I am calling it now- John King, on CNN, just proclaimed that there is no allegation of wrong-doing in the Blagojevich case regarding the Obama team, but that he better prove he is innocent and get it right because he said he would have an open and transparent administration.
Got it? Unless Obama proves he didn’t do anything wrong, when he hasn’t been accused of any wrong doing, there will be hell to pay.
Now, no one has accused John King of buggering young children after luring them into his van down by the river with promises of candy and then feeding them rum balls and Jesus Juice before repeatedly sodomizing them, but he better prove this is not the case or there will be big problems for King and CNN. What did Wolf Blitzer know about this? It would be irresponsible to not speculate about this.
Can’t they put something useful on CNN before Fareed Zakaria’s GPS so I am not subjected to this bullshit?
*** Update ***
John King is from Idaho, which makes me wonder if he has ever had a tryst with Larry Craig, who is also from Idaho. Don’t you see the obvious connection? They are both from Idaho, just like Obama and Balgojevich are BOTH FROM CHICAGO. It is right there in front of your eyes, folks! Will John King be able to prove he has never had sex with Larry Craig in a bathroom stall? We need answers!
Rick Massimo
Well, you know, there’s nothing easier than proving a negative. Especially when there is no actual allegation of anything.
Jebus, I knew this was going to happen, but I thought they’d wait until he took office: the demand that a Democratic president "respond" to a bunch of twitching and whining that doesn’t even involve any actual nouns or verbs (because they’d be easy to disprove) without even an attempt to define what an acceptable "response" would be.
get used to it.
the press loves a scandal. and if Obama doesn’t give them one, they’ll invent one for him.
Laura W
And unless I am making shit up again, I believe I that heard King will soon take over the whole CNN Sun morn slot so Wolf can continue to torture us for 15+ hours a week in his Situation Echo Chamber.
ACK. Announcing it as we speak.
At least I wasn’t lying this time.
South of I-10
I have not watched any kind of news in at least 72 hours – I am already so sick of this BS. Fitzgerald said Obama was not involved and was not targeted in the investigation. Until he says otherwise, I am done. Someone let me know if Obama or anyone in his administration gets indicted.
Davis X. Machina
In Napoleon’s army, they said, every private had a marshal’s baton in his knapsack. In the press corps today, everybody’s got a Pulitzer in their laptop case.
Not a real Pulitzer, but one of the special kneecap-a-Democrat bullshit ones, like Jeff Gerth’s, for the persecution of Wen Ho Lee, with a major assist from Free Republic.com, and freeper Notra Trulock. (I have since read speculation that the Wen Ho Lee Pulitzer was a make-up call for the Pulitzer Gerth didn’t win for ginning up Whitewater from whole cloth).
And then there ‘s the sterling example of Judith "Queen of all Iraq" Miller…
Rick Taylor
What to say. It’s a Democratic administration, the old rules are back in force. The good thing is Obama has proven he’s good in a scrap. After having gone through the Plame affair, where months went by after Corn pointed how, hey, someone outed a CIA agent, the press shrugged its shoulders, it is aggravating.
John King has always been a complete blithering idiot.
He plus Bill Schneider and Wolf Blitzer and the rest of those goddam fools make up the worst pack of stupid hyenas on television today. You will actually get more out of watching Fox that you will watching CNN these days. Fox at least is just openly whoring a point of view. CNN doesn’t even have enough wits about it to do that.
And while we’re on the subject, why has Mickey Kaus not yet disproven his love of giving blowjobs to several goats in rapid succession? Sure, we may not have evidence or facts to prove this, but some guy might later bring it up at some unspecified point in the future, so Mickey Kaus should prove that he does not like to blow any goats or we will continue reporting that he has.
I nominate Halperin for Wanker of the week.
Check this out.
You know that McCain interview that virtually every news outlet has reported under the angle of "McCain downplays RNC attempt at attacking Obama with Blago" ? You know ?
Well initially Mark Halperin apparently understood it the same way. But then half an hour later … the title changed from "McCain sticks up for Obama on Blagojevich" when it was first posted to "McCain to Obama team: release Blago info" ?
You can see it in the link above (the address shows the initial title and the actual entry shows the new title).
Why did his interpretation of the same remark change (a 180 change at that) all of a sudden within an hour ? Did he get his talking points ?
John says:
And uses the keyword assholes.
