As suggested by the title of this post, this will be my last entry at Balloon-Juice. Before I say anything else, I must thank both John and Tim… I have really enjoyed this – more than you both know. And, for the rest of you, I haven’t mentioned my leaving before now to either John or Tim. I’m just leaving and they are learning with the rest of y’all!
When I started writing here several months ago, I was absolutely honored. I had my own blog at the time, and I was attracting between 1500-2200 readers a day, mostly on gay issues. I think I shut my own blog down about a couple months before I started blogging here. I can’t quite remember which came first – me shutting down Gay Orbit or being invited to post here!
My experience in voicing my opinions has normally been about gay issues. I know a lot about that, and I’ve expressed some very good opinions and rationales over the years, whether it’s on marriage or hate crimes legislation (which, unlike Andrew Sullivan, I completely support). When it comes to general politics, I have a lot to say as well. I just don’t think I am very good at expressing them – at least not good enough to be expressing them on a blog as widely read as Balloon-Juice. Here, we get about 30-40,000 readers a day. John is amazing at snark and putting his thoughts down in a way that is very intesesting. Tim is great at science and technology. I love reading their posts. Tim is especially interesting to me because I always learn something when I read what he writes. I already know I will agree with John. Tim writes shit I don’t even know about!!
However, while my opinions are as strong and as legit as either of theirs, I don’t think I put them “on paper” as well as they do. They are simply better writers and are what you expect from this site.
Now, some of you might think, “Michael’s leaving because he can’t take the heat.” Well, when I first started writing here, I have to admit, I was surprised as the animosity directed towards me – especially when I wrote the post about being a Republican (I do regret that one! I am no longer a Republican!) I learned a lot about having a thick skin from that one thanks to you, and I also learned not to care too much about what some of you thought of me! Having said that….
Let me be clear: I am thankful to each and every one of you for keeping me honest. I have learned SO much from the commentariat here. On my old blog, I could say whatever I wanted and people would just agree or disagree with me. Here, I had to learn to defend my positions – even though I didn’t always do that well. It’s the difference between a couple thousand readers and tens of thousands. It’s taught me to be better about defending my positions – something I am still getting used to.
Even though, as someone noted awhile back, I got the gig at Balloon-Juice because of a joke I made about Larry Craig, I learned a lot here. I really did. Most of all, I learned that you can’t take things personally, even though there are some idiots that want to piss you off and make you feel like an idiot! All personal stuff.
In any case, to all of you who agreed with me, disagreed with me, thought I was an idiot, or simply wanted to keep me honest — thank you so much. My short stint here at Balloon-Juice has made me a better person. It has made me think about issues more clearly before voicing my opinions on them (even if it doesn’t seem like it, it really has.)
My favorite part about this site is not Tim or John – it’s you. I learn so much, and will continue to do so from reading the comments. You are a smart bunch – much more so than me – and much smarter than most center left sites. In fact, I was a staunch defender of the Bush Administration for years. It’s from reading the comments from people like you that I decided I was wrong, and I am so happy that I have the capacity, unlike a lot of people, to see that. You have made me a better person because of that.
This is a terrific site and I am proud to have been a part of it for a short while. I am not leaving because of anything someone said or did. I am leaving because I don’t think I can contribute to the site in the same way that such terrific writers as John and Tim continue to be on a day to day basis.
I appreciate each and every one of you.
Thank you. You all are pretty damned awesome and I learn from all of you every day – whether I agree with you or not!!
Jay C
No, Michael: Thank You.
Nice to know that you feel you’ve learned from the commentariat here at BJ, but remember that the blogging dynamic does go both ways (if haltingly and/or imperfectly at times) – I, for one, have always appreciated your posts, and am sorry to see you go. Good luck.
Fare thee well, Michael. May you have joy and success in whatever you do.
Michael, I’ll miss your comments. There are not enough progressive voices in the Atlanta area. Before you leave, please update us on your dad’s health.
Sad to see a fellow New Brunswicker go, my friend. Hopefully you’ll stick around as part of the commentariat. (It’s more fun being a commenter anyway, because you can be all snark, all the time, and you can write as much or as little as you wish.)
Ash Can
You’re a better writer than you give yourself credit for, Michael (as is the case with most writers). And it’s been nice having a gay perspective on the front page here, especially these days, with gay issues at the forefront politically. I for one hope you reconsider.
The Grand Panjandrum
But wishes to you. Don’t be a stranger. If you do go back to blogging again will you let us know?
BTW Pam has a great post about Jon Stewart putting a pretty good smackdown on Reverend Huckabee.
