So far in the Pro Bowl, Chris Collinsworth has informed the viewers that despite the Steelers victory, what we should really focus on is how remarkable it would have been had Arizona finished the comeback, how remarkable the story would have been if Warner had won, and that if he had a vote for Defensive MVP, he would not have voted for James Harrison.
Why this guy still has a job is beyond me. And for those of you who do not understand what I am ranting about, having Chris Collinsworth do color for a football game that has anyone from the Steelers in it is like having Rush Limbaugh doing play-by-play for the NOW annual meeting.
Except that NOW is an organization dedicated to improving the quality of women’s lives, not a for-profit sports and entertainment concern?
Sam Wilkinson
Steelers fans have got to be the sorest winners in sports. For Christ’s sake, you won the game – how can you continue to be angry? And what is the solution, re-animate Myron Cope so everybody else in America watching the game can chuck their remotes at the television and say "Who in the hell is this unintelligible zombie?"
Good God, Steelers Nation has got to be the most paranoid, bitter, and defensive collection of fans supporting a team that just won a championship…
John Cole
The more ridiculous thing Collinsworth has said all day is that if a player for the Cardinals, Antrel Rolle, wouldn’t have been on the sideline that Larry Fitzgerald would have stopped Harrison from scoring because he wouldn’t have had to slow down when he ran into his teammate. He said this as if it was the Rolle who was in the wrong place standing on the sideline when he wasn’t in the game, rather than Larry Fitzgerald who took the coward’s way out so he couldn’t get blocked and willingly ran out of bounds so he could try to get to Harrison unmolested. What a dumbass Collinsworth is.
John Cole
Sam- If the Steelers had lost, or had they not even made it into the Super Bowl, he would be trashing them in some other way. Polamalu wouldn;t be good enough, or something. I know the mere mention of the word Steelers sends you into convulsions, but this is about Collinsworth being worthless and a jackass.
Sam Wilkinson
But Collinsworth is neither of those things – he just isn’t liked by Steelers fans. Just like Joe Buck isn’t liked by Red Sox fans. Just like Harry Caray isn’t liked by Cardinals fans. Where on Earth are broadcasting companies supposed to find sports broadcasters that are liked by everybody?
Sam Wilkinson
Or Collinsworth could have pointed out that the Cardinals likely would have gotten Harrison had it not been for the blatant clipping call that the officials missed on the play. You guys won. Just remind yourself of that.
Sam –
I’m sure the Steelers are livid about winning 6 superbowls. But of course they only won because:
– Jackie dropped the ball.
– The refs gave it to them.
– Harrison got lucky.
– Brady was injured.
I’ve been hearing about how the Steelers shouldn’t have won the Superbowl since the 70’s. Collingsworth is a d-bag and a hater. eff him. 6. Eat it.
Just Some Fuckhead
The James Harrison sketch last night on SNL was crying funny.
joe from Lowell
Does anyone else think that footage of the Steelers’ offensive backfield during pass plays would make a great Bennie Hill sketch?
Cut the theme music: Big Benny is gonna run around! Somebody rip off that cheerleader’s uniform in one motion.
If the NAG gang can’t handle the heat, they should get out of the kitchen… oh, wait, the NAGs are already out of the kitchen… heh.
random asshole
Collinsworth still has a job because NFL Network would look awfully foolish if they had fired both Collinsworth AND Bryant Gumbel at the same time. And they already look pretty stupid based on the fact that it took them so long to get rid of Gumbel.
I believe that Collinsworth is the fairest of all football commentators. I enjoy the points that he makes; he is very insightful. John Cole wears black and gold sunglasses (and underwear, when he is not going commando).
John, I’m really glad that you’ve come around to supporting Cheney’s position on football and American freedom.
Wait. This isn’t the *pro-torture* open thread? Nevermind.
OK, the Castrol commercial with the Scottish guy whipping random people with his dipstick is all levels of win.
Comrade Kevin
People actually watch the Pro Bowl?
Bob In Pacifica
Geez, John, no wonder you were a Republican for so many years. You’re team is world champion and you’re angry at Chris Collinsworth?
Go Niners! Viva Viagra!
By the way, I thought they don’t broadcast the Pro Bowl anymore. Must be on the NFL Network.
I’m not pro- or anti-Steelers, but yes, Collinsworth is a clueless jackass.
Jay Severin Has A Small Pens
Collinsworth is a Jackass.
But no more so than Dan Marino.