I’m just saying…
He went here and saw what all the cool kids (i.e., wingnut bloggers) were saying.
People still watch cable news? Seriously?
plus C
I live in Idaho, making me the defacto authority on all things Idaho. Since I had no idea that John King is from here, he’s obviously tried to suppress that information, which isn’t helping his case.
Sarah Palin is also from Idaho (Sandpoint, which is to Idaho what Idaho is to the rest of the country), and she hasn’t been candid about what role she played in John King’s child-luring exploits.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
All I can think is liberal media, liberal media, liberal media…
But, I have Brats, beer,sauerkraut, and football. Hard to get worked up.
The Grand Panjandrum
You haven’t been watching Scarborough have you? I didn’t see King but I’ll bet Joe can give him a run for his money. For that matter, some of the other news readers at MSNBC are stuck on the same line of thought as your buddy Mr. King. But, alas, such is the state of the mewling and puking of the establishment media.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
@plus C: And Oregon…cuz you can see it from your house.
Cleek says: the press loves a scandal.
I have to take exception, Cleek. This is just a handy excuse for the newest wave of Establishment media scandal-creation.
There were eleventy-seven scandals swirling around the Right-wing Con Republican Bush Administration, from the lies about going to war and rendition and torture and Downing Street Memos to FISA complaints and outed CIA agents and Georgia-meddling to mercenaries to lost billions to open collusion with pundit-posing Pentagon generals and faith-based giveaways of tax dollars, etc, etc, etc, etc.
At the time, there was even the excuse given that the scandals were coming so thick and fast that the media simply could not cover it, so it just went into "cowed" mode and said nothing. Seems like they re-discovered their fierceness at a rather odd juncture, if that were true.
The media is a mouthpiece, and what it is a mouthpiece OF is a corrupt Establishment. Saying they simply enjoy scandal is not really observable fact at this point.
The auto workers should protest the news media, shut them down. The situation for them AND our country would immensely improve.
Comrade Napoleon
God is King a tool.
Off topic, but NPR news just reported that at a news conference in Iraq and Iraqi journalist called Bush a dog to his face and threw his shoes at him (an extreme insult in the Arab world).
USA Patriot
@JR: It is hard to keep up with all the crackpot conspiracy theories on the left these days…
Interesting stuff on this from Democratic Strategist
The Grand Panjandrum
Iraqi journalist hurls shoes at Bush during news conference.
Saw video on CNN. But I haven’t seen it posted anywhere yet.
Evidently they ran out of candy and flowers.
USA Patriot
@James: The notion that all the liberal Democrat Obama sycophants in the MSM are promoting Republican talking points now is absolutely ludicrous on its face.
Joshua Norton
Now there’s all sorts of breathless conjecture because Fox Noise reports that Rahm Emanuel had direct conversations with Gov. Rod Blagojevich about Obama’s replacement in the US Senate. Big freaking whoop. I would expect that Rahm would want to know who Blago intended to saddle the Dems with.
They’re putting a "drama-for-Obama" soap opera spin on what should have been a 2 day story in hopes of dragging this thing out to 1/20/09.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@James: I think we ought to find a way to ensure a "downside" for engaging in baseless speculation.
Very interesting indeed, James. I think there is something of a downside already, if indirectly – aren’t cable news viewership and credibility rates declining?
I do agree with you that more direct mechanisms than that would be useful, though I can’t think of what they’d be.
not me. never have. never will.
except at the airport, when there’s nothing else to do.
The Grand Panjandrum
@USA Patriot: The quoted text specifically states that talking points ARE NOT being deliberately promoted. The establishment media IS being manipulated.
Reverend Dennis
Right around the time the news broke about Blagojevich, the Senate Armed Services Committee released a bi-partisan report directly tying Donald Rumsfeld and his deputies to the atrocities at Abu Ghraib. It isn’t hard to imagine that Cheney and Bush himself may have been complicit. Nonetheless, our vigilant and energetic media jumped on the Blagojevich business. It’s not that they’d like everyone to forget their gullibility and shameless cheerleading during the Bush years.
USA Patriot:
The notion that all the liberal Democrat Obama sycophants in the MSM are promoting Republican talking points nowEverything USA Patriot says is absolutely ludicrous on its face.
Comrade Kevin
@The Grand Panjandrum: Reading’s for liberal pansies who want to sell the country to the ragheads, DUH.
