From a few years ago. John McCain:
“I’d never seen anything like that ad. Putting pictures of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden next to the picture of a man who left three limbs on the battlefield — it’s worse than disgraceful. It’s reprehensible.”
That was John McCain, commenting on Saxby Chambliss’s ads while he competed with Max Cleland. John McCain is, today, campaigning for Saxby Chambliss in Georgia. He was a war hero. But politics has taken its toll. John McCain has proven he’ll do anything for power – even if he now is not leading his party.
John Sidney McCain is a dishonorable man.
Joe the Plumber told him to.
Comrade Jake
Seems pretty mavericky.
I hear the MUP is headed down to Georgia and he’s lookin’ for a soul to steal.
Or, at least, a Senate seat.
I prefer to think of him as a casualty. Or, if nothing else, a POW held by the wackos of his own party. But I suspect I’m being far to generous with him.
Sonuvabitch has always been a political opportunist. What does honor have to do with anything?
Actually, I think this support for Chambliss is McCain’s true colors showing through. There’s no portion in being "honorable" anymore, so he might as well let his true partisan self out to fly.
The part I don’t get is why anyone thinks McCain would be good at turning out the vote for Chambliss. I can get why Obama might be good for getting folks to turn out and vote for Martin, but really – does any Republican even want to see John McCain right now? I’d figure they’d want him to slink off into the sunset like Bob Dole did, not see him at rallies and fundraisers.
(Though I can see Palin being a draw – even as a loser she seems to still have a lot of admirers among my Republican family members. Sigh.)
Warren Terra
It’s just that McCain just learned that he was wrong when he denounced the ad because, don’t you see, The ad is a myth.
Michael D.
@OniHanzo: You’ve stumped me. I don’t know what he’s done since being a POW that’s honorable. John McCain’s story is a fairy tale.
jake 4 that 1
Candorville FTW (Note – this story arc began in September.)
Comrade Jake
If he were going by himself, I would agree. But he’s bringing his bimbo VP candidate with him.
John McCain is and always will be an opportunist and a pretty
good entertainer. He also seems to have the beaten-wife syndrome.
If Cleland was a real patriot he would have lost all 4 limbs. Such as he is now, he clearly just pretends to love this country.
He’s not. Having McCain campaign for Chambliss makes 15% of the voters more likely to vote for him and 24% less likely to do so. Obama campaigning for Martin, on the other hand, would be a wash.
Joe Beese
McCain knows how to win wars. He just doesn’t know how to win elections.
Put all Chambliss’ lies in a commercial, speed up the video, put it to the Benny Hill theme, and call it "Yakety Saxby"
Democrats who run for office are – by definition – unpatriotic. Why do you think Americans hate Obama so much?
The famous leftist consistency standard:
Joe Lieberman didn’t campaign for Barack Obama and instead opposed him.
This makes Joe Lieberman dishonorable.
John McCain campaigns for Saxby Chambliss and does not oppose him.
This makes John McCain dishonorable.
See the pattern here?
It is dishonorable to be a conservative or even conservative-leaning, whereas the honorable label can only be applied to liberals or those who are liberal-leaning.
Funny how that works.
Sometimes I wonder if leftists have fantasies about diminishing the power of the GOP to absolute zero. You know, reduced to the point where the only place one would find a conservative is in a museum, behind a glass case as an extinct specimen.
Actually, I don’t have to wonder; many leftists have repeatedly stated that they’d like to see the GOP go the way of the Whig Party. How very magnanimous of the oh-so-"honorable" Party of (in)Tolerance.
– Country First.
jake 4 that 1
Ananerdhat calls his girlfriend.
Comrade Stuck
Every day. All Day. And thrice on Sunday!
So that’s what he meant by ‘my fellow prisoners’.
@Atanarjuat: Lols. Learn to read, please. McCain is campaigning for a man whose campaign tactics he had roundly criticized six years earlier. Now he is part of that campaign. Had McCain kept his big yap shut and not complained in 2002, he’d just be another Republican backing another Republican. We’ve got no problem with Republicans rallying in support of each other. In fact, we encourage such Republican stalwarts as George Bush, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Dick Army, and Tom DeLay to rally around Chambliss’s Senate seat.
Lieberman – on the other hand – caucuses with the Democrats. He has a chairman’s seat awarded to him because of his long standing position within the party in the Senate. Yet he campaigned relentless against Barack Obama in the face of party protocol. And even then, that’s fine. There’s no dishonor in supporting your preferred candidate. Lieberman just needs to give up his caucusing status. Label himself a Republican. Caucus with the Republicans. Go nuts.
The dishonor with McCain and Lieberman was in their professed beliefs – beliefs in honorable campaigning or beliefs in a Democratic Party Platform – that they turned on in a last moment of political expediency. It will haunt their legacies as they go down standing for nothing, as shame-faced cowards who talked a good game but turned the moment it was politically advantageous.
Don’t come crying to us because we’re calling them as we see them. McCain and Lieberman deserve each other. Two big fat unpopular losers.
Yes and Yes.
gnomedad (fmr. Nixon Hailfire Palin)
It’s OK if he apologizes afterward.
Josh Hueco
Joe Lieberman didn’t campaign for Barack Obama and instead opposed him.Obama endorsed Lieberman in a difficult election against Lamont and Lieberman pays Obama back by endorsing McCain and questioning Obama’s ability to be CIC.fixt.
