Read this.
Then read Jim Henley’s point about the recent Palin/turkey silliness. The barbaric “execution” and “assassination” of those turkeys is the model for how these animals should be raised for food.
And since we are talking about turkeys, this Daniel Larsion takedown of assorted foolishness is not to be missed.
Comrade Stuck
The thread topic. Turkey’s and ultra wingnut R Stacy Mccain. the difference is minimal. And I pre-apologize to our feathered and delicious friends for the comparison.
pseudonymous in nc
For the first season of ‘The F Word’ (BBC America for those in the US) Gordon Ramsay raised half a dozen turkeys (named after other TV chefs) for Christmas dinner in his back garden. They brought in a slaughterer to do the deed, and you got to see it, albeit in slightly less of a production line setting than Palin’s photo-op. Stunned, throat cut, bled out, left to hang.
Anyway, rather than take the Free Butterball route from the local grocery store, which is just awful, we just spent $25 on a breast and thigh from a good source, which will be enough to feed everyone at the TG table without the need for turkey sandwiches, turkey salad and turkey curry till Christmas.
Terry Colberg
Oh come on, pseudonymous! Those turkey sandwiches are just part of the gift that keeps on giving! Especially since you can switch out your standard turkey cold cuts for the real thing.
I can’t even read Larsion anymore. Day after day, it’s too depressing to watch Obama do things like appoint people who were behind the ‘slam dunk’ and rendition programs to lead his transition and then come here and listen to the ‘pragmatists’ lap it up.
Like he says, Bush could depend on the wingnuts to do cover his back no matter what Wilsonian, anti-conservative, nation-building projects he embraced. Progressives won’t keep drinking kool-aide for four years.
Joshua Norton
The real silliness was McCain agreeing to a VP nominee who came across like she was the one who made it all the way through "Project Runningmate" on Bravo TV.
Zuzu's Petals
I don’t know. I’m not sure why slitting a turkey’s throat and holding him while he convulses and bleeds to death is more of a "model" than simply beheading the creature.
Turkey processing
Except for the marketability of the finished product, it seems.
Turkeys are a tad different because they are pretty much the same wild bird that early Europeans started eating when they came to America.
But many other animals like cows and chickens are a far cry from their wild ancestors. They only exist because we bread them to exist. If we stopped using cows and chickens for our own self-gain and let them all go free, they’d be easy prey and probably go extinct fairly quickly. We bred them to be dumb, docile, and easily killed. These are not animals honed by evolution to survive and thrive in nature.
Simply put many of the animals we eat only exist because we eat them.
To paraphrase a passage in Fast Food Nation from a cattle rancher:
"If you think what I do to a cow is cruel, you should see what the coyotes do."
This is not to say that we shouldn’t treat animals humanely. We should, and this country could do a lot to better the standard of life for our livestock. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that these animals only exist because we eat them, and if we stopped eating them, they probably cease to exist (at least in any truly "wild" settings with real predators).
We haven’t spent thousands of years messing with turkeys the way we have with cows, pigs, and chickens, so they are a little different. They still manage in the wild.
Blue Raven
Nylund, that’s not quite so. The birds that Butterball churns out by the truckload would not survive in the wild unless their claws and beaks were left alone and they were released into the wild as newly-feathered birds. But their pure white feathers would make them hunter bait faster than you can say, "Bummer of a birthmark, Hal."
@Nylund: Excuse me? The most popular modern breeds of domesticated turkeys can’t even breed by themselves, let alone fly.
On the other hand, anyone who’s been within a few feet of a wild turkey (they’re suburban pests around here) can understand the "dinosaurs became birds" hypothesis, because they are evil prehistoric reptilian-looking bustards. Rather like Ted Stevens, in fact.
Chuck Butcher
Oddly enough, cattle or pigs that wind up quite loose, feral, do not stay the stupid domestic critters you presume. They do not cease to be the type of animal they are – cattle, herd animals, but they adapt much better than you assume.
From a quality of life standpoint, I keep thinking that beef is the best meat to eat … the way we raise chickens, pigs, even farm turkeys is pretty blood curdling. Animals packed together, absolutely disgusting conditions.
I drive around Texas and see beef cattle having a pretty damn decent life, as a cow’s life goes. Sure, it’s a grisly end, but not bad up to then.
