Pure idiocy from Andrew Breitbart:
At the exact moment Jon Favreau is receiving high praise in pre-inaugural media puff pieces, the 27-year-old chief speechwriter for President-elect Barack Obama (not Jon Favreau, the Hollywood actor/ director) finds himself in a minor mess over a photo from a recent private party showing him groping the breast of a cardboard cutout of Hillary Rodham Clinton as an unnamed pal wearing an “Obama staff” T-shirt kisses and feeds her beer.
If you haven’t seen it, imagine the early stages of the barroom rape scene of “The Accused” with Jodie Foster. Or think prosecutor Mike Nifong’s graphic (though false) descriptions of the Duke lacrosse party. Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson danced to a similar tune at the 2004 Super Bowl.
Fraternities have been closed for less.
Here is the picture in question:
Just like a barroom rape scene. Except, you know, with a cardboard cut-out. And no rape.
I am not going to argue what they were doing was appropriate for public consumption, but calling this akin to the early stages of rape is wankery of the first order. And I challenge you to find ANY fraternity that was closed for less than this. Anywhere.
Just Some Fuckhead
I happen to be an expert on cardboard cutout rape and Favreau isn’t actually groping the cutout’s breast both because the cutout doesn’t have breasts and if it did, they wouldn’t be on the cutout’s right shoulder.
It is entirely possible, however, that Favreau doesn’t actually know where breasts should normally be located.
Conservatively Liberal
Boy have you got the tags right on this one. Pretty funny guy today John, not bad at all.
Personally, I think Hillary would be flattered that a couple of young studs want to get her drunk and grope her. At her age, that is one hell of a compliment.
That is so dumb I can’t believe it.
Hey, John, I think it’s awesome that you’re providing a place for liberal fucktards to hang out. They’ve got a lot fewer options than conservative fucktards.
Quaker in a Basement
Allright, allright. If it makes Mr. Breitbart happy:
Bad speechwriter! Bad! No! No! {thwack!}
That Mr. Breitbart has trouble distinguishing between assault on a person and assault on a picture of a person isn’t surprising. For the last 8 years, conservatives in this country have struggled mightily to blur the lines between reality and their own imaginary world.
Perhaps someone should clue him in that Jodie Foster was not actually raped during the filming of "The Accused." It was all just pr’tendlike.
It’s clearly consensual. That cutout has a gleam in her eye.
Gamma Wingnut Strawman
Our fraternity was closed for less.
joe from Lowell
The term that keeps floating through my head is "reduced to."
This is what these people have been "reduced to?" Complaining about naughty poses with cardboard cutouts?
Let me guess – progressives should be so very, very disappointed, and this shows that there is a civil war in the Democratic Party.
Comrade Stuck
It was the Heinekin that made them do it. That and a loose piece of cardboard.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
Is it time for people to stop bieng persecuted for what they say and do at private functions, conservative or liberal. I’m really sick of that shit.
Comrade Jake
The good idiots over at NoQuarter are all over this story. Apparently HRC was asked about it, and she said something to the effect of "What’s the big deal?" This has some people asking if HRC’s original protests over sexism were sincere.
Piles of stupid.
John Cole
I am sure I will be flamed by someone somwhere for not “getting” the sexism in this act, when this really isn’t about Hillary the woman- this is about power. The reason the cut-out thing happened is because they would NEVER do it to her face, and instead did some immature frat boy BS like pictured above.
Even then, calling this akin to the early stages of rape goes above and beyond the every day level of stupid we have grown to love from Breitbart.
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s gotta be tame stuff to a woman who had regular threeways with Vince Foster and Huma Abedin while her husband was adulterating with various plumpers.
As one who is big boobed I don’t even think he was grabbing for her chest. He could have just been holding the cardboard up yet fools like BTD cry sexism(!). Please.
You want to talk about sexism and groping I have two words for you: Bill Clinton.
They’ve gotten so used to defending the Cardboard Cutout that has inhabited the Oval Office for the past 8 years that they actually believe this IS rape!
Comrade Jake
Our favorite idiot over at TalkLeft is also beside himself over this one. Shocker. Sorry Cole, I know you put your differences aside, but BTD is still an idiot in my book.
Comrade Stuck
And we have you to provide the fauxe outrage.
Laura W
I heard the governor of CA admit that his wife dances around their mansion with a cardboard cut-out of Obama.
Mr. Breitbart should never go to Japan. His RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGEEEE would make his head explode.
I’m personally more worried about forcing Heiniken up Hillary’s 2-dimensional nasal passages than Favreau grabbing her 2-dimensional armpit.
And when did Favreau grow a new head? Is his real name Zaphod Favreau?
My God, I realized that I used an old Mike Huckabee primary campaign mail flyer to start a fire in my fireplace this past week.
Don’t tell Brietbart that I cremated Rev. Huckabee in effigy.
Fraternities have been closed for less.
He said, citing exactly zero examples.
Laura W
@Jackie: As one who is also big boobed (proof linked above), I am reminded of Bush groping Merkel. I was going to link to that classic, but found this one which is new to me and even classier.
Remember when Abu Ghraib was just a little out-of-hand hazing and frat pranks? This is just more proof that liberals don’t get it.
It doesn’t matter what you do. If Mother Theresa can be cast as a self important, glory hog, anything is fair game to point the finger of righteousness at a liberal. Look at what conservatives did to that rabble-rouser Joshua.
These morans were being morans. Most of us have been there. Many of us have done worse. You "could" lose your job for this, if you had a track record of this behavior and had already had a complaint against you. You would not lose your job if this was the complaint. You would have to go to some class. So if these guys were being drunk and stupid they should get the usual black mark in their permanent record.
If they were Rebuplics they’d get to put this on their resumé as an achievement. Heck of a job.
Comrade Dread
If that’s equivalent to rape, I’m looking at multiple life sentences when the Playboy centerfold pictures escape the magazines in my bedroom and file a police report.
Comrade Stuck
@John Cole:
More like the early stage of whirlies, to be followed by an ode to the commode.
Has anyone ever considered that the cardboard cut-out was asking for it? Hell, with that sexy pant suit she was sending out little starbursts which ricocheted through out the living room.
@joe from Lowell:
Yes, it’s just like reduction in a recipe from Julia Child or Escoffier – there’s less of it, but it’s far more concentrated.
