At Debbie Schlussel:
Did President-elect Barack Hussein Obama commit a federal crime in September of this year? Or did he never actually register and, instead, did friends of his in the Chicago federal records center, which maintains the official copy of his alleged Selective Service registration commit the crime for him?
It’s either one or the other, as indicated by the release of Barack Obama’s official Selective Service registration for the draft. A friend of mine, who is a retired federal agent, spent almost a year trying to obtain this document through a Freedom of Information Act request, and, after much stonewalling, finally received it and released it to me.
Get ready for four years of this. They are deranged, and they will stop at nothing. It will be nothing but four years of flinging poo, hoping something will stick. None of them are bright enough to notice that in the process, they covered themselves in shit.
BTW- Thanks for publishing the address and phone number for every bottom-feeding wingnut out there, you wretch. Sure that is what the Obama family needs to deal with right now. Jackass.
thanks for the hat tip!
I can’t wait for the next Pam Atlas missive on how Malcolm X is his real father.
And as an off-topic aside…can we do away with the large-picture Michelle Malkin ads on the left gutter. Christ, that woman is ten pounds of ugly in a five-pound bag.
The entire economy is melting down, Gitmo and friends are out of control, we’ve got wars going on, and people are digging for shit like this?
GTFO, assholes.
Paul in KY
Personally, I don’t think you should link to this ‘Debbie Schlussel’ character. Excerpt her screed for comedy purposes (and illuminating their wacko thinking), but don’t give her any easy page hits.
This would go for any wingnut site.
My sources from Compton tell me that Obama is actually MC Ren from NWA.
Wow, I tried to read that but I quickly distracted by how little I cared.
"Get ready for four years of this. They are deranged,"
S’OK. Let the 23% who Poll ‘Bush is Good’ continue to be the tail tryin’ to wag the dog. They continue their screed while the country bleeds. They love things the way they are.
Let them fall farther, and farther behind. They love this country like a glutton loves his lunch. If the Republican Party has learned anything, it’s that you can’t pin your hopes to a fallen star. Let’s hope that learning, sticks.
It’s so much fun to read these idiot wingnuts now that they don’t matter anymore.
It’s weird reading right-wing blogs these days. They just are absolutely inhabiting this strange, shadowy parallel world which is a lot like ours, but not quite. The echo-chamber effect can quickly make you feel like there might be something to their views and assertions, and then you step back and realize, no they really are batshit crazy.
I usually skip posts like these and head straight for the comments. If the commenters are buying it, you know you’re truly down the rabbit hole.
And by and large, her minions just ate it up. No ability to think critically for these buffoons at all.
In the face of actual Presidential crimes, they manage to ignore everything they hear about it. But Debbie Donut makes up nonsense, and they go apeshit.
Would it be impossible for her to actually state what crime she is accusing him of and provide evidence in a clear manner? I don’t have time to decipher her incoherent ramblings just so I can tell her with more confidence that she’s a wackjob.
Could one (or more) of you please explain what it is about Democrats in general and Barack Obama in particular that scares the shit out of Republicans and then causes them to fling it? It can’t just be the (unfounded) threat of slightly higher taxes, can it? And is it hereditary or learned behavior?
I am waiting…
jake 4 that 1
Is Li’l Debbie crazier than a sack of rabid poodles? Or is she a pathological attention whore? It’s either one or the other according to occasional glances at her screeds.
Well, when John McCain wins in a landslide, we’ll see who’s pointing and laughing.
-Calendar Challenged Troll # 78
Yeah, she definitely needs to be pointed to and laughed at. Her "retired federal agent" is an idiot if he seriously believes that the 1980 DLN on the signed Selective Service form wouldn’t be missing the initial "8" from the document. Older federal forms are notorious for that kind of stuff. And with the postal stamp, of course there has to be some nefarious stuff going on rather than the possibility of a government agency with little money to spend still using an outdated mode of stamping its documents.
Yes, Debbie and her cohorts are soooo much smarter than the RNC’s operatives who couldn’t be bothered to check Obama’s eligibility and make sure that all of his p’s and q’s were in place and his i’s dotted.
"please explain"
There are two kinds of people; those who feel security can be found in sameness and the status-quo: and those who know
that you must move forward, or you lose ground.
The former fear the unknown to an almost pathological degree (taken to the extremus) . The latter have tempered their anxiety over the unknown, but recognize the necessity of the adventure.
I think it’s the consequences of running election after election using the fear card. That has to seep into the collective mindset after a while. If you tell everyone that our enemies are everywhere and that "Demonrats" are universally evil…sooner or later you believe your own bullshit.
I think they’re scared of Obama because he isn’t a token black guy (like they have) and he is the embodiment of a generational shift in this country where the younger citizens believe overwhelmingly that the Republican Party is a party of greedy hacks that couldn’t find their ass with both hands and a map. He’s a symbol of their collective failure and that drives them nuts.
@Dave: I have to say that while I’m glad that Cole can make some money through ads, I really wish those asswipes from pajamas media weren’t the ones sticking their stupid ugly mugs around here. Happy that Cole can take their money, but having them look at me from the my screen makes me throw up in my mouth a lot.
When the MN Vikings got shutout in the NFC Championship game in 2001, my friends and I had different reactions. Some of my friends called for Dennis Green’s head, some of us accepted it as typical Vikings ineptitude and failure, some of us just shook our heads and said, "this is sports," some of us started theories that they were stealing our plays, and some of us shouted at the top of our lungs that Kerry Collins is a sleeper agent for Muslim extemists.
We all handle defeat differently.
The Other Steve
This is clearly a forgery.
The fonts and kerning are all wrong.
Dave in ME
Hey isn’t this good news for Republicans? Oh wait…….
@Shinobi: The kerning on his Selective Service card is suspicious, and she has it from an anonymous retired government employee that his Selective Service registration is faked/tampered with. So, therefore, he’s a crypto-Commie-Muslim-Nazi-Negro.
Tony Alva
I’m not as pessamistic as you are on this being the beginning of a 4 year shelling of shit like this. If he can get a win or two, nobody will pay these folks any mind. It might be different if he flubs his early efforts, but I’m betting he doesn’t. I think he’s smarter than that.
John Cole
They are a good company for me. They handle all the crap, I write my blog. I know many of you hate a lot of them, but as a business decision, it really is a no-brainer for me. I just have to do nothing but run my blog.
And I sent the ACLU some of my last check, if that makes you feel better.
I love the idea that Obama is an expert forger–having apparently created an entire false personal history based on forged documents–but he doesn’t have it together enough to make sure the Post Office date stamp matches the date of his signature.
@J.: It’s power, and the fact that they no longer have it. The ultra-wealthy get lower taxes and reduced regulation, and in return they let the theocrats and social busybodies tell the rest of the country how to run their lives. When the Republicans lose their power, the rich lose their letter of marquee allowing them to rape and pillage the country, and the social busybodies lose their ability to stick their noses into other people’s business on a national scale. So, they hiss and spit and froth and bubble because, well, that’s their nature.
It’s all very unsanitary.
@J.: If you’ve never read it before, read David Brock’s Blinded by the Right. It’s actually reveals a lot about the birth of the current generation of the Conservative movement and their mindset.
Basically, they’ve never really gotten past the fact that the Cold War is over, and there’s no communism boogieman to go after. So they see "Red" under every Democratic pillow. And that’s the long and the short of it. To the point where they’ll kill the country before they see go "Red".
The huge debts run up since Reagan are a scorched earth tactic against the Democrats making progress towards actually fixing people’s issues.
To be fair, you probably only think that because you know how she writes and thinks.
If you knew nothing else about her except her appearance, she’d probably come across as at least serviceably attractive.
But the mind is horrid.
I was going to make a "This is great news for John McCain!" joke, but Dave in ME basically beat me to it. Ah well.
@Tony Alva:
I’m heartened by the fact that Obama seems to have learned the lesson of the Clinton administration and is focusing on getting a White House staff together who are competent and know how things work in DC, instead of just staffing it with cronies and "outsiders" who are going to "shake things up". That doesn’t work – if you actually want to get things done in DC you need to have people who know how DC works. They’ll need to be watched like hawks, of course, to make sure they don’t backslide into corruption. And that is apparently going to need to be done by outside watchdog groups because the opposition party is going to be doing crap like what Schlussel is doing here instead of healthy watchdogging.
True BJ readers dont need this clarification.
Squeeze da triggah, and bodies are hauled off….
Speaking of echo chamber, The bells, the bells — they’re driving me crazy. And I do get lonely out here.
