It isn’t this:
She’s a great dame. People are fascinated by her because the Left hate her. I think the Left hate her — mostly women on the Left hate her — because to me from outside in it appears that she has a great sex life, all right? I think she has non-neurotic sex with that Todd Palin guy. … I think that snow mobile looks like mechanized foreplay to me and that’s why people are fascinated.
And it isn’t this:
Speaking before a roomful of academics in Chicago yesterday, U.S. News and World Report’s Michael Barone claimed that “the liberal media attacked” Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) during the presidential campaign because “she did not abort her Down syndrome baby.” “They wanted her to kill that child. … I’m talking about my media colleagues with whom I’ve worked for 35 years,” Barone said.
And we do not dislike her simply because she is a woman, or because she is from Alaska, or because some think she is attractive, or because she is a Republican, or any of those reasons. This is why he dislike Sarah Palin:
She is a moron. She is utterly unqualified to be President. Loving the baby Jeebus and not being able to string together a coherent thought and seeing Russia from your house are not, as the Republicans insist, qualifications for President.
That is why we dislike her- because we love this country.
but rich lowery says she gives him sparkles.
You’re right. Republican women should abandon this whole "seeking higher office" delusion many of them seem to be laboring under. That ambition is reserved only for women with a "D" after their names, and anyone else who meets the approval of the glorious Liberal Order.
Who can argue against that? Absolutely nobody.
– Country First.
No, Republican morons should abandon this whole "seeking higher office" delusion many seem to be laboring under.
And how are the noble defenders of Palin’s honor doing at Red State with Operation Leper? Ummm… not so well. So far they’ve been taken in by one hoax and have had to recant on one of their two non-hoax outings. It seems incompetence isn’t just limited to Republicans who are in government.
Jim Tourtelott
One has to conclude that Dennis Miller never had a brain to lose.
Rick Taylor
I’m repeating myself, but I was absolutely stunned when McCain picked Sarah Palin and so many on the right defended her as a great choice. I’d thought I was cynical up to that point, but evidently not enough.
What is it with conservatives in this country? Conservatives in England aren’t like this. I can’t imagine someone like Palin being taken seriously there, by either the right or the left. I remember my brother (who is also liberal) told me about seeing Margaret Thatcher being questioned vigorously by the parliament (where they are far ruder and more free form than here), and he said I had to hand it to her; I don’t agree with her policy, but I just couldn’t imagine Reagan standing up to that kind of questioning.
What on earth happened? Conservatism used to be synonymous with competence and stodginess (I’m remembering the Kung Fu monkey’s post here). It was the left that had all the weirdos and that were populist and wanted to bring power to the people. It was the left that stressed equality, and the right that stressed competence and experience. We just had the Republican candidate for president choose an unknown for the vp slot who couldn’t talk coherently in an interview who they ended up hiding from the press, while practically using "Joe the Plumber" as a campaign surrogate. What the hell happened?
MR. Bill
I’m still trying to wrap my head around "I think that snow mobile looks like mechanized foreplay to me "
Poor Mrs. Miller.
Well, yeah, Democratic women know how to speak fluently and to not trip up their sentences with a mish-mash of cliches.
– Grammar First
@Atanarjuat: Our resident unfunny spoof troll is still at it?
You repeat yourself.
Atanarjuat might notice that we are not ruthlessly mocking Liddy Dole or Kay Bailey Hutchinson or Susan Collins or Condi Rice or US Education Secretary Margaret Spellings or Governor Jodi Rell any of the host of other Republican high office holders. But he won’t. Instead, he’ll maintain his
sexual fetishfixation on Sarah Palin because she’s about the only female Republican high office holder taking intense criticism for being a political retard right now.You know who else has spent a great deal of time and column space bashing Sarah Palin, Atanarjuat? Your good friend David Brooks.
Worth noting that Debbie Schlussel loves her, however.
So are you with David Brooks or Debbie Schlussel on this, Atanarjuat?
lies everywhere
The two people quoted at the top of the post, do they know how insane they sound?
I thought Sarah would disappear after the election, like McCain has, but she has more visibility now than than the President Elect. There’s something seriously wrong with this. She has a powerful need of attention.
Go away, Sarah.
Comrade Jake
All you need to remember about Atanasshat is that he guaranteed a McCain victory. Guaranteed it. He didn’t state that he thought it was possible, he guaranteed it. He’s a complete joke.
@Zifnab: He, along with all true conservatives and the entire Republican party, is with William F. Buckley.
That is, dead and rotting six feet underground.
floridaguy said:
Preach on, brother!
Republican women have no business getting their hands on the levers of government, what with their pro-life, small government, and fiscally responsible ideals (as well as placing emphasis on the traditional American family first and foremost). The only ones who have the rights to get their hands on anything (including redistributed wealth) are Democrat women, men, and their allies. It’s just the natural liberal order of things, which is always axiomatically true.
– Country First.
Sarah Palin: the last Republican woman on earth.
Jesus, Camille Paglia had the same idea at Salon – that there was an anti-Palin conspiracy based on her anti-abortion politics. Huzzah – WHAT?
You mean, it has nothing to do with her sneering, arrogant speech at the RNC – her chance to introduce herself to this country which she took as an opportunity to bash community organizers? Nothing to do with the games she and her handlers played with regard to media availability, as if it were some kind of *privelege* for us to get to know more about this know-nothing? Nothing to do with the increasingly bloodthirsty crowds at her increasingly rabble-rousing speeches? Not her decision to charge women for rape kits, or her inquiries about banning books, or
The best part about this is that Palin herself seems a bit confused about what exactly her position on abortion is:
I mean, that’s the question at the heart of the abortion debate, no? Not whether I or anyone would personally counsel someone to do anything, but whether the woman or the abortion provider should end up in jail.
Gah. Anyway, I dislike Palin not because of her crappy interview or her hot husband or because of her educational background or even because of her abortion politics. Or her red baiting. I dislike her because if Bill Kristol thinks she’s the bees knees, she is automatically a minion of the Dark Harbinger of Wickedness.
Women on the Left don’t like her because she might have a great sex life? I have no words at the moment.
Comrade Jake
I used to like Dennis Miller, back before I realized how much of a right-wing douchebag he could be. What the heck happened to that guy? What’s he left with at this point, a radio show and the occasional appearance on right-wing teevee?
@Atanarjuat: Answer the question, Atanarjuat. Are you with David Brooks or Debbie Schlussel? Own up. Come out. Say it loud and proud. Either you think Palin is the future of the party (like Debbie) or you accept that Sarah is the cancer that is killing
/b/the GOP. We desperately want to hear your opinion.Dennis - SGMM
Reposted from a couple of threads ago:
An excerpt from Christine Todd Whitman’s WaPo editorial "Free the GOP."
Look for Red State to light up like a pinball machine.
I can’t get over how ridiculous the cries of "Sexism" are.
Uhm, where were you people when Lilly Ledbetter was trying to get paid equally with her male coworkers? Or when Jamie Leigh Jones was being held captive in a storage container in Iraq by her employer after being brutally raped?
But someone implies that Princess Palin is possibly not the most qualified to be second in line for the presidency and suddenly you’re all "Rights for Women!"
It’s the ultimate sexism, you apparently think women are so stupid that we won’t notice your hypocrisy.
MR. Bill
Petition for Sarah Palin
Dear Governor Palin,
We the undersigned implore you to remain in Alaska (where your national security credentials are required to repel a Soviet invasion) and stop giving media interviews and press conferences.
Maybe you missed what was going outside your small circle of adoring fans but you and your team were soundly defeated in the 2008 election. Sensible citizens rejected your fear mongering, divisiveness, guilt by association and rambling incoherence in favor of an articulate leader whose vision has brought millions of people together from all walks of life.
Governor Palin, you had your 15 minutes of fame, and now they’re thankfully over. America has far more important things to do than listen to you right now. If, in the future, the war against terror or another political, economic, social or environmental meltdown demands the best mooseburger recipe, rest assured we will call you at 3:00 am (EST).
Until then, however, the best way to serve this nation you love so well is to just shut up. Enough already.
The Undersigned
The GOP comes up with nonsense to explain why moderates and liberals don’t like Palin, because she is indefensible.
She was the first modern V.P. candidate to not take a press conference. There are numerous interviews that show she has no idea what’s going on.
Idiots like Dennis Miller have to manufacture reasons that Liberals don’t like Palin because he has no response to legitimate questions regarding her fitness for office.
Even McCain’s advisers and supporters admitted she was not capable of leading. Seriously, what else can the GOP do but beat up on imaginary liberal strawmen?
Damn right!
Enjoy teh Obama socialism!
– Democrats First
Well said, Zif LOL!!
Although the Liddy did deserve mocking because of that hideous ad she put out, but karma took care of her and we got to see it.
So do these words actually mean anything anymore?
Dennis - SGMM
Isn’t speculating about Palin’s sex life kind of um, sexist?
I hope she is the Rep. candidate in ’12. She will single handedly sink that party to minority status for 20 years.
Zifnab said:
That’s true, Zifnab.
Liberals have only ruthlessly mocked Dole and Rice, for example, when they’ve been a threat to the natural liberal order of things. Such impudence from Republican women simply cannot be tolerated, and must be scorned and suppressed at every opportunity, else conservatives who happen to be female might get the bizarre notion that they, too, should have an important voice in government.
The very impertinence of these Republican women is astounding, Zifnab. You’re absolutely right.
– Country First.
Comrade Darkness
I learned something from this post. Republicans have serious machine fetishes! Imagine that. I mean, I’ve seen the prons with sex on a red convertible and al but snowmobile "foreplay"… wow. Yeah, baby, slip into this bulky outerwear so I can’t even tell what gender you are anymore … oh yeah, that’s the stuff…
@Rick Taylor: One of the things I love most about the parliamentary system is that the Prime Minister needs to stand up in front of the opposition and submit to unfriendly questioning every time he or she wants something done. And FSM help the politician who can’t think on their feet – they get roasted alive, not only by the opposition, but by their own party members.
