Maryland’s Michael Steele was just elected chair of the RNC as many of you have heard. You may remember Steele’s “Scarlet R” imbroglio and the delightful ad he ran about puppies when he ran for Senator, but what I remember best is his campaign’s “recruitment of out-of-state homeless men to hand out misleading campaign literature in African-American neighborhoods” (from TPM):
On the eve of this month’s election, the mailers began landing in Prince George’s mailboxes. One was a glossy red, black and green flier — the colors that represent African American power — sporting pictures of County Executive Jack B. Johnson, his predecessor, Wayne K. Curry and past NAACP president and former U.S. Senate candidate Kweisi Mfume.
Above the pictures of the three Democrats the flier read, “Ehrlich-Steele Democrats,” and underneath it announced: “These are OUR Choices.”
None of the three candidates had endorsed the governor, and only Curry had declared his support for Steele.
There were other fliers, too. A similar “Democratic” guide with Ehrlich’s and Steele’s photo on the front appeared in Baltimore. Another distributed in Baltimore County identified the Republican candidate for county executive as a Democrat.
Of course, these stunts didn’t work so well: Steele was crushed by Ben Cardin and Ehrlich lost badly to Tommy Carcetti even after the whole serial killer hoax debacle in Baltimore.
Update: I forgot about the whole oreos story too:
According to numerous reports in the Washington Times, Steele was “pelted” with Oreo cookies, which signifies a racial slur for being black on the outside and white on the inside.
Times reporter S.A. Miller is one of the writers who referenced the incident in news articles on more than one occasion. Miller told WTOP he attended the event in 2002 and saw Steele get hit with cookies.
When pressed, Miller said he couldn’t swear in court that Steele did get hit with cookies because he didn’t actually see it happen.
On Tuesday, Steele told WTOP that he was never hit with Oreos and said the incident has been exaggerated.
I like this part especially from an Ehrlich spokesman:
“It was raining Oreos. They were thick in the air like locusts. I was there.”
Is that how Steele won the RNC Chairmanship? By running as a Democrat? Hard times for the GOP.
Thanks. That story was my first thought when hearing the news as well, but I feared that that was only because being in DC I heard more about it than the rest of the country did.
And here I was "hoping" the whites-only country club guy would have won. Would have been a fine capper to the GOP’s flameout.
How is the Redstate Strike Farce going to respond to the election of an RNC head who’s embarrassed to be a Republican? Surely there must be some new product to send him en masse from Amazon.
Will Rush announce this with a chorus of "Steele the Magic Negro"?
Actually, I think Steele is on to something with this puppy angle. God knows the GOP won’t win any points on their ideas.
Michael Steele.
On behalf of my Republican friends, I for one welcome our new delusional and insane overlords. I wish them all the best of everything.
Really. Seriously.
There are already rumors swirling about that Michael Steele’s wife was caught on tape saying how much she hated whitey.
Civilized Crank
Though Carcetti is really a composite of every Baltimore mayor for the last 20-30 years. Yet somehow they keep getting elected to Annapolis…
Michael Steele. No, really, I am not making this up.
Mississippi, TN, and Arkansas just opened up voter-registration party change form booths in myriad trailer parks due to overwhelming demand.
Steele is also the ex-brother-in-law of Mike Tyson. Maybe there was some ear biting going on during those last ballots.
Media Browski
Having seen Michael Steele’s electoral mojo in awesome 3-D action here in Maryland, I’m excited to see the new ideas and fresh perspective he brings to the RNC.
No, I’m not high.
Change to what party, Punchy?
Ain’t got nowhere to run now, crackers!
From Kos, because it’s full of win:
"So yet again, the black man kept Dawson down."
Michael Steele. The man is a veritable fountain of great ideas for our future. I mean it.
Drive your GOP-er friend crazy and forward them this picture of Mike Tyson endorsing Michael Steele.
Mike likes Mike.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Is O’Malley really that bad?
I live pretty far from Maryland these days, but my sister and cousins used to live in Baltimore when he was mayor, and they always spoke rather highly of him. What happened?
I guess the overnight polling about the Republicans all voting against the stimulus and standing with Limbaugh must have been disastrous.
Move over Jindal, Steele is the new Republican Obama. Sheesh – I can’t help but think that the GOP is one big cargo cult.
I’ve lived in MD since 1999, and Michael Steele is thoroughly mediocre. His only living for quite a few years now, as far as I can tell, has been as a hack paid for out of GOP funds.
This is a wonderful development, assuming that putting incompetents in such leadership positions can have deleterious effects.
Tweety just announced on Hardball that he voted for Michael Steele when he ran for the Senate. Yeah that Chris Matthews he is one helluva librul I tell ya!
Yeah…in a world that was even half sane, their political careers would have been over after that.
Shawn in ShowMe
Jindal. Steele. Palin. Progressive conservatism you can believe in.