And what exactly is the flaw in this analysis of Obama’s Selective Service registration? I don’t see even a pretense of a rebuttal. You are pathetic!
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Firefox users having conniptions over the ads: get NoScript and AdBlock. Easy.
Josh Hueco
You guys haven’t been able to provide the ‘whitey’ tape or the Kenyan birth certificate, so instead of admitting you’re wrong you just latch on to the next shiny conspiracy theory that your betters know you’re stupid enough to believe.
Mmmmmm, your manic-paranoia manifesting as indignation and Holier-than-thou accusations based on nothing is delicious!!!! NOM NOM NOM
South of I-10
I agree with that if we are talking about somewhat rational people who voted repub because they always do and refuse to pay another cent in taxes. But there are the people like the full blooded PUMA that resides in my office who refuse to admit it (to me, anyway) but don’t like him because of his skin color. She was pumped to vote for Hillary but calls Obama "arrogant". Stupid, I know, but there is no reasoning with these people. Our resident "good ole boy" took one of his guns to get repaired, and the gun smith told him he had sold more pistols in the week since the election than he did in all of last year. Fear. Of what? I don’t know.
One word ‘competence’.
They’ve been railing against the ‘gubmnt now for 25+ years. Remember the ‘government is the problem, not the solution’ (at least when they’re governing). Anyone that can govern is a threat to them.
@John Cole: Fair enough. At the end of the day, I can ignore it, and you will collect some compensation for your effort. Not for me to complain about overly much, really.
I’m just amazed that the legendary "Zzyzx" of Phishhead fame posts here.
Al Swearengen
They’ve unwittingly morphed into the Scottish lords from "Braveheart". Impotently waving around "documents" that only show that they have no credibility and no real power.
Poor babies. All they want to do is relive that glorious night wingnut bloggers-changed-everything-and-got-Dan-Rather-fired-and-destroyed-the-librul-em-ess-em by sitting on their fat asses perusing .PDFs.
It’s the shiny key theory, a key part of conservative principles. There are so many memes.
1. Anything bad happening to a white woman; falling overboard, being kidnapped; drowning/disposing of your kids; This is good for hours of endless Fox Noise reporting.
2. Scary brown people OR immigrants taking your hard earned taxes;
3. Booh TERRAH RISTS. Good to fill in the blank spaces.
. . . you can add your own.
You’re assuming that the information Schlussel gave about the stamp is true – it probably isn’t.
But even assuming for the sake of argument that it is true, what are we to make of the fact that no one saw fit to ship or fly new rubber stamps to Postal Offices in Hawaii?
That there were higher priorities, seems to be the most likely solution.
Finally, you gotta laugh at a crew that insists government can do nothing right, but also assumes government is so perfect that an outdated stamp must indicate a fraud on someone else’s part.
C’mon, Debbie, show a little consistency!
So where are the Masons and the Illuminati in all this? Not to mention George Soros and the Trilateral Commission.
This post, and all the successive comments, is what I meant by liberals desperately taking the fevered ramblings of a few nutjobs and smearing most conservatives with a brush the size of the Empire State Building.
Here’s a news flash for you Republican haters: Debbie Schlussel doesn’t speak for the entire conservative movement, nor even in part. At best, she represents those who are all too willing to cast aside critical thinking in search of any evidence to validate their political preconceptions.
You know, sort of like most you have done right here on BJ.
Indeed. Four years of anti-conservative smearing, bashing, and denigrating. In short, business as usual for hard-left liberals who hypocritically claim to always take the high road.
– Country First.
Look, Debbie’s post is obviously a fabrication from the get-go. She can’t possibly have any friends.
I cannot articulate how nice it is to finally visit these sites and realize that, for the next 4 years (there’s no way they retake the House in 2010), we own 2 of the 3 branches of govt, and are only a Cheney-Scalia hunting trip from possibly owning the 3rd.
Mock them at length.
"doesn’t speak for the entire conservative movement"
You might want to elaborate on how your interpretation of the ‘movement’ sets you apart from bleatings from the rumor mill.
Like Atanarjuat, for example.
Florida Cynic
Schlussel makes Malkin look sane. Nuff said.
Yeah, see, the problem with this is that this crap DOES filter down to your average non-wingnut Republican. Some of the truly crazy stuff doesn’t, but you’d be surprised. I read it one day on Powerline or RedState, and the next day my Boss and three of the guys in our shop are talking about it at work, as if it were perfectly legitimate news. And these people aren’t classic wingnuts. So this isn’t painting with too broad a brush, this is mocking the source of teh stoopid.
jake 4 that 1
Tag suggestion: Where’s my damn Whitey Tape!
Brian J
Maybe I need to read the site more closely, but I am still not sure what the hell Schlussel’s point is. I mean, I get what she is trying to prove–that he committed a crime–but I am not sure why she is on this witch hunt.
Please God, let it be four years, not eight!
So am I. One of the reasons I initially supported Clinton was because of the experience she and Bill shared during the transition period after winning the ’92 election. Both have written about how unexpectedly difficult it was – lots of surprises – and how they would do things differently.
Obama seems to have taken that particular lesson to heart – which is good to see.
Explain how the second sentence doesn’t contradict the first.
@Brian J:
There is no point – the woman is batshit crazy.
I’m not even entirely clear what was so illegal or wrong about his Selective Service Record. Is it illegitimate? Is it post-dated? Does something on the form reveal some lie that Obama supposedly told? I mean, it’s a Selective Service Form? What could they possibly have found?
At least Atlas was able to build up to a grand finale. Blam! Barack Obama is the secret son of Malcolm X! That’s headlines. But some gibberish about a 30 year old Selective Service card? I don’t get it.
@MattF: Wait until someone reinterprets Divinci’s "Last Supper" artwork and discovers a Scary Negro sitting 2 seats over from Jesus, clear evidence that said Negros are trying to destroy Christianity and good paintings.
I worked at the PO years ago, but post-1980, so I’ll address the date stamp ISSUE!!!!!!
The "round date" rules. That’s PO parlance. It’s called a "round date" because the stamp imprint is round. There is also a stamp that is a rectangle, and that can be used for hand-cancellation, but if you need a DATE CERTAIN, you use the "round date". It’s actually oddly important, on date-sensitive matters. I had furtive requests to change the date (you change it with itty-bitty tweezers, the rubber numbers are in a wooden box) for a cancellation on an income tax filing envelope.
The answer is "no", by the way :)
It doesn’t matter a whit what Obambi wrote next to the sig line, and no postal clerk checks that because it doesn’t matter.
The round date rules. End of story.
They’re bonkers.
Al Swearengen
This post, and all the successive comments, is what I meant by liberals desperately taking the fevered ramblings of a few nutjobs and smearing most conservatives with a brush the size of the Empire State Building.
Umm, you do know she’s a paid conservatard? She gets paid tall dollars to take this shit and spew it all over Fox "News".
Irregardless, we’re not "smearing", we’re laughing.
They are deranged, and they will stop at nothing. It will be nothing but four years of flinging poo, hoping something will stick. None of them are bright enough to notice that in the process, they covered themselves in shit.
That pretty much sums it up.
All this talk about the Republican party "reinventing" itself is bs.
Speaking of "four years of this" over at NoIQ they are smacking feminists upside the head for failing to appreciate Sarah Palin’s finer qualities.
@myiq2xu: ZOMG! You’re back!
Paul Weimer
Heh. ZZyzx first came to my attention years ago because of his Roadgeekery stuff.
@kay: Ah, thank you. That was enlightening.
Fine, I’ll bite.
Most of what Schlussel attributes to fraud and conspiracy in that post is more easily and believably attributable to the random errors of people in civil service jobs with way too much paperwork rushing to review work in far less time than it can competently be done.
As for the postal rubber-stamp, see my comment 42, above.
And as for Obama’s mistake about registering in 1979 instead of 1980, that’s a pretty natural error given that most people register for the Selective Service when they are 18. Obama and most others born in 1961 would likely forget that they actually registered when they were 19 because it wasn’t required when they were 18.
And the reason they would forget that is because it’s of NO FUCKING IMPORTANCE. Unless, of course, some shrieking right-wing harridan is accusing you of Selective Service fraud 28 years later and looking for any minor mistake to justify her/his insanity – kinda like you, Nabalzbbfr.
Oh wait, I’m wrong. Even in that case, it’s still of NO FUCKING IMPORTANCE!
No, I actually do not find her attractive. Her face is always tensed up like she’s about to spew something out.
That’s because she has one of those ‘Alien’ things inside her chest.
peach flavored shampoo
After reading all that, it’s clear Barry O did NOT register with the Boy Scouts of America.
Lock him up.