When the Patriots were on an insane 22 game winning streak back in 2003-2004, Marino picked them to lose EVERY WEEK. Even to the lowly teams that the Pats blew out. When the Pats finally lost…which was to the Steelers, I believe, he sat there so smugly with a smirk on his face saying "See I told you so".
All NFL sportscasters should register their picks every week. At the end of the season, if they are UNDER .500, they should be forbidden from covering the playoffs. Let those jackasses live up to their picks.
Ed in NJ
I’m guessing Collinsworth:Steelers as Aikman:Giants. Take solice in knowing their preferred team sucks.
A requirment for being a sportscaster these days appears to be being a maroon.
Howard Cosell (to pick one) could be irritating, but at least he did his homework.
Curt Gowdy and Chris Economaki, to pick two others, were not irritating and also did their homework.
Then there was the Diz. He was one of a kind.
John O
Why anyone watches the Pro Bowl and gets worked up about the commentary is beyond me.
collingsworth is a tool but he provided some relief for us cardinal fans.
fitzgerald winning the mvp was great (as he should have done in the SB also) and he put up a good presentation of a great WR who is not a prima donna when interviewed.
Color commentary across the board is ill-informed, overladen with useless trivia, and performed by yahoos who couldn’t talk their way out of a mime protest. (thinks it over) Wait, that might not be a good metaphor there…
Anywho, just do what everyone else sane on the planet does: turn off the tv volume, turn on the radio, and listen to the radio commentators while you watch. They do a better job because they have to.
I just had ankle surgery and I was stranded at home with Percocet and the remote, so bored that I actually watched the Pro Bowl.
Listening to Collinsworth made me forget about the pain in my ankle, because the pain in my brain made me weep.
There has to be at least one credible color person for NBC to roll out there besides the dried up remains of John Madden’s last hot fudge sundae and the can of hairspray that is Chris Collinsworth.
"Hey, can I interupt the game to tell you more about myself?"
terry chay
A lot of analysts have their biases. Collinsworth clearly has some hate on the Steelers, but given the background of most booths: Bradshaw, Cowher, Swann, Marino, Mariotti, Dennis Miller, etc. (I know I’m missing A LOT of others). He’s a bit overmatched.
The fact that he’s wrong makes it all the sweeter.
Let him have his hate.
I’ll take the six.
Anyone else shocked that Madden doesn’t hate the Steelers?
This is like a bad game of charades. "Okay, professional team, national champions, fans still bitching AFTER they won the championship…Steelers! That was too easy!"
I’m with calling out the whiners, er Steeler fans. Steelers won, they got a couple of good breaks, including a gimme interception by Warner (throwing into the middle of the field? Uh, no), and a great runback by Harrison (not to mention the convoy of blockers he received). A push out on t/Steelers’ last TD and we’d be talking about the Cards improbable win (well, maybe, Steelers had a chance to tie on a FG).
Face it, two or three plays one way or another and the Steelers lose and Steeler fans would be complaining about how they were robbed, just like Card fans (oh wait, what Card fans? or if they are any, they’re not being vocal about their complaints). As a Giants fan, I’m more than willing to admit that a couple of lucky (or luck-filled) plays helped the Giants win t/SB last year, so why can’t you? Only time you can’t claim that is when the SB is a blow-out.
Look, minus Collingsworth’s obvious (and warranted) bias against t/Steelers, but did you manage to notice that his commentary about t/SB just rubbed salt in the wounds of the Cards (players and, er fans)? When he’s not talking about t/Steelers, Collingsworth is usually pretty solid as a commentator, certainly better than Madden who should have been put out to pasture ten years ago.
What am I hoping for? A Steeler-G-Men SB next year, with the G-Men spanking t/Steelers and all their whiny fans.
Until then, enjoy those six SBs (oh wait, what’s that, you’ve only won two SBs in three decades?) because it’s going to be a while before you win another one.
Cornelius – G-men get back to SB when Plex is paroled. Can we give you another future con? 6. Eat it.
I’m calling BS on this one. BIG TIME BS.
Steelers fans get the love, the rings, the players, so STFU. Try being a Seahawk fan and you’ll see what I mean. Hell, even Obama was rooting for the Steelers so no bitching is allowed.
BTW, you guys STOLE our one shining chance at a championship in 2005 when the refs made the shittiest calls in an NFL game since time began and gave you the win. You don’t get to bitch about anything again EVER.
Yeah, I’m still bitter about that one.
Eat this.
Good one and touché.
If you insist…