I am a little late to the game on this, but I just want to be on record mocking the new Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle Red State Strike Force. The Bradrocket made a really solid point today in an unrelated matter when he said the following:
Everything you guys write is tainted by the simple fact that you’re crazy assholes. If you’d like your work to be taken seriously by anyone who isn’t on your own personal LISTSERVs and Twitter accounts, the first step is to stop being crazy assholes. If you enjoy being crazy assholes and don’t want to give up the habit, that’s cool, but don’t expect to earn much respect from normal people. Make sense?
The key to electoral success for the GOP is not an elite strike force of blithering idiots spamming everyone’s email with bullshit about Obama’s birth certificate. The nation doesn’t need a trillion twitters about William Ayers, they need a Republican party that isn’t batshit insane. Spending all this time pretending the only problem is insufficient text message spam is going to get you nowhere, because the reason we elected a bunch of Democrats the last couple of years is because the Republicans and their ideas suck.
*** Update ***
More silliness at the RNC meet the candidate thing today:
For much of the 2008 campaign, Texas lawmaker and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul and his supporters served as a thorn in the side—or a punching bag—for the mainstream GOP establishment.
Yet today, the six men vying to run the Republican National Committee praised the grassroots enthusiasm Paul tapped into during his campaign—and discussed how they would like to capture that enthusiasm to expand the party’s appeal.
“Ron Paul certainly brought a whole new generation of voters and I think it’s important going forward that we recognize the strengths and the attributes of these individuals who are out there actively building the party and building a movement, a consensus if you will, on certain issues. We can’t look that in the eye and say ‘No, we don’t want that,’” said former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, adding that the RNC needs to find “creative ways” to work with candidates supported by Paul and his followers, and to work with Paul directly to that end.
“I think, at this stage at this party, everyone who can help us should be brought into the room to help us,” Steele said.
South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Katon Dawson recalled memories of Paul’s supporters campaigning during his state’s early primary.
“I witnessed early on the Ron Paul army in South Carolina,” Dawson said, stressing the importance of building new coalitions. “I want people involved in my party that will hang off bridges and paint on their cars and make up t-shirts. There was a passion that I saw of those people for him and his ideas. Do we agree with all of them? No, but we are a party that has to embrace differences.”
What party are these guys trying to become the chairman of, because it sure as hell isn’t the Republican party if they are praising Ron Paul. Christ on a crutch, if the GOP is all into the newfangled intertrons, what with these alien inventions of facebook and twitter, they might try out the google, too. I would suggest doing a search for the term “Paultard,” and see what the Republican base thinks of Ron Paul and his supporters.
So the future for the GOP lies in twitter and attracting the support of people they declared all out war on for the past year. Good luck with that.
Jeezus, even Uber-Commie Comandante Markos Moulitsas earned his unit patch the hard way and didn’t have Moe just suck it out of Erik’s ass.
If they want to wear cool little unit patches, they should all go down to the recruiting station and sign up for one.
No Cheetos in boot camp, though.
OT (and with fear and trembling) I report that Cernig says:
The Israeli Defense Force is using white phosphorus on built up areas in Gaza.
The screenshot of Malkin, complete with caption, is sheer perfection.
John Cole
@HyperIon: I fail to see how using WP is any worse than dropping 2000 lb bombs on a house that you know contains nine civilians, so I am going to sit out this episode of the WP saga.
Not My Fault
When I was … I don’t know … about 7, I was in a band with some neighbors.
We had lots of practices where we worked out how we would run away from the fans that would be chasing us, but we never did get around to playing instruments or anything like that.
But we never had an official logo like these guys.
Another stage in the (d)evolution of the Dixiecan Party. How much are permits for torchlight parades?
steve s
"hmm….why have we been thrown out of the governorships, House, Senate, and White House? Was it…insufficient Facebook activity? Did we fail to capitalize on Instant Messaging?"
"Uh how about the fact that you’re all hateful idiots whose ideas lead to catastrophe after catastrophe?"
"no….musta been too little MySpace…."