Josh Hueco
@Comrade Jake:
Dennis Miller’s always been a douchebag. It’s just been within the past few years that he’s revealed his politics that make you think he’s just now becoming a douchebag.
John, her being a moron is only part of it. We also dislike her because she dislikes us and believes we aren’t real Americans. And then there’s the way she was whipping up her followers into frenzied hatred against Obama by essentially telling them he was an Al Qaeda mole — something which will be causing us problems for some time to come.
South of I-10
I guess it was O’Reilly that Mr. South of I-10 was watching a couple of nights ago. He told me what Miller said and I paraphrased on one of the open threads. Miller is a freaking idiot. As I said in that thread, can’t I just not like her because I disagree with her policies and find that she is hard pressed to put an intelligent thought together? It has to be because I am jealous of her fabulous sex life?
Rick Taylor
Way to go avoiding addressing any of the arguments made and calling "sexism"instead; I thought it was liberals who were supposed to do that? It’s funny how many things have been turned upside down. But people (not just liberals) have plenty of reason to question Palin as a choice for the Vice Presidency that have nothing to do with her being a woman.
Just to take one example, I was very surprised when Sarah Palin used the proximity of Alaska to Russia as support for her qualifications to be vice president (and possibly president). But ok, everyone makes gaffes, they stick their foot in their mouths. But then she wast interviewed and asked specifically about her comment, when she knew that question must have been coming, and she repeated it completely seriously, blathering on about Russia and Alaska having a maritime border and Putin flying to Alaskan airspace when he enters the country, saying it all with a straight face as though that was relevant to her qualifications for being in a position where she might very well become the most powerful person on the planet. I couldn’t believe it.
Now I will not join John in calling her a moron; if a presidential candidate asked me to be their VP candidate and in a fit of madness I accepted, I’d certainly make a fool of myself. But then I have no business running for that office. Sarah Palin was obviously utterly criminally unprepared for the office she was pursuing, and the fact that this seriously debated given the various videos and interviews is somewhat stunning to me. Perhaps I missed it, but outside of prepared addresses and talks to supporters, I don’t remember any point where she took part in a challenging exchange and gave evidence she was the least bit qualified for the position she was seeking. And if you believe she actually was competent then you should be mad as hell at McCain at his staff, because they very quickly yanked her from the spot light, not having her give press conferences and generally trying to keep her away from the press as though she was radioactive, thus depriving her of any chance of proving the interviews we saw were some amazing fluke.
Not entirely true. I ruthlessly mock Liddy "Godless" Dole every chance I get.
Wait, are you saying that liberals only criticized Dole and Rice when they disagreed on an issue. As opposed to… what exactly? You expected liberals to praise Dole and Rice for acting more conservative? That’s a strange standard, because I’ve never seen conservatives praising Hillary or Pelosi for pushing a liberal agenda? It’s almost as though liberals are criticizing conservatives on ISSUES and sexism has nothing to do with it.
And you still haven’t answered my question. Are you with David Brooks or Debbie Schlussel on Palin’s political future? Come on, don’t be coy.
She’s a mean-spirited, partisan bible-thumper. But I’d still take her as VP over Princess Palin any day.
As a long time feminist and a proud vagina-american I would like ask you to please stop talking about sexism.
(See how nice I asked, I’m being all mannerly and feminine.)
Comrade Darkness
31 years of demonizing crap against H Clinton (is less than) 3 months of demonizing crap agasint S Palin.
No double standards here. Nope.
Atanarjuat – but do you have anything serious to _contribute_ to this conversation?
@jakester: Actually that’s pretty much standard across the entire pro-life movement.
They realize that the idea of sending women to prison for a medical procedure, is either barbaric or a sure political loser. Or both.
Which is why I don’t take anti-abortions folks at their word. I don’t think that they really think that abortion is murder. I think they just can’t understand why someone would choose to not have a "bundle of joy"
Comment FAIL.
28 Percent
Thank you Atanarajute (if that is your real name) for speaking TRUTH to POWER like the LIEBERALS say. They do not like people they disagree with that is what makes them different from us. They all make fun of Sarah Palin and they say it is not because she likes sex and they are all frigid little spinsters who can not get a man, but that is probably true. It is also because she had a Down Syndrome baby which is what responsible is not like these liberal sluts who think sex is for RECREATION it is not it is for PROCREATION. They will say turnabout is fair play and for every "helmet hair Dole" and "Bible Spice" joke there is a "HRC meal deal" joke too but that is just a ruse. They support HRC anyway in spite of the fact that she does not have great legs like Sarah Palin (that is why the pantsuits heh) just because she agrees with them but they do not support Palin and Rice and Dole even though there own "identity politics" say that they should support all women no matter if they are not qualified because they are women which is stupid and it goes to show you how stupid LIEBERALS are for believeing it but they do not act on it and support Sarah Palin which just goes to show you they are HYPOCRITES for not acting on they’re convictions. They say they do not believe it but that just shows how much they lie.
Imagining SP’s sex life –
"Oh, yes, Todd, that’s nice, right there, also!"
Juan del Llano
"Dislike" is much too mild.
She tells lie after lie without remorse and can’t put a single coherent sentence together. She talks about God without the slightest humbleness or sense of individual experience of spirituality, only as a way to coerce behavior. She’s greedy and self-serving. She has no self-awareness. And worst of all, she has no respect for Nature.
She’s a very incomplete human being, in other words, and it’s just those kinds of people who commit the most horrendous crimes.
Dennis - SGMM
You betcha’
you betcha’
you betcha’
you betcha’
you betcha’
you betcha’
you betcha’
As the former president of my HS’s Pro Life organization I have to tell you that most of the pro lifers really do believe that abortion is murder. Catholics especially are taught that life begins at conception.
For most pro lifers the issue of a woman’s rights has been completely obfuscated by the concept of destroying a life. Nevermind that the life in question will have to spend 9 months leeching off another life form and possibly destroying it in the process.
I am sure that they all have their own motivations, but having been a former true believer the honest truth is a lot of them just don’t have the whole story and aren’t interested in finding it out.
remind me again, which party has far more than its share of men who have secret sex lives, mainly with anonymous other men in public restrooms or with gay men they met while cruising gay sex hookup sites?
which party is dominated by those who see sex as shameful?
I have never once ever though about Palin’s sex life. Ever. I wish Republicans would quit projecting their masturbatory fantasies on others.
Rick Taylor
One last point. The people who’ve been cruelest to Palin are not liberals. The stories about her wardrobe, about her not knowing Africa wasn’t a country and the like were not leaked by liberals. These were leaked by people in McCain’s election staff. Liberals are joining in pointing and laughing, but they’re not the source. At this point I don’t how many of these recent stories are true and I don’t care one bit, my opinions about her fitness for office were not based upon them, and besides the election is over. I do find the way some on McCain’s staff have turned on her to be distasteful; my attitude is you folk selected her to be vice president so anything you say bad about her reflects doubly on you.
Dennis FTW
I dislike her because she so painfully reveals the ignorance that permeates the American population.
Rick Taylor said:
You’re right, Rick. It is stunning that a Republican woman should have been permitted anywhere near a microphone or camera to get her conservative views out to the public. It’s simply perverse — an abomination to decency and the natural order of things.
Zifnab, you’re getting obsessive like Jihad Jake. Calm down, please.
I’ve already agreed with the great BJ masses here that Republican women like Governor Sarah Palin should have their hands slapped away if they should so much as dare to reach for the levers of top-level government. As for Brooks and Schlussel, I’ve already said that I don’t agree with everything the former says, and I’ve repeated stated that the latter is a fringe nutjob. I suspect this won’t satisfy you, but you’ll just have to satisfy yourself with this response because I fear I’d only be encouraging this OCD behavior that I see emerging from you.
Shinobi, you’re a liberal woman, so of course you don’t have to be "mannerly and feminine." That’s the exclusive realm for conservative women, who should not dare speak with a voice much louder than a meek, "yes, master," else they suffer a similar beatdown currently being administered to Sarah Palin (and deservedly so, as liberals here believe and have argued for).
– Country First.
gotta hand it to Atanarjuat, he can pummel a strawman like nobody else can.
South of I-10
12 years of Catholic school here. You are totally correct. A candidate who supports the pro-life position trumps all. I would have a lot more respect for the pro-life position if they were also pro birth control, but as we are all aware, that is not generally the case. Create as many little Catholics as possible, which I believe to be completely irresponsible. It is also my humble opinion that once the kids are born, they couldn’t care less what happens to them.
28 Percent
Atanarjute I thought you were a conservative but now I see you are just a RINO if you think that Debbie Schlussel is a "fringe nutjob" maybe you think she should not have a voice and is not a good representative of the conservative but that just shows how much you are not a REAL CONSERVATIVE and REAL AMERICAN. Debbie Schlussel is a STRONG WOMAN and a VOICE FOR ISRAEL like Pam Osry both are GREAT AMERICANS. Maybe you think you can dismiss them just because you do not like the TRUTH they say but that just shows that you are no better than the LIEBERALS and DEMONOCRATS you pretend to be better than them.
what gets me about these pro-life Catholics, is how few of them are as stridently anti-war.
Nominally, the Church is as much against unjust wars (like Iraq) as it is against abortion.
Yet abortion gets far more attention. You will NEVER hear of a priest denying communion to a pro-Iraq-war politician but there are numerous instances of Democratic pols like Kerry (or their voters) who were either denied communion or were strongly warned against taking communion.
If abortion is murder, so is the killing of innocents in an unjust war.
If support for abortion rights makes one an accomplice to murder, what about support for an unjust war?
It all comes back to sex and shame, in the end. (ha ha, I know what you are thinking) Abortion is much worse than the killing in an unjust war, because of the possibility that abortion results from two people having sex because it feels good. And the idea of having sex because it’s fun really gets the god-botherers’ knickers in a twist.