J.D. Rhoades
One of the truly entertaining things about NQ used to be watching them tie themselves in knots every time Hillary acted like a grownup after losing the nomination. She endorsed Obama? It was because DNC’s ‘thugs" had a "gun to her head." You could "look in her eyes and see she didn’t mean it." Televised quotes of her supporting Obama were ‘hostage videos." Etc. Now it looks like they’ve dropped the pretense and revealed themselves not as pro-HRC but as just another pack of right wing morons.
I was thinking the same thing. Glad to see I’m not the only one.
Minus the kiss, I could easily see this happening with a cardboard cut-out of a male candidate. I don’t think the guy really thought he was groping since it was a card-board cut-out.
This is just dumb. If you’ve ever been around campaigns and saw how much people hate their opponents, this is pretty mild.
Comrade Rick Massimo
It doesn’t surprise me that he thinks this is basically the same as rape, seeing as how conservatives think that lying to Congress is the equvalent of fighting in a war.
Comrade Stuck
Clearly less than a handful.
Not My Fault
OK, yeah – the rape thing is totally off the deep end.
And even cries of SEXISM! (as if this was the only possible dynamic in the primary) are overwrought.
Now, what about judgment? This wasn’t rape, and it wasn’t institutionalized sexism. but posing for this picture in the context of this election was pretty hard core brainless.
I’d be more willing to crow about the right soiling itself with stupid on this one if there weren’t so much stupid everywhere you look here.
As it is, all I can be is … disappointed. No, this isn’t the proof that it was all a lie and Obama is the Antichrist, but I’m not seeing the fun pointing at folks and laughing on this one either.
Its a good thing cardboard Hillary didn’t get pregnant from the rape otherwise we’d be having a Palin-esque debate about whether or not cardboard rape victims should be forced to carry the rape baby to term.
Personally, I am of the believe that cardboard Hillary is not prepared to be a mother, but ultimately, the decision is up to her. No one can tell her what she can or cannot do with her own cardboard.
Comrade Stuck
@Not My Fault:
From sea to shining sea.
@Comrade Dread:
We really didn’t need to know that. (But pretty funny.)
This is the same Breitbart who cannot figure out why people don’t like George Bush.
"journalists" like Breitbart are one of the main reasons this country is so screwed up. Why does this guy even have a job? It’s not like some redstate or talkleft wanker would not be bitching about this if Breitbart’s mom had aborted his dimwitted ass.
… And since when are right-wingers so hyper-sensitive about political correctness? Which "Fraternities have been closed for less", exactly?
The Other Steve
Personally I think the work that Jon Favreau did in Swingers more than makes up for this. As well as directing Elf and Iron Man.
The Other Steve
I’ve never heard of this breitbart person. I knew there was a site, that was kind of like the repository for wingnut news. But breitbart is really a person?
Who names their kid breitbart?
joe from Lowell
Yes, it’s just like reduction in a recipe from Julia Child or Escoffier – there’s less of it, but it’s far more concentrated.
Outstanding, Old Bean. +1.
The Other Steve
To be fair. Conservatives are usually dressed up in blackface making fun of minorities at their fraternities when they get closed down.
And that’s clearly not as bad as this.
If you want to say that no one involved with serious politics should ever do anything that could photograph badly, fine. That’s an impossible standard and I think it’s not even necessary, because scandals this minor probably don’t have legs, but if that’s the standard, yeah, call this hardcore brainlessness. By a more reasonable standard, though, there’s nothing wrong with a mid-level political strategist ("chief speechwriter" sounds important, but I’ve never heard of him, and at 27 he can’t have been in politics long) doing something stupid with an inanimate object, while drinking in a festive atmosphere at a private party.
Personally, I’ve watched Howard Dean play Pictionary; some friends of mine worked for his presidential campaign, and at one points I found myself at a holiday party where he was also a guest. I can’t remember seeing any really stupid poses myself, but they told me about a previous party where he had to get down on all fours and act like an elephant. I mused how great it would have been to have a camera at the time. Somehow, despite his political career he still found the time to have a little fun.
Eh that’s nothing. You should have seen what Sean Hannity and McCain’s speech writers did to their Sarah Palin cut out.
Yep – it is clearly not rape. So it’s all good, right?
If Hillary had won (and I was never in her camp, so just sayin) and this was a pic of her speechwriters stringing up Obama’s cut out, it wouldn’t be just like a lynching either.
We aren’t talking frat boys, we’re talking about a 27 yo speechwriter for the President. Sure Clinton should be publically saying, "no big deal" Team player and grown up reaction.
And in the scheme of things, where people are losing lives, limbs and homes – it’s not a big deal. But it’s pretty crappy sophistry to approach this from the standpoint that since Breitbart (whoever the hell he is ) went for hyperbole, that it’s nothing at all.
Yep – women can really feel good about Obama’s "staff" and speechwriters and their take on women. See, they aren’t in favor of raping women, just demeaning the snot out of them pictorally. Yip freakin pee.
Breaking news – Bush’s torture program didn’t kill and torture nearly as many people as the Holocaust, so it’s really not a big deal. All better now.
There are two statues of naked male figures in the Time Warner building in NYC. The finish has been rubbed off the penises by thousands of eager grasping hands. Every time I walk in there, I think of the humiliation, the degradation these immobile pieces must feel.
And then I grab their penises.
@Mary: Lighten up Francis.
Seriously, equating a photograph taken in poor taste with torture and the holocaust just makes you sound foolish. Unless you are a spoof, in which case, great job!
Was the picture a bad idea? Yes. Was it disrespectful of Hillary Clinton and women in general? Yes. Is it worth trashing this guys career over? No. Apologies were made and accepted, end of story. Let he (or she) who has never had a picture of them doing something embarrasing taken cast the first stone.
Comrade Dread
Nah, but as a general rule of thumb the kids these days should remember that what gets posted on Facebook, My Space or the internets will wind up in the hands of teh Stupid.
@Laura W:
You know what they say, once you go Barack . . . .
Actually, I found it sort of funny and refreshing. I hate the mamby pambyness that is the now feminist movement. I swear, one silly juvenile antic is not going to send women back into the kitchen…. BUT one rightwing blowhard campaigning as a compassionate conservative just might.
wilbur cornish
thios is really petty—anything to start some shit
The Moar You Know
Where is Paul L?
Leftist objectification of women, be they 3D or 2D, are pretty much par for the course among hypocritical egalitarians (read: all liberals).
You lefties are just peeved that some of you got caught in the act and resent that you have to spin yourselves out of this inarguably stark example of unalloyed sexism.