I, for one, find this encouraging. It means that the GOP death spiral that began in 2006 and continued in 2008 could very well live on for another electoral cycle. With all the attention going to the Red State Clown Force and similar activities in the actual GOP, anyone intelligent trying to resuscitate the corpse of the GOP is going to have a hard time being heard.
So, Republican strategists, listen to your base. Pander to your base. Let your base dominate your every action. Become your base. And enjoy being a 30% party.
steve s
I agree, dmsilev. Sadly, after a decade or so the public will forget about the GOP’s performance, get tired of the Dems, and return the GOP to some amount of power.
Hopefully it’ll be a while.
Laura W
I like that so much I’m off to Cafe Press to put it on a tote.
Ed Drone
White phosphorus? It seems to me that I’ve seen lots of footage that seems to show the use of cluster bombs. An air burst, followed by down-streaming smoke trails that end in explosive flashes on the ground. Unless I’m mistaken, that looks a lot like a cluster bomb, and certainly is NOT "precision bombing."
Just saying…
Squirrel, meet nut.
Mark Hemmingway shows signs of having two firing neurons, which is one more than is needed to write on the Corner.
From that Wiki page
And hundreds of little starbursts are set off over at Red State.
Joshua Norton
"they need a Republican party that isn’t batshit insane."
I find that it helps if you ignore the ones with all the snakes coming out of thier head – like Malkin and Coulter.
What is really funny to me is that the RS shield uses the NATO symbol. Any good red blooded conservative will tell you NATO is a bunch of wussies ( just read any of their posts about Afghanistan).
@Skippy-san: Even better, it looks like the NATO symbol after Europe has been overrun by a couple of Soviet Tank Armies and NATO has been replaced by a Warsaw Pact puppet regime.
Well, at least they’ll stand out in a crowd so we can avoid them.
What a pack of frickin’ tools. If what’s gone on for the last, oh 28 years since the acension of St. Reagan doesn’t drive a stake through the heart of everything the GOP stands for in the minds and wallets of the sane American electorate then ‘Murica gets what the fuck it deserves.
Since Nixon each wave has been exponentionally more venal and stupid than the last. If these fucktards get in power again on the scale of what we just barely flushed down the electoral shitter the US will wind up a feudal theocracy with a "New Testament" constitution and I’ll be weaving me a "Kon-Tiki" boat and heading for the south pacific on the cheap to live out my retirement.
I am sooo jealous of that strike force badge though… How come those dinks get all the cool visuals? Time to fire up photoshop and have some fun with it… Or design my own kewl emblem.
John, a contest for a BJ insignia?
I’m not a veteran, but I would think that those who actually HAVE risked all to serve their country would find it rather insulting that these asshats are self-styling themselves as oh-so-brave warriors, complete with insignia.
But perhaps I’m being an oversensitive Libtard. John and others who have actually served, do you find this kind of offensive or mostly just worthy of mockery? (Or both?)
Zuzu's Petals
The best is the laughing and finger-pointing going on over at a site run by you know, actual vets:
Actually, the best is the LARP YouTube video they link to.
Edit: Krista beat me to it on the "real vet" thing. It’s nice to know the mockery is on in full …uhm, force.
Irony is not only dead, its zombie corpse was dug out of the ground for Redstate to violate it on camera.
oh really
My Way Out on a Limb Prediction for 2009 —
RedState will get more, not less, insane (even though that seems nearly impossible).
How many o you are of fighting age?
Think of how infantry units red state could fill if you had the guts to join.
I mean if you call for war why not fight?
Prairie Sunshine
Strike Force?
And the RS stands for Real Shitty, I presume.
Repack Rider
I’m a vet, although it’s been over 40 years now. They’re a joke, but it’s nice that they wear their status as moronic, juvenile play-actors on their sleeves.
I’ll bet you never see the patch in public. It’s on a jacket the owner only wears in front of the mirror in the privacy of his mom’s basement.
Yep. However, certainly not limited to writing. You can insert damn near anything in place of “write” and be spot on. Tactics, strategies, nation building, governance…check.
