First they came for Dunkin’ Donuts, but I said nothing because I preferred Krispy Kreme….
I’m a little late to this party, but it seems that some wingnuts (in fairness, not as many as I would have expected, given the enormity of Krispy Kreme’s crimes) are upset about the use of the word “choice” in Kripsy Kreme’s promotion of its Inauguration free donut giveaway:
President-elect Barack Obama promises to be the most virulently pro-abortion president in history. Millions more children will be endangered by his radical abortion agenda.
Celebrating his inauguration with “Freedom of Choice” doughnuts – only two days before the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to decriminalize abortion – is not only extremely tacky, it’s disrespectful and insensitive and makes a mockery of a national tragedy.
A misconstrued concept of “choice” has killed over 50 million preborn children since Jan. 22, 1973. Does Krispy Kreme really want their free doughnuts to celebrate this “freedom.””
As of Thursday morning, Communications Director Brian Little could not be reached for comment. We challenge Krispy Kreme doughnuts to reaffirm their commitment to true freedom – to the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – and to separate themselves and their doughnuts from our great American shame.”
Obviously, this calls for sending Silly Putty to the corporate offices of Krispy Kreme.
(h/t Pandagon)
Update: The Red State Strike Force has fallen down on the job on this one — I can’t find a discussion of it on the site, nor did I receive an email about it. But I did run across a new logo that many Red State commenters are proudly displaying alongside their Strike Force logo:
Jen R
ALL: the PETA of abortion opponents.
Perhaps it helps to feel in control of something, even if it is simply fake outrage over something silly and inconsequential like a commercial for doughnuts.
Its not as if they’re in control of anything else right at the moment.
Joe Buck
Their real offence, as far as the wingnuts are concerned, is celebrating the Obama inauguration at all.
jack fate
I thought Krispy Kreme went out of business?
J. Michael Neal
mmmmmmmm, doughnuts
Surely, this is an Onion story, right?
Michael G
This is from The Onion, right?
Elias Friedman
It’s fairly obvious, to me at least, that Krispy Kreme is celebrating the continuation of American Democracy and our tradition of peaceful transfers of power. Something that is not so common in our troubled world…
The damage that Al Gore did to that concept eight years ago I don’t think he has ever understood. As I point out to people, Nixon conceded the (then) closest election in history despite credible fraud allegations in Illinois just to prevent that kind of damage to Democracy. Nixon also had the class to resign rather than drag the nation through an impeachment vote and trial- which he very likely could have won- unlike President Clinton. I still don’t understand why people hate Nixon so and love those two.
I am a little pissed off right now and this just took the cake. I was minding my own business checking out MSNBC’S website when I came across a new video where their correspondent in Israel got the chance to go into gaza. I figured maybe I could see some new footage now that journos are being allowed in. So for the most part there wasn’t anything major in the video until close to the end when they talked about how Israel hit another UN school today and killed two little boys. I figured maybe I was confused because surely this "accident" hadn’t happened again since yesterday. But I go on BBC and what do I find but the fact that yes for the third time a UN school was hit and there were 2 more innocent kids killed. And of course the only reason they were there in the first place was because it was supposed to be "safe"
Now I really want to understand how this loony ass pro life group has the time and inclination to boycott Krispy Kreme over this bogus ass publicity seeking controversy but they don’t have time to denouce the deaths of over 300 children in the Gaza strip with more than 1,000 injured. And now of course we have the Red Staters applauding disproportionate force. Well I can honestly say that all of those slimeballs have lost all right to claim to be "pro life" with me. And I am no longer being nice about it.
Wile E. Quixote
mmmmmmmm, abortion doughnuts.
Wile E. Quixote
And let’s work hard to make sure that this happy state of affairs continues indefinitely into the, far, far future.
Don’t they know that this would now put them on the side of the nanny-staters who were aghast at the Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheeseburgers.
Wow, that "disproportionate Response" logo is really something, ja?
Isn’t "fan of disproportionate response" one of the Webster’s definitions for "asshole"?
