Why does anybody care how many books Karl Rove says that George Bush read? Rove lies about everything. Bush cannot speak extemporaneously about the Bible, supposedly his favorite book. Laugh at it and move on.
by Tim F| 28 Comments
This post is in: Republican Stupidity
Richard Clarke in Vanity Fair, via Washington Monthly.
Indeed. Thanks for reminding us of the obvious, Tim. Next thing you know, Rove will be telling us of all the long hours Chimpy McFlightsuit put in presidenting. Hard work, you know.
– Albert Camus, The Stranger, Translated by Stuart Gilbert.
Sam Simple
Anyone with an IQ above room temperature recognizes that this is part of the revisionist history effort by the GOP to make Bush out to be something greater than the bungling, cokehead loser criminal that he is. The Dems need to work doubly hard to smear this bastard and his family so badly that a Bush won’t be able to get a job at the local Texaco station, let alone in politics, ever agan.
oh really
I just automatically assumed this story was a complete lie and moved on.
If I spent hours every day practicing, say, bowling, I sure wouldn’t brag about it when everyone could see that I not only have no idea how to hold a bowling ball, but that I roll a gutter ball every effing time.
Building a legacy is hard work.
But the flightsuit worked so well for Chris Matthews.
tom p
How many did he actually comprehend?
Comrade Dread
Too bad he never got around to Douglas Adams or we might have been spared a great deal of misery:
"The major problem — one of the major problems, for there are several — one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem."
In short: Bush reads, so don’t call him stupid.
The Other Steve
Totally unrelated…
Funny video, although I suppose one could say it is culturally offensive.
Rove reminds me of a line in Huckleberry Finn, "S’pose he opened his mouth — what then? If he
didn’t shut it up powerful quick he’d lose a lie every time."
Rove reminds me of a line in Huckleberry Finn, "S’pose he opened his mouth — what then? If he
didn’t shut it up powerful quick he’d lose a lie every time."
"… a huge crowd of spectators and that they should greet me with howls of execration."
– Albert Camus, The Stranger
Comrade Jake
Just so we’re clear, we know that W has screwed everything up, from the Iraq war to the economy to eating pretzels. Somehow all these things aren’t so bad because he’s read a lot of books?
A much simpler explanation would seem to be that he’s read a lot of books and hasn’t learned a damn thing. I’m not sure Rove’s really helping things here.
Does petting a goat lead to animal husbandry?
The Moar You Know
Karl Rove? Oh, you mean the failure, Karl Rove. No one gives a shit what Karl Rove thinks or says anymore. It’s almost 2009. Karl Rove is ancient history.
All well and good but neither of them can equal Granny Palin’s daily consumption of newspapers.
Mr. Moderate
Please! Reading the inside of the dust jacket isn’t reading a book. We are to believe that the President, this President in particular, is averaging two heavy books a week? I know he’s taken a lot of vacation, but give me a break.
El Tiburon
Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing.
Although I’d pay $5 to see Bush v. Palin on literature. Goddamn that would be good.
Whenever the clowns (Bush, Cheney, Rice) come out of the car and start reciting the same mantra I am reminded of the 2003 Iraq PR campaign. I get the same reaction now as I did then. Don’t believe a word they say and it’s a load of shit
Geoff Wittig
Sort of reminds me of a classic Simpsons episode, wherein Cletus the slack-jawed yokel finds that he loves big books. Yep, ‘cuz they’re great for crackin’ open turtles for turtle soup. In W’s case, this probably means smashing pretzels so they’re less dangerous to eat.
The notion of George W. Bush as a serious reader is simply ludicrous on the face of it. I mean, really? That idiot a reader? I bet Karl Rove could barely supress the giggles while telling this whopper.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
Does Bush get a Pizza Hut certificate if he reaches 100?
While I believe the only people who should be listening to Rove are his fellow cellmates, it wouldn’t surprise me if Bush has been fed a steady diet of Biographies of people who weren’t popular at the time, but history was kind.
This also explains what he has been doing all year while the country was falling apart. January 20th can’t come soon enough.
jake 4 that 1
Tin-Foil Hat moment: Rove is pushing the idea that Bush is a stealth liberal (He went to liberal egg-head schools! He reads a lot! Even stuff by French philosophical surrender monkey types! HE’S AN INELEKTYOUALL!)
Soon we’ll see him touting the next REAL conservative: Sarah Palin.
A la lanterne les aristos!
Otto West: Apes don’t read philosophy.
Wanda: Yes they do, Otto. They just don’t understand it.
Jon H
If I’m not mistaken, Bush’s favorite book was "My Utmost for His Highest", an old bit of religious self-help pablum. Daily affirmation-type nonsense.
I suspect the truth of the competition is that Rove reads the book, and Bush reads the page numbers.
@Cassidy the Racist White Man:
Oh, snap! I loved "Book It" and all of the resulting personal pan pizzas.
I read that Bush performs 2,500 sit-ups and 1,500 push ups every morning. He has been going through this same routine every morning since meeting Herschel Walker while Governor of TX.