Been a pretty acrimonious day in the comments, so time for a breather:
Let’s all act like the cool cat and calm down, including myself, as I am prone to saying obnoxious things when I think people are over-reacting to things.
This post is in: Cat Blogging, Dog Blogging
Comments are closed.
Kitteh sayz: "This is my lap, motherfucker, GTFO!"
That puppeh on the far left is begging for barrettes on it’s ears.
@DJShay: I’m sure that the kitteh agreez.
this post is a slap in the face, under the bus.
Joshua Norton
Well pass the popcorn while I watch the circular firing squad.
Not one goddamned rabbit. Fuck you Cole, On the night of the lepus you’ll pay.
Wow, ten points for that if it’s a reference to the movie, five points for the etymology if it ain’t.
A slap in the face under the bus nuking the fridge. Lapcat says: lolwut?
Laura W
Now THAT’S what this dog damned blog is all about.
You betcha.
I like the ^ on the kitteh’s forehead :)
pet blogging has jumped the shark, and I fucking hate your choice of browser and computer platform.
The Grand Panjandrum
KItteh caption: You may kiss my ring. Bitches.
The Grand Panjandrum
@r€nato: Cole’s gonna need a bigger blog.
Laura W
damn it.
Joshua Norton
Isn’t that the study of fat-free coffee cake?
Tim (The Other One)
You know, it might be acrimonious in comments but I just spent the better part of 20 minutes reading through them and actually got a lot out of most of the exchanges.
I got me to re-thinking my knee jerk pissed-offness about the Warren announcement.
that cat looks like it got slapped in the face…
Tim (The Other One)
"I got me ????"
I gotta start previewing this shit.
Laura W
@MikeJ: Once more with way more adorable photo:
I’m sure if Mr. Fuckhead were here he’d want you to have this.
Slap in the Face! Sub prime collapse! Oversight Hypocrisy!
Oh, look, a kitty!
Errr, I think your etymological take on the word etymology is flawed.
But I sawed wut u did thar.
wer r teh ponys huh? u no hav luv 4 ponys?
That cat’s polydactyl (he’s got two thumbs).
Hey if cats and dogs can live peacefully together (at least on a blog) can’t we all just get along?
Maybe we just need to spray ourselves with a little flame-broiled goodness.
Btw, that is one big dachshund.
Just finished "the forever war," and I loved it. Anybody got any (not too politically focused) book recommendations for me now that I have some time to kill? I’ve been out of the Barnes and Noble loop for awhile.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
You didn’t devote all of today’s posts to fauxtrage and gay rights…it’s a kick in the junk.
The Moar You Know
@Tymannosourus: Are you referring to the Haldeman sci-fi book? I would recommend that to anyone, it’s fantastic.
@Tymannosourus: I just finished The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight. It’s not the best book I’ve ever read, but it puts forth some rather interesting thoughts on the oil trade and the future of energy, and does so without getting too shrill.
jake 4 that 1
It appears that cat has opposable thumbs so it is likely it isn’t sitting on a person’s lap. It is sitting on a dead stuffed person who has been made into a chair.
You know that’s their goal in life.
@The Moar You Know:
Sorry, should have specified; "The forever war" by Dexter Filkins from the NYT.
Bad Horse's Filly
Whoever claims those adorable puppies, could you tell me what kind the one on the left is?
And that cat? Can’t decide if I’m totally in love or completely terrified.
I’ve totally turned out the news these days. The talking heads are all going to explode (oh, that would be a great Christmas gift – or Hanukkah or Solstice, depending on your preference). The world is ending! The world is ending! Obama’s in trouble! Obama’s in trouble!
And then to back it all up they quote polls and surveys – not once considering their screaming could have anything to do with the results.
This will all work itself out, it will be painful and difficult, but we’ll get through it. It would be a lot less ugly if all the various forms of media would show some restraint. Baaawaaahaaa!
@Tymannosourus: The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America by ]ames Bamford
I’m only on chapter 2 and I am already pissed off. Downloaded from my library’s online audiobooks for free for the audiobook lovers.
The Moar You Know
@jake 4 that 1: Wrong, my friend. Cats love living human beings. Who would feed them otherwise?
I’ve figured it out, although I’ll probably be killed by catkind for exposing their plan I’ll share it with y’all anyway. A cat’s goal in life is to show all people their anus, thereby grossing them out and making them turn away, whereupon the cat can then steal food.
IMHO, it’s been a great day in the comments. It’s why I come here.