South of I-10
Maybe the media can shut up about how Obama has failed and can’t be trusted and talk about this for a while.
This is priceless. MSNBC is reporting Bush got hit by a shoe. An Iraqi reporter threw it at him. Guess they ran out of flowers
@Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
There are helpful strategies at the link. I’ve actually used them and they occasionally work. There isn’t going to be one shining victory, but a series of incremental improvements, I think, if we consistently call the media out on their willingness to be manipulated.
Plus, pressure the DC dems to do the same. They are the ones who are key, but the Dems don’t really have an effective media message machine. Though, the Obama team is better than we have had.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
They’re now covering the Abu Ghraib beat.
If you watch the video, that journalist was close. His shoes went sailing past Bush’s head.
Common Sense
Ha! CBS just broke into my football game to report that an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at Bush during his farewell trip to Baghdad. Changing hearts and minds we are…
John is well on his way to a black belt in "shorter" memery. Keep up the great writing.
Well, it looks like Baghdad Bob was more prescient than we gave him credit for:
"We will welcome them with bullets and shoes."
After fives years of bullets.
His final prediction has come to fruition.
I’ve been pretty amazed so far at how ridiculous the MSM has been. The most that Obama can be accused is not reporting this quickly enough to the FBI. That’s it!
So, let’s take any one of these reporters or pundits. Let’s say that one of them is stopped for speeding in his/her community. Let’s say that the policeman suggests in an indirect, but suspicious manner, that he is receptive to bribery.
I’m sure that each and everyone of them would immediately report this as an attempted bribery attempt. Right? And then, be willing to reveal all contacts he/she, or his/her newspaper or family has had with local government officials and/or police. Right?
Common Sense
Link of the daring assault.
@gnomedad: Think we can we get those shoes for the Bush Library?
Joshua Norton
Maybe they should get a lot of shoes for the Bush Library. It would probably do better as a Thom McCann’s anyway.
The only thing that could possibly be more demeaning and insulting to Bush is if his press conference was buzzed by that helicopter dildo.
USA Patriot
@burnspbesq: What a brilliant and witty retort! LOL
Reverend Dennis
How about 4,209 pairs of empty combat boots?
Brick Oven Bill
I’d be more interested in the paper trail associated with Michelle’s pay raise after Barack went federal. She must have had a very good performance report to get that kind of pay raise.
@Common Sense:
Stolen from comments at HuffPo …
Bush got sole.
Reverend Dennis
Hmmm, mysterious and deep are the ways of the moderation filter.
Common Sense
He got sole but he’s not a soldier….
At least if the media whores have to run with a fake story, this one about Obama is easy to make fun of and really shows to even a half brain dead american exactly what the repub-a-thugs and their ass licking lap dog media whores really are full of shit. The bad news is that the majority of repub-a-thugs have a lower IQ than a half brain dead person.
Man, that Iraqi journo has more nerve and vigor in his little pinky toe than the whole US press put together.
Riddle me this: I was mad when European leaders refused to shake Bush’s hand, as if they were in no way involved with his "world leadership"; but I am thrilled that some every-day-guy in Iraq threw his shoes at Bush (I hope he gets them back by the way). How odd. My only regret is that he didn’t bean him right in the head.
More color from the shoe incident:
Source: AFP Bush says ‘war not over’ on farewell Iraq visit
@Reverend Dennis:
B.O.B. is absolutely right, the Senate Armed Forces Committee is obviously using the detainee issue as a distraction from the scandal of Michelle’s raise.
Oh, look. We’ve got USAPatsy and Crematorium Bill on a single thread. I anticipate much joy in the coming hours.
i dunno. i’m finding his newfound enthusiasm for pie quite contagious!
@cleek: I would think that the pie on its face would be ludicrous indeed.
Drat. Paragraph starting "Soles of shoes" is supposed to be in blockquote.
Source: AFP Bush says ‘war not over’ on farewell Iraq visit
You are just now realizing that John King is a wanker, JC? Does the phrase I da ho not mean something? (Though who knew it would more accurately describe a couple of dicks?)
More entertainingly, did you happen to catch W. being pelted with shoes earlier today? Someone should have given that guy the boot long ago…
@USA Patriot:
It’s called playing down to the level of the competition. You do about as well here as a decent Division 3 team would do against USC.
I predict that if that Iraqi journalist who threw the shoe at Bush were to come to America, he would be greeted with sweets and flowers.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
@Common Sense:
Well, that now demands the damn video, doesn’t it?
