I am sort of indifferent about what Bill Ayers has to say in an attempt to rehab his character after the attempted GOP smear campaign during the election, but I am really looking forward to the inevitable right-wing freak out over this editorial. That will be entertaining as hell, and you can monitor the progress of said tantrum at memeorandum.
And once again, as it has been said 1000 times but these folks never seem to figure it out, Obama’s real shortcoming in the eyes of many is that he is too establishment (you can see that in his cabinet picks so far- there is a general consensus among the talking heads that they are all “competent” picks, but as far as I can tell, I have not seen one pick that would represent out of the box thinking). The reason he knows Bill Ayers is not because he seeks out “unrepentant domestic terrorists” to “pal around with,” but because Bill Ayers is… part of the Chicago political establishment.
*** Update ***
Hilzoy. Underpants gnomes.
Comrade Stuck
True, but maybe we don’t need a lot of out-of-the-box thinking right now. Since the country is clearly well OOTB, maybe we need people who can think us back in.
And Obama himself has outhought about everybody so far. I think he can think us up a new box, if needed.
And Jammie wearing fool is clearly out of it’s box over Ayers.
The Times and Ayers, a double bogey wingnut bone to chew on.
Ah yes, the louder we denounce Ayers, the worse Obama is. Don’t you just love the way they gloss over the concept of guilt by association, even very minor association, with little flip comments? Does it ever occur to them that maybe their favorite candidates know some pretty unsavory characters too? Maybe we should start doing research on all the associations of all possible prospective Repug candidates for 2012. I’ll bet we can come up with some real doozies. For starters, how about that Alaskan separatist group that Palin liked so much she spoke at their convention? Didn’t Huckabee do some prisoner counseling? I’ll bet he knows some really nasty people. Let’s get going. Only 4 years until 2012.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Clearly we need to extraordinarily render every person who has ever been to the University of Illinois. Fighting Illini? More like Fighting Allahni!
I think you’re confusing the definitions of volume here. The people who say he’s "too establishment" are loud, but there ain’t that many of them. See for example Pro-McCain Hillary Supporters.
nice pun kommrade but I think the Fighting Illini is the mascot of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The one in Chicago, where Obama taught constitutional law, has no sports program as far as I know so it does not have any mascot.
WRT Huckabee, one does not have to try very hard to find an unsavory association, what with that nasty business of pandering to Clinton-haters by freeing a convict who went on to rape and kill again.
Fuck yer outta da box shit. You don’t hire a medicine man to run your chemo when diagnosed w/ cancer. Ya don’t ask a rich white cracker to run yo Hispanic and AA Outreach progs. Nobody wants a H.S. dropout for Dept of Education. You hire the most competent, smartest, and most qualified peeps you ken find, regardless whether or not they already live in D.C…
McCain pals around with G. Gordon Liddy, who advocated the assassination of ATF agents.
This is all prelude until Our Lady of Perpetual Outrage weighs in on the matter, and then we’ll see Ayers home address, as well as the home addresses of every one of the NY Times Editorial staff blasted around the tubes.
Uh….UIC most certainly has sports teams. B-ball, swimming, v-ball just to name a few. I think their mascot is the Flames, but @ cud b mistaken
I don’t particularly care what the right-wing ideologues think about Ayers, because they are unable in any circumstance to drop the diverse and variable personal motivations of small minded men which has already lead them to excoriate all whom do not hold their own pettiness. But these statements bear a looking into and understand of,
This is not so dissimilar to our own times, and our own results. Democracy is allowed to flourish only when it seeks the same ends as those in power, and is a null and void concept when it opposes them. We are still in, and look to remain in Iraq far beyond what is being discussed when emotions have cooled toward the Bushco lies and deceptions and new ones may be erected to facilitate the long term goals of the elite policy makers of the government who remain in power through transitions of governments. Ayers and the Weather may amount to no more than John Browns in the larger picture of events but they do remind and point out that government of the people, by the people and for the people is hyperbole, and that the peoples continued insistence on seeing our political system as it appears in the Constitution as informed by the Declaration of Independence is their biggest obstacle to democratic reforms of the American system.
Surabaya Stew
Hey Beej, speaking of the concept of guilt by association, why is it that the GOP faithful have been silent on the Bush family connections with the House of Saud? We’ve had 8 years of our establishment protecting these terrorists! No wonder they could so easily dismiss Palin’s separatist connections…
The best thing about the right at this point is that they are so obviously wrong. They should be loud and proud however, since that is how they will dig themselves a hole to China. They will like the peeps there … all top down government and praise the state.
