The NRCC Twitter feed (on the right-hand corner here) has only 1349 followers. That’s approximately the number of Republican staffers in the House. It means that no one whose job doesn’t require them to follow the feed is following it.
This is the only Twitter feed that I follow. It updates with about the same frequency as the NRCC one.
You can’t spell Twitter without Twit.
joe from Lowell
Oh, that’s so pathetic.
This is like when they had a Congressional Committee of some sort on Second Life. You want to know why no one showed up for that (except a naked guy, a space alien, and two furries making out a corner)? Because NO ONE USES YOUR CRAPWARE! Twitter sucks. Second Life sucks. Please use apps that don’t suck. Thank you. That is all.
Are you going to give us the address for your Twitter feed, DougJ?
I think it’s about time that Batman had a new arch villain to knock heads with.
The Twitterer — Twitter me this, Twitter me that. Make Dick Cheney the first to act the part in the next film, and wingnut’s will love themselves once again.
I don’t even really understand what Twitter is.
That’s why I could never run the NRCC.
I follow some Rs that I oppose. It’s interesting to see what they’re up to. I’m not sure it’s safe to assume all of those followers are supporters.
BTW, I think the Rs are really trying to work Twitter. First they were tweeting in the dark on the House floor.
Also, it wasn’t long ago that Hoekstra was tweeting live updates regarding his Iraq trip even though apparently the military would prefer to keep such things on the DL for security reasons.
And, some Rs have noticed that I follow other Rs, so they have started following me; which I must believe is an attempt to get me to reciprocate by following them.
Speaking of sad, the House passed the stim pack today. In a shocking development, all the the Republicans voted no. Again.
Country First, indeed.
Twitter is so important to the NRCC that their web page is literally that: one page. They’re on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and YouTube, but they can’t build a web site.
Joshua Norton
U cain’t espect us reel Americun peeple to unnerstan them stoopid libtard computin masheens. Ain’t thayz ony uzed in space ships?
It’s fast becoming a breeding ground for neocon misinformation to propagate. Like talk radio. It needs more liberals.
Funny, that’s the only Twitter feed I follow too…
Regardless of their interon base, the current minority party has been more effective in the last month than Democrats have been in the last eight years.
I’m pretty sure Wil Wheaton has a larger Twitter following that the NRCC… I know Stephen Fry does.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
@SpotWeld: Twhirl says Wheaton has "90 friends, 80432 followers, 4201 tweets".
Synchronistically, I just started following him today.
Twitter is full of neocons? Why do I only find Trekkers? Lots and lots of Trekkers.
Also, if you aren’t following TheBloggess you are really missing out. That’s how I found out about Zombie Jane Austen and Italian Spider Man.
We are the nerd collective, resistance is futile.
(No really, it is)
Grumpy Code Monkey
My Hero Ted Dziuba’s take on Twitter:
Ted’s sort of the Matt Taibbi of the tech media.
Steve V
Shaq’s twitter feed is fuckin awesome.
Blue Raven
Boy, Zifnab, you just keep pissing on two of my favorite time-wasters, K? Apparently, I’m running low on schadenfreude, and seeing people get that pissy about things that don’t hurt them personally just gives me warm squishies inside.