(And if we’re going to get weird and western, lets toss in Muse as well.)
Mike in NC
Those and a leather-bound copy of "My Pet Goat" autographed by the Smirking Chimp himself. People are lining up to donate coloring books their kids were too bored to finish. It’ll be an impressive collection.
My biggest regret is that the guy *missed*.
It would have been a perfect Christmas photo.
Perry Como
@Brick Oven Bill: Indeed. Going from a director position to vice president never comes with a significant pay raise.
Chris Baldwin
Kudos for using the word ‘wanker’.
Also, Wolf Blitzer is possibly the most exciting name ever.
Reverend Dennis
I posted the "mysterious" comment after mine @43 went into moderation. Why it did is still a mystery to me. Although life around here would be far worse without the filter I’m confused by some of the things that trip it.
USA Patriot:
Yesterday I asked if you are Jonah Goldberg because you used the URL for Ms. Goldberg’s pile of steaming Liberal Fascism as your "website."
You did not respond.
Today I notice you are commenting without filling in the "website" space with a link.
Are you now, or have you ever been, Jonah Goldberg, or if not Ms. Goldberg herself, are you now or have you ever been so deeply embedded in Ms. Goldberg’s anus that you were able to see out of her myopic eyes?
@ Easy Bake Oven Bill O’Reilly:
Those dastardly schemers at the U of C Hospital tried to hide the truth about Michelle Obama by releasing it as a press release and posting it on their website, the bastards!
@cleek: i have new found respect for you. that is my position exactly.
Emanuel delivered a list of candidates who would be "acceptable" to Obama, the source said. On the list were Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, Illinois Veterans Affairs director Tammy Duckworth, state Comptroller Dan Hynes and U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Chicago, the source said. All are Democrats.
Sometime after the election, Emanuel called Harris back to add the name of Democratic Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan to the approved list, the source said."
What’s notable about this list is how completely unremarkable it is.
Tammy Duckworth is a brand new and completely powerless player. She’s a bit of a hero to the Left, re:Iraq, and her losing House race, but she’s hardly some hardened pol with swag to trade.
I’m reading the Chicago Tribune on Obama, and have been for close to a year now. Unlike the pundits, there’s actual information provided.
Why isn’t this breathless speculation actually using what we know?
John, it’s your duty to find us better trolls.
This USAPatBoonePattycake guy has failed the audition.
Get us some real trolls, please, otherwise, this place is going to the dogs.
Rehashed 5-year-old wingnut talking points?
The Moar You Know
@USA Patriot: I don’t blame you for changing your handle; I had to look up how to properly spell "Atanarjuat". This new one is much easier. Thanks.
kommrade reproductive vigor
I love how this entire tantrum can only be sustained if you completely ignore 1. Blaggy’s comments about Obama’ refusal to play along. 2. Fitzgerald’s request that Camp Obama StFu about the matter.
Oh well, let them scream. When Fitzgerald finishes his investigation and announces Obama did nothing wrong they’ll have to scramble for something else.
If I were going to make a Christmas wish it would be that the only pols who actually slipped Hair Blag any cash have an ( R ) after their name.
I’m sure Balkinization would give up Bart DePalma for a third-round draft pick and a small amount of cash, but are you sure you want him?
So did George W. Bush, why is it this was never a concern for the past eight years?
Because IOKIYAR, and no other reason.
Calming Influence
Since the population of Illinois is 12,831,970 and the population of Idaho is only 1,466,465, it’s actually 8.75 times more appropriate to speculate on the details of John King’s long-running S&M affair with Larry Craig. The lack of even a hint of a rumor about their sordid liaisons is damning.
I’m not so sure about the John King rumball/buggering kids thing though, ’cause that story has been all over the internet for years.
Alan Stewart Carl tries the same thing.
So I asked him:
his answer:
So I responded:
They don’t get it.
Chuck Butcher
But, but, THOMC what else do they have? For god’s sake you’re not demanding originality? What a concept…
Mike in NC
I’m pretty certain that "USA Patriot" is the exclusive intellectual property of Dick "Dickhead" Cheney, so that other guy needs to drop it. But it does manage to be both pretentious and fatuous at the same time. A two-fer.
Post of the Week. The ‘Special (Short Bus) Pulitzer’, aka ‘The Golden Kneepads’. In a just world, John King would be shunned, rather than being lauded for his role in the front ranks of the Media Village Idiots.