A Different Matt
Whoa, slow down there, punchy. John is not the bad guy.
As for what could use some outside the box thinking, well, our current financial crises could use some, don’t you agree? And plenty other stuff wrt our political process could use a fresh perspective, if not outside the box thinking, no?
Well, now that he can’t do any general election harm, it’s time for the cockroach to come out from behind the baseboards and bask in the glow of the NYT. As far as I’m concerned, he can fuck off a die (which should have happened three decades ago). Who knows. Justice knows no time, as we saw yesterday in the OJ sentencing. What goes around has a peculiar way of coming back around…
Behold, the non-tantrum.
This is what I am paying attention to this morning.
Ayers, and memeorandum, are about the past. In this case, about the irrelevant past.
This is about the future. My attention is on that.
And how does this explain why the bombing and even murder went on long after the war ended?
The dude is worthless.
Rick Taylor
All I can see is, thank God it’s President-elect Obama addressing the nation now, and not President-elect McCain.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
@libarbarian: Was he still part of the organization then? Was it planned by the organization or just two knuckleheads?
@r€nato: sigh. it’s the University of Chicago. private school, south side, sports teams but not so’s anyone would notice. they are called the Maroons. yes, really.
hyde park-kenwood is a pretty small hood. i’m sure everyone will secretly be glad when the Obamas decamp to the WH because then the hood can get back to (somewhat) normalcy.
Just Some Fuckhead
I don’t even know what this means so please fuck off and die. Kthxbai.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
@sparky: You called it a hood. You’re racist.
Comrade Jake
Let me just note here that the University of Chicago, where Obama taught con law, is quite distinct from the University of Illinois in Chicago (UIC).
Cassidy the Racist White Man
John, you should add something, like they have on forums, where we can see who’s actively accessing your site. Just a thought.
And this Army/ Navy game is allready depressing, although I vote Army for the coolest uniforms in football.
Just Some Fuckhead
Rightwingers are pretty pissed off at Ayers for not costing Obama the election. As I asked my right-wing relatives over the holidays, what does it say about you when the country rejects your philosophy in favor of a secret Muslim terrorist sympathizing socialist? And then helped them with the calculus because they are stupid rightwingers: it means you either suck worse than a secret Muslim terrorist sympathizing socialist or you’re full of shit about Obama.
Yes, all ….. (counting) ….. nine of them?
What’s really cool about this situation is that (according to the last numbers I saw on the Kos tally board) Obama won the election by almost 9 million votes.
Pro-McCain Hillary supporters? Ayers? Obama is a Muslim?
Okay, whatever. The current topic (here) is all about sore losers. That includes Ayers AFAIC.
Excuse us, but, we won …. big. Get over it. And what we won is the opportunity to put aside the nonsense of the past and move into the necessities of the future.
So, thread over. What’s next?
Guilt by association is more dangerous to this country than Bill Ayres.
In my opinion.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
Last I checked John ran this blog, but you are welcome to leave.
There are three schools we’re talking about here:
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign is the main campus of the University of Illinois, and is therefore sometimes refered to as simply "The University of Illinois." It is a public university. It has a Division I athletics program. Its mascot is the Fighting Illini. It is a member of the Big Ten. Barack Obama and William Ayers are unaffiliated with this school
University of Illinois at Chicago, also known as UIC, is a satelite campus of the University of Illinois. It, too, is a public school. It, too has a Division I athletics program and is in the Horizon League. Its mascot is the Flames. William Ayers teaches in its College of Education.
The University of Chicago is a private school located on Chicago’s south side, roughly 5 miles south of UIC and roughly 125 miles north of Urbana-Champaign. It has a Division III athletics program and is a member of the University Atheltic Association. Its mascot is the Maroons. Barack Obama taught in its law school until 2004.
libarbarian, what the Weather did or didn’t do is extraneous to my point, that popular will is only considered as viable when it agrees with official policy, and is ignored when it fails to do so. The Founding Fathers were at least honest enough to deny suffrage to most.
The Other Steve
You know what would really cause a total freakout?
Secretary of Education William Ayers
Think about it.
UIC has 14 NCAA sports teams (I think D-I or I-AA, not sure). Their team nickname… the Flames.