The Silent Fiddle of Nero
Hon, when did he make that statement @13? During which presidential campaign?
The cookies were angry that day, my friends…like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli. I know because I was there.
Having lived in Baltimore for a few years a while back, I can say that Steele is about as interesting and intellectually gifted as a cold bowl of oatmeal. And that’s about all I can say about him.
Ummmmm hmmm.
Michael Steele. Blacker than Barack. Honestly, he is.
Pretty sure it was last March.
The Silent Fiddle of Nero
So the right candidates for president was the sorry pack of GOP not-very-hopefuls in 2008 who couldn’t get it together?
Shawn in ShowMe
Wikipedia entry
Man, talk about a Rebel Without a Cause.
Yes, the same pack of sorry losers who, even with the cheerleading of Rush Limbaugh, couldn’t even defeat John Fucking McCain, the guy the world had left for dead by the side of the campaign road just six months earlier.
Were they Bosnian Oreos?
gypsy howell
Too bad Steve Gilliard isn’t around for this. I’d be laughing my ass off right about now…
$5 says Steele would happily abolish the minimum wage given half a chance.
The Silent Fiddle of Nero
So, the current RNC is in trouble then, huh?
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@TheHatOnMyCat: Yes, the same pack of sorry losers who, even with the cheerleading of Rush Limbaugh, couldn’t even defeat John Fucking McCain…
Wasn’t OxyRush ordering everybody to vote for Hillary in the primaries?
That was one of my favorite things about the whole sorry process.
Aw, naww. They are starting a New Republican Revolution!
It’s All Tax Cuts All The Time. Cut taxes, cut spending, cut services, cut the size of government. Cut, cut, cut.
The Silent Fiddle of Nero
I wouldn’t be unhappy if they cut themselves. ;)
And what did Erick Ericskon, the mastermind behind Operation Leper and the Red State Strike Force, the man with the finger on the pulse of both the GOP’s grass root movement and its heavy hitters, have to say about the RNC election this past Monday?
"There are two men at the top of the list for RNC chairman: Mike Duncan and Katon Dawson. One of them will be the next chairman."
Good call, Erick. I swear to god, if that guy said the sun was going to rise in the east tomorrow morning, I’d bet a thousand bucks that the poles were going to switch overnight.
Faux News
As a MD resident since 1998 (hey Liberal!) I can say that the election of 2008 absolutely confirmed Steele’s above statement not only in just Maryland but in the whole United States. I think McCain/Palin easily got about 85% to 90% of the Black vote in MD and in the USA. Right?
Absolutely correct. Steele has been sucking off the RNC tit since his blow out in 11/06 of which some Moran on Red State said "this one really hurt. I thought Steele would easily win". Calling Steele mediocre is too kind really
Greg Sargent is reporting that the House Dems are claiming (sounds convuluted huh) that the alternative plan the Rethugs put forth the other day that was supposed to cost half of the Dems’ plan and create double the jobs……raises taxes on millions of Americans.
Shawn in ShowMe
Based on this snippet, I’d say "you are correct, sir!"
Sept 6, 2006
But he knew that wouldn’t fly in an election so,
Bubblegum Tate
He’s black, y’all!
You gotta wonder how many heads exploded over this in SC, GA, MS, and AL.
Zifnab’s right, the crackers got no home now.
2008: Best. Election. Ever.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
OT – I see on FDL that Obama is bringing back Samantha Power.
Is that a slap in the face?
Eric Erickson’s surprisingly accurate Tweet
A round of mighty Oreo hailstorm o’ Hellfire for the house, I say!
Thanks, DougJ. I’d almost forgotten about that, blinded in my "Goooooooo, Ken Blackwell!" haze.
I’m sure Steele will do just as much for black relations in the Republican party as Ken Mehlman did for gay outreach. It’s all win.
John Cole
I can’t be the only one thinking of WKRP in Cincinnati’s turkey drop episode.
Michael Steele.
More Steele.
The Republicans surely have found their Man of Steele.
Now, let’s get the cape on this crazy fuck and get him out there.
The Silent Fiddle of Nero
I guess I should make sure I’m strapped in tight?
Reverend Dennis
Courtesy of Judd Legum, Five Intreresting Facts About Michael Steele:
1. Steele compared stem cell research to Nazi experiments during the Holocaust.
2. Steele bused in homeless African Americans from Philadelphia to distribute literature in inner-city Baltimore that featured a “Sample Democratic Ballot” with votes for Steele and former Gov. Bob Ehrlich, along with photos of prominent black Democrats.
3. Steele once described that “R” next to his name as a “scarlet letter,” complaining that being a Republican was hurting his electoral chances.
4. Steele was endorsed by Mike Tyson during his run for Senate. When Tyson, who used to be married to Steele’s half sister, pleaded no contest to assault in Montgomery County in 1998, Steele was on hand to support him.