Dennis - SGMM
Trying to dispute them with facts based on direct experience, eh? Everybody knows that facts have a liberal bias.
Rick Taylor
Heya, welcome back. Are you ever going to address all those posts you wrote telling us saying the super-delegates we’re going to choose Clinton over Obama when it became clear that he was Dukakis-Mondale-etc all rolled into one? Boy was I ever wrong would cover it. If it helps I’ll start.
Ahem. Back in the primaries I wasn’t certain, but I thought McCain was the Republicans best pick against Obama, and I was a little nervous when he was nominated. Boy was I ever wrong. I’m beginning to think that any of the other nominees would have been better. In my defense, how was I supposed to know he was going to throw all his good will with the press into the trash by taking an adversarial role with them, make a fool of himself over the bail-out, and successfully hamstring his best argument against Obama (experience) by choosing without vetting a candidate for VP who was a joke? Nonetheless, I feel foolish for ever thinking he was the Republicans best hope.
Brian J
I’m tempted to think that the problems this country faces are so enormous that nobody will pay much attention to these idiots, particularly since their mouthpieces in the media look increasingly ridiculous and their allies in government aren’t in power. The potential problem is that they aren’t likely to give up and that every now and then, even the crazies get something right.
The Other Steve
LOL! I think you might be right about Moss. :-)
I can happily provide a two-pronged defense on the PO allegations, but I’m not all that worried about it, and it’s boring as hell.
If conservatives want to dog Obama like they dogged Bill Clinton I think they should.
It isn’t going to fly this time.
Obama’s not Clinton, and it isn’t 1993.
I’m really pleased that Republicans in the House are threatening to obstruct any Obama initiatives.
Good going. Keep it up.
@Dixon: Too bad I don’t actually say much of interest though, eh?
Sorry that I never bother to update my Interstate pages Paul, but there are people doing a better job of it now. Ah the Internet, where you discover that no matter how trivial your interest is, there’s always someone more obsessive about it than you are.
Schlussel, et. al., found some "inconsistencies" that they believe prove Obama never registered for the Secret Service, despite not being eligible for student loans if he hadn’t, and that the SS record they found proves that it was fraudulently created and filed in September, 2008.
In other words, the usual fuckwankery.
Dennis - SGMM
Obama is not likely to be blindsided by any of this crap.
Steve Benen highlights this NYT article re the Obama administration’s vetting process:
In other words; applicants for jobs in the Obama administration are being vetted more completely than Sarah Palin was for Vice-President.
why do they keep pushing this stuff? because they know what’s at stake:
Brian J
Did the Clinton administration really staff itself with "cronies"?
I was born in 61. If I am remembering correctly what happened was when they got rid of the draft at the end of the Vietnam war they got rid of registration. Years later they brought back registration and not the draft, but I seem to recall it was AFTER I turned 18, so when I turned 18 there was no requirement that ANYONE in the US register. If someone has the time look it up, and I bet that will explain the dates.
Well, that’s because she doesn’t swallow.
Am I the only person who still can’t read the top 5 or 10 posts on this blog because big Pajamas Media ad covers the text?
That’s exactly right. They brought back the registration requirement in 1980. I remember having to register in ’83, so I could apply for student loans.
@Zifnab: Indeed he is back, and bitter than ever. You would think that he would be happy that a centrist democrat won the election, considering his claim to be a Hillary supporter, but there you go.
Dennis - SGMM
Maybe. Firefox and Opera (Running under Windoze) don’t seem to have the problem. You may need to update your browser.
My memory is correct.
Obama would have registered just days after the Selective Service system re-instituted the registration requirement.
From Wikipedia:
"On March 29, 1975, President Gerald Ford signed Proclamation 4360, Terminating Registration Procedures Under Military Selective Service Act, eliminating the registration requirement for all 18-25 year old male citizens. Then on July 2, 1980, President Jimmy Carter signed Proclamation 4771, Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act, retroactively re-establishing the Selective Service registration requirement for all 18-26 year old male citizens born on or after January 1, 1960. Only men born between March 29, 1957, and December 31, 1959, were completely exempt from Selective Service registration.[1] The first registrations after Proclamation 4771 took place on Monday, July 21, 1980, for those men born in January, February and March 1960 at U.S. Post Offices. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays were reserved for men born in the later quarters of the year, and registration for men born in 1961 began the following week[2]."
Obama’s card is dated two days after the first day he would have had to register.
Dennis - SGMM
So he waited two whole days? The commie. Am I the only one who finds it odd that the people whose sitting POTUS finished his Texas ANG service in cloudy circumstances and whose sitting VP managed five deferments is making noise about Obama’s Selective Service registration?
@Dennis – SGMM:
Whoops, I think it was actually 2 days, but he went down the first week he was required to register and registered.
Is that it? Damn it. Thanks –
Atanarjuat: It’s bad enough you have to join in the poo flinging – do you have to cry out in pain as you do it?
Dennis - SGMM
That explains why the Germans took Canada and the Japanese conquered Catalina Island. Seriously, if the conservative movement spent as much time coming up with constructive ideas as they do coming up with far-fetched bullshit they would be formidable.
MikeL said:
What exactly have I flung?
Pointing out that Debbie Schlussel is not the spokesperson for most conservatives or that liberals pretend that she is?
Please clarify.
– Country First.
Rick Taylor
Thymezone? If you’re listening out there, you were right.
@Brian J:
And for that matter, what the hell is a "crony"? Was James Lee Witt a crony, since he was Clinton’s FEMA director in Arkansas? Well, he was also damn competent, turned FEMA into a good, effective agency (which of course Bush fucked up as he does everything. )
@Brian J:
It’s been a while, but I seem to recall most of the incoming Clinton staff (as opposed to Cabinet appointments) were people who were part of Clinton’s Arkansas crew. Cronies may be the wrong word, but my hazy memories tell me that the initial staff were folks from the campaign, people who had worked in the governor’s office in Arkansas, and generally people who Clinton has been around for a long time and worked with, and who he wanted to reward for their loyalty, but who didn’t have a lot of experience in DC. (He took his Cabinet appointments very seriously, but didn’t seem to understand how important the White House staff was for the job.)
The initial problems that Clinton had in office were at least partly attributable to the fact that his staff was made up of a lot of folks who may have been perfectly competent, but didn’t have experience in how things were done in DC. And his staff had a number of shake-ups early on before they got something that ran smoothly. That’s more what I meant by "cronies" – putting people at the top of the list because you know them, you like them, and they’ve shown personal loyalty, rather than because they’re the best pick for the job.
"Hey fool.. you ready for ‘nother beatin?! You should have nevah came back!" — Mr. T.
The Other Steve
BTW, the phone # on that card belonged to Obama’s grandmother and is still active. In another forum someone noted they called and an Obama aide answered.
@The Other Steve:
As soon as I saw the card I wondered if that was still his grandma number. When he visited his grandma they mentioned she still lived in the apartment that he lived in with her from 10 to something like 18.
Dennis - SGMM
So, tell me whom you regard as someone who speaks for most conservatives. It’s understandable that you may not want to limit yourself to one choice so please feel free to make my elucidation as long and comprehensive as you wish.
Comrade Stuck
Obviously, Barack filled out the wrong form. Not the special one for Blackety Black Islamocommie Fascists. Makes all the diff.
Joshau Norton
Critical thinking? I’d have more intelligent interaction explaining Credit Default Swaps to my neighbor’s dog.
Remember, this is the very same backwash who still think Saddam was behind 9/11 – no matter what anyone says.
MyIQ2xU, I’m just curious – why, under the present circumstances of an Obama presidency, would you pray for a single term rather than for Obama to exceed your expectations and be a great president?
Certainly the latter outcome would be better for the country.
Do you really hate America that much? Or just black people?
So, to clarify, Debbie Schlussel – a noted conservative pundit and blogger – makes a claim that Obama should be invalidated from the Presidency over a date discrepancy on a Selective Service card from the 60s. Our favorite wingnut troll since the Darrel days makes the claim:
Because its a smear to note that a conservative launched a smear against Barack Obama if all conservatives everywhere don’t agree with her. The word "smear"? I don’t not think it means what you think it means.
But please, keep discrediting your political movement with your continued poo-flinging. You’ve won our hearts. How can you not win our votes?
Oh god, the PUMA moron shows up again. Go comment at that moron Schlessel’s site.
Dennis - SGMM
A Smile for You All
Begich Leads Stevens
The count of absentee ballots in Alaska’s Senate race has so far put Mark Begich 814 votes in front of convicted felon Ted Stevens.
