Set for February 13, 2009, and I am hoping this is as good as Whedon’s other efforts. So help me, if Fox does to Dollhouse what they did to Firefly, I will come after someone. Dollverse notes that Feb 13th was the date the bastards cancelled Angel.
At any rate, have you all heard anything about the show? Really looking forward to it, because other than Monk and Boston Legal, there are very few shows out there that have caught my attention.
Comrade Stuck
Just Babes and more Babes. What else do you need for a great teevee series? House MD is the only show I watch these days. The rest suck much.
**Badass Jack Bauer returns next week though, no doubt to save mankind and Fox ratings.
Zuzu's Petals
No props for Dexter or Mad Men? Weeds?
I love The Big Bang Theory, if only because it reminds me of so many people I’ve known in the engineering profession, not to mention my Comp.Sci. son.
John Cole
Dexter is ok, as is Californication.
I like Life, and the Mentalist is mediocre. Not sure what happened to Medium. I used to watch that every week.
Mad Men bores me. I get it. Things were different in the 50’s. Thanks.
Zuzu's Petals
@John Cole:
I liked Californication pretty much until this season. Now it just seems repetitive and annoying to me … and I confess it may be because I know a little too much about the star’s personal life.
I know what you mean about Mad Men. It’s incredibly stylized, and … uhm, formal? But there seems to be enough unpredictability and just-below-the-surface nuttiness to make it something beyond a set piece for me.
Deadwood was my all time favorite series, and I still can’t believe HBO took it off before it was completed.
I used to watch Medium every week too. Glad to know I’m not the only one confused by the scheduling thing.
You don’t watch "Gossip Girl"? btw "24" 2 hour movie tomorrow night, followed by the Colbert X-mas Special.
I’ve enjoyed Life on Mars. Sons of Anarchy is ok. Life is kinda fun, but I’m not sure if the original premise really can hold up over multiple seasons. Crewes’ little Zen droppings feel sortof forced this season. Fringe is watchable, but almost guaranteed to be a huge disappointment once some of the newness wears off. Heroes got removed from the TiVo queue about 5 weeks ago. Lost is back in a few weeks! As is Damages, another show which I’m unsure can succeed in a second season.
Watching Chuck and My Own Worst Enemy as bookends is kinda fun. Chuck might actually be my favorite show on network TV right now, if only because its aspirations are so cheerfully low.
I’m actually starting to watch season 1 of Gossip Girl tonight. It was recommended by a sufficient number of guy friends that I did not feel any less masculine picking up the DVDs.
I am looking forward to the new show. I only watch two television shows right now, Heroes and one other I will not name. It wouldn’t hurt to add a third, if its good. I trust Joss.
I’ve heard that Dollhouse had to be completely retooled, which is almost never a good sign. But we must, of course, trust the Whedon. The Friday night timeslot they’re putting it in doesn’t say much for the networks confidence in it, but as the TV Guide critic pointed out, it also means lower ratings are expected on Friday night, and might not be the kiss of death.
I will say, Buffy is my all-time favorite TV series, but currently there are a lot of really superb programs on. Among my favorites are the previously mentioned Dexter, Battlestar Galactica (truly the closest to literature that filmed sci-fi has come), and Lost (though you really have to start from the beginning with that one). And believe what you’ve read, Pushing Daisies is simply amazing, though sadly, probably not long for this world–don’t make that a reason not to watch though, as it’s involving, funny, and sweet. And TV Guide just had a cheer for The New Adventures of Old Christine in its Cheers & Jeers column, calling it as good as Seinfeld. I’m not sure I’d go quite that far yet, but it is really funny, and this past week’s episode had me laughing out loud for much of the show.
Oh, and how could I forget Chuck, as someone mentioned above. It’s always been good, but it’s been great this season. And don’t forget Reaper, coming back in January; or the show that will be paired with Dollhouse on Friday nights, The Sarah Connor Chronicles. It was good last year, but it’s been really good this year. And for the last month or so, it too has been almost literary in its aspirations.
The American version of Life on Mars is really good.
Pushing Daisies has been fantastic, but not enough of you bastards have been watching, and so it’s cancelled. It’s still worth seeking out the two short seasons we’ve been given, though.
If you like Monk, there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy Psych.
The Office is hilarious.
I’m a big fan of House.
And I am very much looking forward to Dollhouse.
