By the way, I just saw Obama make one of those little political mistakes he normally never makes:
President Barack Obama issued a withering critique Thursday of Wall Street corporate behavior, calling it “the height of irresponsibility” for Wall Street employees to be paid more than $18 billion in bonuses last year while their financial sector was crumbling.
“It is shameful,” Obama said from the Oval Office. “And part of what we’re going to need is for the folks on Wall Street who are asking for help to show some restraint, and show some discipline, and show some sense of responsibility.”
And while I agree completely with the comments, they were made while he was sitting next to Tim Geithner, a Wall Street wizard who, as you may know, had some tax issues and irresponsibility of his own.
Obama quickly moved on to a full-throated endorsement of the Steelers, and all was forgiven in the Cole household.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not only is he an old-style Chicago hack who pals around with terrorists, he supports the Thieves…I mean, Stealers…that’d be "Steely McBeamers"…too.
John PM
This is a slap in the face to bipartisanship. If Obama was serious about reaching out to Republicans, he would have picked the Cardinals out of respect for John McCain.
This is great news for Palin/Limbaugh 2012!
Ash Can
Let’s see — Blago’s out, Eric Cantor has made a perfect ass of himself in public (again), Norm Coleman’s pals faked a website crash to make Norm look popular, and this is the worst Obama can muster.
Today = win.
Deep down, he wants to support the Cardinals, since they were originally from Chicago. Plus, he wants to turn Arizona blue in 2012. Ok, picking the Cardinals isn’t going to matter much because there’s going to be a lot of blue on the electoral map in 2012 barring dead hookers in the Lincoln Bedroom between now and then.
Tom Hilton
Ha! What makes you think Obama even follows hockey?
Quaker in a Basement
Meanwhile, over at Malkin’s joint:
More than 200 outraged comments later, not one person has clicked through Michelle’s link to find out who showed up for the expensive chowdown:
BTW – it may be me drunk on the Koolaid but the signing of the Ledbetter act bit today was fun. His speech was cool, he joked about having to sign slowly with multiple pens, gave them out, meanwhile Joe and Hillary were smooching in the background, and everyone appeared to be having more fun than politicians should be allowed to have. When was the last time you saw a bill signing, had fun, laughed, and felt really good about the bill itself all at the same time?
PS) Kevin has the vid up over at Rumproast.
So, if Tim Geithner was there, it’d be all better? Geithner has had his problems, but at least Obama will make these statements and not act like he can’t do anything.
I don’t see what the big deal is.
Tom Hilton
Oh man, I am so sorry I voted for that guy. Look, people: "vodka martini" is a contradiction in terms. Martinis are made with gin, period. So much for that failed presidency.
@Quaker in a Basement:
Speaking of which can you imagine what it must be like to be the POTUS, I mean swank cocktail party and you are limited to what? One cocktail, cause you know you cannot wake up for that 3am phone call in an alcoholic stupor. Can you imagine the prospect of not being allowed to get silly drunk for the next 8 years? I had never really thought about this before but DAMN!
Ash Can
Oh, and just when you think it can’t get better, it does:
The Iraqis have erected a statue in honor of George W. Bush (well, OK, actually in honor of Muntadhar al-Zeidi).
(h/t GOS)
Not to mention knee-crawling, shit-faced. It would suck
there is no big deal.
cole is getting giddy, waiting for sunday.
Jay B.
One cocktail, cause you know you cannot wake up for that 3am phone call in an alcoholic stupor
In my lifetime, we’ve had a President with actual dementia, one who apparently went through a breakdown and would regularly scream, drunk, at the Presidential portraits and GW Bush. A ripped-to-the-tits Obama would be like fucking Solomon in comparison.
I think Obama’s angle is to shame them into doing the right thing. If the worse Wall Street can come up with is "But Tim did it" – and Obama’s response is "Yes, but he’s paid it" – then they’re not exactly going to have much to stand on, and people won’t exactly feel sorry for them when legislation comes out mandating a payback.
Brien Jackson
So having a tax issue makes you a Wall Street maven?
Joshua Norton
Nope. Vodka gibson on the rocks. Sometimes a Vodka dirty marti. Gin stinks too much.
Now bashing all the flavored crap being called "martinis" I’m with you 100%
Just Some Fuckhead
Yer inner wingnut is looking for some action. This would be a real crowd pleaser at Redstate.