You should be careful to be a bit more even handed here as we do have to keep in mind that some "progress" has been a bit of a mixed bag. For example, whoever it was that gave us modern architecture of the 1960’s as progress was smoking rope. "Change for change’s sake" is a condemnation that has just enough truth to it to require a legitimate rebuttal.
Comrade Dread
Don’t go tryin’ to use yer fancy Occam’s razor on us, Librul. Cause we don’t shave.
Dennis - SGMM
@Dennis – SGMM: Heh. Well, there goes my application to the Administration. (No, I won’t reveal my e-mails.)
John Cole
@JGabriel: For MYIQ2XU, the answer is simple- Obama is an inadequate black male.
I am tired of screwing around with douchebags like myiq- the simple answer is they are racist fucks.
Blue Raven
As the saying goes, embrace the power of "and."
It is not a question of whether or not Schlussel is a spokesperson for most conservatives.
It is that she is a fool.
And it is that her foolishness is not atypical. The kind of nonsense that usually is kept at the level of an episode of the Art Bell radio show, has bubbled up to become an essential ingredient of the crazed worldview of some Republicans and some conservatives. It will inevitably affect the decisions made by the party, and may even tear it apart, since there are elements of the GOP intent on purging from its ranks anyone who is not an anti-intellectual dupe. This, fortunately, is not my problem.
And by the way, I do not hate the Republican Party. Nor am I a liberal.
One of the reasons that the Republicans got their asses kicked in the recent election is that they tried to insist that the United States consists only of liberals and conservatives, and that only liberals care about their country.
Please continue to hew to this self-limiting and self-deluded perspective.
Dennis - SGMM
Me too. I’m afraid that my Commander-in-Chief-Threshold post about Hillary (Back in the Primaries) disqualifies me in perpetuity.
After a bit of thought, I realized it’s obvious what’s going on here: they are throwing literally every bit of poo they can get their hands around at the wall, because they are trying to hold on to the last little bit of wingnut fringe they can.
Wingnuts feed on poo: no poo and they die. So many people left the wingnut camps over the past two election cycles that they are frantically nurturing every little wingnut sapling still remaining, with as much poo as they can find.
What we are going to see next is a species of super-wingnuts: far fewer in number, but over-fertilized into sequoias.
In the absence of actual poo, gardeners like Schlussel will attempt to come up with a synthetic substitute.
D. Mason
Someone needs to go after this asshole for posting this document without properly blocking the sensitive personal information of his late Grandmother. There are probably many grieving relatives around there that shouldn’t be getting bothered by wingnut shitheads.
The draft ended in 1973. Obama was 12.
Brian J
In other words, it seems like his problem was that he first staffed the White House with people unfamiliar with how Washington worked, not that he pulled a Giuliani and made his body guard head of the FBI or something.
Twinly Winky Pony Palin
Well, I for one will not be satisfied until Tecdude or Poldarick have pronounced on the matter.
However, I have no doubt that there are some mighty suspicious kernings on that ‘document’.
Anyone know what’s happening with Berg? What about the tapes? Any progress with AIP?
Dennis - SGMM
@D. Mason:
Absolutely but, since when have conservatives been concerned about privacy other than the times that they get caught cruising restrooms?
Who here wants ony FOUR years of this stuff? I’m hoping for at least EIGHT!!!
Twinly Winky Pony Palin
Oh, that’s a relief. Pam Atlas is also on the case:
peach flavored shampoo
If I know wingtards like I think I do, I’m guessing that’s about to be a disconnected phone number.
These people lack basic common sense. You need to register for the selective service to be eligible for student loans. Barack Obama got student loans. Therefore…..
Doug H. (Comrade Fausto no more)
@John Cole: Oh snap.
Original Lee
This post reminds me of the original "Zoo Tycoon" game, where if you didn’t assign a zookeeper to an exhibit, eventually you would start getting messages from the animals therein that they were unhappy: "There is too much poo in this exhibit."
The Republicans need to assign a few zookeepers, I think.
D. Mason
@Dennis – SGMM: True conservatives (I like to consider myself one) care very very much about privacy. This bitch is some kind of extreme right wing zealot. These Republican shills are not conservative or liberal. Their ideology exists well outside our methods of categorization.
Obama obtained his student loans illegally through threats made on his behalf by William Ayers, Zombie Malcolm X, and the Nation of Islam. Duh.
Joshau Norton
Someone applying for the night shift at Denny’s is vetted more completely than Palin was.
"What exactly have I flung?"
"Four years of anti-conservative smearing, bashing, and denigrating. " – Here you manage to fling poo and cry in pain in the same sentence. Just one example, you do it almost every post.
I’m sure you have a purple heart band-aid to bind the wound though.
It’s hard to be bottom-feeders when they don’t know how to swim.
Bubblegum Tate
So is this wannabe Schlussel/Atlas Juggs. And really, can you think of anything more degrading that having to look UP to Debbie Schlussel? Ouch.
Joshau Norton
I’ve decided that the Wingnut would serve very well as the unit of Fisk density. Roughly, 1 Wingnut = 5 errors per factual claim.
How do they do it?
Dennis – SGMM said:
David Brooks, for one.
– Country First.
Michael D.
Is anyone else watching Bush speak about the economy at the Manhattan Institute?
Did someone forget to tell him to comb his hair?
Seriously. Dude fucking looks like a hippie in a suit!!
If I were a hippie or a suit I’d take offense at that.
…and we know this how? Don’t worry, Free Republic is already throwing road blocks across this avenue.
Really, how do they have the time for all this bullshit?
WashTimes posts article involving the confluence of both 1) the Military (yeah! Semper Flab! Wolverines!) and 2) global warming (uh…..what? get this pinko commie shit outtie here!). Commenters lay on the stupid thick and heavy.
I know, man bites dog.
It’s a super-liberal conspiracy of welfare queening and administrative fraud dating back generations. QED.
MikeL said:
Right, because liberals NEVER bash conservatives, or put them down in any fashion. It’s simply beyond the pale.
Thanks for the non-clarification. It seems that my sincere question was just taken as another opportunity to take a cheap, partisan shot, and, once again, smear conservatives with the actions of a few idiots.
"Purple Band-Aid," indeed.
– Country First.
P.S. Brachiator, and all the others who’ve responded so far, thanks for keeping it mostly civil. Naturally, I disagree with the premise of conspiracies becoming accepted knowledge, but then again I have more faith in our fellow Americans ability to discern facts than apparently you do.
So THAT‘s what the whole "Country First" thing was about.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Two xanax and a Silver Bullet will do that to ya.
Twinky Winky Pony Palin
Smoking gun!
“PLEASE excuse this vanity but my wife e-mailed this to me and I just don’t have the time to investigate it. This blogger says an Iman from a mosque in Kenya has proof in the form of a Kenyan birth cirtificate, of Obamas real citizenship.The guy is said to have gone to the UK and asked for asylum in fear of his life for having broken the silence on this.I don`t have the time to look into this,and knowing our luck its probably a red herring but can someone look into it? Once again please excuse the vanity.”
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Whoah. Looks like I tripped the spam-filter. WIN!
Michael responds: “Xanax” will do that to you!
Wait, are you now complaining that – because someone generically classified as conservative somewhere was poo-flung at by someone generically classified as liberal – this gives you a blank check to keep posting douchebag nonsense and whining like a five-year-old over John’s critiquing of a conservative not named David Brooks?
Why are you here? Jesus Tapdancing Christ, go out and get some fresh air. Maybe get a life. Yikes, you’re pathetic.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
What bullshit. I would happily bash the conservatives with a cricket bat, the racist fucks.
Oh, and it ain’t a "put-down" to describe you as a racist fuck, its just a description of reality.
Damn. I forgot. To be a conservative anymore you can’t really have more than a nodding acquaintance with reality (to avoid its known, nasty liberal bias).
David Brooks? Isn’t he the poo-flinger who called Sarah Palin "a fatal cancer to the Republican party"? Is that really what "most conservatives" hold?
@Punchy: You sure know how to find teh stoopid.
That’s one thing I’ve never understood about the PUMA idiots: I don’t know about a vote-for-vote comparison, but in terms of scores, Americans for Democratic Action seems to score Obama and HRC pretty similarly in each Senate session, at least for many of the ones I checked.
Not that they’re ideological soulmates, but even within the spectrum of Senate Dems, they’re pretty simlar.
Right, because liberals NEVER bash conservatives, or put them down in any fashion. It’s simply beyond the pale.
In other news Tom Friedman comes clean.
The point is that she typifies most conservative spokespeople.
Of course, you have too few neurons in your brain to wrap it around that concept.
