This is one of those things that has been rumored forever, but I never took any stock in it:
Chris Matthews is dead serious about running for the Senate in Pennsylvania — and is shopping for a house in the state and privately discussing quitting MSNBC as proof of his intense interest, according to NBC colleagues, political operatives and friends.
Even so, some NBC insiders think it’s all simply a negotiating ploy to jack up his contract.
The garrulous host of the show “Hardball with Chris Matthews” has already picked out a home in Philadelphia to establish residency in the state, according to a Democratic operative in discussions with him about a potential candidacy. Over Thanksgiving weekend, at his vacation house in Nantucket, Matthews’ family members gave him their full backing.
Makes sense. He wouldn’t even need to change his inside the beltway attitude.
Laura W
When do we get to start speculating on who will take his place on Hardball?
Go Luke!!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Wait, Rendell is getting lubed up for punitive sodomy by FemBot-kind for making a statement Matthews would say consciously, and Matthews is going to run for Senate?
Yeah, it might be a ploy. Or maybe he thinks there won’t be enough Senators with a taste for foot now that Biden is leaving.
You know, this "pick a state I want to run for senate in and buy a house there" crap pisses me off royally. There are plenty of good Pennsylvanians. Why doesn’t Chris run for senate one opportune day in the state he LIVES IN NOW?
It seems to me one should have been a person represented in a particular state before representing the people. I mean, I understand that we’re a mobile country, but Jesus Christ!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Check the wiki before you start knocking people:
I’d love to be an Important Senator, but I wouldn’t move from NYC to Idaho just to do it, and Idaho would be stupid if they elected me. Note how Al Franken moved back home to make his run, too.
I can’t picture Matthews making serious stump speeches. I can’t picture him on the floor of the Senate. I can’t picture him a member of that ultimate Old Boys Club bunch of power brokers in the Senate.
Matthews talks too loud, and too fast. The Senate is deliberative. Matthews is expositive. Oil, water.
Yes, PA is the only place on earth where anyone could listen to Matthews talk and not think that he has a thick accent.
Tom Q
I think Matthews seriously underestimates the memory of many Democrats. He was an absolutely essential transmitter of lies about Clinton and Gore in the ’93-’00 period. No one rooted harder for impeachment, or vilified Gore with as much venom. I don’t doubt Matthew might have some appeal among the loudmouth blue-collar segment — in his view, the only "real Americans" — but to the dedicated liberal base (who vote significantly in primaries) he’ll always be suspect, not matter how much he fawned over Barack this year.
Okay, I was not aware he was a PA homeboy, but, still, why not run in the place he lives NOW?
I’m sorry, just because he was born there doesn’t give him a pass to me. If I wanted to run for public office, I certainly wouldn’t move to a place I haven’t lived in 20 years to do it, even if Joe Biden IS giving up his seat. ;)
Well, if I were one of his potential constituents, I certainly wouldn’t vote for him, he’s too wishy-washy for me. But, I suppose someone with celebrity behind their name expects others to just checkmark his name because he’s on the teevee every night. ::eye roll::
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Well, in practice, PA is close to DC, so it’s not an issue; just my home state of Jersey is visible from my apartment in NYC. The area shares the same issues, so on, so forth.
In theory, yeah, I’ll have to admit that 20 years is a long time to be out of state.
LA Confidential Pantload
Matthews’ brother is a Montgomery County Commissioner who was the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor in the last election here in PA. I would think his career would go right down the porcelain bowl with a brother running for the Senate as a Democrat.
@Caidence (fmr. Chris):
So, what you’re saying is that Sarah Palin could possibly run against Putin in the next russian election if the U.S. doesn’t pan out. Since she can see Russia from her place they probably share the same issues.
TheAssInTheHatOnMyCat(Formerly Comrade Tax Analyst)
But would he get enough "talk time" to satisfy himself? Judging from "Hardball" the most important national priority is for Chris Matthews to hear himself speak. Everything else is just a plot device to allow his pontification.
Crusty Dem
Not to be an asshole (too late), but despite the horrible way it has come to pass, I’m relieved we’ve been spared the possibility of the 2011 MTP interview. of Sen Chris Matthews by Tim Russert. Just thinking about the concept is painful (would you need a 50" plasma to fit both those crania on one TV?), but it’s amusing to imagine Russert putting up old Hardball quotes and giving Matthews a hard time..
Damn, Senator Hardball is coming. If Toomey takes down Specter in the wingnut-off primary, it’s all but wrapped up for Tweety. Couldn’t one of the other many fine, crazy celebrities from PA have taken a crack at this. Senator Jeff Goldblum anyone?
Helena Montana
Six months ago, I’d have said there’s no way I would ever give a cent to Arlen Specter (or to any Republican). Now I’m not so sure…Senator Chris Matthews is a truly horrifying thought.
Dumb Q here, but is Da Matt an R or D or I?
Don’t think the suits at MSNBC don’t have their fingers crossed over this. Matthews has become that most unpleasant of all entities – the TV institution that everybody knows but nobody actually watches. With "Tucker" Gregory heading to MTP, Matthews having to leave for a Senate run would give them the opportunity to completely remake their prime-time line up and get it more in tune with the Olbermann/Maddow audience.
Of course, with the MSNBC track record for picking talent, we can look forward to "E. D. Hill Live".
If it gets him off the tube I’m all for it.
LA Confidential Pantload
He might have some competition. I’ve heard that Easy Ed Rendell has an interest in the same Senate seat.
Flappy McScrotum
Couldn’t one of the other many fine, crazy celebrities from PA have taken a crack at this. Senator Jeff Goldblum anyone?
Sen. Seth Green has got my vote!