Thanks man. I’ve enjoyed your posts. Make sue to come back and say hey to everybody in the comments.
Wow, Michael D., I didn’t think you were so bad! I enjoyed your posts and your perspective. I learned from you, too, and I’m sad to see you go. It’s fascinating to me that someone so conversant in gay issues (actually, someone gay, for that matter) could have been a "staunch defender of the Bush Administration," but I appreciate the fact that you came in from the dark side. Best of luck to you!
Michael D.
@JL: My dad has asked that I come home for Christmas – which I am going to do at great expense. He’s never asked that before, so I am assuming that the situation is more dire than I thought. Or maybe not. Knowing my dad, he is trying to guilt me inti coming home! :-)
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I’m neither Catholic nor Irish (and only barely a Deist) – but it seems like it’s a good fit for most occasions. (OK – so maybe not if you’re in the Middle East, but otherwise …)
Sorry to see you go, Michael. It’s always nice to have different voices giving their opinion on things. Good luck to you and best wishes as you go through the issues with your father’s health.
Now there’s phrase you don’t hear every day.
Best wishes, Michael. I always read your stuff and thought it was good. Good luck down the road.
@Michael D.: My thoughts are with you and have a safe trip home. Please make sure that you return safely to the South. Keep in touch.
Michael D.
I plan on doing the same thing you all do – commenting here. I was honored to be a front pager. I will have fun criticizing John and Tim, too!!
Michael, One more thing, Thank you for all your posts!
It is sad to see you go. Don’t be to hard on yourself though. I have always enjoyed when you write. You have helped shape the enviroment of BJ in a good way, and while you don’t bring to the blog John’s snark or Tim’s lengthy informative posts, the blog doesn’t need two Johns or two Tims. Just having you able to post what you do is worth it to me.
If you have made up your mind, so be it, but know that your departure will be Balloon Juice’s loss. In any case, thank you for your time up till now and good luck in the future.
neal peart
I called you "banal" once many months ago but I realized since then that I was wrong; your writings grew on me. I find it refreshing that you don’t write like John or Tim and that you often discuss different subject matter than they do.
so… why are you really leaving? getting out of the kitchen? i hope this just turns out to be a blogging sabbatical. i think your voice is a valuable addition to the site, imo
I’m right there with you. I called my dad today, at the rehab center back home in Indiana. Things are not good, and could go on this way for a while. At Xmas, for the 4th time in 12 mos, we’re heading 400 miles north.
Best of luck with all that.
Michael D.
Oh, and I would like your good wishes! On Saturday, it will be three weeks without a smoke. Funny, it’s not bothering me much. But then, I am sucking Commit Lozenges like you wouldn’t believe.
I think this is the time!
Laura W
I’m sorry to see you go, Michael. I’m very new here myself, but when I saw your name on a post, I knew it would have a heart of some sort to it, regardless of how accurate or PC it might be viewed, and then picked apart. Such a fun sport, all this picking apart of each other.
Brains are interesting, snark is funny, but a heart is enduring and endearing.
Sometimes it’s just time to move on.
I applaud you for knowing that this is probably your time, but you will be missed.
I keep thinking Tin Man, Lion, Scarecrow, Dorothy. I know there’s an anology to be drawn but my edit time is running out……
Sean Carroll
Michael, sorry to see you go. You were a great part of the site.
You rock, man. IMO, your work got noticeably better as time passed, so whatever you do from here, you should definitely keep blogging. I can honestly say I’ll miss your contributions.
You’re wrong, Michael, about you’re contributions to this site. I wish you the best and, as had been said above, don’t be a stranger.
good luck Michael. sorry to see you go, though.
Best of luck Michael. You will be missed. I hope that you will still stick around with the comments. All my best for you and your family.
good luck Mike, you did well amoung tough competition, speaking of which, John and Tim should have a contest to see who the next contributor should be. There must be many talented writers who would love a start at BJ. T and J could invite from the comments. In a coupla months, maybe we discover a raising star….
Potential bloggers to be prolific and on topic, and write well.
Comrade Stuck
I have nothing against you or your writing. A little heavy sometimes on the gay issue posts, but that’s better than Cole’s "Got Nothin" doldrums. Good luck!
Adios. Enjoyed your posts.
Boo! Quiter!
At the very least, don’t be a stranger in the comments section. You came around quicker than John did, and offered us a fresh and appealing Cannuck perspective. Just because we don’t agree with you, doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate you.
We’re not always looking for brilliant writing, just a new perspective. And someone to argue with. Fucking Fair Tax was some of the best commenting this board has seen.