So when That Guy With A Sign exhorted the Maroons to Get A Brain, they actually did:
kommrade reproductive vigor
@JasonF: A-HA! The Flames represent the fires of Allah’s wrath and we all know what the Maroons represent!! Put them together and it spells D-O-O-M.
(Patlas Juggs will be soooo jealous she didn’t think of this first.)
See! It’s started already!
Fuck you, you little prick. I don’t need any advice from you about anything I do here.
Just Some Fuckhead
@The Other Steve: I’d be willing to consider it in exchange for Ayers doing one last job on RNC headquarters.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
@ThymeZoneThePlumber: Awwww…dids I hit a wittle nerve. Go grandstand elsewhere.
I thought you were done with this thread, yet you came back to grace us with more of your phony intellectual musings. Should we feel honored?
Or else what?
Do you have a gerbil up your ass? How many of you are there?
Cassidy the Racist White Man
@ThymeZoneThePlumber: That’s not a peaceful, DFH response. Is someone spoiling for a fight? You should get that looked into.
You tell me, dickhead.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
We= the collective BJ readers
C’mon now, keep up.
So, you are the collective BJ readers? This is how John stops the site from crashing, he consolidates his audience down to one handle?
Okay, in that case, I’m King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and I just bought all of you.
Common Sense
The University of Chicago was a founding member of the Big 10, and an early football power in the US. They won a national championship in 1905 and the first ever Heisman Trophy was awarded to a Maroon ( Jay Berwanger was also the first collegian ever drafted by the NFL). Then they started testing bombs under the field and the school disbanded football.
Comrade Kevin
@Cassidy the Racist White Man: Just wait until the subject of Gay Marriage comes up again, we’ll get 40 posts from him about how little he cares about it.
Ya never know.
Jay C
Great! It’s about time somebody decided to help out the US economy!
We’ll be emailing you with the details of where to wire the funds – but just to be on the safe side, we will be using some of our agents in Nigeria as proxies: please be sure to carefully follow the instructions they will be including in their emails.
Salaam aleikum!
I like em too.
And, kiss my hand, and we’ll talk.
Hey, that’s the same offer I make to the Bush family, it ought to be good enough for this joint.
If I don’t answer right away, I’m just over at another site reading up on Peak Oil Theory. Who is this King Hubbert, and what is he king of?
Just Some Fuckhead
@ThymeZoneThePlumber: Speaking of peak oil, what happened to the Juicers who were claiming four dollar a gallon gas meant the world was all out of oil and we were totally doomed and not just getting gouged?
Step forward and identify yourselves and then apologize for being fools.
Don’t make me google that thread..
Dunno. Speaking as a king, I told my subject, George Bush, who never seems to understand anything, that his high gas prices were more about gasoline supply and demand, refinery capacity, seasonal swings in demand for gasoline, and such things, than the price of crude oil at that point.
But the man never listens. Now oil is so cheap, I am thinking of going into the healthcare business. When pimps like Bill Frist are making more money than I am, something is whack.
Church Lady
"Bill Ayres is … part of the Chicago political establishment"
I think that says more about the state of Chicago politics than is does about Ayres.
I know that Vietnam and the protests were a long time ago, but can you think of anywhere else, besides Chicago, that someone with his past, or his wife’s, would become part of the "establishment"? I’d say it was the family money, but that wouldn’t explain Bobby Rush.
Last I saw they still honor Henry Kissinger in DC. So yeah, I can think of about a metric fuckton of places where people who shouldn’t be part of the "establishment" somehow, miraculously, still are – starting with DC and radiating outward. Frankly, Ayers wouldn’t even make my long list of "monsters who shouldn’t be allowed near the gears of policy", let alone my short list.
Zuzu's Petals
And who actually is unrepentant.
Heh. Talk about "unrepentant" sociopaths!
Hank is da man. He is so good at it, I heard some Obama supporter just in the last couple days swooning over how Kissinger had praised Barack.
Comrade Stuck
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Not me, I said oil would start going down drastically as soon Obama won the election. I think my prediction was to around 2.70 a gal, so I was off a little on the up side. I do remember my little repartees with someone that took the oppo view, whose wisdom in known to be Tymeless.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Church Lady: Have you seen what’s running this country?
Can’t say as I remember it, but if you want to point me to it, we can revisit. One thing I do remember is listening (on the XM POTUS channel) last summer, before the price peaked, to an industry analyst who sounded very well informed talking about a considerable decline in price this fall, followed by another roller coaster ride up next spring and summer.
