Today’s entry:
The national organization, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, is filing an arrest request with Immigration and Customs Enforcement today and issuing a public demand for President Obama to honor his rhetoric about the Rule of Law by deporting his aunt Zeituni Onyango.
Seriously. I am reasonably sure I never signed up for alerts from Americans for Legal Immigration. Which one of you is signing me up for this crap?
dr. bloor
I doubt you need to sign up–this smells like one of the perks of being a part of the Pajamas Media family.
And these mean spirited assholes wonder why they keep getting kicked to the curb…
This is why you should use a different email address for everybody you give an address to, which if you have your own domain is dead easy to do.
John Cole @ Top:
Now, now. As The Kinks used to sing, "Paranoia will destroya."
There is a much simpler explanation. In your winger salad days, you had logins for some number of winger websites and comment forums. Do you really think none of them shared your e-mail address with anyone else, or sold their e-mail list to any advertisers willing to pay for right wing victims?
Do you think wingers and Randians would honor any type of promise to keep your information private, especially if their ad revenue wasn’t enough to pay the server bill anymore?
Anyway, I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that the source of these e-mails is from your former life on the dark side, rather than from any of your current commenters.
Josh Hueco
As I read that I was waiting for the punchline to be that Obama should deport himself.
The only people willing to work for Repukes anymore are SpamBots.
It’s not me! If I were responsible, I’d be much more likely to sign you up to something genuinely funny, like Camp Camp.
Media Browski
@Josh Hueco: Ditto that. Seems about as blisteringly stupid as any other "issue" they’ve taken up since the election.
Wait until the subscription to ‘Goat Blow’ magazine shows up at your office.
My guess is that in their last throes, PJM sold their mailing list to raise funds.
I want to know who signed me up for the "relatives of Nigerian bankers" email list.
The Other Steve
Doesn’t being President come with certain perks? Like giving immigration status to your relatives.
Or bailing out your son’s S&L?
Fox Newz pushing HARD this canard that there’s no support for this StimPak in the Senate. They’re interviewing a Dem, who’s basically saying, "no, that aint true", just to have the Fox guy ignore it completely and repeat his "it’s dead" talking point.
It’d make a great SNL skit it’s so absurd.
Dr. Bloor:
I see a PJTV ad to the left, ironically enough, telling us about:
No doubt using their death-ray, freeze-ray, and time-travel technologies.
Substitute "Conspiracy" for "Jihad", "Illuminati" for "Islamic" and they could be Birchers worrying Catholics in 1961.
I could be wrong, but I kind of doubt these guys have much credibility when it comes to keeping your e-mail private.
um, does this correlate with about the time that you signed up for the redstate strikeforce?
Hehe, that’s so funny I kind of wish I could claim credit for you receiving that. But, alas, I can not.
Probably through cookies or something like that. I am on one of those odious "Defense of Marriage" e-mail lists. I’ve never signed up for it, but I’m sure NRO got a cookie when I clicked on a link mocking K-Lo at "Sadly, No!" or somewhere like that.
Still, the Defense of Marriage list is very funny, but not in the way they intend.
Really, I just want to give them a sound spanking and send them to their room without dinner. Except they’d probably enjoy the first part…
Thank god their not frittering away their time on something unimportant.
Reverend Dennis
The times they are a changing – not as fast as some of us would wish to be sure. They are changing though and the people who are emailing these screeds are the last to figure that out. As their numbers decrease the toxic vitriol will increase.
Not me, but I was thinking of making a tiny donation to PalinPAC in your name.
It’s too bad I’m not familiar with how this PAC feels vis-a-vis mailing things en masse to people. A little boot would just be the perfect thing to demand that people mail to ICE.
Isn’t it funny that on the one hand the silly wingnuts are "fearful" over an Obama dictatorship where he has all the power, on the other hand they want him to be a dictator and personally kick his aunt out of the country, ICE be damned. Man they are walking talking breathing contradictions.
Joshua Norton
Next they’ll be demanding that Obama deport himself. You only think the birth certificate crap has gone away.
While we’re on the subject of Pajamas Media, does it strike anyone else that their latest foray is rather seriously misguided?
They’re cutting off blog advertising and switching to internet video advertising. In other words, they’re still chasing the same audience – they’ve just decided their previous means of reaching them wasn’t expensive enough.
And someone bought into this? How could this possibly improve revenue?
I swear, these people are deeply stupid.
I usually click on the pajamas media link every time I’m on the site. It means they have to pay Balloon Juice. Win win
Wow! You mean I get to pay to listen to Glenn Reynolds sound like a moron? Where do I sign up?
See, business plans like these from the Right explain how the economy went into the tank.
