Those of you determined to lose weight start dieting tomorrow will love this.
3 tbs butter
1 tbs salt
1/2 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp nutmeg
dash of cayenne pepper
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup whole milk
1.5 lb haddock filets, cooked and flaked (I baked for 20 min at 330, with bread crumbs on top to capture flavor)
3 tbs dry sherry
2 large egg yolks
4 puff pastry shells
Melt the butter on low in a medium pan. Add flour, salt, paprika, nutmeg, cayenne pepper and stir until smooth and bubble. Gradually add cream and milk. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly.
Whisk egg yolks and sherry in a bowl, then add 1/3 of the hot mix. Return to the saucepan and cook for 2 min. Add fish and cook for 1 min. until hot.
Serve over baked pastry shells (brush them with egg yolks before baking, 375 for 10-12 min, for a nice finish).
Happy valentine’s day.
Forgot to quantify the flour. I added one tablespoon at the beginning and about another half tablespoon as the sauce thickened.
Sounds good. Too many ingredients though.
In other news, watching a rerun of Leverage on TNT (rainy here). It’s not all that good despite getting " three and a half out of four stars from USA Today."
John Cole
Is no one else upset they killed Dorfman last night?
Just looking at that photo makes me lose my appetite.
@John Cole: Haven’t watched it yet. Thanks.
Actually, I seem to have lost interest in Monk as all the new episodes are sitting on my DVR unwatched.
Brick Oven Bill
I agree with MTmofo. These colors are terrible. I believe I have told the story of the really bad military cook we experienced called ‘Mac’, who was banned from the enlisted mess for his own safety, after he was caught popping zits on his back while serving cheeseburgers.
The SOS pictured above looks like something Mac would serve, in my opinion.
A proper meal is a nicely browned piece of meat, a light starch, and a colorful vegetable, perhaps with a salad. This meal format is inexpensive, healthy, tasty, and visually appealing.
Robin G.
It looks good to me, for what it’s worth. Sadly I’ve lost my ability to eat rich foods (I suffered dearly for a dish of dulce de leche ice cream last night), or I’d be all over that.
What do you do with the leftover egg whites?
I’m serious; this always bugs me in recipes.
I can’t do fish. I’ll order it in a restaurant, but I can’t bear having the smell of it in my own house (exception: shrimp in jambalaya). We tried to go on a salmon kick but between the smell and having cats wrapped round my ankles I gave up. Even having the windows open didn’t help.
Tonight’s meal was ace, though: roast beef with a rosemary-horseradish crust, steamed carrots, broccoli, asparagus, homemade Yorkshire pudding and gravy. The broccoli and asparagus were from my neighbor’s allotment (I swapped her for herbs) and both were divine. For dessert, a heap of fresh berries, torn mint leaves, and cream with chocolate shavings.
Dat’s a-funny, I have a haddock, too.
@Linkmeister: Leftover egg whites can be frozen and then just thaw them in the fridge and add to an omelette or something. (Yolks don’t do as well)
@John Cole: Last nights episode did not record, so I have not watched it yet. It just seems wrong for Monk to kill off a semi-regular. Law and Order is famous for that.
(Shocked tone): "Have you looked in that freezer?"
Seriously, thanks. Didn’t know they could be frozen without harm.
Linkmeister- frozen whites are great for fat-free meringue cookies and toppings. Tip- when making meringue, make sure your whites are room temp and your bowl and beaters are completely dry.
RobinG- have you tried Lactaid?
Brick Oven Bill
The strength of a wastewater stream is measured by a parameter called “5-Day Biological Oxygen Demand”, or, more loosely, “BOD”. This measures the amount of Oxygen that is used by micro-organisms as they break down human waste. The more oxygen used, the stronger the waste was to start out with.
So why 5 days? Why not 7 days? There are two answers to this question.
The first is that 5 days is the amount of time it took for water to originate in the English hills, and end up in the open water. The scientific concern was methemoglobinemia among the English population from drinking stinky water at the time.
But the second reason ties right in with oil shale. Biological oxygen demand is from the bugs eating sewage. But after 5 days you get carbonaceous oxygen demand (COD), which overwhelms BOD. Perhaps there was divine intervention as to the length of English rivers.
COD ties right back to oil shale as oil shale is simply carbon that was protected from oxidation by sediment. So the energy that would have otherwise been released through the COD process to the atmosphere, was instead preserved as a hydrocarbon for our use through diagenesis, hundreds of millions of years ago, in the sediments of an ancient freshwater sea, in the American West. Everything ties in together, when you think about it.
Anyway, this meal with the bad colors would create a strong wastewater stream with high BOD.
dan robinson
That sounds pretty good. Can I buy life insurance on you? I see a coronary in your future and it looks like a good bet.
@Linkmeister: Visitors recently laughed at the contents of my freezer, soups, wines, homemade pesto and tomato sauces, etc. As long as the power doesn’t go out, I’m set for the great economic downfall. FYI, leftover wine freezes and can be added to sauces or other dishes.
Zuzu's Petals
Waiting for a yummy vegetarian recipe to be pictured/posted. I realize this might not be the most appreciative audience, though.
It looks like somebody puked on their dinner rolls
Leftover wine? Didn’t know there was such a thing!
joe from Lowell
Oddly enough, I find myself in need of a haddock recipe this weekend.
Thanks, Balloon Juice!
The food looks great to me. I think I gained three pounds just reading the recipe though.
And I missed Monk last night. They killed Dorfman? Not that he’s an integral part of the show, but I’m sad about it. He was irritating but still endearing somehow. And death is so permanent. Wonder why they didn’t just send him off on a long trip.
That was my first impression of the picture also.
"Nice dinner, but somebody apparently already ate it."
Anyway, please don’t agree with me. It’s embarassing.
For me, I mean.
main page doesn’t say how much flour. basically it’s white sauce though, should be equal butter and flour.
Vegetarians could do a very nice variant using mushrooms or a soy product instead of fish.
joe from Lowell
Was that supposed to be a teaspoon of salt, instead of a table spoon?
It came out well, but a little salty.