And unfortunately we sure as shit have had ample proof even when it comes to sexual predilections in the family values party. From what passes as R-vanilla in Diaper Dave to Double Wetsuit/Single Dildo R-preacher, and plenty of permutations in between from the crazy assholes.
Yep, they’re a strike force to be reckoned with. You betcha.
While the Purple Heart bandaids set my blood on boil, all the RSSF is worthy of is point and laugh mockery.
The Moar You Know
@gnomedad: I hope one day I can regain my ability to have and maintain an erection.
I guess "Delta Farce" was already taken.
South of I-10
Since I am kind of afraid to visit Red State, what exactly is the purpose of this brave red army? Wait, that doesn’t sound right. Anyway, shouldn’t there at least be some Chuck Norris or Charles Bronson images on their official insignia?
Blow Riley
That was pretty funny, the only gripe I’ve got with them is that one of the commenters compared the RS patch to my First Cav patch >:-(
I believe that the Cav is owed an apology.
Garry Owen!
Phoenician in a time of Romans
The key to electoral success for the GOP is not an elite strike force of blithering idiots spamming everyone’s email with bullshit about Obama’s birth certificate.
DON’T LISTEN TO HIM! Go ahead and keep spamming people with this stuff – it will so totally lead to a Republican revival and total victory.
The Grand Panjandrum
If they want more support maybe someone could by them a jock strap.
Zuzu's Petals
@Phoenician in a time of Romans:
Well he’s probably still smarting from causing November’s loss by his failure to raise that $25K fast enough:
The military does not allow telecommuting or blogging in your jammies from your bedroom in your parents home either.
Jon H
May I suggest that GOP use of Twitter be known as "Tittering"?
TheAssInTheHatOnMyCat(Formerly Comrade Tax Analyst)
Wow, that’s SO cool, because it means that I helped Obama win in TWO important ways – first, by giving money to his campaign, but secondly, and apparently more importantly, I helped by FAILING to give money to RedState so they could improve tehir web expeirience.
It all gives one pause, doesn’t it?
The Other Steve
I’m not sure the future of the Republican party lies with Ron Paul.
I worked with a Paultard. He’s a bit nuts and a bit of a conspiracy theorist.
think Cindy Sheehan only with a bit of an authoritarian streak.
The Votevets response to the Redstate’s infantile new toy-military emblem reminds me of the WWII vet’s smackdown of the morons at "Sweetness and Light".
My god these people are pathetic.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Zuzu’s Petals: he’s probably still smarting from causing November’s loss by his failure to raise that $25K fast enough…
Is this the same muggins who said he needed $way too much to fix his website because the software was written by greedy liberals? ETA – this is in fact the same incident. Sorry, I thought the "liberals won’t help us with our software!" pule was longer ago than that.
Oh, and You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid is FTW.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Wow, that’s SO cool, because it means that I helped Obama win in TWO important ways – first, by giving money to his campaign, but secondly, and apparently more importantly, I helped by FAILING to give money to RedState so they could improve tehir web expeirience.
Consider how I feel. All this time, I was thinking that I didn’t give any money to any American political cause because (i) I’m not American (ii) I couldn’t afford it and (iii) I couldn’t be stuffed.
But now I see that my failure to fund RedState was part of an insidious plan to take over America by spreading our evil Antipodean socialist wiles over your prostrate nation.
Next up, we’ll have you dropping American football and watching rugby like God intended.
Left Coast Tom
Long ago on Usenet I once referred to this as the "Theory of Diminishing Republicans". Think Reagan, Bush Sr., Quayle.
I had forgotten about that smackdown. That one is truely great. It never gets old.
Brick Oven Bill
I do not believe that I will associate myself with either the Red State Strike Force or Ron Paul. But I do note that many of Ron Paul’s female supporters are hot. This means to me that his movement has a future. Hot women have some 6th sense that smells success and then draws them towards it.
Obama also has hot women supporters, and this makes sense to me because he won, but the Obama hotties seem less visceral. They smile too much, indicating a poor sense of situational awareness. The Ron Paul females would make far better Wolverines. Note also that McCain did not have hot female supporters.