That cat is pure evil.
Comrade Kevin
@Jeff: I haven’t read that one, but I did read, years ago, his previous book on the NSA, The Puzzle Palace, which is more of a history.
i agree..i intend to relax all day tomorrow in the woods hunting…its black powder season…
@Comrade Kevin: Body of Secrets was also good.
@The Moar You Know:
Umm…TMYK…cats find the dead human beings feed them, too.
I missed a great photo op this morning due to grogginess, as I went into my bathroom only to see my biggest cat peeing in my sink. He had an incredibly content look on his face, and I found out 15 minutes later when I went to take a shower and realized he also had taken a dump in my bathtub.
The Moar You Know
@Tymannosourus: Alrighty. Well, if you do sci-fi, Joe Haldeman’s "The Forever War" is a masterpiece. One of the best of the genre.
John Cole
I’m finally getting around to "I, Robot" and enjoying it immensely. I plan to pick off "Foundation" next. That said, "The Forever War" was a great read, but I’m not sure if I follow the extended logic of "everyone in the future will be gay". The full circle bit with clones at the end was pretty funny, though. "It’s a clone thing, you wouldn’t understand." :-p *sniff*
@The Moar You Know:
good to know, thanks!
@Zifnab: If you’ve just read _I, Robot_, you ought to read Asimov’s great dystopias, either the *original* version of _The End of Eternity_, or, even better, _The Caves of Steel_.
If you haven’t read Imperial Life in the Emerald City by Wapo’s Rajiv Chandresakaran, I highly recommend it.
You will want to set your hair on fire.
Bad Horse's Filly
@Keith: Did you hide his litterbox? Or something more egregious, like pet a dog? You know, he might be a good candidate for toilet training, bet he could even flush.
Well, if you are not seeing Duncan Hunter on Hardball, don’t watch.
Now Lyndie Englund and her "boyfriend" also tortured themselves in Abu Ghraib. It just never stops with these people.
@Bad Horse’s Filly: No, but I really need to replace the litter badly (got a Litter Robot and a regular bin, but both are past due). The others pee in my atrium when the litter needs changing, but the overlord insists on sinks and tubs.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
@John Cole:
Damn, John. You say "Take a breather", then you drop this bomb. That’ll kill the puppeez talk for sure.
Bad Horse's Filly
@John Cole:
Everyone should read that, 3x.
@Tymannosourus: If you’re interested in non fiction and cultures, I recommend the "lay audience" books of the late anthropologist Marvin Harris. Cannibals and Kings and Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches come to mind. Very interesting. Not his classic, though, Cultural Materialism : The Struggle for a Science of Culture, unless you’re into anthropological theory.
Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon)
@Bad Horse’s Filly:
My son’s obnoxious dog (every apartment-dwelling college student needs a dog, right?) has come to live with us, and our cat is so offended that she’s begun leaving little surprises around the house.
Nothing like a thread opening the door about which kind of dog/cat/critter is the best kind of pet. (Obviously Dachshund)
Thanks John! (no sarcasm!….seriously!)
Bad Horse's Filly
@Montysano (All Hail Marx & Lennon): I had a wonderful cat who lived through great danes, greyhounds, a chinchilla and a duck, and handled it well. But when I married my now ex-husband, she insisted on peeing on his pillow.
Always listen to your cat.
FYI: Hydrogen Peroxide works best on cat stains of any variety, followed by white vinegar. ;-)
J. Michael Neal
Wrong. Your cat hates you. Food is only a small part of what we owe them, AND YOU’RE SLACKING RIGHT NOW.
@John Cole: good stuff, John.
Damn, might actually be that MUP is more prophecy than snark. One can hope.
@Bad Horse’s Filly: The parallel is completely nonsensical. I’ve spent a lot of time at kitchen tables with Mormon friends, and — hey, wow, what a SHOCK, they’re a lot like me, and understand the arguments I present, particularly since devout Mormons have lives focused around their families. I’m sure you’re stunned, stunned, simply stunned.
That’s what "three cups of tea" is about. And it works, as John himself points out. But there’s no reason to believe that reaching out to Warren will make a difference; it doesn’t short circuit the hard work of sitting at kitchen tables, or make that any easier.
The Moar You Know
@John Cole: Great article. BTW, while we’re also recommending books in this thread, Greg Mortenson’s Three Cups of Tea (which John’s linked post references) is incredible. Shows you what can be done if you don’t go barging into a potentially hostile land and act like an asshole.