Maybe that’s a result of treaties signed after the great cow uprising.
Robert Johnston
I don’t know about you, but I’ve thought all along that the whole problem with the turkey slaughtering backdrop was that it was part of a turkey pardoning ceremony. The problem with Palin’s interview isn’t and never was that the slaughtering was "barbaric;" the problem was that the juxtaposition between turkey pardoning and turkey slaughtering was ten steps beyond jarring. It’s like scheduling an episode of Romper Room against an Auschwitz backdrop.
Comrade Stuck
What on earth are you talking about? Obama hasn’t claimed to be a "progressive" who, BTW will continue mainlining their own home grown and pure kool-aid, like always. Obama has stated what he plans to do, or a list of policies he intends to try and pass, nothing more. He has been clear on what they are, and consistent on his intentions. Some of those policy proposals are also quite progressive, and until he reneges on his promises, you nor I have no rational complaint. Just get over yourself already, and get real. And please stop the incessant whining.
Conservatively Liberal
That and the operatic warmups:
Larison not only beat the straw out of the men, he lit it on fire and warmed his hands by it. We could have used a lot more of him and the like before we ventured into Iraq.
Better late than never? I guess you take what you can get.
Michael D.
Hmmm, that NY Times article was very informative, if not unsurprising. While I am off meat myself, I always go to turkey day at friends’ places. I think next year I will head to a farmers’ market and buy one of those ones he mentions.
Michael D.
Did you read the Times article John linked to? They’re not even close to the same. Anyway, I recommend the article. Lots of good information.
Given the choice between discussing turkeys and Robert Stacy McCain’s thoughtful observations on the war in Iraq, it’s not all that surprising that liberals would overwhelmingly prefer to discuss the merits of Thanksgiving fowl, as liberals themselves have proven time and again that they are the biggest turkeys of all.
And by the way, the other McCain is right: just because neoconservatism has proven to be a failed philosophy doesn’t mean we should be gleefully anticipating or even celebrating American military defeat as an "aha!" to vindicate smug liberal anti-war predictions.
-Country First.
kommrade reproductive vigor
I see what you did there.
How do you get within a few feet of a wild turkey? In my experience they’re skittish as hell and friends who hunt say they’re clever in a "You’re not shooting me, pal" sort of way. I think they know they’re tasty.
At a stop sign, a whole flock of them came up to our car the other day (in the wilds of super-rich NJ burbs filled with JumboMansions). They were very curious about us, all peering inside, craning their heads to see who we were. They looked just like Jurassic Park.
atari age
John, are you still insisting that most people – even creepy Northeasterners and folks from *New York City* (get the rope!) view that video as anything but simply hilarious?
Yes, cherry pick the vegan or meat/murder comments here and elsewhere and ignore the rest around the blogosphere that just point out it was an clueless move that was in line with everything else dumb she did.
Seriously, what, are you gonna be looking for the random low-volume-flush toilet comment on some blog next?
I only say this as it seems just as plausible that this will be the start of your next two year journey back to arch-conservatism.
(Which, if the focus of congress and the Pres was on vegan meals and inefficient/stupid attempts at conservation, might actually be understandable.)
Given the choice between discussing turkeys and Robert Stacy McCain’s thoughtful observations on the war in Iraq, it’s not all that surprising that liberals would overwhelmingly prefer to discuss the merits of Thanksgiving fowl
Because at least the turkey’s are good for something
How do you get within a few feet of a wild turkey?
Put your money on the bar and ask for a double
Hey Cole, instead of multiple posts about this turkey nonsense, why don’t you give a moment to the ongoing ransacking of our nation by the Con movement’s Republican "Administration." Or where is our big Con President at our time of crisis (hint: he got the cash, so he’s done.)
I dunno, if you are out of topics, how about where’s Osama Bin Ladin? BTW, Iraq is melting down again, and Afghanistan is looking more and more like America’s deathtrap, too. Oh and the Justice departments been utterly subverted by the Right wing, and it looks like American municipalities are looking down the barrel of a financial gun.
Or you could always bash Spitzer some more! That was fun. And so well-timed and useful that you cheered on his career’s destruction in a nick of time, since it would have been hard for the Paulson/Bush team to score such filthy lucre with an actual criminal-prosecuting fighter as the Governor of New York. Hmmmm… you sure are a useful tool for the other side a lot. I don’t think it’s intentional, but what do I know? It’s you who looks around this blasted burning nation and picks up a fiddle. You do that a lot, actually.