The Other Steve
Why are the Women Republicans try to put up as their standard bearers all insane?
Katherine Harris
Michelle Bachmann
Sarah Palin
I love how Atanarjuat accuses anyone who points out the insanity of their statements as a mysogynist.
And just for the record I’m opposed to Palin because I’m a racist anti-semitic, not because I hate women even though I do.
Whatever happened to Dennis Miller? He used to poke holes on both sides’ pomposity and stupidity. Read his first Rants book: he mocked Rush Limbaugh. Now, he tries to be Rush Limbaugh. Now he defends the stupidity of the GOP at his cost of his soul. Dennis, my man, your ass used to be beautiful… :(
The Other Steve
Isn’t it true that you just think Schlussel is a fringe notjob because you hate strong women?
So you don’t agree that Palin is a problem for the GOP, but you think Debbie is a nutjob – a nutjob who just happens to be a rabid Palin supporter.
Perhaps I’m a little lost, because the guy you don’t agree with on everything – David Brooks – seems to fit your definition of a sexist. And the woman you do agree with – Debbie Schlussel – you distance yourself from by calling her a wacko.
I also haven’t seen you come up with any particularly strong defenses of Sarah Palin. You haven’t stressed her foreign policy experience. You can’t name any of her policy proposals that you support. You don’t have anything positive to say about the woman. All you can do is chant "sexism" "sexism" "sexism" in the face of anyone that mocks her for her rather pathetic public displays.
I suspect you do agree with David Brooks. You secretly want Sarah Palin to go away. She’s an embarrassment to you and you know it. You just can’t admit it, because then your friends down at Red State or Free Republican or Powerline or wherever will tar and feather you for the heretic you appear to be. I feel sorry for you. It must be like joining the KKK only to find out your Grand Dragon is a drunken hillbilly. You can’t show your disgust for the leadership, or your own brethren will tear you apart. But you’ve got absolutely nothing nice to say about the people you’ve accepted as your superiors.
What a sad, sad world to live in.
You forgot the "Clown Shoes" tag for this one.
This is apeshit knucklehead.
Laura W
@garyb50: Bingo.
This sums up my feelings about her very succinctly and also express my greatest fear about this country. If I dwell on it, I get too anxious. At the very least, McFailin’ did not win. The number of votes they garnered makes me sad enough. And frightened enough.
Comrade Darkness
Since the thread has turned to the "plight" of the women in power. I’ll link to this nice summary of Freshman (Freshmyn?) women in congress in 2009.
I think this list demonstrates part of the problem. Notice anything? Like only one R on the list… If the republicans want qualified women then can nominate/recruit for the highest office in the land, they are going to have to work harder on their minor league recruiting.
Amongst Governors, republican women are a little better represented. (3 out of 9)
Here’s existing senatorial women (is that a term?) Although, cross Dole off and put a Dem in her place, and add Shaheen to the list as well under Dem. I’d say Dole dished out the demonizing in that race, but I’m biased. The stench of desperation does not help a campaign, no matter how it’s expressed. (With corrections that’s 4 republicans out of 17, and that’s giving Snowe the benefit of the doubt…)
So, yeah, the Republicans are All About Women. I don’t know how I missed it.
You know, on this point I kindof agree with you. Women who try to be part of the conservative establishment have it rough. Many of them, especially the pundits actually end up going out of their way to talk about how dumb women or feminists are so that they will be accepted by the "old boys club" that is conservativism.
However they are the ones who choose to try to be part of that establishment. They choose a party which does not value them for their ideas, and they choose a party which often fights to limit their rights and retard progress towards equality.
They made that choice.
But lets be very clear here, the sexism is coming from within the republican party.
Only republicans would see sexism in any attempt to criticise their perfect Princess Palin. Liberals know that you can have debate and evaluate qualifications of anyone, even if they have a vagina, as long as you apply the same standards to everyone.
Republicans are the ones saying we are sexist for holding Palin to a standard. And that is just another reminder that they are the sexist ones.
Don McArthur
She was selected by the GOP solely on the basis of the purity of her birth canal. The Republican Party is morphing into a Fundamentalist Christian organization with dreams of installing their own Ayatollahs of Socially Approved Behavior in every neighborhood. Thus they cement failure in their future.
Laura W
Can’t recall specifics but the Prop 8 debate was on cable the other day with each side represented. Quickly it got down to: "The purpose of marriage in society is to procreate."
Someone with a brain asked, then, if older people past childbearing age should not be allowed to marry, or how about some of us godless freaks who simply have no desire to bear or raise children?
I wonder how they are processing the second pregnancy of the transgender man?
Just tried to watch the ABC interview with Ayers and had to cut away. The freaking "interviewer" started to channel the McFailin’ endless loop "close friends" "hosting coffee cake in your house" "launching his campaign" despite all attempts by Ayers to answer questions clearly, coherently, and in full. Including his positions against the multiple wars of the last decades. I need to get away from all the stoopid toxins floating around this planet for a while, specifically on tee vee and internets.
The Other Steve said:
Hating strong women CONSERVATIVE women, you mean? That would make me a liberal, right?
I need to learn all the ins and outs of this whole liberalism thing, as it’s my ardent desire to become a member in good standing on BJ and other other progressive venues.
– A Country for Liberals Only.
So you liked Sarah Palin until you saw the CBS interview?
Admit it, you’re just afraid of candidates with scary lady parts.
Okay, how many No IQ sock puppets is this place going to be inundated with? First we get Atanutzoid, then Scrotinous Obscurator (or whateverthefuck it calls itself) crops up, and now 28% chimes in, first applauding, then attacking Atanutzoid in this thread. Seriously dude – the meds help if only you give them a chance.
C’mon Zif, you know how this works. In the Republican caricature, Democrats elected Obama because our "identity politics" clouded our judgment, utterly compelling us to choose a black man for president. Those same "identity politics" should have allowed Palin’s presence in the veep slot to negate the power that is Obama’s awesome blackitude turning us into an empty, powerless puddle of not knowing which oppressed minority should get handed the kings to the kingdom against the interests of erratic, cancerous 72-year old white men everywhere. The puddling would, of course, allow the old white guys to stay on top. It didn’t play out that way, which can only mean that Democrats aren’t playing fair (and never, ever that the Mighty Wurlitzer has been completely misrepresenting liberalism for at least the last twenty years).
So John puts up a post saying "we don’t like Palin, and the reason we don’t like her is that we judge her by her ideas" and Atanarjuat steams back "oh, I see, I see what’s really going on! You don’t like her for her ideas! How dare you not like her for her ideas!" And the comments are full of people hoping she keeps on getting in front of a mic for the pure comedy gold, to which Atanarjuat responds with accusations that we want to shut her up.
All of which brings me to the point that advising Atanarjuat to seek psychiatric help wouldn’t be a slam against his politics, it would be a sincere expression of concern for his mental and emotional well-being. Because, dude, anybody who is divorced enough from reality to react the way he does could probably benefit from Lithium. Just sayin’
Oh, speak of the devil…. no sooner does my post show up than the original bad actor arrives.
Really, the blog can do better than barking about a losing VP candidate (figures who, in the past, have been almost completely and correctly ignored) who is getting attention mainly because we have had some slow news days …
And better than carrying on a "conversation" with a not very inventive and drearily repetitive spoof troll …
And better than hand-wringing over "all those votes that this moron got and how much that scares me" ……
Palin is not the future of the GOP, and if she is, then we win.
Atan is a spoof.
The way you defeat the morons, as we have been saying for years in here, is by outnumbering them at the polls on election day. Which we have been shown, rather dramatically, how to do. By experts.
Now we can go on to more important topics, such as pet photos, the wine preferences of people who guzzle the stuff, and the ultimate timewaster, computer games.
Doug H. (Comrade Fausto no more)
You refuse to admit you’re a racist Republican ratfucker, so why should we do you any favors?
Fantastic! The PUMA king is back.
The Dense & Venally Offensive Svensker
It wasn’t bad enough having Atanwharfrat stinking up the place with non sequiturs. No! Now we got OncehadsomeIQ talking about goat sexual organs. It is to cry.
Evidently not. Cole has another obsession. Maybe he can work through this one faster than the last (HRC).
Good one. Thank you.
Only the Amazons.
But anyway, admit it, you are just afraid that you won’t have anything to be a butthead about for four years. Probably eight.
Cheers to that.
Yeah, Miller used to be an equal-opportunity prick. Watching him become just another shameless rightwing hack has been incredibly depressing. Back in the 90s he would have fucking flayed O’Reilly and Hannity in his rants – and not because they’re conservative, but because they’re dimwitted, dishonest assholes. Now he cheerfully tongues their balls so he can keep his flatlined TV career on life support. Sad.
Attanutjar: go big or go home. 28% is laying a spoof beat-down on you in this thread.
chrome agnomen
i frankly have to say that i hope palin never goes away. so many advantages to satire writers. insures the eminent mockability of the right side. prevents coherent conservative ideas, (if any), from ever gaining much audience. guarantees continued leg spasms to lowry, miller, atanarjuat, 28%, etc. gives liberal ideas increased weight and relevance if by no other measure than contrast to a vacuum.
side issue: is anyone actually governing the great welfare state of alaska now? seems like diva sarah is on extended hiatus.
Yeah. That pretty much nails it.
I am amazed at the degree to which Palin energizes the intellectually lazy. I have heard a couple of women supporters say that they loved Palin, and that it didn’t matter that she didn’t know stuff because "she would have advisors who could tell her what she needed to know."
jenniebee said:
Jenniebee, I’m actually agreeing that Governor Sarah Palin has no business getting in front of any microphone, much less seeking higher office, as she is a Republican woman. Had Palin been a Democrat, then she would deserve every opportunity to fulfill any political ambition within her grasp.