Bad Horse's Filly
@demimondian: ???? And this hostility is directed at me, why?
J. Michael Neal
He’s trying to keep you off guard, so that you’ll never know when to expect a compliment.
jake 4 that 1
@Keith: If all had gone according to plan you wouldn’t have seen it slipped, fallen and become a week’s worth of food.
(I have three cats, I know what they’re up to).
@Bad Horse’s Filly: I’m sorry — I didn’t mean to direct any hostility at you; it’s just the comment I was responding to. (That’s not to say that your reading was unreasonable at all. It’s merely that I expressed my intent poorly.)
I’m not hostile to you, but to the original article, which I think is…bogus.
@J. Michael Neal: Hush. You’ll spoil my fun.
South of I-10
@Tymannosourus: I just read Rising Tide and loved it.
Bad Horse's Filly
@demimondian: Understood. Now, the real important question is, what kind of 4-legged creatures do you share your home with?
Sorry to go so OT but this is really a breather.
So, ladies, does the scent of flame-broiled meat turn you on? (And, no, not that meat.) Should I get this for my little brother?
harlana pepper
looka the ginormous paws on that kitteh!
@Bad Horse’s Filly: Cats! Cats!
In fact, somewhere Cole has a picture of my late, and much loved, George.
The Moar You Know
OT: This is so appropriate it hurts.
Bush and his military-industrial bestest friends – consistent to the end.
The Grand Panjandrum
@John Cole: While liberals scream like WATB over Rick Warren, the Christianists do what?
Whinge like a bunch of WATB’s.
I am personally upset because no Pastafarian will be part of the clergy present on that stage. Outrageous!
I’m waiting for John’s review of "The Limits of American Power". Did I miss it?
Laura W
@smiley: Not that my opinion carries a lot of weight, necessarily, but that was linked on a thread the other morning and I watched it for many, many minutes that I will never get back. And I mean, I hung in there to see the revolting king go through several seduction attempts.
I believe my words in response were:
That is SO fucked up.
Hope that helps!
jake 4 that 1
@The Moar You Know: The only way this could be better is if they hang a "Commission Accomplished!" banner.
@Laura W: I remember a number of rather tasteless comments about setting one’s soles on fire…or something like that.
It is simply an AMAZING book! You will simply not believe the cluster fuck that was Iraq immediately after the invasion. The only requirement for re-building Iraq was the you were a Republican who cheerfully drank the Kool Aid. No other experience required.
I didn’t want to set my hair on fire (as I am bald). However I did constantly curse and say "Oh My God" out loud over and over while reading the book.
Laura W
@demimondian: From me? No sir. I don’t drink wine in the morning. I believe you have me confused with someone else.
Edit: I believe my close to exact words were what I wrote above, and (I paraphrase myself): "I’d love to meet the advertising executives who threw that (up) together."
I have many faults…a poor recall not one of them.
Unless I have misunderstood your point.
OT, but there’s been a major loss in the nerd world–Majel Barrett has died.
@Laura W: Probably. I wouldn’t be surprised if I contributed those myself, now that I think about it.
@Laura W: Thanks. I don’t/can’t follow all of the threads. Today was the first I heard of it.
@Laura W:
Um, yeah, that helps.
John O
You’re a good man, John Cole, and you host a great site.
Passion is good. People should try not to take things so personally. It’s a big crazy infinite world out there.
Happy Christmas and New Year to all.
Just Some Fuckhead
@John O: Bigot!
Reverend Dennis
The "right time" to take an aircraft carrier to sea? Knowing Bushco, they agreed to pay full price for a carrier made out of cardboard.
Thanks for the book recommendations, I will grab one of them tomorrow.
Laura W
@Just Some Fuckhead: PTC!
(Peeing The Couch. I’m making that up now and plan to use it liberally.)
@Tymannosourus: Sorry dude, those weren’t recommendations. They were assignments. Your report is do (as the kids these days spell it) before the end of the semester (tomorrow at 8:00 am). You better get going.
@Laura W: Make sure you get credit.
@The Moar You Know:
You have no idea how right you are
Laura W
@Jeff: Done! Thanks. Did I do it right?
Peeing The Couch
Example: Your post was so funny, Just Some Fuckhead, I’m PTC!
Tags: peeing, pissing, couch, sofa, divan, urinating, losing bladder control, soiling myself, wetting myself, Depends!
No deal, I’ve got buffalo wings and 2-for-1 Summit Pale Ales to attend to this evening. I’ll have my report on your desk after winter break.
