Rich Lowry, writing at K-Lo’s House of Crazy:
I got blowback today from Arnold’s office saying it’s wrong to say (as I did in my column) that he wanted a bailout because he explicitly said he didn’t. On January 26, I’m informed, the governor said…
So, Arnold opposes a bailout of California—as long as he gets lots of federal money while opposing a bailout.
That sounds a lot like someone publicly stating they were opposed to money for a bridge to nowhere, saying “thanks, but no thanks,” and taking that money anyway. And we all know the hard-hitting diatribes Lowry launched at her:
I’m sure I’m not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, “Hey, I think she just winked at me.” And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America.
Sorry, Arnold. You just aren’t Rich’s type.
(Picture lifted without shame or permission from Rumproast.)
Ned R.
My little starburst just turned into a black hole looking at that. (Is that the point of singularity Instapundit always talks about?)
The Other Steve
ABC had a post up yesterday listing all the Republican congress critters who were praising the stimulus spending back home, while having voted against it.
Joshua Norton
WTF are they talking about? Ahnold was worried that the money from the feds would be cut if the state budget fix wasn’t passed in time.
They obviously have him mixed up with welfare queen Mark Sanford from South Carolina.
These are the two most awesome quotes of the wing-nut era. Question is, which is the best?
Comrade Stuck
Was just watching Clyburn excoriate these shit ass governers playing politics with money to help poor people,, providing examples where they eagerly took deficit spent fed money for other projects. CNN had a map up of the Gang of Four southern Governers Sanford, Barbour, Perry, Jindal, all, I believe, potential wingnut candidates for preznit 2012.
Luckily, dems in congress foresaw this douchebaggery coming and put a provision in the Stim Bill that allows the State Legislatures to over ride sorry GOP govs. I guess with Arnie, we can make it the Gang of at least five. Dems doing things right and explaining it on teevee. Maybe the times they are a changin’
Proving, once again, that it’s incredibly easy to get a man to think with his dick in lieu of even contemplating making up an excuse as to why he’s not using his brain.
Comrade Stuck
Starbursts, bouncing around room. double hey! Some of us reached for the Bug Spray and kilt the little fuckers.
Michael D.
Off topic, but kinda funny…
Sean Hannity recommends to the millions in his audience to invest with Allen Stanford.
@Comrade Stuck: Oh, Arnie’s not going to turn down the cash–that money is built into the next budget. He’s just going to try to play the "it’s a bad idea, but we’re paying the bill anyway, so we might as well take the money" card.
Comrade Stuck
None of them will turn it down in the end, unless their State Legislators also do. They all have a free pass to wingnut away.
The stupid is going to kill us all.
Comrade Stuck
Hmm. I wonder if the Swiss realize that we’ve invaded countries over less. A LOT less…
@Martin: The Swiss have an entire series of underground bunkers to which the citizens can retreat in the event of invasion. What, do you think the citizens of the CH are just some pikers? They live next to Germany!
Edit: Plus, they can say "Bring ’em on" in five languages (and they smoke marijuana, that’s cheating!). Plus, fun fact!: Women didn’t get the right to vote until 1973!
Thanks Joshua, I read that as well and said to myself .. "bullshit."
He explicitly called for the deficit bill to be passed because of the Federal funding, in fact, he did it a day after state Dem leaders and Sen. Boxer said nearly the same thing.
And now that I’m too lazy to dig through my own stuff, I am almost sure that in early February he was more than willing to accept Federal dollars because it would keep major public works projects from shutting down.
Mike in NC
Via Andrew Sullivan:
More performance art from K-Lo at NRO…
Via Sully (also keeping an eye on the House of Crazy):
Who needs congress?
Yes, beware that "executive power" stuff… it MAY be a bad thing!
Ah, today’s GOP…never a true word spoken.