Heimat First
Objective Scrutator
I think that Hussein Osama is going to be campaigning quite heavily for Martin, considering that he’s going to have to satisfy the rabid TalkLefters and the rest of the Hippie hobgoblins in SOME way.
Jim Martin is far too liberal for Georgia. He will not win. It’s as simple as that.
I simply cannot understand the hatred directed at Saxby Chambliss. Democrats do not pursue the wars against Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein with sufficient vigor. Anyone who does not want to pour the entire brunt of America into making sure that Iraq, the primary recruiting station of Al Qaeda, is secure is little more than a traitor. We already got rid of the evil Saddam Hussein, who was the ringleader of Al Qaeda; now we are starting to divide and conquer in terms of isolating his mad scientist, as well. Osama bin Laden is running out of caves in which to hide.
Max Cleland was insufficiently vigorous in pursuing Osama and Hussein. The Georgia people recognized it. Jim Martin will be even more of a liberal loser, so let us pray for Saxby Chambliss and the War on Terror.
Although I don’t consider myself a leftist, le me be so for the sake of this discussion.
I for one would like the GOP to return to the party that has some integrity, which includes fiscal responsibility, conservative on foreign policy and foreign entanglements, believes in the rule of law, and in science.
Endlessley repeating the offenses of the Bush administration over the last eight years and the wankery since the republican revolution of 94′ is not necessary.
When the GOP re-invents itself into the aforementioned party, then they can have my vote.
And I would like to add that it is not good for the country to have a major party that is dysfunctional. It is needed for balance and for developing sound policy. Two things that are not within the sights of any Republicans at the current time.
Anybody else watching Pat B(Nixon lover) and Mike Paul Gop Strategist going after each other on Hardball?
If you had any doubt that the next four years were going to be brutal for the GOP, watch the 7pm repeat.
Oh and, GOP? Ignore Mike Paul, please.
Pat Buchanan knows what you need to do. Please listen to him.
I hope like everything that I’m wrong but I think Chambliss has a good shot of pulling it off. The vote was split among Chambliss, Martin, and some libertarian (I think it was someone other than Barr). I think it’s far more likely that Chambliss gets a lot more of those libertarians than Martin does. Turnout is going to be paramount. I think.
Comrade Stuck
Somebody slip some silly shrooms in with your feed, O.S.
Inquiry. Who is SH’s "mad Scientist" ? Dr Evil? Lex Luther? I’m stumped.
@Atanarjuat: Not sure why I am bothering, but – No, it is dishonorable for a duty-dodger such as Chambliss to imply that a man who lost 3 limbs in Vietnam was in league with a disgusting terrorist.
Saxby Chambliss got out of service in Vietnam due to bad knees, and yet, today, one of his favorite hobbies is running.
Did he get replacement, biotic knees?
McCain is dishonorable for supporting a man like Chambliss. When the original anti-Cleland ads were run, most Republicans rightfully dismissed them as disgusting.
Why can’t you?
@Objective Scrutator: Please don’t ban me, but Cleland ran a crappy campaign. Where were the ads calling Saxby a liar? Unfortunately Martin seems to heading down the same path. Jim Martin ran ads about the 700 billion bailout which seemed to take hold and in my opinion, now that we know there is no oversight would again. Martin could win but he has to go against president-elect Obama on the bailout and on immigration. He has to run a campaign that will encourage Saxby’s supporters to stay home. Barack’s support would not necessarily help but his get out the vote group would.
@geg6: When’s MUP coming down here? ‘Cause I can borrow grandaddy’s fiddle, if necessary.
@smiley: Voter turnouts for runoffs are really low. Baracks’s get out the vote group could help but I’m not sure that he can help. His appearance could actually help Saxby’s folks to go out. IMO. Martin has to attack.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
Yes….. yesssssss. OBL is hiding in a cave. He has a copy of the Bill of Rights tacked to the cold stone wall, and every morning it sends him into a frenzy of freedom-hating.
And Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
@JL: I agree – but I remember seeing a couple of Martin ads in which he did attack Chambliss, but not in the past week.
Michael D.
Finally, you are gertting it!!
@JL: He was a sitting senator in a state trending blue during a Republican ascendant political cycle. So he certainly didn’t have it easy, but I agree that he wouldn’t have lost his seat if he’d been a more effective campaigner.
That said, the Chambliss ads against Cleland weren’t dishonorable and disgusting because Chambliss got elected. If Chambliss had lost by a 50 point margin, he’d still be the scum of the earth for running them.
And the black turnout in Georgia has been phenomenal. If Martin takes the Senate seat, he owes Obama a huge debt. Howard Dean too. Who would have predicted, back in 2004, that this would even be a close race? The head of the DNC and the President-elected, that’s who.
@Comrade Jake:
It’s supposed to draw like a "rock band reunion tour" sort of thing…
Slimin’ and Carbuncle, ’08
Or maybe,
Great White… Smokin’ Again!
Atanaquer should really go visit Calvinists4Conservatism. They really seem to be running at his speed.
Uh… yeah, it’s just like the Hutus and the Tutsis. Except without the ethnic part. And without the machetes. Actually, a ballot-box genocide may be even more insidious than the real thing, because it’s so sneaky. That just goes to show you how fascist the Demonrat party is, amirite?