@Comrade Dread:
Reminds me of a fortune I once received from an fortune cookie: "You will make love to a beautiful model. But injure yourself on the staple." And all I wanted was a good lottery number.
I’m more interested in what the woman in the back was thinking.
This is juvenile, insulting, a little sexist, and just plain stupid. That said, it’s not worth ruining the guy’s career over, and it sure as hell isn’t akin to the beginings of rape.
I just wonder when the pictures of McCain staff humping the leg of an Obama cutout start circulating the Internet.
And doesn’t it look like the Obama Staff Guy is way more into it than Favreau? And wouldn’t it be cool if the Hollywood actor Jon Favreau WERE a member of Obama’s writing staff?
Can we please stop posting this picture? It reminds me of everything I hate about backward baseball caps. And those that wear them.
Minus nuthin’. I’ve got incriminating photos of my own husband – among other guests – dancing and canoodling with our life-size Obama cutout at a victory party. It’s still sexism and rape if it’s a corrugated guy instead of a girl, right? Of course it is — it would be terribly sexist if we didn’t take the offenses equally seriously.
And ya know, lots of passersby on the street below were taking pictures through the big plate-glass windows and even cheering and applauding. Scandalous. Really, it was just like the early stages of the Kitty Genovese murder or the Puerto Rican Day Parade assaults. What is our country coming to when not one person will step forward to assist a helpless cardboard cutout.
My thought is that the difficult thing about this image is that it is both not a big deal, and simultaneously, a Big Deal! That the event occurred, probably not indicative of any serious ill will, probably not a snapshot of dangerous intent. That the event was captured for all perpetuity and freely disseminated, probably a big deal. Cheers to Mary for making the analogous implications clear. Should it slide, given his position and supposed wherewithal?…Sorry dude, but you really should be smart enough to realize that for good or for ill, you have slipped into a different scrutiny bracket and as such, it can’t slide.
The Moar You Know
@Mary: You’re under Internet Arrest for assault and battery on a strawman.
@The Moar You Know: Not hardly.
Look, these guys need to be reprimanded. Yes, it’s just juvenile idiocy, but it’s still seriously offensive.
Notice how we’ve never seen Paul L and Andrew Breitbart in the same room together?
But, no, seriously. This is exactly like the Duke case, with Breitbart playing the part of the esteemed prosecutor. You’ve got your sex-baiting, your race-baiting, your completely fabricated accusations… if only someone could get a cardboard cut out to press charges, we’d have the real deal.
Eye of the beholder, I guess. I think it’s funny as hell. Compared to things that I dimly remember from nights of mass overconsumption of the demon rum in my college days and callow youth, it’s pretty tame. Thank dog there weren’t any cameras around for some of those parties. Juvenile, stupid and sexist seemed to be some of the prime objectives of some of the activities I witnessed.
The Moar You Know
@Atanarjuat: Who let you out of the kitchen? Get the fuck back in there and make me a sammich.
Norman bleated:
Sparky, you used "you" three times in one sentence, polishing you credentials as a less-than-stellar writer-thinker-person, you muttonhead [hah: that’s four, bee-hatch]. That you have no actual point in your tapping is rather lost in the mess. You’re welcome.
As to this Breitbart thinker-person (whoever the hell he is, his parents didn’t even spell "bright" correctly) he’s at the Washington Times. Why is anybody paying him notice?
"the 27 year old chief speechwriter for Obama…"
How… how can that possibly be? We were told all during the primaries and general election that Obama wrote his own speeches. He’s edjicated, don’cha know…
@Atanarjuat: Shorter Atanarjuat: Evil Democrats are objectifying objects!
Trollhattan said:
Well, Spanky, it’s obvious that you can’t argue against the issue I raised (i.e., sexist liberal hypocrisy), and instead attempt, rather pathetically, to assault my grammar.
How non-refreshing.
Not My Fault
These guys didn’t make a funny face while playing a board game. They posed for a picture that can reasonably characterized as personally offensive to the other candidate.
I suspect that the problem here is that teh boys actually had more of the beer than cardboard-clinton did. Speech writers who go all frat-boy when they have had more than 1 beer aren’t the end of the world. But with 300 million Americans to choose from, you’d think they could build a team out of folks who could hold their liquor.
Playboy did a college issue in which the University of Texas was rated "the sexiest university in America". In the same edition, they had a picture of a crowd of fully clothed Baylor students from Sigma Phi Epsilon cheering and flashing their school hand sign. All the students in the picture were identified and the fraternity was suspended by Baylor.
So yeah, authoritarian wankers will be authoritarian in a wankerish fashion. I eagerly await for Atanarjuat to condemn the Jesus Camp staff for having small children praying to a cardboard cut out of George Bush as I find that far more offensive for a variety of reasons than this little escapade.
J.D. Rhoades
You know, you could just design a bot that scans posts for words like "racist", "sexist," etc, and then auto-replies with "Leftists are the REAL __________" ; and it would be just as interesting as Norman.
Comrade Dread
Meh. He’s only in his late 20’s. Give him four years of spinning BS, and he’ll have the liver and tolerance of a Kennedy.
Laura W
No lie.
Apparently, Maria locked the Gov out of the bedroom for much of the general.
That has GOT to be spoof, and if it is, kudos, fine work.
(I think I missed the affidavits about what the blood alcohol level of the photographed participants was.)
Yeah, and if I wanted drunken frat boy behavior in the administration, I got quite enough of that with Bush.
No, it’s not rape or anything like; but I doubt you guys would have been *quite* so ha ha, all in good fun, so hilarious, if it was a picture of one of Clinton or McCain’s staffers pretending to grope or sodomize a fake Obama.
I don’t really care if he apologized, because it’s more the level of moronity he displayed, and at 27 when someone should be an adult.
Not My Fault
Nice editing the quote. Cut out the first sentence that states I am talking about my suspicion, and then wank about lack of proof.
I don’t know if they were drunk. All I have to go by is that their actions are consistent with drunkenness.
If they weren’t drunk when the picture was taken, then I would have to assume that they are idiots pretty much all the time.
I don’t see this as an upgrade. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt.
lost in GA
Hey Atanarjuat, where is Breitbart’s outrage over this?
The fact that this is even a controversy proves one thing….
Some people have obviously never been really drunk and having a good time.
If these guys molesting a cardboard cut out of hillary clinton is cause for us to "Close their fraternity" then it is time to "close my sorority" as well.
I confess, I once lifted a friend of mine onto my shoulders so she could place a dildo in the hand of one Statue of Harry Carry outside of Wrigley Field. We then went on to grope the statue while being photographed.