As a veteran, I concur with John’s “shoot your eye out” comment.
kommrade reproductive vigor
B. Friedman’s takes up funnel, hose and force feeds Erick some StFu:
The comments are no kinder.
Feinstein and Rocky can go fuck themselves slowly with a screwdriver.
Really, how fucking arrogant is this b&%*$ that, just b/c she wasn’t "consulted first", she opposes it? What self-righteous POS thinks that highly of themselves? If I’m Obama, I take her aside in a closed room and tell her to go….well, see the above.
Unreal that the Dems, when not fighting Repubs, decide it’s worth it to just fight themselves.
Dan D
Come back with your keyboard or upon it
Left Coast Tom
Sorry. I’ve already been subjected to videotaped rugby. I’m no more likely to watch that than I am to spread Vegemite over bread. I’ve been inoculated.
I’d much rather watch hockey than football and/or rugby, though.
the moment I saw that "Strike Force" logo I bust out laughing out loud and nearly spilled my food on my nice new MacBook Pro.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Shorter RNC candidates: I kan haz ur mailing list plz?
At least he admits that the average GOPer is a lazy fuck who has trouble figuring out how to send an e-mail. If (when) the Paulitic courtship doesn’t work out they can try overseas outsourcing.
Not does embrace, has to embrace.
Reluctantly and as briefly as possible before they rush off for a betadine scrub down.
Truly, this is a sad spectacle. It’s like they’re on a sinking ship and a few of them are trying to plug the big gaping hole in the hull – with tissue paper. Some are screaming "Where’s all this water coming from?!" and the rest are grumbling because the Democrats’ boat isn’t sinking and bailing is soooo haaaard.
Uh, Punchy, what does that have to do with Pelosi? I guess you mean Feinstein, but really you owe Pelosi a big apology for confusing them.
If they put that logo on a tee-shirt on cafe press, I’ll buy it.
The funny thing is that they saw the Democrats own the Internet with Obama’s fundraising, etc., and they think that they lost because their web presence was insufficient. They’ll blame everything they can for their failure, except their bankrupt philosophy.
The Moar You Know
There were no female Ron Paul supporters, save for those hookers out on that ranch in Nevada. They were hot enough, I suppose.
Most Ron Paul supporters were fat, sweaty, neckbearded computer nerds. Exceptionally clever but devastatingly inept and unaware, socially. Your prototypical basement dwellers.
Brick Oven Bill
I warn you guys about having too much fun with the Red State Strike Force because our President-elect has announced his intention to put all college students to work for the State in exchange for money. Not like it is a draft or anything like that. This is voluntary universal national service.
There is a very good chance that these students, or at least those in the more ideological branches, will have uniforms, and with any luck, insignia patches.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Do you think that explains why they avoid you?
Joshua Norton
Except for the uniform part, they’re describing the Chimp-meister himself. In fact I’m pretty sure he signed up mostly for the uniform – since he didn’t do much else military-wise but strut around and have his picture taken in one.
gil mann
How pathetic is your enterprise when I can sit around coming up with fake names for it and still be wasting my time less than you?
The Rapid Reactionaries
The All-Murdoch A-Team
Battlestar Goodluckwiththat
Negaforce ("Words not Deeds")
And of course
*I understand the school of thought that says it’s antifeminist to call men pussies but I don’t subscribe to it, sorry. Plus, c’mon, they so are
I’m really angry about that. What is the point of announcing she wasn’t consulted? Then having not been consulted, she WEIGHS IN, publicly and negatively, on the day of the announcement.
That he didn’t consult her should tell her something about how much he values her opinion on her much-hyped area of expertise. It does me.
@KCinDC: Huh?
John Cole
@gil mann: I vot e Battlestar Goodluckwiththat.
In fact I will steal it.
John S.
From the comments at Sadly, No!:
I’m crying from laughing so hard.
John S.