The turkey thing is funny because the winger got caught being a hypocrite on national tv–again. Not so much the turkey killing. But you already knew that, didn’t ya? But who knows with old Cons how they think.
Did you even read the Larison post John linked?
I thought the video was yet another example of Sarah Palin’s complete cluelessness as to how she comes across, and as to what is appropriate on television. I’m planning to eat and enjoy a turkey dinner on Thursday, hopefully one that was not slaughtered in the presence of a Burberry wearing functional illiterate who gets her news from "many sources."
Dennis - SGMM
Oh, Iraq. While Bushco is celebrating its "victory," trouble is brewing in the North: Kurds in N. Iraq Receive Arms From Bulgaria
The Kurdish Regional Government is determined to get the city of Kirkuk under its governance. The Iraqi central government is equally determined to hold on to Kirkuk. In August, US officials had to intervene to prevent a clash of arms between Kurdish units and Iraqi government troops. The Kurds’ sub rosa arms purchases aren’t exactly reassuring.
Walker quoted, and then said:
Yes, which is why I had written the following in my prior post as well:
In other words, I reject Larison’s counter-argument and I very much agree with "the other" McCain. Or perhaps, in your haste to high-five Larison’s post, you missed this from the original post in contention:
Point (b) is very relevant as pertains to anti-war opposition in the U.S., and leftists in general.
-Country First.
maxbaer (not the original)
@Walker: I wondered if he had read it, too. He repeats the same nonsense that Larison takes down in his piece.
@Ellid: Sarah was just wishing us all a Happy Thanksgiving.
Conservatively Liberal
myiq2xuGoatBoy andAtanarjuatGoatBoy on the same thread! All we need now is someone to play the theme from Deliverance for appropriate background music.Dueling Goatfuckers, what a way to start the day.
What I still find hilarious about ol’ Mikey is that he used to accuse me of being a McCain supporter, while he was a full-time McCain ball licker.
Go back to your racist pals over at SewerDaughter’s asylum Mikey, I am sure they will eat your shit all day over there.
Brick Oven Bill
Re: White Guilt, The New York Times, and Making a Living
I read Martin’s NYT piece. Did you know that turkeys are hatched in the mid-west or south? And that their lives went downhill from there? The breed is the “appropriately named’ Broad Breasted White, the stupidest kind of turkey, that could not hope to survive in nature. This stupid bird, because of its presence, is pushing other breeds of turkeys to extinction.
Martin would be happy to know there are plenty of wild turkeys running around behind my house. Oh wait, never mind.
I support local food production, have a large garden, and am trying to win the argument with the wife about raising chickens in my back yard. But I also think it is nice that families of moderate means can afford to have a Thanksgiving dinner. The factory birds are selling for $0.47/lb.
Previously I had noted that the New York Times’ stock price had dropped from $50 to $7.50/share. As of Friday, it was $5.34/share.
Here is a picture of Martins , he is the one on the left. Something tells me he resents the Pilgrims.
Comrade Stuck
@Dennis – SGMM:
Not to mention getting Turkey stirred up over fears of Kurdish independence, being stoked by the idea of Kurd control of the Kirkuk oilfieds. Wingnuts and their chortles of victory in Mesopotamia, an ancient land with ancient rivalries, and the half baked pipe dreams of neocons bringing peace and congeniality. Idiots.
I have no problem with the turkey’s end. I love turkey. Turkey and stuffing, turkey sandwiches, turkey club. You name it with turkey I’ll eat it.
That being said, the video is hilarious because Sarah wasn’t bright enough to figure out that what she was standing in front of wouldn’t look good on tv.
The turkey slaughter was not a problem. The GOP used to be the kings and queens of the photo op but this one, she fucked up the baked potato.
Libby Spencer
Repeating my comment at Jim’s place, having spent 15 years on the farm and seen chickens beheaded with an axe, I wasn’t offended. Actually I was pretty impressed with the cone of decaptitation. Much less messy.
I was somewhat offended by her shameless display of naked ambition though. If it’s customary for governors to pardon turkeys, I’m unaware of it. Rather arrogant co-opting of a presidential tradition, I thought.