Someone alert the freaking media.
Also, no more cameras at the keggers boys!
Not My Fault
Bathwater … wait for it. … Baby.
Isn’t it possible to recognize that this was a brainless, disreputable incident without requiring someone’s head?
It was a stupid thing to do, and a disappointing lack of judgment in someone with a significant role.
But a simple apology to senator Clinton, and better judgment in the future seems to be what is called for here.
Well, it’s a picture, and not a story. Anyone who looks at it will make their own assumptions.
We don’t actually know if anyone in the picture was drinking before the photo was taken, including the cutout.
Or they could have all been three sheets to the wind, just a notch from lying on the floor with the spins. Not that I know anything about that personally.
But the "personally offensive to the other candidate" part is what I was talking about. I don’t assume that this photo is "offensive" to Mrs. Clinton. It might be, but she might just laugh at it, too.
It’s an iconic image, something that people will gather around and use as a backdrop for whatever they already think about something or other. We really don’t know much about the facts here. Suppose Clinton herself were just out of the shot, telling the boys to ham it up and having a great time? Suppose the two men were just picking the cutout up to move it and put it in a closet because they didn’t want it out there getting whatever attention it was getting, and just goofed on it for a second on the way? There could be a hundred stories behind the photo.
What exactly is the point of making one up and then constructing a theory around it? Well, if you are Washington Times, the answer to that should be obvious.
If you are a BJ commenter, the answer is less obvious. To me, anyway. If I have to make up a story, mine is, that party looks a lot tamer than some of the ones I remember from my youth. Personally, I was the guy who was the perennial stick in the mud, holding on to car keys, trying to get others to take the madness down a notch. But I was also always a lightweight when it came to spirits. A couple of courtesy drinks and I would be ….not posing, but probably snoring, and then the others could carouse unimpeded.
Like now, I was never any fun to have around.
JD Rhoades
Can’t speak for anyone else here, but my reaction to the original picture was not "ha ha, all in good fun, hilarious". It was "that’s stupid. but not worth making a big deal over." My reaction to "a picture of one of Clinton or McCain’s staffers pretending to grope or sodomize a fake Obama" would be exactly the same.
I object to you calling this of the first order.
This wankery is second class fail compared to the prior golden wingnut awards.
JD Rhoades
And for the record: next time I’m in Chicago, I want to drink some beers and hang with Shinobi.
You got that issue for the story, right?
Do you have a newsletter we can subscribe to?
Next time one of the killjoys whine about you posting pet pictures, you can threaten to re-run this photo instead.
@JD Rhoades: I’m with ya, JD–kinda stupid, not a big deal. Actually, I might have given the McCain camp a little credit if a staffer had a picture of him pantomiming sodomy with an Obama cutout (unless, of course, it also included someone pantomiming stoning the sodomizing staffer).
Love it.
A couple of us once dialed up a sports talk radio show and my cohort told this story in the voice of Harry Carray:
"It’s a beautiful day for baseball. Look at that young couple in the bleachers. He kisses her every time the pitcher throws a strike, and she kisses him on the balls."
We considered it a great victory that the thing got onto the air before they could react and get it with the tape delay.
It’s an old joke, but when one is young and innebriated, even a small thing can be a great victory.
Ash Can
The behavior portrayed in the photo is boorish and stupid, and indicates poor judgment on the part of the speechwriter since he should have known that people scrounging for dirt on Obama would jump on the photo if it were made available (and it obviously was).
Having said this, no, it is NOT worth clutching pearls and fainting over. Good grief. It’s disrespectful of Hillary Clinton, NOT of women in general. And even in that respect, it could have been one whole hell of a lot worse.
These guys were making fun of an erstwhile rival, for which (i.e., doing it in this manner) at least the speechwriter is likely to (and should) be called on the carpet. But for those NoQ types running around wailing about mysogyny — jeezus christ, where were these mopes when we were trying to get the ERA passed??
PS @Shinobi: LOLZEZ!
The Other Steve
You know, this isn’t something I would ever do. I don’t make it a habit of hanging out with cardboard cutouts.
But can you please explain to me what they did that makes this equivocable to rape or the holocaust?
Beer; "groping"; next? Weak.
P.S. @Mary: Godwin called, he wants his thread back.
The Other Steve
That was my reaction to.
I will admit, in general, I think it’s best for people to generally treat one another respectfully. Whether that is in person, or even in situations like this.
I would likely as not have a cutout of Obama or Clinton or Palin or McCain or whatever. I wouldn’t even put their picture on a dart board to throw things at. Or anything like that. I find such behavior counter productive.
But I know it happens, and I’m not outraged by it. It is not evidence that someone is a totally evil Hitler.
Rightwing blowhard mouthpiece POS newspaper The Chicago Tribune files for Chapter FailureWeSuckUnemployment. Boo-fucking-hoo.
I staffed an Obama/McCain bipartisan-register-and-vote type thing at the local community college. I was at the Obama table.
The college purchased cardboard cut outs of both men, and set them beside that candidate’s folding table.
Both Obama and McCain were abused, by both men and women, in a bipartisan manner. Obama’s supporters were less than respectful of Senator Obama, and the same was true for Senator McCain’s supporters. Many students took cell phone photos of the hilarity. All day.
It’s the cut outs. People act stupid around them.
The Other Steve
From what I’ve read. Obama does write many of his own speeches. The speech on race he wrote himself, for instance. Some of the larger speeches though he has a team. So these young guys do most of the grunt work. Obama lays an outline, and they fill in the details… then it comes back to Obama who edits it and rewrites some of the language.
It certainly makes sense when you start talking about policy, as there are a lot of facts and figures that need to be collected and verified before putting them in a speech.
Thank you, Atanarjuat, for standing up for the human rights of a cardboard cutout.
I really do love the right wing’s MO these days:
Step 1: take a pretty non-controversial liberal stand, like, say, disapproval of rape
Step 2: find the most ridiculous reductio ad absurdum of that position possible, like, for instance, saying that since liberals disapprove of rape, they must therefore be incensed if pictures of women are the objects of lewd behavior without the pictures’ express written consent.
Step 3: accuse liberals of hypocrisy for not subscribing to the idiocies projected onto them by the right.
Seriously, if these people had set out with the objective of making the nuttiest, most paranoid DFH look reasonable and sane by comparison, they could not have done a better job than they’re doing now.
You forgot:
4. Twist it so rape is acceptable.
5. ?????