Ash Can
@Punchy: My favorite was when some Fox "reporter" visited a diner in Pennsylvania during the general campaign and took a hand count of who was voting for Obama and who was voting for McCain. All but one hand up for Obama, one hand up for McCain (and the poor slob’s wife was giving him a hard time about raising his hand). The "reporter" turns back to the camera and says, "So, as you can see, the opinion here is divided–" and you can hear the people in the diner laughing at this fool and yelling, "Divided?!"
dr. bloor
There you go, John. Erikson just sold your name to right-wing spammers for a month’s supply of Cheetos, Mountain Dew and cheat codes to "Duke Nuke’em v. the Left Wing Conspiracy".
Tweren’t I
If’n I were president, I would put a few choice other arrest warrants up ahead of my own aunt.
Just sayin.
The Grand Panjandrum
I din’t do it! But I think I found what the commentariat should pitch in to get you for your birthday.
Behold the Velvet Plumber!
Is this an attempt to affix blame, absolve yourself from personal responsibility, or are you just crying out for more?
Joshua Norton
Especially when you consider that the their new ‘cutting edge’ talking head format has been around since, what, 1949 or so?
I looked at their current offering which appears to be Joke the Plumber going to Washington to show us he knows even less about economic stimulus than he did about Israel.
You can’t make this stuff up.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Holy shit that is awesome.
Grand PJ @ 31
My f’ing goodness gracious sakes. And to think the artist
even thought to have Joe crouching to use what was called in "Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf" the euphemism.
Haven’t seen anything that good in the medium since a Juarez, Mexico market artist changed a Crying Jesus into a Crying Elvis.
@The Grand Panjandrum: I was really afraid to click that, assuming it had to be some sort of sex toy…but I did it anyway, thinking, "Hey, it might be really funny–or useful!"
What I saw there may leave me scarred for life. Damn you. Damn you to heck.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@The Grand Panjandrum: I thinking about a $2 offer for it.
It would make a great dartboard, wouldn’t it?
Joshua Norton
Nothing says "art connoisseur" than something on black velvet. It’s right up there with poker playing dogs and Thomas Kinkade merchandise.
The Grand Panjandrum
I’m telling ya! Look why sign Cole up for stupid mailing lists when we could buy him a present that has REAL meaning and show him some love now that he’s lost his PJ Media gig.
gypsy howell
I think we can all see why Not-Joe-The-Not-Plumber is looking kinda sad and depressed. He looks a little… ummmmm…. saggy and deflated in his man-parts.
@Ash Can:
That wasn’t just ‘some Fox reporter’, that was FNC’s frickin’ DC bureau chief, Brian Wilson. I actually bumped into him on a beach in the panhandle of Florida two years ago. He’s a pimp for the propaganda, but his wife is teh hot.
Speaking of teh hot, what do you think the keyboard commandos are doing over the latest Palin outfit?
Sweet Jeebus, Hillary would be killed for this, ala the ‘cleavage’.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
I like how it’s painted by a Mexican guy, also this line is funny:
Like a good apprentice Joe is in position to test what his master is repairing.
And best of all, it is black on gold.
jibeaux, thanks for reading the fine print. I do not know if the Tijuana school is as fine with their brush as the Juarez academy, but if they cut their teeth on the Lord before moving to Elvis, it will be a treasure even if not in a limited edition. Better than those Cheesy Obama coins.
John Cole
No, it was some jackass who signed me up using the email address listed on this site, rather than my gmail address, which receives everything forwarded from the email on this site.
If I had to bet it was that jackass lonewacko/24ahead.
Wile E. Quixote
Well if you think of them as political submissives it makes sense. They want a leather-clad daddy figure to put a collar on them. make them wear ass-less leather chaps and a ball gag and parade them around in public while whipping them on the ass with a riding crop. And if it’s a big, black, leather-clad daddy figure so much the better. If you doubt this then think back on how rhapsodic the political fetishists of the right were when G.W. Bush was strutting around in his flight suit in front of the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Christ, it was like uniform night at a leather bar.
I’ll almost guarantee that this is a result of you signing up for the Red State Strike Force email list. You seem to have started getting these as soon as you signed up for the RSSF stuff.
Or a bot harvested it from your site.
When will the Obama admin introduce the Mandatory Death Penalty for Virus, Spam and Worm Writers act of 2009?
I think it’s Tunch…
The Moar You Know
Did any of you follow the URL in that eBay ad back to the source?
They’ve got a black velvet painting of George Bush in a flightsuit, I swear to God.
And Reagan. And Jon Benet Ramsey.