Shaggy, I understand why’d you view Saxby Chambliss as being less than honorable for running that ad you mentioned, but I must remind you of that old expression, "politics ain’t beanbag."
How Chambliss ran his previous campaign doesn’t apply to his actual service in office, which is how he should be correctly judged with regard to honor. Has Chambliss done anything truly dishonorable as a U.S. Senator. that McCain should be compelled to shun him?
Yes, I know, I know… Saxby Chambliss is a Republican, and so is John McCain, which, in the world of liberal values, makes both men automatically dishonorable. However, if we can temporarily suspend the knee-jerk partisan bias, I’d be very interested to learn just what you, or any other BJ regulars here see as Chambliss’s "dishonorable" performance or actions as a Senator.
– Country First.
@Zifnab: The reason the race is close is because of a libertarian who also ran. Jim now has to run a campaign that shows Saxby’s faults. In GA it tends to be repubs that vote in runoffs. Jim’s ads have to encourage them to stay home. Whether it be his policies for trickle down economics, the bailout or his early support for the immigration reform. If Jim doesn’t attack, Saxby’s folks will come out.
Spoof, par excellence
@Atanarjuat: Saxby hasn’t helped the State of GA though, which is why he might lose. Often folks vote for those who help grow the state they live in. Of course down here we are a tad dense.
I would think they would all share a common trait, namely being a self described conservative.
See the ads on the left side of this very page, also.
I sure hope there is a sequel to this fairy tale. It’s so exciting so far.
Do you think there will be a movie too?
Methinks we’ve had the Fox Noise channel on a bit too much.
1) Chambliss voted against the recently-passed GI bill (he has voted MULTIPLE TIMES against increased benefits for vets – such as increased funding for Tricare – as well as increased pay raises for military personnel)
2) Voted against expansion of child healthcare insurance program
3) Voted "No" for cloture to register opposition to Alberto Gonzales
4) Voted no to aid farmers needing aid in the event of an agricultural disasters (potentially big here in GA, as we have an ongoing drought)
5) Voted against federal funding for stem cell research
6) Voted to extend the Bush tax cuts
I’d write more, because there is so much more but I am going out to dinner now. Why do I bother, you will not respond to this anyway…
Now, a question for you: if you really think that David Brooks is a valid representation of conservatism, why is it that in so many of your posts here, you write things that directly contradict something recently written by Brooks? I read almost everything Brooks writes, myself.
G’night everyone.
Skippy you need to get informed, here’s your own glorious leader on this subject (about 1:20 in), amid a plethora of other falsehoods.
Country First As Long as Other Things Don’t Come First.
Doesn’t really have the same ring to it, does it?
Sour Kraut
Sometimes I wonder if leftists have fantasies about diminishing the power of the GOP to absolute zero.
Ever heard of Karl Rove’s "Permanent Republican Majority"?
reduced to the point where the only place one would find a conservative is in a museum, behind a glass case as an extinct specimen.
Rush Limbaugh fantasized on the air about doing this to liberals.
Is there truly no limit to your ignorance and projection?
Right. Silly question.
@Shaggy: Wouldn’t that be a good ad. I was very disappointed with the DNC ads that they ran for Jim. They were running ads on the UNfair tax but never really explained why it was unfair. Folks down here like bozo Boortz and they have to explain why he is an idiot.
Well, I’m one of those super-partisan liberals who actually believes that because… I learned it in the history books, where our founding fathers were a bunch of traitorous liberals rather than good, loyal, conservative fucking Tories.
Irony of ironies. The greatest engine of power diminishment for the GOP is the GOP itself. You fuckers built that museum and locked yourselves behind the glass, jaws agape and googly-eyed.
Don’t blame us for eating popcorn.
Shaggy, thank you for your considered response.
I’m sure that if you go through the records of every U.S. Senator and Congressional Representative, you’d find loads of nay or yea votes that can be used as ammunition in opposition election ads. You know the kind: voted yes 1,336 times for increasing taxes, voted no 624 times for increasing funding to our troops, etc. With that in mind, what you just listed are the usual votes that come from political jockeying used by various congressional leaders to support their own special interests.
The word "dishonorable" is VERY powerful, and the example I thought you would have given would be on par with Ted Stevens and his felony conviction, or William Jefferson who was caught with $100,00 dollars foil-wrapped in his freezer.
Instead, you provided a laundry list of items that liberals deem objectionable. That’s partisan bias, sorry.
To answer your question on David Brooks, I do indeed believe that he represents modern conservatism, but it doesn’t mean that I agree with each and every opinion or view that he’s stated.
You don’t need to me to tell you that the world is not absolutely black and white, and there are many shades of gray in between, right? If I flipped the question back to you, do you REALLY think you could provide the name of a spokesperson who well represents liberals views and whose opinions and views you agree with 100%, no if, ands, or buts?
I doubt it.
– Country First.
@Atanarjuat: There is no GOP. The GOP died during the Reagan years when he decided that deficits don’t matter. The Republican party today is a party that cares more about what does or doesn’t take place in my bedrooom than I do. They are the party of the evangelicals who want to tear up the constitution and replace it with THEIR ten commandments. May you all rest in peace.
