccain get into the white house.
Comrade Tax Analyst
No problem, John. See, I live in Southern California and it’s freaking paradise. Y’all should come out and spend New Year’s Day…probably be sunny and warm, maybe even "Postcard Perfect"…so come, enjoy the sun – go to the beach in JANUARY wearing a freaking bathing suit. Bring money to spend – spend lots of it. Have a great time, love every moment…because I know that when you get the slightest urge to move here and then look at the HOUSING COSTS…even post-mortgage meltdown, you will make sure you have your return ticket in your shirt pocket and be on that flight home to WVA and your job, cat, still, and sister – not necessarily in that order. Oh…politicians…you wouldn’t like it here…yes, we voted for Obama in huge numbers, but here in Los Angeles County we still and always have plenty of teh stupid to choose from. For instance, I had to choose between Mark-Ridley Thomas and Bernard Parks for County Supervisor…not a joke position, there are only FIVE Supes for a County of well over 7 million people – being a County Supe is like having your own fiefdom, I lieth not…and my nose still hurts from holding it so hard when I made my choice. And that was to replace Yvonne Braithwaite-Burke, who I believe became a lifeless statue about 20-some odd years ago, filling one of five precious County Supervisor seats with her own special brand of empty the entire time (sometime way back in the past she seemed rather special…but that was many compromises and back-room deals ago).
Comrade Nikolita
All the evidence I need to not move to West Virginia (or to get other people to not move there) is on YouTube.
Go to YouTube and google "West Virginia racism." You should get a few video clips of internet reporters and interviews with WVA residents who openly said they wouldn’t vote for Obama because he was black, they preferred Hillary over Obama for really stupid things ("She knows the Pledge of Allegiance"), etc.
Just appalling is what it is.
Speaking of appalling… WTF is up with Prop. 8 passing in CA??
Comrade Nikolita
Sorry, make that **Go to Youtube and search for "West Virginia racism."
google = search in my brain evidently.