I am in awe.I think I need to go lie down.robertdsc
I would imagine the reich-tards would be screaming "executive abuse of power! Impeach!" if Obama intervenes in any way, so it’s curious that these people are asking him to do so.
Moar @ 49
I like the line "No Patriotic American Citizen Should Be Without One." Some asshole is going to print those up in miniature in Tijuana and sell them "papers" to unsuspecting migrants.
Elroy's Lunch
Tunch probably did it ’cause he’s p*ssed off about his new diet…
You can file arrest requests?? I’ve got a lot to file, hoo boy!
The Tim Channel
Today’s example of low-brow British gay bashing comes from Peter Hitchens. He’s becoming afraid of the backlash his very own homophobia is creating. How afraid should he be? Here’s an example of the extremism he’s encountered as a result of his publicly demonizing homosexuals:
Wow. He’s been called RUDE NAMES by the most militant of the Gay army. One is left to wonder how such a devastating attack could still leave him capable of continuing to function? I’d simply assumed that such a vicious and unprovoked response as getting a cold shoulder from the community you are demonizing would leave wounds that took years of painful rehabilitative surgeries. The fact that Mr. Hitchens has shouldered such assaults seemingly unmolested, is a remarkable testament to the durability of his constitution.
The entirety of his nonsense is here if you feel the need for additional edification on the dangers of the INTERNATIONAL gay menace.
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@The Moar You Know:
I think I like the cynical Mexican poker-playing monkey the best, really. I mean, if I had to at gunpoint put one of those on the wall, that one would be it.
Moar @49 was just toying with you. Not only do they have Bush in a flight suit, if you follow the link to the Reagan and Jon Benet portraits you will also see Bush playing cards.
You are a bad, bad man.
Ben Nelson (D-BAG) is going to vote against the StimPak for this reason (according to the tubes): Pell Grants.
The fucker is pissed about college tuition grants. Add Nelson to their football team, basketball team, and Car-Henge on the List of Things That Suck in Nebraska.
Cruel Jest
That’s what you get for making coffee come out my nose on a weekly basis. Ya bastard. Wait til you get the next one.
Oh, and congrats on the Steelers. Not my team, but I’m glad they won. Good game, too. For once.
Laura W
As someone who actually had to sell and then oversee marketing for Monsieur Kinkade in Carmel/Monterey, circa 1991*, which I might add, included the operation, sales and marketing of his One and Only Public Archive full of vintage classics — that Joe the P. masterpiece is far, FAR superior in both quality and talent. (And kudos for spelling TK’s name correctly. Most can’t.)
Did y’all click thru to see that the 13 offers had all been DECLINED? I think me and my *613* positive eBay feedback stars are feeling a little bit of a challenge here.
Then again, John would probably prefer a
Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light
Cottages of Light
Coffee Table Book.
*There was not enough wine on the entire Monterey Peninsula to quell the self-loathing and repressed rage I felt toward my existence in those days. Not that I did not try to procure and consume enough said wine.
Blue Raven
Well, clearly, the lower and middle classes just need to face the fact that their darling children are required to start their post-college careers saddled with a mountain of debt they can’t get out of paying shy of Armageddon.
Laura W
Apparently the moderation filter here is a big Thomas Kinkade fan.
No accounting for taste, I say again today.
Dude, if Obama could achieve this, he would be elected for a third, fourth, fifth and sixth term — Constitutional amendments be darned. Talk about taking down the global terrorist network!
The Grand Panjandrum
@Punchy: Now, now, now. Nebraska is just fine. I still have family there and they are decent folks. Besides with Bo Pellini as the head coach of the football team at my alma mater will soon enough be back in the hunt for a national championship.
Conservatively Liberal
My old landlord was a cheapskate prick who refused to put a penny into his property, even when the foundation was washing out from under the house. We got sick of fighting the mold and the asshole, so we moved into a much better place. His place looked nice but the shortcomings were well hidden (in both the landlord and the house). On top of that, every email I got from him or his wife had Jeebus stuff in it. The only reason we were able to rent the place was because he had a property manager, who he only hired long enough to rent out the place before firing them and having us send the check directly to them, renting out the place for him. When he came up to check the property the first time he found out that I was a DFH and I confirmed that they were fundamentalist wingnut assholes.
When we moved I went ahead and signed him up for tons of free gay pron (and regular pron!), left wing mailings and any other disgusting (to them) stuff I could locate. Shortly after that they sent out a mass email to the people on their mailing list that they were changing their email addy. Since we somehow got an mail with the info, I was kind enough to go renew his free stuff for him! This happened two more times before we quit hearing from him.
Laura W
@Conservatively Liberal: You are very, very naughty.
I likes that in a person.