Oh well. Enjoy your vacation for now. We’ll see how long you can stay on the wagon, but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion you’ll cave and find yourself back on the front page again before too long.
Michael D.
@Teak111: I don’t know how many readers Digby gets a day, but if it’s less than 30K, he should be offered the spot. :-)
Hey Michael –
I haven’t posted much lately because of work, but I have been reading this blog every single day.
You’ll be missed. I wish you well in all you endeavor.
Well, I didn’t mind your posts, and thought you were mostly OK. Which is the same opinion I have of John and Tim. None of you will ever rock like Tom in Texas. The bastards were a little bit brutal on you at the beginning, and maybe you deserved it, but after that I felt you held your own.
While I’m sure John/Tim won’t find a real progressive to fight the Demodrones here, if they are interested in another voice, I would like to suggest a guy who is a very good writer and underappreciated. D. Gellar (AKA FDChief) at Graphic Firing Table.
Since the buttons keep breaking, here:
John won’t like him b/c he’s an artillery guy, but he was the most cogent voice on the old intel-dump and he could slap Zinn and Churchill around on History. Smart like Pat Lang. He’s also very, very funny, especially when he’s angry. Bit wordy.
At a minimum, we need somebody to throw up comment threads when y’all go AWOL.
Bill H
Well I always rather enjoyed your posts. Be that as it may, I enjoyed getting to know you.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Aw, Michael, I’ll miss you, but it sounds as if the absolutely right place for you to be right now is back home. Have a great Christmas with your folks, and please vent loudly enough about the incompetent would-be coalition so I can hear you all the way over here in Toronto, OK?
Then come on back to the Borg Commentariat, the Hotel California, or whateverthefuck you want to call this place. Gabba gabba hey, one of us!
Scott H
Best wishes, Michael D. I think your readers probably have a better idea of what makes a good writer. So, you will learn one more thing. As the LOLcats would say, if they could spell, if you haven’t pissed someone off, you’re not doing it right!
Stick with the lozenges, and spend as much time with your Dad as you are able. You’ll be glad for both.
Also, welcome to the growing tribe of recovering Republicans.
Well, I’m glad you’ll keep commenting anyway. I’m sorry to see you go as a regular poster, too. I think you’re being hard on yourself with the comparisons to John and Tim- blogging is a skill, like any other, and like any skill, gets better with practice and they’ve been at it here longer. If you’re not going to blog here regularly I hope you’ll start up your own blog again. You’ve got a very distinct voice- I can always tell which posts are yours without looking at the name (likewise John’s and Tim’s) and I hope it keeps getting out there somewhere. I enjoy your posts.
And you know, some people will be harsh because some will be harsh. I spent all spring and summer working on an independent pilot for a television festival. It got accepted, it’s now up on Youtube with all the other selections and I’m nagging friends and family to go watch it so we can get the number of views up, and to send it to their friends, etc. And now that people I don’t know are seeing it some of them post lovely things and some post good constructive criticism and some people post some just plain mean things. And most of those people don’t appear to have ever produced any video themselves, or do anything other on Youtube than say mean things about other people’s work. And so in the end I can just enjoy the compliments, take the constructive criticism as useful and toss the pointless meanness in the mental trash can and not take it personally.
I’m come to enjoy your contributions a lot. Thanks for the time you gave all of us. You’ll be missed.
Michael D.
@Scott H:
You woudn’t BELIEVE how much weight I have gained since I quit. And shit, I run 6 miles a day!!
Better than smoking though.
I just don’t know where this fucking weight is coming from!!
@Michael D.:
FYI, Digby is a she. I even know her real name (though I won’t share it even though it’s been out there, like TBogg’s). That correction doesn’t have anything to do with your decision. You’re used to that now. That’s part of the good part of blogging. Right?
Michael D.
Digby, she is awesome! :-) Night all!
You misunderestimate yourself. I have always enjoyed your contributions and wish you the best wherever your journey may take you.
Kripes, Mike, you were just fine as a poster! As a straight, I also found your perspective on "gay issues" to be very informative.
You should certainly continue commenting here, and if you start your own blog up again, on whatever topic, please let us know!
All the best.
Oh noes. And this is the closest thing to a gay (and out, mind you) fwend I have.
Michael, if your lozenges fail, perhaps you’ll fail quitting BJ?
So that means no more recipes? Oh, wait…wrong blogger. Whatever happened to Tom, anyway?
Mark S.