According to his Wiki entry, King went to Boston Latin School, which has a reputation for producing — at its worst — just this kind of smug arsehole. The guy who never got over being anointed ‘best in class’ in the seventh grade, who still includes his SAT scores in his CV, is a natural courtier to our new American Sun Kings; the real tragedy is that so many of the rest of us have lost our inbred revulsion for JK’s brand of self-righteous "All is for the best in this I-Got-Mine world" nitwittery.
It seems to me that this isn’t all that much different than the Wasilla Bible Church story.
In celebration of this event, I went shoe and boot shopping, got a pair of each, and contributed a little bit to our economy today.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Anon: So, let’s take any one of these reporters or pundits. Let’s say that one of them is stopped for speeding in his/her community. […]
I’m sure that each and everyone of them would immediately report this as an attempted bribery attempt.
Or, let’s say a vice president shoots a hunting buddy in the face. I’m sure he’d report the incident immediately!
Alas, it’s not even his real name. Leslie Blitzer just didn’t have the ratings numerology value he needed to create success.
John, my #81 has been detained by the moderation police, and I am swearing out a statement that my comment is innocent. We wish to make bail.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Video is up on the shoe throwing, I love the comparison of the journalist’s fate if Saddam was still in charge at the end of the video. What another wanker.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
Also, Wolf Blitzer is possibly the most exciting name ever.
I’d have to vote for Fuzz Hogan.
Well, they have …. er …. they ….uh …..
Excuse me, I have a cat that wants out …..
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
I assume Emmanuel and Obama were planning. At least, I hope so.
They had the Senate seat appointment and a special election coming up for Emmanuel’s House seat.
It makes sense that they would be slotting in possibilities, with both the Senate and House seat in mind.
I don’t know who would be better at that than Emmanuel. It’s his seat that was coming open, and he was the wildly successful strategist for the Dems in the 06 House races.
I hope Republicans aren’t saying Democrats aren’t permitted to plan Congressional race slotting.
That’s ridiculous.
Is there anything about your 81, Circus, that would warrant moderation?
Well, it turned out to be #82 actually (guess another comment was in moderation as well) but, no, as I stated previously we are completely innocent*. Innocent, I tell ya!
*unless contributing to our economy has now become a criminal enterprise.
Right, I meant 82. Well, that moderation filter thing is a little like USAPantload’s rhetoric …… rarely works.
Laura W
This is probably a tad O/T but I don’t know where to put it (ha). Wanker in the post title might work, I was thinking. Definitely not in the football thread.
Did Sullivan really post this yesterday noonish, upon return from his week’s vacation, and it still sits there, unmocked? Unedited?
Edit: Not that being a gay man is mockworthy. Or a gay woman. It seems so…shit. You know what I mean. It’s an odd post for him!
Reverend Dennis
My vote still goes to a tool salesman I met back during my machinist days: Rod Glidewell.
Wonder which of his parents was responsible for that one. ;)
Not bad, but for everyday use, how can you do better than good old Jack Hoff?
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Reverend Dennis: My vote still goes to a tool salesman I met back during my machinist days: Rod Glidewell.
OK, yeah. I have to switch my vote. It was close, but the fact that Rod Glidewell was a tool salesman convinced me.
Mrs. Peel
Speaking of wankers. Dick Gregory’s bio at "Dickipedia"
Reverend Dennis
@Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist:
A tool salesman he was. California machinists were famous for pulling elaborate practical jokes so I was very skeptical. He finally had to give me one of his business cards to convince me that I wasn’t being suckered in.
@Reverend Dennis:
Yeah, my "riddle me this" post got moderated, too. I didn’t see any particularly egregious words, but I think maybe "riddle" gets the thing excited?
Reverend Dennis
Fuck! I’m so old I thought that you meant Dick Gregory the black comedian and activist.
Courtesy of Wikipedia, some lines from his first appearance at the Chicago Playboy Club:
These lines delivered in 1961 during what was likely the first appearance by a black comedian at a white club.
@Mrs. Peel: The best part:
Reverend Dennis
Like any fool, I thought that I might be able to suss out what excites it by observation. There must be a pseudo-random number generator in the thing that flags the unlucky post.
Mrs. Peel
Oooopsy. I did say "Dick" and meant to say "David". Freudian slip. Every time I see him on TV I automatically think "What a dick".