It’s good to know these guys are labelling themselves with a logo that says "I am immature and should not be taken seriously."
Of course, one could have assumed that already, from the mere fact that they are posting at RedState, but a little redundancy always helps.
Note to self: stop by Krispy Kreme and pick up a couple dozen on Tuesday. They deserve a little reward for getting targeted by the flying monkeys.
Wile E. Quixote
Oh, and someone tell the American Life League that their latest campaign is chock-full o’ epic fail. I really want some Krispy Kremes now. I could head out of my house and be at the 24 hour Krispy Kreme on Aurora and 120th in about 20 minutes. I could get some tasty pro-abortion doughnuts and perhaps a couple of tasty pro-abortion crullers and at least one tasty pro-abortion maple bar.
Red State Strike Force’s motto:
Loud @ssholes, Any Excuse Will Do.
Krispy Kreme is overrated. Give me something from Tim Horton’s any day.
And isn’t a lightning bolt in a fist the symbol for Strategic Air Command?
What should be alongside Strike Force logo
What do doghnuts and women who have had abortions have in common?
No, wait, don’t answer that…
Baby-basted bearclaws? Kid-coated creullers?
See, this is why I should never be President. If I were Obama, the first Presidential order I’d issue is to make abortion clinics the only legal place to buy firearms, but they can’t sell ammo. The only place to buy ammo are pharmacies that dispense birth control.
That’s all I’d do for 4 years. In order for churches to get tax exemption, they’d have to have a gay adult bookstore in the back. Shit like that. It’d be funny as fuck.
Joe Max
I suppose this means that, as a pro-choice person, I must boycott Quaker Oats because they make "Life" cereal.
Hilzoy reminds me why she is one of the best bloggers around:
Heckuva Job
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
FYI John.
Dunkin Donuts is owned by the right-wing Carlyle Group (Bush Sr, Jim Baker, etc). When Malkin did her ‘DD are terrorist sympathizers’ and called for the boycott, I’m sure Baker called her to STFU. It shows how wingnutty she really is. DD is NOT liberal by any stretch. I have no idea about Krispy Kreme. To think anyone would want to bankrupt another business in this economy makes me sick…like eating a box of Krispy Kreme by myself.
The Other Steve
I thought Krispy Kreme was gone. They closed down all the stores in Minnesota. The fact that their donuts sucked probably was a contributing factor.
Although word is, Dunkin Donuts is going to open up a store near us…. possibly the old Krispy Kreme store. :-)
I love me some Dunkin Donuts.
I’m a fan of disproportionate response.
Sure you are. Tell me that one more time and I’ll put a cap in your ass.
The wingnuts must hate Milton Friedman too.
I am a fan of disproportionate response
Puts them on the wrong side of 9/11, I would think, if you don’t go too deeply into what caused it.
Well played, UnkyT.
low-tech cyclist
They’re fans of disproportionate response, which apparently means if Hamas lobs some rockets at Israel that had the chance to kill some Israelis but didn’t, Israel ought to kill 1,000 Palestinians in response.
I look forward to the next time they talk about being "pro-life."
Come to think of it, maybe that’s why they’re not pushing the Krispy Kreme story right now – maybe for once they’ve got enough brain cells to be conscious of the incongruity.
What I particularly love about the fact they have such a woodie for a disproportionate response is this comes from a political movement which likes to portray themselves as good Christians. Of course the Old Testament (Ex. 21:23, 24) specifically limits a response to wrong doing to "an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" which although may sound to modern ears as a barbaric level of response was in fact a Jewish reform intended to limit a response to a proportionate one.
But don’t let the bible stand in the way of the Christianist political movement.
Michael D.
I, for one, am not a fan of Krispy Kreme, but I will be going there on Tuesday to get a doughnut.
I will be getting a doughnut filled with red jelly. And when I bit into it, it will ooze red.
I celebrate the Freedom to Choose!
It’s true that Exodus limits the response to violence to something proportional. This would be the limit of acceptable action for Jews. Their Christian cheerleaders however are far more constrained since that law was overturned for them by JC his own bad self at a little gig we call the Sermon on the Mount:
"You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
Obviously JC was against tort reform too.