And this also addresses the points raised by others above: why the lack of many Republican women in higher office? Because it goes against the natural liberal order of things, that’s why. Being pro-life, pro-small government, pro-traditional family, and so on is a platform for failure and deserving of endless ridicule. Liberals rightfully administer the public drubbing these Republican women have earned for having the shameless temerity to be anything other than a Democrat running for office.
– A Country Without Conservatives is the Correct Choice.
Conservatives have only ruthlessly mocked Obama, for example, because he’s a threat to the natural conservative order of things. Such impudence from Democratic blacks simply cannot be tolerated and must be scorned and suppressed at every opportunity, else liberals who happen to be black might get the bizarre notion that they, too, should have an important voice in government.
Hey, battling strawmen sure is fun!
John Cole
This post really is not about Palin, but the idiots who keep promoting her and defending her. That is kinda why the post started with two quotes from idiots.
Palin is done as a national figure, I think. The idiots who put her in that place are the problem. Palin is a symptom of the sickness, not the cause.
that’s what they said about Bush 8 years ago, and look how well that turned out.
This is just one of the areas where Republicans believe their own press releases to their own detriment. Liberals have been, for decades now, consciously mentoring women and racial minorities because we recognize that mentoring within career tracks was already entrenched for white males, and that without taking steps to nurture female and non-white talent in the same way that white male talent has been nurtured, it’s unlikely that females and non-whites are really going to rise as far as hard work and ability could take them. There is a social network component to success, and that’s what liberal affirmative-action has really been about addressing: putting a social network in place that is open to all people, to replace the entrenched network that catered only to white men.
Republicans mocked it as "tokenism" and "identity politics." They argued that it was insulting and that it was promoting unqualified people into jobs over more qualified people who didn’t meet the gender/race profile. And they would have had a point, if liberals had really been doing what Republicans were insisting that we were doing. But we weren’t, and their accusations to the contrary didn’t make it so.
Now they face a changing demographic, one in which being the party of Father Knows Best hegemony is no longer an asset, so they’re responding by doing what they falsely accused Democrats of doing all along. They’re indulging in insulting tokenism. It didn’t work, and they’re throwing a fit and blaming everybody else for their failure to look ahead and see that full equality for all Americans is an inevitability. That conclusion was reachable both by a reasoned study of history and by a moral inquiry, but both their heads and their morals utterly failed them on this point.
Sucks to be them.
@TheHatOnMyCat: Well, the group of us who canvassed for Obama in our County is meeting this Saturday for a Potluck .
Our plans are to stay in contact and work for local candidates to keep local awareness of Obama’s influence in people’s mind. The local candidates here, in our very red County, swept the local offices and were VERY appreciative of our efforts.
Rick Taylor
Thanks for responding to my arguments by completely ignoring them, putting words in my mouth, and replying with sarcasm and ad hominem attacks. It frees me up to ignore you.
I think we would hear a lot less about Palin, if she would just shut up and go away and if her defenders would also shut up about her.
the woman is clearly an empty (Neiman-Marcus) suit. Nothing could be plainer, and nothing could more plainly illustrate the intellectual bankruptcy of the right-wing than their insistence on defending her.
The Democratic party would NEVER put forward a candidate like Palin. The GOP does this regularly. Quayle, Bush, Palin, JD Hayworth, Inhofe, on and on goes the parade of prominent GOP know-nothings.
Doug H. (Comrade Fausto no more)
I wish it were that easy.
You were an interesting troll when you’d actually mix it up with people. Now you just toss out boring drive-bys and then run back to the hermetically-sealed Puma Palace, where you can delete comments from anyone disagrees with you. Sad, really.
Functional morons (closed loop intellect lacking curiosity)
are electable, if they APPEAR intelligent, whether they are likeable or not to sectors of the population who have analytical skills.(see George W. Bush)
@Comrade Darkness: I don’t understand your crack about Olympia Snowe. Are you saying that her gender is in question (which is shameful, if true) or that her party affiliation is unclear (which is accurate…oddly, even in non-election years).
We can hope.
I see her as an Alaskan figure and a perpetual talking head on the cableblatherrhea shows.
She will be the queen of the juicy malaprop and showy non sequitur.
Over time a collection of her isms will outprice the book of George W. Bush’s tongue-tanglers.
I can think of few things more sexist than the notion that a woman is above criticism, because she’s a woman.
Barack Obama won the election because he was the best candidate and ran a brilliant, tightly-organized campaign. Being a black man was certainly a plus, but if Barack had been a woman instead, we’d be talking about the first female president instead of the first black president.
Brian J
I think a lot of people who aren’t really hostile to her but do not really support the Republicans, like one of my bosses who voted for McCain, don’t get that the reason we don’t like people like Palin and Joe the Plumber is that they say ridiculous, offensive things. It’s not that they believe in some conservative ideals or that they are merely speaking up, if a bit inarticulately. It’s that that they are acting like fools and expect to be taken seriously because of it.
Why does anyone engage that Atanarjuat asshat? Let him build his strawmen and stamp his little feet in frustration when he’s ignored. Don’t feed the fucking trolls, especially incredibly stupid ones.
Comrade Kevin
@South of I-10:
Every sperm is sacred,
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.
Shhhhh. This little secret is what keeps our resident sexism fans all fired up and ready to go and feeding us those straight lines.
All fixed
Conservatively Liberal
Hey Atanarjuat! Sarah Palin.
Atta boy! Think snow machine! Go for the gusto!
Although some have argued otherwise, it is actually pretty good at being a troll.
Palin is done. There just isn’t anything more to talk about on the subject. Even the fact that the press keep going back to her is unimportant. If it wasn’t her, it would be something else.
But the troll is pretty good at engaging in rhetorical abuse. It adds flavor to an otherwise dull thread. Some of those posts are troll poetry.
Well, yes, it’s not unusual for Liberals to, you know, vote for fellow liberals instead of for conservatives. Why that’s fundamentally unfair, or how that equates to thinking that conservatives "have no business getting in front of a microphone" is frankly mystifying, but if you want to explain it to us, I’m sure we’ll all find it mildly entertaining. Also, if you would like to riff about how inviting you to explain an absurd position is really an attempt to muffle you for your views, I’m sure we’d all enjoy that as well.
I’m sure that had Palin been a Democratic politician she’d have had every opportunity to run for whatever was "within her grasp," but it should be noted that we generally have somewhat higher, ahem, standards as regards to a grasp of the issues they’ll be making decisions regarding for our representatives, male or female, than Republicans seem to. But because those expectations of knowledgeability and competence in our public officials, are an intrinsic part of our liberal beliefs, I’m sure that if Sarah Palin was a liberal she’d have believed as well that if she was going to run for veep, she’d better know something about the job. I wouldn’t hire a vb developer who didn’t know anything about objects or classes just because he said he believed in good code; I don’t see why I should vote for a president or veep who doesn’t know the first thing about international economics just because he or she says that she’s for "small government."
Democrats get our share of zipper problems and we’ve had our share of other problems too, but so far we’ve never had a veep who couldn’t spell potato, or a candidate who thought that living in Alaska was foreign policy cred. That’s a pretty low threshold, and it’s one that Republicans can’t even meet. You have my sincere pity.
I should add that there seem to be a number of old-hands at the intertubz here. Most of the regular posters would seem to know better than to feed the troll, if they wanted to.
A huge chunk of politically active Democrats came out of the 1968 through 1972 period working on the McCarthy/Kennedy/McGovern campaigns and they have more or less dominated the ranks of the party in so many ways since then and I suspect that this election will have the same impact going forward, with the exception that this election my have occured at an upswing for the Dems whereas the 68-72 period was the first shots of a long retreat by the Dems.
Rick Taylor said:
What ad hominem attacks, Rick? I’ve been agreeing with you and everyone else that the Republican woman, Sarah Palin, had no business campaigning for anything on the national stage, and all her conservative views and proposals are ridiculous and stupid.
Or, as Mr. Cole put it at the very top of this page, she is a moron.
I couldn’t be any clearer or in more agreement than that. My apologies that you’ve taken me the wrong way otherwise.
– A Country Bereft of Conservatives Would Be Ideal
Brick Oven Bill
In my experience with women, young ones want families. As they get older, they seek security. These desires can be either conscious or unconscious.
I believe that Sarah Palin was conscious of these desires and, because of her good looks and charm, was able to attract a good man and have a large family. This family is the basis of her security, as she will continue with her life. She knows all of this and is thus comfortable in her skin.
Liberal women in general and opinion-shaper women in particular, tend to deny their desires for family and security. This comes back to bite them, as many times, when the denial ends, it is too late to do anything about it. They get frustrated and tend to lash out at women who have lived successful lives, like Sarah Palin.
This is my take on a large part of the vitriol, especially on the part of older Democratic females. I think Palin is better off-teleprompter than Obama, although neither is Presidential.
Conservatively Liberal
myiq3.14159, I mean GoatBoy! Time for another racist ratfucker drive by? Are you already out of goats and looking for more?You horny little devil, I mean goatfucker.
Mikey the GoatBoy sure luvs coming over here for his cheap thrills. Wassamatter? SewerDaughter not coughing it up for ya so you need to roam for your abuse fix? Go visit Atanarjuat, I think he needs a hand and you are just the kind of perv to offer one. Maybe he has a few goats he can share with you.
See, I like that title because its a basic admission that conservatives don’t hold a strong sway in American politics anymore. Even in his bile, Atanarjuat spits up a little bit of truth.
jenniebee said:
There’s nothing to pity me for, jenniebee. I not only agree with all you’ve said, but I’m heartened to learn that Democrats have a very high standard for their politicians. It is indeed pitiable that Republicans have such a low standard, on the other hand, as the party is full of crackpots and morons. In other words, they are not liberal, and there’s no hope for those who embrace values that run counter to what Democrats and liberals espouse.
How can any decent person contradict such a self-evident truth? Only an indecent person could, that’s who.
– A Country Liberated by Liberalism
Please give us some warning when you’re going to make statements like this. I now have to clean the salad off of my keyboard and monitor.