Won’t let me edit but in regard to my comment with the link. Some scientists believe that a person infected with this parasite/symbiote is more likely to take care of the cat because the symbiote/parasite needs the cat too.
my parents are trying to get a pic of their Kitteh that has a penchant for getting into the dogs water dish, literally sitting in the water and splashing/bathing itself.
Barack Obama is Smarter than I am, Chapter 1,456
well, every time I get all pissed about something Obama has done, or not done, and send frantic emails to friends and family – "Why didn’t he punch back harder in the debates?" "Why is he wasting time in Virginia and Indiana?" – etc. – it becomes clear, about a week later, that the guy knew exactly what he was doing and is a strategic AND tactical genius.
Then I end up sending sheepish "OK, he’s smarter than I am" emails.
On this one – after my first outrage, I saw this great diary on Kos –
about how the WINGNUTS are Really Pissed about this – I decided, you know – the guy is just smarter than I am. (thank God. )
And that is one SERIOUSLY relaxed cat.
Bad Horse's Filly
@Dreggas: Presently I have a cat who likes to do ‘laundry’. Whatever piece of clothing doesn’t make it into the laundry hamper, she drags to the water dish and ‘washes’ it. Now if I could just teach her how to fluff and fold, there’d be more tuna.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: lolz
Edit: PTR!
Some Guy
I am late to this, so sorry if no one sees this, but I am one of the proud owners of the kitty. His name is McLovin’ and he is still growing into those paws. He is adorable. Deep down, I know he would eat me if he was really hungry. He would be sad for a few minutes and then play with a stray wine cork to console himself.
Laura W
@Some Guy: Are you kiddin’? We’ve been waiting for you.
McLovin’. Now there is a name for that cat.
Wine cork toy? Now there is my kind of cat.
Laura W
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Professional Tennis Registry?
Peeing the Rug!
Some Guy
@Laura W: Wine corks are McLovin’s very favorite toy. He also has a strange fondness for sitting on the back of the toilet while one is indisposed, batting at the toilet paper and purring. I think he is a struggling cat poet trapped in a cuddly, walnut brained, love monster.
South of I-10
@Some Guy: Mclovin may be the most awesome cat name evah!
D Hunter is a Pig.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: Recliner, but rug works too.
J. Michael Neal
One of mine likes to take stray socks to the litter box.
Some Guy
@J. Michael Neal: Do you keep those socks?
Bad Horse's Filly
@J. Michael Neal: Toilet Paper?
Some guy, that’s a great cat!
The fountain of cats
You should see his baby pic:
I think I have seen at least two, and more likely seven or eight, different sci fi TV shows based on this premise.
@smiley: Ewww!! This is just wrong on so many levels.
Want to get your brother a scent that mixes food and sexy smell get him AXE Chocolate, it actually smells good.
Those dogs would be mine. Left to right: Woofie, male, terrier mix, vet said some shepherd also, Mickey, female part dachsund and god knows what else, and Maggie, golden/great Pyrenees.
Love the cat.
Some Guy
@ScreamingInAtlanta: Great dogs!
@ScreamingInAtlanta: Love the dogs.
Bad Horse's Filly
@ScreamingInAtlanta: Love the dogs! I think your part terrier is part soft coated wheaton terrier. It’s the ears that are wrong….I mean for a Wheaton, not for your beautiful dog.
Some Guy, Scruncher, and Filly, thank you very much. I will look up Wheaton terrier. Someone suggested Irish border terrier. I do see some shepherd in him in some of his poses but with 2 of the 3 dogs, will never know the mix.
(sorry don’t know how to do the @_____ name link if anyone can tell me it would be appreciated so I’ll be up to speed)
Cheers all.
Bad Horse's Filly
@ScreaminginAtlanta: It’s that little grey arrow next to the time stamp in the comment you want to respond to. When you look at Wheaton pix, try to find one where they are uncut, because the stupid grooming they give them changes their look completely.
@Bad Horse’s Filly: Filly, I think you might be right! The face and personality is definitely like a Wheaten Terrier. I looked at all the terriers on Animal Planet and Wheaten was definitely the closest. The only difference is they describe the coat as being very soft, but Woofie’s is rough. But that could be the influence of the other genetic pool…Anyway, thank you! And also thanks for the tip on the name link, I do appreciate it.
The fountain of cats
I tried to post the cat’s baby pic earlier but it didn’t come through. Here’s a great link to a video of him as a baby with his brother…