— Right-wing thugs last
The Dense & Venally Offensive Svensker
I agree with ppcli — David Brooks? Conservative? He’s something of a neo-con and a fascist. But conservative? Small government? Fiscal responsibility? Not trying to remake the world? Brooks? Huh?
these jackdaws will always have a job so long as there are uninformed illiterates out there to listen to them. They love to pad their CV’s with pseudo achievements( usually involving partisan think tanks- and just wtf is a think tank besides a chamber for mental masturbation?) DS has a good voice to make fun of "The Issslammmic Jeeeeehaaaaad"
what a dollop of trollop.
@Atanarjuat: David Brooks speaks for most conservatives? So conservatives always felt that Sarah Palin was a "fatal cancer to the Republican Party?" Kinda funny how she was picked to rally your base. And most conservatives are for gay marriage, in fact think "we should insist on gay marriage"? Why do they consistently vote against it then? Most conservatives think that Reagan and Goldwater’s "minimal government" policies are outdated and should be thrown aside? Good to know that.
You are so full of shit, Atanarjuat.
The point is that if someone is a spokesperson for conservatism, the chance that person is not a douchebag is vanishingly small.
So few idiots ain’t exactly right.
You mean, like all those right-wing knuckledraggers out there who still think that Saddam had WMDs, or that there was a real operative connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda?
So you admit that you were wrong and that Obama will make a much better President than McCain? Since, you know, that’s the fact that your fellow Americans discerned.
@Bubblegum Tate: In that website you linked, she writes this in a different post:
(remember — THIS is the level of sanity we’re up against):
This trollop makes Dan Rhiel look like a reasonable, moderate lefty.
Like, duh.
Remember, these are the fools who made a big deal about a "radical terrorist" who got MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from a conservative who supported MCCAIN.
The funniest thing about Schlussel’s silly post is that, although it depends entirely on comparing a DLN number on a form with the same number on a printout, neither Schlussel nor her "retired federal agent" friend managed to do that successfully. It took a commenter on her post to point out the obvious, that the printout did not in fact transpose the zero and eight of the form as Debbie asserted.
Crazy, dumb, and sloppy.
Twinky Winky Pony Palin
And no. It seems we have not reached Peak Wingnut. Is there any way we can harness PW as a cheap alternative fuel?
Advantage Shygetz.
So now she’s admitting that America is a leftist country? But I thought that it was a center-right country?
Wingnuts make my head hurt.
liberal, referring to Debbie Schlussel, said:
No, Schlussel is not representative of conservative spokespeople, and your continued insistence that it’s so doesn’t make it so.
I don’t see Tucker Carlson, for example, posting official-looking documents on his Web site — or any other Web site, for that matter — and making sweeping claims about forgery and boundless fraud.
I would normally say, "nice try," but this latest broad-brush anti-conservative smear is so pathetic that I’m not even sure it can be even deemed a try at all.
– Country First.
"Oh and BTW, you liberal idiots just elected a man to the highest office who couldn’t pass a background check to be a secret service agent."
Election victory > background check
So,IOW, did Obama want to be a Secret Service Agent, couldn’t pass the screening and then had to settle for being elected POTUS?
I don’t see Tucker Carlson, for example, posting official-looking documents on his Web site—or any other Web site, for that matter—and making sweeping claims about forgery and boundless fraud.
…Tucker Carlson? Is that seriously the best you can do?
Indeed, it was a massive conspiracy of over 60 million voters!
There is simply no end to the perfidy of the leftofascists in America!
Wow, this is bad.
If the republicans get a hold of this, it could cost us Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida, at least!
Oh, wait.
Ack, Sysadmin of Evil
Soylent Wingnut is the new ethanol.
Two questions come to mind:
Tucker Carlson HAS a website?
What pathetic creature would be inclined to visit poor Tucker’s website?
Correcting my own typo…
I think that that is Tucker’s site.
Polish the Guillotines
Debbie Schlussel’s only redeeming quality (ugh, I hate saying that) is that she’s got a real weasel up her ass about Darrel Issa. Since he’s of Lebanese descent, she’s got him pegged as a terrorist sympathizer.
Frankly, I don’t give a shit if that’s true or not. Issa, Lord God Douchebag that he is, is more than deserving of Li’l Debbie’s bat-shit crazy affections.
May they collide and implode in a singularity of pure st00pid.
Polish the Guillotines
@Ack, Sysadmin of Evil:
Oh, so now Tucker Carlson speaks for conservatives? Then why didn’t conservatives vote overwhelmingly for Ron Paul? And, again, why aren’t they pro-gay marriage?
Based on who you choose to represent most conservatives, one can only conclude that there aren’t many conservatives left at all in America.
Mr. Merle
I’m surprised that the concern way up there in comment #4 hasn’t been addressed. It reminds me of this exchange in ATHF after Carl’s house had effectively been burned to the ground:
Meatwad: Hey Carl, you want me to shampoo the rug?
Carl: What’s the freakin’ point, meat-man?
Meatwad: So you can give me some money.
Bubblegum Tate
Yeah, that kimberly4victory lady has really gone batshit. The thing is, pre-election, she wasn’t really like that. She was fairly wingnutty, to be sure, but post-election, she ratcheted the crazy up to 11 and…well, you see the result.
The problem is that you’re assuming that the few PUMAs who remain care about issues. They don’t. All the Hillary supporters who care about issues came around to supporting Obama months ago, which is why the so-called "PUMA effect" was nonexistent in this election.
The only PUMAs left are the hard-core wackjobs and racists. They don’t care about issues. All they care about is skin color and their own neuroses. Myiq and the crowd he is running with fall into this category. To expect anything even approaching rational behavior from any of them is a waste of time.
Joshau Norton
The laughs are non-stop.
The Five Most Important People in American Politics Right Now Who Aren’t Barack Obama from Mark Halperin.
1. Lynne Cheney.
2. Henry Paulson.
3. Sarah Palin.
4. Henry Waxman.
5. Whoever Joe Biden wants to be Secretary of State.
Lynne Cheney? Who knew?
Joshau Norton:
Lynne Cheney will never make it through the Obama vetting process once they see that lesbian novel she wrote: Sisters. The wingnuts would never shut up about it.
And then there’s her husband. I mean, jeepers.
Comrade Stuck
@Joshau Norton:
Mark Halperin is insane.
OMG. I’m only a third of the way through reading the thread, and there’s been Nozzleboffer and Ataramalamadingdong AND Mikey….
I hope that JWW shows up – that would make this the perfect thread!
Conservatively Liberal
myiq2xu, umm I mean GoatBoy! How in the hell are you going to ever get a goat using lame bait like that? I do admit that it has been kind of boring not having our resident goatfucking Republican ratfucker here to kick around.Welcome back GoatBoy! We are ready for you to regale us with your wild stories about hot goat sex. How about a post from your past, just for old times sake?
Racism is ugly, and GoatBoy is one ugly
mothergoat fucker.Xanthippas
Nah, that stuff fools right-wingers into reading this blog long enough to get really, really pissed off.
Lynne Cheney pisses of the Religious Right so much, they actually get the balls to tell Dick Cheney to shut up.
Johnny Pez
Shorter MYIQ: Hillary in 2012!
Oh Noes! I just checked my Selective Service number ( and it turns out I registered as a baby! Those first digits which, according to the wingnuttery, are supposed to indicate the year you registered, are the last two digits of the year I was BORN (1968). I registered in 1986, but the first two digits of my Selective Service Number are 68! Someone has forged my records! The Muslimistas are after me! Gotta go. Where’s that tinfoil…?
(While this comment may be a farce, all numeric data are accurate. It feels nice being able to empirically say "In Your Face" to rightwing nutjobs.)
Ho can he forget dear leader, Drudge?
That One - Cain
@Twinky Winky Pony Palin:
I bet they’re asking money too. It would be the most awesome "nigerian" scam ever.
It’s like stupid did a reunion tour.
The Other Steve
Did you guys ever read Matt Taibi’s review of Friedman’s latest book?
It’s quite funny, and I loved this insight:
I have to admit, that’s not a qualification I’ve heard before.
@ The Other Steve: Great link. Excerpt:
Oh snap!
@The Other Steve
LOL. . . thanks for the funnies, there are so many.
Next to Bill Kristol, Friedman has got to have the biggest steak of wrong this side of the Potomac.
Check out this spoof
of a Friedman column.
The Dense & Venally Offensive Svensker
Boy, I’d like to see the steak of right on the other side. It must be even beefier!