Michael, I liked your posts a lot and I hope you’ll blog again some time in the future.
kid bitzer
you wrote some great stuff here–good content, well expressed.
i hope you’ll come back every now and then for guest posts.
the only part i can’t agree with you about is where you go on about the commenters here being so smart and awesome.
that’s total crap. we’re actually a bunch of fucking morons–dumb as rocks, and losers to boot.
the commenters here on john’s site are some of the whiniest, pettiest, uninformed, bad-tempered cry-babies on the web. (and i’m proud to be one of them, of course–shows you how dumb i am).
that you could think you had learned something from us, makes me think you’ve got a lot to learn.
but i’ll overlook that one error on your part. take care of yourself, and come back.
Polish the Guillotines
Sorry you’re putting on the brakes. You brought something different to the mix, which is a good thing.
And here’s wishing you good luck getting off the smokes. Stick with it.
Scott H
@Michael D.
You’ve put on some weight? Oh, punkin, that is only the beginning of nicotine’s cunning campaign to get you back on the stick.
Some bonus poundage you can deal with later. Persevere.
(I speak as someone who smoked 38 years.)
Evolved Deep Southerner
Michael, this is exactly the second time I’ve ever posted. Sorry to see a fellow Georgian go. (I live up in Toccoa.) Over my few months reading here, I saw some bile get thrown your way and never understood for the life of me where that was coming from. I always assumed it stemmed from some disagreement that had happened here before my time.
Anydangway, good luck, take care, etc.
That sucks, man. I liked reading you. It sounds like you’re having a serious fit of low self esteem or something. Hope it’s something more substantive than that.
Your writing is relevant to my interests.
It’s been great reading you, I’m sad to see you go.
Warren Terra
I’m sorry to see you’re going. I think you’ve done a fine job and been a strong addition. I can’t really tell from your post why you feel compelled to leave – if it’s just because you don’t feel able to post at a sufficient volume, I’d hope you’d reconsider and simply post at a volume you feel comfortable with. And in any case, stay strong and it’s been nice reading your posts.
Thanks, Michael, and good luck!
So that was a gay GBCW? j/k
Wish the best for your dad.
Nicotine is a stimulant, it artificially speeds your metabolism up. Your body got used to the artificial jolts and slowed down to compensate… which worked fine till you switched up again and pulled out the prop it had gotten used to, and it now ain’t burning the calories it did. It’ll pass, just keep running and eating smart.
Anyway, I haven’t been here super long, but also sad to see you go. Maybe you’ll miss it and come to your senses in a little while. I’m sure you’d get a warm return welcome :)
El Cruzado
Glad to hear you’re not just going to go live under a rock, but will keep reading and commenting like the rest of us unwashed masses. Even outside posts, you do often have good comments to add to the discussion.
You did a good job. I would have preferred some more gay stuff — maybe some YouTube of classic show tunes, some fashion tips, maybe some recipes for fruity mixed drinks — but I always enjoyed your perspective.
I did appreciate your posts and I do believe people were hard on you but you took it well.
As for hte replacement, we know it’s Larison, we might as well just get it over with. We do need a decent rational conservative voice to balance things out someone with a good thick skin.
Anyways, Michael, you will be missed. I hope you will continue to post as a regular mortal.
Ms. Missive
Does this mean there’s a job opening?
ahem… Larry Craig is so dumb that when he thought he was copping a feel, he was really feeling a cop!
Hey, you got Cole with eight pairs of Birks, crockpot recipes, Hola Fruta, and cat blogging. What more do you need?
Well, shoot. Happy trails!
As a reformed herringchoker I’m reminded of the old quip of what the Maritimes export : brains.
And it’s funny to apologize for ‘conservative’ views at a site where the ‘team leader’ thought they were A.-O.K. for a long time.
Myself, I find the distance between Progressive and Anarchist a short hop : but I don’t spend my days exposed to the drivel of the Noise machine.
I’m afraid I only pop in once in a while, relying more on tips as to when things get really interesting : so won’t flog uninformed quips as sad to see you go.
Just don’t ‘Burn Bridges’.
I smoked for decades and quit cold turkey for seven years – and started again under stress. A few more years of that and I figured I’d die of it.
Happened I had Smoke Cessation Therapy – Laser Acupuncture. I smoked going into the office – and haven’t been interested since almost 4 years 10 months ago.
Now that is unbelievable. Literally don’t care.
Something to keep in mind if you fall off the wagon.
And yes, it most certainly is an addiction.
I always enjoyed your posts, but I know how you feel about the humbling experience around here. I’ve always thought of myself as pretty well-informed and a good writer…until I started trying to engage with the Balloon Juice gang. I would find myself wrestling to identify and articulate what was wrong with a particular argument, and meanwhile five other people would have nailed it with far more acumen than I could ever dredge up. I think it’s largely a learned skill, but that extra bit of witty snap we get here is special. Especially in the John + 8 rants.
