Michael Kinsley’s definition of a gaffe:
A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth.
Republican House Pete Sessions today:
Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban,” Sessions said during a meeting yesterday with Hotline editors. “And that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person’s entire processes. And these Taliban — I’m not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that’s not what we’re saying. I’m saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with.
I guess it’s not technically a gaffe since he said “I’m not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban.” But it’s certainly something like one.
This is why Obama doesn’t stand a chance of beating the right-wing message machine.
Remember, though, there are a lot of serious, bipartisan-minded people in the Taliban.
What do you fucking do at this point? Short of rounding up the Republican Caucus and throwing them in Gitmo, I honestly have no solution to this problem.
Josh Hueco
"I’m not trying to say the Republican Party is a bunch of bitter, revanchist religious nuts."
Joshua Norton
And I’m not sayin’ they are the Taliban, I’m just sayin’ we should treat them like the Taliban.
I think there once was, but were cooked and eaten for Allah.
Limbauger Cheese , Buy American
Joshua Norton
Next talking point:
Obama has to appoint a conservative judge to the SCOTUS to replace Ginsberg. Just to prove he’s bipartisan. Maybe Newt Gingrich?
I’m just saying…..
So they are not the Taliban… they just aspire to be like them?
You go on TV. You tell the America public "Look, we tried to treat these people like adults and work together. And they said that they are going to be insurgents, an American Taliban. So now, we’re freezing them out of the national conversation." Then you pass legislation, with the debate between Blue Dogs and liberal Democrats. You slot the Republican’s speaking time on the floor for 2:00 AM, and you treat them like the petulant children they are in the media. And you recommend to their constituents that, if they insist on Republican representation, they throw these fools out and elect someone who will actually work with the Democratic majority, because these guys aren’t going to get ANY traction.
In other words, you take your balls out of the safe deposit box, dust ’em off, and use ’em.
Hey, does anyone know if we are still paying $25,000 reward for information on the Taliban and supporters?
Joshua Norton
Or at least get some Truck Nutz. You can order them over the Internets if you’re too embarrassed to ask for them in person.
I think Republicanism needs to be in the DSM-V.
If a dem ever said this shit during republican rule he probably would have been removed on some sort of ethics charge. If not jailed for treason.
That’s about right.
And truth be told, it would be a fucked up thing for anyone to say about the US government (at least unless Palin somehow gets in, then all bets are off). I mean, I hated the Bush administration with the core of my being, and never once did it occur to me to look at things from quite that perspective.
They’re the Taliban, huh? So the GOP derives most of its income from heroin sales? Somehow, I’m not surprised.
Jon H
Via Gawker, the story behind Sara Palin’s choice of the name "Bristol" is that during Palin’s sportscaster days she wanted to work for ESPN. But then she found out she’d have to move to Bristol, CT, where ESPN is based. So she gave that up, and instead named her kid Bristol.
It’s funny, because Keith Olbermann said on air that Bristol is the most god-forsaken place on Earth.
Can we follow SOP for dealing with Taliban forces and drop bunker busters on GOP Senator homes?
I hear France found a solution that involved slabs of metal coming down and a new industry in woven baskets.
former capitalist
Sessions was cut off by an aide who stepped in and said that Sessions really didn’t mean to equate Republicans with the Taliban. Who knows what the idiot would have said if he hadn’t been saved by the staff member.
Jon H
@TenguPhule: "Can we follow SOP for dealing with Taliban forces and drop bunker busters on GOP Senator homes?"
And wedding parties.
former capitalist
I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the Revolution would not have looked kindly on Senator Sessions’ comment. Robespierre, where are ye?
If you’ve always been issuing Fatwah’s against Liberals, then you may be Taliban-ish.
Catpain Haddock
And just like the Taliban – made of a bunch of bitter, closeted nut jobs who hate themselves and women.
@former capitalist:
That suggests a strategy. We need to convince the competent staff members, the ones shielding their semi-sane bosses from the real world (or vice versa), to move on to greener pastures. Let the wingnuttery be exposed in all its full glory.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
@Jon H: My big flat Afghan wedding!
@former capitalist:
I read the damn thing 3 times & don’t understand what he said before he was cut off.
Makes no sense, and then, what the hell are the rules he’s talking about at the end?
Amazing. And these are the drool-cup idiots the Dems typically cave to. While sagely raising an eyebrow intoning their mantras “You pick yer battles,” and “Keep yer powder dry.”
With these majorities AND the presidency, if they say that one more time just shoot the bastards and piss in their powder. Darwin needs your support.
The Populist
Actually Obama will. He will be on TV promoting the Stimulus and explaining WHY we need this. Good for him.
As for Sessions, hey asswipe…I’d call you Rep or Mr. Sessions but you blew that bit of respect out of the water. So if the GOP aren’t the Taliban, but they use their tactics, how are you not comparing the two? Either you are LIKE the Taliban or you aren’t.
What is with these idiots and their ilk? I promise you had a Dem said something stupid like this, the GOP would have beaten them to death with it via their right wing media.
If his constituents make excuses for this fucktard then they deserve all the economic pain and the shitstorm coming their way. I, for one, am tired of feeling empathy for people who vote against their own financial self interests (and the country’s at large) so they can feel better that their rep is anti-abortion, pro-guns and hate liberals.