Comrade Stuck
I will have to start watching it again. Last season didn’t impress me much, it seemed kind of flat footed, or something. And the new sci fi shows like Fringe and some others just seem a little to stylistic for my tastes, or maybe I’m just getting older.
John Cole
Name it!
Josh Hueco
Land Thieves 65, Red Raiders 21
Should be an interesting BCS poll…
Brian J
This might mean nothing, or it might mean something, but February 13, 2009, is a Friday. It’s also the alleged dumping ground for all sorts of shows, but who knows if it’s simply moving there, along with the "Terminator" show, because it’s the only place that two similar shows can air without "American Idol" moving. The biggest thing I’d worry about is the pilot reshoot, which is what happened with "Firefly," but again, that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
I have to say, I never got into many of Whedon’s shows. I’ve seen some episodes of Buffy, but never enough to really formulate a strong opinion one way or another. He does command a following. What I did see, I thought was okay. I think his shows might be, to me, like "Frasier" or "The Sopranos, where I didn’t get it right away but then, after seeing some episodes, really liked them.
@John Cole: Medium is retiurning in early 2009. I seem to remember they got particularly screwed by the writer’s strike.
Comrade Stuck
@John Cole:
My guess. The Unit — it has a relationship component with the Military theme.
Doesn’t Whedon crave the Friday night time slot because it consists of the uber-geeks (his built-in audience) who don’t go out on the weekends. Speaking as one, of course.
Chuck Darwin
A third vote here for "Life on Mars" – flawed, but thoughtful and entertaining, with a pleasantly smart performance from Jason O’Mara in the lead. It was a nice find after "Journeyman" was canceled last year.
Zuzu's Petals
Is "Reaper" anything like "Dead Like Me" ? That was another underwatched gem, IMO.
Zuzu's Petals
My son got hooked on "The Gilmore Girls." It was one of the only shows they could get on his drill ship in Singapore. I think the other one was an Indian soap opera.
I recently started power-cycling Jericho through the Netflix update on my 360. It’s okay, kind of like a cross between a family friendly "The Day After" with some of the hidden intrigue of LOST. But as far as best shows ever, I’d have to go with:
Arrested Development
The Wire
and Battlestar Galactica (the ’03 redo, not the campy original).
I’d definitely recommend catching up with BSG. It’s Blade Runner space opera on steroids with gravitas. (and yeah there’s a nerd stigma that is associated with it, but I hate Star Trek. This is just excellent TV with a science fiction premise.)
Zuzu's Petals
I agree about "The Wire," but can’t claim to have been a faithful viewer.
What? No votes for 30 Rock yet? By far the best comedy on the air right now, IMHO.
I’ve already ordered my "Dollhouse" Complete Series DVD Collection off Amazon in anticipation of its inevitable cancellation.
Most viewers of The Wire, if you asked them to name a favorite season, would probably say the last, renege, then say the 3rd, renege again, and settle on the last season simply because of its structure. In the commentary on the pilot episode, David Simon explicitly tells his audience that each episode is a chapter in a season long novel. Each successive season was a sequel that expanded on or deepened the overall arc. I loved the show because so much of it wasn’t fantasy.
I was encouraged to hear it was Obama’s favorite show, especially in light of how unblemished it covers the cynicism and BS behind most politics. Though TNR, of course, got their collective panties in a wad because BO said his favorite character was Omar.
"ZOMG, Hussein’s favorite character is a drug-stealing thug!"
No Sons of Liberty?
I have to say that I’ve always wanted to like Joss Whedon’s shows, but the dialogue more often than not got in the way of the story and characters. It’s just too distracting when every single character has the exact same sense of humor and acid wit. Same problem I have with Kevin Smith’s movies.
That being said, his shows are usually solidly entertaining if nothing else, and I’ll probably TiVo Dollhouse for at least the first few episodes. It does seem a little too similar to My Own Worst Enemy with the reprogrammed government assassin angle, but since they just fucking cancelled that one I may as well give this new one a shot.
I gave up on Heroes after about three or four shows this season. It had just gotten too meandering and confusing. I’ll watch Lost to see how it comes out, but I don’t love it. There were too many episodes there in the middle where they were just making it up as they went along.
I definitely love BSG. (Comes back Jan. 16, I believe.) I think I’m gonna have to get the dvds. To go with my Farscape set. And people have already mentioned The Office, 30 Rock, and Arrested Development. The latter is beyond brilliant. Another one Fox canceled, btw.