But I really did appreciate the laugh. It’s always fun to listen to some guy pontificate on what women really want. You’ve done about as well as Freud did.
Josh Hueco
@Brick Oven Bill:
Shorter BOB: Educated, working women are too ugly and hairy to get laid and that’s why they hate men and children.
The Moar You Know
More 28% plz (moar liek 20% amirite?)
Watching Sarah Palin milk the last few drops of her fifteen minutes has been entertaining, to be sure, but I am concerned that the GOP celebrity machine doesn’t seem to have anyone lined up to take her place once the American public’s attention span expires. Haven’t they learned anything from Hollywood? You gotta have:
1. Starlet getting "groomed" (casting couch)
2. Star on red carpet (Miley Cyrus)
3. Has-been star getting kicked out of helicopter over ocean (Paris Hilton, Brotney Spears)
Miley is moving at world-record speed from stage 2 to 3, anyone else notice that? Maybe it’s her creep dad.
Anyway, the Miley Cyrus of the GOP, Sarah Palin, is almost done with her stint on stage – but who is going to replace her? I don’t see any up-and-comers and this is a real problem for the GOP.
OT, but I think that Obama and his team are handling the transition perfectly. They are saying so little, and yet, all these trial ballons are going out to the press and getting torn apart by the blogs. They are getting feedback without having to commit to anything.
And if the do speak officially, it is to say that we shouldn’t assume anything.
Nah, you’re making this too hard. Older working women are painfully aware of the damaging effects incompetent women in high places can have. An incompetent male manager is not noteworthy. An imcompetent female manager can be a setback for other women trying to get ahead. Thankfully, this appears to be much less the case now but it certainly was an issue during my formative years.
So no, it has nothing to do with jealousy or repression. We older Dem females are a pragmatic lot, just trying to get ahead and very aware of gender dynamics in the workplace.
Thank you, John Cole!!! As you note, the principal reason a vast majority, thank God, of folks in this country cannot abide this woman is howlingly obvious. She’s dumb as a doorknob. Period.
All the meta-analysis and soul searching on Palin’s behalf — what does it all MEAN? — is just absurd. The Sarah-phony Sarko phone call says it all and says it definitively. "Hi, this is Sarah!!!" Sacre freaking bleu.
Comrade Darkness
She seems quite moderate, politically. That’s what I meant.
They want,
Wanna have fun.
Wanna have.
They just wanna,
They just wanna…..
They just wanna,
They just wanna…..
(Girls just wanna have fun…)
Girls just wanna have fu-un…
They just wanna,
They just wanna….
They just wanna,
They just wanna….
They just wanna…
(They just wanna have fun…)
Girls just wanna have fu-un…
Oh, btw – fafblog.
And to Atanarjuat, you’re reading over and over again that her liberals think she’s unacceptable in national office because of her ideology. We don’t. We think she isn’t preferable because we disagree with her ideology; we think she’s completely unacceptable because she demonstrates over and over that she doesn’t know the first thing about the issues she’d be asked to decide on. So now that you’re a liberal – and I see that you’re trying – just repeat to yourself "competence comes first." Soon, you’ll begin to understand.
I should say that I think she should be kept as far away as possible from any position of responsibility in either the public or private sector because she consistently and repeatedly, in both her professional and personal life, has shown herself to be flagrantly irresponsible with other people’s money. I’m pretty conservative that way, I know, but there it is. I would not trust a pol who spent $150K of someone else’s money on clothes for herself, no matter what party they belonged to. But like I said, conservatives like to claim that as their own viewpoint, so you may feel the need to take the opposite stand, now that you’re a liberal.
Yes, by all means, ignore every point that liberals have made about Palin, and instead insert your meaningless, strawman psychobabble instead.
Every defense of Palin on this thread conforms to the statement I made above: Idiots have to manufacture reasons that liberals don’t like Palin because they have no response to legitimate questions regarding her fitness for office.
Brick Oven Bill
That is not true Josh. There are many attractive educated women. It is just that in many cases, their education runs counter to their nature. In some schools of thought, children are seen as holding women back.
This is, of course, nonsense.
But it explains much of the anger middle-aged, childless women have towards people like Sarah Palin. They justify their jealousy by convincing themselves of the value of their education. These are the ones with the alma mater stickers on the back of the Volvos, or sometimes Saabs. But, in the end, it often times fails to work and they end up bitter. Thus the dislike for Sarah Palin.
Dennis - SGMM
@Brick Oven Bill:
A frothy mixture of cliches and stereotypes. Bravo!
@28 Percent:
Can anybody tell me, just who and what the fuck this shit is?
I’m certainly no great, profound commenter, but I have no words for this, and clearly this is good for BJ, et al.
Davis X. Machina
Palin’s just the obvious highest-and-best form of the ‘politics’ of authenticity — synthethic authenticity.
It’s like ADM or Cargill announcing they’ve figured out a way to synthesize soybeans — from soybeans.
I can’t help it, I read that line and I think of two Martians peering down at earth from their spaceship. Martian A is telling Martian B what he is seeing …..
Say the line using the voice of Wally Ballou, and you will see what I mean.
Josh Hueco
In which cases? What types of education are detrimental to their essential nature? And what is this ‘nature’ you speak of?
No, it’s more like anger on the part of middle-aged women, married or not, childless or not, who’ve worked hard and educated themselves because they know that’s what it takes to be independent and successful, only then to see Miss Cheesecake get the big promotion because of her, um, assets. Of course they could have stayed true to their ‘nature’ and married some asshole who provided ‘security’ in addition to infidelity and emotional abuse. But they can’t complain; hell, it’s their nature, they can’t help it.
Ever heard of "google", fool? Married women supported Obama by a 50 to 47 percent margin
Not that the facts actually matter. Once again: Idiots have to manufacture reasons that liberals don’t like Palin because they have no response to legitimate questions regarding her fitness for office.
I absolutely am jealous of Palin. I envy her ability to wink at the drop of a hat, to say "golly!" over and over without nausea, to wear a towel (and only a towel) in front of men she works with. The list goes on and on.
Yep, Bill. Pure envy.
@Brick Oven Bill:
I can’t wait to tell my wife (a successful business owner and mother of three) that she only dislikes Palin because she’s a frigid, barren, jealous harridan.
28% is a spoof, and a damn good one (much better than BoB, for instance).
Cris v.3.1
This bears repeating. His responses in this thread are even more stubborn and dripping with false sincerity than usual.
The Dense & Venally Offensive Svensker
A real test for the "you liebruls don’t like Say-rah cuz she’s too much woman for y’all" crew would be to compare Mrs. Thatcher and Mrs. Palin. While I was never a fan of Maggie’s, she was smart, knowledgeable, and very capable. Would Sarah be able to compete with Maggie in any area — well, aside from looks and winking abilities?
So long as Repubs continue to present Sarah Palin as a serious politician, they will show themselves to be unworthy of anything other than pointing and laughing.
Comrade Darkness
Brick, are you 70+? Just askin’, you sound like one of my uncles. Serious flashback there. My aunts always struck me as unhappy and mousey too, just sayin’, *despite* huge families (by your logic.)
Palin does not have it together in a way that can be envied, as far as I can tell. If she did, her hubby wouldn’t be quite so involved with her job (i.e. cced on every official email), her teenage daughter wouldn’t be pregnant, she wouldn’t be charging the state for her kid’s travel, and she’d buy her own damn clothes and not try to make some sorry ass claim that the RNC is suddenly a clothes rental agency and really wants all that junk she bought.
My problem with Palin is way more basic. She does not grasp the seriousness of the position she was accepting. That is Bush’s fundamental problem too and we’re going to be f*cked up because of that for a very long time.
Where does that leave my very smart extremely liberal sister then? She’s married to a terrific well-educated man, has four children and sponsers three Karen refugee children from Mayanmar (Burma) who spend a lot of time under her roof. She’s an industrial hygienist and works for a major HMO. Does this mean that despite all of this, her life is frustrating and unsuccessful because she thinks Sarah Palin is a major dumbass?
@Brick Oven Bill: I’m confused.
Are liberal women jealous of Palin’s high level of professional success, like you wrote in your earlier post? Or are they bitterly lording their education over Palin’s fertility and ability to find a mate?
Because educated people (including womenfolk) tend to be successful.
And then like WHAM! Look up, to feel the consequences of the cognitive dissonance, a Newton wannabee still denying the falling of that pesky apple…
You do know that when you contradict yourself, whatever meat you think your argument might have had is eviscerated by even the most toothless of minds, right?
The Moar You Know
@Fulcanelli: 28 Percent is the bestest troll evar. I wish he/she/it came by more, but whenever it makes an appearance, a trail of death and devastation follows.
Dennis - SGMM
Palin represents the perfecting of the folksy ignorance exemplified by G.W. Bush. By replacing knowledge with synthetic authenticity the Republican bench suddenly becomes very deep.
Paging Fred Thompson!
Comrade Tax Analyst
tim serbo
Adderalljunkierat seems to be complaining (and complaining, and complaining, and complaining) that the mean liberals have prevented conservatives from grooming and fielding a new crop of female leadership. this is obviously true, and shocking evidence of the way the democrats ruthlessly exploited the awesome power of being the minority party for most of the past decade.
as winger mentation (sic) goes, this is actually pretty sophisticated.
Cris v.3.1
28 percent is clearly a spoof who got too far into character.
Comrade Darkness
An excellent idea. Last night we had a wonderful bottle: Langhorne Crossing 2005 (shiraz, cab, petit verdot blend). Lots of body, but not overly fruity, good price.
west coast
Hokey Smokes, John.
Not one, not two, but three ads for Michelle Malkin on your site?
I think the Marx Bros would have had a great time with Sarah Palin’s jingo-talk.
@Cris v.3.1:
Nah. In fact, the spoofmeister behind 28% has posted several good comments in this thread under their "real" handle.