(I do love me some Taibbi. Maybe I should do an article lauding his masculine attributes? He makes me WAY happier than Todd Palin and we KNOW all about Todd’s masculine attributes, wrapped so lusciously in silk…)
It was!!! (typist I’m not!?!?)
Steak / streak what’s the diff!?!
You just have to laugh at this. Even if we stipulated that Obama refused/forgot to fill out a selective service form… so? What purpose have these forms ever served since the end of the draft? This ranks up there will yanking the tag off a mattress, assuming it was remotely true.
Of course, it’s only fair of these folks to go after this with the same level of rabid intensity they did the question of GWB’s fulfilling his National Guard service.
Surly Duff
@ Xanthippas:
Then you have obviously never been in a dive bar in rural VA (really, pick a state of choice) at 3am, drunk and lonely.
Here’s why I find the document obsession on the Right re: Obama offensive, and not so silly. Because, to me, it sounds like "papers, please" and it’s creepy and authoritarian.
It’s backwards.
Obama says "I’m an American" and the response is: "so say YOU, POST PROOF!"
Obama says "I registered for Selective Service" and the response is a FOIA request, and then accusations of forgery.
When did we all accept this wacky new standard? The presumption is……disprove? On basic biographical details?
welcome back; it’s been sane without you.
re: Debbie Schpittle. Every prominent black pol. has been held responsible for and browbeat to apologize for any nutty pronouncements by AA’s for the last
thirty yearsforever. Just returning the favor.If the wingnuts can no longer get the MSM to push this stuff- and that hasn’t been proved yet- it is still useful to keep the base engaged; all fear all the time. I’m related to some still losing sleep over the f’ing Panama Canal. Rationality is highly overrated among some.
LOL! That might be a sufficient condition for idiocy, but it’s not a necessary one.
Here’s another sufficient one.
…actually, this one is even better: moron doesn’t even know that Puerto Ricans are American citizens.
liberal, yes, I know, there are NO conservative spokespeople that any liberals can show respect for (and the links you provided only showed that Carlson is not infallible as you pretend that conservatives should be).
So far I’ve named David Brooks, and in passing, Tucker Carlson. The knee-jerk leftist vitriol was instantaneous at the mere mention of those names.
And most of you still insist on using Debbie Schlussel as a measuring stick by which all other conservative spokespeople should be judged by, as she "typifies" the lot, as someone asserted above.
Well, I haven’t seen either Brooks or Carlson put up allegedly false birth certificate documents anywhere on the Web, much less this newer supposedly fake Selective Service Registration form, but I’m sure it gives you leftists a great deal of comfort to believe most conservatives — spokespeople, pundits, columnists, and supporters — are all similar in their behavior and opinions.
Enjoy your illusion.
– Country First.
That One - Cain
I notice that you’ve gone back to "Country First". Did you run out of disaster scenarios for the country?
— A Country reaching its hand into a beehive
re. Lynne Cheney. Isn’t she the one assigned to follow Dick around with the paddles?
"Again? Shit. CLEAR!"
Still, Numero Uno? Hard to fathom. But as a political analyst Halperin has proved to be a fine novelist.
More like the high-THC marijuana plants in Michael Pollan’s book "Botany of Desire". When the DEA made the risks of growing the time-honored hardy weed under natural conditions too risky, high-tech eugenist-entrepreneurs developed hothouse monsters in order to hold onto their existing markets. The new super-buds can’t survive without continuous highly-calibrated inputs of Grolights & fertilizer, but under such treatment they produce vast amounts of a product so refined that it actually *can* be addictive, just like all the old horror stories.
Harper’s Magazine (Nov ’08) includes an enlightening article called "Useful Idiots: the Smearing of Obama" about these tactics. Unfortunately, there are plenty of ‘rational economic actors’ who *will* cheerfully sell their mother to the dog-meat factory, on the grounds that if the used-up old bag were really so blameless, could she ever have produced monsters like… them?
Norman wrote:
Some high bar there, Sparky. George Will occasionally issues forth a pearl of truth, as did/does the Buckleys, father and son. But given your peculiar pathology, which prevents you from so much as discerning a leftist from a centrist, you’re reduced to believing a bow tie is a proxy for wisdom.
Whatever a "conservative" once might have been, the so-called Republican brand is so thoroughly soiled it requires disposal and replacement like some sort of gigantic, soggy Depends. Enjoy your journey through the wilderness with your cracker buddies.
I may be wrong, but I believe you’re confusing Mark Halperin with Mark Helprin, author of Winter’s Tale.
(I used to make the same mistake, so possibly this is just projection on my part…)
Which,oddly, would also explain the wingnut support for bringing rape babies to term; that, perhaps, being how many such monsters were conceived. At least it gives it a genetic rationale.
Paulie Chestnuts
Debbie actually grew up a couple of miles away from me, and we’re only a few months apart in age.
I feel responsible for not having run into her during her pre-wingnut state and DONE SOMETHING TO GET HER ON THE RIGHT TRACK.
David Brooks advocated torture until it became an international embarrassment. He also thinks women should go back to being second-class citizens just like in the 1950s. While I would never throw acid on him – that being the actual rather than hyperbolical meaning of "vitriol-flinging – I do consider either of these to be execrable and in combination to put him beyond the pale until such time as he specifically and publically castigates himself for his reactionary and inhumane positions.
Tucker Carlson is even more of a nasty twit, IRL as well as in his espoused positions. Jon Stewart didn’t go far enough calling him down and out. What, exactly, should we respect in the man? The fact that he doesn’t drool on his shoes? That he wears a bow-tie? That he boasted of beating up a gay guy until he caught flack for it and then claimed he never did it? I know the bar has been lowered for conservative pundits until an octopus could hardly squeeze under it, but that doesn’t mean we have to lower our standards.
@Trollhattan: can there be multiple win in a thread? if so, this one has teh vote of moi.
Laura W
A most cogent point I’ve always mused about. ie, what possible set of fucked up predispositions would a rape baby come into life with?
One can add: incest babies, beard babies to cover my gay husband’s ass, etc etc.
If one were not an atheist or agnostic, one might stipulate said souls well know what they are getting into in taking on this heavy karma, but…well….oooops…wrong blog!
Good point, nonetheless.
This "no true conservative" game is fun, maybe, but Schlussel’s hardly marginalized. In any case, she’s the nut, iirc, who after the VA Tech shootings insisted for hours that the gunman was probably a Muslim, because the news reports said Asian, and the mainstream media were intentionally adopting British terminology and using ‘Asian’ to mean ‘secret Islamic Pakistani.’
Not the sharpest knife in the cutlery catalog.
OT – Laura I am drinking a 2008 Yellow Tail Pinot Noir right now, will let you know what I think after another glass :)
First of all, the thread needs a new title:
Dog Bites Man
Second, who is Debbie and why would anyone on earth care what she she thinks, or says?
Laura W
I’m am ascared.
I knew what I thought after the first sip. Which is very rare, in my little wine pinhead world.
Now I’m all nervous about your opinion.
What if it contradicts (ie, threatens) mine?
Shit Fuck Damn.
Wine evaluation is nothing but stress and heartache.
Uh, why would the Chicago Selective Service office even have Obama’s form? He’s from Hawaii and would have filled the form out there. He didn’t even move to Chicago until he was 22.
You could maybe, possibly think he filled it out in California while he was going to Occidental, but why Chicago?
Shell Goddamnit
@S of I-10
"Fear. Of what? I don’t know."
Clearly: Fear of A Black Planet
It’s really astonishing how much of it boils down to racism.
There is no reason for a lack of civility. Especially since I am basking in the warm glow of Obama’s victory.
Faith is not at issue. I have great faith in the intelligence of millions of citizens who voted for Obama.
Where you have a problem is in this regard: The unholy trio of Limbaugh, Hannity and O’Reilly, as well as some GOP leaders, are encouraging people who are not simply wingnuts, but potentially dangerous fools who believe ludicrous theories and keep alive an empty fantasy that something will arise that will disqualify Obama from becoming president.
One of these clowns was recently on the Art Bell show (or whatever it is called now) with the ridiculous claims that Obama was really born in Kenya and so not a natural born citizen of the US. If the nuttiness were contained on late night radio, it would be one thing, but others clearly believe this crap, and the topic was taken up by mainstream conservative talk radio hosts in Southern California.
Ultimately, the Republican Party will be damaged to the extent that they indulge this foolishness. Potential supporters will demand that their fears, fantasies and ignorance be taken seriously.
But as I have said before: not my problem.
You are really stuck in a box here with your insistence that the world be divided into liberals and conservatives. Have you noticed that younger voters have rejected the GOP? Do you ever wonder why? You clearly don’t see the degree to which the stances you take are irrelevant to anything approaching reality.