But you brought good things to the table; some of the best debates about big issue items were introduced by you, and you’ve always been sincere and courageous about ethical issues. I’m glad you feel that overall you profited from the experience–I know we did!
Well all I can say is that I’ve been reading her for a year or two and I don’t even know who Tim is. I do know who Michael D is, so I wouldn’t question your own posting you’ve obviously made an impact.
As has been said before I enjoy your posting. Good luck in all that you do and so long and thanks for all of the fish!
Thanks, Michael. I’ll miss your posts.
Thank you Michael for your work.
Ty Lookwell
A very classy goodbye. Thanks, Michael.
Notorious P.A.T.
Good luck in your future endeavours.
I also will miss you–an old straight lady in Texas. Best to you, your dad, and all of yours. Hope to see you again.
Bon Chance in whatever you do next. You’ve seen the light, now pass the torch…
JD Rhoades
Good luck, Michael. I’ve always enjoyed your posts.
Good luck in everything, Michael. Your posts are great. Good health to your dad and see you around.
I’m sorry you are going away Michael, but thanks for leaving on a high note.
Writing improves with practice; I hope you will continue blogging or journaling in some form or another. I think you are being way too modest and self-deprecating about your blogging skills.
I’m also touched by your willingness to reconsider your positions. That’s why you’ve come over to our side; you had it in you all along!
(having reconsidered your beliefs about Bush and about belonging to the GOP… I hope you’ve also had a chance to reconsider your thoughts on national health care!)
arrivederci, amico mio. Alla prossima volta…
Church Lady
Michael, you will be missed. I always enjoyed your posts, even when I didn’t necessarily agree with you. Best wishes and I look forward to hearing from you in the comments.
Just Some Fuckhead
Michael, classy GBCW. I can’t help but think this is somehow related to the comments that resulted from the your last post. Sorry I missed that one. (That’s my clever way of saying please don’t secretly hate me like you must hate the rest of them..)
Regarding my criticism, it was never personal. Rather it was intended mostly for laughs. It’s important to bear in mind that anonymous commenting by it’s nature cannot be personal, even if the anonymous commenter is carrying on about personal information, such as a DUI. My dad used to always say, "Consider the source". Well, when the source is some random fuckhead on the internet, no more consideration is necessary.
Let us know where you wind up. Next time I’m in Atlanta we’ll get together, maybe trade blowjobs or something.
well, michael, shit!
i nearly always have to scroll back up here,
in the middle of some post,
to see who the author is.
i have noticed little contrast between you and john (and who’s tim?)
and none in terms of clarity and interesting content.
wow, is that how gay guys say, ‘long time no see’?
(or maybe it’s, ‘long time no semen’)
Pity there’s not a similar tradition for us heteros…
Bob In Pacifica
Thanks, Michael. Enjoyed lots of your stuff, and the other stuff pissed me off. Very blogatious. Enjoy your post-Balloon Juice time.
That’s how we say hello to anyone, not just long lost friends…
Just Some Fuckhead
@r€nato: I ain’t gay, asshole. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, if I was.
Shit, man. My two cents worth? Don’t go. I know I’ve bitched at you, so have others. But if I have a vote, I’d vote that you stick around.
If you are wondering, why would I of all people say this? Remember, this voice is a persona. Theatrics. Under this coarse and detestable cover is a completely different person. If you tell anyone this and blow my cover, I’ll kick your ass.
But seriously, take a break if you need one, and then come back and get back in the fray.
then why are you getting so upset about it?
Michael you may be the ‘worst’ blogger at BJ but that still makes you better than the best the right bloggers have to offer.
how may we bribe you to stay?
Good luck and happy trails Mickey D. Hope your dad feels better. :)
Just Some Fuckhead
That was sweet of you to edit out yer mean comment, renato.
Oh, and stay classy, Michael!
Surabaya Stew
Sorry to see you go. Your postings were good because you had the sense not to be a second-rate John Cole or Tim F., but rather the best Michael D. possible. Wherever life takes you, be nice to those who deserve it and keep up your writing!
I have nothing to else to say. I just clicked on submit by accident.
What is this "my writing is not good enough" crap?
Your writing is fine. Please reconsider.
Somebody hasn’t been reading comments on the fReichtard blogs, or he would have better metrics on ‘whiny, petty, uninformed, bad-tempered cry-babies’.
Michael, I hope that your future endeavors will be prosperous, and that you will continue to comment here.