Do I really need to call Godwin?
kommrade reproductive vigor
Ich warne Sie Kerle über Haben zu vielen Spaßes mit der roten Zustand-Schlag-Kraft, weil unser gewählter Präsident seine Absicht verkündet hat, alle Studenten zu setzen, um für den Zustand gegen Geld zu arbeiten. Nicht wie es ist ein Entwurf oder etwas Ähnliches. Dieses ist nationale allgemeinhindienststelle des Voluntaristen.
Es gibt eine sehr gute Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass diese Kursteilnehmer oder mindestens die in den ideologischeren Niederlassungen, Uniformen haben, und mit jedem möglichem Glück, Abzeichenflecken.
This tweet from Ana Marie Cox said it all:
Her whole series of tweets about the RNC Candidates was a hoot.
gil mann
I would be honored, but it must be said that I’m poorer for knowing enough about these people to make fun of them.
It’s gonna be so great not to be ruled by people just like them in a couple weeks.
"Strike Force" is perfect. Red State is made up of guys who think that Vic Mackey is a complete hero, and that the bleeding hearts getting him off the streets was a tragic ending.
Cassidy the Racist White Man
Only worthy of mocking. But I would love for one of those slobs to wear their patch to a bar outside an infantry post.
Oh Christ.
As a Search and Rescue person I definitely hope these bozos stay in their basements and don’t go running around the mountains playing WOLVERINE!
It’s a real pain to haul dead, decaying bodies to a road, the bits keep sloshing around in the body bag and the stench would gag a goat.
(The old Vicks-Up-the-Nose trick helps.)
((But not a whole bunch.))
I’d vote for Ron Paul. And his progressive counterpart, Dennis Kucinich.
Paul is an old fashioned sort of populist. The sort that was rural/farm centric and was a large force in US politics in the decades surrounding the turn of the century. 1900 that is, with some residual pockets and even uprisings till WWII.
Texas/OK had their share of them and the heart of the movement went north from the Rio Grand to Canadian border in North Dakota. If the southern branch was more racist than the northern one I dont have a clue but there were no blacks in the northern reaches so it was a moot point. Minnesota of all places had an established populist party the Farm Labor Party and Humphrey himself rose from it. Lyndon Johnson, the pig who enacted the civil rights laws and saved American hated HH for among other things, having it easy in supporting civil rights, when Minnesota had 5000 black residents.
Racism isn’t what killed the populist movement. What killed them was their opposition to big Capital. Opposition to Wall Street and the big banks, Opposition to corporations. Not a superficial opposition or one based upon various operational aspects of modern American Capitalism but a fundamental hatred of large banks, financial interests and the Federal Reserve.
Now this get’s to be a real tricky thing because at heart if your knowledgeable about matters monetary and financial and a critic of the system, like me, then your going to find some agreement with Paul’s outlook. In the small but rapidly expanding universe of what I call Alt. economics the sad fact is that Libertarians rule. The strict kind who want to eliminate The Fed, the FDIC, the IRS, etc. etc. These people were a huge part of the Paul movement.
Paul was possibly the only member of Congress who was willing to express open contempt for Greenspan. Let’s give him that people. It would take several books to begin lay out what was right about Paul’s basic impulse on these matters and what was wrong with it. There was more right than wrong. Same with the strict Libertarians.
The main thing is these people tend to be hard money/gold bug types. Thinking that there is something almost sacred about money and that by being made solid again all would be made right. Well money is always an abstraction……..
Jay C
@Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist:
Yes, it was Erick Erickson who sent out his bleg-for-bucks for RedState’s upgrade with the following brilliant "appeal":
Well, they eventually implemented their crappy upgrade (I lost my RS registration thru it, but, sadly, I’m still on their email list) – but it still hasn’t made them anyway near the "Republican Daily Kos" they set out to be. Morons.
kommrade reproductive vigor
And the survivors would award each other Purple Heart Band-Aids (TM).
It’ll never happen though. Entering a bar requires exiting mom’s basement.
