The pets say you have spent too much time at the computer. Go for a walk or something:
Claim your pets, folks, and don’t forget about CBS Sunday Morning.
*** Update ***
What the hell? We have a fraud. Someone sent the peeing puppy in as their own pet, when it has been making the rounds of the internet for some time.
Michael D.
Too many kitties. I know there are more dog people here than this!
I’m going to post this again here because it’ll get buried in the Saturday night thread and I find it interesting.
One thing I didn’t know about the budget bill until yesterday is that it does require 60 votes to pass and that has nothing to do with filibustering and everything to do a budget rule the Senate passed in the 70s. Every now and then the GOS is good for something.
Once you know that, the compromises make more sense.
Laura W
The puppy is killing me. That’s my Sadie, refreshing BJ on Inauguration Morning. (She’s the one that’s still alive.)
I’ll be over at MTP (until I can bear it no longer) since CBS Sun. doesn’t have much on I care to watch. After that, the walk with the dawg. I am going to pass on George & Company because I HAVE NOT SEEN TOP CHEF from last week yet and I can tape it at 11am while I walk.
Pretty morning in progress…
Kitteh in #3 is a sell out. Blatant product placement! Capitalist
Well I’ll be damned.
Now why the fuck didn’t I already know that from reading the NYT? Media fail.
Laura W
@SGEW: Sadie says if you turn this into a Mac v. PC thread she takes no responsibility for the fallout.
(Oh. Maybe you meant her taste in web sites?)
Don’t get me started! Why won’t Bethesda put out Fallout 3 for the Mac? (weeps in anguish)
We all know that you’re on the Cole Dole.
That pic number three? Those glasses? I have them in pink. Somebody else has good taste. :)
OMFG! That is a JRT pup pissing on the keyboard. LMAO! Do your parents have a compooter? If so, better warn them.
That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in a good while.
@SGEW: You didn’t read that because the NYT is busy trying to make us feel sorry for those victimized by that $500k cap
Pardon me as I take this open thread as an opportunity to spread around some morning reading:
Jack Balkin drops some learning on the current political scene, from a modern constitutional viewpoint:
Steven Walt at ForeignPolicy has a compelling insight into how one should properly measure Obama’s administrative competence:
And, as a piquant end note, one of Will Wilkinson’s commenters dug up this lovely Paul Krugman quote:
N.B.: That’s from 2001, when Prof. Krugman was talking about Bush. "Oh snap!" says Wilkinson.
btw, looks like puppy is pissing on a bathroom computer – check the background – some people just don’t know when to quit
kid bitzer
dat’s a wiwwy cute puppy!
too bad it’s shorting out the mother-board with a highly concentrated solution of electrolytes.
Hey those are my two cats lounging all over my computer!
LOL, thanks for that John, good chuckle.
The peeing puppy one has been doing the rounds for quite some time:
Cute pets but puppy on the keyboard is teh real pisser. Too funny, especially the look in his little eyes. Wondering if he’s going to get in trouble, but nope, mom is laughing uproariously and taking picture. Must be cute. He’ll probably try it again someday… just saying.
kid bitzer
you mean i’ve been duped by a duplicate pup?
now i’m mad. in fact, i think it’s worse than just a floating photo–i think that pup was photo-shopped into that picture!
do you notice how the shadows don’t align? also, the exhaust trails look identical! furthermore, if you blow up the screen, you’ll see kerning!
this is more of your liberal media, people! it’s time to fight back!
The puppy peeing on a laptop just killed me. Guess he figured the best way to win back some attention (pee on the object that sometimes gets more).
SGEW: The NYT is not responsible for whatever it is that you do not know.
Dogs: You are smarter than cats. But cats fake it better.
Puppy: Can I conjure happiness from physical things?
other: You can try.
Puppy: This experience made me weak willed and afraid
other: With this effort you will come up short every time.