Zuzu's Petals
Michael, I hope you will at least be back for the occasional "special guest blogger" post. You are a good presence here.
‘Till then, best thoughts to your dad, and enjoy your Christmas with him.
Well, there you go. The only blogger around here that I could tolerate was a gay Canadian in Hotlanta. Now all we have is a libtard from West Virginia and a scientist political.
Sorry to see you go, Michael. But, I think you’re a writer that expresses himself very well. You have a wonderful voice, so don’t let it go to waste. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts in comments. :-)
My thoughts are with you and your dad. The best to both of you.
Oh, I get it now. When we add a "new conservative voice", they become more liberal in the process of just being here, and so we need a new "new conservative voice"? Is THAT how it works?
Well, in that case, I’m sorry to see you go Michael, but bring on the next transformee. We’ll change the righties, one by one. ;)
(I still wish you would stay though, you will be missed).
John Cole, in his wisdom to try to keep some semblance of conservatism on his blog, has come upon the recipe to turn the entire country blue. ;)
Chuck Butcher
Say howdy to your Dad from the States along with best wishes.
Your ‘voice’ is different than John’s or Tim’s but that isn’t a bad thing. I think you’ve had a few deserved rocks thrown at you, and a bunch of undeserved ones. I’ve read this blog since before you started writing for it so I’ve had a chance to watch you over time. You’ve grown in public, that may be rough for you, but interesting for the spectators.
You’re a good writer with an emerging ‘voice’ that enhanced this place, take awhile off and see since it is obvious that you’ll be missed here. Best wishes with your endeavors.
This lurker will miss you, Michael. To keep it simple, I liked your dogs (then again dogs are my kryptonite), and I liked it when you disagreed with many of the folks here. As a die hard liberal, I didn’t agree with you much, but I enjoy a good dissenting voice. Good dissenting voices are hard to come by. That’s why I started reading Balloon Juice to begin with.
Take care, buddy. It’s been a pleasure lurking here while you post.
This is a bit of a surprise.
Good luck with whatever you do in the future. Perhaps you will think about popping in now and again for a guest post. The next few years should be very interesting socially and politically, and it would be a shame not to have your "voice" as part of the ongoing commentary.
Best regards
Hey let’s recruit Atanajurat to take Michael D’s place!
Mazel tov Michael, and best wishes. Here’s hoping you return to posting soon, re-energized and better than ever.
Uh, is there a vote?
Michael, yes.
(S)Atan, no.
I’ve enjoyed your posts because they usually involved a personal element that usually illustrated how the madhattery in life has a direct effect on us.
And I echo what Jess said:
I’m not accustomed to writing off the cuff and lots of sharp people comment here. It seems like they can effortlessly synthesize a viewpoint and articulate it without rambling. And I enjoy reading even while not engaging in the comments. But I found myself, more often than not, commenting because of the personal nature of your posts.
A few people here have been flaming assholes (no, not the friendly face punching that goes on when arguments are being hammered out) and I often wonder how they could be so down right mean, so 5th grade. (Like the ad hom attack today that a certain commenter who shall remain nameless [“K”!!]–low, base, juvenile. Yeah I’m talkin bout YOU!).
But nobody died and made me hall monitor, so I just scroll on past.
I’m gonna miss you but, I’ll see you in the comments.
p.s. Best to your dad.
It’s been great having you here…
Conservatively Liberal
Meh, he may be gay but he isn’t even an American! ;)
Good luck Michael, in whatever you endeavor to do. I do hope that you continue to toss the verbal grenades around here with the rest of us loonies whenever you can, and I hope you find that your father is just pining for you to come home to visit.
You may not consider your compositions to be in the same class as John or Tim but I think you did very well holding your own, and even you do admit that you got something out of it that will be useful to you in the future.
I am sure that we all did, and will continue to do so from everyone who succeeds or bombs on stage here, writers and posters alike.
At least the smart ones will. ;)
Hello MIchael:
I’ve lurked here for years…back when Cole (what seemed to be) solidly behind THE WORST PRESIDENT EVAH!11!!
I’ve never commented here in all my years of lurking..
But I will now…. just to say, I hope your father is doing well…and just tugging at your heart strings.
And if you’ve a mind to, come back and comment …. please.
You’ve been honest and true and humble…what more could anyone ask? Okay…sometimes you were a bit uppity, but you always gave it thought when called on it. Smile.
Wish you well in wherever life takes you.
You’re a good man.
very sorry to see you go. Best wishes dude.