I also haven’t been able to watch this season of Friday Night Lights yet, which has gotten great reviews. I just don’t happen to have HDNet, so have to wait for it to be shown on NBC in the spring.
They keep bringing up the possibility of an AD movie, which would be too good to be true. I wish they would just stop with the taunting.
It seems that the increasing suckitude of Heroes is kind of making it a show killer, as all 3 shows which ran after it (and were plainly superior), Studio 60, Journeyman (poor some our for this one), and My Own Worst Enemy have all not done so well.
Brian J
For all of those who love "Arrested Development" like me, you’ll be pleased to know that it looks like the movie is almost certainly going to happen.
I had hoped Heroes would be my new obsession, but this season has been disappointing, to say the least. I really hope Dollhouse turns out great, but I’m shocked Whedon would sell anything to Fox. Fool me once, etc.
I’m so glad I never got on the Heroes bandwagon. I thought it was lame from episode one.
Brian J
I never saw the final, Palladino-less season of that show, but I saw almost every episode of the other seasons. It was a fantastic show in so many ways. It could get a little to cutesy for its own good at times, but the acting and writing were as good as anything you’re likely to find on television.
@ Pooh
The new season of FNL is much, much better than the soapy, contrived mess that made up much of the abridged second season. I’ve been catching up on it at a friend’s house (he has Dtv), and I’m more optimistic that of the 7 episodes I’ve seen, it has a much better chance of being renewed by NBC for a fourth season.
@ djork
Thanks. It’s not that I forgot Omar was gay, but that didn’t seem to be the huge outrage behind Obama’s comment.
@ Sleeper
The AD movie looks to be a very, very promising maybe. I did see a trailer for an AD documentary coming out next summer. I can only hope that cements the deal, if not sell more DVDs. HUZZAH!
Eliza Dushku was fantastic in ‘Tru Calling’, another quirky show that got cancelled arbitrarily for the crime of not being a suck-arse "reality" show. (Reality shows are the intentional version of Palin’s Turkey Shot: a camera-friendly moron yammering in the foreground while a batch of huge, hapless turkeys get serially slaughtered.) Not sure the combination of Whedon and Dushku doesn’t spell s-h-o-w-k-i-l-l-e-r, but we can always dream. One good thing about the coming Even Greater Depression, if enough people are too poor to go out on Friday nights or even to pay their cable bills, good TV on the ‘free’ channels may have a better chance to draw an audience, right?
I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned "Six Feet Under" for the roster of TV You’re Not Ashamed To Admit Watching. Also "Homicide: Life on the Street", although it may just be you’re all too young to remember where "The Wire" came from…
Speaking of which, Genine: I’m guessing "Grey’s Anatomy", which I was watching less & less often & have now dropped (over the Hahn debacle, speaking of gutless media suits in action). Unless you’re old, like me, in which case "ER" for the nostalgia value.
Homicide: Life on the Street, great stuff. Best police procedural ever, in my opinion. Still waiting for Andre Braugher to find a role that lives up to Frank Pembleton.
El Caballo de Sangre
What’s the banner say – "Consistently wrong since 2002"?
I had a girlfriend that made me watch every single episode of Buffy on DVD, and while it wasn’t "my kind of show" (whatever that means), I gave it a chance and ended up quite liking it. Not loving it, mind you, and the last season with those insufferable potentials was like Death, but liking it all the same.
Angel is a totally different story – she tried to get me into those too, but Jebus that was one of the stupidest things ever put on TV. Whoever decided to kill/cancel it isn’t a "bastard", JC, they’re a hero.
Anymore I watch The Office, 30 Rock, and House. I used to love L&O:CI, but I dread the arrival of Goldblum.
I am so over Joss Whedon. I think the man is drastically overrated. More and more I’m convinced that David Greenwalt was the true talent behind Buffy and Angel. The shows sure went to hell in a handbasket quickly after he left each one.
But, who knows. Maybe Joss has something super-cool planned for Dollhouse. If so, he’d better pull it out quickly, because the show will be canceled after six episodes.
And The Wire is the best TV show ever made. Period. President-elect Obama has good taste.
Zuzu's Petals
@Sleeper: @AnneLaurie:
That was one of my faves, though I found myself getting sick of some of the characters’ prolonged learning curves. When Nate died I actually said "Thank God!" out loud, I was so tired of his perpetual whining…then he came back as a whining ghost.
On the other hand, I sobbed all the way through the final sequence:
El Caballo de Sangre
Heroes was great right up until the 1st season finale – horrible since then. I watched ER from the git-go until it became unwatchable.