For whatever reason, that stuck in my head (you know, I’m a king, so I’m busy) as the likely scenario …. but that was before we knew that 2009 was going to a Whole Nother Year. Nobody last summer was forecasting a collapse of the retail economy and …. whatever collapse in demand for gasoline might go with it. Well, I can’t say nobody, since my inbox is always full of contrarian newsletters forecasting the collapse of something, or everything, depending on the day.
Anyhoo, point us to the exchange you mention and let’s see what there is to see. This thread is as dead as the Contract With America.
(And please, it’s Thyme. Not tyme. Herbs have feelings too).
Just Some Fuckhead
@Comrade Stuck: No, I don’t recall Canyon Spice being one of the peak oil maroons. I don’t have a problem with folks who suggest it will go up again because it will, and then some time after that, it will go down again. Rinse, repeat.
I have a specific gripe against those spastic chickenlittle motherfuckers who gave aid and comfort to the speculators who were driving up oil prices by suggesting it wasn’t in fact they who were doing it, but that we were running out of oil.
I’ll have to google the thread..
I listened to Ayers on NPR and was quite impressed with his defense of the weathermen. Fools they were, but the motivation : impotent rage about the mass murder of civilians in Vietnam, is not dissimilar to the recent mass murder conducted by our own govt in Iraq of a million or so brown people with the wrong religion. That Bush/Cheny are war criminals is like calling the slaughter of cattle here at the Ft Worth stockyards cow killing. It is a self evident fact.
But what to do? Protest and march so that the media will ignore you entirely or find some moment of insipid stupidity to tarnsih the entire endeavor? How about write furious blogs or sit in the dark and fume? At least he/they were doing something, albeit destructive. He insists there was never any intent to harm anyone, but bombs placed in bathrooms can potentially harm someone who happened to say, need to use the bathroom.
I am simply amazed though, at how someone like him is now a university professor with not a few distinctions and I ended up where I did. Being connected and having money probably determines more in anyone’s future than anything in this here "meritocritous" US of A. Now, back to working on the great American novel.
Just Some Fuckhead
Back offa Church Lady. Try to imagine what it’s like being the only Real Democrat left in the entire world and then when you’ve absorbed the desperate hopelessness of that, smash yourself in the head with a hammer until you pass out.
Comrade Stuck
I would take a few minutes to hunt for a single example of the enumerable times of you stating the oil market was functioning strictly on Supply and Demand and we just didn’t get it, but Cole’s archive cats aren’t exactly precise. No oil or gas, and not even a TZ oldie but goldy section. And we’ve been in a recession for a year and the oil price didn’t tank to around 50 bucks until just recent. Yes, demand is off some, but not anywhere near that much.
And so do misspelled words. To add the h and y would have meant two blows of wrong letters to the innocent word timeless.
JSF – I don’t recall that either from his highness, but my point was on the honesty of the crooked oil futures market, and those who run it.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Comrade Stuck: I think "Thymeless" would have been a delightful bit of wordplay.
Comrade Stuck
Here is a little graphical fun to make the point about oil and gas price decline
Okay, it’s "innumerable" times, and that’s a misstatement since the times are certainly numerable.
Gasoline street price in the US is entirely supply and demand, if you don’t believe me, ask a gas station owner. Or a hundred. Refined fuels in general follow that rule. It’s a very compact system, driven by schedules, delivery, and cash.
Oil prices are pretty much supply and demand, but it’s a much bigger, spongier market and subject to all sorts of short term gyrations that may or may not have any linear connection to immediate demand, unlike refined fuels.
The connection between the oil market, and the refined fuels markets, is pretty complex, and varies greatly depending on what country you are talking about. Some countries tax up the price just to prevent the kind of fuel price swings we see in the US this year. If we were smart we would do the same, but we live in a tax-hating society so we probably won’t.
Anyway, my principal assertion about fuel prices is that it’s a very brittle supply and demand market. If you think I am wrong, talk to some people who trade in refined fuels for a living and let me know what you find out. I am not talking about your neighbor who buys gas for his two cars, I am talking about the guy who buys a commercial storage tankful or two of fuel for future delivery out of a pipeline. He’s the guy whose living depends on knowing what the price of fuel is going to do from one month to the next.
What I told you about that market? It’s just what that person who trades the fuel told me. I am pretty sure that this person knows what they are talking about. They bought more fuel in a day than you and I would buy in a hundred lifetimes.
That person could be wrong. But I don’t think so.