Pammie Juggs has written her manifesto. I picture her giving it with lots of frothy spittle and the pounding of the lecturn with her f*ck-me pump. Her immediate "targets" are inhouse quislings, but rest assured her shocktroops will make time for us.
I am working on a strategy, a plan to move forward and do two things.
First, take back the party and institute real reform. We will not accept moving to the left to "get along". We will no allow a compromise of our ideals of small government, low taxes, big defense. We will not tolerate appeasers, RINOS, traitors. We will target races. We will target leadership. We will target races in the Northeast and upper Mid-West were there is no Republican presence.
WE WILL TAKE BACK OUR PARTY. We will support Sarah Palin and unlike the Republican party, SUPPORT ALAN WEST and men like Ed Lynch. Never again with the media pick the Republican candidate as they did with McCain.
We will throw out the dead wood. Their day is done. They are dead to the party. The old queens are dead. Long Live the GOP.
Second, we will build a new media network. I don’t care if the lamestream media is completely in the tank for the Democrats. So, what else is new (hello, uh Watergate)?The whining and groaning is not interesting to me. I don’t care. It is what it is. WE have to build an efficient delivery system for OUR MEDIA. We have to create an effective to reach the folks that are under a constant attack with leftwing propaganda bashing. In a recent poll, respondents were queried where they got their news, for the first time the internet (28%) beat cable, TV, newspapers ( 27%, 26%). That is our future.
Big media is dead. They threw themselves under the bus to pull the Mansourian candidate over the line. Never again.
This is the beginning of what I intend to do the next for years.
Who is with me? Who will help? Who wants to be a part of OUR FUTURE?
My question is; who is this "the next" that she intends to do for years?
Laura – it is nice, albeit is little light for my taste, I like my red wine to be a little more robust, (almost like I could chew on it), but it is very pleasant.
Got to quit drinking now cause eldest step-daughter just had youngest stepdaughter arrested so I am now dealing with calls from the jail. I KID YOU NOT.
And before anyone asks I don’t live in a trailer.
I do not deserve this.
THIS is precisely why I didn’t have children.
*smacks forehead*
Smut Anonymous
"A friend of mine, who is a retired federal agent, spent almost a year trying to obtain this document"
That is possibly the saddest thing I have read today.
Dennis - SGMM
A small chunk of history. Back in the early Seventies, my horticulture-major girlfriend and I became interested in inducing polyploidy in cannabis similar to the ‘ploidy that had been induced in cannabis’ near-relative hops. We were particularly focused on enhancing the generation of Delta 6 and Delta 3 tetra-hydra-cannabinol. Took five years. At the end, we harvested one big crop (A two car garage full of plants) when they were in seed and then went on a road trip giving away the seeds to friends and friends of friends all up the West Coast.
Me? I haven’t had a toke in years. Hair goes gray, no way to score.
Laura W
@Litlebritdifrnt: Condolences. Condolences. What a fucking buzz kill, just when it was gettin’ fun and all.
I get your critique, and given that you like a chewy red (my body can’t seem to process them, alas, so I go for the light reds), why don’t you go thru the rest of the 2008 YT reds as they are released? There was one year (2003?) wherein the straight Cab Sauv was my favorite of all the blends and varietals. They really are iffy, year to year.
Anyway, sorry you had to leave the party early for such a stressful reason…
Childless by Choice in NC
Cats Not Kids!
@ JGabriel
I’m afraid you’ve caught me dead to rights on my tiny, tiny joke! (I, too, was hugely relieved to discover my conflation was false, but speechwriters make more moolah than most novelists, so….)
Ahha, Brachiator is atanerwaffle!
@Dave: It’s the sphincter puss. As in, must keep very very tight.
Lynne Cheney, Take Deux.
I, for one, welcome a future free of "undisclosed location" and "man-size safe" references.
@Dennis – SGMM:
I just don’t like it anymore. I get really paranoid and bummed out. Why invest money in feeling that way???
And, now I can’t drink much either, makes my heart race.
Sigh. For me, aging has been a very sobering experience. :D
Why do people talk to this knucklehead? It isn’t as if he says anything interesting or insightful.
When he gets interesting, then I’ll play. For now he is still a know nothing, think nothing. If this is the fertile ground from which the new GOP is going to spring; well, it’s going to be a long damn winter.
Dennis - SGMM
Hear you. The passing years have slowed us on the draw.
Laura – I am living a "days of our lives" script. Fuck. Elder sister gets pissed off at younger sister (who was tired of being the live in baby-sitter) and charges younger sister with breaking and entering, which is kind of silly when ONE HAS A KEY. (NC Magistrates are not the sharpest tools in the shed) Anyhoo turns out my tame bail bondsman has moved on to new pastures so there is no way I can get her out of jail tonight, I will just have to go to court tomorrow and bat my eyes at the first appearance judge, who, will do whatever I ask him to do, and let her out on my word and to come live with us. (sigh). Like Laura said, that is why I have cats and dogs, they do not, ever end up in Jail (well sometimes the pound but whatever).
Let’s see, in 2004, we had the following:
– Multiple instances of verified documentary evidence that GWB was AWOL from his ANG assignment in AL
– Witnesses to GWB’s ANG service at the time backing up the claim that he was never on base
– Reviews from his AANG superior officer showing that he was disciplined for not submitting to a physical exam
– Many consistent reports of GWB partying with illicit drugs
– Official originals conveniently "disappeared"
– TANG officers resolutely nonresponsive to requests for first hand accounts
– A letter with a mysterious font contradiction that called into question a single piece of documentation.
Guess which factor was used by the right wing to engineer the downfall of the pre-eminent MSM anchorman of the 1990’s who called into question GWB’s ANG service?
Now in 2008 we have:
– Inconsistencies in the kerning of BHO’s birth certificate
– Apparently transposed digits in a selective service document number
And guess who is now clamoring for attention from the MSM to pay attention to kerning and deutsch-crossed sevens?
And people with the same biases and double-standard ethics are still a major infestation in our government. They are a rotting disease on society.
(I’m open to specific comparisons… I’m leaning towards Syphilis.)
Conservatively Liberal
Speak for yourself. I just took a huge draw on the pipe and I am hitting it as good as I ever have. ;) Gray hair and all. One of my ‘suppliers’ is over 70 and he grows a mean skunky. It’s his and his wifes’ retirement hobby.
Ahh, to be young at heart…
Dennis - SGMM
@Conservatively Liberal:
The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da…
Now I feel inspired to go see some of my showbiz friends and find out what that Dutch shit is all about.
Faux News
People PLEASE don’t feed the Antana-whatshisname troll. Just ignore him/her/it and skip over his/her/its posts and it will slither away to a Redstate Circle Jerk.
AtanaTroll is NO Darrell. That is for sure.
Conservatively Liberal
@Dennis – SGMM:
Indeed, the beat goes on and on and on…
Inspiration is half of the battle, then you win. ;)
Wow! Great advice from…
Faux News?
We are in the end times now, no doubt about it. ;)
Yes, Atanaratatatat is no Darrell. No argument there. No siree Bob.
LiberalTarian said:
Indeed, why talk about me at all, as you’ve done right here?
I know, I know… you’ve got better things to do, and there’s nothing interesting you’ve read in my opinions, which is why you still referred to… oh, never mind. Liberal "logic" has always been (and always will be) an oxymoron.
By the way, leftists, gun sales are officially through the roof in most states that permit gun ownership. So keep talking like conservatives are beneath your notice, they should be ignored, ridiculed, etc. Enjoy your little illusion of superiority while you can, tough guys. The worm always turns.
– Country First.
Mr. Mises
Not all conservatives, At, just all the nitwits that make up the base, who are arming for revolution.
Worm, less talking and more wiggling on that hook.
I’m looking to catch a big fish.
daniel rotter
"By the way, leftists, gun sales are officially through the roof in most states that permit gun ownership. So keep talking like conservatives are beneath your notice, they should be ignored, ridiculed, etc".
So "leftists" shouldn’t look down upon or ignore or ridicule conservatives because the latter individuals might shoot the former individuals with their guns? Classy.
daniel rotter
By the way, all states "permit gun ownership".
Try using Firefox with NoScript and AdBlocker. With a few edits those annoying ads are blocked. But this option isn’t for the non-geek or the lazy Internets reader.
Wow, Debbie should be on Fox demanding a special prosecutor be appointed! Is Kens Starr available?
daniel rotter said:
Who said anything about shooting? My, my, talk about unintentionally revealing your anxiety.