Dennis - SGMM
McCain acted in contradiction to the Code of Conduct. He broke and he goes through life bearing the terrible burden of knowing exactly what it takes to break him. I think that can’t help but affect his actions.He is not an honorable man. He’s just an opportunistic, deluded, old shitbird.
If claiming to support our troops and then voting against the GI bill isn’t "dishonorable", then you probably have a different defination than most.
And if we are making up definations as we go, well, we may as well just start flinging shit right now.
/if you have any poo, fling it now.
And his vote on the MCA is reason enough for me to despise that wormy fuck.
Joshau Norton
And if we are making up definitions as we go, well, we may as well just start flinging shit right now.
Know what? Now some of the more desperate Repugs are trying to take credit for getting the first black president elected. It happened during Bush’s term, so he gets the props for it. Someone is gargling with the same liquid beverage John Hindraker keeps chugging.
Ah, the right wing. What doesn’t kill them only makes them crazier.
Well, the trolls convinced me. I’m off to shoot some more money to Martin’s campaign. Thanks for persuading me to do the right thing.
Atanuarat’s point is moot. I haven’t seen a real conservative in years.
Dennis - SGMM
McCain, as a veteran, collected $58,358 in disability money in 2007. That he voted against a modernized GI bill is just another reason that those who know him best call him a cocksucker.
Does anyone notice that Atanarjuat disappears when he is confronted with real questions What a troll.
Chuck Butcher
Since the current version of the GOP can’t tie its own shoes anywhere other than a narrow slice of the nation, it is reassuring to see AtaGOPer and OS bringing that same stuff forward. I certainly want to see the GOP take another beating in 2010 and possibly 2012.
That sentiment isn’t because I like one party rule, it is a simple desire to see the GOP learn a lesson. Their current mess is entirely self-induced, it isn’t the fault of liberals, leftists, the media, or anybody else. What they decide to do with themselves probably determines their future. If they continue to align themselves with hate and fear and revision of history and fact then they will reap those results.
It is nearly hilarious to see this prattle about exterminating the other party coming from GOPers. I find it annoying that people know so little about the actual history of our country, but you actually have to try know that stuff. The occurances of the last 8 years have been in front of people’s faces pretty constantly and the ability to just forget or ignore it one week after the election is astonishingly stupid. Rewriting the Iraq war to fit GWB/Cheney propaganda and lies at this date begs for mockery. Damn, if you two actually want something other than mockery then bring something to the table that has some reality. Cripes, "Hussein Obama" guarantees that every word written after is regarded in that light.
Blue Raven
Not in the USA, no. They seem to run The Economist and the Financial Times of London these days, though.
Oh, wait, they both endorsed Obama. Sorry, my bad.
JL, what exactly would you call post #53?
My version of a David Copperfield magic act, in where I’ve mysteriously disappeared even though I’ve actually answered a given question?
Seriously, JL, look into the RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) program. It’s federally funded, so you have no excuse as it’s free for the taking.
– Country First.
P.S., Haon123, Barack Obama also voted against funding our troops in the field. Now we know the reason is not because he’s "against the troops," (as he voted for funding in an alternative bill), but because that’s part and parcel of the political machinations of the Senate. The same goes for Chambliss. However, since one has a "D" after his name, and the other has an "R" instead, you instead rationalize matters and invent the "making up definitions" as a tired line of attack. Nice try, though.
@Atanarjuat: lol
Brian J
That’s bullshit. Nobody would have given him a hard time if he campaigned against Obama’s tax plan on the grounds you’d see an economist who didn’t like them would campaign against them, for instance. Instead, he chose to run a dirty, nasty campaign that used tired cliches and hysterical stereotypes fueled by rumors and innuendos. Of course, he had every right to do what he wanted, but whether or not you think he should have done so isn’t exactly the point. He wasn’t forced to do any of this any more than I was forced to order a fried appetizer at dinner the other night. He made the decision to campaign in the way that he did by himself, just as he’s choosing to support Chambliss despite what he said years ago. Either he was full of shit then, because he agreed with the ads, or he’s full of shit now, because he thinks that helping a fellow Republican is more important than sticking by his principles. At least that’s what I think. But whatever you think, let’s not pretend that he isn’t aware of what he’s doing.
Comrade Jake
All you need to remember about Atanasshat is that he guaranteed a McCain victory. Guaranteed it. He didn’t state that he thought it was possible, he guaranteed it.
Apparently he didn’t guarantee it with his honor, though, since if he did he wouldn’t be showing up here.
Brian J
Who? Where? I’d like to see this with my own eyes.
Dennis - SGMM
Obama voted against funding for the Iraq war because it failed to include a date-certain for withdrawal of American forces. McCain voted against funding American forces in Iraq because it did. Ever been shot at because your government took the good time and trouble to interject you into a civil war? I was. Sucks.
Bubblegum Tate
What does the Creation Museum have to do with this?
Yeah but see, Chambliss has had four years to redeem himself by proving that he’s…uh, well, a Republican douche. Never mind.
Well that’s a stupid thing to say, unless you mean that losing three of your limbs makes it hard to crawl around in those caves I guess.
Brian J
Maybe I am not reading that correctly, but are you saying Jim Martin has policies that support the idea of trickle-down economics?
@Dennis – SGMM: Seconded
So what you’re saying is that nothing a politician says in a campaign actually matters? None of the things they say about their opponent have to be true, and they don’t have to follow up on a single promise?