6. Profit!
47 –
I didn’t
equati[e] a photograph taken in poor taste with torture and the holocaust nor did I call for trashing someone’s career and I think you understand that, and don’t want to deal with what I actually did. To use sentence structure that you seem to be able to follow,
posing for a picture fondling a female Senatorexpressing disappointment at both what the picture evidences as judgment by staffers and speechwriteres, and at what was being passed off here as responsive (hey, it wasn’t really rape) isn’t quite the same asrapeasking for someone’s head on a platter.And rather than equating torture or the holoaust with a cutout picture scandal (sheez – I don’t know who Breitbart is, but he clearly isn’t the winner on the hyperbole front) I pointed to the kind of analogy that takes something awful and uses that as a comparative to make something merely bad seem good – with saying that the cutout behavior is actually good, bc at least it isn’t rape.
Interestingly, when the nutcases at lgf and redstate and the true whackos at The Corner pull this kind of reasoning out of their asses, JC seems to recognize it pretty easily.
But I guess the really clever responses is to say, "Lighten up Francis" Thank God we get all that "change" now – where the "lefty" sites get to be the ones setting up their own incarnates and having meltdowns when someone doesn’t genuflect correctly.
Bubblegum Tate
I’m telling you, someone should stick up for the cutouts.
Idiots can’t resist the cutouts. The same thing happened when we used the Obama cutout at the County Fair. Senator Obama was ravaged by every teenage boy with a cellphone that takes pictures.
The Moar You Know
@Shinobi: You, I want to party with.
@TheHatOnMyCat: I was one of the guys you were physically restraining from setting things on fire. I may also have accidentally kicked you in the head while climbing a fence. The memories are somewhat cloudy, I may have kicked someone else in the head instead. I’m sorry about that, if it was you.
The magazine is an excellent periodical and I am a big fan of the articles, yes. On a completely different note, Go Horns!
The Moar You Know
Damn you TMYK!
Why is he making her drink the beer thru her nose?
I guess I’ll try one more time.
89 – "But can you please explain to me what they did that makes this equivocable to rape or the holocaust?"
Since I didn’t say it was, Imaybe you could explain why you are asking me for that explanation?
The reasoning used of taking something truly horrible (rape, the holocaust, whatever lights up the "not applicable" light) and saying that because something is NOT "like" that means it is ok, is just flat bad reasoning.
It’s really pretty easy on this one. It’s not "like rape" just like Bush’s torture program wasn’t "like the holocaust" and just like KBR’s water it served up for the troops was not "like a glass full of raw sewage" OTOH, the fact that "a is not like b, where b is something truly awful" is not the same as "a is therefore like something that is ok"
But in a world fo more important things, this isn’t doesn’t begin to move off the disappointing list and on to the "OMG, fire someone and send them to jail" list.
jenniebee said:
R-i-i-i-ght. You just keep muttering that to yourself, jenniebee.
Trivializing sexism for the sake of political ideology is pretty much what all this boils down to.
You group-thinking leftists should stop being so disingenuous and just print up a banner that reads, "it’s not misogyny when we do it." You’re not fooling anyone otherwise.
Comrade Jake
I’m always pretty astonished by the sanctimonious bullshit that tends to accompany these sorts of things. It’s a couple of guys goofing around, for Chrissakes. It’s a mother-fucking cardboard cutout. We have 100+ posts about nonsensical reactions to a piece of cardboard.
Seriously people, if you don’t see the lighthearted comedy of this, grow a goddamn soul.
It simply isn’t true. Sexism isn’t the driving force behind acting stupid with the cutouts.
The time-honored "acting stupid with statutes" analogy fits, I think.
The cliche police called and want their chestnut back.
You meant "statues" of course, but, yes.
@demimondian: shorter Demi — These guys just haven’t learned to love, hold, and cherish their cardboard broads like I have. I’m offended. This is sick, offensive, and disgusting. Also.
Thank you. I hadn’t seen the HRC cutout. They’re smaller than the politician, but to scale. So, McCain’s was to Obama as each man is to the other, in height.
There was dancing with the cutout, too. Making the cutouts dance with each other. It went on and on.
@Comrade Jake:
If by "alert the media", you mean "post pics on BJ", I couldn’t possibly be in more agreement.
Sorry. I loved that so much, I just wanted to re-post it.
South of I-10
Equating this with rape trivializes rape. This is some former frat boys who had too many Heinekens acting like they had too many Heinekens. I am sure I did something equally stupid in my 20’s.
Kevin K.
I think Hillary actually tried that during the primaries to appeal to white blue-collar voters.
Mrs. Polly
"Can we please stop posting this picture? It reminds me of everything I hate about backward baseball caps. And those that wear them"
That’s the most intelligent comment I’ve seen about this whole idiotic mess. I don’t go for the "he’s just holding her shoulder, isn’t he?" any more than the "Those Rapey Bastards!" automated party-approved everyone-to-their-proper-corners reactions.
The stupidity of allowing his whiz-kid speechwriter self to be photographed in the act of dissing his boss’s rival, perpetual headache, and new hire just augments the plumb dumb sexist ugliness of yes, placing his hand over the cardboard representation of Hillary’s breast. He’s not just "holding her shoulder".
Of course, the dodos at PUMAPAC.org screwed up their one chance at actual, righteous, logical anger, overtopping Favreau in ugliness of spirit and bad taste by photoshopping Michelle’s face into the picture instead of Hillary’s. Not satisfied with doing exactly to Michelle what was done to Hillary, they went on to depict Obama as a lawn jockey in front of the White House, Obama as an Indian beggar, Donna Brazile being groped by Favreau.
At least Favreau had the tepid excuse of being a snockered dimwit 27-year-old. Who properly had to write a groveling apology, which Hillary accepted and no doubt filed away in her compendium of useful political scrip.
PUMA, on the other hand, has reached a new high in lows.
@Mrs. Polly:
It’s a good point. The context matters. The people I saw groping Obama and McCain don’t work for Obama or McCain, or know them, even slightly.
I saw that cutout abuse as the usual healthy disrespect of the public for the wildly powerful and remote. This is different, in context.
I’m loving Sir Douchebag on the right with his shirt tucked in just one spot of his pants, as if he needs to show how his belt buckle is the best redeeming quality of his whole get-up.
And I’m pretty sure the punk on the left is grabbing her ass with his left paw.
Yeah… but you don’t get it. The blogger boyz is still picking on St. Hillary.
