Tim is fond of pointing out that Republicans love to point out how terrible the government is, then they work really hard to get elected and prove their point. Via LGM, the next chunk of evidence:
The Department of Homeland Security and Department of Agriculture have no plan to work together in the event of a food-borne disease outbreak or terrorist attack. The Department of Defense’s security clearance process takes so long it jeopardizes classified information. The EPA’s chemical risk assessment program is improperly influenced by private industry.
When Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) requested a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) listing questions his fellow senators might ask President-elect Barack Obama’s political nominees at their upcoming confirmation hearings, he probably didn’t expect a 150-page list of Bush administration screwups. But that’s what he got.
The entire report is here (.pdf).
But, but, but Bush restored"the honor and the dignity of his office"
by not getting any Bjs in office, even though he tortured people, drove the economy into the ground, lost a major American city, screwed up 2 wars and suffered the largest terrorist attack in this nations history.
Plus he cut taxes for the rich.
Comrade Stuck
The Department of Homeland Security is nothing more than a wingnut conflagration of fail. And that is exactly why they finally decided to take up dems suggestion to create it and include as many agencies as possible to corrupt utterly. They even tried to include the Holy Grail of GOP dyspepsia, the EPA. Thankfully, that didn’t fly, but the rest that got swept into the vortex will take years if not decades to straighten out. I don’t envy Gov. Napolitano for what is has facing her.
Tim Fuller
Booooring. The list of Bush crimes omissions and errors is endless. It started early on, when ANYONE with a brain and a decent internet connection KNEW he was lying about Niger documents. I recognized the scam more quickly than most,
He and his entire minion lied about WMD’s. The UN said there were none and I remember an American named Scott Ritter attesting to this. There were none. He was defanged. Saddam was contained. The sanctions were working. Simple. Elegant. Facts.
The Saudi’s were 99% responsible for 9-11, either through the actions of wayward son Osama, or on the payment to him from the CIA (he was trained by) as a favor to Bush. Either way, he’s still free so we can’t torture the truth out of him. We knew that before the buildings came down. It’s well documented. Iraq didn’t even factor in the equation of 9-11 so why were we torturing the shit out of them again?
Not satisfied with just being illegal and corrupt, we’ve all had a front row seat to the most ill-prepared and incompetent leadership in recent WORLD memory.
At the end of the day, is there ANYTHING positive one could actually point to in regard to this administration?
Didn’t that all start with an email to Saddam stating, "I am in possession of several tons of highly enriched uranium, but I require a bank transfer fee to unlock my assets. If you could please send me a nominal $500 fee to process the paperwork, I would be willing to send you some of this highly valuable commodity."
Bush’s boys must have spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars investigating this. It fools people all the time.
Gee, Senator, so kind of you to jump on all these issues just in time for the new President to get sworn in. If you don’t mind me asking WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU FOR THE LAST 8 YEARS?!
There was no need to have those agencies working together, since the might powers of the Torturer-in-Chief have kept the evil mooslems from our sacred shores.
We sleep safe at night because of Dear Dubya. Never forget it.
Tim Fuller
It’s just a lot easier to talk about this stuff now that 88% of my neighbors aren’t in the stupor of 911 and under the impression that their piously bitchin’ Preznit wouldn’t lie to them.
Bush bore false witness against Saddam, as did many other so-called God fearing, Bible believing people in this administration. THEY HAD FREAKIN’ BIBLE SESSIONS IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Daily updates from the Original House of God(tm) in Colorado Springs, formerly hosted by the Rev. Ted Haggard.
They didn’t just sin, they went straight for the groin of the Ten Commandments. And thus speaketh Bush: "Commandments Ye’ Shall be my bitches" and thus it was so.
Not only that, they tortured people, even little kids testicles weren’t off limits. They are barbarians of the first order and every bit of my moral, ethical and evolutionary fibre is wounded so long as I don’t call them out on it at every opportunity. They are war criminals and only Fox News seems interested in hiring most of them……
Douche Baggins
Tim axes: At the end of the day, is there ANYTHING positive one could actually point to in regard to this administration?
Well, that GAO report was actually comprehensive, well thought out, and reflected an interest in good governance…
I’m actually contemplating a move from the private sector to government. I wouldn’t mind being on the vanguard of citizens who restore confidence and competence to our public institutions.
Oh yeah, and in keeping with the level of discourse on this blog: Fuck George Bush with Bar’s dick.
Heh, the no-call telemarketing list… only positive stuff GW did.
Well if you don’t count being an example on how to NOT do things, that is. Heck, even Putin backed down on Georgia, afraid of being compared to Bush!