It had to happen eventually. At least I didn’t use my second favorite word for him and call him "Dipshit" out loud.
Bubblegum Tate
Did you guys know that the shoe-throwing incident is proof of our victorious victory in Iraq? Victory!
John Cole
Dikipedia is pretty awesome- from the Sarah Palin entry:
The Olbermann one is funny, too.
Personal Designation
Throwing shoes an Arab insult? I’ll take an Arab insult over a Blackwater insult any day of the week.
I’d love to see 10,000+ American citizens get together, march over to the White House, and just start throwing shoes over on the lawn. That would be awesome.
Laura W
12 long hours ago I started my Sunday reading Gregory’s Dickipedia entry (while ignorning him on MTP and missing JCS on CBS Sun morning), and here I am…preparing to grieve the loss of Dexter.
Season Finale in 5.
Amazing Race ended last week.
Sunday night tee vee returns to Shitsville.
I am so going to miss Dexter. What a season it’s been.
@KevinD: Name the time and I’m there.
Whaddaya bet there are some shoes on the lawn right now?
The Guiliani entry at Dickipedia is pretty damn good:
Captain Obvious
SIAP: you all realize John King was a video jockey ro the Canadian MTV?
That flying shoe to the head was our best shot at any sort of justice for the War Criminal Bush. He should have thrown the sinker instead of the change, but that pitch sure did have some nice velocity.
I say that is only two balls, and Criminal Bush can’t walk unless he gets four. Criminal Bush is a fan, he knows the rules.
Imagine one of our spineless weasel reporters (Tim Russert, David Gregory, etc) doing anything resembling disrespect towards Bush, their access would be immediately revoked for their whole corporation. Their corporate code is to mollify the power with mindless drivel, or no effective follow up questions. That is more important that accountability for government to the press in the best country evah.
Imagine Democrats having enough spine to take Bush on for his crimes. Pelosi, Hoyer, Rockefeller, Harmon were in on all of it. Pelosi gave Bush a get out of jail free card with her "off the table" comments, she is a true traitor.
Obama and all his neocon/neoliberal pals will never have the balls to hold Bush accountable for anything. That right shoe was our last, best hope. Bush won’t travel anymore, and he will live in his white only community and never have to pay any price for all of his crimes.
I think you’re thinking of his colleague John Roberts.
Mike in NC
Screw Ghouliani and the horse he rode in on. He has no future in politics, period. Maybe they’ll do a remake of Nosferatu, though, so he can try acting. 1-20-09 cannot arrive fast enough!
Conservatively Liberal
When responding to USA Patriot, keep this in mind: Whenever you hear the expression "USA Patriot" in the news, what is the next word uttered?
Something to think about… ;)
Comrade Kevin
Dickipedia’s pretty funny. There’s this gem about Ann Coulter:
Coulter has dated many dicks, among them conservative author Dinesh D’Souza (who wrote a 1981 article for the Dartmouth Review naming the officers of the Gay Student Alliance, some of whom had not yet come out) and Spin magazine founder and publisher – and second-generation dick – Bob Guccione, Jr. Though she claims to have been engaged many times, she has yet to meet Mr. Rightwingnut. Those concerned with the future of humankind are watching Coulter’s biological clock, counting the days until the onset of the menopause that will render the species safe from her virulent strain of DNA.
Well, I can’t go to DC at this time, but it just so happens that I’ve got plenty of shoes I could donate to the cause. TZ went shoe shopping with me today, and we found out he picks out better footwear for me than I do myself. I’ve got about eight pair of shoes that really don’t fit me very well, and a couple others that I’ve totally worn out. Where should I send them? ;)
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
You serious? CNN John King is having sex with Larry Craig? Holy shit. I can’t wait to tell the missus.
Actually, I think John King is having sex with Dana Bash (unless she is one of those avowed promise ring wearing "abstinence only" women, in which case he probably downloads a lot of porn waiting for the big day). Personally, I can’t imagine anyone who would want to wake up next to Dana Bash every morning.
Whoops, I didn’t realize, they were married this past May. Too bad for him, I guess.
Bad Horse's Filly
Okay, no bush fan…otherwise why would I hang out here? Does it bother anyone else that the guy got not one, but two shoes catapulted into the air, with lag time between each shoe and neither he, nor the shrub were tackled to the ground by the Secret Service before he lobbed the second shoe? Really, POTUS is expected to duck and weave in a hostile country in order to stay safe?