Matt Taibbi’s essays at the end of the primary season describe a campaign positioning Hillary as a feminist icon or a working class Jane or whatever to fit electoral need. To do so they vilified Mr. Obama and worked the true believers into a frothy outrage.
Seeing as she’s the pick for SoS, it’s Democratic party water under the bridge. But the clowns (NoQ, Alegre, riverchucky et al) need to keep picking at the scab — it’s all they’ve got.
But how does that analogy work? It would be more like "If Hillary had won, and this was a pic of one of her speechwriters grabbing the armpit of a cardboard cutout of Obama while the other fed it a beer, it wouldn’t be just like they were forcing Obama to have gay sex." And I’d have to say you could find a few people to be outraged, while most rolled their eyes at this tempest in a teapot. Feeding beer to the cutout really isn’t the same as hanging it in effigy. (If they were hanging Hillary in effigy there’d be a lot more outrage.)
I’m amazed anyone with a political career has Facebook, much less posts pictures. That might be a topic to tsk over.
Do you really think Hillary gives a damn about this? It’s common enough for campaigns to have dartboards with their opponent’s face on them or worse.
This is nothing. Campaigns freaking hate opposing campaigns. That’s life.
This is the same kind of PC, sensitivity-training, speech police type crap that I saw when I was in college. I thought those years were over.
Feeding beer to the cutout really isn’t the same as hanging it in effigy.
And let’s not forget that Hillary made doing shots-and-a-beer with the working class the centerpiece of her campaign.
Common Sense
Gramps was sure ticked off when they closed his favorite haberdasher downtown. I had to listen to the rules of hat etiquette for at least a year, as well as some bizarre theory about how heavy wool hats with no logos promote civility and gentility in society.
He has another theory about the downfall of American Civilization and its direct correlation to sales of open toed sandals for men. And something about males wearing earrings contributing to the decline of the nuclear family too. Maybe one of y’all can help me figure that one out?
I like this part:
Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson danced to a similar tune at the 2004 Super Bowl.
Wha? So that wasn’t really Janet’s boob, just a cardboard cut-out?
This still doesn’t even come close to the best Breitbard column:
Slim Jim
Well, at least we know the people he trusts to be behind the teleprompter have good judgment. This is promising.
jake 4 that 1
[Turns stupid filter up to 10,000/kb]
Sheesh, warn a guy next time you post something that mindbogglingly dimwitted.
As penance you must explain the difference between paper females and real females to Mr. Brieffart.
bob the hog
We all know what beer does to cardboard.
Imagine the early stages of Dorothy’s attack on the Wicked Witch of the West.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
Really? 127 comments about being drunk with a cardboard cutout?
@The Other Steve:
And even if Obama wrote all his own speeches, I get the impression that the man is selfaware enough to realize that he is not that perfect that the speeches wouldn’t improve with a review by somebody else.
A Nazi rapist frat boy (wearing a hat, indoors), drunk with a cardboard cutout, you insensitive clod.
Laura W
Mo’ better.
Yeah, I have one…can’t recall why, however. I think I set up the minimum deal over there to respond to someone from my past I really did want to connect with. Recently an old associate "wrote on my wall"…snort… and another old online acquaintance asked me to friend him. He’s in his mid-50s, for christ’s sake. Drop me an email, buddy! (Actually, don’t. The last time he did was in spring, inquiring if I wanted him to send me "Girls Like Us" when he was done. He’s a damn slow reader, apparently.)
Those social networking sites kill me. Who has the kind of time to sit around all day and write stoopid stuff to people, most of whom you don’t even know.
Who has the kind of time to sit around all day and write stoopid stuff to people, most of whom you don’t even know.
Maybe it’s because I’m on a Mac but I couldn’t see any evidence of sarcasm tags there.
No, it’s not rape. But it is disgusting. These people posed for these pictures. That is, Obama’s speechwriter posed for a picture of himself symbolically groping Obama’s secretary of state. Seriously, did people here think it was amusing when that idiot in California made fake foodstamps with Obama looking like a monkey and pictures of fried chicken on it? I didn’t think so. She had to step down and apologize. So, that seems appropriate here as well.
I don’t really have a problem with this. I do the same thing with my Bush cardboard cut-out.
Comrade Kevin
@Laura W:
Look how many comments this post has generated, and how many different people made them.
Laura W
@DougJ: I’m surprised by that since I’m on a Mac too.
The real unintentional beauty of my delicious sarcasm is that I linked to my CATS BLOG.
Laura W
@Comrade Kevin: John Cole’s Face Juice!
Look for it in 2009.
The Moar You Know
@SheRa: Your concern is duly noted.
J.D. Rhoades
And then, when it’s all over, sometimes the people from the losing campaign come over to work for the winner. At the very least, they realize that you don’t get all bent out of shape over what was said and done privately to rally the troops during the fight and to blow off steam.
It’s called being a professional.
Yes, but Fraternity members are generally pre-supposed to be rapists until they prove otherwise.
Comrade Stuck
That is soooo just, like, the same. This thread is sort of like a trip down memory lane to Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
J.D. Rhoades
Good times, good times.
You know what they say. Safe sex — no pictures.
Considering his fascination with "seriously cut" male abs, he may not be interested.
@Nicole, comment #46
Hilarious–comment o’the day, imho.
As a woman of a certain age, I really couldn’t care less what someone did with a cardboard cutout. Sure, it was stupid to post something like that to Facebook, and jeez, how many cases of "posts stupid photo to Facebook/Myspace/teh internets, gets humiliated/has to apologize" do we have to see before people wise up? But in the grand scheme of things, not a big dea.
yet another jeff
@South of I-10: Hell, equating this with rape trivializes equating.
If Mr. Breitbart thinks that gropping Ms. Clinton’s cardboard likeness is bad….
He should see what Cheney does to the cardboard cutout of W when noone is around.
And the worst of it?
The cardboard cutout of George W. Bush is version of George W. Bush left in existence.
@Cassidy the Racist White Man:
You’re new to the Internet, aren’t you.
In Verona, Italy, there’s a statue of Juliet Capulet in a small courtyard under the balcony where she supposedly lived. The bronze statue has been there since the 60s. The way the statue is posed and positioned, the right breast is within easy reach. Therefore, it has been worn perfectly smooth and shiny by decades of tourists groping her and, yes, posing for pictures. I think there might be a picture of me doing it somewhere in a closet in my parent’s house.