Six Feet Under was awesome except for Nate. Deadwood was fucking awesome. The Sopranos is maybe the best series ever except for The Simpsons, which also sucks anymore. Maybe I’m just getting old and unhip.
Homicide: Life on the Street, though – now that was good. Those crossover, 2-part deals w/ the original Law & Order were some of the best things I’ve seen on TV.
My girlfriend would be surprised to learn that in late elementary school/the first couple years of HS, I spent my Friday nights not at a classmate’s house or a football game, but eagerly anticipating another installment of Homicide: Life on the Streets. That show was the only reason I ever gave The Wire a shot. Any scene with Bayliss and Pembleton was pure magic, whether it was Tim trying to learn Spanish from a tour guide book in a White Cavalier being towed from crime scene to crime scene, both of them in the box aiming at a suspect, or surveying a crime scene of a decomp. Bayliss is outside, coughing and hacking: "C’mon Frank, this doesn’t bother you?"
"No, Tim, because I don’t allow it to bother me."
"Well, that’s great, Frank. That’s just great. You, Henry Rollins, and G. Gordon Liddy."
Homicide had some of the best lines. I think my favorite was this one:
"Do you think some people work harder at being stupid than others?"
"I’m gonna go out on a limb and say yes."
Truer words were never spoken.
Zuzu's Petals
@El Caballo de Sangre:
I kept thinking they also had some crossover characters, too … Munch? Or did they just recycle the same actors?
And didn’t Munch also show up on "The Wire"?
"Uh, you said One O’clock. That was One Thirty."
@Zuzu’s Petals:
Munch has been on a lot of different shows.
Zuzu's Petals
Wow, and he’s even been Muppetized.
Man.. nobody watches ‘Supernatural’?? I look forward to that show every week. The other shows are "Life", and sadly, I watch Knight Rider, because it’s so lame that it’s entertaining in it’s lameness. I roll my eyes every week. Finally, I watch Sarah Connor Chronicles which has gotten much better this season than last season. Good stuff.
Lastly, I’ve been watching ‘legend of the seeker’. It’s the kind of stuff that they use to show in the late 90s and into the early 2000s with stuff like I Spy and Cleopatra 2525. I miss that kind of stuff we just don’t have it.
I never got into Buffy but.. Firefly was a fucking masterpiece. I still watch the DVDs, it’s just freaking awesome. It’s too bad it got cancelled… stupid execs.
"(O)ther than Monk and Boston Legal, there are very few shows out there that have caught my attention."
Nobody, but nobody should sleep on "The Shield."
That show has been a quiet force for seven years now, placing Jay Karnes alongside John Spencer as the best character actor in recent memory.
Yeah, it’s as violent as "24," but unlike in "24," some of the characters do not, in fact, torture, and the antihero(es) will eventually be held accountable.
Cain, hubby and I are both big "Supernatural" fans. I’m very excited about the direction that show has taken over the last two seasons. Love the thought of an actual Angels vs Demons battle with the Winchesters in the middle of it all. Almost as exciting as Dean without his shirt on.
It’s funny, but he got me hooked on both "Grey’s Anatomy" and "Gossip Girl". His idea to watch them. Mine to actually keep watching them, although I, too, am pretty pissed about them getting rid of a character just because the lesbian sex was getting too hot and graphic. Please. It wasn’t because the sex was hot; it was because they were actually treating the relationship somewhat realistically and that might make it something more than just an excuse to show two chicks in a half-naked state of dress.
Wow, it’s almost like you guys are browsing my TV on DVD collection. HLOTS, The Shield (the episode ending with the cat floored me), 24 (S1-5), Six Feet Under.
Never touched Supernatural, Smallville, or Buffy, but here’s what I do own:
24 (1-5)
Battlestar Galactica
The Unit (S1-3)
The Shield
Sports Night
The West Wing
The Sopranos
Friday Night Lights
Homicide: Life on the Streets
Six Feet Under
Generation Kill (mini)
Band of Brothers (mini)
From the Earth to the Moon (mini)
State of Play (mini)
Trailer Park Boys
Whitest Kids U’know (NSFW)
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
The Venture Bros.