Could you explain, as succinctly as possible, why you think we ought to have campaigns in the first place? It sounds like you envision them as a lying competition in which the winner is declared to have an ethical blank slate immediately after the election and is then free to say or do whatever the hell they want. I’m not saying you’re necessarily wrong, especially after what happened in 2000, but I’m not sure how your vision of democracy is supposed to square with civic responsibility.
I didn’t need too read past comment #8.
I see that it is okay with you to ring up the daily body count. You use it as a promotion tool and find yourself sated in doing so.
The greater Atlanta area may find your stupid math and its bullshit make me feel good to live with myself attitude, okay. But the State of Georgia would want nothing to do with you.
I like it very much that you likened McCain with the word fairy. I’m sure all of Georgia is waiting to embrace you.
That if we’re reeeeeally patient, the animatronic velociraptors will eat them.
Objective Scrutator
No, I agree with you. Chambliss won the general, and Democrats do not necessarily have better organized grassroots (except in the case of Obama), as can be seen by the defeat of Prop 8. If Prop 8 failed, Martin hasn’t got a chance.
I don’t do drugs.
Osama bin Laden. Saddam Hussein was a man of science and a lover of chemical weapons, but like all men of science, he needed someone to plan the experiment; thus, Osama bin Laden.
I’m not very familiar with the GA Senate race, when you get down to the ads, but I pretty much agree with you. There’d probably be better turnout methods for Republicans besides the bailout and immigration, though. No one except Lou Dobbs fanatics are fired up about immigration, and Chambliss supports the bailout. Is Chambliss making immigration a central issue for his campaign? Because his record, while probably better than most, still isn’t anything to brag about.
I kind of want to hear Shaggy’s opinion on these things, as well.
Our colors don’t run, buddy.
The only thing they fantasize about more is the horse sex scenes in Barbara Boxer’s novels.
Sorry, I don’t buy liberal propaganda. President Bush, if he actually means what he says, needs to be slapped with a wet towel.
I think we ought to cut Chambliss’ salary for doing that, yet liberals will not want to cut Barack Obama’s salary for doing that. (Of course, we want to cut the other guy’s salary, anyways.) Liberal hypocrisy at work.
The Creation Museum is Truth. Actually, though, God hasn’t locked anything in the ‘Creation cage’ yet.
Cleland didn’t serve in the Afghanistan War (we’re talking about his Senate career), and he didn’t display that much bravery in Vietnam. He had his limbs blown off by some idiot John Kerry like soldier that threw his grenade at him, and Cleland thought he had dropped his grenade.
Comrade Reverend Stuck
@Objective Scrutator:
Of course, I should have known that. OBL ,Teh Science Guy. Why, I bet he’s cooking up something madly scientific in his cave as we speak. Maybe some kind of particle beam to thwart the fundie ride to paradise with the coming Obama Apocalypse.
This is why your our bestest spoof OS. That Atanutbag is low rent compared to your genius.
I know what we’re talking about clown, and last time I checked John Kerry never accidentally fragged one of his own soldiers. And you don’t get any license to talk about anybody’s bravery unless your punk ass was also shot at by the Viet Cong.
You say you checked on John Kerry. What exactly did you check?
He is as near a traitor to this country as one might get, by today’s standards. Benedict Arnold happened to be a great officer and commander. He just happened to make an alliance that ended up contrary to his forcast. Kerry(the living and acting piece of shit senator that he is) has never stood for anything other than himself.
Massachusetts has never been made a better place because of him. He has actually cost the MA tax payers billions with no results to be proud of.
Please, tell me what and where you read about the man. Was it in a French news paper or in a PS from the Vietnam Times.
You are a fool!!!
Your own true leader stating on camera that there was no connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda!?!?! Not to mention the findings of the 9/11 commission (which was heavily manipulated by Bush/Cheney)? Those liberals sure have a long reach.
I guess I’ll just have to believe you instead of my very own lying eyes, your facts and logic, not to mention your patriotism, have overwhelmed me.
You people need to be ridiculed, regularly, with persistence, and with no let-up. Since you don’t have any shame, I doubt it will do any good.
Objective Scrutator
Osama bin Laden is not necessarily an inventor, but rather an experimenter. And, BTW, Dispensationalism is a false theology that was created in order to make Christians apathetic about politics, in order to give the Democrats a permanent majority.
I’m not a spoof. Nor am I a genius. Praise Jesus, not me.
Then why change the subject? Why not address Cleland’s cowardice in the Senate?
Not his military record, no. That’s what the Swift Boat Veterans are for. However, I feel that it’s a legitimate question to address his bravery in the Senate. He voted for the Iraq War, but only did it as a political ploy (he admits it, too). That, in my mind, is cowardice. It insults the troops, by declaring them incompetent, and by extension, it insults America.
Edit: Words of wisdom, JWW.
I see you’re supporting the troops again in the only way you reichtards know how.
You are nothing but a whiner. You want something. Why don’t you you just suck it up and be proud of your service…
Why can’t you find within yourself to see what it is that you did. If nobody wants to kiss your ass over it, so be it.
You, your family and closest friends understand the sacrafice. As with most all of the remaining WWI, WWII, and Korean War vets, they would rather just live their lives. They have no need to boast, they don’t whine and they are no looking for handouts. They came home from war, got a job and raised the family.