Dennis - SGMM
@Comrade Stuck:
From Raw Story, August, 2006:
Comrade Stuck
@Dennis – SGMM:
He just misunderestimated the question. You can bet though, he won’t git fooled again. 57 days and counting.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Svensker: Wow. At least they weren’t brandishing little carving sets. I once saw a whole flock cross a road and that’s the longest sighting I’ve ever had. Of course, I’ve only ever seen them in areas where people hunt. Maybe they know the chances of getting shot in the land of McMansions are pretty slim.
WTF? Has anyone heard John McCain declare neoconservatism to be a failed philosophy?
Best I can tell, McCain still thinks that invading Iraq was just a peachy keen idea, sullied only by people listening to maverick McCain when he was agreeing with the cakewalk crowd, instead of listening to maverick McCain when he was talking about how we’d need more troops.
I remember The Daily Show doing a "Where are they now" on a Presidentially-pardoned Broad Breasted White, one year later, at the next Thanksgiving.
The upshoot is that the turkey had long since died, as once it plumps up to eating weight in ~4 months, has no natural "lifespan" as we would think of for a pet, or a farm animal. Some pardon!
The great swath of America, the suburbs, exurbs and cities, still thinks of farms as something in a Currier & Ives lithograph.
I prefer my turkeys killed by having an oversized simpleton strangle each of them with an overzealous hug.
Says Larison:
Perhaps you should actually read what someone says before embracing it so much.
Like I said years ago here, if Clinton had said ‘slam dunk’, y’all would have been defending him like the 28%’ers. You really don’t care about lies to start wars or rendtions. It’s just that Bush did it.
Balconespolitics quoted, then said:
RIF is not just fun, my lefty friend — it’s free for everyone!
Try reading the original article that Larison is responding to and you’ll see just which "other McCain" I referenced.
And by the way, liberals, even the Great Redistributionist eventually admitted that the Surge worked in Iraq, so STFU and support the troops this coming Thanksgiving.
-Country First.
Tim Fuller
John, the Palin turkey interview is not about the state and condition of turkey production etc. It’s about her being foolish enough to frame the original interview in sight of the slaughtering. It’s just bad form no matter how you try to spin it.
Comrade Stuck
Actually, who said it was George Tenet, Clinton’s man, not Bush. And how do I know you’re full of it? Look at history. Who do you think the protesters of LBJ’s Vietnam War were. Young Republicans?, not hardly. They were young and old democrats who had previously loved LBJ and his Great Society works.
Those who were afraid of getting drafted and their families.
Who promptly shut up about War Inc. once the draft ended and went back to their couch. You were all AWOL for Grenada, El Salvador, Panama, Gulf I, the sanctions disaster that followed for a decade, and Kosovo.
Comrade Stuck
None of these were protracted ground wars based on a construct of lies, and therefore not comparable to Iraq or Vietnam. And there was dissent for what was going on with Kosovo, but it had the backdrop of genocide and was vigorously and competently fought also with diplomacy. And "you all" are not reflexively anti-war, only fringe leftists, like apparently you, are that.
@Zuzu’s Petals: The convulsions are spinal in origin. A beheaded turkey also twitches and convulses. The only step which makes the process more or less humane lies in stunning the bird before killing it, whatever means is used.
@Comrade Stuck: Um, yeah. Listen: srv wins this round.
The best evidence for that lies in the end of the anti-war protests immediately after the end of the draft.
Wow. Just wow. You really know your history and showed me. Are you Elliot Abrams or just posing as him?
You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.
Comrade Stuck
Uh, no. The draft ended in early 1973, and the peace agreement about the same time circa 1-21-73. How do I know this? I was one of the last to be drafted? No need for protests after that.
Comrade Stuck
Brilliant comeback. Did you just pull that out of your ass, or was it stored in your fridge.
Same goes for this remark.
I’m surprised that so many people have a Pamela Anderson kind of reaction to this footage. There is no PETA third party, people.
They’re turkeys. Not humans, not even pets. Game.
It’s rather refreshing to see a politician somewhere authentic and real, not in front of a styrofoam pillared backdrop.
The leftist illuminati can lament all they want about the turkey massacre: who would they want to protect them against a break-in in the middle of the night, Joe Biden, or Sarah Palin?
That’s what I thought.
@Comrade Stuck: Uh, yes. The "peace agreement" was a farce, and we all knew that. How do I know that? My birthday is October 18th.