Where is that pastry donut logo when you need it?
I suggest a "Pete Sessions Most Like the Taliban Award" for the wingnuttiest comment of the week. Maybe someone could put his likeness on a pic with the appropriate garb.
@Catpain Haddock:
Taliban have balls. I may not like the religious nutjobs, but if you’re willing to live in a cave day-to-day while building up a rebel army to oust the last world Superpower from your nation’s borders, I’ll respect you for your chutzpah.
Sessions has no balls. He’d have a face full of Limbaugh dong if the man so much as blinked at him. He’s the leashed dog of my state’s oil industry. Frankly, I find the idea that he would compare himself favorably to the Taliban as an insult to Taliban insurgents everywhere. The man wouldn’t last a cold night in the Afghan mountains.
He’ll fold like the bitch he is the moment he gets a good kick.
John Cole
Am I the only one who remembers right-wingers freaking out when they were referred to as the “American Taliban…”
Someone google that. Could be fun.
The Populist
I want to see Michelle "Send em all to Gitmo!" Malkin call out Fuckwad Sessions. This is the problem with these people. They get their panties all twisted when they think Dems hate Bush 24/7, yet can’t see that disliking a President for his lame policy is not the same thing as calling somebody a terrorist, socialist, communist, foreign mole, secret muslim, Manchurian Candidate, etc.
See, righties, you lose the debate when you talk about stupid shit that can be disproven. You get all worked up when a dem says something smart that questions your stance yet you run with nothing but stale talking points and no real insight.
Yep, they sure do like to be bombastic.
John Cole
Also, does this mean we get to shoot them?
The Populist
The Populist
Also, does this mean we get to shoot them?
Nah, I don’t want to shoot them, I just want to call them the traitors.
You know as bad as this was did any one else catch Mona Charen on Stephanie Miller today? Oh dear. Mona has issues. Serious issues.
These people are just nuts. And don’t get me started about Huckleberry Graham today.
Pass me whatever they are smoking.
Srsly? These people are comparing themselves to the Taliban? And these are the people who are daring to place Queen Sarah Palin at the throne of their party for the next 8 years? Srsly? Damn and I was getting worried and all that.
@demkat620: Oh, come on, kat…dish. Some of us were at work.
former capitalist
You know, I’ve been on this blog almost all day and I’ve about had it. Can we just get the pitchforks out and get this over with?
The two beers I’ve had aren’t helping at all. I think I’ll go get a few benzos and an ambien out of the cupboard and think good thoughts for a while.
John, maybe we need a "good things only" open thread.
former capitalist
Why is my comment awaiting moderation? I was trying to be nice!
Soo, is this terrorist-sympathizer comment going to get some serious airplay??
Didn’t think so.
Well, I don’t like to gossip but…
Mona is very upset about Rep Linda Sanchez D-CA who is 40, pregnant, and engaged. Mona wrote some screed comparing Rep Sanchez to the Octuplet mom and Steph invited her on to explain herself.
Mona feels that the moment Rep Sanchez found out she was pregnant she lost her right to the wedding of her choice and should have hauled her irresponsible self off to a Justice of the Peace. It went down hill from there and eventually wound up with Stephanie reminding Mona that Murphy Brown was a TV character.
Yes, she went there.
@former capitalist:
Nothing to do with being nice. Spam filter doesn’t like certain words like "penis extension" or something similar.
see what I mean. the P E word is certain mod death.
This will make sense when my previous comment is released from the mod dungeon.
Laura W
Obama is about to speak on CNN re. the economy. (C-Span too.)
I second the "Happy Things Only" open thread.
(Edit: Happy Thing: watching Pres Obama walk up the steps to Air Force One for the first time. Gorgeous image of his back in his coat, all stately and elegant, against the dusk sky. Can’t wait to see the still shots.)
Neither is this half-bottle of red wine I got on sale. And drinking & dialing has run it’s course already – stay.away.from.teh.intertubes.and.all.things.media/political
Lancelot Link
if you recall, conservative Republicans were supporting the Taliban until late 2001….
Ed Marshall
Yeah, um…
I had more than a few really uncharitable thoughts about the Bush administration. When my cousin died in Iraq in 2004, I had a recurring fantasy that involved Donald Rumsfeld’s bronzed head appearing on a pike staring into the Capitol from the top of the steps.
I never, ever, ever, sat around trying to think of myself as the Taliban and how I could model an insurgency against the Bush administration. I know anarchist radicals who don’t believe in any politics except direct action and I never heard any of *them* sit around and bullshit like this.
kommrade reproductive vigor
He sounds ripe for recruitment by Red State Trike Farce.
Everyone go back up to Shygetz at 7. It’s teh answer.
I have spoken! (well, written…)
Rome Again
That’s the best solution I’ve heard so far. Can we then get them all rendered incompetent and replace them with people who actually CARE about the future of this country? Pleeeeeeeeze?
Remember that David Broder and Richard Cohen are big fans of the Taliban.
bob h
But the Republicans, the Taliban, and al Qaeda are all nihilists. Destroy everything, then rise from the ashes is the strategy.
I’d say that since the moderate members of the Taliban already have at least plurality support for Obama’s agenda, we ought to triangulate and try to co-opt their base. Let’s just rewrite the funding for "contraceptives" to read "stoning of non-virgins" and move on to tackling the Real Problems.