(Hmmm. Maybe I should rephrase that last sentence, but I think it’s fine the way it is…)
This situation is not unique to cardboard cutouts, nor to Obama supporters, nor to liberals. And judging by Shinobi’s comment, it’s not even unique to men. (Boilerplate: sexism is bad, anecdotes aren’t data, et cetera ad infinitum.) As tempests in teapots go, this is one of the more harmless, while still being pretty amusing.
Here’s something about a real woman and her own actual breasts, my friends:
Roland Charlemagne
I think your repudiation of Andrew Breitbart description, which fits the disturbing nature of the photo by the way, demonstrates a lack of understanding into the psychology of just what is going on there.
This debasing of a photographic representation of Clinton shows a lack of respect for women in general and is specifically a clear effort to show the defeated(in the primaries) Clinton as "their bitch", which translates into "Obama’s bitch"
Cardboard or otherwise, woman’s advocacy groups will be banging on Obama’s door demanding their pound of flesh. And rightfully so. The Obama team’s indecent and disrespectful handling of the full size, full color representation of perhaps the most powerful woman in American politics today is just to egregious to ignore.
Hard for me to believe anyone thinks of this as "not a big deal"
@Roland Charlemagne:
I agree with you about that. I think the picture sucks for exactly the reasons you outlined there. It is really embarrassing, stupid, thoughtless…
Also, I think that the outrage coming from people whose MO is to dehumanize at every opportunity, in defense of someone they would dehumanize in a heartbeat, against someone they spent their entire campaign dehumanizing, is worth ridiculing forever.
I’d be gratified to see these guys own that bullshit and apologize in a way that does not answer to these punks.
The statues just called and asked for your phone number.
The quality of spoof here is getting better, I must say.
Either that or we need to go back to this:
I still don’t think that the latter comment can be improved upon.
Has anyone asked what people on "the angry left" think?
As someone who is simply on "the seething left" I feel it presumptuous to speak for them.
Comrade Jake
It’s all fun and games until Hitler invades France.
Comrade Jake
At least, not judging by the picture!
Can we start calling this Cardboardgate?
@ Roland Charlemagne
WTF dude? That’s Hillary, not Oprah.
"Fraternities have been closed for less."
What? For funding reasons? Come on loser.
Breitbart seems to have breasts confused with armpits. Has he ever been with an actual woman? Chalk one more piece of evidence for the theory that the main problem with right-wing nuts is that they just don’t get laid enough.
Brian J
And people thought Obama was being a little too stringent by asking about Facebook pictures! Chalk this up as one more reason why it helps to have a young candidate who realizes what sort of world he is living in.
Anyway, there was little chance that Clinton was going to get her panties in a twist over this, but still, her spokesman’s response shows she’s taking it as a joke. Which it was. Was it exactly a shining moment for this guy? No, no it wasn’t. But it’s hardly the end of the world. Just when you thought Breibart couldn’t get any stupider after his last column on A&F models as young Republicans, he manages to fall even further.
Someone fetch the smelling salts. ilsita has gotta case o’ tha vapas.
The GOP is honing its narrative for 2010 and 2012, make no mistake. They fell flat these last two elections because their wedge issues were all duds. That said, they’re going to play the race / sex cards even harder because they are increasingly flaming out on every issue that matters.
Expect wave after wave of "Democrats hate women! Democrats hate minorities!" over the next two years. This will be either the biggest sleaze comeback in a generation or the biggest fail of the century, depending on whether folks buy the canard that a drunken speech writer manhandling a card board cut out somehow outweighs Goodyear v. Ledbetter when it comes to women’s issues.
Oh jeez, Comrade Jake, don’t bust a vein.
So, it was a smart and thoughtful photo?
The pitcure sucks. Sometimes we do stupid things when we’re partying. And posting the picture (with some time to think about it) was a super stupid thing. Man, Jake, some things are stupid. We’re not immune. Imagine that picture was your mom (She is someone’s mom). Or imagine it was Michelle Obama — we’d be all over that like a hound on a gut cart. It sucks.
Doesn’t it suck when someone is hung in effigy?
Doesn’t it suck when Obama is portrayed as a monkey?
It sucks when people who have a cardboard cutout version of gay people in their minds hold up signs condemning them to hell.
How about let’s not play that?
harlana pepper
Oh my stars, the, erhm, the outrage, the, um move a lil closer there, honey, thank you.
The baby would have been a blockhead.
Andy Stitzer: You know how when you grab a woman’s breast… it feels like… a bag of sand.
David: What?
– 40 year Old Virgin –
Comrade Jake
In terms of things that are done at college parties where alcohol is being consumed, this is pretty fucking low on the "stupid" scale. It’s college. Kids take pictures of other kids making stupid poses. This happens to most all of us, except for those who attended the University of No Fun (UNF).
Much higher on the stupid scale is the fact that this topic has garnered 170+ posts.
I’ll bet Breitbart gets laid. Just not by women.
If you (a) refer to the guys in Abercrombie and Fitch ads as "cut studs" and (b) think that feeling the chest area of a cardboard cut-outs is anything like groping a woman’s breasts, you’re probably gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But it may be somewhat germane to this discussion.
gil mann
I’m okay with putting up a unified front until the right-wingers shut up about this, but the second they move on, I’d love to see this guy get his ass kicked, preferably by a female.
Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is a frat choad.
Oh, for crying out loud. Can’t we make a single freakin’ mistake, and then go, "Oh, that was dumb! Sorry!"? We have a dumbass picture of Obama’s speechwriter being a dick. And we, who have (rightly) never failed to call the right when they’ve been dicks, are going all, "What? Frat boy prank! C’mon! It’s cardboard!"
If you read the rest of my post, you’ll see that I have no patience for the right’s sudden interest in human dignity.
That seems to be at issue.
I’m saying the picture is offensive. It is. But I think the picture is offensive for the same reason I think a lot of what spews out of the right sucks. So, I’m like, "Hey, I hate that, but, waitaminit, who are you to be indignant?". And I need the smelling salts, because I didn’t start that sentence, "Hey, that’s so awesome! I don’t know what it is. But, AWESOME! You should love it, and fuck you!"?
Yah, allright. So, let’s play their faux outrage game on their terms. That’s how Obama played it.
@Comrade Jake:
Well, yah, but, as zinfab says,
It oughta garner that many posts, I think. We’ve seen them make an apocalypse out of less than this The thing we think no one in their right mind would ever play, they play. It’s worked for them time and again — not this time. But I do really think that the best way to take the wind out of their sails is to own up to the dumb thing ("You’re right! That was dumb!") and then end the discussion ("You wanna go tit for tat on women’s rights, then, do you?"), rather than do what they do )"What!? Don’t you koolaid drinkers have a sense of humor?").