Anywho, this is a cursory glance at what I enjoy,
judge away
freelancer +3
Blue Raven
I like Whedon’s stuff. But I’ll stop watching if it gets to where I think the shark tank’s been rolled out. This is why I stopped watching Buffy after Tara got it from a magic bullet (no, damn it, a .22 will NOT be at lethal speed after going through a WALL from a dozen feet away and fired opposite the pull of gravity) and walked away from Angel after Cordy got busy with Angel’s kid. Firefly never got to the shark point, but Whedon also never got to run with it long enough to run out of ideas. I’ll be watching Dollhouse if I’m home and it isn’t against BSG when that returns for its last hurrah.
As for other TV I watch, I am unashamed to note my affinities for House, Bones (in which we find out David Boreanaz is capable of more emotions than perpetual angst), Project Runway, Top Chef, and just about anything with Tony Bourdain. Then there’s my Doctor Who fan status. Oh, and thanks to BBC America, Graham Norton.
There’s a great show here in Australia called "Review With Myles Barlow" and it’s a hilarious parody of all those arty Sunday afternoon review shows. The twist is that the host (the tweedy, urbane, entirely fictional ‘Myles Barlow’) reviews things like Necrophilia, Unrequited Love, Shoplifting, Heroin etc., with footage of him trying these experiences, then later, in the studio, with a glass of red wine, dispassionately assessing them the way arts reviewers do: "While initially engaging, Bestiality is ultimately both boring and extremely uncomfortable. Unlikely to appeal to a wider market. 2 out of 5 stars," It’s completely bizarre, extravagantly politically incorrect, and very, very funny.
The American shows I watch are 30 Rock, The Office, American Dad & The Daily Show. Oh, yeah and The Mentalist, because Simon Baker’s a dinki di Aussie bloke
I think John passed out (I’m about to do the same), my earlier comment is awaiting moderation due to links.
Night all
low-tech cyclist
I’d feel better about that theory if it hadn’t worked so well for Firefly.
"Oh, how we’d cry for Firefly if Firefly should die."
-Zeppo, Duck Soup
Michael D.
– “Arrested Development”
– 1st & 2nd season of “24” (everything seemed the same after that.)
– “How I met Your Mother” is my favorite comedy right now.
– “NCIS”
– “CSI Miami” is my favorite of the 3 – mostly for production value.
– I enjoyed “Monk” for a couple seasons, then he started to annoy me.
– “Little Britain America” was very disappointing
– “Boston Legal” – Who would have thought you could put Candace Bergen, William Shatner, and John Laroquette in the same show without it failing miserably? Of course, this is the show’s brilliance.
– “House” is pretty good
– If you haven’t seen it, a few years ago, the WB had a show called “Popular” that we all got together to watch. Hilarious.
– “The Family Guy” is an occasional guilty pleasure.
– I have Season One of “Dexter” here waiting to be opened, so we’ll see about that.
I’m envious of my girl because she hasn’t seen the first season of the UK Life on Mars. I knew some of the plot twists that were coming this week that she didn’t. Still I’m impressed at how good the US version has been. They’re going to have to start marking out their own territory soon which will be interesting…
Faith and Fred wil be back? I’ll give this one some serious consideration. I still watch Angel reruns most mornings, there are 2 of them in a row at 6:00 and 7:00 AM Mon-Sat here.
I’m throwing in another vote for Supernatural It has an interesting mytharc and very strong storytelling. Since we’re all about to hit the time of year when shows go into hiatus, I recommend going to Netflix and renting the previous 3 seasons. I think you’ll like them.
gil mann
I love that this was the element of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" that strained credulity for Blue Raven.
I don’t know anything about guns, but I’m the same way about syringes. It can be about a zombie apocalypse, shapeshifting monsters, superpowers, whatever, but I’ll unsuspend my disbelief in a second if a needle goes in perpendicular to the vein.
The fact that Greenwalt was not involved in Season 2 of Buffy is a pretty strong argument against this.
I haven’t seen the US version of Life on Mars yet, since it’s getting good reviews from you all, I might just give it a shot.
As for guilty pleasures, I love The Mighty Boosh and the IT Crowd.
I don’t have BBC, but I watch these shows on-line.
gil mann
I reject the premise. Angel went out firing on all cylinders (I think bringing Spike back cheapened his death and took valuable screentime away from other characters, but Season 5 was still fucking epic), and as bad as Buffy Season 7 was, it wasn’t for lack of ability on Whedon’s part, it was just that he stopped making a feminist show about monster-hunters and made a show about feminism. Subtext as text always makes for shitty storytelling.