People were protesting the draft, not the war.
I’m puzzled. We agree that Biden would do a better job. What’s your point?
protected static
Ah yes, Robert Stacy McCain – the other whites-only meat.
Comrade Stuck
You don’t know what your talking about. After the peace accord in 1-73 all American combat troops were out of Vietnam by the end of that year. Yes, we were still providing supplies and other support to the ARVN, and in fact there were continued protests by Americans on this.
And I guess the protest rallies before Gulf War 1 didn’t really happen, or those before and after the start of Bush’s Iraq war, all on account of no draft and all. Much of the passion and violent protests of the 60’s was fueled by the reality of the draft, but to say we only protest wars with drafts is just plain false.
The turkey thing? It’s funny, because it’s stupid. Even most of her enemies aren’t that offended by the actual slaughter. She got a few people mad, like peta people, and they hate her anyway. And I don’t so much see uproar as much as open mockery. Because she just pardoned a turkey, then stood in front of some others being slaughtered. It makes no sense. And when someone pointed it out to her, she didn’t see the problem, and then said the person lied about advising her. So yeah, on balance, pretty damn funny. I mean, on Countdown, it was prefaced by the Stewie "breaking news" button, which tells you it’s "news" in the mode of a Daily show segment. That’s how I see it.
Look, you’re obviously an idiot if you think Kosovo was competently fought. But if you want to be a better idiot or troll, try actually paying attention:
Operation Horseshoe started after we started bombing, BTW. And we had no f*ing clue what to do in response. People got slaughtered while your competent heroes pondered.
Or you might try any of the Army War college tomes written on the subject. Nobody, Halbrooke included, thought Kosovo went competently (you could try reading his book!)
But a dem did it, so ergo, it was competent. And of course, Grenada and Panama really were grave threats to us, and only somebody on the fringe would think otherwise.
And killing commies is peachy (that’s all El Salvador and Nicaragua was, since nobody lied about that either), as long as you don’t have to do it (Vietnam).
Morality you can believe in. You’re going to love Obama.
Zuzu's Petals
I think there are different points of view about why a turkey with a slit throat convulses, or whether it feels fear and pain in the initial process, but I agree that stunning first would be the most humane way in either case. I don’t see where the birds going into the cone are stunned.
You make our point. You weren’t at any of those, those were fringers, not real democrats like you.
@Comrade Stuck: Um, where to start…
First, American involvement in Indochina hardly ended when ground troops were "withdrawn". We merely shifted to a somewhat different mechanism for delivering death: the air war. What did happen was that the number of American casualties dropped significantly, and that the number of American draftees went to zero.
As to the protests before GWI, I was a college professor myself during the run up, and I *do* remember them. I helped my favorite student work out how he would be able to participate. More than that, I took part in the *one* protest in Madison of the invasion of Grenada. I was active in the Sanctuary movement. I *do* have cred for having worked against imperialism during that time.
What strikes me is that there was *one* protest against Grenada. In Madison. And it was quite small. No, America isn’t anti-imperialist; only anti-stupid imperialist.
Comrade Stuck
I didn’t say I agreed with all of those wars or actions or whatever. I said you can’t compare them with protracted ground wars like Vietnam and Iraq. And I also didn’t agree with the excessive bombing campaigns in Kosovo, at least in populated areas like cities. They did cause unnecessary death of civilians.
That said, would you have agreed to let the Serbs continue exterminating the Muslim population in Kosovo, with the country side littered with more mass graves. Much like the other areas of the Balkins. And besides, there was plenty of dissent on Kosovo. But you are right in that it was minimal due to the fact there were no US casualties.
Funny, I thought you were being a troll, and an idiot. Tomato/Tomatto
Comrade Stuck
In fact, I’m not a democrat. I am supporting them for now because they are the best we have. On social issues I’m about as liberal or libertarian as a person can be. Maybe even fringe.
On all other issues I’m an ObamaMessiah devotee. I chant and bow in his presence and have given my mind and soul to The One. And that’s before he has done anything.
Maybe you and Demi can hook up and build yourselves an anti-imperialist strawman or two, and name it Obama. And no, most of the people at those rallies were not fringers, just Americans who didn’t agree with that particular war. Today, there are other ways to protest besides attending rallies a thousand miles away.