I’m just pointing out that the whole Sore Winner routine and arrogant "we’re better than you" posturing will not do anything to help mend bridges and help toward reconciliation. Remember, the Great Redistributionist claimed that people in small towns bitterly cling to their guns. Well, there are a LOT of small towns, and their residents are now clinging to even more of that "bitterness" in response.
But keep gloating and putting on superior airs, liberal.
– Country First.
You’re basically making implied threats of violence Atanarjuat. Take your brown shirt elsewhere bud, or explain why I should be more worried about people in Alabama buying guns than I am if they buy bubble gum. Either you’re implying that they intend to use them against me or you aren’t.
Marc said:
Stow the paranoia, Marc — I’ve made no such implication.
What you should concern yourself with, if my point wasn’t already clear enough, is that the more obnoxiously liberals shove the recent election victory into the faces of conservatives as some kind of moral vindication, the more "bitterly" conservatives will cling to their guns, and in greater numbers, too.
This is not an unfathomable mystery; please don’t pretend otherwise for the sake of invoking the laughable brownshirt card.
– A Country Stricken with Grief
As shown on, I am the retired federal agent. I retired with over 32 years government service. I was the resident agent in charge for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. I have had a Secret or higher security clearance the majority of those years.
The document if from the Selective Service via a FOIA request. I requested it to counter claims that Senator Obama did not register. The responses I initially received were suspect (i.e. that his registration did not show up because he used the wrong name, DOB, or SSN).
After I received the copy of the form and the screen printout, I noticed some of the possible problems with it. I notified the Selective Service of the issues so they could do an internal inquiry. They ignored the issue.
Now the facts are:
1. The form’s Document Locator Number indicates a 2008 document.
2. The screen printout’s DLN is different than the form’s number by the addition of the number "8" in the front of the form.
3. Selective Service is required to keep records until the 85th birthday of the registrant so to make the document location system work, they have to use a two digit year. Normal government DLNs have the first digit or two as the year so it is easy to destroy documents that are no longer needed. The IRS record retention is less than 10 years. So a one digit year is sufficient. But due to the long record retention periods for the Selective Service it has to be a two digit year or else there would be six or seven duplicate DLNs over the si or seven decades.
4. The use of USPO instead of USPS almost 10 years after the conversion of the Post Office into the Postal Service (1971) is extremely unusual.
5. The fact that the date of signature a day after the postal date could be a simple mistake.
6. The date of the form (Feb 1990 or Feb 1980) is not resolved, but it is clear that in Feb 1980 the Selective Service withdrew their request for an OMB approval number for SSS Form 1.
There are more issues (lack of Identification, different signature, etc) that could or could not be important.
But together it does raise questions. It is up to each of you to decide whether these are or are not important. But there is no reason in my opinion for personal attacks.
Attack the points of the allegations. Give explanations of the issues. I just believe that ALL of our elected officials need to be open and honest. Having worked so long for the federal government, I understand that the government unnecessarily keeps secrets from the public. It does not matter the political party.
You, sir, are an ass.
I am so certain Mr. Good Citizen will go back and use his high security clearance to give us all the details of Mr. McCains POW years, crashed planes, covered up vehicular homicide, leaks from the Keating Five and all of the other numerous screw ups. If you do that Mr. Good Citizen then I will believe you–if not, then you’re a hack.
Then give me something from the other side…..
In response to Sr. S. Coffman, allow me the following personal observations of the federal service in which you spent a third of a centurty.
In 19xx I was required to register with the Selective Service
during a period in which active registrants were shipped over to rice paddies whole and brought home in a box.
Four years later the SS asked me to visit an AFEES in Houston, Tx. for a pre-induction physical. I enjoyed the high school reunion. While there a form was distributed.
A Sgt. Dement explained that we had one of two versions of said form. One version had a line 6 where you could circle in your race. Another had no such line. "For those of you who have a form where line 6 does not ask you to circle your race, at the bottom of the questions, please draw a line and write in your race," said the Sarge. I wrote in "Whitey." I was soon singled out for a trip to what Arlo Guthrie immortalized as "the Group W bench." During the course of my physical I learned the SS had lost all correspondence from my files from physicians noting that my spinal column was not likely to support more than my first squat thrust in basic. I was also told that the required back X-ray would not be performed because the "X-ray machine’s done broke." I was pronounced fit and ordered to report after several minutes of drive by ass chewing by NCO’s wanting to know why I had written "Whitey" on the form.
Recently, in response to our immigration situation, my spouse’s employer had to verify her SocSec #. Her name and number did not match in the computer. Many trips to an office devoid of federally employed human occupants later, this daughter of an Air Force NCO and IRS employee finally got things straightened out with her federal records so she could prove she was sufficiently a U.S. citizen to keep the job she had held for 20 years.
You, sir, epitomize why so many people think the federal government is populated with idiotic pencil pushing insensitive bureaucrats. Nothing personal.
Here’s the problem, Mr. Coffman: no one cares.
Seriously. Even if you are 100 percent correct (which I doubt you are, since the signature on the form you produced doesn’t even vaguely resemble Obama’s), there is not going to be an impeachment over the fact that Barack Obama did not properly register with the Selective Service when he was 18. They are not going to void the election and hold it a second time. In fact, a majority of the American people will (a) yawn and (b) decide that you’re a looney conspiracy theorist because you think it actually matters.
Please enjoy living in your increasingly small bubble where people think that these petty things are more important than the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, and the financial meltdown that’s destroying everyone’s retirement savings. The rest of us will get on with the business of living in the real world and trying to clean up the disasters the Republicans have brought upon us all.
You ask for something from the "other side." Well, I did point out that Senator McCain was NOT born in the Panama Canal Zone and under the immigration laws at the time, the State Department "naturalized" him.
The US Navy hospital at Coco Solo was NOT in the zone in 1939. However, in (I recall) 1941 President FDR issued an executive order EXPANDING the territory of the Zone.
If there is something legitimate that you want me to look into, please let me know. I am just a retired fact finder flaw detector. What you do with the information is up to you.
And Ricky, I was also required to register with the Selective Service and in 1972, I received a nice letter from the President of the United States "requesting" me to go down to the Induction Station where I was examined and found fit. I was given a report date of August 15, 1972, but I ended up joining instead. I served over 26 years (5 active and 21 Reserve).
BUT, I was smart enough not to be a smart mount during the processing.
I do recall some smart mouth getting in trouble for something he did, getting screamed at by the NCO, and he "wet himself." Was that you?
I really do not care if no one cares (actually from the emails, many people have opinions on it on both sides).
I have merely provided information. Do with it what you want, or do nothing at all.
How about George W. Bush’s missing National Guard records? Granted, it’s about 8 years too late, but I would think that missing records from one’s time in the National Guard would be more of an issue for you than a possibly missing Selective Service form, especially since we were not at war in 1980 as far as I recall.
Mnemosyne, since from your post, you probably never served this country, let me explain something to you.
There is NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that Lt George Bush received an HONORABLE discharge from the military.
An Honorable discharge means that all NON-criminal activity is deemed to be just fine. So if he was later for formation, didn’t do what his Commanding Officer told him to do, or missed some drills, the Honorable discharge absolved him of everything that was not criminal in nature. And the statute of limitation on ordinary crimes (except treason, murder, etc) have long since pasted.
And if I was very good and was able to find a letter of reprimand for some violation of the UCMJ, what value would that do? I promise NEVER to vote for George Bush for President ever again. Will you join me in that promise?
Now, if the Selective Service Registration form was, as it appears to be, created this year, then that would be a crime well within the statute of limitations (for example, check out 18 USC1001 and nearby laws).
That is very relevant and the question would be "Who did it?"
Do you think it is Senator Obama’s signature?
daniel rotter
Did it ever occur to you, Atanarjuat, that liberals are looking down upon, or ignoring, or (especially) ridiculing conservatives precisely BECAUSE a lot of them are buying guns like there’s no tomorrow in response to Obama’s election?
daniel rotter
I answer my own question: probably not.
Nikki, I am the retired federal agent. Since I am merely interested in the facts and not the politics, could you let me know your background on US Postal Service matters?
I would love to be proven wrong, but the Postal Service surely has had enough money over the 9 years between when it became the Postal Service and when this form was allegedly stamped, to purchase an $8.00 stamp which validates legal documents.
I am open to facts especially if they discredit my findings. But name calling is rather childish.
Of course we are all within our rights to just ignore the issue, but you have chosen not to do so.
So please give me some insight on your knowledge of the Postal Service, especially its budgets or you could do the adult thing and retract your name calling.
tattoosydney, You sir, are a coward. You know who I am. Continue to hide.