5. Steele defended former Gov. Bob Ehrlich’s decision to hold a $100,000 fundraiser at a country club that did not allow non-white members, saying that the club’s membership’s policies were “not an issue” because “I don’t play golf.”
I find that image to be very stimulating …. but yes, the next couple of years should be fascinating. I expect Dems to gain seats in 2010.
I think the GOP is going to implode and become a traveling medicine show using a mule-drawn wagon.
Dudes, this is bad. Like Alan Keyes for senate bad.
The Republicans are SO bad with people other than rich, white, evangelical Christian gun owners that the only solution they have to trying to curb Obama’s popularity is to nominate a black guy, qualified or no.
"See, we are like TOTALLY COOL with black people!"
I am getting a really strong vision of Steve Carrol’s character on "The Office" and his comic attempts to deal with the fact that he can’t handle people not exactly like himself. Now times that by about eleventy billion and you have the modern Republican Party (read: PARTY OF THE CONFEDERACY)
I wonder if Steele knew how Ehrlich’s MD government was spying on all those activist groups in the state.
Civilized Crank
I’m not attributing all of Baltimore’s ills to O’Malley (who by most accounts seems like a decent guy). However he did absolutely nothing to make things better in the city while sucking the majority of the state’s funding. And many things (like the school system and the murder rate) got worse on his watch. There was absolutely nothing on his record to justify him as Governor other than him being a Dem in an overwhelming Dem state (the state party was livid that Ehrlich beat KKT, breaking something like 30+ of hegemony, and the Dems in control of the state assembly did everything to obstruct Ehrlich’s efforts to reign in the budget that Glendenning had exploded [case in point: they did everything to kills slots while Ehrlich was in office and then moved on it almost immediately after O’Malley won in 2006])
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Is there a bigger bitch than Ron Christie?
As God was his witness, he swore that non-existent Oreos could fly.
And also too, according to TPM, there’s that one time, where he tried to fool people into thinking he was a Democrat during his Senate campaign.
Ed Drone
Fixed it for you.
I just realized what "slap in the face" really means: it’s a direct translation of "change I can believe in." It seems like every time someone gets "slapped in the face" the world is a little bit better.
The Silent Fiddle of Nero
Oh, thank you! :) Although that wasn’t my purpose for writing it.
I hope you’re correct on the traveling medicine show. That does sound fascinating.
Conservatively Liberal
The only thing funnier would be if the story said that the cookies were still in their packages. Or the packages were still in cases.
I would look to the north and have a mirror that I could use to look to the south at the same time.
I laughed because one of my supervisors at work is a former Marine named Stacy Dawson.
Not only is Stacy a guy, but he’s big, black, and a genuinely nice person.
IOW, he’s almost everything that Michael Steele is not.
@Conservatively Liberal:
Ironically enough, I had the ‘pleasure’ of hearing Erick peddle his delusions on XM radio’s politics channel during the election season.
I distinctly remember thinking ‘who in the fuck is this idiot?’ several times before I actually heard the show’s host thank ‘Erick Erickson of’ for appearing on the show.
That woman must have had the patience of a saint.
I wonder if she’s single. :)
brian griffin
I keep thinking of Ta-Nehisi’s comment (which I can’t find right now so I’ll paraphrase), describing the old racists who were always so worried about black men marrying white women. ‘they’ll be marrying our women… and then they’re gonna take over this country!"
TNC pointed out it’s a total non-sequitur and he thought it never made any sense. but then he realized ‘hey, turns out those guys were right along"
I have a feeling their heads are gonna implode after today.
Steele still claims the oreo story is true when he finds it convenient to do so.
And isn’t he the "drill, baby, drill" guy from the gop con?
All over the rightblogosphere they’re gettin’ their black on. It’s like laughing in church. The stomach it hurts.
Rev. Bob
Republicans are considering further cuts:
Gary G
"But he ran a good campaign"
During the election of ’06, every republican pundit and his talking head said that Steele would upset Ben Cardin for the senate the day before the election.
Ben Cardin had been my congressman and he is the quintessential bureaucrat, never taking chances, never making mistakes. I knew he was a shoe in.
The day after Cardin won all the same republican pundits and their talking heads made the statement about Steele "but he ran a good campaign". He lost by 10 percent! To this day, my brother and I will always say that expression, "but he ran a good campaign" whenever we hear the name of Steele. We of course mean it in the ironic way. He didn’t run a good campaign. He lost by 10 percent.
Aha! Our vision for America: Death by a Thousand Cuts!
Now there’s some change that we can believe in!
(Conservatism cannot fail. It can only be failed (by inadequate branding).)
(Or truth in advertising, whichever comes first.)
Mkes me remember a "real" black man steve gilliard, oh yes and the photo still exists and it sums up steele for me