The Grand Panjandrum
@Tom Hilton: Anyone who would screw up perfectly good vodka by putting vermouth in it should be perp walked out of the gathering and airlifted to Gitmo. Jesus Babbling Christ that is just absolutely disgusting. Why not just drink the pus from a festering boil on Newt Gingrich’s wrinkled, flabby ass?
@Joshua Norton:
I haven’t drunk liquor for years but I have to admit there is nothing nicer than a gin and tonic with ice and a slice, the delightful smell of the juniper berries up one’s nose is just bliss. Ahhhh, since I got all American and stuff gin is no longer on the menu.
I hope this means Biden not Liberman because, ewwww.
Obamu-Jitsu: The art of hanging morons and making it look like they did it themselves.
Josh Hueco
This blog needs a cocktail open thread.
OT for the Googles.
Saddlebacking: sad•dle•back•ing \ˈsa-dəl-ˈba-kiŋ\ vb [fr. Saddleback Church] (2009): the phenomenon of Christian teens engaging in unprotected anal sex in order to preserve their virginities
After attending the Purity Ball, Heather and Bill saddlebacked all night because she’s saving herself for marriage. Unfortunately her parents found out because they got santorum all over the sheets.
Church Lady
He might have made another mistake. Toward the end of the press avail, it sounded like he said something along the lines of "while there is a time for profits and a time for bonuses, this is not the time." It’s ok though – I knew what he meant. :)
BTW, what’s wrong with a vodka martini? I’m alergic to gin, and it’s the only kind I can have.
@Tattoosydney – GROSS!
BS. When did Geithner take a fat bonus after wrecking the Fed or the IMF? It is the theft from stockholder, taxpayers, and other people to whom the Wall Streeters have a fiduciary responsibility that Obama is condemning. Geithner is a bloody saint compared to the partners and executives on Wall Street.
Tom Hilton
@Joshua Norton: I got nothing against people who drink V&V, as long as they don’t call it a ‘martini’. The martini was exclusively gin-based for, depending on which creation myth one believes, anywhere from 50 to 90 years. The so-called ‘vodka martini’ was a mid-fifties invention of the advertising department at Seagrams, as a way to boost vodka consumption. Every time anyone calls a V&V a ‘martini’, they are taking a stand in favor of corporate hegemony over American culture.
Also, real (i.e., gin) martinis just taste better. (Bombay Sapphire is my standard, Tanqueray 10 or Hendrick’s when I’m inclined to splurge.)
Of course everyone knows martinis are only made gin. The real scandal here is why were they drinking martinis at all? Manhattans for winter, martinis between memorial day and labor day.
I like saddlebacking as a term. The funny thing is that it is common in some very pious Muslim communities where girls are sexualized at an early age, yet virginity is an important fungible status to the patriarchies.
@MikeJ: That is way too fussy of a rule. It is not like they are drinking Gin and Tonics in January, or Hot Toddies in July.
Tom Hilton
Yeah, I confess that I’ve never observed the seasonal Manhattan/Martini rule.
I did get into the habit of drinking Manhattans when I was in college, because I figured out that if I ordered it in a bar I wouldn’t get carded. It worked absolutely without fail. It’s one of the very few college-era habits I don’t regret picking up.
jake 4 that 1
@Tattoosydney: Reason #32,061(b) we should all do a jig if/when Obama cuts funding for abstinence only "education." I know it won’t stop the promise rings and unprotected sex, but I feel a teeny bit bettter when I don’t have to pay for that crap.
Re Manhattans: if you’re ever in Seattle, Vessel makes a good Manhattan. First time I went in and ordered one, I added, "by the way, do you have rye?" The bartender looked at me blankly, as half of all bartenders I ask this do. I was crestfallen. Then he said, "How else would you make a Manhattan?"
Don’t accept bourbon as a "substitute" for rye.
@Church Lady:
Yes – the fact that American teenagers can be so indoctrinated in simplistic "WWJD?" ideas that they assume that virginity = no vaginal sex, and at the same time so undereducated as a result of "abstinence only education" that they are prepared to engage in unprotected anal sex, is truly gross, and a horrible indictment of fundamentalist religion.
Jesus wants you to take it up the kyber so your vajayjay is still holy.
Yeah, because making an error on tax returns is just like giving billions of dollars in bonuses to people who failed businesses so miserably they now need billions more to stay alive.
That’s not bad optics, John, that’s bad eyesight.
Brick Oven Bill
Three Other Optic Fails
Geithner also reportedly took a $435,668 payment on the way out of the Federal Reserve, which was not a ‘bonus’, but was instead a ‘severance’, you see. Geithner received this because he did such a good job overseeing Wall Street during his watch.