Jon Lester
Since there was some mention of fundraising efforts by the for-profit RedState, maybe some of you will find amusement in my own abrupt resignation from the site at the time of the S. Ossetia conflict, which came while I was also very upset about the associations of Eagle/Regnery with Jerome Corsi and other famous, professional propagators of lies.
I don’t mind admitting how slow I was to see what RS and the whole movement was turning into. It’s easy compared to what I think those people have to answer for.
One thing I hate to say but must:
RedState editor Jeff Emanuel earned lofty praise from the likes of Paul Harvey and others for his on-site "combat journalism" but, when reading his recent columns on his front page, how does one know if his reporting has been any more objective than that of the much-maligned Dan Rather in the Viet Nam era?
@John S.:
I hope they do get themselves some nice Godwiny uniforms, all emblazoned with their awesomey new logo. I really, really do.
Calling Mr. Hilter.
Zuzu's Petals
@Phoenician in a time of Romans:
My 100% red-blooded ‘Murkan son would agree with you. He played in high school and college.
Zuzu's Petals
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
But the YouTube video is absolutely gut-busting.
In my humble opinion, anyway.
Basement Cat
Brick Oven Bill
Well, call me a douchebag. You will note that all of those douchebags had the confident look, despite their physique. The thing I see in Ron Paul is complete confidence, in the face of all the personal attacks. His confidence is rooted in his ideas, which are largely right.
Hot chicks are attracted to confidence, be it from ideology or alcoholic delusions. It took me twenty years to figure this out. But it works, especially if you have a more powerful chest that that guy in the top picture. Grrrr.
I believe that history will be kind to Ron Paul.
Conservatively Liberal
Glad that didn’t happen! What a waste of food that would be. ;p
They will never be a Daily Kos scale site, no f’ing way. Daily Kos caters to just about anyone who is willing to dive into the pool and engage in reasonable (well, to varying degrees) discourse. If you fart loudly at RedState you get blammed by one of the blowhards in charge of the asylum. No discordant voices are tolerated, if you aren’t goose-stepping to their tune then you are outta there. Authoritarians can’t run a web site without people expressing their disgust by not participating. Control freaks are not popular people, nor are they fun to hang with. Plus, their web site looks like the coders used shotguns and it runs like a Briggs & Stratton lawn mower engine that has bad rings.
You can tell their love of top down organization on the right, nobody knows how to do anything of value. That’s what the slave classes are for, right?
Cassidy the Racist White Man
Ahem…what survivors? They’d have to build the Tomb of the unknown Keyboard Kommando complete with vending machines.
Ash Can
@Jon Lester: There was a time, years ago, when I would have considered praise from Paul Harvey noteworthy. I used to listen to his broadcasts on WGN radio here in Chicago. I found many of his news tidbits interesting, and his humorous pieces were often LOL funny. His fear-mongering and yellow-journalism streak grated on me, though. But then, one day, I caught him in a half-truth that made the bottom drop out of whatever respect I had for him as a journalist. He was complaining about how some cops in Chicago had an escaping carjacker within gunshot range but were ordered not to fire on the perp, and how terrible it was that criminals had such rights vs. the victims and law enforcement, blah blah blah. It so happened that this actual news item had just been on WGN’s top-of-the-hour news broadcast. Indeed, the cops had not been able to fire on the perp. Why? Because they had reports that there was a three-year-old still in the stolen car. The carjacking ended well — no kid in the car, perp apprehended. But I realized then and there that Paul Harvey had either edited the facts of the story to serve his personal objectives, or he hadn’t read/listened any further than the first sentence or two of the actual news account. I don’t know which, for someone purporting to be a journalist, is worse.
Ash Can, just because Paul Harvey has that magnificent voice, doesn’t mean that he’s a nice or honorable guy. He’s been peddling feel-good right-wing lies and half-truths pretty much his entire career, and why not? It’s paid him handsomely.
I figured that one out LONG ago.
that famous Bob the Angry Flower cartoon re: "Atlas Shrugged:The Day After" comes to mind.
I just looked up Paul Harvey on Wikipedia. I remember hearing him on the radio back in the early sixties when I was a kid. I just have sort of a vague memory of All-American pablum. I couldn’t believe he was still going. Sort of like Dick Clark.
