Voting for Rump Roast makes the baby Jesus smile.
And it makes PUMAs cry. And really, a firm argument could be made that making Puma’s cry makes the baby Jesus smile.
Speaking of PUMAs, I forget where I was (it was probably memeorandum), but I saw the headline (and I might be paraphrasing): “Are PUMAs the new Jew?” and I chuckled. I was going to write about it and link to whatever idiot wrote that, but then the trackback would bring a bunch of morons over here who would leave racist statements all over the comments, so I thought better of it. However, just as a side note to anyone who might want to make the PUMA/jew comparison, let me clear some things up:
You being mocked for making racist and insane ramblings during the election and joining a movement with Harriet Christian on the masthead IS NOT EQUAL TO THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF PERSECUTION.
Glad we cleared that up.
At any rate, go vote for Rump Roast.
it was prolly NoQuarter.
i did a Google on "PUMA is the Jew of the liberal blogosphere" because that would be funny. but No0.25 turned up instead.
The article you were thinking about was at noquarter. I find it entertaining to visit the site once a month or so to see if it is even possible for them to get more batshit insane than they were before. I am never disappointed.
I wouldn’t say they’re the new jew, the next heaven’s gate cult on the other hand…
jake 4 that 1
If we call PUMAs the new Inadequate Black Male will they shoot their own cocks off?
And vote for balloon-juice for best major-blog because right now we’re gettin’ creamed by insta-putz.
I was gonna vote in those stupid awards, but I saw the Anchoress was ahead in whatever category she was in, and I realized what a silly, silly thing that award is.
Tim in SF
John, if you use a tinyurl to redirect, will you still get a trackback on their blog? ( Just curious.
I think it is PUMAs, not PUMA’s.
Pardon the niggle.
Man, could you and Kevin K. get a room, John?
And what is it with you and Rumproast and PUMAs?! What are we, in seventh grade? Who the eff cares about a bunch of bitter, old Hillary supporters?
Btw, although I hated to do it, I took the Steelers in the Super Bowl pool, though I was hoping for Colts vs. Giants in the Big Game (for some Manning a Manning action).
Kevin K.
Thanks, John. Going after me for these goofy awards may rank among one of their biggest FAILS ever. I almost feel bad for them.
BTW, what makes it even sweeter is that the idea to adopt Nice Deb to knock me out of winning was myiq1/2u’s idea. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again … what a fucking tool.
John Cole
@Kevin K.: I gadn’t seen goatboy lately. I thought his contract with the RNC had expired and he quit blogging.
PUMA is the new AIDS.
South of I-10
I have to admit, I have been enjoying the great Weblog Award Wars of 2009 just a little too much.
Kevin K.
@John Cole: He still hangs out at the Effluence Singles Club unreeling his craptacular "funnies" and occasionally yapping in your direction (and mine and Wonkette’s and…).
This American Life is a podcast?
Wonkette is a liberal blog?
How about stupidest categorizations by a pointless award website?
You know what makes this more amusing to me, the fact that I mistook nicedeb’s blog for a reichwing blog when I was searching for the redneck army picture the other day…
@Paul: Did you notice that No Quarter is a finalist for the Best Political Blog. That convinced me that this years awards are useless.
I guess it doesn’t matter to anybody at this towel-snapping frat party that America was just stolen out from under us.
Or that a half-Kenyan British citizen/political fiction/Kaspar Hauser/blank-slate mannequin fabricated in the clanking, hissing bowels of the Daley family Chicago Corruption Machine is about to assume the Presidency, with the cowardly, tacit compliance of a bought-and-paid-for media, Electoral College, Supreme Court, Congress, 50 state Attorneys-General, both political parties, and 52% of American voters.
Or that this not-so-black changeling-child Obama/Soetoro/whoever is already assembling a cabinet loaded with Marxist hacks and terror-friendly apparatchiks hell-bent on delivering the United States into a Third World Hell of galloping Socialism.
Maybe none of that matters to this smug little back-slapping society of condescending, elitist political sachems. Maybe NOTHING matters to you.
In which case, please vote for Rumproast in the "Best Small Blog" category of the Weblog Awards.
We don’t give a shit about that stuff, either.
The Moar You Know
@SandyCooter: Already did.