Eight of us in Austin didn’t rate.
Now you’re moving goalposts – just like folks do when they say "how can you not agree Iraq is better off w/o Saddam?". The Balkans were predictable from the 1960s. Every War College scenario for WWIII was predicated on Tito dying. They didn’t see it a mile off. They saw it a 100 miles off.
It happened the way it did because we (the US) insisted on keeping NATO on our leash and weak. And when that weakling couldn’t do anything about it (our fault), we let it happen (Bosnia/Crotia/Herz) and then did nothing to prepare NATO for part II (the Army War college was writing about Kosovo/Albania/Macedonia in 1992). We fought the idea of an EU Army, every step of the way.
There wasn’t any competency anywhere. My dead grandmother could have done better.
Comrade Stuck
Grenada was a way way overdone rescue mission that was at the time billed as such which may explain the lack of protest, or have you forgotten. Panama was even stupider, launching a goddamn invasion to arrest one hapless dictator. I did support Gulf 1 because Bush SR leveled with us that it was about oil, and went about it in a responsible manner. And I was against this Iraq war from day one.
As for Vietnam, I’m glad you agree with my basic timeline. And the fact there were protests that continued until congress shut down funding in 74.
Comrade Stuck
No, I didn’t move the goalposts. The original point was that Americans only protest wars when there is a draft involved. Both of you have admitted this is false with your own anecdotes. I made the unrelated remark that Kosovo was fought competently and you plucked it out and changed the subject to that.
And I don’t think Kosovo was fought morally, with the excessive bombing, but competently in achieving a cessation of genocide and at least some of the perpetrators brought to trial. And at least a modicum of stability for the region, fragile as it is.
It appears the liberal illuminati would criticize Sarah Pailin for parting her hair the wrong way. If you look for things to criticize, you’ll find them in abunance
@Comrade Stuck: No. The original thesis is that, far from being heroic, the "anti-war" movement during Vietnam was purely self-serving and self-referential.
No, the original point was that Obama is more of the same, and we just need to stop whining about it like we did about those ‘competent, ‘short’ wars that weren’t based on ‘lies’. Or maybe not, because now you’ve flip-flopped on some of them.
And if I’ve got ODS, then so does Larison, so it’s confusing to have y’all raving about him and yelling at me for agreeing with him about Obama throwing progressives under the bus. Not that consistency should matter here at BJ.
And bombing a country to provoke a genocide sooner, and then not knowing what to do once it starts is not competent. 78 days of "kill all you want, no way we’re putting troops in to stop you" was not a good strategery.
Well, demi had his own point also.
Comrade Stuck
What a dodge. And why was it self serving and self referential. This is what you said.
The draft is the only variable in this equation. Unless your saying Vietnam Era protesters were somehow creatures of innate low character. And further that the protesters of more recent wars, are er possessed with the proper anti-imperialist cred. Bullshit.
And srv –Blah blah blah blah! Blah? Blah Blah Blah.
Conservatively Liberal
I was agreeing with his burning of straw men relating to the war, read the article. That does not mean I agree with everything else he said there, but nice try.
I am not one of those people who expect Obama to be a radical progressive, so I guess I have less to be disappointed about when he operates from the middle (as expected). I am also patient enough to wait and see what results from an Obama administration, once it is in office. People like you are the type who stand around and complain about how your home could burn down some day, completely ignoring the fact that it is not on fire at the moment (nor in any imminent danger of being on fire). Clutching at pearls, so to say.
I learned long ago to never put all of my political eggs in one basket, that is the fastest way to complete disappointment and disgust. I fully expect Obama to get things right and wrong throughout his tenure but I also believe that he will try his best to do what is right, as he sees it.
I can wait to see if Obama is a disaster or not, no need to prognosticate (or whine) in the meantime. Action speaks louder than words, and he is not in a position to act at this time.
But keep on playing the guessing game if that is what turns your crank.
Ah yes, the DFH’s of the 60’s were legit, and we are but poseurs.
demi, he needs much more practice. But he does have that quaint Darrell-ish quality of sounding like two different people in the same thread. I miss that crazy bipolarism.
See no evil hear no evil
Obama is powerless, can’t do anything.
Comrade Stuck
I was mocking Demi, which pains me to do. But you are a goddamn lowlife liar intent on starting shitstorms. It takes no talent for that, which you’ve ably demonstrated today. Crawl your your ass back into the South American hiding place, or wherever the shithole is you call home today.