You did good Mike. Keep up in comments, I’m sure we would all be happy to stay in touch w/ you. Gay issues are about 49 on my list of priorities, but you always bring a reason for me to pay attention. And, you’re a more entertaining poster than you think. I’ve been reading/lurking for 5 years or so, commented about 3 times, but this deserves another one. Good luck to you in your future, and don’t be a stranger.
A classy exit, Michael, and I do sincerely wish you well.
oh really
Apparently, you want to kill Balloon Juice. I’ve never openly threatened anyone on the Intertubes before, but after that suggestion, I’m considering it. I’m almost certain that you were kidding, since your suggestion was the worst idea I’ve heard since Iraq in ’03. (And maybe even worse than that.)
[Note: I know you weren’t serious and I’m far too busy to threaten anyone, let alone follow up. But please, don’t even joke about stuff like that. My heart can’t take it.]
Dude, you were just getting good! To be brutally honest, I’d say your self-assessment above would be pretty spot-on when applied to your writing when you first started blogging here, but especially in the last month or two I’ve found your posts to be thoughtful and interesting.
Michael- I have enjoyed your writing and I think you have added a lot to the enterprise (whatever it is). I hope you father is doing better than you fear and that you are back here often.
Safe travels.
It’s cause Cole wasn’t paying you enough isn’t it? That son of bitch. And his blogging of cats sucks.
All the best, Michael D.
Axe Diesel Palin
Wow, I’m disappointed that you are leaving, especially since Tim has been so quiet lately. We will miss your voice.
When you first started here I was NOT one of the angry commenters. However, I always had one piece of feedback I wanted to give you. I thought in your first week your posts were fine, but you upset the pace of the site. Around that time, Tim and John had a somewhat slow posting pace. I think about three to five posts a day. This made the site very easy to keep up with for readers. Unlike sites like DKos or Huffpo (which are impossible to read everything), one can keep up with all the posts (and most of the comments) at Balloon Juice. Anyway, my memory of your first week was that you were posting at a faster pace, and I was thinking "who is this guy and why is he posting so much?". I thought you had settled in to a nice rhythm for the site. Your posts will be missed.
/disengage lurking field
(Momentarily breaking my post-election commenting sabbatical)
Just one more voice sayin’: Aw, you weren’t so bad, Michael D.! In fact, your posts were a welcome change of tone from Mr. Cole’s heavy-handed snark and Tim F.’s high-minded pedagogy (not that there’s anything wrong with snark or pedagogy, natch; why else would I read BJ every day?).
Here’s hoping you pop up from time to time, or at least fire up your old blog again eventually (and make sure John links to you).
Happy travels, best wishes to your Dad, and thanks for the thoughts you’ve kindly shared with us.
As a P.S.: The lozenges – they do nothing! Try the Nicotrol Inhaler: it’s worked for me, with no weight gain, no withdrawal nastiness, and doesn’t leave that hideous taste in your mouth. Expensive and needs a prescription, but so so so worth it.
/reengage lurking field
I always thought you were fine too, Michael. Best of luck and come back soon.
I believe blowjobs were mentioned upthread.
I am a long time lurker / infrequent commenter. I’ve always enjoyed your posts, as well. I also think that they have improved in the time you’ve been here. From one Atlantian to another, good luck, my friend.
Which joke was that? I remember some funny ones, but I don’t recall their authors.
About leaving…you’ll be missed. Though re thicker skin etc sounds like you should have prepped by posting to USENET for a few weeks beforehand.
When I see a group blog with a weak writer, I routinely skim or skip that writer’s work. Never had that issue with M. Good luck in other use of your time – is it a better use? – might want to reconsider with T and J.
Wait a sec—you’re the author of teh AWESOME riverdance joke?!
Dude, you are far too modest!!
thanks, Michael.
you wrote a lovely parting missive demonstrating your willingness to honestly engage, which is all we can ask for, i think. though i understand your point, you might want to consider the number of people who wrote in to disagree with you. i mean, they can’t be both right and wrong, could they? or could they? hmmmmmmmm.
buena suerte and best for your father and family
Elroy's Lunch
Michael, you certainly were lit up pretty well when you first started that’s for sure. But you did very well indeed and kept getting better. And I know what you mean about the quality of commenters here. They’re scary smart.
Good luck and thanks.
Thanks for being a great blogger Michael. We will miss you!
Sorry to see you go, Michael. Good luck, wherever you wind up.
Best wishes!
Your writing on BJ will be missed by this "older" gay male. It is voices like yours that give me hope to stay strong and keep moving forward.
My you find what you seek in life.
Hugs – Luke
Gosh and the gay orbit site has gone big time so I guess this is the end, But even though you had nasty critics that makes for a good blog and you will be missed.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Reading Michael D’s posts made me feel like I was reading a cheap Andrew Sullivan knock-off.