You might be a little less crotchety if you got the sand out of your cooter….just sayin’…
Joshua Norton
Yeahbut… How’s come he crossed out your name and put in TBogg as his recommendation?
South of I-10
@Dreggas: That is sound advice.
@South of I-10:
Just trying to be helpful…no one likes a sandy cooter.
John Cole
LMAO @ Sandy Cooter.
These racist PUMA jackasses are like Beetlejuice. you don’t even have to link to them, you just say “PUMA” three times in a post and they show up in their Klan robes and crap all over the place.
Get a life, Harriet.
Joshua Norton
Unfortunately, there’s no way you can make strident claims like that without coming off as a 28%er Fox talking head a la O’Reilly who must be roundly ignored.
Sorry, but you’re due for a long wander in the wilderness. And when you finally emerge, no one is going to take you – let alone any candidate you support – seriously ever again.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@John Cole: LMAO @ Sandy Cooter.
That has to be a spoof. If nothing else, the spelling is great.
judging from the handle, I’d go with "spoof", myself, but I can be kinda tone-deaf about these things…
The name says spoof to me, but is so easy to get my pun on with.
How about voting for Balloon Juice here?
Joshua Norton
Could be. I’m usually good at sorting the wheat from the chaff. If it’s a spoof, it’s damned spot on. PUMAs really do carry on like that, and in that exact same histrionic vocabulary. That’s why it’s so easy to confuse their posts with the stuff you find at Free Republic.
Joshua Norton
2nd by me. I don’t understand how a piece of fluff like cjane enjoy it is so far ahead of the pack. From what I can tell, it’s little more than a year long version of a Christmas letter – complete with smiley faces and dotting an "i" with a heart.
South of I-10
You wrote chaff, I read chafe, which somehow brought me right back to Sandy Cooter.
Sandy Cooter is definitely a spoof. I am actually surprised that there is any doubt. This:
with the cowardly, tacit compliance of a bought-and-paid-for media, Electoral College, Supreme Court, Congress, 50 state Attorneys-General, both political parties, and 52% of American voters.
is the clearest evidence of that.
Are you telling me I can start posting PUMAspoof under the name Dusty Vajay J. and fool you guys? I’ve never tried my hand at spoof, but I assumed it would be harder than that…
I’m pretty sure sandycooter is DougJ.
But that’s fun for us.
Joshua Norton
If it is, I think he should write a daily comedy submission as a breather from all the politics. He’s better than I thought.
jake 4 that 1
@SandyCooter: Best PUMA handle EVAR!
@Joshua Norton:
Oh he is that good. And that’s who I thought "Sandy" was as well. But again the puns just write themselves.
Vote early, vote often. I didn’t know I could vote once a day every day (until Jan 13).
Instapundit’s ok but their font is way too small. It’s like reading a really, really big book with small print and no pictures. And cjane enjoy it is just way, way too flowery. (she must have her campaign staff rockin’ it.)
Best Major Blog (Authority over 1000) = Balloon Juice. (Don’t forget to vote again after midnight.) Mama Bear’s Bed.
Joshua Norton
I know. I’m not a female, and still just the thought of it makes me cranky.
Crusty Dem
I figured sandycooter was a spoof because, for the love of god people, sandy freakin’ cooter.. Just typing it makes me laugh. good one DougJ, or whoever you are…
M. Onan Batterload
Rump Roast makes them come like crazy.
@SandyCooter: Yes. Obama is Keyser Soze. How do you think he became president? Not because liberals were too afraid to be called racist but that he threatened to shoot his wife and kids in front us if we didn’t vote for him.
He’s also a voodoo priest.
@JL: I saw that, JL. I’m surprised they didn’t put CNN as best news blog.
It’s too depressing when there are folks busting their asses to pump out great podcasts in their free time because they care deeply about it to see a radio show that makes their living at it even show up on the nomination list.
“Are PUMAs the new Jew?”
No, they’re the new black Republican; i.e. like PUMAs, it seems as if TV fetishized over every single one, continually, between Labor Day and Election Day.
I saw myiq over at Wonkette; apparently they have earned the RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE of teh PUMAs by denigrating the descendant of Hillaryis44, Confluence.
He is acting like he is distancing himself from them; either he’s just trolling or even he has found his limit for their bullshit.