Today’s vet wants disabilty from his eyes to his toes, just begging to get 30% or more. If nothing else dude, I spent 22 years in the Infanrty, to me you are everything an American man should be at some point in his life"A Vet".
Not to rag ya, but you are one of the reasons this country stands free. Your pride is your own, it never needs somebody elses approval.
Comrade Jake
Wow the nutjobs showed up strong for this thread, eh? I guess the suggestion that McCain might be something less than honorable sends them right over the edge.
Comrade Jake said:
And all you need to remember is that Comrade Jake keeps bringing up — with near-epileptic frenzy — my wrong prediction of a McCain victory.
As I said the last two (or three?) times CJ raised this matter, I conceded my error, and I most certainly allowed optimism to cloud my judgment. However, obsessive zealots like CJ simply can’t let the matter drop because they have this curious idea that conservatives are not allowed to make mistakes at any time. Otherwise, it’s, "aha! You’re soooooo wrong! Wrong, wrong, wroooooong!"
I hope, Comrade Jake, that at some point soon you’ll realize that the election is over, your side won, and you can move on. The Sore Winner routine only makes you look like the real asshat here, and you know this.
– Country First.
To you, you are a guy that left a country that never fought for its liberty. It was just born. It has never been threatened because of your neighbor. Now you reside in metro Atlanta, they do have a voice but it does not speak for the State of Georgia.
You must be aware of what gives you the right to run your mouth. I am no great fan of John McCain as president, but I do know your lack of respect for yourself is what allows you to speak of our veterans so freely.
You should watch your tongue!!!
scarshapedstar said:
Please focus.
The issue revolves around an ad that Saxby Chambliss ran during his senatorial campaign in 2002. This wasn’t about something Chambliss promised and then proceeded to renege on during his actual term of office.
As I said, politics ain’t beanbag, and I’m surprised that so many of you have yet to figure this out.
When someone in this thread can factually describe some malfeasance in office that Saxby Chambliss actually committed, which would put him on par with Ted Stevens or William Jefferson, then I’ll be more than happy to apply the appellation of "dishonorable" to both John McCain and his fellow Senator that he’s supporting, Saxby Chambliss.
– Country First.
kommrade jakevich
Somewhere in realAmerica librarians are listening to them mutter at the computers and all sharing the same thought: "Oh well, at least they’re not spanking it to goat porn."
– Country Joe & The Fish First
Objective Scrutator
I see you’re howling in anguish as Patriotic Americans across the country reaffirm their support for the troops, despite a Commie being elected to the office. I’d exorcise the demon out of you, but I’m not a pastor.
I absolutely agree. Veterans who are not currently serving us in the War on Terror should not receive funding from American taxpayers. The taxpayer is supporting the War on Terror more than the freeloading veterans are.
In a sense, though, I think the liberal community, rather than disgruntled military men, are to blame for veterans demanding handouts. Our veterans deserve pride and respect, not some anti-war dreadlocked Hippie screaming memorized Noam Chomsky screeds at them with a megaphone.
We are in greater number than you or your sockpuppets will ever be.
Obama stole the vote, anyways, with ACORN and other grassroots movements. He didn’t receive votes the traditional capitalistic way candidates should, and committed lots of obvious voting frauds that the MSM refuses to dig up.
You know what gives him the right to run his mouth? People who decided they were tired of assholes who "demanded" respect and kicked ole King George’s ass back to England.
Yeah, freedom isn’t free, and all that. But freedom means anonymous brave guys can make idle threats on the internet telling people to watch their tongues to those who can freely ignore said threats.
Post 87 ComradeJake,
I don’t see where anything in this post would even get a Lemming to follow. You just have this superimposed ego that would and maybe only could lead you to believe so. You have added nothing to the post with your comments. Your devine leader is yourself, but you rely on the courage of others.
I am an American citizen and I have a new president elect like hundreds of millions before me. It may no be who I voted for but it is not the first time. I will continue to wake each morning for the next 4 or 8 years and go to work, pay my bills and go fishing.
You get "bent" over the lack of air you are feeling, not the air your breathing.
By ANY standard, he is a man who risked death and killed for his country, and dared to come home and oppose the very war he had fought in. His thanks? To be smeared by nutjobs like you who never met a "troop" you couldn’t detest if he dared to question your favorite little war. Let me tell you and all the little right-wing jerks out there who think like you: what the man has done since he fought in the war, the fact that he’s a politician, and the ideological positions he holds that may be opposite of yours, has NOTHING to do with the service he gave to his country. The willingness of people like you to slander his service says everything about you, and nothing at all about Kerry.
Comrade Jake
Oh no, I plan to bring it up every time you show up jackass. Every single fucking time. You got it? Because you never told us what you’d provide in exchange for your guarantee. So your word is absolutely worthless, and I seriously enjoy reminding people of this. It’s a heckofa lot of fun – you should try it sometime.
-Suck On This, Asshat
That was in no way a threat, rather a term used throughout history when,"What you say, may come back t bite you". You being obviously offended by you own ignorance, should maybe go back and watch Sesame Street. As you progress, Bugs Bunny will make a definate change in your thought process.
Also, nobody said he couldn’t, "run his mouth", I just made a purely true statement. He resides in a country that allows him to do so.