You’re hilarious. If the Big Three automakers or any of them file bankruptcy next month, then we can consider Obama’s election responsible for that too.
If we are going to communicate on the fuel prices, which is a question that remains seriously in doubt at this moment, you are going to have to demonstrate some understanding of how the refined fuels market actually works. Otherwise, we are in apples and oranges territory.
Refined fuels move from refiner to retail point of sale through middlemen who are operating a very compact commodities market. You can believe that or not, it matters not to me. But if you follow the trucks that supply your gas station back to the tank farm where they fill the truck, and talk to the people who run the tanks and the deliveries, you will find out that ….it’s a simple commodities market, driven by schedules, deliveries and cash. If you have the cash and the balls, you can get into this market yourself, and then let us know how you are doing! I personally don’t have that kind of cash and if I did I am not sure I would have the balls to put six and seven figures worth of it on the line every time I pick up a phone to place an order. That would be my evil twin, King Abdullah.
Comrade Stuck
And why would I talk to the people I believe are lying to us all? Anyways, I’M going down to fill my tank with some Obamagas and then drive to post the office for my ObamaRebate relief check afore the Chinsese, or some American Executive gets their greedy little fingers on it. :-)
Dude, yuou can believe whatever you like. But these people are just businessmen, operating in a strictly cash transaction model.
The station owner pays cash for the fuel off the truck. The truck owner pays cash for the fuel out of the big pump at the tank farm. The tank farm guy pays cash for his delivery out of the pipeline. The pipeline owner pays cash for the product he buys at the bigger tank farm at the other end, or at the refinery.
That is the delivery system. Whether you are the little Stuck Fuel Company in Podunk, New Mexico, or the owner of a big multi-state pipeline. If you don’t believe me, then go and talk to those guys. If you don’t want to believe them, then do whatever you want. This ain’t rocket science.
Comrade Stuck
You bring us there. Last time I checked autos weren’t pumped out of the ground and sold on a in the upside down pyramid scheme, the so called oil futures market.
The graph speaks for itself, but i would agree to prove it, there would need to be a lengthy criminal investigation with sworn testimony. You go on defending these crooks, you do it well.
Comrade Stuck
Yes, and it’s controlled top to bottom by the big oil companies. The only thing they don’t control are the oil producing nation states, and that is debatable. Yep, that’s a free market system we can believe in.
The point of my posts is that I said gas prices would drop a lot if and when Obama got elected, and they did. And you can crow all day about the complexities of the oil market and the economic downturn, but that doesn’t even begin to account for the drop we have.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
TZ? You’re still here? But I thought this thread was declared to be over.
That story was from August, 2003. A single broken pipeline that delivers refined fuels products to Phoenix caused gas prices here to more than double literally overnight in the Phoenix area. $4 gas? We laugh at your $4 gas, we were paying those prices years ago right here.
I wonder what people think when they ponder where the gasoline that they pump at a gas station actually comes from and how it got there? What business model sets the price for that product at the point at which it is pumped into the truck that delivered it to the gas station? What model sets the price paid by the fuel distributor who sells it to the truck owner?
Evil wealthy Snidely Whiplash and Mister Burns characters twirling their mustaches and laughing madly at the hapless public? Or, businessmen buy and selling a (literally) volatile commodity for cash on a daily basis and trying to eke out a profit while they do it?
We report, you decide.
Uh huh. And an oil analyst said they’d drop in the fall, as they did, no matter who got elected, and he said it (to my ears, IIRC) in June. Not because either candidate got elected,but, um, because demand would drop in the fall.
If you want to rest your case on the idea that Obama’s election is responsible for the drop in gas prices, then that’s fine with me. On that point, I am happy to disagree.
Nobody explained to you how this works? As long as I am here, the thread ain’t over.
I can send you an instruction manual if you need one.
Hilzoy just told Bill Ayers to ‘sit down and shut up’ a la Helen of Helen and Margaret. She brings up some of the stuff that Ayers gracefully elided in his little march down memory lane – like the accidental death by bombing happened when his girlfriend and 2 other Weather douchebags were making nail bombs to explode at a dance at Fort Dix. I was an anti-war type back then also, but couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to justify killing people because they disagreed about the morality of war.
You can frame it any you like, Comrade Schmuck.
I frame it this way: You can decide that gasoline prices rise and fall in accordance with anything you want to believe makes them rise and fall. But if you want to to understand the commodities market that is refined fuels, you might want to talk to people who trade in refined fuels for a living and see what they have to say.