I have lost all confidence and fear for Obama’s safety if this is the response we can expect.
I suspect Bush has disgruntled SS detail, and Obama’s will be more vigilant, personally.
Conservatively Liberal
Not really. Why? For three reasons. First, because it was an ‘attack’ that was unexpected. Who expects someone to throw their shoes at the President? I can’t stop laughing just thinking about it! Second, because it was Bush and even if the guy missed he still sent a message that most of the world agrees with. Third, because the Secret Service is now aware of the potential for a shoe attack and will take additional ‘steps’ to prevent that from happening.
I just wish Bush had been slower in responding. Having him coming home with the impression of an Iraqi heel on his forehead would have been priceless.
Conservatively Liberal
The BJ Mod Gawd must be angry tonight. Please save my post from this frightening apparition. I’m just a frozen caveman blogger and your moderation gawds ways both frighten and confuse me.
Phoenix Woman
By the way: The press assaults haven’t put a dent in Obama’s approval ratings. So nyahh nyahh John King!
@Laura W:
Yeah, but BSG comes back in January.
Looked to me like Dubya has had a lot of practise ducking flying objects. Mama Bar is notorious for her temper, but FSM knows if *I* had to spend any time around that feckless smirk I’d be tempted to throw stuff myself.
(And of course Himself had to cap the incident by whining, "I guess that guy just wanted to see hisself on th’ tel-bission. I don’t know what his ’cause’ is [shrug].")
Because what Iraqi could possibly have any complaints about peeance and freeance, amirite?
cain’t believe you guys missed Nascar driver Dick Trickle in the name wall o’ awesome. I know naaathing about Nascar, and even I’ve heard of him.
oh, and Tucker Carlson’s Dickipedia entry:
Tony J
Also, Wolf Blitzer is possibly the most exciting name ever.
How about Assistant-Chief of Blair House Randell ‘Randy’ Bumgardner?
Or the perennial favourite, Joey Buttafuoco?
Dave P
This is exactly the kind of crap we opened ourselves up to as a country when we welcomed 24 hours news into our home. If you’re going to take the sponsors money, you have to fill the airwaves. Now, believe me, I’m a skeptic when it comes to any mainstream politics. But good grief, just because it was Obama’s old seat doesn’t mean he’s got time to organize a pay to play scheme. If memory serves, he’s been a bit busy for the last month or so.
But America, as soon as you stop tuning in to CNN at any time other than 6 or 11, maybe they’ll get the message and stop filling the airwaves and the interweb with hackish crap.
Calming Influence
It occurs to me that although the rumors of Mickey Kaus blowing goats must be untrue (because wiretap audio of Mickey making goat-blowing sounds proves the opposite), I’ve never heard John King on tape making goat-blowing sounds.
What a sick bastard.
…Not a real Pulitzer, but one of the special kneecap-a-Democrat bullshit ones…
Interesting. I haven’t really thought about the Pulitzer Committee before but, ya know, there certainly are _a lot_ of recent examples of people who really shouldn’t have won one. In addition to the obvious examples mentioned above, Brett J. Blackledge of The Birmingham News, for example, really didn’t deserve his. The real story underneath his reporting about corruption in AL is that he, and the rest of the state, were getting played by Rove and Co. (Or, perhaps, he was a player as well but it seems more likely that he was getting materials from iffy sources and just not the kind of journalist to question where the info came from. It’s inescapable, however, that his work was journalism only in the sense that, say, Gerth is a report. And with similar results, a downed popular Dem and a lots slack jawed help by the DoJ. Take a look at Scott Harper’s take on Blackledge, if you are unfamiliar with his work.)
I just looked up the current Pulitzer board. Now, there’s a fun loving group. Thomas Friedman, David Kennedy, Paul Gigot, and so on. I’m sure they’d love to give Gerth another Pulitzer.
Charles S
I just googled John King, seeing if I could find an email address to contact him about my concerns about his alleged anonymous sex with Larry Craig, and why he hasn’t been quicker about coming forward with all of the facts about the absence of such a relationship. I didn’t find an email address to use to contact him, but this post was the #4 google hit for "John King."
Ken L
What, the same John King who practically conducted the entire interview with McCain on his knees (see Greenwald) having a tryst with Craig? I am not surprised.