Joshua Norton
Not to mention their followers’ vacant trusting stares. Vapid, unencumbered minds. Perpetual daddy issues….
Ash Can
@r€nato: Oh, by all means. And the incident I described happened about ten years ago. It’s just that, for the first time, I realized I had flat-out, iron-clad, smack-in-the-face proof that Paul Harvey’s broadcasts were worthless.
Conservatively Liberal
No shit. They couldn’t survive without the working classes they disparage. The same working classes they are working to destroy in the never ending search for business profits and power, which makes no sense at all. They want to kill what sustains them. The parasites are overwhelming the host. Normally this only happens when the parasites sense impending danger, such as imminent death of the host. These parasites only care for their comfort and existence, and they are willing to kill the host.
They are willing to kill that which sustains them.
Basement Cat
This must be how a Penthouse Forum letter from Christopher Hitchens starts out.
Jon Lester
Thanks for that. I knew Paul Harvey was a man of his time but I didn’t know he would resort to deception. I thought he and fellow radio fossil George Putnam came from a morally upright tradition, but then again, Putnam works for Newsmax now.
I hated to question Jeff Emanuel’s objectivity, as he has Athens, GA connections, too, but to claim to be getting at the truth in the field while sponsored by a hyper-partisan organization, is perhaps asking for too much suspension of disbelief by the reader. It’s also entirely possible for someone to go all the way there, be right on the scene and be looking at it, and still draw a conclusion that is completely wrong. I really had a hard time believing his assertion that Russian aid to Iran was borne of an active desire for conflict with the West. That really doesn’t square, you know?
Brick Oven Bill
This is an absolute human truth Basement Cat. I think back to high school with a sense of loss. Heck, junior high.
American males should be encouraged to follow their natural impulses, instead of repressing them as our current educational system directs.
Repressing human nature does no good. It makes people like me rueful, sends unsatisfied women fleeing to Oprah, and results in an overall decreased state of physical security, giving rise to the Red State Strike Brigade, who might just hurt themselves.
Paul Harvey? Oh My Goodness!
1) Isn’t Daniel Larison like your favorite conservative? Ron Paul and his supporters are kind of crazy and racist but he’s from the same general Paleocon/Paleolibertarian area of the Right that Larison is. What do you want the Republican Party to do exactly?
2) Do Patrick Ruffini and Redstate really represent a more solid base than a nation of Paultards?
John C. –
I’m sorry, but "VULVARINES!" is the clear winner – it works on so many levels. "Battlestar Fanatica" (or whatever) is cute, but not in the same league.
Fulcanelli –
Re: "… a contest for a BJ insignia?"
I don’t think such a graphic graphic would get past the CafePress censors.
Johnny Pez
As a matter of fact, Ron Paul did attract the support of at least one woman: Ashley "Backwards B" Dodd.
In defense of the Paul gang, they kicked her out for being too crazy after she slashed her car’s tires and then blamed it on Paul opponents.
Xecky Gilchrist
@gil mann: Those are all high-larious. I like "Rapid Reactionaries" best. I think "Vulvarines" should be the name for the PUMAs.
You guys are making far too much of this. Clearly Erick just thought that they needed a sexy new interpretation of the acronym "Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed" in order to appeal to the base, which largely doesn’t get this whole intartubes thing.
RSSF: It’s not just a news feed, it’s an army!
By the way, this WP Ajax comment editor still sucks rhinoceros dicks. Can we please replace it with something that doesn’t assume that because there’s a carriage return in the middle of my blockquote, I want to end the blockquote there?
Comrade Glocksman
You’re not lying.
I pegged Paul Harvey as a shill back when I was an 8th grader in 1980.
Sure, his stories (I listened to his nationally syndicated show) were somewhat entertaining, but they always in the end pitched a sponsor’s product, whether it was GM then or Bose today.
BTW, Rush Limbaugh now does the same thing in that he works the sponsor’s products seamlessly into his monologue.