We got hammered with snow today, so everything is pretty much shut down. There really isn’t that much snow (only seemed like about 6 inches when I went outside a few hours ago), but it looks like there is a foundation of ice underneath on the roads and things are a mess. The bulk of it also came down around 4-6 am, so there was no time to clean it up. At any rate, in honor of the weather, some snow pets:
Also, remember that pretty picture of the fall colors in Rhode Island that one of our readers mailed in:
Here is a winter update:
Claim your pets.
*** Update ***
Another snow pet:
Thanks for posting those John — am having a seriously shitty day at work, so it’s nice to see cute animals and sunshine.
here’s my snow pet.
John Cole
@cleek: Pepper’s eyes are classic- “DAD- WHAT IS THIS?”
The Moar You Know
Well, John, now you can write that review of Limits of Power you keep promising us, since you’ve got nothing better to do. Right?
John Cole
@The Moar You Know: I swear I would, but my copy is in the office, because I was using it for a project.
Media Browski
DC’s metro-trains are in chaos, my cat (who doesn’t go outdoors but psychically knows when it snows) refused to leave the bed, and I nearly got frostbite trying to read this blog on my handheld while waiting for a train.
That said, cute pets! There’s no joy quite like introducing a puppy to snow!
@John Cole: yep. and i believe that’s exactly what she was thinking (as far as i can read cat minds). OMG! OGM! OMG! WFT!!T1111!! WHAT IS IT!?!?
Snow can be a pain in the butt, but it is a good excuse for getting hammered.
jake 4 that 1
I would guess the cat belongs to someone covered in a lot of Band-Aids.
Mine went barging outside this morning. I left them out for a while to figure out their terrible mistake.
The Other Steve
Red State just sent out an urgent communication letting us know that we should express outrage at Sen. Cornyn for voting for Timothy Geithner!
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
If snow is a pain in the butt, ur doin it rong.
I’m heading out tonight just as the heavens open up here, so I’ll have 10-15 centimeters of my own to shovel tomorrow. Joy.
(Here’s something else to cheer you up, Krista. Probably NSFW.)
Nice to see that the Republicans, after demanding and getting the removal of some stupid shit in the stimulus bill, have decided they’ll vote against it anyways. Apparently, there’s not enough in there with regards to tax cuts, hookers, and blow to satisfy the House and Senate Repubs.
Xecky Gilchrist
That fall-in-RI picture is fearsome gorgeous. The winter one ain’t bad either. Thanks!
dr. bloor
That before and after comparison of RI is one of the more elegant explanations I’ve come across for the exploding use of
grain alcohol consumptiontherapeutic light boxes in these parts during the winter months.John Cole
@dr. bloor: This is sort of related, but I started to think about the “why” colors please us when looking at the Rhode Island comparisons, my mind then wandered to one of my favorite topics- how people perceive things and the language they use. For example, look at that sky in the first RI picture- we would all agree it is what we would call “blue,” but when we say the word blue without looking at that picture, everyone of us would have a different concept of the term “blue.” Mine might be a vibrant bright blue, someone elses might be a darker blue with hints of grey, bordering on purple. Someone else might think of azure blue, and so on.
Now take that same concept and apply it to “fun” or “happy”- of course, with brain chemistry, for the most part we are all going to be experiencing physical reactions when we have “fun,” but are we really experiencing it the same way?
I assume this is all in the realm of psychologists, psychobiologists, and others.
And there was no real point to this comment.
John Cole
Also off topic- what does it take to drive a Buddhist to call a bunch of people “obstructionist assholes?”
@dr. bloor: And yet, I am more entranced by the second picture. I mean, the pretty fall colors are nice and all, but it’s boooooring. Give me heavy cloud cover with snow coming down and I am happy.
dr. bloor
@John Cole:
It is, but to quote our esteemed president, those questions are beyond my pay grade.
I tend to think that at the physiological level, people are much more alike than they are different in terms of how their central nervous systems respond to pleasurable events, but the events we deem to be pleasurable in the first place, how we label those experiences, and the magnitudes of those responses are unique.
(If you really want some food for thought, consider the exception to the rule, alexithymia.)
dr. bloor
The winter itself doesn’t bum me out, but I’m a seasonal transition junkie, and at this point of the year I’m farking tired of winter Just Because. It doesn’t help that winter needs to be shoveled.
I just saw the snow-covered Airedale! I love it! To whom does he belong?
He looks exactly like my in-laws’ dog, Gibby.
@dr. bloor: I’m not hot on winter, cold, ice, rain, or freezing rain, but give me snow and I am as happy as a Husky. And I say this as someone who has an intimate familiarity with the black dog.
John, will we get an update on the pups and the snow? How are your Mom and Dad doing with the critters?
Will we get puppies in the snow pics? Yowza!
OMG Someone get that sweet kitty out of the snow ASAP!!!!
That was absolutely hilarious. Thanks, hon! It helped a lot.
She only looks sweet, it’s an act. What she’s thinking there is "You are never sleeping through the night again, you bitch."
That’s my cat by the way. Her name is Dora, she is not an explorer.
Ash Can
LOLZ! Obama lets Citigroup know just what he thinks of their plans to accept TARP funds and then turn around and buy a new corporate jet (h/t GOS).
Yeah, it’s snowing here in DC too. It was just half an inch or so when I got to work, but it’s the first time I’ve seen snow on the ground since moving here. Not counting trips back to my parents’ home in Vermont.
There’s talk about the office being closed early due to the snow, which I would actually be opposed to because I have a deadline coming up. Which means I should probably stop commenting…
how do we submit pet pics?
Nancy Irving
When my cat Caruso (now departed, RIP) first saw snow as a kitten (in Pittsburgh), he rushed out, ran around like crazy and didn’t come back for two days. It was the first time he’d stayed out all night.
Damn I’m glad I don’t have to put up with winter weather like that anymore.
@Krista: Krista – That’s my dog Egan. He’s actually a Wire-haired Fox Terrier, but he won’t hold it against you (some of his best friends are Airedales).
He absolutely loves the snow, but not the cleanup.
Oops. Sorry. It must be the lighting in the pic or something that made me think he was an Airedale. (Plus, I’ve only ever seen Wire-Haired Fox Terriers with a show cut, so his adorable curly head misled me as well.) And his ears are similar to Gibby’s.
He’s still ridiculously adorable, and is being awfully good, standing still in the sink like that. Is he usually that docile, or is he full of beans like most terriers I know?
Hey! My Diggity Dog, Natty – the Labradoodle with the snowy beard – got Balloon Juiced!!
Thanks, John.
new day rising
Greetings from Ro-die-lan, land of the clamcake (yum), the unofficial state food. The view out my window looks just like the winter scene above, minus the frozen water. Hey, if you can’t do anything about winter and you’re not a snowbird who escapes to Florida each winter, then the best thing to do is to get out and enjoy it.
Laura W
@Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse:
For dog’s sake drive safely.
Krista – Wires tend to be industrial strength in their terrier stubbornness, but Egan knows when it is better to be calm (sink, bathtub) to get it over with. He’s wild when it’s done though.
Gibby does look like he could be Egan’s brother. He is one of the lightest colored Airedales I have seen. Very cute fella.