That is my entire message to you. You can hang around here and bark like a hyena, or you can go talk to fuels traders and get their inputs. Take time, talk to them, get the whole picture of the business, how it works.
That’s what I did. Now, I could be wrong, and you could be right. But you won’t know for sure unless you talk to the fuel traders. Will you?
It’s a rhetorical question. Others can probably figure it out. You, I have my doubts.
Comrade Stuck
Pure TZ form. And I will frame it the way I like, as will you. it gets rinsed and repeated every few months or so. But that’s the bounce.
Hyenas don’t bark Mr. Hat Cat. they bray. You of all people should know that. And now you do.
And excuse me, I just saw a fuel trader pass by, so I think I’ll let him fill me in on why the environuts won’t let them build refineries and drill every square fucking inch of the planet, and why King Saud has a cold today, and why Whckmajeanajob is a dangerous guy, and why we will someday have Hurricanes, and and and that’s why we have to bid so high cause the oil might disappear. But he won’t say it’s bid low because a Socialist Democrat will be preszit and his compliant Duma will smack em up side the head if they don’t.
It’s a satirical comment, others will understand. You, I have my doubts.
Uh, no, I don’t think so. I think you will frame it as a vague whine about some evil force or malefactors at work, or something even dumber, like "Obama gets elected and the price will go down."
Which is right up there with my favorite election-year sting, if Obama is elected, within a week there will be soldiers marching in the streets. Anyone who has temporarily forgotten about Veterans Day will fall for that one. I should have tried that on you. Damn.
I, on the other hand, will patiently explain again and again that the price of gasoline goes up and down because it’s a closed market and the price has to go up and down.
Luckily for my adoring fans, teh Google is replete with information on this subject, and real experts on the market live as close to you as your nearest fuel tank farm.
Now, do I have to declare this thread dead again to get you to say something more amusing?
How did you recognize him, by his big Top Hat?
Comrade Stuck
I did, and it did. No malefactors at work, just simple greed and fear. or fear and greed. Take thy pick. Old as man himself (or herself) my gender sensitivity training must be working.
And now I have to watch that fuel trader, he’s got his eye on a new scheme. Maybe selling his sole, for a buck. Poor chap, it get’s cold here in Podunk, NM, he’s gonna need some shoes.
Okay, good luck. Go easy on the cheetos out there, mister Orange Lips :)
Comrade Stuck
Thankfully, the Cheeto market is in the Orange. :)
Link to Hilzoy is busted, at least in FireFox.
I believe the Hilzoy link should be this.
That’s a pretty good point. However, Liddy is a convicted felon, a member of the "gated community" class, and yet, well-educated; and he, like Chuck Colson, has admitted on TV (I saw in interview, after Nixon’s funeral) that he was wrong for what he did. He’s a "gonzo" personality, too, much like Babs Streisand.
Ayers was not convicted for what he did and is unrepentant. He is a very bad person. (Like lots of people…)
Now, Obama won the election, fair and square – and likely without much help from Ayers. That being said, with the economy being the #1 issue on election day, nobody gave two shits about Bill Ayers. Had the economy been in good shape, or good enough shape, then people would start giving a shit about fourth-tier issues like associations with bad people. Hell, Rumsfeld’s in a photo shaking Saddam’s hand and W was re-elected, thanks to good economy tough campaigning. [NO, the election wasn’t stolen; the result we just had proves that elections aren’t stolen… ]
Mr Furious
This fall the hurricane in Texas caused most of Western North Carolina to completely run dry for the better part of two weeks. Every day or so, a station or two in the Asheville area would get a truckload, cars would converge, cops would keep order, and gas would sell out in an hour.
The City of Asheville closed all its offices and schools for a few days because of the shortage.
For that whole 10-12 days the price at the station on my corner never changed. It was $4.09 before the hurricane hit and stayed $.09 hen they were dry, when they had the only gas in a twenty-mile radius, and $4.09 that afternoon when they had none.
This was all (the way it was explained to me) because this part of the state lies at the end of a pipeline from Texas.
Can you explain how that situation is different at all from that August 2003 situation in Phoenix? I mean, besides the pricegouging.
That’s a 80% sincere / 20% snark question…
He wasn’t convicted because the fed blew the case against him using illegal tactics.
This in no way determines if he is or is not a bad person.
Conviction = Forgiveness?
Come again?