Geithner’s new Chief of Staff is a lobbyist from Goldman Sachs. This means Mark Patterson is smart and has no conflicts of interest.
The other goofy thing, not important, but perhaps emblematic, was that the fireplace apparently had recently been operated with the flue closed, and had not been cleaned before the interview.
JC, I sent you an email about this but I’m sure you get thousands of them and don’t know me at all so you probably didn’t see it, but it’s on topic here:
I’ve come up with a humble suggestion for at least part of this, which is: congress could easily pass a tax provision for tax year 2008 stipulating the rate of taxation on all bonuses paid to employees of firms receiving TARP funds, or firms taken over by other firms receiving TARP funds, at 100%.
Such a proposal would not only recoup funds that were stolen from taxpayers, it would also find support from at least 95% of the voters, and best of all, you can be sure that at least several congressional Republicans and media mouthpieces can be relied on to stage a big kabuki theater over the "confiscatory tax rate" imposed on those who stole taxpayer money.
It has "WIN" written all over it.
I forwarded this idea to Barney Frank since he’s the congressman most likely to introduce something of this type, and sent it to too…but it sure wouldn’t hurt if all the Democrats got a lot calls and emails encouraging this.
where is this Vessel?
Ash Can
I prefer vodka martinis to gin martinis simply because olives, to my palate, go better with vodka than with gin. If the purists out there don’t want to call the vodka concoction a martini I have no problem with that. Call it whatever you want, and shake it, stir it, or look at it cross-eyed, I don’t care. Just make it with the good stuff.
Gin and tonic were made for each other, although straight and with soda work for me too. And I love the idea of martinis going with white shoes and manhattans going with the rest of the year. I’d never observe it myself, since I like martinis too much to do that, but what a delightful tradition.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Tom Hilton: Martinis are made with gin, period. So much for that failed presidency.
No shit. The Cheez Whiz snub was bad enough, and now this.
Dr. Rockso
"…they are prepared to engage in unprotected anal sex, is truly gross, and a horrible indictment of fundamentalist religion."
If he caused an entire generation to embrace anal sex, the entire W presidency was worth it.
Please, think of the children!
Maybe he was talking to Tim Geithner. He certainly speaks for all of us: Indict Wall St, crook by crook. If that includes Tim Geithner, so be it.
On the other hand, Obama just put another Wall Street shill in charge of his economic policy.
And Obama may nominate a Repuke Senator for Sec’y of Commerce, so… Change, anyone? Spare change?
One less republican senator? Maybe gives Dems 60 in the Senate upon replacement (dont know how the hole would be appointed). Win?
Roza Hussein
martini…Belvedere dirty, straight up
Go Steelers
@cosanostradamus: Judd Greg (or is it Greg Judd – I keep forgetting)? New Hampshire’s Senator? With Gene Shaheen (d) as Governor?
You mean, one of the five or so remaining non-crazy republicans in Washington? You, know, the guy who could dominate the primaries in eight years because he is from New Hampshire?
Some people are just incapable of thinking more than one or two moves ahead…
Did a bit of google.
New Hampshire governor is a D (John Lynch).
New Hampshire governor appoints vacancies to US Senate seats.
Judd Gregg is one of the least crazy R’s out there, so I wont lose too much sleep with him as commerce sec.
Dem gov appoints Dem senator replacement (maybe).
60 D senators.
What’s a "wag you…" A puppy? Obama eats puppies?
El Cid
I’d like to think that Obama intended Geithner to have to sit through hearing his President say that sh*t.
Zuzu's Petals
@Quaker in a Basement:
Old news. Malkin moved right on to the Great Thermostat Scandal.
(‘Cept I can’t see anywhere that says what temperature O actually does set his stat on…a technicality to be sure. It’s the being warm that’s so scandalous.)
Wagyu beef. aka JAPAN DOES IT BETTER
J. Michael Neal
I just rewatched Casino Royale. As far as I can tell, vodka martinis make you a badass.
Church Lady
Wagyu beef is from the same breed of cattle (Wagyu) that Kobe beef is from, just not as expensive, as Kobe is imported from Japan and Wagyu is raised in the United States on a limited basis. I looked it up and discovered that it is very rare and very, very expensive. Kind of like the arugula of beef. :)
It’s a better grade than prime, is very highly marbled (described as almost buttery and compared to foi gras) and is supposed to be served either raw or seared on the outside and very rare inside. If you overcook it (medium rare and above) it will be ruined. Steaks start at about $52 a pound and go up, depending upon the cut and the grade of marbling. Although expensive (certainly not in my budget), it’s a bargain compared to imported Kobe, which goes for something like $300 a pound.