See, I gave a troll the benefit of the doubt when he changed personalities. Y’all keep apologizing for ‘slam dunkers’ and rendition fanboys your hero embraces. Best of luck with that.
I really miss the witty repartee and high-minded philosophical discussions around here.
Comrade Stuck
Comrade Stuck
No, you miss your regular Ratfuckings now that the election is over.
Well, what are you waiting for?
Get buns up and kneeling my little rat. Daddy’s home!
@myiq2xu: I know. It’s a shame, isn’t it. Instead of Darrell, we’ve got…let’s see…Atanutjob, nabaalzubub, and…you.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
@demimondian: He’s not just our tackling dummy. Shakes just had an ‘invasion’ from NoIQ and his fellow Ratfuckers too. Not to mention NoIQ’s occasional drive-bys at Yes To Democracy. I guess now that the election’s over and the Maverick Points have dried up, he has to drum up those hits by any means neccessary.
Like other commenters, I’m utterly baffled by the recent flurry of blog posts that, in their essence, have the intent of "laughing at the silly liberals who don’t know where their dinner comes from."
That’s not it at all, of course. "Teh Funny" comes from the worker in the background, staring at the camera while Sarah blabbers on in that blabbering manner she has mastered, while killing a turkey. And then, just when you think he won’t, he… gasp! Yes, he picks up another bird and repeats his task, while an oblivious former vice-presidential nominee continues to yammer on.
"It’s the Press Conference-Photo Op, Stupid."
Why does this seem to escape so very many writers of my favorite blogs? I mean, friends of mine laughed about this for hours, and it didn’t have a rip to do with not understanding where Thursday’s deliciousness comes from. I’m from Ohio, for example. We get farming, we really do. It’s not the method of turkey-death that we find disgusting (it was relatively humane), it’s that that noxious fool in front of the camera perched dangerously close to being a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and now that we know it’s over, it’s kind of relieving to just have another round of hearty laughter pointed in her direction.
Weird how so many can view this hilarious YouTube classic in exactly the wrong way.
I have a blogstalker!
Conservatively Liberal
Me too. When are you leaving?
Just call him multiple personality Mikey.
You’re a goatstalker too. Now go play with the rest of your racist friends over at Cornfluence. BTW, you’re done with Propping Up McCain’s Ass now, so are you racist ratfucking clowns going to choose a new acronym?
Make that two blogstalkers!
Conservatively Liberal said:
Why the explosive hatred, CL? Thanksgiving is upon us, and your side won decisively.
Yet instead of counting your blessings and feeling content with your hard-fought victory, you continue to rain down invective and undying contempt on your ideological opponents.
Please, relax.
I mean this with all sincerity, CL. Your continued embrace of malice and ill-will toward conservatives can be bad for your health, as most grudges are.
-Country First.
Doug H. (Comrade Fausto no more)
Fixed that for ya, Ratfucker. If they links it at Yes to Democracy or Rumproast, I’ll reads it, laughs at it, and shares it with my fellow travellers here. [insert Popeye laugh here]
I got yer rumproast right here!
I have bunch of blogstalkers? Or is it just assCLown and a bunch of suckpoppets?
Either way, the hits just keep on coming!
Dear Atanjuarat:
You may find this hard to believe, but after being called traitors and anti-american after your side FUCKED EVERYTHING UP, you bet we have a goddamn grudge…
Cole keeps reading the already forgotten Palin/Turkey reaction literally.Obviously there are some PETA types that were "outraged",but the most common reaction I’ve come across is that it’s just a funny image.
Lecturing us all for supposedly not understanding where our turkey comes from would be like scolding us for laughing at a couple fucking in the background while Palin prattled on about "pro-life", because we dont get how babies are made.Your kind of missing the joke.
Useless trivia: Though it is false that domesticated turkeys will drown in the rain, it is true that dogs can’t look up (so says Big Al).
Ed: Big Al says so.
Shaun: Yeah, but Big Al says dogs can’t look up!
@Zuzu’s Petals:
There are, but one point of view is based on reality, while the PeTA point of view is based on a desperate need to demonize other humans.
That being said, Palin’s political incompetence is the point here, not any horrors of turkey slaughter.