So tell me, whats your point?
Comrade Reverend Stuck
@JWW: @Atanarjuat: @Objective Scrutator:
Where’s my goddamn net?
No let me tell you. You have absolutely no idea of the words you speak. You read an article or even one hundred articles of either war or of John Kerry. There is a very big difference between those who serve or have served honorably and those who served and that was all.
In a peace time as in war,"the that was all" crowd caused somebody to due twice the work or cost somebody their life.
As far as killing, a "mouse",coward becomes a killer if backed into a corner.
Without doing a web search, can you tell me why an officer carries a pistol.
Comrade Reverend Stuck
And WTF does this mean? You are not a spoof JWW. Just a tedious motherfucker who gets off on spewing out one stupid insult after another. Get a life or a brain or a heart and get back to us. You’re schtick is way past old.
Comrade Jake
If there is decent, affordable mental health care where you live, I hope that you will seek it out.
Oh, wow… I really hate seeing a good site go all to shit.
That Obama win must of really hurt something awful.
Considering the gibberish you post, color me not surprised you didn’t get my point.
John McCain is a bad man.
Simple as that.
To All Kerry Lovers,
His actions as a service member were and most likely would have always been buried in the hearts and souls of his fellow sailors. He made it an option in his life to run for the office of president. I feel that none of the persons who served with and spoke against him would have ever uttered a word if it were not the fact of the presidential run. They would have died with their secret.
That in itself should show their love of country.
OS- Saxby doesn’t seem to be a crook on the order of Jefferson and is not a felon like Stevens, but he’s just a lame senator. he hasn’t done a thing in dc besides what w has told him to. maybe he’s played golf, I dunno. now his whole campaign is based on filibustering everything.
and we atlantans may not speak for georgia, but we do make up half of it.
Comrade Reverend Stuck
No, they will die with dishonor for the lies they told to the world. Piss off asshole!
jww– glad to see you’re bringing the thread back to mccain.
Jww, OS, etc.
Handout?! Handout motherfucker! You gotta be out your ever-loving, fucked up mind. I’ve given up two shoulders, a knee, and my fucking sanity for this country and I’m only halfway through. And, I volunteered to go back. Volunteered asshole. That means I called my branch manager and said, I’m willing to go back. So fuck you and fuck you both for your condescending, halfass googled knowledge bullshit. I’ve scrubbed American Soldiers blood of my hands and face and you are the last motherfuckers to be telling me and mine that we want a fucking "handout". What we want is for our time and pain to have been fucking worth it.
Hand out? I’ll put my hand through your fucking skull like you don’t fucking matter. Shit, I’d do it it front of your family, just so they learn that dad is an asshole.
And McCain is a dishonorable, craven pile of shit. It’s Officers like him who get good men killed because they are too fucking stupid and selfish to be a real leader. Thankfully, he didn’t join the Army/ Marines, where he really could’ve done some damage.
If myiq shows up we’ll finally get the whole Set of Suck.
Eeeeuw. This thread has stinky troll slime all over it.
Much as I like making fun of the trolls every now and then, they are just getting encouraged at the moment.
I suspect it actually is time to start ingoring them for a while before every BJ thread is composed entirely of Ataramalamadingdong, nozzleboffer and Objective Screwpotato agreeing with each other, interspersed with the odd insulting rant from JWW against anyone who isn’t an American citizen who has been shot by the Viet Kong.
I love you, Cassidy.
Comrade Reverend Stuck
Thumbs up for your sacrifice Cassidy! :–)
@Tattoosydney: Oh, there’s five of them? That’s a Small Slam of Stupid, then, isn’t it?
Haven’t you met nozzleboffer?
He’s like Atanarjuat without the pithy "Nation standing at the precipice" things at the end of his posts (which at least had the benefit of being entertaining, until he ran out and started reverting to his boring "Country First")
Now that Miq1x0 has started appearing again, I’m expecting them to start mating with each other and producing baby wingnut/goat hybrids…
For example…
Blister ’em.
Comrade Baron Elmo
Is JWW actually Sarah Palin? This trail of incoherence puts me in mind of her more "creative" verbal wanderings. Let’s compare:
Well, I’m convinced. Damn, Sarah… don’t you have better things to do than spend the day pecking out this vacuous dribble? Get your fanny back in that closet and dig out the rest of those Neiman-Marcus outfits, pronto… the RNC accountants are getting damn tired of waiting.
Tattoosydney said:
You’re dead wrong, lefty. I only stopped alternating my signature with different expressions of dismay when I saw that people started to distort and ridicule my genuinely heartfelt sentiments.
Also, putting one’s country first is never "boring," unless you’re a selfish liberal, of course.
– Country First.
Comrade Jake quoted, then said:
Yes, indeed, I get that you’ve just admitted to being an obsessive stalker and a Jihadist with a Mission.
You’re unable to move on, but that’s no one’s problem but your own. I’d feel sorry for you, but you’ve willfully embraced this reflexive, unthinking behavior of being my personal parasite on BJ, for all the good that will do.
Good luck with that.
– Country First.
Actually, if I may be the uber-snotty liberal for a moment, the problem is that the ‘Country First’ is that it is insulting. The implicit charge in using the slogan is that people who disagree with you do not put country first. It is another variation on the tedious and worn-out theme that authoritarian conservatives love their country more than moderates and liberals. The appropriate response on the part of moderates and liberals is to tell people pushing that theme to fuck off.