On a semi related note I was watching Lewis Black’s "Red, White and Screwed" on Comedy Central last night, which although it appears to be about a year old is fall down funny and still relevant, and he has this great riff on the difference between the God of the Old Testament and that of the New. A lot of great political comedy in it as well.
Jesus was a Libtard Commie sympathizer. His "Turn the other cheek", "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s", "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven" BS. That friggin commie spreadin the wealth around, even amongst teh leperz was even corrupting our youth by turning water into wine.
Fuck that dood!
@Martin: Damn, you owe me a new keyboard… Elect his ass!
I think there’s a mistake afoot here, it’s Stroke Force, that’s why those lewd doughnuts have these pinheads all in a frenzy. So the lightning bolt in that other logo with have to be replaced with something more, er, accurate methinks…
FWIW, the local Honey Dew coffee shop chain has doughnuts that wipe the floor with Krispy Kreme. The first Krispy Kreme opened a few years ago here in RI and the line was out the door and around the parking lot. A scant few years later it’s doors are closed. I was not impressed nor were my fellow RI’ers apparently.
Witness the Holy Doughnut Grail, mortals…
kommrade reproductive vigor
So… If KK just called them "Freedom" doughnuts … Nah, you’re right. These assholes would find something to bitch about anyway.
1. He can’t make sense of the gibbering noises on the voice mail.
2. He’s laughing too hard to respond.
harlana pepper
WTF do they get this stuff? I want to know. Sources, please. Or one source even. The fundies are all over this shit. I don’t know how in the fuck we are supposed to ‘Kumbaya’ with people like this the way Obama wants us to. I can’t do it, sorry.
John S.
I think Christianists need a new name for themselves since they clearly eschew the teachings of the man they are supposed to be following.
Something along the lines of cryptochristian or christofabulist will do nicely.
Michael D.
Off Topic, but I can I suggest that one of the most important people in the worlds, for bringing the plight of the world’s most impoverished people to the rest of the world, is Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times?
If more people listened to NDK, the world would be a MUCH better place.
‘Disproportionat response’ is by definition a policy of tyrants, a rejection of law and the respect for human rights and dignity in favor of raw, imperial power. This anti-American shite is disgusting.
What would George Washington do? He would burn Redstate to the ground.
@harlana pepper: It’s Obama’s role to ‘Kumbaya" these repressed, misygonist, knuckleheaded xenophobes to incite and distract them.
Our job is to mercilessly mock and insult, then laugh and point.
Now get back to work.
BTW, why put a link to your blog in your sig if we can’t enter and look around? Jes’ asking.
This video about disproportionate force on the subway was more entertaining and less of a train wreck than Red State.
Seriously? Do you know how difficult it is to draw things that small?
kommrade reproductive vigor
I bet the fact that a brown hand is holding the lightning bolt makes them pee their pants a little.
And it should read "I’m a fan of disproportionate response provided I can watch from the comfort of my living room ‘cos there’s no way in hell I’d actually go anywhere near a war zone."
Krispy Kreme is obviously part of the Axis of Devo:
Good one, that.
@wilfred: C’mon, it’s bust a cap in your ass, white bread. If you’re gonna go all ghetto n’ shit, keep it real…
Yeah, maybe the "disproportionate response" assholes will get their rocks off on this.
Comrade Darkness
If you don’t want to kill the unborn, don’t get pregnant. Women naturally reject more fetuses trying to bring a baby full term than all those god-insulting liberals do.
God–#1 abortionist.
The Grand Panjandrum
OT: Our Lady of Perpetual Outrage is outraged, I tell you. Outraged! Obamaphiles are now desecrating our great flag!
I find it quite significant that MM has suddenly–although selectively–quoted the Flag Code. Because you can go to any NASCAR event or the Republican Convention for that matter and find people in violation of it. But, in accordance with all internet traditions of those of MM’s political stripe, only those who do not follow the Right could possibly ever desecrate the flag. She left out this part:
I can’t tell you how many times I have argued this point with some fat, sweaty onion breathed fuck face. The excuse is always "they mean well" and that makes a difference. Those damn situational situations.