I’m partial to Corrugate.
@Nicole: I think I love you. At the very least, I would like a subscription to your newsletter.
Comrade Jake
Sorry, but I’ll never appreciate the suggestion that one should approach all such issues with a defensive crouch towards what the freepers will do. I don’t give a shit what the right says. They’re off their fucking rocker right now. You might as well pay attention to everything Rush will say and do in the next few years. Good luck with all that.
Anyway, that’s not what this is about. Give me a break. There’s a contingent of people who really think this is a fireable/sexist offense by Favreau, and that the Obama people should hold his feet to the fire a little more. It’s a joke.
Will Hunting
This thread is dead. So it goes.
@Comrade Jake:
Where did you get the idea this was at a frat party? It wasn’t. Do you think Obama’s speech writer is still in college? No, he’s a full grown up at 27. I would hope that by 27, the speech writer for the president had graduated college and was a fully functioning adult. He’s not and this picture posted by the WaPo was taken recently, long after the campaign was over.
FWIW, yes this is offensive behavior on a certain level. In my tiny corner of corporate America working for a global conglomerate, this would be a firing offense across all countries. A certain level of professionalism is expected from employees.
@Comrade Jake:
I totally get that, Jake. It’s kind of like making the cornerstone of our foreign policy a reaction against some schoolyard taunts, right?
What I meant to suggest is that, instead of giving these freaks fodder, and instead of pretending that whatever idiot thing we do is unimpeachable and correct, as they do, we just own it when we’re stupid. Like this: "OK, well, yeah, that was really dumb. Sorry for offending your WATB PC sensibilities. Next case!"
I don’t see that as a defensive crouch. I see that as taking the stupid thing off the table.
@Comrade Jake:
I totally get that, Jake. It’s kind of like making the cornerstone of our foreign policy a reaction against some schoolyard taunts, right?
What I meant to suggest is that, instead of giving these freaks fodder, and instead of pretending that whatever idiot thing we do is unimpeachable and correct, as they do, we just own it when we’re stupid. Like this: "OK, well, yeah, that was really dumb. Sorry for offending your WATB PC sensibilities. Next case!"
I don’t see that as a defensive crouch. I see that as taking the stupid thing off the table.
(sorry, i think i double posted)
Mrs. Polly
What would be nice is if we could go back to admitting that the ground is down, the sky is up, and we can believe our own lying eyes even if it’s politically inconvenient.
Stoopid Favreau’s stoopid speechwriter’s paw is in cupping position somewhere in the chestal vicinity of a cardboard photo of powerful and wily Senator Hillary Clinton. That is not good. He is not "holding her shoulder." Please.
And yes, it’s cardboard. But another term for it, perfectly correct, is "effigy", a "crude figure of a hated person or group" (American Heritage). Groping in effigy by a minor campaign idiot wouldn’t be good, but to be Obama’s speechwriter on the national stage and let yourself be recorded this way, much less posting it yourself…..I’m speechless at the stoopid.
By your "logic" an unattractive woman who gets raped should be grateful someone wanted to have sex with her, right?
John Cole
MYIQ, you racist loser PUMA, do you want to know what is like rape?
Rape, you stupid fuck.
You know what is not like rape at all? Some jackasses pouring beer into a cardboard cut-out.
If you can’t figure out the difference, just gtfo of here. What Favreau and his friends did was clearly immature and stupid, and since they apologized, they are clearly embarassed, but for Breitbart to compare it to a barroom rape and for you nitwit racists Hillary fetishists to sieze on it as if it was rape is ridiculous.
Go to hell. You are not welcome here anymore.
I read that article you linked to, and it certainly looked to me like he couldn’t figure out why people didn’t like Sarah Palin.
@Roland Charlemagne: Roland seems concerned as well.
Its too bad you can’t flag comments on that site as something more than offensive. You know, like "stupid." As in the whole article. Blech.
Ha… That’s something my grandad used to say. It always cracked me up. I guess they don’t have gut carts anymore — whatever they are.
@The Other Steve:
Mrs. Breitbart, of course.
@Roland Charlemagne:
Really? I’m female, and I don’t feel disrespected at all. Does it take a man to tell me when I’m disrespected? Or do you have any fucking clue what you’re talking about?
It’s a CARDBOARD CUTOUT, it’s NOT a woman, got it?
Okay, I’m now going to give the bottom line after reading ALL of these comments.
Favreau was having some fun with a cardboard cutout of Hillary, a few friends and a few beers. The unfortunate thing is that a camera also happened to be an additional prop, and the photo got out. Favreau’s lesson (and probably one he has just begun to learn) is that when representing the next POTUS, you don’t do stupid shit when cameras could be involved.
Elizabeth Plumley
I know exactly what it feels like to be raped. And, I know exactly how to recognize the Monkeyboys(human DNA, no actual consciousness) like yourself who do the raping, John Cole. We’re just a little disgusted to see the real face of your fearless leader’s pretty hopey changey words. And, frankly we’re just a little terrified, what with the thugging at caucuses, fixing of elections and big national socialist rally parties in football fields going down, as we all, go BANKRUPT!!! Then you bullies start publishing your "denigrate dem bitches" happy party times photos on facebook like you’re bragging about it. We used to have America. Now we can’t even vote, and we have to work with cromagnons like mr. favreau being elevated above every woman everywhere. We are in hell. We know that. We are Puma losers, we know that. We are not welcome in this country. We know that. We are not safe. We know that. And, now we know who YOU work for. Wouldn’t it be great if you could take on the White guys who made you this angry and hateful, instead of projecting it all on women you think you can take. Big man John Cole, threatens rape on the internet. You win. I’m terrorized.
John Cole
Elizabeth- Drop dead. Seriously. Come into my website and liken me to a rapist? Just go drop dead, you total asshole.
If you can find one place where I condone what they did, go for it. Knock yourself out. Explain where I have “threatened rape on the internet.”
You can’t. My point was that this brain dead hack comparing a couple of jackasses acting like morons with a cardboard cutout to rape is idiotic, and that it downplays the seriousness of rape. Apparently you are just that kind of idiot.
Go seek professional help.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think that was spoof, John. And if it wasn’t we’ll just pretend it was.
Elizabeth Plumley
#189, you racist loser puma, you want to know what rape is like?
And, just so you know fucktard, I’m a green, way left of you rethug.