Don’t be a stranger! (Strange is OK, tho…)
The Moar You Know
Naw, seriously man, this isn’t good news. You were a good voice here, one that lent an interesting counterbalance to Tim’s science blogging (which I love) and John’s raging snark attacks. Good luck.
Take good care of your dad – you don’t get that time with your parents back, something I’ve been forced to become acutely aware of in the last couple of years. Spend some time with him, even if it impinges on "your life". You won’t regret it in the slightest.
low-tech cyclist
Michael, count me among the readers who will miss your posts here. I quoted massively from one of your posts here in my own (now more or less defunct) blog a couple months back, because (intentionally or not) that post completely slamdunked a Krauthammer column.
May you have good luck in whatever you do next!
I only started reading this blog a couple of months ago, and I think everyone on it is totally awesome, except for that one guy – you know who you are. Anyway, Michael, good work and don’t be a stranger.
Elvis Elvisberg
Thanks for your posts here, and hope to see you around in comment threads!
Sorry to see you go. You fit in well at Balloon Juice.
Capelza Gradenko
Oh Michael..I enjoyed your posts. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do.
It’s been nice to have a voice here that understands hockey, donuts and the ability to form a coalition government to force out an evil right wing leader. Keep your stick on the ice, dude.
Sorry to see you leave Michael…
I wish you well
Blue Raven
Sorry to see you go, Michael, but glad you’ll be sticking around in the comments. You definitely sell yourself short here.
Michael D.
I had a good post on that whole coalition thing. Then I read David Frum, and he was saying the same thing in the National Post – except better written.
Basically, what he said is that who ever wins is going to lose. You should read the article if you can find it. It was the day after the agreement was signed on National Post. I don’t have the link.
Comrade Darkness
I just don’t know where this fucking weight is coming from!!
Keep in mind that you have a choice in oral fixations… especially given your orientation…
Good luck with everything. And try counting calories for four days or so, you may have something really fattening you’re eating that you don’t realize (chips or something, where 10 contain 150 calories, no joke).
I noticed you weren’t posting as much lately. Well good luck in wherever you go but stick around in the comments. As I prove every day you don’t have to be adequate to spout off here.
Might have been better to let Tim and John know before this post. Sounds a bit angry doing it the way you did. But all the best to you, Michael. Blogging must be very difficult (I could never, ever do it). The comments for your posts were sometimes brutal. But you continued posting and that was great.
Thanks for your contributions here, Michael. I’ve appreciated your perspective and the issues you raised. Let us know where you end up in the ethers.
Don’t put yourself down so much. You think your writing is not as good as the other two? I don’t agree. I liked reading your posts.
Good luck with whatever you do. I wish your father a speedy recovery.
Goodbye and good luck. I can tell you’ve become a better writer during your stint and developed your own voice which is an even rarer thing. I learned a lot from your posts. I’m going to miss reading them.
Aww, I’ll miss you! I liked having a smart voice from Atlanta on the blog!
mere mortal
Fare well, Michael, and thanks for your posts to this site.
I will send you off with what I believe are two misperceptions on your part.
First, it is important to understand the difference between someone calling you stupid and someone telling you that you wrote something stupid. Each can sting, and they can seem like the same thing when the only interaction is through the writing. But everyone does and says stupid things, and that doesn’t make everyone stupid (it really should be an adjective modifying behavior rather than modifying a person).
Second, and related, that some of the thousands that read comment on a subject with expertise and insight doesn’t make them geniuses, it just makes them knowledgeable on the subject they commented on. We are no brighter or more insightful than you, we just outnumber you in terms of specialties, interests, how we choose to kill the time, and what we had to learn to pay the bills.
Again thanks, happy holidays, and my hopes for the good health of your family.
Objective Scrutator
Dude, why are you quitting blogging? Despite what you say about yourself as a writer, you’ve managed to start very interesting comment threads _ like the death penalty one, for instance. Unlike other places, such as Daily Kos (which is, honestly, little more than an echo chamber, where Kos completely rejects everyone that disagrees with him on even one issue), the comment threads at BJ are the heart and soul of the website, and it takes a good writer to be able to start good threads at BJ.
Still, if the reason for this is secretly because of family related issues, I understand.
At least you’ll still be participating in the comment threads. It would be a shame for your voice to be unheard, even if you are a member of the radical homosexual Hippie movement.
Kinda hate to see ya go, but wherever it may be I hope you are happy doing so. I sure John didn’t ban you. He gets that way during his monthly cycle.
Take care and good luck