Focus on the Anus Family is eliminating jobs:
The cuts announced Monday slash Focus’ local workforce by nearly 18 percent – from about 1,150 to 950. Twenty percent of the cuts are in management.
The layoffs come just weeks after Focus announced it was outsourcing 46 jobs from its distribution department. Focus also laid off 30 workers and reassigned 15 more in September 2007.
I can’t possibly convey the plethora of emotions I feel right now.
That’ll help build the base!
With a few more Pyrrhic Victories like this one, the culture wars will be in the bag for old Dobson.
Let me guess, you would commit your emotions to an orchestral score, but you keep losing that damned tiny violin?
In the face of such tragedy, WWJD?
Can drive? Movie passes to see Religulous? Send them copies of Community Organizing for Dummies?
I would feel their pain, but they are heartless bastards. Kind of like that nasty piece of work in the left gutter.
I’ll bet none of the job cuts are in the marketing department. They’ll still be trolling for volunteers.
Hey, don’t worry, George Bush has got their back.
I’m sure Regent University will help them out with larnin’ somethin’ new to do.
Eric U.
I can’t imagine that Focus really has any employees that aren’t doing direct marketing.
So they prayed that God send torrential rain onto Obama’s acceptance speech. And God sent a clear mild night to Obama, and aimed a hurricane at New Orleans for the Republican convention.
They prayed that God show his will in this election lest his detractors get uppity. And God let us elect Obama. (Could God have directed Bill Kristol to promote Palin?)
They did all they could to defeat gay marriage in CA, and God sent layoffs upon them.
God is trying to get something across here, guys.
I had no idea they were that large to begin with. I always assumed it was a strip-mall office with 10-20 people who conferenced in with Dobson/Perkins via phone. But 1000 people? Wow.
Really, Jefe? Would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?… guapo>
A big tall glass of Schadenfreude for the house!
Maybe Dobson et. al. will have to start making some lifestyle choices. Heh.
God, I guess it’s too much to ask that Balloon Juice’s workforce be reduced from 3 to 2… and 2’s twice the desirable number given the other moron’s so-called "contributions".
Man, that just goes down way too smooth. :)
Oh well, I guess that those impacted by the layoffs will have plenty of time to focus on their own families.
Because of their sacrifices, teh Ghey has been thwarted in California, so they should feel proud of what they’ve given up. Hold your heads up, my meddling li’l Buckys, you’ve done right in the eyes of the Lord.
He’ll provide, don’t ya know.
@D-Chance.: Yeah. Heartless fuckers. I hate Balloon Juice. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I hope they all die and burn in hell.
– Praise Jesus
Blue Raven
That reminds me of what I’ve read about the life of Jack Chick, the man behind those annoying little religious tracts with cheesy art and even cheesier theology. It was noted that he suffered significant health problems when drawing certain tracts. The two that almost killed him severally were the one in which he condemned the Jews to hell and one about homosexuality. Chick declared those health issues to be the work of Satan. I may be a polytheist, but frankly, when the coincidence stacks up like cordwood, I start thinking that Someone’s chopping the damn wood and it’s not the Christian Adversary.
Joshua Norton
Of course, it could also be their usual "help us keep the queers down" fund raising ploy. Start playing the put-upon victim once more and get granny to write another check.
After all, they’re doing all this out of concern for their followers and not because they’re so preoccupied with gay sex that they can’t see straight. (pun intended).
From the deepest desires comes the deadliest hate.
Jay B.
I always assumed it was a strip-mall office with 10-20 people who conferenced in with Dobson/Perkins via phone. But 1000 people? Wow.
I was surprised too, then I realized that it takes a lot of people to busybody in the name of Christ.
Joe Beese
Hate is a cyclical industry. They’ll bounce back.
In a related vein, one of the housing bubble blogs was discussing the mid- to lower-rung bushies who moved to DC to work in the (mis)administration. They are losing their jobs come Jan. and it seems that their homes aren’t worth much these days. Welcome to the wonderful world of repub economics folks.
@Joe Beese:
This is a center-right country!
jake 4 that 1
CraigsList has been flooded with Used Wetsuit 4 Sale ads.