Brick Oven Bill
There is a difference between voting for or against a person and disliking them. I probably would like Barack better than I would John McCain, but that did not influence my vote. The thread topic is ‘dislike’. And I believe that women’s emotions, like it or not, are evolutionarily rooted in children and families. Thus my conclusion that much of the ‘dislike’ is really envy. This is the ‘nature’ to which I refer.
Josh asks about types of education that are detrimental. I’d argue that modern Western higher education is detrimental by granting women too much freedom. I would also argue that modern Islamic education is detrimental by granting women too little freedom.
Ancient Greek or America-1950 educational systems probably grant women the right amount of freedom and the highest overall degree of happiness. They also lead to a stronger society. Women would be less cranky if we were to re-adopt a system like this. It encourages them to follow their nature.
Comrade Darkness
So, to return to our blogmaster’s intent with this thread… Palin is currently a well-oiled newscycle, so what will it take to finally make it go away? The markets haven’t killed it, cuz that’s old news. Do we need a huge event, a missing blonde, or barring that, how long before it just gets old on its own?
The great thing about the Left’s response to Palin (and Clarence Thomas and various other non-white male Republicans) is that it proves they walk the walk regarding equality.
The Right always accusses the Left of wanting nothing but tokens. Get a black, a woman, an Asian, etc and the world is hunky dory. But by insisting on competence and/or ideological alignment, the Left proves they are just as concerned with substance over image. It’s not enough to have certain reproductive organs or skin tones.
The Right says the Left is being hypocritical by not blindly embracing any minority dragged in front of them. By opposing certain minority candidates, they are actually living up to their ideals – that all humans should be judged by the content of their character (or their competence, or their ideals, or…) and NOT by their external appearance.
Dennis - SGMM
Well there is this: U.N. sees new peril in Asia’s huge brown cloud
@Dennis – SGMM:
Dennis – SGMM says
That was fucking brilliant, sir. I’ve been trying to sum it up but no luck, and you just did.
Comrade Darkness
Shorter Brick Oven: Women would be happier somewhere between chattel and troublesome sex object.
You are a stunning anachronism, dude. Maybe you should apply to live on the set of Mad Men, seems like your speed.
Pro-life apparently means endangering your high-risk pregnancy by going on a long trip after your water breaks.
Dennis - SGMM
I owe it all to Davis X. Machina’s original observation re "synthetic authenticity."
Rick Taylor
It seems some Republican governors also just can’t stand strong Republican women. Via Crooks and Liars:
It’s been interesting, to say the least, to see more moderate Republicans finally chaffing under the right-ward direction of the party in response to the McCain campaign. I never thought I’d see the day.
Cris v.3.1
Oh I’m sure. By "got too far into character" I wasn’t meaning to imply he actually believed it. I just meant it was like an Andy Kaufman routine, where the spoof is executed so earnestly that the audience isn’t really sure whether it’s a joke.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Uh, are you referring to education for women who were not enslaved, or women who were enslaved?
John Cole
Sweet wingnut jeebus, that is some concentrated stupid there. Have you considered a career at Fox, or perhaps writing diaries at Red State?
@Brick Oven Bill:
LOL! Do you think John "erratic" McCain is presidential?
How the hell is Cairo in Asia?
@liberal: I think he means the peeriod of time between togas as actual clothing and togas as a fun party costume. Sorority members wearing togas were looking for lasting committments but non-Greek girls at the same fraternity parties were SLUTS, doncha know.
I went all the way to college and all I got was this Mrs. degree. Or something.
Rick Taylor
John, you know you can avoid bold-facing your block quote if you care to by putting a paragraph tag inside at the beginning of it.
Cris v.3.1
I can see Asia Minor from my house!
Someone tell me BoB is a spoof troll before I go on a ninja ramapage. Seriously, I don’t care what’s true, just lie to me.
The very idea that someone could possibly even consider asserting with any level of seriousness that women were better off in Ancient Greece or the 1950s fills me with violent rage.
But perhaps that is just my natural urge to birth 20 kids and spend all my time cleaning the house and waiting on my husband manifesting itself in strange ways since I have denied it by going on birth control, getting a degree in math from a top university and making lots of money. If I were truly happy I wouldn’t be thinking about the title of certain Tarantino films.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Boy, you said it. My wife is definitely cranky and unhappy. Why? Because I suggested she should follow her nature by getting her barefoot pregnant ass back in the kitchen to make me some pie.
I blame her extensive higher education. If only she were ignorant and poorly educated, she could be happy fulfilling my every whim.
The Dense & Venally Offensive Svensker
Right now, my nature is encouraging me to punch you in the nose. Also, it would make me less cranky.
Bob Barbaque
I do not wish to see anyone’s rights taken away,especially the right to choose.
Sarah Palin does not have the right,now or in the future to tell me what I shall do with My own body.
My body does not belong to the USA or God,it belongs to Me.
Scientific thought is not based on faith,period.
It is neither a Religion or a Cult or again Government property.
It has suffered under the Neo-Con rule and now We have to admire what were third world countries as They advance while We kneel and pray.
I do not wish it to be turned back 600 years.
The dark ages were a direct result of the Church and its war
against humanity,something so stupid as killing cats(Satans Familiars)is arguably a good idea when the bench mark for
action is based on faith and fear.
Electionz Over, Yes?
I Can Ignorez Her Now?
Dennis - SGMM
I like angry women so I’m helping my wife (Doing the shopping, cooking, laundry, research, etc.) in every way I can to get her Masters Degree. If she’s not angry enough at that then I’ll encourage her to go for her Doctorate.
@Cris v.3.1: I’m starting to theorize that Atan may, if fact, be some sort of Wingnut AI program and we are unwitting participants in somebody’s machine learning dissertation. The voice is very stilted and trying way too hard to sound clever. The sarcastic thing is new, but that may have been a feature upgrade to the software. The earnest tone is still there, like someone who really wants to impress everyone with their formal writing style and use of vocabulary. It doesn’t sound genuine, though. It sounds like it is trying to sound genuine. Takes me back to my stint in academia. Someone is trying really hard to impress the professor…
Ash Can
I’m with jrg up there when s/he says that those defending Palin have to resort to nonsense to do it because there’s no real defense for her. Furthermore, the sheer unhingement of much of it (e.g., Atanarjuat’s blather here) indicates a desperation on their part to come across as serious adults rather than fanbois with starbursts in their eyes. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with finding her attractive and getting crushy on her. But for crying out loud, don’t try to paper over it with some bullshit about her being a great political leader.
Some days the punchlines just write themselves.
South of I-10
So I am bitter, clinging to my degree and my Volvo . . .
Comrade Darkness
Brick Oven, I have an idea . . . why don’t don’t you sit down this afternoon and apply your 18th century psychotrap to yourself? Figure out why your nature makes it necessary for you make such broad assumptions about something you know nothing about and have zero personal experience with. Find out what exactly makes you feel so empty that you can only boost your own ego by making blanket denigrating and patronizing assumptions about 51% of the human race. Then get out of the house and meet some people. Clearly you don’t get to do that nearly enough either.
I don’t dislike her for being uneducated or ignorant or even for being a moron.
I dislike her for her unearned confidence (which is one of primary reasons I dislike Bush). It’s one thing to be unknowing. It is quite another to know nothing and act like you know it all.
It makes her unbearable.
no! we must continue to vent.
because it’s full of win. WIN. WIN.
you must know the drill by now.
Comrade Ed Drone
Yes, they mean "Hold onto your wallet!"
Doug H. (Comrade Fausto no more)
When the wingnuts and media ignore her, sure.
Shinobi said:
You sound needlessly bitter.
Relax, Shinobi. You’re among friends, fellow liberals, and liberals soon to emerge from the pod (pointing at self).
– A Country Expunged of Male Neanderthals
But I’m not a sexist. Promise.
@28 Percent: I really hope that this is a satirical comment, because otherwise….wow. My personal favorite part is the many incorrect uses of "their".
But, I can ignore all of the other irrelevant non-winners there are in the world right now…
Tamba Bay Rays—–> Forgotten.
Patriots 18-1 Season—–> When did that happen, again?
Rudy Guliani——-> Is that a local italian place?
You see how easy that was, everybody?
God, you’re so right, why should I get upset that someone implies that I am too stupid to know that I would be better off if I just gave up my little fantasy of career and raised some kids.
I must just be unnecessarily sensitive, since it’s not like there are actually women in the world who have no rights and are treated like property. I mean that could never happen here, I should just be happy with whatever treatment and rights that people think I should have. (People being men of course.)
@Shinobi: Look, it’s not his fault that you made him angry when you forgot your place.
And, no, it’s not like I’m bigoted against Vagina-Americans. Some of my best friends are Vagina-Americans. They just have to know their place.
28 Percent
That is so true thank you Brick Oven Bill if that is your real name. It is sad to see women so unhappy because they try to be something they should be instead of just being what they are. It would be better if they could all bee what they are but some of them are trying to be something else those women are CONFUSED. It is horrible when the governmnent and MSM try to tell all women to be one way as if all women were unfeminine and they all conformed to the feminist ideal instead of letting them all be their own person. It is unfair to "educate" them to want something outside of what would make them happy because that just creates expectations they can not meet and that makes them unhappy and what is the good of that? If education just teaches them about what is not good for them and makes them unhappy, then they would be very happy if they were not educated that way. That is logic.
There are some very good books about this that I have read and I encourage all the women I meet to read them to. Many do not they get angry, but I know this is because they have been brainwashed so they can not accept the TRUTH I have to tell them about themselves. A lot of the books are out of print because the modern LIEBERAL press is PC and will not admit that they are just pushing lies. I recommend Thoughts on the Education of Daughters that is a good book. I do not recommend The Handmaid’s Tale. It starts out as a good moral story and it is very pro-life which is good but I did not like the end.
