Steelers Nation now includes an orbiting space station and, apparently, James Wolcott.
Sources have informed me that James Wolcott comes from Baltimore and is therefore unlikely to be a Steelers fan. Apologies to all injured parties.
by Tim F| 19 Comments
This post is in: Sports
Steelers Nation now includes an orbiting space station and, apparently, James Wolcott.
Sources have informed me that James Wolcott comes from Baltimore and is therefore unlikely to be a Steelers fan. Apologies to all injured parties.
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The rapid roll-out of new threads left the investigations thread below in the lurch… with all sorts of brilliance from me being EPUed. In short, it looks like the Bush NSA was tapping journalists’ phones… all of them. Everything is being archived, and Bushies were walking around the records at will, data-mining conversations in order to find leakers.
What is extra great is that the whole apparatus is now in the hands of the liberals, ready for them to listen to the last few years of GOP and wingnut conversations. Maybe the righties will want investigations after all.
You Steelers fans are just so full of yourselves! Wolcott is from Baltimore, I think it’s much more likely he’s a Ravens fan.
That said, as a former Houston Oilers fan, who suffered through two consectutive game-to-go losses to the Steelers at the height of the Luv Ya Blue era, I must confess that I have a grudging respect for the black and gold.
Bill H
Look, when the Steelers can do what they did to my Chargers and still have me cheering for them against any other team they play… Well they can’t be all bad.
Thanks for reminding me to read Wolcott. I love his stuff but always forget to read him. Just downloaded the Jah Wobble doc about Sid that I might have missed had he not linked to it.
Executive orders are starting to be rolled out.
Close Guantanamo
Ban torture
The Arizona Cardinals feast on your scorn!
If Jack Balkin starts taking swipes at wingnuts…
Waiting for John’s head to essplode
I’m sure it was just used for lighting the battlefield, right?
Media Browski
As a newbie around here, I’m amused that John didn’t get all the fawning media attention and fanfare of the inauguration, but he’s deeply committed to sports (a lot of fawning media attention and fanfare about a ball-game played by millionaires).
And for the record, I have no idea what sport you’re all talking about, and I’m happy this way :)
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@Media Browski:
Ignorance truly is bliss.
Media Browski
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford: Yeah, it truly is. I just took a walk outside, and ran into this year’s DC right to life protest. Kids who should be in school getting sex ed are being dumped onto the streets to fluff the protest by the Catholic schools.
On the other hand, the Vikings sure can pick a coach, can’t they? Green over Dungy. Childress over Tomlin. Not that I think Green was that bad of a coach.
Oh, and by the way, that Arizona offense is a Dennis Green creation. Built like the ’98 Vikings, this team is destined to disappoint.
There’s a frightening similarity of looks between the CO of the space station and Ben from "Lost." I wonder . . .
Wow. So Obama’s character is revealed by which of like 15 parties he didn’t attend on the night of his inauguration? That’s really scraping the bottom of the barrel. I hope they find something better than fake death lists, debunked Whitewater scandals and lying about blowjobs. At least Bush gave us great material. It’s gonna be a long 4-8 years for folks on the Right who really need to hate a Democratic president.
I mean, since he’s an actual US citizen, got re-sworn in unnecessarily, was legitimately elected, isn’t a muslim, isn’t a terrorist, is black enough, isn’t too black, and didn’t murder all the people that Bill Clinton supposedly already had murdered.
If they’re worried about how Obama feels about our military and our vets, I’d guess – wild stab in the dark here – they could see what his policies are toward the military and vets. Which party he didn’t attend? How about people he’s unlikely to torture, kidnap, extradite or spy on? How about veteran’s benefits he campaigned to assure (as opposed to what Bush actually did, say). dood, please.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
He was who we thought he was.
I had a shitty day today, one for the record books……
i dare you…
ask me how shitty!
fine, don’t ask……
Steelers suck.
Audience: How shitty was it!
Let’s Go Mountaineers!