Laura W
Missed one.
Dusty Vajay J.
@jake 4 that 1:
Allright, but I want 2nd.
Joshua Norton
I just realized that my pie-filter has been totally inactive over the holidays. Thanks Santa.
Is there anything the PUMAs don’t fail at?
(Other than contracting toxoplasmosis, that is.)
Laura W
OT ‘cuz I’m not gonna refer to the PUMAs here, looky what I found a while back when slumming in the BJ archives. On 1/6/02 this blog adopted its forever name.
(I meant to remember to post it on the 6th but probably had something super important to do instead.)
The post is pretty funny, John lamenting that his site meter tracked two visits that day, both from his folks.
Pretty sure that was a spoof. I mean, the commenter calling itself "myiq2xu" kept on going on about joining the PUMA party in order to "score some PUMA poon."
Or maybe good ol’ myiq has let himself be true to himself. But I doubt it.
As John Himself said a few days ago:
Sandy Cooter: Great
Dusty Vajay J.: Greater
I am at a loss on how to improve upon those.
Lonely Axe Wound?
Unparted Beef Curtains?
Deserted Spampurse?
“Are PUMAs the new Jew?”
They’re not even the new Cherokee, although driving them from their homes and making them live on reservations in Oklahoma may not be a bad idea.
Crusty Meatflaps?
@Joshua Norton: He’s better than you thought.
SandyCooter(TM) was brought to you by the fine wags at Rumproast — the Terror of Pumatown.
Glad you enjoyed. Stop by. Enjoy the blogwar!
Ya know, there’s a Science Blog category but not a Science Fiction Blog category. Why is that?
Are you absolutely sure you want to make this endorsement John?
No second thoughts?
You’ve thought about it, you’ve checked them out?
Let’s be clear, you are unequivocally endorsing Rumproast, no question, no mistake?
Arrgh! It rears its head here of all places?
Take it over to Wonkette, myiq. They’re dying to meet you.
also, my blog skippy is a finalist for best large blog authority between 301 – 500, whatever the hell that means.
i urge to vote in this category…i don’t care if you vote for skippy, as long as you vote for one of the other lefty blogs. so far the rightist blog jammie wearing fool is waaaaaaaaay ahead. by more than a thousand votes. go vote.
oh ok, i lied, i do care. vote for me.
Zuzu's Petals
@Joshua Norton:
But John’s been telling us to go vote for TBogg , not him. Which I have been.
On the other hand, I’m considering voting for Autoblog, which seems to be the only one with a chance of overcoming cjane and Insta-boy.
I think cjane is a Mormon housewife’s blog in which case there is no possibility of anyone overtaking it. So vote Balloon Juice whatever John says! That’s what I’ve done on all of my eleventy computers.
SandyCooter – go back to bed, right now! What were you doing up and blogging on all these sites anyway!
Zuzu's Petals
PS, I’m voting for Army of Dude for Best Military Blog. I like his style.
Don’t know about some of the other contenders except of the two top votegetters, Michael Yon seems a little rightie for me and Blackfive is…well, God, Blackfive.
@Zuzu’s Petals:
Thanks for the vote! I’ve been a lurker at Balloon Juice for awhile and I’m glad someone here tossed my name out. I’m against some titans of the milblogging world, to be sure.
Kevin K.
Isn’t Blackfive the blog that does the Red State Update? Apparently that’s really funny. And Yon sounds like a name a Communist would have, so I doubt he’s a "rightie."
But seriously, Army of Dude rocks and there’s no way in hell skippy should be losing to a cookie-cutter wingnut spewfest like Jammie Smeared With Drool.
Zuzu's Petals
Alex, I first read your blog when you posted this righteous smackdown of that gasbag Rushbo:
The Real Deal
Thanks for the quality blogging, and … good luck !
Yes, CJANE ENJOY IT is written by a woman who happens to be a Mormon. If you thick headed fools would have taken the time to read it before commenting, you’d see that it’s primary purpose this past year is to support her sister and brother in law who were in a horrendous plane crash and burned over most of their bodies. They have children who "Jane" is watching and their story is so compelling that it has been covered by The Today Show, New York Times and more….
That’s the beauty of blogs…they’re written for unique audiences. Open your minds people.