Shinobi said:
All playful irony aside, I’m glad to see that do in fact relate to the deplorable treatment that Governor Sarah Palin has been subjected to, and how she’s been objectified by her ideological opponents as this know-nothing airhead.
I think a respectful observation of Palin was recently expressed in a letter to the New York Times, which I quote below in full:
To the Editor:
Re Thinking of Good Vibrations, by Gail Collins (column, Nov. 6):
According to Ms. Collins, ‘there is nothing positive to say about Sarah Palin.’ Although not a supporter by any stretch, I’d like to defend Governor Palin.
She has great comic timing, can deliver a speech with gusto, and a line with a real zing.
Though clearly out of her depth and more than a little naïve in many ways, she is bright, ambitious and passionate.
If she runs for president, I will be inspired to work with gusto for her opponent, whoever that is, but as a woman I respect Ms. Palin’s commitment, her energy and humanness.
Although pro-choice, I would probably also have elected to give birth to and raise a baby with Down syndrome. I respect Ms. Palin for that.
In short, let Sarah Palin alone; there is plenty positive to say about her.
Anne-Marie Hislop
Davenport, Iowa
Nov. 6, 2008
I am in complete, 100% agreement.
– Country First.
28 Percent
Thank you Atanarjuat nobody who can deliver a put down like Palin can be an airhead like the left all says she is. And it is a great quality in a CinC or vice presiednt too! When the terrorists rear there head over American Airspace she can tell them to go and take theyre greek columns with them and they will not be able to stand up to zingers like that. Democrats think they can solve everything with talk which is stupid but maybe it would not be stupid if they could talk like Sarah!
Dame indeed. A fine skoit. Nice broad. Whadda tamater!
Atamattaramalammadingdong – I posted this in another thread, but I’m not sure if you have the brain capacity to follow more than one thread at a time, so I am cross posting. In that thread, you said:
Xenos responded in the other thread in the considered way I might have if I considered you were worth the effort, and would actually listen to anything I said. You won’t because you are an idiot.
I have to note though that I come from a different country – it’s the magic of the internets that people from all over the world are able to comment here … I love my country very much, but I would never be as arrogant as you to suggest that its interests exclude the interests of every other country in the world.
One of the things I love most about my home is that even the conservatives here look at the mess that is the US right wing and think "What a bunch of god bothering wankers".
You deserve only to be ridiculed or ignored.
– A conservative movement with its head so far up its own ass that it can smell its rotting teeth.
It’s been said, but bears repeating. She has never needed anyone’s help in order to come off as anything but turkey-dumb. You can make all the excuses you like about "Gotcha" interviews and the MSM, but when she is asked simple questions about the most pressing issues facing the United States, she can offer nothing except unintelligable dribble in her answers.
It’s not objectification… her stupidity is self-evident.
-Kuhntry Furst.
Comrade Tax Analyst
Win. This is a perfect spoof. I especially like your sentence-structure and use of punctuation in the 2nd & 3rd paragraphs.
@Brick Oven Bill: @Brick Oven Bill:
Well then what the hell explains my anger you idgit?
I’m a 41 year-old military spouse, stay-at-home mother of 4, with a BA in English who drives a mini-van.
You want to know what makes me angry BOB?
I’ll tell you what makes me angry BOB!
That you assholes think it has any meaning to stereotype people that you haven’t met and don’t know anything about. According to the stereotype I should be a republican, but you have no fucking clue what in my life makes me a liberal.
What makes me angry about Caribou Barbie is what the nickname I chose suggests- she a barbie doll – all looks, big tits and no brain. I don’t have an advanced degree, but I do have a pretty good idea what’s going on in the world because I take the time to try figure it out and I continue to educate myself, if informally. Sarah Palin hasn’t bothered to do so. The fact that she was the potential leader of my country makes me damned angry BOB!
Given that Sarah Palin was running for the job of President-in-waiting, that letter would kind of fall into the "damning with faint praise" category. If that’s all it takes to make you happy, then, fine.
Tattoosydney said:
I respectfully suggest the latter, as you are decidedly unskilled at doing the former.
– Country First.
@Indylib: Heh.
For what it’s worth, my spouse is a forty-something mother of three with a Ph.D. in Evolutionary Genetics…and a minivan.
Who. Stays. Home. (Ironically, over my objections, as I worry about her Social Security checks.)
What many anti-feminists don’t understand is that feminism is about *choices for women*. FDDD wants to be at home, and she has that *choice*. Once she no longer wants to stay home, though, there’s no reason she should.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Here’s the thing. Between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the founding documents of the US are concerned with granting men or women anything. We proceed from the assumption that men and women have the right to pursue happiness, even if they end up totally miserable, and that individuals are not bound by either nature or religion.
And also note that the Constitution does not make a fetish of what might be good for "society." The people have all the rights and they empower government to serve the ends of the people, not to be their masters.
Similarly, your view of ancient Greece is misinformed. Athenian women were largely confined to their homes, and education was not a high priority. The most educated women, of course, were the professional courtesans (and perhaps temple acolytes) who were not concerned with being nice wives and mothers.
Ancient Sparta is another thing altogether. Both men and women belonged to the state, but Spartan women could be educated and were expected to be physically fit. They could also take a male lover, and could even have a child by someone other than a husband if that would yield a potential male warrior. And since Spartan children were raised in barracks — apart from their parents, Spartan women were not exactly demonstrating "natural" motherly instincts.
The world that you think would be so wonderful never existed in human history. This applies to the 1950s as well.
@Dusty: Actually, I think it was truly inspiring praise. Gov. Palin has shown that she can not only read from a script, but read fluently with inflection. That’s more than Bristol will ever do, as she’s now a teen-aged mother. Gov. Palin has shown that she has good uses for paint and glue, which is more than Track could manage. She has a great imagination, and spin a vivid fiction (think of the brilliant metaphor of Putin’s head rising above the Western horizon.)
And she’s even qualified to be an astronaut: she can, after all, see the moon out her window.
Comrade Tax Analyst
Sorry Atanarjuat, I must inform you that you are currently running a fading 3rd to SpoofMeister 28% and his faithful, but perspectively-challenged foil, BOB-a-loony.
Suggest you find a different pony to ride, the one you are on is just about tuckered out here.
– With all Due Respect,
Comrade Tax Analyst
Just to be clear, do you believe it is possible to be critical of Sarah Palin’s qualifications or abilities without being sexist?
If we had ever seen a post from you that contained humor or a substantive argument or even some kind of sense, then this comment might hurt. As it is, it’s just more Asshat pie.
I don’t understand what you’re saying here. I’m assuming that you meant to say that they are "*un*concerned with granting men or women anything".
Bill, for clarity’s sake, both the Bill of Rights and the Declaration, in particular, are very explicit in *recognizing* natural rights, not in granting any rights. The Declaration’s formulation of "government proceding from the consent of the goverened", in fact, was meant to point out that the governed grant the government power, but can retract it.
Maybe you’d have more luck with women if you let them govern themselves, just as you are allowed to govern yourself. Just sayin’
Hallefuckinluja! Thank the FSM that somebody else out there gets that.
I’ve been arguing this since the femi-nutjobs went crazy in the primaries about how how women who didn’t support HRC weren’t feminists.
Feminism is about choices and women being the ones to make them for themselves.
demimondian said:
That’s really grand of you, demi, to have so accurately predicted the future of Bristol Palin based on her current station in life.
Actually, you don’t know how Bristol (or Track, for that matter, whom you also derided) will develop and mature as human beings.
Just because you have a low opinion of Bristol’s parents or teen-aged mothers in general doesn’t mean that she can’t ever realize her full potential. She might just surprise everyone and contribute meaningfully to society despite any and all roadblocks placed before her. Or perhaps she might just confirm your prejudices and go on to become the biggest redneck woman in all of Alaska, complete with a Jerry Springer-like trailer trash life.
In other words, no one has any idea how Bristol will turn out, and your partisan bias doesn’t give you the powers of Nostra-fricken-damus. Leave Sarah Palin’s kids out of the ongoing rancor, please.
– Country First.
Yes, it was, wasn’t it? I mean, seeing as how it is extraordinarily difficult to predict that a ninth-grade dropout with at least one child will be a failure in life. And that a man who was given the choice between the military and jail for vandalism is a loser.
And that a spoof troll who has fallen behind 28 percent is a real loser.
— Women and children first
Shinobi said:
Of course. Just like it’s possible to be critical of Israel without being anti-semitic. It’s really not that hard, Shinobi.
Regrettably, many of Palin’s critics lunge for the low-hanging fruit of her appearance or other female characteristics in order to express their partisan disgust of John McCain’s VP choice.
Rather than attack me for pointing out the obvious, you might just want to ask yourself why so many liberal men have enthusiastically aped the sexist behavior that conservative men are supposedly known for.
I’m very much convinced that if Sarah Palin were Samuel Palin instead, the expense of her campaign wardrobe, for example, would never have become an issue. But you know, females can’t help but go shopping — or so the lame stereotype goes. Karen Tumulty of Time magazine had pointed this out as well when the "wardrobe-gate" issue broke out, and she’s far from being a conservative journalist, mind you.
– Country First.
28 Percent
That is what you say Indylib but it is not true. You do not understand feminists are taking away the choice not to choose. Before, women could live without having the burden of so many choices, but not choosing is still a choice that they could make. Now the feminists are not letting them choose once not to choose now they must choose every day whether they will choose or not. Feminists want to condemn women to be "free" to make theyre own "choices" whether they want to be or not but sometimes choices are overwhelming and bad. Why you do not let men who love women shelter them and protect them from that I do not know I guess I just love women more than you do there is no other explanation.
If Samuel Palin had spent $150,000 of his cash-strapped campaign’s donations on clothes he’d wear once or twice and then give away, it would have been an issue. Especially if Samuel Palin was trying to sell himself as a man-of-the-people, Joe Sixpack, one-of-us kind of candidate. If Sarah Palin wanted designer duds for the campaign trail, she should have bought them with her own money.
