This is a slap in the face to Rudyard Kipling or maybe Rudyard’s just been thrown under the bus:
He (Blagojevich) ended the news conference by quoting a poem from “Ulysses” by Lord Alfred Tennyson, ending with: “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”Blagojevich was arrested Dec. 9 and accused of scheming to sell off Illinois’ vacant Senate seat.
John Cole
So help me god, I will kick you in the junk and demote your posting privileges if you say slap in the face again. And then I will throw you under the bus.
Joshua Norton
More Kipling – updated for Blago’s edification:
If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you – you probably weren’t listening
Scott de B.
One of my colleagues and neighbors is a renowned Kipling scholar and mentioned Blago’s appeal to Kipling’s ‘If’ yesterday. Hey, at least he’s a cultured crook.
I don’t know who’s more delusional, Blago or Palin.
Just think of the kids those two would produce together.
Telemachus sneezed.
Joshua Norton
Cue the circular firing squad.
And then pass the popcorn.
/brain numbing cliche mode
I did, and I just saw lots of helmet-haired newborns, winking. In expensive tracksuits.
Thanks a lot.
John Cole
@R-Jud: Named Kip and Kam and Tif.
Cole threatens "next time", "next time".
Why can’t John Cole seal the deal?
Sounds like he slapped Kipling in the face with a large trout (mIRC joke) by making Tennyson his new, personal war correspondent.
Person of Choler
Yapping about Sarah Palin in the 4th comment on a post about Blago as Kipling scholar. Still Derangement Syndrome Central.
Tristol Palin-Blagojevich, the world demands your existence.
And they will definitely have more teeth than brain cells as my grandpa would say.
Is it just me or is "scheming" to do something (at least non-violent somethings) not really a crime? This whole thing seems really stupid and Blago is going to win out in the end even though he maybe corrupt and an asshole.
I’m thinking Rud, Algebra, Myers, and Squibb.
Joshua Norton
and Chlamydia and Tyrone.
I think he just sullied RFK’s good name:
Get with the GWOT times, man.
Is it just me or is "scheming" to do something (at least non-violent somethings) not really a crime
When you scheme with other people it’s called conspiracy. You can think about robbing a bank all day long, and as long as you make no preparations to put that plan into action or plan with other people you’re within the law.
What about organizing a raid with my guild?
officially requesting "slap in the FACE!" tag
@bend: that’s what i thought.
but i really don’t care for Tennyson. lots and lots of completely tedious verse.
Notorious P.A.T.
When I look at Blagojevich’s hair, I think "now THAT’S a white man’s burden".
@DougJ: Not Algebra, Calc.
And her new grandson, Bi.
Seriously, who the hell even uses "Table" or "Footnote"?
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Joshua Norton: /brain numbing cliche mode
BZZZZT! Thanks for playing.
On behalf of brain numbing clichés everywhere, I demand an apology.
The Moar You Know
OT: I hope Obama’s mother-in-law is not as bad as mine.
Notorious P.A.T.
I take your fuckbookery and give you bookfuckery. The money shot:
3x increase in 1 year. Yep, looks like the Rocky really has the economy figgy’d out.
@Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist: You must be new here.
@ksmiami: Thought crime is all the rage.
The Moar You Know
@Notorious P.A.T.: Fixt.
Perry Como
@Zifnab: I have Greasemonkey and I’m not afraid to use it…
Blago ought to encourage Fitz to post the entire set of charges against him on this website. That way, with Cole’s mod filter, nobody would ever see them.
/shakes fist at currently unmoddied comment
Comrade Some Guy Named Mattski
Jeebus, I have been gone for a while. When did dougj get to start posting?!?! And yes I know I can go back and look, I’m just lazy
Roza Hussein
Silly me, I’ll just wait for the play.
On Epiphany. Coincidence? I think not.
And tom jones’ first comment in that thread put my fears to rest. I seriously thought John had decided to give Dug Jay posting privileges.
This is a slap in the face.
Perry Como
John will kill me for this, but…
It’s a slap in the face!
Just look under "Leave a Reply" for lulz.
It’s not a crime to casually discuss the possibility of committing a crime. It becomes a crime of conspiracy if you then go out and begin to take material steps towards committing the original crime discussed.
Capital offense, warranting extraordinary rendition. Do you like Poland in the winter?
I guess you’d need to be a plastic surgeon to throw someone under the face.
Or be in the ending of North By Northwest.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@demimondian: You must be new here.
Just contributing a couple more mind-numbing cliches.