Chalk up more votes for Battlestar Galactica, Chuck (Adam Baldwin is so full of win), The Office and 30 Rock. I also really like How I Met Your Mother, but have to catch it on re-runs, as it’s on opposite Chuck.
John, In response to your post, Steve Benen says,
I, personally, am still in mourning that Firefly didn’t get the chance to spin out all the story lines and go all the unexpected places Whedon would have taken them. I mean, where is Saffron these days? But the Serenity movie was as satisfying a piece of closure as I could have imagined. I approached the movie with dread, and left very content.
"Reaper" is not like "Dead Like Me" at all, but it is worth watching. Sam, the "Reaper," has to catch escaped souls from hell, as opposed to guide the newly-dead to the spirit world. It’s got a great mixture of young adult how-do-I-fit-into-this-crazy-world angst and literal hell-raising mystery and action–much more like "Buffy" than anything else. Ray Wise, who plays the devil, is an absolute stitch, and the sidekicks in the show often steal their scenes.
With "Pushing Daisies" being cancelled, "Reaper" is what’s going to help me get through mid-season.
This thread is old but I’ll add my thoughts anyway. I’ve never watched most of the shows mentioned because I don’t watch much network TV. That said, however, I will watch House, Monk (but it’s starting to grate on me), and Psych. No mention of The Closer or Burn Notice? I’ll watch both of those. NCIS or CSI? Too repetitive and the Gibbs character on NCIS is an asshole who would never in real life garner the loyalty he gets on the show. Law and Order (the original)? There’s a reason it’s been on so long. I’ll watch that too. Dick Wolf likes him some young dark-haired beauties. Me too.
John Cole
I loved the magic bullet, because Tara was my least favorite character on the show. She never added anything, just stood around with that stupid knowing moosey smile on her face to let us all know that she is sweet and sensitive. Plus, her taking a bullet led to dark willow, which I really enjoyed. It did, after all, lead to this:
“Andrew: We’ve got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds us all into to Jawa burgers and not one of you bunch has the midichlorians to stop her.”
Cameron Bogue
I liked that The National Review got upset about Obama liking The Wire and Omar. EVERYONE’S FAVORITE CHARACTER WAS OMAR.
And if they think it’s a minus that Obama liked the smartest, most politically relevant show on television then they are idiots. I know it comes across
like a cliche, but The Wire is the best show on television. Also, it’s
a very complete experience. I felt like it ended right where it needed
to. You can’t say that about many shows.
As for rankings of seasons
1. 4th- It’s very obvious that the writers had a keen insight into
what life is like for teenagers in middle school. Doesn’t get
more heartbreaking than this.
2. 5th- Borders on being totally ludicrous, but they still pull it
3. 3rd- Great commentary about the futility of the drug wars.
4. 1st – The beginning. It starts slow, but give it time.
5. 2nd- Admittedly the weakest season, but that still makes it
ten times better than just about any other tv show.
Comrade Peter J
Since Firefly got cancelled, there hasn’t been a TV show I cared about. I still watch way too many, but I wouldn’t miss any of them if they all got cancelled.
I really should find something else to do.
BTW, Saffron is on Mad Men ;) (Which I didn’t notice until I saw her on Life.)
.22? I’m pretty sure that bastard Jonathan was packing a 9mm Sig when he went gunning for Buffy, accidently hitting Tara.
I second those who’ve praised Life On Mars. I didn’t expect to get into it, but, as a guy who lived (intensely) through the early ’70s, I think in captures the period well.
And Dollshouse? Since Whedon is not only a genius but a solidly right-on guy, I’ve little doubt but that it’s be another great show.
Richard Bottoms
Hello. Torchwood?
Metaphysical universe, openly gay leading man, monsters, aliens, and characterization in one show. Plus, two stellar turns with James Marsters as guest star.
Not to be missed.
So am I the only bastard who gets a kick out of True Blood?
What are you talking about? David Greenwalt was heavily involved in all of the first three seasons of Buffy. Season 4 was when he left to become the lead producer on Angel. That’s right about when Buffy started to suck, and I’ve become convinced that that’s not a coincidence.
Interesting that there’s been so much chat about Homicide on this thread.
The one and only reason I’ve been considering watching Dollhouse is because Homicide alum Reed Diamond is in it.
@NR: I always thought that the decline in Buffy at that point had more to do with Marti Noxon’s (sp?) leadership. As evidenced by her next effort which failed miserably. Can’t remember what that was called, and can’t be bothered to Google it.