Rick Massimo
OK, that is officially the funniest fucking shit I have ever heard.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Ach. So small. Look at the joy on that woman’s face in the photo. That’s where your eyes go, when you view that pix.
They’re mad as hell that someone, somewhere, is happy.
Johnny Pez
Yeah, all you libtards laugh now, but wait until the Islamofascists have infiltrated all of America’s donut shops. Then when they’ve used their secret mind control potion to brainwash the nation’s law enforcement officers and convert them to Islamofascism, THEN YOU’LL BE SORRY!
harlana pepper
Fulcanelli: God bless you for even looking or asking, but I had to put it down like a sick animal – I never could figure out how to get daisies to come out of my keyboard – I forgot to take to url off.
harlana pepper
Michael D. – I’m going to put mine in the freezer for posterity.
Comrade Darkness
""It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven" BS. "
Kamelos == greek for rope.
And just another note to the Christianists in case they decide to go on another bible-driven murderous rampage. It is "suffer the poisoners" not "suffer the witches." Please get it straight. It’d suck to be drowned by a crazy mob for a mistranslation.
I hope the next time this fucker gets pulled over for a bum taillight, may he be shot,tazed, n clubbed like a baby seal. disproportional, bitches.
Disproportionate response… gosh, didn’t that Jeebus guy have something to say about what your response should be when someone, say, slaps you in the face?
I could swear there’s some sort of morality lesson that the disproportionate response crowd is violating but I just can’t put my finger on it… Oh well, bombs away!
Ash Can
@Elias Friedman: If you can debunk this column by David Greenberg with the kind of research and reasoning he puts into it, I’d say you had a case. However, since the recounts actually did take place 1960 and turned up nothing, it looks like you and other such Nixon defenders are nothing more than would-be historical revisionists. This is on top of the fact that a supposedly high-minded and noble Richard Nixon went on to such public service as electronic eavesdropping on political rivals and breaking and entering. Compare this with the fact that after Newt Gingrich and his merry band of exemplary Republican patriots spent literally years trying to derail the Clinton Administration, the best they could come up with was Clinton lying about a blow job. And compare the 1960 recounts to the NON-recount of 2000, halted by the Supreme Court. Oh, and BTW Gore went on to win an Oscar and a Nobel, and Clinton presided over 8 years of peace and prosperity, and Nixon presided over a hugely unpopular war, and Nixon went on to insist that the president is above the law (say when)…
Now do you understand "why people hate Nixon so and love those two?"
Have they called for the banning of "Free to Choose" by the notorious abortion activist Milton Friedman?
Ed Marshall
I was going to say they could change that logo to: I’m an ignorant barbarian. Then I realized they might make something just like that and be proud of it.
If Nixon had won IL, he still would have lost the election. In addition to Illinois, Nixon would have had to contest at least one more large state, like TX, PA, or NY.
It amazes me that people keep repeating this canard about 1960 being such a close election, when it really wasn’t. And yet people still believe it. Hardly anyone ever bothers to look up the election results to see if it’s true.
Jay Severin Has A Small Pen1s
Pretty soon, the only way to have a legitimate abortion will be to go to Gaza…deliver the baby…and then have it destroyed by Israeli missiles.
Joe Max
Even more germaine:
Gimel = Hebrew for rope.
Also, "Gimel" is the name of the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
This is a great Mystery, very admirable and recondite.
Disproportionate Response? In War you always go for this kind of response. Hopefully, in War u don’t have a water pistol to respond when your foe bombs your fleet. This term is just idiotic from both sides.
Of course, the Jews got it from Hammurabi, who did it first.
apparently the graphic is from the vile "gates of Vienna" blog.
It’s some kind of whining about Kofi Annan from July 2006.
The wingnuts all seem to forget that if the goal is PEACE, then a "disproportional response" only fans the flames and as such is counter-productive.