I wonder if average Republicans have figured out that the GOP is running a classic bait and switch on them–they talk tough about the things they care about with no intention of doing them, then they let the Dems stop them before attacking said Democrats for their "irresponsibility". The only thing keeping the GOP from a full reckoning from their constituents is that they know the system well enough to bullshit about it.
I sometimes hear Democrats saying that Harry Reid should have called Bill Frist’s bluff and eliminated the filibuster. But that would never have happened, as I’m pretty sure Frist would have backed down. After all, with a 55-seat GOP majority and no filibuster there would have been nothing stopping Republicans from banning abortion, right? (Aside from a generation in the political wilderness for Republicans, and the loss of power was what they most feared.) I doubt the Supreme Court would have stopped them, in any event. The filibuster is never going away because Republicans love it so much–they love it when they’re using it, but also when the Dems are using it so that they can insulate themselves from charges of stringing the base along.
And that’s the same thing going on here. Republicans these days can’t be honest, aside from a few quirky outliers like Charlie Crist who have little future in the GOP for that very reason. Forget Saturday Night Live–if you want to understand Republican strategy for winning voters, just watch Chicago . It’s Richard Gere’s strategy precisely.
Wile E. Quixote
@Joshua Norton
That op-ed piece is teh awesome. I’ve been waiting for someone to just start hammering the shit out of the filthy reds for their federal welfare sucking ways and I hope that this is just the beginning of a trend. Everyone should go read it and anyone who is on a mailing list from their wingnut friends and relatives should go ahead and forward that to all of them. Thanks for posting the link. OK, I’m going to get on the elliptical trainer and see if I can work the coffee off now, for some reason two bottles of diet coke and a quad shot mocha is hitting me harder this afternoon than it usually does. It must be the sunny weather in Seattle.
I’d ask "Who gives a flying fuck what Rich Lowry says?" if it weren’t for the fact that they have his "column" in my local paper a couple times a week (if you can believe it they swapped him for K-Lo). How is it these hose monkeys keep cluttering up our medias and our tubes?
Notorious P.A.T.
I agree, it’s a tough call. I’m going to go with Buttmissile’s blurb because it’s just so much more deluded. I mean, I can understand someone getting hot under the collar at the thought of Sarah Palin smiling at them. If she’s your kind of lady, then knock yourself out. But calling George W a "genius"? That’s just sheer madness.
The idea of a member of the Republican base figuring *anything *out is pretty hilarious, at least to me.
Ahab doesn’t know the half of it. The last Swiss canton to grant women the vote didn’t do it until 1983.
And, even better, for our NRA friends, were we to invade the Swiss, is the fact that every male of military age has had weapons training and is obligated by law to have a government-issued rifle in his domicile. Yee-ha, mothafuckas! Shock and awe!
So the Kaiser visits the Swiss Army maneuvers in, like, 1910. The Swiss show off their impressive prowess with militia and marksmanship. Wilhelm is unimpressed; he asks the Swiss commander how his 250,000 men would deal with a hypothetical invasion by 250,000 Germans. The Swiss general gives a vague answer, concluding with an emphasis on Swiss tenacity and rapidity of fire.
Wilhelm pointed out that his nation could easily send twice that number across the Alpine passes. "Then each of my men will have to fire twice before they go home," replied the Swiss general.
But I’m sure our corn-fed American boo-yah boys could kick them some serious Swiss ass, the way them pansy-ass Prussians never dared to try. Yee-ah, boyz.
@Mike in NC: Stop stop stop, seriously, stop it!
Good f’n gawd, Sully even posted a graphic, courtesy The Corner.
I so did not need to see that. Mike in NC, why do you torture us so? For your own personal amusement? Couldn’t blame you, there, I guess.
@stickler: All too aware. Did a report on Swiss democracy. Interesting people. Too much racism and cultural elitism. Very clean country, though, and the fondue (I think I had it in every town I visited) is awesome.
Anybody remember the recent Helvetian War in David Brin’s Earth? This may be why it started.