Fox has a history of canceling some of my favorites: Firefly, Arrested Development, Wonderfalls. If it isn’t a reality show that undermines the sacred institution of marriage (obnoxious fiances, married by america, who wants to marry my dad) or isn’t chock full of extra-legal actions and torture (24) they don’t seem to be interested.
But absolutely, the Wire is the best piece of television produced. Sure, it was a little like homework, and depressing as hell… But it was compelling, entertaining, truthful, and should be required viewing for all voters and policy makers.
Notorious P.A.T.
No, but who cares? I’d tune in to watch Eliza Dushku go grocery shopping.
freelance, because I agree with your other 3 shows I’m going to shove BSG on my netflix queue, and anyway, You People got me to try the neti pot again and I’m digging it.
Krista, I have never heard of "Chuck", but you say Adam Baldwin is in it, so I’m sold.
I just shoved Firefly on my friend’s netflix gift subscription – that’s right, I got her a one-at-a-time, but only I have the password, so she has to watch what I send. So far I’m batting 1000 because she loves The Wire.
I never knew there was outrage over Obama picking Omar apart from the hipsters who sneered that this was too obvious and safe a pick.
Can I be the only one here who loves Animal Planet?
TopGear on BBC America.
I watched the first 5 episodes or so and realized i disliked it more than probably any other show i’ve ever watched. It was for the same reason i started to hate six feet under after the second season, which is that Alan Ball has a remarkable ability to make you hate every single character in his shows. He tries to make them human and flawed, but really they just und up selfish, petty, and impossible to like.
True Blood is the best of the series I’m currently following. I like Dexter, House and Pushing Daisies and watch Supernatural ("charmed for men" we dubbed it) and Fringe.
Heroes lost me in S2, have to pick it up since S3 seems to be better. And BSG sits in the dvd-cupboard right next to Firefly, Farscape, Buffy, Angel (the serie improved as from S3 inho), B5 and loads and loads of doctor who’s.
Dan, I hated everyone on Six Feet Under in turn, but I really loved hating them. Think of Claire’s boyfriends. And whatsherface, Nate’s first baby-mama, I forgot her name, seemed designed to make us like his ex, after they made us hate her seemingly beyond redemption. I’m getting all misty just thinking about it.
But I hated the finale and have amputated it from the show, in my mind. Didn’t happen.
Nope, I do not watch that either.
I really don’t like medical shows too much. I know they’re popular, but not my cup of tea.
I’m with you there although I will watch House. I’m more of a crime-show guy. I also don’t much like the science fiction/supernatural genre so I apparently have very different taste than many here. Maybe I’ll go over to hulu and/or Fancast to see what I’ve been missing,
Zuzu's Petals
Too sentimental? Too nice-clean-ending for a messy series? Too too … ?
Notorious P.A.T.
"Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team"?
Notorious P.A.T.
He needs to get an Emmy. No one on TV does as much with as little as he does. He can steal a scene with a grunt or a scowl.
Screamin' Demon
"Homicide" was great until they brought in Jon Seda to play that annoying asswipe Falsone. And making a detective out of uniformed cop Stu Gharty, a fucking coward who refused to enter a building in the midst of a shootout (a cop’s job, BTW), was completely unbelievable. The last two seasons really aren’t worth watching. Melissa Leo was inexplicably dropped from the cast, Andre Braugher left after the squadroom shootout with Junior Bunk, and both were replaced with second-rate talent.
Best quote:
Pembleton: You’re not Catholic and you took communion?
Bayliss: Yeah. Is that wrong?
Pembleton: If my god wins…you’re screwed.
Blue Raven
9mm or .22, the bullet just did not work for me when Tara died. The shot was too bizarre. And yes, the oddest inconsistencies will throw me off. I will grant magic, vampires, unicorns that talk, zombies that dance, and any other fantastical thing you want, but if something clearly real-world is done poorly, I want to thwap something. One of my least favorite moments from the admittedly mediocre film Legend was when a brownie made a remark about something getting barbecued. The use of that as slang in a fantasy realm without a grill or pirate in sight was way too weird.
And the Darth Rosenberg line reminds me that yes, I did watch past that, but not as devotedly and season 7 was mostly ignored in my house. Gods, but can Joss write dialogue or what?
Braugher was really good in "Thief", unfortunately the show (aside from his relationship with his white step-daughter) was not.