The best discussion of the misuse of kitschy patriotism in order to support authoritarianism is by Kundera (e.g. Unbearable Lightness of Being). Since he criticizes leftist kitsch you might be able to read it and contemplate its implications without reflexively rejecting the argument. Or you could skip the heavy reading and watch a few episodes of the Colbert Report.
kommrade jakevich
Please say you’ll be selling tickets.
"Naturally the common people don’t want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country. It works the same in every country."
-Herman Goering
Hitler’s Reichmaschall
MR. Bill
North Georgia here. My insanely Republican county still went over 35% for Martin.
Chambliss has been a bad to dishonest senator. He’s flogged the "Fair Tax" nonsense, he claimed repeatedly that the Wall Street Bailout has controls on executive pay and wouldn’t go for dividend payments (not true). The ads are coming fast and thick, and are full of distortions about the nature of Martin’s votes in many years of being in the Georgia Legislature. They are pretty much boilerplate "he raised taxed x number times" "he raised his own expense account". The ads are thick on the local news (including out of Chattanooga TN), alternating between the candidates, and often repeating the ad that was shown previously. Many seem designed to turn off the voters.
And I’m just not so sure Saxby’s base is gonna turn out.
There is an ad I like "President Obama needs Jim Martin".
You need only to have registered by Oct. 6 to participate in the runoff, it’s not required that you voted in the general. And the AJC reports the Republicans in the Legislature are planning to shorten the 45day early voting period, and change the law to make a +45 percent plurality a winning total as opposed to a simple majority. To save the voter’s money….(snort).
"But after Republicans took control of the Legislature in 2004, they changed the law again to require candidates to earn more than 50 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff.
Some claim Georgia’s runoff law was intended to thin black voting strength and prevent African-American candidates who led in primaries from making it to the general election. Black front-runners in the primary won just 50 percent of runoffs when they faced white candidates between 1970 and 1986, according to “Politics in Georgia.”
Democrats signaled they would fight any proposal to change the runoff policy a third time, and party spokesman Martin Matheny urged Republicans to “represent the people’s voice” instead of tinkering with electoral law.
State Rep. Rob Teilhet, D-Smyrna, warned any change could come back to haunt the GOP.
“Every time a party tries to change the election rules to help themselves, it ends up hurting them,” he said. “We don’t need to change the runoff rule just because Saxby couldn’t get half the state to support him.”"
MR. Bill
"’My country, right or wrong’ is like saying ‘my mother, drunk or sober’"-G. K. Chesterton
docheleleschcetsts or however you spell it, only 14 days after?
duuuuuuuuude, re-read mine komph guys. you gotta wait at least 4 years so that people dont’ remember that it was your guys that caused the problem in the first place.
otherwise the returning veterans w/out health care and a future will know that your’e the one’s stripping them of any safty net and as such rightfully hang you.
i mean…A riot is an ugly thing….
MR. Bill
"Und.;.It’s time ve had vun!"
Sure, whatever. He campaigned like a nasty son of a bitch, and now he’s making ‘curious’ statements like "the minorities voted, and our folks didn’t". He has no seniority so all we really have to go on is that he votes with the rest of the Borg when he’s not slandering wounded veterans or making overtly racist appeals in a desperate attempt to avoid the prompt retirement he richly deserves.
This is defined as "honor". Very Mr. Smith goes to Washington, yeah.
Atamattaramalammadingdong says:
Xenos has responded to this in the considered way I might if I considered you were worth the effort, and would actually listen to anything I said. You won’t because you are an idiot.
I have to note though that I come from a different country – it’s the magic of the internets… I love my country very much, but I would never be as arrogant as you to suggest that its interests exclude the interests of every other country in the world.
One of the things I love most about my home is that even the conservatives here look at the mess that is the US right wing and think "What a bunch of god bothering wankers".
You deserve only to be ridiculed or ignored.
– A conservative movement with its head so far up its own ass that it can smell its rotting teeth.
You are so kind. I find that you may consider staying home.
Now that I have gotten the anger out of the way, I will elaborate.
All disability is paid by the VA. My point was they pay for any disability, being it is a loss of 20/20 vision, a minor hearing loss, my back hurts or my shoulder aches. I have met way too many vets that receive benifits that don’t actually need them. Many will go beyond the measure to reach 30%. I did not speak of any era, I spoke in general terms of those that I served with, lets say 1960 – 2002. Though of course I didn’t serve that long, I served with soldiers from that time frame.
As far as you are concerned, if your injuries condone disability, I 100% support it.
As far as putting your hand through my skull, I will give you my address.
And just so you know, good men always die in war. Yeah, maybe a decision was made. Maybe men did die. I don’t like it, you don’t like it, the country doesn’t like it. Combat is not marbles, the game of marbles past away many years ago. War has been written about since the dawn of mankind.
If you want to give Cassidy my email address, you are free to do so.
As you can see, if anything posted or responed to at this blog is worth fighting for, all the partons tend to leave quickly. They like to run off at the mouth because they can do so.
If you and I were to meet, we may square off. But I can assure you we would be drinking beer and laughing or crying by lunch. We may never meet again but it is always so in the life of the fighting man. It is that brief time together and the missions and memories shared.