Dennis - SGMM
Wait’ll they have to cut out the noontime repentance floggings.
Michael D.
@D-Chance.: I’m not sure if John cares what you think of me. I can tell you with absolute certainty that I don’t. I’m sure there are people here who don’t like most (or any) of what I say. And I would be willing to bet that most of those people (unlike you, who seems to take the opportunity every time I post to say something childish and rude) will just be polite and move onto the next post instead of taking the time to write and stomp their feet.
All I see when I read something of yours is the rant of a petulant child who will hold his breath till his face turns blue cause Daddy John won’t fire Michael.
I guess my point is that you are wasting your breath.
Awwwwwwwww. They had enough money to deny gays the right to marry, but not enough to pay 20% of their workforce? I guess the economic downturn has even hit the "exploit religion for money and political power" racket.
The Moar You Know
I know what you mean, although mine consist of obtaining a bigger stick and then hitting them even harder with it.
This is good news for John McCain.
Sure is a lot of hate speech on this blog! "Focusing on the Family" constitutes a threat to you people?! WOW! In a subversive strategy, the first phase identifies the useful idiots to carry the water…you’ve been tagged.
My prayers are with you.
@suze: You’re completely right. No organization with a name like "Focus on the Family" could possibly be committed to focusing on anything but the family!
I have a cousin who is a Dobson brownshirt. He once worked as a lawyer for Allstate, but got fired when he wrote a hate piece about gays on a wingtard online mag. He sued and actually won a quarter mil and got lionized by the fringe right and hence his future job. He got his law "degree" btw, from Regents, Pat Robertson’s pretend silly school. I suspect his job scaring poor religious folk into voting for the interests of billionaires may be in jeopardy. My tiny violin is running out of string replacements. For someone who gets paid to hate, I gotta say, it’s not a step back for mankind. Methinks it’s morning in America.
jake 4 that 1
Maybe Craigs has some decent trolls. This is getting pathetic.
But … but … there is still so much to hate!
Who will hate? Who will hate for our country.
Who will hate … for the children?
What a world, what a world.
Joshua Norton
Focus on your own damned family.
distribution = shipping and receiving, right?
How do you "outsource" something like that? Just pay a different bunch of folks to come and work at the same dock facility as the old bunch? That doesn’t make any sense.
Or does it mean that they found out they could get homeless people to hand out flyers on street corners for a cup of coffee and a "praise Jesus", so they let go the peeps who were doing it before and expecting to actually get paid?
Joshua Norton
They’d better start saving more money, or firing more people. This ain’t going away any time soon.
Ayatollah Dobson needs to get busy prayin’: teh gays aren’t finished with his jihad yet.
Calming Influence
"… do you know what a plethora is?" "Why, Guapo?" "I would just like to know, if you know… what it is to have a plethora."
Sorry, I couldn’t resist ;-)
Suze, what are your thoughts on the Log Cabin Republicans? Do you hate log cabins?
Person of Choler
When I saw "focus on the anus" in the title to your post, I thought at first you were referring to Andrew Sullivan.
Whoa, lot of trolls around this morning. My guess is that the all the Dobson layoffs hit and just sort of hung around surfing the google for stories of their sad plight. Well, folks, it’s not that complicated. Next time you’re out looking for a job in the religion business, pick one that emphasizes, you know, being nice to people.
Chuck Butcher
Blue Raven
Sure it does. You place the inventory with the distribution company and they manage and ship it with your supervision. The company I work for has never maintained its own inventory on-site. It has its benefits and drawbacks, to be sure, but it’s not that hard.
Comrade Nikolita
Hear hear! :)
Bless your heart.
@realbtl: Got link?
@Deborah: That’s what I thought when I saw this picture that was taken during a "down with H8" protest in Washington DC in Andrew Sullivan’s blog. Things like this make me suspect The Almighty is faaaabulous.
It has gotten so bad that Pastor Haggard’s expense account for crack and male hustlers is a fraction of what it used to be.
I weep for their sacrifice.
Spreading hate costs money dammit.