I can’t believe I forgot to mention "The Shield" – and yes, Jay Karnes is amazing. Actually, the whole 2nd line of talent on that show is amazing – CCH Pounder, Cathy Cahlin Ryan (the anti-Tori Spelling it seems), David Rees Snell, the guy who plays the fuckup lazy ass detective who’s name I can’t remember…And yeah, the cat scene is one of the most haunting things I’ve ever seen in a TV show.
I have a huge soft spot for "Rome" as well – to this day, I will watch Ray Winstone or Kevin McKidd in anything because of it.
Notorious P.A.T.
I don’t blame you a bit. If you’re going to stretch reality, you have to make sure you get the parts you aren’t stretching right. I call it the James Bond Principle.
I hate to have to say this, but I feel I should prepare you: I’ve heard the next season of "Monk" will be the last.
Jay C
Thanks for the link to Steve Benen’s post: his comments contain the best line about Joss Whedon I’ve seen all day:
No, you’re not. I’ll watch anything with dogs or cats in it.
Notorious P.A.T.
I like Animal Planet too. I think we’ve talked about Victoria Stillwell and "It’s Me or the Dog" here at B.J. before.
Oh yeah! It’s Me or the Dog has become a staple since we adopted our first dog a few months ago. Victoria, or Doggie Dominatrix as she is called in our house, rocks!
Mad Men
True Blood
and when they return:
Breaking Bad
Worth buying:
Every season of Deadwood.
At least the first four seasons of The Wire. I was disappointed in the fifth though it’s still worth watching.
Word, but she was also the only one who could sing. As epicly awesome as Buffy: The Musical was, Tara was the only one with a decent singing voice. What are the odds?
True Blood sucks rhinos. Nothing close to Buffy, and the
Veronica Mars. A wonderful, wonderful show that I sincerely miss. Marti Noxon and the CW screwed it over. They cancelled it but kept Smallville and One Tree Hill. If they didn’t have Gossip Girl or Supernatural, I wouldn’t watch anything on that network.
El Caballo de Sangre
Jeez, Ed – you get no cred for referring to "Buffy: The Musical". It’s "Once More, With Feeling". I mean, DUH.
Jeez, Ed – you get no cred for referring to "Buffy: The Musical". It’s "Once More, With Feeling". I mean, DUH.
The Horse of Blood–I was down with The Buffster before it was cool, before you were swimming around in your father’s nutsack. [Mess] with me regarding Buffy, and I will saw off your legs.
Zuzu’s Petals, about the 6 feet under finale:
There’s no such thing as too sentimental for me. I actually cried during the Colbert Christmas special last night, surprising even myself. Good Lard. But this sounds right: "Too nice-clean-ending for a messy series". I think I hate what-becomes-of-them endings generally [example: Stand By Me], and even though I get it that the show’s about death, so, let’s see how they all die, but:
1. The special effects makeup [to make them old] was horrible horrible horrible, which was particularly galling on that show where it was always so good [although I don’t remember anyone getting olded up off the top of my head].
2. So many of the deaths seemed so boring and/or random, like Freddie’s, where all I could think was, "they went to all this trouble and expense for a cruise ship set for THIS?"
3. When it wasn’t boring or random [security guard dude whose name I forgot because I”m senile], it felt cheap.
I think you just can’t fast-forward to people’s deaths without context. I resent it and I can’t explain it well. THe reason I don’t like the ending of Stand By Me, if this helps at all, is that it seems to cheapen the whole movie to show what became of these kids, by saying essentially that what they just went through in the movie is not important enough to warrant our attention, unless we know how they ended up, you know, as adults. Because a kid’s life is unimportant, it’s just a predude to what he’s going to be when he grows up. What job he’s going to have, specifically. It was the same with the whole thing being nestled in the narration of Richard Dreyfuss, who plays the grown-up Will Wheaton guy, for no purpose at all except to sit down at a typewriter [he became a writer, big deal] at the beginning and start typing as the scene fades [or cuts, I don’t remember. But fading is cheesier, so I’m going to say fade] to the flash back, which is the entire movie.
Excessive focus on someone’s death seems to insult his whole life, is maybe what I think. The regular, non-finale shows used death as the dramatic ignition device, which was fine and dandy, and very respectful, for lack of a better word. But the finale took people we knew and cared about, and just pasted on a death waaaay later in their lives, bam bam bam. Imagine if every show finale did that. Ugh. I still can’t explain it.
But I agree with you completely about Nate. I wanted Rachel to put a pillow over his face in that one hospital scene. I think her name was Rachel. The non-Quaker.