Particularly with young children in the house….
Chinn Romney
I’m late to the party, but still I’m not sure we’ve gotten to the bottom of this martini scandal. Were they garnishing with an even or odd number of olives? And what about pimentos, were there pimentos?
Media Browski
Re Martinis
Much like the debates over Pluto’s planethood and Obama’s race, the martini gin v. vodka debate is hindered by a lack of precise definitions, and doesn’t matter in any useful way.
What matters is that drinking a Grey Goose and Bombay Sapphire (2 parts GG, 1 part BS in my case) is like a gorgeous icy delusion.
Tom Hilton
Actually, imprecision is exactly what’s wrong with calling a V&V a ‘martini’. ‘Martini’ has always had a very precise definition (gin + dry vermouth); it’s the addition of a new and less precise meaning of the word (in effect, any drink served in a martini glass) that debases the language.
Chinn Romney
I think a good addition to the Stimulus package would be to send out vouchers good for 1 bottle of Gin, 1 of Vodka, 1 of Dry Vermouth, and maybe a couple more for garnishes. Let the People decide, not self appointed Martini Nazi’s!
I think I may adopt that martinis when you wear white, manhattans after Labor Day thing.
And if you really want to be a snob, its a "cocktail" glass, not a martini glass, the martini traditionally being a type of cocktail, which said cocktails being served in a cocktail glass. (Today we think of all mixed drinks as cocktails, but traditionally a cocktail was a mix of base spirit, water, sugar, and bitters, a recipe dating back at least to the 19th century. There are some early references to the cocktail have evolved as a bittered sling, a sling being an even older mixed drink of spirits, water and sugar – basically a way of calming 18th century rotgut.)
Now, obviously a modern martini doesn’t seem to follow this recipe. However, the original martini did have a sweetening agent – sweet vermouth. Yes, the original martini was sweet vermouth, gin and bitters. A "dry" martini is not a martini with less vermouth, its just a martini made with dry (instead of sweet) vermouth. Any bartender that just mists or swirls a litte vermouth in your glass is not serving you a martini – they are serving you a large shot of gin. Its a cocktail, its supposed to be a combination of tastes.
But what about the bitters? Well, a purist’s martini IS made with bitters – usually orange bitters. Thus, gin, dry (or sweet) vermouth and bitters. Stirred in ice. Poured into a cocktail glass.
As for those who don’t like their olives in gin – no fear. A citrus peel (generally lemon) is a classic alternative – and many a gin snob feels the citrus marries with the botanicals in gin better anyways.
And yes, I am a booze snob – which is an arugala-eating libtard’s way of saying I am an alcoholic.
gin + dry vermouth + orange bitters = Hoffman House
gin + sweet vermouth + orange and Angostura bitters = Hearst
I’ve seen references to that recipe before – its from the Hoffman House in NYC, a famous Manhattan bar in the later half of the 18th century that had a Hoffman House Cocktail. Course, the origins of the martini are from this period. Jerry Thomas’ 1887 edition of his seminal Bar-Tender’s Guide (AKA The Bon-Vivant’s Companion), has a recipe for the Martinez (a likely precursor to the Martini) which called for Old Tom gin, vermouth, bitters, marascino liquer and a lemon peel. Other recipes for the Martinez from the time had a similar mix of Old Tom gin, red vermouth, and aromatic bitters.
Thomas Stewart’s 1896 "Fancy Drinks & How to Mix Them" has a Marguerite which was orange bitters, Plymouth gin and French vermouth (i.e. dry vermouth).
The first written mention of the Martini is Harry Johnson’s 1888 "New and Improved Illustrated Bartending Manual".
The evolution of the martini basically started very sweet – sweet vermouth, Old Tom gin (a very junipery, sweet gin), and aromatic bitters. Changes got made – Old Tom gin got switched out with London dry. Italian with French vermouth. Aromatic bitters with orange bitters, until settling on that basic combo: London dry gin, dry vermouth, bitters. With ratios around 2:1 or 3:1. (i.e. very vermouth-y by modern standards)
Then prohibition came, and screwed everything up until now folks think you fill a glass to the brim with gin and dash some vermouth in and call it a day. Bleech.
Stewart’s recipe is dead on.
I wonder if that was the first dry martini?