Doug H. (Comrade Fausto no more)
Spoofs on parade!
For God’s sake, don’t let her out of the house. She already has a PhD – think about how cranky she’ll get if she learns anything else.
No, the right thing to do is strap her to a chair and force her to read Attanutjar and BoB’s postings on a continuous loop until she’s drooling and insensate. You want her to be happy, don’t you?
Dusty said:
My point is that the expense of the wardrobe would likely not have been examined if Sarah Palin were a man. After all, who notices one dark blue pinstriped suit one day to a solid blue non-pinstriped suit the next day? But boy, oh boy, people did take note of those absolutely fabulous jackets that Palin wore on the campaign trail, and the partisan scrutiny followed suit.
Sorry, pointing out sexism never gets old, nor is pointing out the outrageous double standard.
– Country First.
Let’s run that theory by John Edwards, shall we?
Oh, I know what you’ll say. There’s that old stereotype, men can’t help but get designer haircuts…
Comrade Tax Analyst
Wow, that was good! I haven’t had anything make my head spin like that since I took some Belladonna once back in the late 60’s.
You are truly raising spoofery to an art form.
@28 Percent:
So, so awesome. You’re on fire today.
Cris v.3.1
Funny you should say that. When I first wrote that comment, I compared Atanarjuat to ELIZA, but then I erased it.
28 Percent
I’m after Michael D’s spot on the top of the blog. There is no other explanation.
jenniebee said:
What an interesting comparison you’re making, jenniebee. Did you really think that Edwards pricey haircut was based on an anti-male stereotype?
Here’s a hint: it wasn’t. But please, don’t let me stop you from defending that wife-cheating fraud.
Actually, you didn’t know what I would say. Perhaps demimondian might help you out with predicting the future; he’s absolutely sure just how all teen-aged mothers will turn out, including Bristol Palin.
– Country First.
@Comrade Tax Analyst:
No kidding, LOL!
Complete gibberish ending with a link to Sarte. Holy hell!
Cris v.3.1
Wow, nice dodge. Your point was shot down, so you move the goalposts.
What was that about how you post here to challenge your beliefs and fine-tune your critical thinking?
Comrade Tax Analyst
Atanarjuat – Whoa! I’m feeling clairvoyant now! OK…you’re going to say something incredibly lame and stupid real soon. Hmmm…maybe a little off-point, too…Ah, no – maybe that was in your last comment:
"What an interesting comparison you’re making, jenniebee. Did you really think that Edwards pricey haircut was based on an anti-male stereotype?
Here’s a hint: it wasn’t. But please, don’t let me stop you from defending that wife-cheating fraud."
…the way you cleverly connected John Edwards pricey haircut with his infidelity issues.
But I’m sure you’ll come up with something equality tool-ish and insipid in the near future.
The expense came to light when journalists got a look at the RNC’s reports and noticed the pricetag for Palin’s wardrobe, not because journalists noticed that Palin’s wardrobe looked fancy and then looked into the cost. If they had spotted a $150,000 expenditure for blue suits, they would have followed that up as well.
You’re arguing that people fixated on this aspect of Palin’s personal appearance because she’s a woman and that no one cares about how much male candidates spend on their appearance. The Edwards haircut is a clear example of a case where people did care about a male candidate.
And to think, a campaign that courted minds as unable to grasp simple comparisons as yours appears to be, actually lost a national election.
I’d say there’s hope for democracy yet.
oh really
My, my.
Attanutjob and MyIQ2x0 in the same thread.
It’s impossible to express how happy I am that I missed this one.
You know, sometimes it is just really hard for people to admit when they are wrong. But the fact is, everything is not subjective, you cannot make 1+1=3. Sometimes you are wrong. That doesn’t make you a bad person, or your views less valid, it just means you were wrong about something and everyone si wrong sometimes. Hell, lots of people are wrong a lot of the time, see US Government 2001-2008.
Sometimes it’s time to stop trying to convince yourself that you’re right and acknowledge that you, in fact, might be wrong, but that its okay, people like you more when you acknowledge and reflect on your misstakes.
Dusty said:
As I already stated, I’m not the only one who has observed this.
"And it is worth mentioning that there is a double standard at work for a woman candidate. Her clothes have to look nice and fit well; every hair must be in place. At one point when I was traveling on the Hillary Clinton campaign, the photographers covering her discerned that she was putting her pantsuits in a rotation, and posted a calendar at the back of the plane predicting which one she would wear on any given day. The candidate herself spied it and burst out laughing when she realized that, yes, she was wearing exactly the one they had expected. That would never have happened to a man. Who notices whether he has on the navy suit with the pinstripes, or the one without?"
Those of you who’ve invoked the supposedly unbeatable John Edwards Haircut card can keep triumphantly shouting "aha!" and "moving goalposts" all you’d like, but it doesn’t negate the sexism or the double standard that Tumulty accurately highlighted above.
– Country First.
jenniebee said:
That doesn’t actually address what I wrote in response you to, jenniebee, but it’s an amusing dodge all the same.
Thanks for the (double standard) chuckles.
– Country First.
Cris v.3.1
But it does negate your "Samuel Palin" scenario.
Cris v.3.1
Very well said. You know who is really good at admitting he was wrong? This guy.
28 Percent
That is true there is a double standard nobody reported on Obama’s hair like they reported on Sarah Palin’s which is too bad because I think it would have been a good thing if their had been a "nappy watch" or something to alert America if he’d had a cut recently. Atanarjuat found a quote about how there was a chart on the back of the HRC press bus well there is no difference between a chart on the bus and a front page spread in USA today because there are pictures on the news and you do not know how many people had pantsuits: the home game. It is not the same with Edwards hair cuts because when he got his hair done to look pretty that was vanity but when women do it it is only because they have too. it was the same for Condi Rice remember when Katrina hit and she was buying shoes? Well what is the big deal she needded shoes do you want the Secretary of State meeting Hamas barefoot? I do not because I love America.
Shinobi, on the assumption that you are referring to me, message #202 was my considered and polite response to your question. However, it appears that you weren’t as interested in the thoughtfulness of any answer as it was to simply conclude that I’m simply wrong, wrong, and wrong some more.
Fine, I’m wrong to see sexism and double standards against women who aspire to attain higher goals in life.
What an asshat that makes me, as BJ’ers are so swift to say.
If I’ve assumed wrong (yes, I can be wrong!) that your comment was directed at me, then my apologies for making the assumption.
Thanks for the dialogue all the same.
– Country First.
Cris v.3.1
Public service message: calling your responses "polite," "considered," and "thoughtful" does not actually make them so.
28 Percent
my comment is in moderation BJ is trying to silence yet another strong conservative voice. It is clear that REAL AMERICANS like me are just not welcome here now that Obama is in power next there will be brownshirts everywhere. They are already out I was in Old Navy and there was a whole table of shirts and there were brown shirts and also pink ones. The clerk said it didn’t mean anything but she was young she is probably just covering up the truth.
Yep. I was blogging at an unsafe speed, and committed an error in wording.
We’re definitely on the same page here.
We’re on the same page here as well. It is misguided for anyone to attempt to use either history or "nature" to attempt to define what women "ought" to do, or to attempt to restrict a woman’s rights in any way, particularly with a claim of what is "good" for society.
Y’all are jist spiteful. Sarah won the Alaska "goober"natorial race far and squar, bless her heart. T’aint none o yourn’s business what her Mary Jane’s and her delicate’s cost.
NASCAR and Country (Music) First
Cris v.3.1 said:
I referred specifically to one response, and there’s no need for the ankebiting. It doesn’t become any version of you Cris.
– Country First.
Absolutely. Because 5 minute soundbites with Katie Couric are the be-all, end-all.
I would submit that if you are judging someone based on interviews like that, you are no smarter than you claim Palin is.
@Norman sputtered:
Teh googles is your friend, Sparky. Try "McCain Ferragamo" for instance.
Regardless of whether Jesus Spice needed a fab ‘n fresh wardrobe for her non-appearances at her non-existent pressers, she could have accomplished everything for one-hundredth the cost. We (Americans who are not institutionalized at present) took umbrage at her profligacy for very good reason. Voted accordingly, too.
KS in MA
Palin’s not a moron. She’s a con artist.
You never cease to amaze me. You spew so mush shit and narrow your search for darker, wetter and smellier shit. Your readers feed on your narrow brand of fodder.
Your searches and posts always look for the darkest shades of black. The assholes,(did I say that outloud) who find you as their Oracle, are lost in the woods and don’t know in which direction the sun rises.
You use them, toss them, and bring in others.
You are a DICK, always were. You are USELESS and always have been. You pretend to be a ???? and never have been. You actually tried to be a soldier yet never were, you just filled a vacant space on a roster.
We have a name for your kind.
Mr. Mises
So you’re saying Palin isn’t a moron?
@deadrody: Then you’ve never run an interview yourself, have you.
Oh, right, sorry. You’re the stereotypical "living the life in my folks’ basement" right-wing BS artist.
There is jumping the shark, and then there is jumping ON the shark and trying to fuck it in public.
Don’t blow your cover, dude. You were on a good track and now you are going off the track and into a flaming pool of wet fecal matter.
Step back, respect yourself. Become familiar with all the spoof traditions.
Billy Bob Neck
28% – God bless ya, honey! It’s about time someone spoke some sense around here!
I don’t think about Sarah anymore, it’s unhealthy, really.
Come to think of it, I don’t think about Atan anymore either… and NoIQ is DEAD to me.
Did anyone bother to go look back at the fantastic leap and the subsequent stupidity Atanarjuat propagated on BJ in its first post?
John dislikes stupid, unqualified people trying to attain higher office (and the means they use) so therefore he must dislike Republican women seeking higher office…
There it is in all its glory.
All the rest of Atanarjuat postings are window dressing. Its a typical Republimoron discussion strategy; conflate, misstate, obfuscate and lie. Hoping others get lost in their droppings.